
Command Block Tricks | By MrS7

Aug 27th, 2015
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  1. Command Block Tricks
  2. MrS7
  4. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Trick One - Air Block: /setblock ~ ~ ~ stone
  6. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Trick Two - Hollow Room: /fill [X] [Y] [Z] [X2] [Y2] [Z2] [block] [datavalue] hollow
  8. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Trick Three - Tab Coordiantes: Look at a block while in chat, and press tab for the block's coordinate's.
  10. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Trick Four - Don't Leave!: /give @p barrier
  12. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Trick Five - No Command Blocks!:
  14. -On Clock: /testforblock [X] [Y] [Z] [wood/stone_button] [activated button data value, tutorial in video]
  15. -Comparator out of that block: [Any chosen output command]
  16. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Trick Six - A Different Message!:
  18. -Type in chat once: /scoreboard objectives add ButtonSwitch dummy
  19. -On Clock: /testforblock [X] [Y] [Z] [wood/stone_button] [activated button data value, tutorial in video]
  20. -Comparator out of that block: scoreboard players add @p ButtonSwitch 1
  21. ----------------- Repeated Parts -----------------
  22. -On Clock: scoreboard players test @p ButtonSwitch 1 1
  23. -Comparator out of that block: tellraw @p[score_ButtonSwitch_min=1,score_ButtonSwitch=1] {Any chosen tellraw command}
  24. ---------------------------------------------------
  25. -Repeat, but replace all 1 with 2, then 3, then four, etc.
  26. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  27. Trick Seven - Multiple Lines: In any tellraw command, add an \n to skip a line down.
  28. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  29. Trick Eight - Floating Text: /summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {NoGravity:1,Marker:1,Invisible:1,CustomName:NAME,CustomNameVisible:1}
  30. -To move the text, type /tp @e[type=ArmorStand,name=NAME] [X] [Y] [Z]
  31. ---------------------------------------------------------------
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