
Nick & Faerzen have a meal and a date

Sep 3rd, 2015
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  1. [15:38] <Nick_Varnegs> "well.... guess i wont be making this any time sooner"
  2. [15:39] * Nick_Varnegs goes outside to check on the meat again
  3. [15:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> When you leave the front door, you see a rather unexpected sight.
  4. [15:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You see what you would presume to be Faerzen from the outstretched white and golden wings, but if this is Faerzen it is as you have never seen him before.
  5. [15:41] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  6. [15:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> His white and golden wings are held over his bright blond hair which is currently crowned with a brilliant silver circlet/crown/tiara with a large pearl in the center (( These are a *very* striking contrast against his attire. He is no longer wearing t
  7. [15:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> he Dress of ICE Shields but instead has a delicate ankle-length black dress ((like with sleek black feathers elegantly arranged on the front and back of the dress to make a curved V shape from the shoulders down to make the neckline of the dress. Another V shape of feathers
  8. [15:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> is around knee length, and the bottom of the dress hangs above black leather shoes with a near oily iridescent sheen to them. On his face is the mask with its black feathers and ornate decorations perfectly matching the dress, but completely opposing the white wings and crown.
  9. [15:46] * Faerzen_Norstov gives a faint smirk to Nick upon seeing him exit the front door
  10. [15:47] * Nick_Varnegs 's jaw drops to the floor
  11. [15:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hello, again.
  12. [15:51] <Nick_Varnegs> i.... what
  13. [15:51] * Nick_Varnegs blushes
  14. [15:51] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  15. [15:52] <Nick_Varnegs> f-faerzen. you look... gorgeous...
  16. [15:52] <Nick_Varnegs> i... uh...
  17. [15:52] <Nick_Varnegs> dress.
  18. [15:52] * Faerzen_Norstov strolls directly towards Nick, dress and wings fluttering lightly behind him
  19. [15:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Or....... perhaps?
  20. [15:53] * Faerzen_Norstov flicks his wrist in front of his glasses while walking
  21. [15:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The dress ripples slightly and begins to blur. The loose end by his ankles begins tightening around his legs, and the neckline of the dress plunges lower. Eventually the lower half of the dress tightens around his legs and pinches between his legs to form a pair of black slacks decorated with a similar V pattern of feathers. Behind the deep necklin
  22. [15:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> e forms a white collared shirt and black vest, along with a black bowtie made of feathers ((like The V pattern of feathers follows what is now the jacket collar and extends slightly above the shoulders ((like like
  23. [15:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> 570xN.745893132_ms3a.jpg but with the space between the shoulders and collar also with feathers)). The jacket has a hint of a maroon sheen to it in the floating golden lights of Faerzen's land.
  24. [15:57] * Faerzen_Norstov continues striding towards Nick down the path in the front yard
  25. [15:58] * Nick_Varnegs is basically frozen in place
  26. [15:58] <Nick_Varnegs> i... uhhh.
  27. [15:59] <Nick_Varnegs> *gulp*
  28. [15:59] * Faerzen_Norstov , now clad in his feathered tuxedo, stops in front of Nick
  29. [16:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You notice that Faerzen's hair is much tidier than normal and you smell a faint odor of nice cologne.
  30. [16:00] <Nick_Varnegs> ...i....
  31. [16:01] <Nick_Varnegs> ...uhhhh...
  32. [16:01] * Nick_Varnegs looks around, still blushing, still frozen in place
  33. [16:01] * Faerzen_Norstov raises an eyebrow, but it isn't visible behind the mask
  34. [16:02] <Nick_Varnegs> f-f-faerzen?
  35. [16:03] * Faerzen_Norstov extends his hand towards Nick
  36. [16:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Shall we stand by the fire?
  37. [16:04] <Nick_Varnegs> ....o-ok
  38. [16:05] * Faerzen_Norstov takes Nick's hand and walks to the fire
  39. [16:05] * Nick_Varnegs walks as he looks around in confusion
  40. [16:06] <Nick_Varnegs> you.... you look nice
  41. [16:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you like it?
  42. [16:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I was hoping when I was designing it that it would not be too over the top.
  43. [16:06] <Nick_Varnegs> y-yes
  44. [16:06] * Nick_Varnegs blushes harder
  45. [16:07] <Nick_Varnegs> just... give me a moment
  46. [16:07] <Nick_Varnegs> you look way too good for this to be true
  47. [16:08] * Nick_Varnegs takes a deep breat and closes his eyes for a few seconds
  48. [16:08] <Nick_Varnegs> *breath
  49. [16:08] * Faerzen_Norstov blushes slightly and looks at Nick in surprise, though much of his face's emotions are hidden by the mask
  50. [16:08] <Nick_Varnegs> aaalright...
  51. [16:09] <Nick_Varnegs> i guess im... somewhat better now....
