
Endtown RPG Session #11

Oct 3rd, 2015
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  1. [13:42] == Martin__Baron [~qwebirc@31523F6C.B9D706B3.24415153.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  2. [13:42] Channel names begin with # (corrected automatically).
  3. [13:47] <Suule> I do intend to join in if I'll like the system enough
  4. [13:49] <Maels> Right.
  5. [13:52] == GM_abike [~qwebirc@8AA67166.C028DC5B.84971BD0.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  6. [13:52] <Maels> Could I could be wrong. Who knows.
  7. [13:52] <GM_abike> True.
  8. [13:52] <GM_abike> Sup guys
  9. [13:53] <Maels> Not much
  10. [13:53] <CatButts> butts
  11. [13:53] <Suule> I've played a lot of exotic RPG systems, so I just wonder whether this one is 'good' or 'a mess'. It's still WIP so I want to at least look at it in action
  12. [13:53] <Suule> Also Hi
  13. [13:54] <Martin__Baron> Hi GM
  14. [13:56] == Box-O-Rocks [] has joined #endtownrpg
  15. [13:56] <GM_abike> I'm on mobile so I don't have a frame showing who is here. We got some people today, right?
  16. [13:56] <Box-O-Rocks> ye
  17. [13:57] <Martin__Baron> We got me, Mogs, Maels, Rocks, and two new people: Catbutts and Suule. Gray isn't here.
  18. [13:57] <CatButts> butts
  19. [13:57] <GM_abike> I feel like that blind guy in blind frankenstien.
  20. [13:58] <GM_abike> Butts indeed.
  21. [13:59] <Suule> What client are you using that doesn't let you view the username list?
  22. [13:59] <Suule> Andchat?
  23. [13:59] <CatButts> turn the phone 90 degrees
  24. [13:59] <GM_abike> Eh, android chrome.
  25. [14:00] <Suule> Yeah, get Andchat
  26. [14:00] <Suule> Save yourself the trouble
  27. [14:00] <Suule> It's free from the marketplace
  28. [14:01] <GM_abike> Sure, but I'll use the desktop when we start proper
  29. [14:01] <GM_abike> I'm watching my mom right now.
  30. [14:02] * CatButts digs into channel floor
  31. [14:02] == CatButts [~XiRCON@D1CE492D.BA225A06.78F8D30B.IP] has left #endtownrpg []
  32. [14:04] <GM_abike> So while, have you got the rpg doc?
  33. [14:05] <Suule> Is it the updated on in the thread?
  34. [14:05] <Suule> Then yes, but as I said - I want to see the game in action first
  35. [14:05] <GM_abike> Yes.
  36. [14:05] <GM_abike> Cool.
  37. [14:06] <GM_abike> Not much in the way of updates everyone.
  38. [14:06] <GM_abike> Chimps and monkeys
  39. [14:06] <GM_abike> Climbing
  40. [14:07] <Suule> Yeah I've read about that.
  41. [14:07] <GM_abike> Has anyone ever played a game with rapid fire rules?
  42. [14:07] <GM_abike> Well we got those according to the weapon.
  43. [14:08] == GM_abike_ [~qwebirc@8AA67166.C028DC5B.84971BD0.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  44. [14:08] <Box-O-Rocks> Not really. The most I've ever done in the vein of a DnD style game was making a character for Shadowrun, but then my group never got around to playing.
  45. [14:08] <GM_abike_> New shadowrun or old shadowrun?
  46. [14:08] <Box-O-Rocks> I can't remember. It was over a year and a half ago
  47. [14:08] <GM_abike_> I picked up 5th edition and just couldn't dig it.
  48. [14:09] <GM_abike_> true.
  49. [14:09] <Suule> I've done...
  50. [14:10] <Box-O-Rocks> I just remember I made a sociopath Cyborg troll that had only 0.1 essence... so pretty much the only organic part of him was his brain
  51. [14:10] <GM_abike_> Everyone makes mechatroll!
  52. [14:10] <GM_abike_> it is natural.
  53. [14:11] == GM_abike [~qwebirc@8AA67166.C028DC5B.84971BD0.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  54. [14:12] <GM_abike_> Clock strikith 1210. I think we should get going.
  55. [14:12] <Suule> AD&D 2E, D&D 3.5E and D20 modern, tried my hand at 4E but it was bad, bit of GURPS (long time ago and didn't really like it), WoD, Shadowrun (2Ed), Earthdawn, WFRP, Alternity, Tried Ironclaw rules but didn't really make much progress and I've tried at least playing Albedo 1ED... Good thing someone scanned the 2E version that has better rules.
  56. [14:13] <Suule> Plus couple of homebrews... and I think my friend homebrew has some sane rapid fire rules
  57. [14:13] <GM_abike_> So I assume you know what a d10 is.
  58. [14:13] <Suule> Of course
  59. [14:13] <GM_abike_> Fantastic.
  60. [14:13] <Suule> Come on man, you're talking with a guy that has played for 20 years.
  61. [14:14] <GM_abike_> I know. I'm just poking fun.
  62. [14:14] <GM_abike_> Have you played rifts?
  63. [14:14] <Suule> ...thankfully not
  64. [14:14] <GM_abike_> I have.
  65. [14:14] <Suule> I'm sorry.
  66. [14:14] <GM_abike_> I discovered it's popular among prison inmates and ex military.
  67. [14:15] <GM_abike_> Good times.
  68. [14:15] <GM_abike_> Alright. Let us begin
  69. [14:15] <GM_abike_> Gray ain't here but I'm sure that will change.
  70. [14:15] == Box-O-Rocks has changed nick to Clayton_R
  71. [14:16] <Martin__Baron> Sorry, back. Oh and hey GM, made a back up character in case something... happens to Martin.
  72. [14:16] <GM_abike_> That is wise.
  73. [14:16] == Maels has changed nick to DJ-Max
  74. [14:16] <GM_abike_> This is the current doc:
  75. [14:16] <Suule> Before you guys begin
  76. [14:16] <Martin__Baron> Made a croc psycho who somehow has more HP than Snapper
  77. [14:17] <Suule> How is with the char's surviability?
  78. [14:17] <Suule> We're talking CoC?
  79. [14:17] <GM_abike_> For those of you joining or reading this here is a quick start guide:
  80. [14:17] <GM_abike_> Really depends on where you are.
  81. [14:18] <Martin__Baron> It can be that way, depends on how the GM's playing. Can be somewhere easy, like with regular thugs with bats and nails. Or hell hard, like in Topsider territory with their insta-kill guns.
  82. [14:18] <GM_abike_> In colony: fairly well. Topside: Skin of your teeth.
  83. [14:19] <GM_abike_> Also before we begin: DJ and Gray get 28 xp for last session.
  84. [14:19] <DJ-Max> Woo
  85. [14:19] <GM_abike_> Took awhile to calc all that.
  86. [14:20] <GM_abike_> And team ClaMarSNa
  87. [14:21] <GM_abike_> 20xp
  88. [14:21] <GM_abike_> You had less time to play but you had some good ideas in there.
  89. [14:22] <Clayton_R> Nice. I got 45exp now.
  90. [14:22] <GM_abike_> Not bad for a guy who has not tasted combat!
  91. [14:22] <GM_abike_> Now, MVP award.
  92. [14:23] <GM_abike_> Half you guys weren't there but people were saying that Gray would get it, right?
  93. [14:23] <Clayton_R> ye
  94. [14:24] <GM_abike_> I hear no objections.
  95. [14:24] <Martin__Baron> Yeah, I think he's done good on his side.
  96. [14:24] <DJ-Max> I'm cool with it.
  97. [14:24] <GM_abike_> +10xp when he gets here.
  98. [14:25] <GM_abike_> Let us now focus on team SnaMaCla.
  99. [14:25] <GM_abike_> Snapper is headed to the dead drop with the bike right?
  100. [14:26] <GM_abike_> And Martin and clayton are taking the jeep to the last beep boop drop off, right?
