
Ice Spirits, Neck Plants, and Rainbow Bears [Day3??-353]

May 21st, 2014
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  1. Day?? somewhere in the 300
  2. Ice witch/spirit/wraith/...thing
  4. Who knew getting a splinter would lead to such a bitterly cold experience. It all started when I was running around with Marge down by the docks doing annoying shit that older people despise. I tripped and hit this jagged part of the ground and got a hoof lodged right where the skin meets the hard part and it wasn't pleasant. We tried getting it out and if anything drove it further in, we ultimately gave up and she walked me to the clinic but she had to go since she started running late for her date with Flicker.
  6. Kai managed to pull the splinter out with relative ease and after some small talk I remembered I wanted to talk to Liven about me moving out and getting my own place. Kai didn't know where he was and, it was kinda strange since he's usually at the clinic around the time I went; then Dream came in looking for him. She said he wasn't at home and thins was alarming, in all the time I've lived with Liven I've only seen him in two places so the sudden absences surprised me. Mary soon came in later covered in scratches after a little altercation with a wolf; as we tended to her wounds some guy named Tin Foil came in and started spouting gibberish about the people in the vault letting the changeling out and other silly things I disregarded. The only thing that I listened to was him saying that my faggot neighbor was missing. Dream was visibly worried so we decided to look for him.
  8. Dream and I split up to cover more ground, she went to the inn and I the pub since she got banned for disorderly conduct. When I got in I looked around for the bartender and found her. It's funny I happened to be in that awkward situation where someone remembers your name but you have no clue what theirs is, I honest for the life of me couldn't remember who this light blue pony was so I had to work my way around it. When I asked her if she's seen Liven she sneered and pretty hard and said how much she despised him, she just pointed out all the bad shit he's done so at least she has a reason for the hate unlike Hutch; that dumb ass can get mad at a brick wall and the worst part is I've seen him do just that.
  10. Dream brought some other people with us when we were going to set out and find him and the people were Mary, Tide and Golden who showed up late. Since Dream was pregnant I had to convince her that going would be bad for her health since Liven would kill me if he knew I let his wife go on this trip. After getting various markings scribbled on my new map we were off. We walked for awhile chit chatting away crunching through the wretched snow and after some time we found ourselves at the Minotaur uh Iron Hoof I think his name is, anyways we found ourselves in the cave system the he lives in. After bypassing it we were back in the woods and then Mary noticed something in the snow, that little something happened to be Liven's glasses which were broken and deviating from the path before us.
  12. We started to go down the path just to check to see if anything was around the corner and then I was pleasantly greeted by a glorious sound; absolute silence. As much as I loved the peace and quiet it was a tad unsettling, we were in a forest so not hearing little woodland critters chirping about is a concern. I did notice that the snow seemed to be less heavy in this particular spot so it was actually a warm welcome; I absolutely despise walking through snow and getting it in a sock or something so this was a nice reprieve.
  14. I took one step down the less frosty path and smiled to myself just to be bitten by the nip of Jack Frost. I knew we were on the right path, the land doesn't just change from cold and clunky to frigged and thin without some influence from something. A little while down the path I came upon a sad sight, a poor little bird frozen in a block of ice as if it were in mid-flight. Tide said something about a frost fox but I have no clue what that is unless it's as its name implies... a frozen fox. A put the bird back where I found it wondering if it would be okay if it thawed out; I know that it's probably dead but who knows we are in magic pony land.
  16. As we progressed down the path I started to hear a faint sound, I couldn't place my finger right on it or where it came from at the time but after focusing I found the direction of it. As the sound grew in strength my path to it got stopped by a thicket of brush; I cleared away a spot so I look at where the sound was coming from.Over the course of time the noise turned into singing and I was in awe at the sight of the elegant owner of the voice. It was a beautiful unicorn lady singing her songs, her coat all white coat almost seemed to blend into the snow itself but her black hair that was in a bun off set from the background. Her crystal blue eyes were truly a sight to behold as her lacy white robe flapped in the wind. She seemed to have a aura surrounding her, it seemed as though snow was falling around and building up just in her central location. Behind her was a house made up of only ice and it was then that I saw her kiss my faggot neighbor.