  52. [16:09] <@Faerzen_Norstov> "Too good for this to be true", you say?
  53. [16:09] <Nick_Varnegs> so...
  54. [16:09] <Nick_Varnegs> somewhat. you look.... just....
  55. [16:09] <Nick_Varnegs> wow
  56. [16:10] * Faerzen_Norstov taps his right shoulder, and with a ripple, the tuxedo morphs back into the dress
  57. [16:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Which do you prefer?
  58. [16:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I attempted to build them both off of the same feathered motifs from Abyss.
  59. [16:10] <Nick_Varnegs> ... its hard to choose
  60. [16:10] * Faerzen_Norstov taps his shoulder again and the outfit morphs back into the feathered tuxedo
  61. [16:11] <Nick_Varnegs> i am not sure of what i do prefer. because both of them look... amazing!
  62. [16:11] <Nick_Varnegs> what is the occassion?
  63. [16:12] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You!
  64. [16:12] * Nick_Varnegs blushes
  65. [16:12] <Nick_Varnegs> what?
  66. [16:12] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It does seem as though you are cooking up quite the feast here, so I thought I would dress for the occasion.
  67. [16:13] <Nick_Varnegs> oh. that's nice... i feel somewhat.... not properly dressed for this then
  68. [16:13] * Nick_Varnegs looks down at his own battered clothes
  69. [16:14] * Nick_Varnegs flips the cuts of meat on the fire
  70. [16:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, do not worry, Nick! You are cooking and working with flames! You cannot afford to wear fancy attire at the present. You are working too hard. :)
  71. [16:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How is the meat coming along?
  72. [16:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It smells delicious.
  73. [16:14] * Nick_Varnegs sheepishly laughts
  74. [16:15] <Nick_Varnegs> its looking good right now
  75. [16:15] <Nick_Varnegs> it should be done in a while
  76. [16:15] <Nick_Varnegs> so.... what have... what have you been up to apart from.... designing your attire?
  77. [16:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Talking with quite a few people.
  78. [16:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Quite a great deal of talking.
  79. [16:17] <Nick_Varnegs> oh i see.
  80. [16:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have a question for you, Nick.
  81. [16:17] <Nick_Varnegs> alright then?
  82. [16:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you happen to be in possession of a mysterious box of possibly unknown origin?
  83. [16:18] * Nick_Varnegs chockes on his breath and looks around
  84. [16:18] <Nick_Varnegs> y-y-yes
  85. [16:18] <Nick_Varnegs> i indeed am in possession of such a box
  86. [16:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh really? I thought so.
  87. [16:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What does it look like?
  88. [16:19] * Nick_Varnegs freezes on the spot, and begins quickly breathing as his cheeks go red again
  89. [16:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Are you alright? Was the box something bad?
  90. [16:19] * Nick_Varnegs mumbles something
  91. [16:19] <Nick_Varnegs> i.... uh.
  92. [16:20] * Nick_Varnegs decaptchalogues a very small box that fits on his hand
  93. [16:20] * Nick_Varnegs is basically struggling to even breath at this point
  94. [16:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, that is quite pretty!
  95. [16:20] <Nick_Varnegs> y-you te-tell m-m-me
  96. [16:20] * Nick_Varnegs hands faerzen the box
  97. [16:21] * Faerzen_Norstov examines the box
  98. [16:21] * Faerzen_Norstov hands the box back to Nick after examining, not opening it
  99. [16:21] <Nick_Varnegs> -A mahogany wood find looking box depicts some sort of... Ceremony? Inlaid into the top is a crowd of people looking at a pedestal. The box seems very light, almost hollow.-
  100. [16:22] * Nick_Varnegs takes the box almost like he was in a hurry
  101. [16:23] * Faerzen_Norstov looks at Nick concernedly
  102. [16:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Are you okay?
  103. [16:23] <Nick_Varnegs> n-not really
  104. [16:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What is about that box that makes you unwell? Did you open it?
  105. [16:23] <Nick_Varnegs> y....yes
  106. [16:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I see.
  107. [16:23] * Nick_Varnegs takes a deep breath
  108. [16:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> In case it helps you feel any better, it seems almost all of us have a similar box.
  109. [16:24] <Nick_Varnegs> there's just... something rather personal in th---
  110. [16:24] <Nick_Varnegs> what
  111. [16:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you remember when you found that box in your sylladex?
  112. [16:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Am I correct in assuming you did not put it there to begin with?
  113. [16:24] <Nick_Varnegs> i just found out it was there
  114. [16:24] <Nick_Varnegs> yes. it just appeared
  115. [16:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you remember when you noticed it appear?
  116. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> just... recently
  117. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> when i was going to start the fire
  118. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> it... took me by surprise
  119. [16:26] <Nick_Varnegs> there's just........ something. about it
  120. [16:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Did you consciously notice it appear, or that is simply when you first noticed it was there?