  101. [14:26] <Clayton_R> I do believe so
  102. [14:27] == moglog has changed nick to snapper_jack
  103. [14:27] <Martin__Baron> Yep.
  104. [14:27] <snapper_jack> I am here also
  105. [14:27] <GM_abike_> here's the last session for review
  106. [14:27] <GM_abike_> Ah, let me get my notes here.
  107. [14:29] == snapper_jack has changed nick to Snapper_Jack
  108. [14:29] <GM_abike_> Yep.
  109. [14:30] <GM_abike_> So, three split. Fantastico.
  110. [14:30] <GM_abike_> Snapper. You check your data card and it shows that the location is afew miles away.
  111. [14:30] <GM_abike_> Proceed?
  112. [14:32] <GM_abike_> Alright, enough of that.
  113. [14:32] <GM_abike_> Martin and Clayton.
  114. [14:33] <Clayton_R> yes?
  115. [14:33] <Martin__Baron> You know what I noticed? The hatchet does 1d10+13, while the unmodified club does 1d10+15.
  116. [14:33] <GM_abike_> You see the edge of a larger ruin city North West of you. You are in a jeep with a gasmasked man.
  117. [14:34] <GM_abike_> Yeah. Damage worked out like that.
  118. [14:34] <GM_abike_> "A hatchet should do more than a knife, but certainly not as much as a club." was my though.
  119. [14:35] <Martin__Baron> Yeah, it should do more than a knife, but I think a hatchet to the ribs would hurt much more than a club to the ribs.
  120. [14:35] <GM_abike_> Really one cleaves and one is blunt but the system isn't that complex as to recognize that outside of special circumstances.
  121. [14:35] <Martin__Baron> But anyway, so is this the ruins we came out of or new ruins?
  122. [14:36] <GM_abike_> New ruins.
  123. [14:36] <GM_abike_> As you approach it appears much larger than the last ruins.
  124. [14:36] <GM_abike_> Large enough that there are buildings still standing and roadways.
  125. [14:37] <GM_abike_> At least six blocks wide.
  126. [14:37] <GM_abike_> The ruins, not the roads.
  127. [14:37] <Martin__Baron> "What do you think, stop and check around or drive straight through to try to meet the others? I say we take a look, I'm sure they'll be fine for a little bit."
  128. [14:38] <Clayton_R> "It's a gamble either way... but maybe it's better to regret going than not going."
  129. [14:38] <GM_abike_> You brave on.
  130. [14:38] * Clayton_R begins steering the jeep towards the ruins at a reduced speed.
  131. [14:39] <GM_abike_> Entering the ruins you find alleys, trash strewn about, buildings that have been closed off or partially destroyed.
  132. [14:40] * Clayton_R slows down a bit more to get a better look around them.
  133. [14:40] <GM_abike_> You notice something
  134. [14:40] <GM_abike_> Upon one of the buildings you see a mutant perched up there like a gargoyle.
  135. [14:40] <GM_abike_> ...It doesn't seem to notice you.
  136. [14:40] * Clayton_R stops the jeep and taps on Martin, directing him toward it
  137. [14:41] <Martin__Baron> "What the bloody hell is that?"
  138. [14:41] <Snapper_Jack> oh shit are we actually starting? I thought it would be around when it usually happens.
  139. [14:41] <DJ-Max> (Nah son. ITS NOW.)
  140. [14:41] <Clayton_R> "Iunno but it certainly looks like it might be difficult to deal with. What weapons do we have with us?"
  141. [14:42] <GM_abike_> You went Weast snapper, you cannot help them!
  142. [14:42] <Snapper_Jack> (ops)
  143. [14:42] <Martin__Baron> "Er..." Martin says, looking over the supplies found earlier. "A toolbox, a pistol, a hatchet, and some other stuff."
  144. [14:43] <Clayton_R> "Didn't you have another gun on you earlier... y'know, when you got zapped?"
  145. [14:44] <Martin__Baron> "Oh right, sorry. And a blaster. Doubt I can hit it from here, though."
  146. [14:44] <GM_abike_> (Mutant distance: about 200ft)
  147. [14:45] <Clayton_R> "At least it'll do some damage if worse comes to worse. You think we should move on foot to avoid detection or do you want to try and stick out of this thing's line of sight?"
  148. [14:45] <Martin__Baron> Yeah, I'm not Hawkeye, I can't shoot someone on top of the statue of liberty
  149. [14:45] <Clayton_R> "From the car I mean."
  150. [14:46] <GM_abike_> Actions?
  151. [14:46] <Martin__Baron> "And ditch the car? I don't want to lose something this valuable. If it comes for us, at least we got a layer of metal around us if it gets us before we get him."
  152. [14:46] <Martin__Baron> "I say we just keep moving."
  153. [14:47] * Clayton_R begins moving once more, this time trying to stick closer to the buildings. "Alright then."
  154. [14:47] <GM_abike_> You proceed.
  155. [14:48] <GM_abike_> The mutant... doesn't seem to notice you. It's preoccupied tending to it's wings.
  156. [14:48] <Martin__Baron> (If we could hit it when it swoops down on us, I bet it would just fall to its death. Wouldn't take much more.)
  157. [14:49] <GM_abike_> (Well if you want to take the shot, shoot)
  158. [14:49] * Clayton_R attempts to find a way around the mutant's perch to continue through the ruins.
  159. [14:49] <GM_abike_> You find a way easily.
  160. [14:50] <Martin__Baron> (Again, 200 feet away. I'll wait till he starts getting closer.)
  161. [14:50] <GM_abike_> You are now in the back alleys of the ruins
  162. [14:50] <GM_abike_> More trash, less dust, narrower roads.
  163. [14:50] <Martin__Baron> (Can I roll perception to try to find a path to take?)
  164. [14:50] <GM_abike_> (Sure.)
  165. [14:51] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d100
  166. [14:51] <Internets> :: Total 63 / 100 [63%] :: Results [63] ::
  167. [14:51] <GM_abike_> It's difficult as you can't see through buildings but you spot a good spot: A tall office building afew blocks up.
  168. [14:52] <GM_abike_> It towers over the ruins and would be the best spot for a surveliance device.
  169. [14:52] <Martin__Baron> (Wait a second, we only had one device. We got that planted. Gray and Max got two and theirs aren't planted)
  170. [14:52] <GM_abike_> There seems to be car parking in the building, even.
  171. [14:53] <GM_abike_> What's the mind stat for you guys again?
  172. [14:53] <Martin__Baron> Mine's 3. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  173. [14:54] <Clayton_R> Mine is 6
  174. [14:54] <GM_abike_> You see a scouter.
  175. [14:54] <GM_abike_> Or at least, something box shaped flying around the building.
  176. [14:55] <Clayton_R> "Oh damn... Do you see that Martin?"
  177. [14:55] <Martin__Baron> "Yeah, looks like Topsider stuff. Piss."
  178. [14:56] <Martin__Baron> "Now we got to find a way around the big 'un and the floating box."
  179. [14:57] <Clayton_R> "This doesn't look great at all. Maybe we should take our chances on the mutant, getting any closer to that scouter would be a death wish."
  180. [14:58] <Martin__Baron> "I can agree to that, but if the mutant decides to make some noise, then the eye in the sky will find us."
  181. [14:59] <GM_abike_> (There is the option of waiting to see if it will go away.)
  182. [14:59] <Martin__Baron> (Yeah, let's do that.)
  183. [14:59] <GM_abike_> (Of course if you wake up as a van that would be unfortunate)
  184. [15:00] * Clayton_R nods, "Very possible. We could always hunker down and wait it out."
  185. [15:00] <GM_abike_> Snapper!
  186. [15:00] <Snapper_Jack> yessir!
  187. [15:01] <GM_abike_> You follow your data card's directions until it points to a dilapidated shack.
  188. [15:02] <GM_abike_> I regret to inform you that you might have to get off the bike.
  189. [15:03] <Snapper_Jack> (Nonsense. Full speed ahead!)
