
7C: Hot Coffee

Dec 17th, 2013
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  1. ### 7C: Hot Coffee ###
  3. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████
  5. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████
  7. Game Master: Golden Touch
  9. Starring cast [So far]:
  11. PCs:
  12. • Hot Coffee
  13. • Moonlit Grace
  14. • Bluebelle
  15. • Vespa
  16. • Texin
  17. • Scrub
  18. • Snow
  19. • Shield
  20. • White Noise
  21. • Delete
  22. • Kenway
  24. NPCs:
  25. • Diamond Dog bartender
  26. • Captain
  27. • Skytanic's ponies
  28. • Mr. Grim
  29. • Shadow
  31. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████
  33. Table of Contents:
  34. # SKYTANIC ...................................... XXXX
  35. •• Her Princess's Port .......................... XXXX
  36. •• Cosmopolitan Lifebringers .................... XXXX
  37. •• Safety Protocols ............................. XXXX
  38. •• Mr. Shadow! .................................. XXXX
  39. •• Sisters of the Night ......................... XXXX
  40. •• Inquisitive Pilgrim .......................... XXXX
  42. # STRANDED ...................................... XXXX
  43. •• ..............................................
  45. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████
  46. ██ SKYTANIC ██
  47. ██ DAY ????? + 1 ██
  48. ███████████████████████
  52. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████
  53. ██ STRANDED ██
  54. ██ DAY ????? + 3 ██
  55. ███████████████████████
  59. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████
  60. ██ NEW HOPE ██
  61. ██ DAY ????? + 4 ██
  62. ███████████████████████
  66. * Hot_Coffee trots between plants without looking back
  68. * White_Noise silently followed.
  70. <Hot_Coffee> "Why?"
  72. <White_Noise> "Why? What do you mean?"
  74. * Hot_Coffee thinks for a moment, "Nevermind, you've already told enough."
  76. <White_Noise> "Speak freely, please."
  78. <Hot_Coffee> "You request. You bargain. You demand. You talk of ulterior motives and shifty thoughts and razing and killing... you talk of exploitation.", she snorts, "You can't accept something for granted, aren't you?"
  79. <Hot_Coffee> "If that gift of life back there cause such a conundrum.", she says and looks back at him.
  81. * White_Noise thought for a moment. "It is...a habit. Changeling lives are dictated based on how well you survive in certain situations. I specifically do not do well when it comes to simply stealing things, so I bargain for them. As for the razing of Canterlot..." He relished the phrase, "...As long as I am with you, and my fellow kin here in your group, such a task is put on hold."
  83. <Hot_Coffee> "I knew a pony once. A... a long term acquaintance. One can even call a friend. What odd about this pony was that he couldn't accept gifts or kindness."
  84. * Hot_Coffee stops and grimaces at the thought
  86. * White_Noise nearly responded, ultimately keeping quiet as she told her story.
  88. <Hot_Coffee> "Quite a... a q-quirky fellow. Wise and old and full of knowledge. A figure of a pony that instilled authority, somepony from whom a curious young mind would want to hear tales and learn, but... he couldn't accept gifts. Any expression of gratitude and kindness and compassion, it... it was taken."
  90. * White_Noise sat down on his haunches. "Go on."
  92. <Hot_Coffee> "You could see and this pony's eyes that he... he was a taker. He was wise and smart, but, I think he was too stubborn, or... or 'too wise' to accept a gift just like that from somepony who he thought was less wise or less experienced or, or simply young.", she says as her eyes drift over the foliage, "He... he needed to -rationalize- it."
  93. <Hot_Coffee> "He would take a gift with a kind smile, but deep inside he'd think that it was his 'lifetime', his 'knowledge' and 'status' that were bringing these gifts to him."
  94. <Hot_Coffee> "He would twist a cheerful smile or words of gratitude or... or simply pure-hearted help."
  96. <White_Noise> "I suppose I remind you of this...Pony."
  98. <Hot_Coffee> "Into something that -he- achieved through his -own- merits."
  99. * Hot_Coffee breaths as she stands and looks at one point... silently, "It's one of the brightest and... and well preserved memories."
  100. <Hot_Coffee> "You know why I travel alone?"
  101. * Hot_Coffee utters after some silence
  103. <White_Noise> "Why is that?"
  105. <Hot_Coffee> "I don't."
  106. * Hot_Coffee turns her head around and glances at him, "Wherever I go, I'm not alone."
  108. * White_Noise blinked, unsure what to make of that.
