

Apr 8th, 2015
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  1. [b]WWF Title
  2. [url=""]Cactus Jack[/url](c) vs [url=""]Goldust[/url](w/Ted DiBiase)[/b]
  4. This was a brawl, with Cactus and Goldust trading elbows until Goldust got the advantage and whipped Foley into the corner before hitting a bulldog from the second rope. As he went for the pin, Ted DiBiase started yelling from ringside. "Come on, come on, time is money, time is money!"
  6. 1...2, Foley kicked out as Goldust seethed at DiBiase, and went on the offensive, Cactus Clotheslining the both of them to the outside. Foley hung onto the rope, however, and wound up for the Cactus Elbow! Before he could deliver it, Ted DiBiase got in the way. Cactus just wound right back up and threw the Cactus Elbow right past DiBiase--into the arms of a waiting Goldust, who reversed the elbow into a reverse STO into the ringpost! As Goldust dragged the groggy Foley around the ring, gloating to the crowd, DiBiase kept pestering him to make it snappy. "Time is money, time is money, and the way things are going, you're gonna be owing me a lot of money!" Goldust finally dumped Foley back into the ring, and spent a little time bickering with DiBiase before getting back in. By that time, Foley had gotten back to his feet, and hit a running neckbreaker on Goldust, before dragging him back to his feet and hitting the Double Arm DDT!
  8. [b]1...2...3! Mick Foley is still your WWF Champion![/b]
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