  190. [15:03] <Snapper_Jack> (but yeah I'll get off)
  191. [15:03] <GM_abike_> You approach the door and notice a beep from your card. There is a click behind the door.
  192. [15:04] <GM_abike_> Open yonder door?
  193. [15:04] <Snapper_Jack> "I've got the sinking feeling this isn't nearly as stright forward as mallard implied." open ye door.
  194. [15:04] <Snapper_Jack> grab ye flask while I'm at it.
  195. [15:05] <GM_abike_> (Nothing Mallard does is straight forward)
  196. [15:05] <GM_abike_> You open the door. The shack is empty save for trap door, and a canine looking at you in the corner.
  197. [15:06] <Snapper_Jack> "Delivery?"
  198. [15:06] <GM_abike_> "Bring the soda?" he says.
  199. [15:06] <GM_abike_> "But seriously, do you have the proton cells?"
  200. [15:07] <Snapper_Jack> (I can't remember if Mallard ever actually said what was in the damn thing.)
  201. [15:07] <Snapper_Jack> "yeah sure. here."
  202. [15:07] <GM_abike_> "Thank you. We, uh, already paid."
  203. [15:08] <Snapper_Jack> "Wouldn't care if you had. I'm just the delivery guy. That all you need?"
  204. [15:08] <GM_abike_> He takes the bag. "Well, do you have any water?"
  205. [15:09] <Snapper_Jack> (do i have water? I remember we found supplies last week, but I'm not sure if I actually took any of it.)
  206. [15:09] <Snapper_Jack> (May have left it with Baron and Clayton)
  207. [15:09] <GM_abike_> (You have about 5 days worth.)
  208. [15:10] <Snapper_Jack> "eh, I can spare some." *hands over about 2 days worth"
  209. [15:10] <GM_abike_> "Thanks much. Now this is a dead drop so it would be weird if we both left at the same time. I'll wait here abit and let you get a head start."
  210. [15:11] <Snapper_Jack> "Right. good luck then." *heads back to the hog
  211. [15:11] <GM_abike_> THE HOG
  212. [15:11] <GM_abike_> Reconvene with your team?
  213. [15:12] <Snapper_Jack> (not about to waste time scavenging what with what we already found. I'll head out)
  214. [15:12] <GM_abike_> Afew hours pass.
  215. [15:13] <GM_abike_> MarClay!
  216. [15:13] <Clayton_R> (yo)
  217. [15:13] <GM_abike_> You have held up in a small store front, broken window but there are still some unpilfered good about.
  218. [15:14] <GM_abike_> Your jeep is parked out front.
  219. [15:14] <Martin__Baron> We've been spotted
  220. [15:14] <Martin__Baron> *?
  221. [15:14] <GM_abike_> The both of you hear Snapper's hog down the street.
  222. [15:15] <GM_abike_> Snapper, you guestimated your partner's location and had just been driving into this large sprawl of a ruin.
  223. [15:15] * Clayton_R curses then meets up with Martin. "There's no way somebody can't hear that. I think Snapper bringing company."
  224. [15:16] <Snapper_Jack> (how abvious is the jeep?)
  225. [15:16] <Snapper_Jack> *obvious
  226. [15:16] <GM_abike_> It's pretty obvious.
  227. [15:16] <GM_abike_> It's covered in dirt so it doesn't exactly look out of place.
  228. [15:16] <Clayton_R> (I mean. Motorcycles tend to be pretty loud if not louder than cars.)
  229. [15:17] <Snapper_Jack> (A jeep with no comrades in it is suspicious. I'll pull over on the same street a few dozen meters from it, and exit hog)
  230. [15:17] <GM_abike_> (That's the point of a hog!)
  231. [15:17] <Martin__Baron> "Damn it all, he's gonna bring every Topsider within the whole city to us." Martin says, winding up the blaster in preparation of an attack.
  232. [15:17] <Snapper_Jack> (maybe pull it into an allyway if one's available.)
  233. [15:17] <GM_abike_> You found your team's jeep but they're not here.
  234. [15:18] <GM_abike_> (Good idea)
  235. [15:18] * Clayton_R arms himself with his trusty flamethrower.
  236. [15:18] <GM_abike_> This area looks like it was once a chic strip.
  237. [15:18] <DJ-Max> (This battle is about to explode.)
  238. [15:18] <GM_abike_> Lots of stores with creepy wounded manquines.
  239. [15:19] * Clayton_R moves to take cover, and invites Martin to do the same.
  240. [15:19] <Snapper_Jack> (I'd like to roll a perception near the jeep. see if I can find those two, or whatever caused them to abandon the jeep)
  241. [15:19] <GM_abike_> (Roll!)
  242. [15:19] <GM_abike_> Target; 80
  243. [15:19] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+35
  244. [15:19] <Internets> :: Total 45 / 135 [33%] :: Results [10] ::
  245. [15:19] <Snapper_Jack> opps
  246. [15:20] <GM_abike_> Your comrades are gone!
  247. [15:20] <GM_abike_> You do here something down the way...
  248. [15:20] <Snapper_Jack> *quietly near the jeep "psst. you guys arounf here?"
  249. [15:20] <Snapper_Jack> "hmm?"
  250. [15:20] * Martin__Baron follow suit, pressing his back up against the wall. He tries waving his hand near the window, trying to get Jack's attention.
  251. [15:21] <GM_abike_> You see a ghost hand!
  252. [15:21] <GM_abike_> ooooooo!
  253. [15:21] <Snapper_Jack> "The hell?"
  254. [15:21] <GM_abike_> Nah, it's just Martin.
  255. [15:21] <Snapper_Jack> *a little quieter "Baron, that you?"
  256. [15:22] <Snapper_Jack> "Clayton?"
  257. [15:22] <GM_abike_> "Ma bike?"
  258. [15:22] <GM_abike_> "MA BIKE!"
  259. [15:22] * Clayton_R taps on a wall twice to confirm his position
  260. [15:22] * Martin__Baron sticks his head out, harshly whispering "Get in you idiot!"
  261. [15:23] <Snapper_Jack> *scuttles 'quicky'
  262. [15:23] <Snapper_Jack> *quickly
  263. [15:23] <Snapper_Jack> dammit
  264. [15:23] <GM_abike_> You notice a ding sound coming from the jeep.
  265. [15:24] <GM_abike_> And another.
  266. [15:24] <Snapper_Jack> "what't taht pinging?"
  267. [15:24] <GM_abike_> You have scuttled.
  268. [15:24] <GM_abike_> Ah, it appears to be someone shooting at you!
  269. [15:24] <Snapper_Jack> jesus, the typos are getting worse.
  270. [15:25] <GM_abike_> (You have no idea how many perception rolls i've been failing for you guys.)
  271. [15:25] <GM_abike_> Someone is down the street.
  272. [15:25] <Snapper_Jack> "Shit, someone's shooting at me! Hang on, I'll hide somewhere else. so they don't know you're in here."
  273. [15:25] <GM_abike_> He is shouting, "Mah bike"
  274. [15:25] * Clayton_R partially pokes his head out to see if he can find the source of that of the dinging sound. (roll perception)
  275. [15:26] <Clayton_R> .1d100
  276. [15:26] <Clayton_R> (Shoot, wrong format)
  277. [15:26] <GM_abike_> It is a anthro mutant.
  278. [15:26] <GM_abike_> About five of them.
  279. [15:26] <GM_abike_> The one in the center has been firing at you for some time now.
  280. [15:27] <Martin__Baron> "What is it? Who's shooting bullets at us?"
  281. [15:27] * Clayton_R angles his head to try and get a better look at the mutants closing in.
  282. [15:28] <Martin__Baron> (I don't think Gray got the message.)
  283. [15:28] <GM_abike_> There appears to be a large deer, a bat, and three dogs.
  284. [15:28] <DJ-Max> (Shame. That's not good.)
  285. [15:28] <GM_abike_> (I know, I skyped him and told him the time earlier this week but he just hasn't shown.)
  286. [15:29] <GM_abike_> One of the dog appears to have a shotgun.