  110. <Hot_Coffee> "There's more to a bumbling toy playing pony than meets the eye, young changeling, that thinks that he's -the- one.", she utters with a distant... or ominously calm voice.
  111. * Hot_Coffee turns around and sits down on her haunches, looking up at him with unchanging expression, "You have enough time to understand. Or vanish like others do."
  112. <Hot_Coffee> "The pony that I've talked about vanished too."
  114. * White_Noise stood, beginning to pace. "I'll admit, you're a lot more intelligent and capable than I had initially had thought." His magic sparked to life, slowly melting the goo and unwrapping the bandages over his leg. What lied beneath was nothing. Not even any traces of a cure, just a normal Changeling leg. "Vanished?"
  116. <Hot_Coffee> "What I ask you in good faith and will is not to play a game of chess, because I don't want to do the same to you."
  117. <Hot_Coffee> "And yes. They all vanish eventually... under different circumstances."
  118. <Hot_Coffee> "She will return eventually, but for now you have reminded me about him."
  120. * White_Noise had stopped pacing. He knew what fear was, he'd felt it before. Fight-or-flight was a common decision he made, especially as a specialist of stealth and assassination. But this was something different. Magic was nigh-unbeatable, and he was but one Changeling against the balance of life and death itself. "I-...will attempt to operate on 'good faith' in the future. But do realize that my agenda is my own business, a business that keeps my life aloft."
  121. <White_Noise> "Such a business must be kept safe. Deception is the lifeblood of us Changelings, and I assure you, being and straightforward is unsettling to me. Adjusting to this new environment is difficult, and you pose to me an even more difficult compromise."
  123. * Hot_Coffee sighs, closing her eyes for a moment, before reopening them, "You have enough time to find what you want to do with your 'free' life. You've said it yourself that you were given more and more freedom by your queen because of your merits. Nopony wants to bring harm to you, but if your agenda and words are aimed only to exploit others, changeling...", her expression falters, displaying hints of sadness, "Then you are only sealing your own time that you still have."
  125. <Hot_Coffee> "Your 'Age of Prosperity' is a self-destructive monstrosity. It's not aimed to make anypony prosper. only those who are filled with greed and lack of temperance."
  127. * White_Noise argued with himself mentally. He wanted to just go away and continue on his own path alone. But living in fear wasn't much of a life for him. His logical reasoning shined towards the 'just drop it and stay alive' idea, but his dream that he couldn't let go of. To toss it away now, when he had so many opportunities! It felt like just what he was trying to avoid: living in fear.
  129. <Hot_Coffee> "Live and let live."
  131. <White_Noise> "..."
  133. <Hot_Coffee> "Nopony is trying to harm you. Nopony is trying to bring vengeance on you."
  134. <Hot_Coffee> "No. So far other ponies were only willing to help you, but your words and demeanor are..."
  135. <Hot_Coffee> "... I'll leave you to judge it yourself"
  137. <White_Noise> "So to put it plainly, I'm being blackmailed to straighten up and deny the flag that has kept me alive for so long?"
  139. * Hot_Coffee casts a sincere smile at the silly changeling, "Do you think your flag would bring anypony, even yourself and your brethren, a long term, stable... stable life?"
  140. <Hot_Coffee> "Coming from a long forgotten, traveling scholar, you can do anything you see fit, but... but some options will prolong your day, some will bring the evening closer."
  142. <White_Noise> "It gave me purpose, Pony. Purpose is the only point to life. Without purpose, there lies no motivation to do...anything. To renounce that which I swore to uphold and protect, and deny the joys that come of The Purge....."
  143. <White_Noise> "...and to do this all because you...asked me to."
  144. * White_Noise resumed pacing. "I hope you understand just where this discrepancy comes from. I don't want to die, but I'd rather not live without purpose either."
  146. * Hot_Coffee stands up and trots closer to him, "You have many many purposes to choose from. The Purge only brings death and suffering not only to those who you want to purge, but also your future generation that will have to deal with the consequences. By taking somepony's life you're only making your stay worse and worse.", she stops next to the pacing changeling and tries to halt him with her hoof, looking up into his eyes, "And believe me, you don't want to experience your hind legs grabbed, your very being and essence being dragged into... i-into L-Luna's realm, with you screaming for mercy as you g-get..."
  147. * Hot_Coffee elicits a barely audible gasp as she winces, "It's... it shouldn't be like this."
  149. <White_Noise> "My 'sins' against you ponies is racked enough as it is. Salvation isn't my priority. Changelings don't believe in anything beyond death anyways."