  121. [16:26] <Nick_Varnegs> that was when i noticed it was there
  122. [16:26] * Nick_Varnegs opens the box in a way that doesn't let faerzen see what's on it...
  123. [16:27] * Nick_Varnegs gulps and throws a small piece of paper to the fire
  124. [16:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What was that?
  125. [16:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I hope it was not important....
  126. [16:28] * Faerzen_Norstov watches the flames claim the curled, black, charred piece of paper
  127. [16:28] <Nick_Varnegs> just.... something.... directed to me
  128. [16:28] * Nick_Varnegs puts his thumb and index to his eyes and massages his eyes
  129. [16:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I will not pry into what the contents of your box were if you say they were personal.
  130. [16:29] <Nick_Varnegs> alright. i just... cant keep THIS kind of thing a secret
  131. [16:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do have one more general question about the box though, and then we can drop the matter.
  132. [16:29] <Nick_Varnegs> its just way too....
  133. [16:29] <Nick_Varnegs> weird for me
  134. [16:29] * Nick_Varnegs hands faerzen the box again
  135. [16:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Does the box seem as though it could have come from future me?
  136. [16:29] <Nick_Varnegs> just open it
  137. [16:29] * Nick_Varnegs covers his face with his hands
  138. [16:29] * Faerzen_Norstov hands the box back to Nick.
  139. [16:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> No.
  140. [16:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you would prefer it remain a secret for now, that is fine.
  141. [16:30] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen?
  142. [16:30] <Nick_Varnegs> a-alright then
  143. [16:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I know how it feels.
  144. [16:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I opened my box.
  145. [16:30] <Nick_Varnegs> oh.
  146. [16:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It contained.......
  147. [16:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> magical makeup.
  148. [16:31] <Nick_Varnegs> well... that seems way less ominous than... what was on mine
  149. [16:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It was accompanied by a note supposedly from myself in the future telling me that I should use them.
  150. [16:31] <Nick_Varnegs> ...well... that's something
  151. [16:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There is blush, mascara, and eye shadow in there!
  152. [16:31] * Faerzen_Norstov blushes
  153. [16:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What am I telling myself here?
  154. [16:32] <Nick_Varnegs> well... if i can suppose you sent me this box. somehow...
  155. [16:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> All it seems to have accomplished at the moment is further muddling my already confused thoughts on my own gender.
  156. [16:32] <Nick_Varnegs> guess i could just....
  157. [16:32] <Nick_Varnegs> oh.
  158. [16:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do not even know what to think anymore.
  159. [16:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> On the one hand it seems to be such a personal matter!
  160. [16:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> However, on the other hand, I quite literally have bodies of both genders that everyone can see, so there is no denying on the outside that none of this makes any sense to me.
  161. [16:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This is all just so...... foreign.
  162. [16:34] <Nick_Varnegs> well.... if its any kind of help, i do not care for such things, i love you for who you are, and not by the body you posses. be it female or male.
  163. [16:34] <Nick_Varnegs> focusing on such things is just... irrelevant
  164. [16:35] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles faintly
  165. [16:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you.
  166. [16:35] * Nick_Varnegs smiles in response
  167. [16:35] * Faerzen_Norstov taps his shoulder again, flipping his outfit back to the black feathered dress
  168. [16:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This feels so unfamiliar and strange and unknown to me.....
  169. [16:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> And yet it is quite literally me half of the time!
  170. [16:37] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  171. [16:38] <Nick_Varnegs> i know it must be strange faerzen. but i have no... idea on how i could help you in this
  172. [16:38] <Nick_Varnegs> apart from just being here for you?
  173. [16:39] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs
  174. [16:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That is probably all there really is for you to do.
  175. [16:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is also likely the best thing you could do.
  176. [16:40] * Nick_Varnegs faintly smiles and looks down to his lap
  177. [16:41] * Nick_Varnegs clumsily flips the meat again
  178. [16:41] <Nick_Varnegs> so.....
  179. [16:42] * Faerzen_Norstov silently remains standing, staring down into the fire, watching its warm glow lick at the lumps of coal
  180. [16:42] * Nick_Varnegs gulps and takes a deep breath.
  181. [16:43] <Nick_Varnegs> future you gave me a ring
  182. [16:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh?
  183. [16:43] * Faerzen_Norstov remains staring at the fire
  184. [16:43] <Nick_Varnegs> the box
  185. [16:44] * Nick_Varnegs takes and opens the box in front of faerzen
  186. [16:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Did it claim to be from future me, or are you simply saying that because I told you it could have been future me?