  287. [15:29] <GM_abike_> two have pistols.
  288. [15:30] <Martin__Baron> (How far away are they?)
  289. [15:30] <GM_abike_> about 150 feet.
  290. [15:30] <Snapper_Jack> (can I take my blaster and just aim in that general direction?not to try and hit them but maybe try to convince we have zero blasters?)
  291. [15:31] <GM_abike_> The dog fires another round in the air and shouts, "Give back my pick you (*^% suckers!"
  292. [15:31] <GM_abike_> (That was a weird typo.)
  293. [15:31] <Snapper_Jack> "Ah shit. they want the bike?"
  294. [15:32] <GM_abike_> You can do whatever you want.
  295. [15:32] * Clayton_R waves Martin over. "What do think we should do here? They sound angry, and they aren't really close enough to be toasted... plus there's five of them so there's that."
  296. [15:33] <Martin__Baron> "Him yelling and shooting's only gonna get us all killed! We need to spook them off, maybe they'll bring the Topsiders with them when they leave."
  297. [15:34] <Snapper_Jack> "Is there a back door to this place?
  298. [15:34] <Clayton_R> "How do you propose we do that. I can only think of handing over what they want or convincing them we got more firepower than we actually have."
  299. [15:35] <GM_abike_> There is a side door.
  300. [15:35] <Snapper_Jack> (is the side door on the side facing away from the shooters?)
  301. [15:36] <GM_abike_> (No, it actually leads straight to your bike.
  302. [15:37] <Martin__Baron> (What's the bonus for shooting energy weapons again? +5?)
  303. [15:38] <Martin__Baron> "Screw it, I'm gonna try to spook them off." Martin says, rising up to shoot a knock-out blast at the group.
  304. [15:38] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d100+5
  305. [15:39] <Internets> :: Total 18 / 105 [17%] :: Results [13] ::
  306. [15:39] <GM_abike_> (Dang it, I just found that google docs didn't save my revisions.)
  307. [15:39] <Clayton_R> "Oh boy."
  308. [15:39] <GM_abike_> You have missed.
  309. [15:39] <Snapper_Jack> "let me try"
  310. [15:39] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+5
  311. [15:39] <Internets> :: Total 94 / 105 [89%] :: Results [89] ::
  312. [15:39] <Martin__Baron> (Fucking Jack and his god-like rolls AGAIN)
  313. [15:40] <GM_abike_> Well, we have to roll intiative first.
  314. [15:40] <Snapper_Jack> (We are TAKING initiative)
  315. [15:40] <Snapper_Jack> (but yeah
  316. [15:40] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+35
  317. [15:40] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 135 [28%] :: Results [3] ::
  318. [15:40] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d100+15
  319. [15:40] <Internets> :: Total 76 / 115 [66%] :: Results [61] ::
  320. [15:40] <GM_abike_> .d 5d100+30
  321. [15:40] <Internets> :: Total 283 / 530 [53%] :: Results [6, 97, 13, 97, 40] ::
  322. [15:41] == Clayton_R_ [] has joined #endtownrpg
  323. [15:41] <Martin__Baron> Disconnected?
  324. [15:41] <Clayton_R_> (Soo... My power just went out.)
  325. [15:41] <Martin__Baron> Fuck, that sucks.
  326. [15:41] <GM_abike_> Oof
  327. [15:41] <DJ-Max> (Damn son.)
  328. [15:42] <Clayton_R_> I rushed to disconnect my PC from the wall. I liked like a surge.
  329. [15:42] <Martin__Baron> (If you're staying with us, we're rolling initiative to fight off the group.)
  330. [15:42] <GM_abike_> Yeowch.
  331. [15:42] <Clayton_R_> *it looked like
  332. [15:43] <Martin__Baron> (First shot missed, Jack got a good roll, but I'm guessing it doesn't count because I took the first attack.)
  333. [15:43] == Clayton_R [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  334. [15:43] <GM_abike_> Well, I'm being a jerk for a sec and asking Snapper to reroll.
  335. [15:44] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+35
  336. [15:44] <Internets> :: Total 121 / 135 [89%] :: Results [86] ::
  337. [15:44] <Clayton_R_> I'll stick around for a bit. I may need to leave sometime soon
  338. [15:44] <GM_abike_> Okay.
  339. [15:44] <GM_abike_> So you're making a shot snaps?
  340. [15:44] <Snapper_Jack> yep
  341. [15:45] <Martin__Baron> Well shit, sorry that happened to you man.
  342. [15:45] <GM_abike_> Yeah, in my town we used to lose power for days. I feel for you.
  343. [15:46] <Clayton_R_> (I really hope my PC isn't fried.)
  344. [15:46] <GM_abike_> (Probably not.)
  345. [15:47] <GM_abike_> (We must soldier on in Clayton's rig's memory, Snapper?)
  346. [15:47] <Clayton_R_> (The something actually happened a couple weeks ago and it left everything buty C: drive undamaged, and I had to reinstall everything I had on it.)
  347. [15:48] <Snapper_Jack> (I said I was taking the shot.)
  348. [15:48] <GM_abike_> Roll for it.
  349. [15:48] <Snapper_Jack> (I did)
  350. [15:48] <GM_abike_> Humor me and reroll
  351. [15:48] <Snapper_Jack> (I DID)
  352. [15:49] <GM_abike_> Oh, right.
  353. [15:49] <GM_abike_> Well, roll 2d10 for how many minutes they're stunned.
  354. [15:49] <GM_abike_> (This was a stun roll, right?)
  355. [15:49] <Snapper_Jack> yeah
  356. [15:49] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d20
  357. [15:49] <Internets> :: Total 17 / 20 [85%] :: Results [17] ::
  358. [15:50] <GM_abike_> One of them fumps down.
  359. [15:51] <GM_abike_> Martin, your turn!
  360. [15:51] <Martin__Baron> I'll take another shot.
  361. [15:51] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d100+5
  362. [15:51] <Internets> :: Total 13 / 105 [12%] :: Results [8] ::
  363. [15:51] <Martin__Baron> For fucks sake
  364. [15:51] <GM_abike_> Miss.
  365. [15:51] <GM_abike_> Next actions?
  366. [15:51] <Martin__Baron> How many more shots can I take before I have to wind it up?
  367. [15:52] <Martin__Baron> Think I'm gonna be blasting the walls for quite a bit with a streak like this.
  368. [15:52] <GM_abike_> 74 if you had a full cell.
  369. [15:52] <GM_abike_> 148 wide beam shots.
  370. [15:52] <Clayton_R_> (I have to go for tonight guys. I gotta figure this stuff out on my end and make some calls.)
  371. [15:52] <Martin__Baron> Best of luck man, hope you get your stuff fixed.
  372. [15:53] <GM_abike_> Sorry man!
  373. [15:53] <Snapper_Jack> (see ya man)
  374. [15:53] <Clayton_R_> (Alright. See ya guys.)
  375. [15:53] <GM_abike_> (Good luck!)
  376. [15:54] <Martin__Baron> I'll take two more shots then.
  377. [15:54] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d100+5
  378. [15:54] <Internets> :: Total 84 / 105 [80%] :: Results [79] ::
  379. [15:54] <GM_abike_> These are medium shots right?
  380. [15:54] <GM_abike_> Stun?
  381. [15:54] <DJ-Max> (Peace bro)
  382. [15:54] <GM_abike_> ...or KILL
  383. [15:54] <Martin__Baron> (Yeah, stun shots. That way I wont feel guilty about murdering them :) )
  384. [15:54] <GM_abike_> Anyway, hit.
  385. [15:54] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d20
  386. [15:54] <Internets> :: Total 18 / 20 [90%] :: Results [18] ::
  387. [15:55] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d100+5
  388. [15:55] <Internets> :: Total 52 / 105 [49%] :: Results [47] ::
  389. [15:55] <GM_abike_> Another dog fumps. Now's your chance to do the fump.
  390. [15:55] <GM_abike_> And hit.
  391. [15:55] <GM_abike_> It's really easy to score a shot, huh?