  151. * Hot_Coffee smiles and shakes her head, "Then don't believe the tales or stories or... or some believes.", she says mellowly and rubs her forehoof against his side, "Just know that there was a day when little pony with a silly name that was reminded of something have told you that... that there's always a way... silly Noisy"
  153. * White_Noise sighed, "....are you going to feed me?"
  154. <White_Noise> "...or am I going to have to go...'love' someone else?"
  156. * Hot_Coffee giggled a little and sighs, "I... I need to remember things.", she says distantly and smiles at him "And of course! Can't let my favorite changeling starve like that... I'd be a bad friend then, right?"
  158. * White_Noise smiled, or really - attempted to. It didn't ultimately work, but the effort was there. "Er...yes, I suppose. Now, as I've never actually had love transferred to me, I'm told that there's a few ways to go about it. The best way is physically - so I'm told."
  160. * Hot_Coffee smirks at him, "Tsssk, what a straightforward stabbity one you are~.", she says while motioning her forehoof 'round his body, "And what are the other "options"?"
  162. * White_Noise thought for a moment, "The other primary way is magically. But I have to literally take that from you. You would have to love another pony with your whole heart, I would take their form, and you would give it to me instead."
  163. <White_Noise> "There's probably an incantation or otherwise magical effect to get the same result, but those are the only ways I know of."
  165. * Hot_Coffee falls down on her rump, "Hmmmmmmm... me and my pot-headed head, tssk."
  167. * White_Noise sat onto his haunches, otherwise silent.
  169. * Hot_Coffee closes her eyes as she tries to remember things, "Uhhh, hehe..."
  171. <White_Noise> "Hrm?" he perked up.
  173. <Hot_Coffee> "You know what's fun about being a healer 'n a scholar and a pony who's condition's forcing her to roam 'round and 'roundidy lands like a lost soul?"
  175. <White_Noise> "What's that?"
  177. * Hot_Coffee giggles and opens her eyes, pointing her hoof at the changeling, "Driven by purpose! And... and you make friends as you go by! Lots and lots of friends that eventually... um."
  179. <White_Noise> "Mnh. Nevermind it. I will feast on my own /without/ killing anything. I have a backup plan, just in case I couldn't get something in order..."
  181. * Hot_Coffee grins and nervously strokes her forehead, "But you kinda also itsy bitty forget, e- oh no, it's not a problem!", she smiles and gets up, trotting closer until she hugs the silly 'chess meister'
  183. * White_Noise felt it again. A surge of....something. An energy that did two things to the Changeling. One, it made him feel more whole and complete. Like his whole life had been missing something up until this point. It strengthened his resolve, his power, his magic, and his logic.
  184. <White_Noise> The second thing it did, was let off a small spark. He wanted more of The rush of a near drug-induced high went straight to his head. He would get more by tonight, even if he had to take it. "..........thank you."
  186. * Hot_Coffee giggles as a light flush appears on her face, "The purpose, Noisy... purpose.", she slowly rubs her cheek against him and looks up at his face, smiling brightly.
  188. * White_Noise looked different. He wasn't angry, but he didn't seem terribly excited either. His face would soon crack into a smile. "Yes....thank you."
  190. <Hot_Coffee> "You can be a grump, and have silly thoughts and a demeanor and whatever!", she continues to smile brightly, "But you're still like everypony in the end! Just need a bit of love and understanding!"
  192. <White_Noise> "Love...and understanding. Yes. That's what I need. Love." He blinked a few times, shaking his head, "Ah! *ahem*. Thank you, Latte. You can....let go now." he made a 'shoo' motion with his hoof.
  194. * Hot_Coffee blinks at him and rolls her eyes, "Pfft, and here I wanted to tell that it's your lucky time of the life, par-nah!", she cheerfully exclaims and yawns a little while continuing to lean against him, her eyes resting close, "Gee, I haven't eaten anything today yet.
  195. <Hot_Coffee> "Just have to find right plants."
  197. * White_Noise nodded, slowly. For some reason, the rush of love had given him a sort of ecstasy that removed his ability to process thought. No wonder the drones sought after it so much. Brainwashing for cheap. How interesting. "As for me, I must...attend to this." He motioned to the unstrung crossbow on his back. "If it's to be of any use to me...or will need string."
  198. <White_Noise> "You should go back and rest. There are strings that I must hunt for."
  200. * Hot_Coffee opens her golden eyes and tilts her head up, watching the dutiful pony with a warm smile, "Will you return back soon, Noisy, mm?"
