
HBQ: Kurumi's Backstory

Dec 22nd, 2015
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  1. >Kurumi is a human born living in the Underworld, her life is shit.
  2. >Mother is dead, father is drunkard.
  3. >Constantly leaves the house and wanders the streets of her small town.
  4. >There is no purpose towards life, she thinks.
  5. >One rainy day, comes across an energetic, cheerful girl.
  6. >Said girl drags Kurumi along to her two other friends.
  7. >Kurumi becomes friends with the trio.
  8. >Finds happiness in playing with them, life doesn’t suck as much anymore.
  9. >Leader girl shows signs of magic, says she has a dream to become part of Azazel’s court and change life for humans for the better.
  10. >Everyone is encouraged and promise that they’ll reach this dream together.
  11. >Months later, an angel falls into a forest in the Underworld.
  12. >Kurumi goes to investigate
  13. >His name is Zafkiel
  14. >Asks to keep his existence a secret, will promise to teach her magic in return.
  15. >Kurumi is a quick student and learns well, shows off new powers to her friends
  16. >Fast-forward to a few weeks, demons come to the village searching for Zafkiel
  17. >No-one knows, so in anger the demons torch the village
  18. >Fire everywhere
  19. >Kurumi and her friends are scared, make an agreement to meet up in a special spot
  20. >Kurumi gets separated and escapes the inferno by hiding in a hole she dug
  21. >Fire rages for days, in the end only ashes remain
  22. >First thing Kurumi does is search for her friends
  23. >Goes to the meeting spot
  24. >Finds three charred corpses lying together on the ground
  25. >Heart shattered, Kurumi falls into despair
  26. >Cries for days
  27. >Realizes that the reason her friends died is, despite their dream, they were weak
  28. >Ambition cannot be realized without power
  29. >If Kurumi wants to survive, she needs power to conquer any foe in her way
  30. >Her eyes, once shining bright with hope, are now cold with determination
  31. >Grabs a knife, heads to the forest
  32. >Zafkiel is relieved to see Kurumi alive, offers to tend to her wounds and serve her food
  33. >Kurumi accepts, then when his guard is down, stabs him
  34. >Devours his soul and gains his strength
  35. >She now has control over time
  36. >Laughs bitterly and buries her friends’ corpses on a hill
  37. >Realizes that one of her new powers is to rewind to the past
  38. >If she can do that, she rewrite history so that humans are treated better in the Underworld
  39. >Failing that, she can save her friends from death
  40. >This relies an extremely large amount of mana to do, so she’ll have to consume a lot more souls
  41. >If she could consume the soul of Azazel, his children or one of his generals, then that would be great
  42. >She’ll aim for that
  43. >Years go by, Kurumi becomes stronger and stronger, eventually joining Azazel’s military
  44. >Picks up simple firearms training, learns how to manipulate others
  45. >Gets very close to the Silver Queen, to the point where she is invited to join the Silver Queen’s inner circle
  46. >Invades the human world with the demons, fights Tatsuya for his soul but none of their fights end in a decisive victory for any side
  47. >Tatsuya understands Kurumi is suffering inside, vows to save her
  48. >She laughs at him and calls him a fool
  49. >Later on, her plans are found out, Kurumi is branded a traitor
  50. >She barely manages to escape to the human world
  51. >Decides to make one last ditch attempt to consume Tatsuya
  52. >With the power of Ouroboros, she may have enough mana to rewind time
  53. >Unfortunately for her, Tatsuya has learned to summon his Reality Marble, if only for a minute
  54. >Activates Ouroboros Soul and sucks Kurumi in
  55. >Time and space manipulation is banned so Kurumi’s powers have no effect
  56. >muscle_wizard.png
  57. >utter_annihilation.wmv
  58. >Kurumi is KO’d
  59. >Ejected back into reality
  60. >Rest of the party debating on whether or not they could kill her, Tatsuya instead offers her to join
  61. >Laura and Myde question this, Kazuya tells them that once Tatsuya’s mind is made up it’s hard to change it
  62. >Kurumi understands has nothing to lose
  63. >She and Tatsuya also bonded over their repeated fights
  64. >Decides it might be worth destroying Azazel instead
  65. >Avenging her dead friends and all that
  66. >Finally, remembers her old friend’s words
  67. “Kurumi, friendship is great. Be sure to make lots of friends in the future, okay?”
  68. >Fully convinced, takes Tatsuya’s hands
  69. >Smile at each other
  70. >The rest of the party members shrug, laugh or shake their heads in exasperation
  71. >Feast that night
  73. >The next day, she crawls into his sleeping bag and tries to cuddle him
  74. >Hatoko, Sachiko and Laura find out
  75. >“Ta-kun! Wh-wh-what are you doing with Kurumi-chan?”
  76. >“Hohoho, you seem very popular with the ladies, Tatsuya…”
  77. >“I can’t believe you! Infidelity from my wife and my leader? You must be punished!”
  78. >“W-wait, girls! This isn’t what it looks like, I swear. I didn’t do anything!”
  79. >“Ara, would the three of you like to join us?”
  80. >Tatsuya is caught in the crossfire, Sachiko refuses to heal him afterwards, Kazuya calls Kurumi a moron
  81. >Kurumi goes, “Ara, ara” and giggles softly
  82. >The eighth member has officially joined the party
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