

Aug 28th, 2011
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  1. Ah, there's something else I should have told you earlier. I have Asperger's Syndrome. It's on the autistic spectrum, but a lot of the issues that are associated with it (such a completely lack of understanding of social cues on a subconcious level) can be overcome with a lot of work. For example, I didn't understand social cues when I was younger, but I've...mostly learned them by now, although I can be a little dense when people are trying to hint things at me.
  3. Now, some of the issues I'm still working on are being overprotective of my privacy and disliking changes. Obviously, the first one might come up because I'm unused to sharing a room. If I'm getting too snippy or something, it'd be really helpful if you could TELL me that, because while I know it's going to be your room too, it might take a little while for my emotions to catch up, so I need to keep that in control. The thing about disliking changes is going to matter because since college is a really big change, I'm going to need our room as a 'safe sanctuary'. So for a little while at least, until I adjust, it'd be really really nice if you didn't invite people over into our room without checking with me first. The entire reason I got a double room instead of a single all to my own (which I could have with my disability) is to help me get out of my comfort zone, so please don't be shy about telling me when I'm quite frankly being bitchy about this stuff. I'm going to try really really hard to be a good roommate.
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