  202. <White_Noise> "I will return by tomorrow morning, Latte. Fear not." He turned to head deeper into the forest, re-wrapping the bandage onto the same leg. "As it stands, I prefer to sleep alone. One day, I might show you where I've been hiding all this time." He'd then shift into invisibility, presumably walking further into the forest. "Ta taa, Latte."
  204. * Hot_Coffee wraps her forelegs around her chest and hrmpf's, "And hunting or night or whatever to you, Noisy.", she says and relaxes as yet another yawn strikes her, forcing the small mare to stretch out her forelegs into air
  205. <Hot_Coffee> "As for little horsie here - time for some scavenging!"
  207. * White_Noise didn't actually venture into the forest. He simply looped around Coffee, stopping just beside her to land a sneak attack kiss on the cheek!
  208. * White_Noise breaks the stealth veil. "The string can wait."
  210. * Hot_Coffee freezes with her hoovsies up in the air, giggling a bit as a blush strikes her face at the unexpected contact, "E-eheh, s-sneaky!"
  212. <White_Noise> "Truly, I must go to rest, but I assumed that - as per our agreement - this was a 1-for-1 relationship. I must give as much as I take." Without reactivating his camouflage, he continued into the forest. "Goodnight, little one. I mean it this time."
  214. * Hot_Coffee turns her head, following sneaky cheese pony with a coy smile, "I-If it wouldn't have been for food, I'd...", she gulps and pulls her forelegs down to the ground, "Nighty night, s-sneaky."
  215. <Hot_Coffee> "I'll see you soon!", she shouts cheerfully and waves to him
  217. * White_Noise merely waved in response.
  219. * Hot_Coffee puts her forelegs down and chortles, the warm blush still radiating from her face, "R-Right, Hot"
  220. <Hot_Coffee> "Time to rummage this place~!"
  221. * Hot_Coffee rubs her warm cheek while smiling widely and starts to scan the foliage
  222. * Hot_Coffee yawns and stands up. The small mare starts to look around for more or less edible plants, disappearing in leaves and shrubbery
  226. <White_Noise> "Might wanna be careful with all that love you're handin' out. Changelings are said to evolve with it."
  227. * Hot_Coffee smiles wider, "Evolve, you say? So it's like having your own pet!"
  228. <Hot_Coffee> "Sweet!"
  230. <White_Noise> "Not quite. Instead of really changing, we just get bigger, and more clever. Intelligence is granted on us in tiers."
  231. <White_Noise> "For example, if a drone is tier one, then I was granted tier four intelligence. I can form my own thoughts, opinions, emotions, and elicit independence from the Hive. I also have my own capabilities to learn magic."
  233. <Hot_Coffee> "Awww, so you don't want to become smarter? Silly Noisy!", she giggles and tilts her head to the side, "Or maybe little changelingy changeling is afraid that he will become too smart for his own and my good?"
  235. <White_Noise> "...The latter is precisely the issue. Mother-Queen distributed love evenly across the entire horde. Exceptional Changelings were given exceptional amounts of love, allowing them to 'promote' faster. It was - is - a well managed system to make sure things run fluidly."
  237. * Hot_Coffee trots closer to his side and lets her tail brush against his chitin plates as the small mare circles the changeling around, "But you're not a part of the hive now, stabbity Noisy! You're are an independent changeling, unless you want to become somepony higher."
  238. * Hot_Coffee tracks his expression as she paces around him in circles, "Do you think that you will turn into a, *snort* 'Father-King'?"
  240. <White_Noise> "The reason it's an issue to me, is that I'm stuck here. Only the Mother-Queen could bestow a higher tier, because the process is done through magic. My plates get larger, stronger, my mind becomes quicker. I would be more than just a---" He almost said too much, cutting himself off at her comment. He laughed, hysterically. He laughed so hard, he started to cough up the adhesive bile. "Ah! Aha...Oh I hope not."
  242. * Hot_Coffee giggles herself at the laughing bugsy and stops right next to his side, nudging the changeling with her cheek, "Why not, little noisy Noise? Mother-Queen loves to take a snack out of 'Father-Kings', yes?"
  244. <White_Noise> "Quite literally, yes. There is only room for one in the highest command for Changelings. I won't go in the complexities of it, but rather than be Father-King, there comes a council of the strongest Changelings, likely those who have survived wars from before my time. It is they who breed with the Mother-Queen, and then she kills them."
  246. <Hot_Coffee> "Mhm. So you are afraid that you will become too good to be hunted down?", she says with a high pitched voice and blinks, looking at his back and plates as an idea comes to mind, perhaps later, ehehe, she grins with a thought and pokes his back, "Or somepony will be forced to find his queen if he'll become a smartypants!"