  18. After failed sign language the others came and saw the spectacle and then the pair went inside their icy abode. I went out to try to talk after they went inside but I decided that I should talk to George about it; he's always has his ear to the ground so he would know what would be up. When I asked he told me that we were dealing with a supernatural being. I know I have experience with spirits but ice spirits are ones that I haven't conversed with yet. Most times when I go in my little trances I often bunk with mother [To the corner is a little pencil sketch of the spirit]she's always so nice to me and the flowers in her mane always smell so nice. Before I deviate to far let's continue on with the story.
  20. After telling the others to be on there toes, after a deep breath I knocked on the door with the others to back me up. The echo of my knock on the house was sicking maybe it was how I hit it but it pained my ears a lot. I was thankful that Liven opened the door having the echo cut off. I gave him a look over to find that his eyes turned a crystal blue unlike the normal brownish color they are. We said that we knew him but he had no recollection of any prior interactions with us, he called the snow lady over and she addressed him as her husband.
  22. She told Liven to go get us some drinks and the moment he turned his back her entire demeanor changed to that of a harsh tone and evil eye. She quietly barked at us that she was never going to give him up and that he was hers. The sky started getting darker the angrier she got and I soon felt a cold breeze blow across my nethers. It was not pleasant. She was going to say more but Liven came back carrying nothing but large chunks of ice and she calmed down the weather. She glared at us the entire time saying how we will never take him and how he was her new family but I disregarded it to a degree thinking that maybe we could jog his memory back. We failed but he showed a brief moment of recollection but it was swiftly cut off when he got knocked out from hitting his head on the table.
  24. Our icy friend screeched at us to leave but we don't using the old civil disobedience stick, he yelled and screamed more as it got progressively colder and all we could do was tell her what she was doing was wrong. This lasted for a long time as her body began to wither before us letting her corpse like figure blossom out from its pristine shell, I started getting frost creeping up my leg and started to fear that I would freeze to death but Tide had a a little heart to heart with her. He did something I never would have done and tried to hug her, I personally think he's crazy but hell he has a pair on him. After failing pretty hard at his hug I pulled him back from the ice lady as the wind died down; we left but Tide got some information on what we would need to do to get Liven back.
  26. Our lengthy trip to Old Town was a trek, we got their in one piece but damn was it a long ass hike. When we arrived it was dark outside and we saw carcasses of what looked like giant ants spread out here and there throughout the town. It was unsettling to say the least this is the first time I've ever seen a bug of this stature and the fact that something bigger and badder then them was killing them didn't help. The only real thing that provided external solace in the abandoned town was the fact that the temperature had risen; if anything now that I recall I don't remember seeing snow on the ground around the settlement. FIVE old buildings still survived in the town and were in surprisingly good condition, this luckily narrowed down the search for us but what we were searching for was a mystery.
  27. We decided to split up to cover more ground faster, I went with Mary as Golden went with Tide.
  29. The house Mary and I chose was junkie but luckily their was not a ant to be found, only trash. We looked in a room and after rummaging through a drawer found a journal. It was a tattered and beaten little book most of its pages having turn to dust but the pages that were legible told the tale of a young stallion settling down with his new wife and their infant child. He chronicled about how living far from home was a tough experience and, I got the inference that the summers and winter here weren't as bad as they are now. The story take a sad turn of events when he writes that his wife dies died of illness while she was pregnant with their second child.
  31. Mary put the journal in her bag as we scoured the room to find anymore items we could use to save Liven. After finding a note that said "Follow the river" I went into another and found a child's room. It didn't have much besides a small picture of what looked like a mother and daughter or son I'm not really to sure. Mary and I decided that we found all that we could in the house and went outside to regroup with Golden and Tide and I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I stopped Mary and pointed out the small tombstone that was by the side of the house. We went for a closer look and at first lance it just looked like a normal headstone but, as we got closer it was littered with dead grass and it looked dug up, it took Mary's fine eyes to see that something dug out of the grave. Tide and Turkey soon linked up with us after Mary brushed off some loose moss from the headstone. The words engraved on it read "Tumbling Stone, Loving Mother. Gone but never forgotten." We slept in one of the abandoned houses that night.
