
Black Dragon scenario conversation part 3

Jan 9th, 2012
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  1. (01:39:48 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Hm, and I wanted to write another story at some point, too...
  2. (01:40:32 PM) Lady Vulpix G: I would love to read that. And we need to wrap up the scenario at some point, this one's taking a ridiculously long time.
  3. (01:40:48 PM) TheBlueAvenger: What do we stuill have to do to wrap it up?
  4. (01:40:53 PM) TheBlueAvenger: *still
  5. (01:41:48 PM) Lady Vulpix G: First, come up with a plan so that we can post the scenario. Then, decide how it all turns out.
  6. (01:42:12 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Ah. So nothing too big. :P
  7. (01:42:33 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Heh.
  8. (01:43:13 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Okay, so just so I can refresh my memory: I know that the dragon is in the forbidden mountains, but the characters have come to the same conclusion, right?
  9. (01:43:25 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Yes.
  10. (01:44:06 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Who would be able to figure out which of the artifacts found would actually be useful? It would it be more of a case of "Okay, now we found the dragon, now let's just throw these things at him and see what sticks"?
  11. (01:45:04 PM) Lady Vulpix G: XD That would be an extremely risky course of action. I suppose I'll have to have Glenda ask Teclis after all. If anyone knows, he does.
  12. (01:46:01 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Okay. So... as far as taking down the dragon himself... it would boil down to needing to refresh the enchantment on the artifact in question, then sufficiently weakening him enough to apply it?
  13. (01:47:20 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Yes, that would make sense.
  14. (01:47:31 PM) TheBlueAvenger: So... sort of liking throwing a really arcane Pokeball.
  15. (01:47:35 PM) TheBlueAvenger: *like
  16. (01:49:36 PM) Lady Vulpix G: XD I really hadn't thought of it that way, but that image really makes the situation look less grave.
  17. (01:50:13 PM) TheBlueAvenger: It really does, doesn't it? So basically what that means is that someone, in the next scenario, needs to get into the forbidden mountains to be able to do it.
  18. (01:51:15 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Yes, we've been discussing Rapp and Talut as clear possibilities.
  19. (01:51:54 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Right. So they do their thing to bring the dragon down; what does that mean for the rest of us? What do we need to be doing?
  20. (01:55:35 PM) Lady Vulpix G: I believe the seal should remain outside the mountains, because otherwise the chaotic magic could set him free again at any time. So while the ones inside weaken him, the rest of us can work on rebuilding the seal outside (with the help of Eli, I suppose, and whatever members of the Dragon's Guild are willing to cooperate) and stop the possessed Pokemon the Black Dragon is bound to throw at us.
  21. (01:56:06 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Okay, so we're on damage control. Got it.
  22. (01:58:03 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Yes, damage control and protection.
  23. (01:58:44 PM) TheBlueAvenger: So... sort of like with Yssera. Sounds easy enough, he said as the guy who isn't going up against the black dragon.
  24. (02:00:17 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Heh. Unless he realizes the trap and comes for us. Which could make things easier and harder for us at the same time.
  25. (02:00:38 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Oh. Yeah, I expect he's probably a little on the smart side. That is a thing I could see happening.
  26. (02:01:05 PM) Lady Vulpix G: *Nods.*
  27. (02:02:08 PM) TheBlueAvenger: So then, because none of us have the proper item, we'd just have to fight him off... unless we anticipated that he'd anticipate the trap, sent Rapp/Teclis in as a decoy, and actually had the proper artifact with us.
  28. (02:04:08 PM) Lady Vulpix G: I don't think Teclis would go to the Forbidden Mountains in person.Things would have to be really dire for him to leave the Tower.
  29. (02:04:21 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Well, okay, sent Rapp in then.
  30. (02:04:26 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Yep.
  31. (02:06:02 PM) TheBlueAvenger: And that's unless the black dragon doesn't foresee us doing that and plays into our convoluted ploy.
  32. (02:07:17 PM) Lady Vulpix G: That kind of reasoning leads to a point where figuring which of the two places is more dangerous boils down to luck rather than logical reasoning.
  33. (02:07:38 PM) TheBlueAvenger: The good news is that it'll just be luck on the dragon's part too!
  34. (02:07:44 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Indeed.
  35. (02:08:28 PM) Lady Vulpix G: We should so include this in the story as a pre-mission discussion!
  36. (02:08:39 PM) TheBlueAvenger: I was sort of assuming that would happen. XD
  37. (02:09:24 PM) Lady Vulpix G: :-D
  38. (02:10:31 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Obviously what needs to happen is that there are actually *two* proper artifacts. Then we can safely have one at each location.
  39. (02:10:42 PM) TheBlueAvenger: ...Until the dragon sees that coming and flees to a THIRD location!
  40. (02:11:31 PM) Lady Vulpix G: XD Too bad such artifacts are so rare and the secret of their construction has been lost in time.
  41. (02:12:01 PM) TheBlueAvenger: It's always small details like that that mess people up.
  42. (02:12:27 PM) Lady Vulpix G: *Nods and grins.*
  43. (02:14:06 PM) TheBlueAvenger: So which do we want to go with? I'm partial to the dragon forseeing us predicting his prediction of us anticipating his fleeing, and staying where he is, but unbeknownst to us, Rapp saw that one coming and snagged the proper artifact anyway.
  44. (02:14:17 PM) TheBlueAvenger: (not a serious answer.)
  45. (02:16:37 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Hehe.
  46. (02:17:23 PM) Lady Vulpix G: I think we'll need to discuss that with him. Which means we'll need to find a way to contact him first.
  47. (02:17:39 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Hm.
  48. (02:21:35 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Things would be so much easier if we could all get online at the same time... You, me, Shonta, DL and Amy.
  49. (02:22:08 PM) TheBlueAvenger: I hear that... but that's what happens when everyone has different work/school/whatever obligations, and then also timezones on top of that. :\
  50. (02:22:29 PM) Lady Vulpix G: I know.
  51. (02:25:22 PM) TheBlueAvenger: I guess, failing all else, we could use the tagboard?
  52. (02:28:01 PM) Lady Vulpix G: Yes, we can do that. And then PM everyone so that they read the tagboard. :P
  53. (02:28:23 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Well, yes, that's the trouble with that suggestion. XD
  54. (02:33:59 PM) Lady Vulpix G: But it can be done.
  55. (02:34:15 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Yes. If a chat or something doesn't.
  56. (02:44:32 PM) Lady Vulpix G: I think I can start by posting a link to this conversation.
  57. (02:44:43 PM) TheBlueAvenger: Works for me.
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