  247. * Hot_Coffee taps his side with each word, "Smart-y-pants!"
  248. * Hot_Coffee laughs to herself and shakes her head, "Silly silly silly~."
  250. * White_Noise frowned. "No. I don't know what will happen. With each bout of love I get, I become stronger. But there's a limit. There must be! Otherwise there wouldn't be a need for the tier system."
  252. * Hot_Coffee bites her lower lip, looking at him with a snortling smile, "Stabbidy's afraid of the unknown?!"
  253. <Hot_Coffee> "Weeeeeeellll, if you insist, then no love for your gluttonous belly, hrmf!"
  255. <White_Noise> "If by 'unknown', you mean potential risk to my well being, then yes."
  256. <White_Noise> "And wait wait! I didn't say I knew where that cap was! Aha...I still need it. You may give quite a bit, but not nearly the amount Mother-Queen did.
  258. * Hot_Coffee wraps her forelegs around her chest and turns her head away from him, striking a dramatic pose
  259. <Hot_Coffee> "Pfft, queen!", she huffs with a grin and throws her hooves into air, "She was stealing all the love that you ponies have brought her!" She says with an oddly excited tone, still looking away from him and hiding her grin under her mane, "Was she really loving you, Noisy?! For who you are, you stabbidy plotter, you?"
  261. <White_Noise> "Well, she takes her own from others as well, and distributes accordingly. And yes! That's why I got promoted so fast. I skipped the third tier. As soon as I became more than a drone, which grants the ability to speak and reason, I began to offer advice to Mother-Queen. My advice proved useful, and she promoted me to General later that week."
  263. * Hot_Coffee covertly side looks at Noisy's flank without inching her head, smiling widely, "Aha! Nice to hear that you are such a bright pupil!", she exclaims and tries to suppress her giggling, "And how did my favorite General performed in his fights? Oooo, many stabbidy operations and clock and daggery missions! For years if not decades, right?!"
  265. * White_Noise continued to hear a word other than 'clock.' It was amusing. His flank - for the record - is entirely untouched. The plates that overlap one another seem to form what almost looked like ceremonial armor. His tail remained perfectly still, as it were. If she were looking for something specific, she'd probably have to look from a different view.
  266. <White_Noise> "I performed well. That is - against Ponykind. My ability made it to Canterlot...but couldn't keep us there, I suppose."
  268. * Hot_Coffee the Tinymare shoots her head up into the sky and shouts out with a half embarrassed voice, "Hey! I'm not looking for something spec-! Oh.", she blinks and shuts up at her sudden outburst, "Um." No seriously, I d-... didn't, I?, the mare stares into the space for a moment, but ultimately just shrugs her shoulders, throwing entire train of thought away, "Silly changeling underestimated the power of love~! Or so they say.", the little mare states and turns her head back, sticking her tongue at him.
  269. <Hot_Coffee> "Suits you right, silly bug horses! You could have lived in harmony long time ago if you'd work for a brighter future of Equestria!"
  271. * White_Noise wasn't even looking at her when she was staring at his ass. But when she brought attention to herself, his head craned back to see about where she was positioned. "...Were you looking for my Destiny Mark or whatever?"
  273. * Hot_Coffee flutters her eyelids at sneaky several times, your destiny what now, Whitey, she utters in her mind's closet, a baffled expression starting to grow on her face, "Um. Maybe I did, hrmf!", she exclaims and tilts her muzzle up, closing her eyes in the process and striking another dramatic pose.
  275. * White_Noise blinked, now fully staring at her. "....You could just ask?"
  277. <Hot_Coffee> "And what?! Receive another bargaining bargainer offer?! Always trade words like some... some stuff?!", she huffs, tilting her head a bit, still sitting with her muzzle pointing up and eyes closer, the little mare adding a cute-looking scrunchy scrunch to make her point clear! Huh! Such travesty!
  278. <Hot_Coffee> To think that he wants to trade words like that! Pfft!
  280. * White_Noise smirked, turning about, "No trades this time." He arched his back, presenting his flank to her.
  282. <Hot_Coffee> "Oooooh! So you're trying to be kind and just throwing scraps from the table to me like some... some doggy!", she says with offended voice and hides her face away from him, turning it away.
  283. * Hot_Coffee wraps her forelegs tighter 'round her chest, still scrunching her nose
  284. <Hot_Coffee> "You, Mr. Whatever, need to learn how to be a gentlecolt!"
  286. <White_Noise> "Scraps? You were staring, and now I give you the full visage backside."