  33. After we awoke we looked over the river and our search turned up fruitless so, we decided to go to the ice witch/zombie/wraith... things ice fortress. The ground was still frozen with little bird ice cubes littering the ground. We stopped at the door step and went over the facts that we shared last night and then knocked. Liven answered but didn't recognize us again so, I suppose Tumbling Stone wiped his mind of seeing us during the time we were gone.Liven graciously let us in but, needless to say Tumbling Stone was pissed when she saw us enter and I started feeling the air get colder again as her face and body started to wither. She stopped for a brief moment when Tide said her name and showed her the silver bangles. She scoffed and dismissed it, she even said the people in her town were liars and traitors that abandoned her when Tide showed her the pictures.
  35. Tide hesitated but showed her the journal that we took and looked on with disgust. She said that she didn't care about what was in it and that if her husband loved her he would never had left but, Tide told her the opposite and how they were forced to leave since people were getting sick and dying in her town. She screamed about how she was a good wife and how she felt abandoned for seventy years but, Tide managed to calm her down after saying some more mushy lovely stuff. The part that did her in was when he asked if her husband would like the way she was behaving. I felt the cold get worse before it started to lighten up and all she could say was that she didn't want to be abandoned again.
  37. She asked to see the journal and when she got a hold of it and looked through her eyes started watering as a piece of paper floated from under her robe and connected into the page that was ripped out. She started to smile as the air got warmer and her ice house started to melt and thanked us. What ever was in the journal reminded her that she was loved and I guess it literally melted her heart since she started melting into the floor. She told us to keep our loved ones close and to never let them go. As I wiped away the few tears that dotted my face I heard the birds start to chirp happily as if nothing was wrong in the first place as the air warmed. It started to feel like spring.
  39. After I watched her go I felt a odd mix of emotions that I couldn't accurately place, like a sense of longing mixed with mild depression and something else... It still troubles me now as I write but the answer will come around in time, they always do.
  40. [man fuck this paste]
  42. Day ?? something in the 300
  43. Animals are weird.
  45. Today I was helping in the clinic to manage the work load of the recent influx of people who were coming in. After treating Pokey for his stomach problems I heard a dull thud hit the clinic walls. I got up to help check out the what on earth that could have been with Kai and Hidden who followed after; apparently Hidden is pregnant. After we scurried outside we found a badger slinging mud on the wall destroying the ground. It waddled away from us like it owned the place and linked up to another group of them and they all started to dig at the order of some foxes we later found in a bush.
  47. We tried thinking of a plan to rid them until I got distracted by Curiosity who was messing around with the foxes. After most of the road was destroyed I just said fuck it and used my lunch as bait and lured away the animals causing collateral damage. I did link up with Cury later happy to find her out of jail but for now she was just their because diamond dogs made the place unsafe.
  50. [In this spot of the journal is a copy of the page the witch dropped on the introduction to Fool's luck for Cury's GMing.]
  51. Day ??? something in the 300
  52. I saw Phoenix go today...
  54. I went into the barracks today originally to complain about the roads and just to let Phoenix know since he has a council seat and was the easiest to find. We got off topic really fast and I wound up having lunch with him and just talked for awhile; it was nice to catch up I hadn't seen him for awhile and he was doing well. Lamon walked in later to start his shift and he came with perfect timing because a guy named Mel ran in teary eyed and told us that his girlfriend Grace sold their baby. I was immediately disgusted by what I heard; selling a child for any reason is a vulgar display that needs to rectified.
  56. After grabbing a spear from the back room we followed Mel out into the cool night air of the town; lucky for us the moon was shining bright so we had some form of light to guide us. After following Mel through the town we came across two guards, one who was clutching his throat and the other lying on the floor unconscious. I checked over the downed bat pony to find that he got knocked out by a lamp and had a huge welt on his head. Since it was nothing to serious I slapped him awake while his friend recounted us on how this had happened. Apparently Grace went through them spiting in ones face while a lamp just fell on the other. The one covered in spittle was going to hit her with the blunt end of a spear but then a bird pooped on his face. I laughed my ass off on the inside and the only thing that prevented me from doing it on the outside was the fear in the guards eyes and the dire situation we were in.