  392. [15:56] <Martin__Baron> Oh wow, that hit? Cool.
  393. [15:56] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d20
  394. [15:56] <Internets> :: Total 18 / 20 [90%] :: Results [18] ::
  395. [15:56] <GM_abike_> 40<
  396. [15:56] <GM_abike_> 18 minutes.
  397. [15:56] <Martin__Baron> (Should we yell at them to take their buddies and leave, or shoot till they're all out?)
  398. [15:57] <Snapper_Jack> (may as well finish them off. less likely to become a recurring villain later on)
  399. [15:57] == Clayton_R_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  400. [15:58] <GM_abike_> (You just want to keep the bike!)
  401. [15:58] <Martin__Baron> (Seriously, I doubt they're gonna live. There's gargoyle mutants on the roofs, Topsiders hidden around the place, it'd be a miracle for one of them to survive.)
  402. [15:58] <Snapper_Jack> (shhhh. that's a bonus)
  403. [15:59] <GM_abike_> It's their turn now, I think.
  404. [15:59] <GM_abike_> This is what happens when I don't wear glasses.
  405. [15:59] <Snapper_Jack> (we could drag their bodis into the store after they're knocked out. they'll be harder to spot then)
  406. [15:59] <Martin__Baron> (Well go get glasses then)
  407. [15:59] <GM_abike_> Anway, the last remaining dog and the deer run into a back alley. You have lost sight of them.
  408. [16:00] <Snapper_Jack> (not that snapper is even aware there's a mutant and a topsider scout flying about)
  409. [16:00] <GM_abike_> There is some rubble that falls from the roof of the store.
  410. [16:01] <GM_abike_> A winged mutant flies evasively and swoops inside with you!
  411. [16:01] <GM_abike_> Aerial dodge
  412. [16:01] <GM_abike_> .d 1d100+45
  413. [16:01] <Internets> :: Total 129 / 145 [88%] :: Results [84] ::
  414. [16:01] <Martin__Baron> "%&$@ !"
  415. [16:01] <GM_abike_> Beat that until his turn.
  416. [16:02] <Martin__Baron> (I'm gonna take the hit and die, aren't I?)
  417. [16:02] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+5
  418. [16:02] <Internets> :: Total 40 / 105 [38%] :: Results [35] ::
  419. [16:02] <GM_abike_> Le miss.
  420. [16:02] <GM_abike_> Next action?
  421. [16:02] <Snapper_Jack> Well no shit, even a 100 wouldn't have taken me that high
  422. [16:02] <GM_abike_> (Well, you yourself could try to dodge.)
  423. [16:03] <GM_abike_> Well, it is flying.
  424. [16:03] <Martin__Baron> (Aim down your sights or find something to defend yourself with)
  425. [16:03] <GM_abike_> You've got another action still, snaps
  426. [16:04] <Snapper_Jack> How close is it as is?
  427. [16:04] <GM_abike_> Melee range.
  428. [16:04] <GM_abike_> You could say it's quite up in your grill.
  429. [16:04] <Snapper_Jack> I roll to bite the damn thing out of the air
  430. [16:04] <Martin__Baron> (Knowing how this game works, the most deadly object in the room will gravitate towards me. Evidence for this theory is supported by Bronco and lightning, so you're good Snapper.)
  431. [16:05] <GM_abike_> Try to beat 129
  432. [16:05] <GM_abike_> A crit always hits, of course
  433. [16:05] <Snapper_Jack> oh, I thought that was it's attack.
  434. [16:05] <GM_abike_> Right now it's dodging.
  435. [16:05] <Snapper_Jack> nvm, Reading comprehension
  436. [16:06] <Martin__Baron> (You both need glasses)
  437. [16:06] <GM_abike_> (Hehe)
  438. [16:06] <Snapper_Jack> I get between it and Baron. about time I actually actedlike a tank
  439. [16:06] <GM_abike_> (Very brave.)
  440. [16:06] <GM_abike_> Martin!
  441. [16:06] <GM_abike_> Action!
  442. [16:07] <Martin__Baron> How much does aiming down the sights give and how many action points?
  443. [16:07] <GM_abike_> +5 per action spent.
  444. [16:07] <GM_abike_> so you could do +15 and attack next turn.
  445. [16:08] <GM_abike_> or +10 and attack this turn.
  446. [16:08] <Martin__Baron> (Oh neat, didn't know it worked that way. I'll aim down the sights 3 times, because unless I roll a 100, it will be a miss)
  447. [16:09] <GM_abike_> Okay.
  448. [16:09] <GM_abike_> (Honestly it's a new revision.)
  449. [16:09] <GM_abike_> So
  450. [16:09] <GM_abike_> Snaps.
  451. [16:10] <Martin__Baron> (Unless he swooces right around Snappy, I should be good. Not so sure on the tank.)
  452. [16:10] <GM_abike_> No wait, It's ITS TURN!
  453. [16:10] <GM_abike_> It's attacking snapper
  454. [16:10] <Snapper_Jack> I have 350 hp. I'll be at least MOSTLY fine.
  455. [16:11] <GM_abike_> .d 1d100+30
  456. [16:11] <Internets> :: Total 115 / 130 [88%] :: Results [85] ::
  457. [16:11] <GM_abike_> hit
  458. [16:11] <GM_abike_> .d 3d10+70
  459. [16:11] <Internets> :: Total 82 / 100 [82%] :: Results [4, 7, 1] ::
  460. [16:11] <Snapper_Jack> yeah yeah
  461. [16:11] <GM_abike_> 82 damage
  462. [16:11] <Martin__Baron> (Is there like an Overwatch function like from X-com? Where I can shoot when it moves or takes an action?)
  463. [16:11] <Snapper_Jack> we're all very impressed with it's ability to hit the broud side of a barn.
  464. [16:11] <GM_abike_> Remember that monster mutants kind of have their own weapons.
  465. [16:12] <GM_abike_> Like, heavy metal versions of natural weapons.
  466. [16:12] <GM_abike_> The mutant swips with it's claws and chips abit on your shell.
  467. [16:12] <Snapper_Jack> "AGH, FUCK!"
  468. [16:12] <GM_abike_> It then spins into a dodge, flying wildly through the room like an angry hornet
  469. [16:12] <GM_abike_> .d 1d100+45
  470. [16:12] <Internets> :: Total 86 / 145 [59%] :: Results [41] ::
  471. [16:13] <GM_abike_> That's it's dodge
  472. [16:13] <GM_abike_> Snaps!
  473. [16:14] <Snapper_Jack> I suppose it's still dodging?
  474. [16:14] <GM_abike_> It attacked once and dodged.
  475. [16:14] <GM_abike_> Reducing it's action next turn by one.
  476. [16:15] <Snapper_Jack> right. well I might just be able to hit with that 86. is it still within melee after hitting Baron, or has the dodge taken it out of range?
  477. [16:15] <GM_abike_> Yes.
  478. [16:15] <GM_abike_> It's moving pretty fast so if it's not there yet it will be.
  479. [16:16] <Snapper_Jack> right, may as well shoot it then. one action to aim at it. another to shoot.
  480. [16:16] <GM_abike_> +10 total to hit then.
  481. [16:16] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+10
  482. [16:16] <Internets> :: Total 30 / 110 [27%] :: Results [20] ::
  483. [16:16] <Snapper_Jack> god
  484. [16:16] <Snapper_Jack> fucking
  485. [16:16] <Snapper_Jack> DAMN
  486. [16:16] <GM_abike_> ZIP!
  487. [16:17] <GM_abike_> I'm sorry, I made a mistake.
  488. [16:17] <GM_abike_> minor, when you dodge it's effectively ending your turn.
  489. [16:17] <Martin__Baron> (I gotchu mang)
  490. [16:17] <GM_abike_> It's not technically a double action.
  491. [16:17] <GM_abike_> Anyway, Martin's turn!