  287. * White_Noise grinned, "I'd think you would want to stare~ Unless it's not the flank you're looking for." His tail flicked.
  289. * Hot_Coffee continues to silently sit on her rump without uttering a word
  291. * White_Noise brushed his tail over her flank, pacing about her. "Tell me, my little...little Latte. Why were you staring at my plates? Do you want to touch them?"
  293. * Hot_Coffee shivers a little bit from the brushy brushy tail, but mostly remains quietly and unmoving, frozen in her small pouty form.
  295. * White_Noise rotated back around to face her, leaning down to push his nose into her. His eyes locked into hers. After a few seconds, his tongue came out to lick her on the nose.
  297. * Hot_Coffee snorts and titters from the wet, ticklish tongue, her eyes lids opening up and letting her golden eyes gaze at bug pony, "H-Hey! That t-tickles!", she says with a muffle and recoils her head a bit, her scrunchy nose relaxing.
  299. * White_Noise then kissed her nose, finally pulling away. "You're embarrassed."
  301. * Hot_Coffee squints her eyes for a moment at the kiss and chortles. She tilts her muzzle down while her eyes reopen and continue to look up into his, the small mare casting a timid-looking smile at him, "Maybe... maybe not, Noisy. Buuuut it was ticklish!"
  302. <Hot_Coffee> "Heeeey! You were saying something 'bout those plates? The might have been a little itsy bitsy thing that little Latte wanted to do!"
  304. <White_Noise> "No, you were embarrassed. I can see it on your face." He lifted her hoof, pressing it to her chest. "Then go ahead. I'll try not to flee as you touch me, but you're given full permission."
  306. * Hot_Coffee rolls her eyes, "Pffffffft! As if I need any permissions, Mr. Big Authority King! Yeeeeah riiight!", she exclaims with high pitched voice, taking his hoof into her free one and pulling it down towards the ground, "Now! Lets see how mighty this little General is! Hmm!" She stands up on her hooves and trots to his side once more, letting her tail brush against his chest as the mare passes him, "Well, White Noise the Knight! You were asking for a permission to travel with me, mm?!", she pouts playfully and pokes his side.
  308. * Hot_Coffee 's horn bursts up into a golden aura that starts to cover her own body, the small mare standing and looking back at the changelingy changeling with a bright playful smile, "Hmmmmm?"
  310. * White_Noise 's chest is a solid carapace, like the rest of his body, only tougher. This chest was quite literally a plate, matted together with smaller plates underneath the primary one. "Indeed." He glanced at her magic, slightly worried at the result.
  312. <Hot_Coffee> "Well, mister Knight, then somepony will have to prove that they are strong enough to survive the journey, hrmf!", she exclaims and sits down at his side, facing changeling's back as both her shining hooves touch his back, "If good sis-tah batty bat could do it, I bet a changeling General can do the same!"
  313. * Hot_Coffee turns her head a bit in his direction, blowing her long mane off her eyes as she smiles, the glowing aura around her making her expression become even brighter, "Are you ready, knight?!"
  315. <White_Noise> "Wait...WAIT? What's going on?"
  316. * White_Noise turned his head about. "I'm a little confused..."
  318. * Hot_Coffee grins and runs her hooves along his plate-y back while her body shining brightly. An innocent looking smile appears on her face as she brushes him, "Oh, relaaaax, Noisy! Just... just get down a bit, okay?", the unicorn says with a joyful voice
  320. * White_Noise thought for a moment. He sighed in ultimate defeat, laying his stomach down onto the grass. "....Neigh."
  321. <White_Noise> "Be warned, the plates move over each other. It's part of my specific stealth mechanism. Don't pinch yourself on them, they're almost as hard as bone."
  323. * Hot_Coffee puffs her cheeks and bursts into pure childish laughter, H-Horsey p-please, ahahahaha!!"Ahahaha *snort* ehehah! N-No-Noi-... Noise-y please!", the mare continues to laugh and slumps on his body, her forelegs going forth and curling around to changeling's other side, the giggling laughter making her lose focus with her magical appendage extinguishing arcane aura.
  324. * Hot_Coffee coughs several times through last bits off hysteria, "Neigh! Ha!"
  326. * White_Noise waited for her to finish laughing. He legitimately thought he'd have to 'hi-ho Changeling away' with Latte. "Well...what else did you want?"