  58. After sending the two guards off we went into the woods and I felt a sense of unease as we plodded our way in. The branches were all broken and fractured and they reminded me more of snakes if anything. I had to remind myself that it was just tree branches but it did get under my skin. After a good twenty minutes of walking the evidence of being their before us was apparent, broken branches were everywhere but all went in three different directions. We decided to split up but at the sight of some hair on branch we decided to follow the west path. As we entered into the west my skin crawled when I could hear the baying of wolves in the general direction that we were heading. After walking through the intimidating woods we stopped when we heard the wolves's howls grow close. We looked past a large oak to find a wolf's head caught in the trunk of it. It was comical to say the least and I would have laughed if not for the rest of its pack being around and growling menacingly at us. I didn't really feel like getting mauled so we just turned tail and left leaving the wolves to their own devices.
  60. We walked through the woods almost slipping and face planting on a slick spot of mud but after awhile we made it to a clearing. In the clearing stood a single mare who appeared to be talking to herself or the giant silver boulder that was next to her. We were going to plan out what we were to do but Mel just ran out and called for the mare who we later found out to be his girlfriend Grace. Mel's sudden actions sparked the silver boulder to life since it opened a big yellow eye that seemed to glow on its own. The boulder
  61. unwound itself into that of a giant lizard, about a little taller then myself and four times as large from snout to tail. It looked in our direction and I could swear it was staring into my soul as it let out a roar filled with hiss and malice.
  63. Grace piped up from behind the lizard with a smile of contempt which was aimed at Mel and screamed at him that he should have never come to find her. She started to laugh and said that she was the lizard king and that Mel was going to be getting some pay back for being a abusive spouse which surprised me because, Mel seemed like a nice guy; well he looked like a nice one anyways. I guess looks can be deceiving.
  65. Phoenix went on the offensive as the lizard went to bite Mel while Lamon and I went around the corner to try to subdue Grace. I grabbed for Grace first but stumbled over a branch my cover blown. Almost like a reflex the lizard slammed its tail into my back with tremendous force and I think heard something pop. I was face down in the dirt for awhile in pain before I got up and tried to wrangle Grace again with Lamon. We failed horribly. Either Grace was jumping out of the way, us tripping over our own feet, or us colliding into each other. I eventually just said fuck it; awfully pissed at my own performance I brandished my spear and threw it at the lizard. I managed to get the final blow spearing the lizard in the eye and it let out screams of pain as it fled into the woods, leaving its thrashing tail behind.
  67. I would have followed the lizard to kill it so it wouldn't have been a hazard for the town but that thing took off like a Kenyan and I was no match for it. As I watched it run away I saw Phoenix stop in his pursuit, it was then that I heard a old raspy voice croak out of a bush. I was to far to hear what it was saying but the figure that came out looked sinister. Some pony with a big straw hat, that was blackened and stained with substances the I hope were mud and not dried blood. A leather cape poorly sewed together, looking more like someone had pulled a lot of pieces of leather together and sewed them into a cape. He also had a leather mask that looked like it was made in the same fashion the cape was. I couldn't see his face do to his hat but her moved in a ungraceful fashion his race hidden by his cloths.
  69. The odd figure scared me it's lank and leathery appearance made my skin crawl, lucky for me the lizard shook my spear near me and I picked it up expecting the worst. I drew closer to try to help Phoenix if a problem arose but the mystery guy didn't proceed to attack, he just stood in place and talked about using his bones for strange rituals and about a deal in exchange for the child. He mentioned something about blood and it being important to him and healing but I'm not entirely sure; my brain is so hazy right now I can't even think straight.
  71. He said something about his clan being here for a long time and how he knew we were different then the equestrians. He even told us that we've fought his minions before but that no one has been out to look for them. He finished up and made a deal with us, if we won we would get the child but if he lost he would take it back. I asked his what the game was and he or really I guess it could have been a girl now that I think of it... I'm getting off track. After I asked he/she told us that it would just be a simple riddle. Phoenix being the honorable soul he is switched places with the child and became the bet.