  492. [16:17] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d100+20
  493. [16:17] <Internets> :: Total 101 / 120 [84%] :: Results [81] ::
  494. [16:17] <Martin__Baron> (I gotchu)
  495. [16:17] <GM_abike_> HIIIIIIT!
  496. [16:18] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d20
  497. [16:18] <Internets> :: Total 4 / 20 [20%] :: Results [4] ::
  498. [16:18] <GM_abike_> (This is actually your first fight against an aerial character. Well, was.)
  499. [16:18] <GM_abike_> .d 2d10
  500. [16:18] <Internets> :: Total 14 / 20 [70%] :: Results [5, 9] ::
  501. [16:18] <Martin__Baron> (What, Feesh dodging through the air doesn't count as an aerial character?)
  502. [16:18] <Snapper_Jack> so are there still people outside shooting at us or what?
  503. [16:19] <GM_abike_> He smacks into the wall as when your beam conks him out mid-air
  504. [16:19] <GM_abike_> 14 damage
  505. [16:19] <GM_abike_> (Feesh had to land)
  506. [16:19] <Martin__Baron> (I'd like to take the 2nd turn to change from stun to kill, then cap it in the head, because 4 minutes isn't that long.)
  507. [16:19] <GM_abike_> Okay, roll damage.
  508. [16:19] <GM_abike_> For fun
  509. [16:20] <Martin__Baron> (What was the die for the butcher function?)
  510. [16:20] <Martin__Baron> (I don't have the rules up.)
  511. [16:21] <GM_abike_> .d 150+2d10*10
  512. [16:21] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  513. [16:21] <GM_abike_> or .d 20d10+150
  514. [16:21] <Martin__Baron> .d 20d10+150
  515. [16:21] <Internets> :: Total 268 / 350 [76%] :: Results [8, 8, 3, 3, 2, 7, 8, 1, 1, 8, 10, 6, 9, 10, 8, 7, 1, 1, 7, 10] ::
  516. [16:21] <GM_abike_> I don't expect people to have 20 d10s in real life.
  517. [16:21] <GM_abike_> That killed him.
  518. [16:22] <Martin__Baron> (Get wrecked)
  519. [16:22] <GM_abike_> Roll perception
  520. [16:22] <Martin__Baron> (Okay, that's 3/7ths of the threat dealt with.)
  521. [16:22] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d100
  522. [16:22] <Snapper_Jack> both of us?
  523. [16:22] <Internets> :: Total 9 / 100 [9%] :: Results [9] ::
  524. [16:22] <GM_abike_> Yes
  525. [16:22] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+35
  526. [16:22] <Internets> :: Total 42 / 135 [31%] :: Results [7] ::
  527. [16:22] <Martin__Baron> (It's the Tophatters)
  528. [16:23] <Snapper_Jack> holy shit
  529. [16:23] <Snapper_Jack> did we just go full retard?
  530. [16:23] <GM_abike_> Close, someone throws a grenade through the side door, it bounces off the wall and behind a counter
  531. [16:23] <GM_abike_> Well, snapper sees it.
  532. [16:23] <Snapper_Jack> "fuck"
  533. [16:23] <GM_abike_> Martin had plasma flash in his eye
  534. [16:24] <Martin__Baron> (O fuck)
  535. [16:24] <Snapper_Jack> "quick get on the ground!"
  536. [16:24] * Martin__Baron leaps to the ground as Jack commanded.
  537. [16:25] <GM_abike_> (You have one combat round)
  538. [16:25] <Martin__Baron> I'm gonna try to get as far away from that grenade as I can
  539. [16:25] <GM_abike_> There you go.
  540. [16:26] <GM_abike_> Snaps?
  541. [16:26] <Snapper_Jack> I guess i'll try to get between the rabbit and the grenade, then get on the ground
  542. [16:26] <GM_abike_> .d 4d10+110
  543. [16:26] <Internets> :: Total 131 / 150 [87%] :: Results [1, 4, 9, 7] ::
  544. [16:26] <Martin__Baron> (Don't be a hero)
  545. [16:27] <GM_abike_> It's only a six foot radius.
  546. [16:28] <Snapper_Jack> that sounds pretty small for a grenade
  547. [16:28] <Martin__Baron> (That is pretty small.)
  548. [16:28] <GM_abike_> Let me double check.
  549. [16:28] <GM_abike_> I've noticed some revisions haven't been saved.
  550. [16:29] <Martin__Baron> (A store on the side of the road would be a good, what, 15 feet wide inside? We should be ok.)
  551. [16:30] <GM_abike_> Sorry, 15 feet
  552. [16:30] <GM_abike_> (Why does that keep happening.)
  553. [16:31] <GM_abike_> Anyway, I'd suggest you leap for your lives.
  554. [16:31] <Snapper_Jack> isn't that what we just did?
  555. [16:31] <GM_abike_> That is correct.
  556. [16:31] <GM_abike_> Problem is that snapper has a 6' range, max
  557. [16:32] <GM_abike_> Well, I suppose factoring going out of the store...
  558. [16:33] <Snapper_Jack> I was tring to get between Baron and teh grenade. that could very well mean going towards the grenade if necessary.
  559. [16:33] <GM_abike_> Well, this is why a we need a map sometimes.
  560. [16:33] <Martin__Baron> (So... What now then?)
  561. [16:33] <GM_abike_> True.
  562. [16:34] <GM_abike_> Eh, my jerkishness has worn off.
  563. [16:34] <GM_abike_> You both leap out the window and are decorated in dust and debri.
  564. [16:34] <GM_abike_> Snapper leaps to freedom but tries to shield you regardless.
  565. [16:35] <GM_abike_> The store is destroyed.
  566. [16:35] <Martin__Baron> "$%&# ing book it!"
  567. [16:35] <GM_abike_> In the street you see the dog on the hog next to the deer.
  568. [16:35] <Snapper_Jack> a shame, if I recall you said there were unpillfered goods in there
  569. [16:35] <GM_abike_> (Well, now they're cooked goods)
  570. [16:36] <GM_abike_> "Death to the *&%^ theives!" the dog points his gun at you.
  571. [16:37] <Snapper_Jack> "shoot me, and I bite your damn head off."
  572. [16:37] <GM_abike_> It's your turn snapper
  573. [16:37] <GM_abike_> About 12 feet
  574. [16:38] <Snapper_Jack> darn. Can I shoot the gas tank on the bike?
  575. [16:38] <GM_abike_> Yes.
  576. [16:38] <GM_abike_> I don't think you could stun it though.
  577. [16:38] <Snapper_Jack> fantastic.
  578. [16:38] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+5
  579. [16:38] <Internets> :: Total 75 / 105 [71%] :: Results [70] ::
  580. [16:38] <Martin__Baron> (Wait, why? Why would you shoot the bike just shoot the guy and we're good)
  581. [16:39] <Snapper_Jack> (We still have the jeep.)
  582. [16:39] <Martin__Baron> (Yeah, but cherry-red bike man)
  583. [16:39] <GM_abike_> Also, isn't your blaster in stun mode?
  584. [16:39] <Snapper_Jack> (and snaps has always been more about enjoying the moment then preparing for the future. even if it means turning the useful machine into a wonderful explosion)
  585. [16:39] <Martin__Baron> (But whatever, your call)
  586. [16:40] <Snapper_Jack> stun mode is still a concentrated laser. I just need to ingite the gas.)
  587. [16:40] <Snapper_Jack> or I guess I could spend an action turning it up to kill. that's also smart.
  588. [16:40] <Martin__Baron> (At least you're doing it so your MP can tank the death-points.)
  589. [16:41] <Snapper_Jack> (I've already killed for the first time.)
  590. [16:41] <Snapper_Jack> (first session actually)
  591. [16:42] <Martin__Baron> (You still lose points when you kill someone though, just not as many)
  592. [16:42] <Snapper_Jack> (and it's likely that only the guy on the bike will die. the other will just be knocked cak and shaken up)
  593. [16:42] <GM_abike_> Yep.
  594. [16:42] <GM_abike_> And the bike would die, certainly.