  328. <Hot_Coffee> "E-eheh, woooowie... are y-you trying to k-kill me here, m-mister Grumps?", she breaths out through last giggling, brushing her damp tear covered cheeks against his plates
  329. * Hot_Coffee deeply breathes in and exhales, "Whew... right! Back to... to k-kn-eheh-k-knights f-first test!", she utters with a muffles chortling voice
  331. * White_Noise 's exterior seemed a whole lot like his interior. Hard, chitinous, and devoid of any real emotion. But as she 'felt him up', she'd probably notice some imperfections in his skin. Scars and cracks into the shell line nearly everywhere. Suddenly, White Noise's 'old man voice' almost seemed justified.
  333. * Hot_Coffee coughs while she silently sits right right there, leaned against his hard shell, the mare's soft hoovesies and cheek brushing his exterior, her laughter disturbed attention discovering smallish little... deformities, "Mm. Alright!", she exclaims all of a sudden and flutters her eyelids open, the small mare's horn coming back to life with the swirling golden energy enveloping her entirety, "Where were we Noisy?" The mare asks and tries to rem- "OH! Of course!", she shouts out cheerfully with a sunny smile and starts to gently gently climb back on his spine.
  334. <Hot_Coffee> "Sir Knight!", she commands as her hindleg moves 'round his plates, but her voice mellows immediately into a caring tone, "Just... just say if it's too tiresome, okay?"
  335. * Hot_Coffee 's cheeks start to blush as she brings herself onto his back, carefully navigating and shuffling her soft coat, belly and nethers into a more or less comfortable position, brushing herself against him as her body attempts to negotiate a deal with his pointy plate ridges
  337. * White_Noise shudders as her contact with him became even more intensive. "I shall. *Ahem*" His voice altered to one of perfect clarity, "Princess Latte, I bequeath thee! What has thou set forth for me?"
  338. * White_Noise 's back leg twitched.
  340. * Hot_Coffee 's smile shines at the back of his neck, her front body leaning closer as Latte's small cocoa-colored forelegs make their way and softly wrap themselves around his neck. The Tinymare rests her head against him, focusing her attention on the magic that makes her body's weight less and less profound, "Knight White.", she says with a quiet, soothing voice, "Lets have a trot, shall we? Maybe to a beautiful sight of a dusk settlin' ocean?"
  341. * Hot_Coffee lovingly brushes her cheek against his plates as she continues to talk with the same quiet voice, "What do you think?"
  343. * White_Noise bit his lower lip. "Mnh. O-Of course, mine Princess of love."
  344. * White_Noise trotted forward at a relatively brisk pace, making certain that his wings didn't spread, nor would his shoulders slide against her, which would otherwise be a nasty cut.
  346. * Hot_Coffee lifts her head a lil' bit up and plants a soft, careful peck on his neck, "Thank you.", she says and returns her cheek back to its comfortable place.
  347. * Hot_Coffee doesn't giggles this time, but instead sighs from comfort, her eyelids falling down as both travel towards the coast
  348. <Hot_Coffee> "General?", she murmurs
  350. * White_Noise began to pant as he moved forward. " queen?"
  352. <Hot_Coffee> "Why do you want to start your journey?", the little mare asks with the same warmhearted voice while her right ear flickers, it's tip brushing his neck
  354. * White_Noise gently moved down to his stomach, in the rest position again, "Erh...mine Princess. Thy graces have tested my legs a tad too far. Thou hasn't a weight more than a feather, but I simply do not believe I can carry on in this manner." He buried his flank into the dirt, tightly wrapping his tail about his backside. "Why? What do you mean?"
  356. * Hot_Coffee immediately opens her eyes and looks at his neck with concern, "Awww. You should've told that I'm burdening you, eheh! Here, let me help!", she says kindly and strains her a attention a bit more, the mare's body becoming even more lighter, "There and sowwy. Now it's even less than a feather!"
  357. * Hot_Coffee sighs and puts her cheek back, caressing chitin plates with her fuzzy coat, "And I've meant traveling around world's land."
  359. * White_Noise twitched again, "It's not your weight, Your Highness. It's..." He glanced to the dirt, then back to Coffee. "...I have a condition about fur on my plates."
  361. * Hot_Coffee shoots her eyes open and gasps a bit, "O-Oh, s-sorry sorry sorry!", the pony starts to apologize sincerely, "I didn't wanted to h-hurt you!" The mare immediately pulls her forelegs away from his neck and climbs up on changeling's back with her lightweighted body, "Sorry!", she exclaims and jumps away, the spell's effect making her fall down to the ground a little bit slower than usual, making her hooves silently and softly contact the dirt.
  363. <White_Noise> "The condition has already taken effect. Ah, it's not much of a painful thing. Just...I need to sit here for awhile."