  73. After the stakes had been set the witch told us some bullshit riddle that we had no answer to, something about it being able to touch you but not you touching it or some bullshit. After quickly deliberating we picked the answer of air and got it wrong. Lamon started to pretest after but Phoenix silenced his after asking for the baby first. The witch pointed to the north and spouted some gibberish as Phoenix fell to the ground, I think after he looked in his eyes.
  76. Lamon rushed to Phoenix poised to attack but he was stopped when the witch began to glow black around his heavy leather cape. In seconds the glow grew intensely and he started floating, revealing him to be a wingless horse. I wasted no time in throwing my spear at him but it flew off to the side and stuck in a tree leaving me defenseless. Lamon threw one of his hatchets at the witch but he just deflected it with his hoof like it was nothing though him doing that revealed his arm which was covered in some kind of dark red glow a magical aura the likes of which I've never seen.
  79. The glow on his hoof suddenly starts to focus not slowly, but horribly fast. A small bubble of red formed right in front of his right hoof that he raised into the air, the bubble starts to take shape that of something thinner and sharper. It looked similar to an arrow that before I knew what happened he speared Lamon with it. Out of options and nothing left I could do I had to let the deal go as stated and told him to take Phoenix.
  81. He told us to honor Phoenix's word and when asked about the baby he pointed to a dead sad looking willow tree and said he put it to sleep under it. He told us one last thing before he left saying that his cult never broke their promises and that we would see each other again. We watched him pick up the unconscious caption and his sword walking off into the bush only his dying foot steps on the dry leaves giving away his location.
  83. I helped Lamon up wiping away a tear from my eye and went to check the spot under the willow tree not knowing the fate of my friend. We walked to the sad sad tree and scooped up the sleeping foal who thankfully was unharmed. We turned to leave but I noticed something in the grass that caught my eye. Barely standing out against the grass, where the witch was standing during most of the strange bargaining, laid a forgotten sheet of paper. The borders gnawed away by time and crumpled, but on closer inspection, whatever is written on it is still legible. The letters are odd and symbolic though, differing greatly from equestrian. The writings only added to the mystery of what in the wide world was the pony they just dealt with.
  85. We went back to the barracks with Grace as our captive; we decided to question her since she was our own real lead on where the witch might have taken Phoenix. We didn't learn to much since she seemed to be ignorant on the matter and delusional, that and the fact she had plants growing out of her neck. As I questioned her with HardBoil I found out over time that the plants in her started growing after she ate a seed that the witch gave her in exchange for "power", it'll probably kill her. The plants growing on her neck had very bright orange bark and nice green leaves and she yelped and shuddered when I touched them so I assume they are pretty deeply attached. We let her sleep in the cell that night the time bordering on two in the morning and we're to deal with it tomorrow.
  87. [Here a detailed picture of the plants growing out of Grace's neck everything correctly labeled.]
  89. Day ??/ something in the 300 day after Phoenix left
  91. Oh God my back is sore as shit today and all the stretching I've done can't even help but I have to drag Grace down to the others to get her checked out.
  93. I just got back from the embassy and holy fuck am I nervous. Some of us from the clinic took Grace down to get checked out by the Equestrians about that plants on her neck. After a lengthy trip in the embassy which was guarded like Fort Knox. After getting in after a hour and a half of waiting Grace flipped her shit but got sedated when the guards used some magic to out her under.
  95. We told some ugly bat pony lady who was in charge about Grace's condition and she said that it was pretty much lethal. She said that the plant seed that she swallowed was highly illegal and that the plants will root itself through her entire body, slowly growing and turning into flesh, surrounding her body in a wooden shell. Fool's Luck a rare crop that comes from outskirts and magic-afflicted regions. You cultivate them in ponies and unicorns have extra 'affinity' towards magic and it gross better in them. Fool's Luck is potent on what they call 'chaotic potential'. Strange things begin to happen when plant and host are put into immediate danger.
  97. I asked about the note that the witch guy left behind and the lady said that the person in charge of figuring it out was having a hard time but so far he figured out the word "Kashver". Apparently it's some sort of cult that lives out in the swamps and are labeled as a blood cult. It was then that Kai remembered something that disturbed me deeply. She recounted saying that they a group of us has fought then in the past and that they were a crazy bunch, chanting about blood and mutilating each other. They use potions out the ass, breath fire, have many magical items or a alchemist or something, and have no cutie marks. Apparently those get chopped off in some part of a ritual that they go through.