  595. [16:43] <Snapper_Jack> (A noble death. in the line of duty.)
  596. [16:44] <GM_abike_> So yeah, the tank is sealed so I'd say you'd need a damage shot to cause ignition
  597. [16:44] <GM_abike_> But it's only an action so there you go.
  598. [16:45] <Snapper_Jack> ok, we'll go with that then.
  599. [16:45] <GM_abike_> Still, GMs don't judge. Take your shot of justice!
  600. [16:45] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+5
  601. [16:45] <Internets> :: Total 45 / 105 [42%] :: Results [40] ::
  602. [16:45] <Snapper_Jack> haha. shit
  603. [16:46] <GM_abike_> Barely a hit.
  604. [16:46] <GM_abike_> Damage to bike?
  605. [16:46] <Snapper_Jack> 20d10 + 150?
  606. [16:47] <GM_abike_> Correct
  607. [16:47] <Snapper_Jack> .d 20d10+150
  608. [16:47] <Internets> :: Total 257 / 350 [73%] :: Results [6, 8, 9, 2, 4, 3, 7, 4, 3, 6, 8, 8, 1, 9, 1, 10, 2, 5, 3, 8] ::
  609. [16:47] <GM_abike_> (Blasters are the best weapons you could get so I kinda gotta drill you guys on it.)
  610. [16:48] <GM_abike_> Anyway...
  611. [16:48] <GM_abike_> .d 3d10+110
  612. [16:48] <Internets> :: Total 126 / 140 [90%] :: Results [7, 7, 2] ::
  613. [16:48] <Snapper_Jack> "the shocks were shot anyway from me using it."
  614. [16:48] <GM_abike_> Yep, they're both killed in the explosion.
  615. [16:49] <GM_abike_> You were 12 feet way right?
  616. [16:49] <Snapper_Jack> yeah
  617. [16:49] <GM_abike_> (The deer was carrying the grenades.)
  618. [16:49] <GM_abike_> Yeah... I think you might have taken 62 damage from the blast
  619. [16:49] <GM_abike_> You're just on the line there.
  620. [16:49] <Snapper_Jack> just me or Baron too?
  621. [16:50] <GM_abike_> Would you like to say you shielded him from the blast?
  622. [16:50] <Snapper_Jack> sure
  623. [16:50] <GM_abike_> You took an even 100 then.
  624. [16:51] <GM_abike_> +5 for selflessness.
  625. [16:51] <Martin__Baron> All honesty, I'd be fine with either or. I already got a new character sheet ready to go
  626. [16:51] <Martin__Baron> The entire world is out to get me
  627. [16:51] <GM_abike_> Okay, fine. You got hit as well. 62 to you.
  628. [16:52] <GM_abike_> But Shell head blocked it.
  629. [16:52] <GM_abike_> So you're fine.
  630. [16:52] <GM_abike_> Still smoking from the last time but you're fine.
  631. [16:52] <Martin__Baron> No, you don't understand, I'm at exactly 62 HP.
  632. [16:52] <GM_abike_> Well,
  633. [16:52] <GM_abike_> .d 1d2
  634. [16:52] <Internets> :: Total 1 / 2 [50%] :: Results [1] ::
  635. [16:53] <Martin__Baron> I'm laughing over here because if it does hit me, then I got to use the psycho character I made. If it doesn't, I keep scooty
  636. [16:53] <GM_abike_> You keep scooty.
  637. [16:53] <Martin__Baron> Hahah, great.
  638. [16:54] <Snapper_Jack> I still have 18 hp woth of armor before I start taking direct damage.
  639. [16:54] <GM_abike_> Besides two unconscious dogs and a bat combat seems to be over.
  640. [16:54] <Snapper_Jack> My helmet's shot though
  641. [16:55] <GM_abike_> Clean across the street.
  642. [16:55] <GM_abike_> You have about fifteen minutes before the other guys wake.
  643. [16:55] <GM_abike_> Actions?
  644. [16:56] <Martin__Baron> "We got to leave, now! We saw a Topsider... drone, or something near one of the buildings. They can be coming over here any second now!"
  645. [16:56] <Snapper_Jack> brb. have to take care of buisiness
  646. [16:57] <Snapper_Jack> b
  647. [16:57] <Snapper_Jack> "into one of the buildings? or do you want to make a run for it in the jeep?"
  648. [16:59] <Martin__Baron> "They'll probably focus on those three over there, let's get in the car and leg it out of here."
  649. [16:59] <GM_abike_> (Legging it in a car? Yabba dabba doo!)
  650. [17:00] <Snapper_Jack> "wait. should we leave them? I can carry the uncouncious ones without slowing down too much."
  651. [17:00] <Snapper_Jack> (whose ever heard of "making a drive for it"?
  652. [17:00] <Martin__Baron> "Them? Why? They're probably raiders or something, why do we want to take them with us?"
  653. [17:00] <GM_abike_> (That you stole from.)
  654. [17:01] <Snapper_Jack> "well shit, we stole their bike and jeep, destroyed the former, and killed a couple of them in the process."
  655. [17:02] <Martin__Baron> "Yeah, so I bet they're real happy that we took them along for the ride after $*#@ing two of their group."
  656. [17:02] <Snapper_Jack> "The lest we could is leave what's lef tof them to die another day."
  657. [17:02] <Martin__Baron> (I meant to say butchering after cursing, now it sounds lewd)
  658. [17:03] <GM_abike_> (I assumed it was slurred speach from all the explosions.)
  659. [17:03] <Snapper_Jack> (He's talking trough the pain of having most of his shell blown off)
  660. [17:03] <GM_abike_> So leave them or bring them?
  661. [17:04] <GM_abike_> You could also eat them but that's an outside option.
  662. [17:04] <Snapper_Jack> (the hunger)
  663. [17:04] <Snapper_Jack> (it rises)
  664. [17:04] <Martin__Baron> "Bach, fine. You want to bring those #($holes with us, then fine, help me get them in."
  665. [17:05] <Snapper_Jack> "I can just pile them on my shoulders. help me get em up there."
  666. [17:05] <Martin__Baron> (I think it'd be interesting to bring them with us)
  667. [17:05] <GM_abike_> There's enough room in the jeep.
  668. [17:05] <Martin__Baron> (Any rolls I have to take?)
  669. [17:06] <Snapper_Jack> ( oh yeah. we still have that. are we using it or ducking into a building?)
  670. [17:06] <GM_abike_> Yes.
  671. [17:06] <GM_abike_> Stress rolls.
  672. [17:06] <Martin__Baron> (Yeah, let's take the jeep. And I mean rolls to pick them up, that can come later.)
  673. [17:06] <GM_abike_> Roll 1d10.
  674. [17:07] <Snapper_Jack> both?
  675. [17:07] <GM_abike_> If you roll under your mind stat you only recieve -1 stress
  676. [17:07] <GM_abike_> Yes.
  677. [17:07] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d10
  678. [17:07] <Internets> :: Total 6 / 10 [60%] :: Results [6] ::
  679. [17:07] <Martin__Baron> .d 1d10
  680. [17:07] <Internets> :: Total 7 / 10 [70%] :: Results [7] ::
  681. [17:07] <Martin__Baron> (Mine's a pitiful 3)
  682. [17:08] <Snapper_Jack> mine's a seven.)
  683. [17:08] <GM_abike_> Martin, you take stress for being wounded.
  684. [17:08] <GM_abike_> you didn't get hit this time but let's count it for the thunder.
  685. [17:08] <Martin__Baron> (Wait, I took damage?)
  686. [17:08] <Martin__Baron> (Oh yeah, forgot.)
  687. [17:08] <Martin__Baron> (How many points?)
  688. [17:09] <GM_abike_> -10 for every 20hp lost
  689. [17:09] <Snapper_Jack> (It's what gives me great ideas such as "explode the bike", eat the smuggles food", and the ever popular "take the grenade
  690. [17:09] <Martin__Baron> (I lost 50 or so, so -20 MP)
  691. [17:09] <Martin__Baron> (My MP was at 14, now it's at -6)
  692. [17:09] <GM_abike_> Snapper, roll 1d10
  693. [17:09] <GM_abike_> For killing fellow mutants.