  365. * Hot_Coffee turns around and sits falls back on her rump, her eyes scanning through black plated changeling's body, "Not painful...? What... what is it, General?"
  367. * White_Noise wiggled his flank a bit, turning to stare at it. "Just a...racial thing for Changelings. I'd rather not explain."
  369. <Hot_Coffee> "Come on! Maybe little me will know something about it or or, um-", she brings her forehoof to her neck and scratches up, "It's not contagious? Are you sure it's not painful? If so, I can help!"
  370. * Hot_Coffee smiles heartily and closes her eyes
  372. <White_Noise> "No no! It's not like a disease or anything." He looked left, then right.
  373. <White_Noise> "...You promise not to talk about it?"
  375. <Hot_Coffee> "Of course not, silly!", she exclaims a little bit louder, her eyes opening. She immediately eeps and closes her mouth with both hooves, "S-Sorry. I won't.", she mumbles through muffled hoovesies
  377. * White_Noise stood up, revealing an erect shaft. "It's interesting how touch interacts with 'love'"
  379. * Hot_Coffee 's gaze falls on the changeling's... stallionhood, the unexpected sight sending her face into the red zone, "O-Oh... eheh."
  381. <White_Noise> Changelings didn't appear to be able to blush, or if they could, this one certainly didn't. "It appears that 'love' works like a drug that iterates sensory information differently than it should. It's like a narcotic. Stimulation under the influence has...varying effects."
  383. <Hot_Coffee> The mare slowly moves her hooves away from her mouth with a glint of curiosity appearing in her eyes, "Ooooh, now I understand.", she utters and tilts her head to the side, thinking to herself, 'mm, alright, how about...'
  384. <Hot_Coffee> "That other changeling was clinging to Belle and was more calm about it."
  386. <White_Noise> "Mmnh...Be that as it may, each Changeling's reaction is unique. And you're...." Another sigh, "Cute."
  387. * White_Noise sunk back into the ground. Quite the breeze, as it were.
  389. * Hot_Coffee blinks and puts her forehooves down on the dirt, the mare's expression shifting into a coy, timid smile, "C-Cute, hehe.", she lowers her head and paws the ground
  391. * White_Noise rolled his eyes. "Anyways, yes. That happened. You've seen everything a Changeling has in the flesh...and let me be the first to tell you that yes, we prefer to stay hidden for a variety of reasons."
  393. * Hot_Coffee slowly lifts her body up, kicking one hoof against the other to get rid out of the dirt, "I... I understand. And this is part of the reason why you like to stay hidden?", she asks him and trots closer.
  395. * White_Noise gave a huff, attempting to inch backwards, but not really moving either way. "...partially. After all I am /male/. My primary form of feeding is through love. Love happens to transpire during /most/ instances of reproduction."
  397. * Hot_Coffee reaches the 'love'-stricken changeling and sits down right in front of him within hug's reach, "And that's only one type of "love" that you can feed upon.", she says mellowly with her golden eyes tilted up and watching his dark features.
  399. <White_Noise> "Yes. But, all types of love eventually stimulate the other half: Lust."
  401. * Hot_Coffee quietly nods to him.
  403. <White_Noise> "Unfortunately, there's only one real way to get rid of that."
  405. * Hot_Coffee tilts her head to the side, watching the pony intently for a short moment, "Really? Only one?"
  407. <White_Noise> "Fulfillment. Of course, that branches into other ways to do so. But you get the picture."
  409. * Hot_Coffee blinks slowly and taps his chest, "You can explain me about all these branches on our way to the ocean!", she says with the same beaming smile bathing him and stands up, "You do have disciplines or something within your ranks?! Like... like schools of magic or drills for Royal Guards!"
  410. <Hot_Coffee> "Sunset is almost here and it's a beautiful sight on the coast."
  412. * White_Noise 's eyes widen. He obeyed regardless, standing up with his stallionhood still straight as ever. "Erh...I meant branches of fulfillment for...this. Mating. There's different ways to go about it, depending on what you like most."
  414. * Hot_Coffee walks to his side and points her hoof forward at last bits of foliage where the treeline should end... she thinks at least, "Don't worry. The coast should be too far from here and... and branches of 'mating' fulfillment? Really?", she asks and casts a smirk at him, "That sounds very mechanical of you."
  415. <Hot_Coffee> "And while we're on our way, you can tell me all about them, General. The way they teach you."
  416. * Hot_Coffee starts to skip-trot in the direction of ocean, keeping her speed slow
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