  99. The ugly guard lady started to talk again saying that their size was unknown and that they keep to themselves usually posing as equestrians or just shady people causing trouble with illegal goods, magic, practices, and worship. No one knows exactly where they are set up but maybe the swamps will be our best bet since it has a lot of hiding spots. She simply said we were out of our league but if were to find anything that we should relay the information back since, capturing these guys are damn near impossible.
  101. Only real good news that I gleaned from this conversation with the ugly bat pony was that Grace would be ok if we gave her heavy doses of antibiotics to help kill the plants on her neck.
  105. Day 300? somthing
  107. []
  109. Well I'm going to be resting for a few days. It looks like it's around nine in the morning judging off the sun and I'm still in Golden's house sitting in bed. Guy can make a nice breakfast though and I am grateful for him letting me and the others stay even if they were to dumb to refuse the help of the clinic. Might as well start with the reason why I spent the night over Golden's
  111. So yesterday on a very windy day I went with Rain, Tide, Sugar, and Boris down to the Rainbow Woods to do some research and recon. I got a good view of the general area standing on top, the seven stones plateau and could clearly see the newly painted woods standing out against the lush green of the normal woods. We had to walk the entire way the wind being to fierce for Rain to fly through to give us a heads up on what was inside.
  113. As we made our descent the woods grew awfully quiet but I chalked it up mostly to the wind being strong, since it seemed to pick up the more we walked in. After about a hour of walking we reached the color stained part of the woods and it looked nice but something was off, the leaves were littered on the ground and all the plants looked twisted and stunted. I guess it's a appropriate response since the goo was like a acid or irritant, evident from the fact that someone fell into a vat of it and got a nasty rash. I know this because I saw him getting the scrub down from Kai the other day when a group of people came in after pretty much blowing up the cloud that leaked the goo onto the forest. I hope Al's leg is ok from that bolt I pulled from it earlier.
  115. The forest smelled of rot, like the leaves were decomposing all at once yet the slight smell of flesh brushed past if only for a second. I didn't throw too much of a fuss about it since you can't avoid something like this is you're a animal in the area; it's like a oil spill. Tide started stabbing away at a tree and pried off some bark exposing the regular wood underneath; guess the rainbow paint was just paint. (Insert reasonable chuckle here) Yes I know my jokes are lame. Tide eventually got a sample of the root tip, external bark, and some of the rings but I wasn't prepared to touch that stuff with my hands, for fear of getting some nasty rash. I wanted to get a sample but their was no way I was going to touch those leaves with my hands, but luckily unicorns have magic.
  117. As we worked a started to hear a tapping noise that gave me odd vibes. It got to the point where the hair on my neck was standing straight up though most probably couldn't tell since I've had mohawks since the first day I came here. But that tapping, it was like in scary games where you can hear the monster in another room but you don't know where it is or really what it is. Just a small crack of forbidding coming across your form slowly but surely cracking the damn of your fortitude. Yeah it was that type of tapping.
  119. We went in deeper since it seemed that the woods got more tattered as we neared the epicenter; the smell of rot growing stronger as we progressed. Seeing all of the fallen leaves peppering the ground reminded me of the defoliate Agent Orange but those thoughts were soon halted when Tide soon found the corpse of a extremely large bear, that appeared to be dead. It didn't move and was covered in rainbow covered boils and blisters that sprouted up in the spots where the hair had been burned away. I threw up a little in my mouth; not only from the sight but from the smell that was coming off of it, the bear couldn't have been dead for more then a few hours and it smelled like it had been rotting for a week or two.
  121. I left the corpse while the others poked around at it getting tissue samples and such and I gave Sugar my sword so she could lance one of the boils to get some of the pus for study. My sword stinks now as a result. We left the rotting body of the bear and as we went in deeper the tapping stayed strong but it was accompanied by a soft hoot that sounded off pitch as if it were gurgling slightly. I thought it was a owl with a blister that popped in its lungs and I informed the others but before we could even look a loud angry roar stopped us in our tracks. The roar made me freeze in fright as the odd gurgling sound came with it but I got hit with a instant wave of nausea that made me puke. I nearly flipped my shit when I saw that I puked up a rainbow. Though in retrospect it was kinda funny since magic horses start spitting up rainbows and other girly things.