  694. [17:09] <GM_abike_> Monsters don't count
  695. [17:10] <Snapper_Jack> I did
  696. [17:10] <GM_abike_> ( Your mind points is reduced to zero Breaking out in sweats and nightmares. Effect: -10 persuasion rolls. -10 to skill rolls.
  697. [17:10] <GM_abike_> That was for being wounded.
  698. [17:10] <Snapper_Jack> oh
  699. [17:10] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d10
  700. [17:10] <Internets> :: Total 9 / 10 [90%] :: Results [9] ::
  701. [17:10] <GM_abike_> This is for killing those dude.
  702. [17:10] <GM_abike_> -1 mp, cold blooded!
  703. [17:11] <Martin__Baron> So I'm now insane. Cool
  704. [17:11] <Snapper_Jack> my god, only 78 mind points. I'm losing it man!
  705. [17:11] <Snapper_Jack> We'll get you something to eat baron
  706. [17:11] <Snapper_Jack> All will be well.
  707. [17:11] <GM_abike_> Mind points are 10% below zero. (ie: Having 10 mindpoints means -1, 70 means -7 total) Prone to fits of rage or violence. Effect: Unable to block or parry. Every attack that reduces an enemy's hp to zero is a lethal attack whether the character intends it or not. -10 to skill rolls.
  708. [17:12] <GM_abike_> You are seriously getting tested her Martin!
  709. [17:12] <GM_abike_> -20 to skill rolls.
  710. [17:12] <GM_abike_> -10 to persuasion rolls.
  711. [17:13] <GM_abike_> And you can only dodge as a defensive attack.
  712. [17:13] <Martin__Baron> So now whenever another fight happens, I just go full beserk
  713. [17:13] <GM_abike_> Yep.
  714. [17:14] <Martin__Baron> Also, my mind is 3 and I'm at -6
  715. [17:14] <DJ-Max> (Be sure to yell, 'Rules of nature')
  716. [17:14] <GM_abike_> You're a rabbit over the edge.
  717. [17:14] <GM_abike_> So you'd have 30mp max
  718. [17:14] <Martin__Baron> Yeah, no bonuses
  719. [17:15] <GM_abike_> So, I think that's enough for this session.
  720. [17:15] <Martin__Baron> I still don't have the rules up, so I don't know how far I fell down the rabbit hole.
  721. [17:15] <GM_abike_>
  722. [17:15] <Martin__Baron> Next time have the entire session set for Gray and Max?
  723. [17:15] <GM_abike_> pg. 19
  724. [17:16] <Snapper_Jack> how much mp can be restored with a brotherly pat on the back and a hug?
  725. [17:16] <GM_abike_> Also, blasters are 60-61. Aaron has a personal write up on it so that's always worth studying.
  726. [17:17] * DJ-Max and Gray are lost to time! They are currently fighting off powerful creatures in the aether between hours.
  727. [17:17] <Martin__Baron> Ok, so no perception or social bonus. Darn
  728. [17:17] <Snapper_Jack> Maybe from someone more cuddley than my cold-cblooded ass.
  729. [17:17] <GM_abike_> +5 mp a day.
  730. [17:17] <DJ-Max> >Coming this summer: Endtown; Out of Time.
  731. [17:18] <Snapper_Jack> what about exp this session?
  732. [17:18] <GM_abike_> Good question!
  733. [17:18] <GM_abike_> No skills this time but alot of good perception rolls.
  734. [17:18] <GM_abike_> +8 for that.
  735. [17:19] <GM_abike_> +14 for the muggers. (2 major 3 minor.)
  736. [17:20] <Snapper_Jack> oh so they were bandits
  737. [17:20] <GM_abike_> Well, they wanted their bike back.
  738. [17:20] <GM_abike_> But yeah, they were bandits.
  739. [17:20] <GM_abike_> I mean, they shot at you first!
  740. [17:21] <Martin__Baron> Martin's gonna be violent as fuck towards them on the ride out.
  741. [17:21] <GM_abike_> +10 to martin and clay for evading masterfully.
  742. [17:21] <GM_abike_> Just scooching around the danger.
  743. [17:21] <GM_abike_> NO BRAKES ON THIS CRAZY TRAIN
  744. [17:22] <Martin__Baron> Any for fighting the mutant?
  745. [17:22] <GM_abike_> Ah yeah.
  746. [17:22] <GM_abike_> +5 for him.
  747. [17:22] <GM_abike_> He was mean.
  748. [17:22] <Martin__Baron> Poor Keith David
  749. [17:22] <GM_abike_> Major threat.
  750. [17:23] <Martin__Baron> I'm just 5 XP points away from level 3 now
  751. [17:23] <GM_abike_> +10 to snapper for trying to shield Martin repeatedly.
  752. [17:23] <Snapper_Jack> I'm actually stil confused about something with the leveling system
  753. [17:24] <GM_abike_> Yeah?
  754. [17:24] <Snapper_Jack> from level 1 to 2 was 100 exp, but to get from level 2 to 3 do i need another 100 exp, or 200 exp for a total of 300?
  755. [17:24] <GM_abike_> You need 200
  756. [17:24] <Snapper_Jack> more, or total?
  757. [17:25] <Martin__Baron> It's 100 XP added for every next level, so 200 to get to level 3
  758. [17:25] <GM_abike_> More.
  759. [17:25] <Snapper_Jack> ok
  760. [17:25] <GM_abike_> So you would need 300 xp.
  761. [17:25] <GM_abike_> I'll rewrite that part so it's clearer.
  762. [17:25] <Martin__Baron> Oh really?
  763. [17:25] <Snapper_Jack> thanks. I'm 2at 219 right now.
  764. [17:25] <Martin__Baron> So I'm at level 2, does that mean I need 300 xp then?
  765. [17:25] <Snapper_Jack> what I get for missing a session
  766. [17:25] <GM_abike_> Yes.
  767. [17:26] <Martin__Baron> Ah, damn.
  768. [17:26] <Martin__Baron> 105 points to go then
  769. [17:26] <GM_abike_> Well, you need 200 more xp.
  770. [17:26] <GM_abike_> Yeah, I'll look it over and rewrite.
  771. [17:26] <Martin__Baron> It was 100 to get to level 2, now 300 to get to level 3?
  772. [17:26] <Snapper_Jack> then 600 to get to 4
  773. [17:27] <GM_abike_> yes.
  774. [17:27] <GM_abike_> It's progressive.
  775. [17:27] <GM_abike_> To encourage players to do more daring things as they play.
  776. [17:27] <DJ-Max> You have to be like a Saiyan.
  777. [17:27] <Snapper_Jack> Like jumping in front of grenades, and causing huge explosions
  778. [17:27] <DJ-Max> Every time you almost die, you become more powerful.
  779. [17:27] <GM_abike_> And at the end of a story you would probably get alot of xp and that's about when you'd level.
  780. [17:28] <DJ-Max> And then you become a Super Saiyan.
  781. [17:28] <GM_abike_> Also, you all get +10 for saving the bandits you didn't kill.
  782. [17:28] <Snapper_Jack> then you find out that everyone is a super saiyan
  783. [17:28] <GM_abike_> Keep them from topsider and mutants.
  784. [17:28] <Martin__Baron> Well that depends if Martin doesn't kill them on the ride out
  785. [17:28] <Snapper_Jack> and you're fucked until you power up again
  786. [17:29] <GM_abike_> Lastly, MVP awards.
  787. [17:29] <GM_abike_> You guys in the peanut gallery can say on this one too.
  788. [17:29] <Martin__Baron> Jack for being an hero
  789. [17:30] <GM_abike_> Yeah, he was an action man this session
  790. [17:30] <GM_abike_> +10 to jack.
  791. [17:31] <Snapper_Jack> thank you.
  792. [17:31] <Martin__Baron> Cool, I'll put up the paste for the session.
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