
Eriks app 1

Jul 25th, 2015
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  1. Name: Erik but Prefers "X" as his nickname
  2. Height: 6 ft
  3. Species:Dragon Ulv, but also in the form of a human
  4. Gender:Male
  5. Appearance:"X" is able to go from his Human appearance, which is about 6 ft adding 2 inches from his boots. He wears a ceramic Armor Chest Piece,and some of the armor also covering his shoulders, and wrist guards. He wears a Trenchcoat going over his ceramic armor, a hat, a bandanna, and Sunglasses. His eye color is Red though seeing he is a dragon and he was born with this eye color, his skin color is white. When he goes into his Dragon self though which stands to its fullest 6'4, the dragon also has a pair of wings, stands completely upright, tailess, and on the top side of its wings it has a sharpen point on it, Also the wings themselves look EXTREMELY sharp the dragon eye color is also bright red, almost. Its complete body though extremely muscular and well built.
  6. Special Features: "X" has a few special features one is his fast Healing rate this is not a regeneration just having a far quicker healing rate which takes time and can't be healed at an instant or a few minutes. This means "X" can heal broken bones, Gashes, and even fetal injuries would make a person die in a mere instance just giving it a few hours to heal back up. Now he is also given the ability to change from his Dragon Anthro self into a more...none-threatening human form, this was also how he could control his anger, and abilities, seeing that he loses conscious he looses control over himself when he reverts into his Dragon Anthro form. When he is in his human form, though his strength, speed, and heighten senses are HORRIBLE reduced, and the toughness and hardness of his skin reduces too, as he is in a much weaker state his strength,speed, is reduced to Inhuman while, and his senses reverts to standard given he must get training to improve it further.
  8. Another ability is that his brain sends signal 2-3x fasters to his body than a normal person or khelan could ever do, this making it where he can respond a lot quicker and faster this is the only thing that does not change when he reverst from either Human form and Anthro form. If X is going to change forms he does go through a painful transformation it can be quick or slow depending on what is going on and how much he is resisting to change into his Anthro self, this is caused if he gets too angry,looses focus(that implies on his "Mental barrier" if he loses focus on Keeping "The Beast" at bay he will lose control and revert to his Anthro self). During this transformation his strength doubles, his speed too, he can, hear, see, smell, and sense Aura at a larger scale, but he loses control and goes into a feral state.It will attack on who ever was attacking or provoked it, it will also respond to anyone else attacking it, as it will attack the person too given if X consider that person a friend or a foe, he will be unable to control his Feral self. The Creature will revert back either if you do a blow that causes it to be Knocked out(But that would make it where X regains conscious where he would be able to flee or fight more likely flee). The scales also reveal themselves too as it replaces X Human more artificial skin into its scaley self. The Scalles though are 2x stronger than Dragon bones, as for its bones...probably 4-6x stronger than any other dragons bone structure being. The creature also have sharp claws that can cut through steel like butter.
  9. The creature does punches up to superhuman that also goes towards his speed, as it can also lift up to 500 tons(LIFTING AND PUNCHING IS TOO DIFFERENT THINGS, I SO OF HEARD OF). It can also fly up to a speed of 6,000-10,000 MPH, but it can easily pass that to about 20,000 MPH it only goes to high speeds when it goes to high altitudes and its less likely to hit random objects. Also like typical dragons it does have a massive heat resistance/immunity. Another Power which is more of a defense mechanism is that its blood is extremely hot that can easily heat up to What lava temperatures would be seeing that a dragon in the inside is super hot, also a power that prevents people ripping off its scales or tries too, is that the scales begin to quickly deteriorate away leading to where it just wrinkles up, that also implies if the dragon creature dies, none of its body is Lootable as it would begin to immediately deteriorate right after.
  11. How much can its claw cut up too?
  12. Answer: It can probably cut through Most metals, not able to cut through barv, Salem, or powerful void metals like that but Human and basic metals it will cut it like butter or a few slashes, and it would be done
  14. Personality: Calm, passive, thinks to himself a lot, prefers not talking but observing, very mysterous
  15. Feral self: Aggressive, does not think, lacks social skills, and less likely to calm down or tame uncontrolled beast
  17. Bio: "X" History is rather really kept secret to himself and hardly no one would even know about his history given how bad it is. X was alone almost alone all his life and he never really cared much about family or relationships in that case. When he stumble upon in uppernivik, he took great interest in and came to Uppernivik when the TZ was still alive. Even though X mainly lean backed and watched from a dark secluded corner , he was always the thinking kind of man and was really never the guy who loved action. This implying he was always clam and usually avoids violence....or tries too. "X" Has a slight conidtion seeing that at a young age he could change forms from his Human self into an Anthro going through a horrible and painful transformation which ended up him going feral because of the pain, and missory and mainly his anger takes control of him. This was a self made seperate Personality he called Slash, and that what the creature named itself "Slash" Was more of his opposite lacking the intelligence and mind of "X" and was more built out of his anger, misery and pain and most of his negative emotions which makes the creature attacking anyone who attacked it without control. Of course "X" found a way to control this by avoiding violence, and trying to stay clam while also keeping focus onto his mind to prevent "Slash" from hi-jacking his mind. It is also believed he did this since Slash murdered his parents, as when he goes into a feral state he remembers nothing on what is going on but only gets rumors and tales about him. "X" never found a way to control this creature or find a way to get rid of it as he could do more good than evil if he just knew how to control the creature better.
  18. But he didn't so he kept calm, and prevents him from getting stress, worked up, and even in combat at sometimes he remains complete calm and emotionless. He is a-found of the Human Culture than the Khelans he always wondered how they ended up like this? what use to be this world?, he never gets an answer just more death, destruction and of course losing countless of lives. He was there when Carthage was destroyed as he did nothing but watch, he was forced to walk away to prevent losing control.
  19. "X" hates when he sees stronger people picking on the weak he refers them as cowards, he also dislikes Echo's, And some of the Blutjaegers, he also doesn't like the imperials due to there involvement of the destruction of the Carthage nor does he like the Union. He also hates the Void Walkers with a passion, one there annoying seeing that they sap aura, two there look too "edgy" to him.
  20. He also than found a group of people with a lastname of "Blackheart" He took big interests seeing that they offered him a hand and they analyzed his body. They honestly don't know whats going on with him but he is welcome to stay in there home...when the years rolled by "X" became a Blackheart and thats why he nickname himself "X" instead of using "Erik Blackheart" its just because it doesn't make sense to him and he feels like this is better. He also likes the Guardians but does not take any interest in joining them any time soon that also includes the Clans of the titans or any other Khelan Faction. Since he is a liability and he may end up killing many and injuring hundrands of people if he looses control,and he doesn't think they need him just wants to use him because of his great power.
  22. OCcupations: "X" does find some ways to enjoy himselfs, one he usaully writes in his journal, or listens to music, it being Mainly Heavy metal, as it was a way to keep him calm and focused. But most of the times he babysits, volunteer and do as much as he can to help mankind rebuild to its glory days. He also likes comic books, cookies, Brownies, cupcakes, Steak(meduim rare), Chococlate, coffee, and sometimes Ice Cream and Ice cubes. His hobbies are playing the Guitar, Listening to music, Playing chess by himself, reading a book if he can., Meditating is what he does too, or watching others like the stalker he is. He also enjoys weight lifting and most athletic activities but he avoids doing more than an hour of fear that he may turn into Slash for overworking his body.
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