  123. The roars grew louder as my body began to hurt from the vomiting and movement became difficult since I started to cramp up. We went East tripping over the branches and roots that were above ground as we got more and more disorientated. We soon got stopped when we wound up at a blockage between the trees as the thumping vibrated under my feet growing louder with each beat. I couldn't see a way around the branches and fallen material and just started slashing tat it while I dry heaved from the smell that grew strong and stronger with each passing moment as the gurgling hoots came closer.
  125. We cut and cut trying to make way in the wood before we stopped; the air getting silent all around us. Then we heard it, The gurgling breaths that stalked us as we went was right behind us. I froze for a moment just terrified, it took me longer then I would like to admit to muster enough courage to turn around, but the snapping branches, stopped vibrations, and the looming shadow over me forced me to turn. Standing in front of me was the largest bear I've ever seen in my life. It's claws were absurdly long while it's teeth stuck out like steak knifes from it's gaping maw. It seeped blood and pus from its wounds as boils covered its body; it was then that I realized that it was the dead bear that we found a few minutes ago.
  127. It stood out in the open just watching us silently while it stood on its two short hindlegs as if making a decision. It soon came up with a answer since it dropped to all fours with a thud and roared shaking the leaves from the trees and the courage from my heart. It gazed at me with sunken eyes as if daring me to move from my frightened position and I did taking a stab at it before it deemed me unworthy as it slapped me away into a near by bush leaving bloody marks down my side.
  129. I was in that bush for quiet some time trying to get my senses with me straight. I took one hell of a hit and it still stings as of now but I was in their for so long Sugar had to come and see if I were ok. With some help I got back to my feet even though I was pretty shaky and went to cleave at the bear again since Boris and Tide needed a distraction so they could burn a hole through the wall.
  131. We fought for a long time landing hits in here and there as it swatted at us and us to it, I think I even broke part of it's skull since I hear a sickening crunch when the blow landed. We ended up losing that fight and turned tail and ran the bear being too much for us to handle but Rain was my hero that day the way she distracted the bear for us so we could make our escape. Rain really earned my respect.
  133. Day 348
  134. Well I almost died like the alchemist lady.
  135. Well today I almost died, one of the damn exotic plants that I have growing started to grab me and before I knew it it wrapped me up all around very tightly. I struggled around with it and it just got tighter and tighter around my neck making me see spots. After I relaxed and didn't struggle it loosened up enough for me to get my arm free and grab one of my cigar plants. Apparently Kai and Spark Chaser heard my struggle and came to help. After freeing me and burning down the tangling vines of my plant I put it under a glass jar and put out the flame.
  137. I'm not going to lie but I started to feel really aroused when I was tangled up in the vines, I don't know if it was the grease of the plant of some new tentacle fetish but I wanted to rub one in (in this case) really bad but the clinic was no place to do it.
  139. Day 349
  140. Sorry I haven't been writing in you that much journal I've been hella busy with work and stuffing Crackle with my strap-on but, I do have exciting news to share besides my raunchy escapades. I finally got a house but they fucked it up and put it in the wrong place on the map. I told Liven I was going to go and he was sad to hear the news but, to make it up to him I'm going to take him and Dream to dinner as a thanks
  142. Day 351
  143. Talked to Vesu and looked at my plants.
  144. I also talked to Vesuvian today about Phoenix. I was surprised to find no one talked to her about finding him yet but I promised her that I would find him.
  146. I did look at my plants to today while I was watering them.
  148. Sample 1: The last plant is doing well enough subtly glowing with a cheery yellow light with the inside of the flower still darkened like burnt pop corn or raisins.
  150. Sample A: The ice plant has been better now that I've moved it to the ice box in the house. The stalks have been strengthened by the cool air and partial sun. Though the flower is still gone the stalks of the plant which a near ice white at this point look dead but instead bend as you move them with the vitality of life none the less.
  152. Sample B: This fern plant that looks like a weed from Earth has grown wide leafy fronds now as it tries to spread further out of its plant container its leaves curling around the pot.
  154. Sample C: The fire themed plant seems to be emitting a continuous stream of wispy smoke as the stalks begin to darken to a deep burgundy color. One of the prettier plants that I own.
  156. Sample D: The one which has given me trouble lately. This troublesome plant has slowly been recovering from the flames though its surface is still mottled from the burns. When I approach it wiggles its tendrils at me weakly before curling away to sulk and mend its wounds.
  158. Day 352
  159. Armor, greenhouses, Green Hoof, and Lilian
  160. Well today I got a nice surprise from Hard Boil. He gave me the armor from the lizard that dropped its tail out in the woods when Phoenix got taken. It's a nice silver pelt now and I'm going to see Moon to see if she could make armor of it; I'm tired of getting beat up and mauled by random creatures so some armor will do me some good.
  162. I did also go to the town hall meeting and heard them talk about the problems that the town is having and about how Able has a orchard going in the town so, I'll need to see him about it later. I also did talk about my problem with the map and expanding my greenhouse to take over Silent's and the unused one next to it, so far everyone is on board with it so it works out for me. I did also here Hoof talk about going to find Phoenix and I got picked to be one of the people on Cury's trial so, she's going to owe me big time.
  164. After roaming around the town for awhile and sat on a bench then some random girl I barely knew kissed me pretty deep on the lips. It was Lilian who kissed me after she walked up on me when I was sitting in the park. She hugged me and said I was soft and I kick myself now since I was too thick to actually see what was happening. What's done is done I guess... this could get weird in the future.
  167. Day 353
  168. On board to find Phoenix and mystery griffin.
  169. I went to talk to Hoof today about tying to find Phoenix. I walked up the dusty path to hos place to find him watering his plants and he invited me inside to talk. I told him my reasons for wanting to go and he said it was a noble aim but what were my qualifications. After listing them down he agreed to let me go but told me to keep a level head and to get prepped for it.
  171. After talking with Kai and getting 'The Big Box', I dropped it at home and walked through the town to get the lizard pelt so Moon could make something of it. I caught her around closing time but she graciously let me in and took the pelt off my hands and told me to come back later to talk some more. Moon's such a nice pony who talks in her nice flowery language, she's like the complete opposite of Zane. Need to knock that fuckers teeth out later he's been getting on everyone's nerves but he's been on mine the most.
  173. I talked with Flicker for awhile before he left to go be with his girl Marge for the night. It's really nice to see those two as a happy couple; I never would have thought her kicking him in the nuts would lead them to this. After he left I sat on the bench and thought about all that I had to do and started to doze off but I was awoken by a odd clanking sound. I looked up and I saw some cloaked figure walking by and it haven't seen me yet. Normally I wouldn't have been worried since most people in the town know me and are friends but this one was different. First off this person was twice as tall as any other person in town and made clicking noises when they walked. Instead of just sitting around and potentially getting attacked I crept into a bush and watched. Yes I know I sound like a stalker but hear me out big intimidating clicking thing in the middle of the night is reason to worry.
  175. After the towering mass crept closer to my bush it revealed itself to be a griffin with snow white fur covering it's lion body. It's feathers covered in grey highlights while it's upper body's feathers were tinted jet black. The griffon looked odd, it wasn't as imposing as I thought but it's feathers went like the ones from the show; they looked more wild if anything like it hadn't been brushed for awhile. The beak on this bird was like a long eagle-like golden beak and the cold blue eyes really popped out. Both of it's arms were sleeved under the robe-like overclock, but parts of it's arms stuck out; golden palettes revealing themselves as griffon walked on showing off what looked like spiraling dark blue tattoos.
  177. The griffin didn't really seem to do anything besides look like it was enjoying a casual stroll so I waited for it to pass, left the bush, rounded the corner, and walked up to it causally as if I were nothing new; the more weird you act around things the more weird they act to you. When I talked to him he wasn't really anything to special to talk to and seemed more like the strong quiet type if anything.After finding out his name was Reiner I found out all he was doing was looking for some ponies in the town and that was about it. Rain later came with Aurora and we guided him to the inn to search but I dozed off after awhile.
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