  187. [16:44] <Nick_Varnegs> -Inside lying on the salmon covered velvet is a wedding ring inlaid with a glorious pink diamond, worth so many crowns you can't imagine ever affording this in your lifetime doing full time work. A small note at the bottom.-
  188. [16:44] * Faerzen_Norstov turns to look at Nick and the box
  189. [16:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Was that what the pie----
  190. [16:44] <Nick_Varnegs> it just seems the most possible thing.
  191. [16:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ........
  192. [16:45] <Nick_Varnegs> ..........
  193. [16:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ......
  194. [16:45] <Nick_Varnegs> .............
  195. [16:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well then.
  196. [16:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You do know what that is, don't you?
  197. [16:47] * Nick_Varnegs nods
  198. [16:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Pink diamonds were incredibly prized where and when I am from.
  199. [16:48] * Nick_Varnegs slowly closes the box and begins moving it between his shaky hands
  200. [16:48] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I haven't the slightest clue where anyone would find such a ring like that here in this game, but you best keep it safe.
  201. [16:49] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is really quite valuable, even though valuable isn't particularly a word that has the same meaning as it once did when there is no economy.
  202. [16:49] <Nick_Varnegs> i-il do so
  203. [16:49] <Nick_Varnegs> do... d-do you like it?
  204. [16:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> .......
  205. [16:50] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  206. [16:50] * Faerzen_Norstov returns to staring at the fire, his face seemingly devoid of emotion behind the mask
  207. [16:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think it is one of the most beautiful rings I have ever seen.
  208. [16:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Even more so than my mother's.
  209. [16:51] <Nick_Varnegs> well... atleast possible future you has good taste on jewelry.
  210. [16:52] <Nick_Varnegs> oh?
  211. [16:52] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  212. [16:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmm?
  213. [16:52] <Nick_Varnegs> ...i would like to meet her some day.
  214. [16:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do hope that is still possible.......
  215. [16:53] <Nick_Varnegs> i hope so too.
  216. [16:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ......
  217. [16:54] <Nick_Varnegs> .......
  218. [16:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Byron opened his box.
  219. [16:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It was also purportedly from my future self.
  220. [16:55] <Nick_Varnegs> oh.
  221. [16:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It also contained a note telling him not to tell anyone its contents for some period of time.
  222. [16:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He has already failed at that.
  223. [16:57] <Nick_Varnegs> mine literally just said... "go get him" and had a winky face afterwards
  224. [16:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well then.
  225. [16:57] <Nick_Varnegs> i fear possible future you picked a moment too early to send this
  226. [16:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I that is my future self, I am going to have to give him..... er... them... a talking to. :)
  227. [16:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> *If
  228. [16:58] <Nick_Varnegs> heh :)
  229. [16:59] <Nick_Varnegs> you know where to find them
  230. [16:59] * Nick_Varnegs flips the meat again
  231. [16:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> :/
  232. [16:59] <Nick_Varnegs> *find him
  233. [16:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Byron failed by telling me what was in his box.
  234. [17:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> However, now that I know, I can understand why he was instructed not to say.
  235. [17:00] <Nick_Varnegs> oh
  236. [17:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> For his sake, if you talk to him, avoid the topic of the boxes all together if you can, but please do not pry into what his contained.
  237. [17:01] <Nick_Varnegs> let me guess... it wasn't a freaking wedding ring for tarane
  238. [17:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is potentially quite personal, and quite significant.
  239. [17:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> No, it was not a wedding ring.
  240. [17:01] <Nick_Varnegs> well then
  241. [17:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Tarane does not even remotely seem interested in Byron at the present, so I do not think that is an event that should be considered any time soon.
  242. [17:02] * Nick_Varnegs decaptchalogues a smallish two pronged fork and pokes the meat a few times
  243. [17:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How does it seem to be doing?
  244. [17:02] <Nick_Varnegs> its done
  245. [17:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Here, let me help.
  246. [17:03] <Nick_Varnegs> dont worry.
  247. [17:03] <Nick_Varnegs> your clothes are way too fancy to just risk like this
  248. [17:03] * Faerzen_Norstov opens the software for his house again, activating the food drone he used a couple days ago
  249. [17:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, I have something else in mind
  250. [17:03] <Nick_Varnegs> oh?
  251. [17:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> < a small quadcopter emerges from the front door and skewers the cuts of meat, carrying them and hovering next to Nick and Faerzen >
  252. [17:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Now you do not need to worry about dropping them or burning yourself.
  253. [17:04] * Nick_Varnegs decaptchalogues his glaive and points at the drone
  254. [17:04] <Nick_Varnegs> what the hell is that
  255. [17:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This? It is a QuadcopterAssistant XZ.
  256. [17:05] <Nick_Varnegs> ....
  257. [17:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is essentially a computerized device that can perform tasks for you.
  258. [17:05] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  259. [17:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We have a couple of them in my house.
  260. [17:05] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  261. [17:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> They are particularly useful for collecting goods from outside that would otherwise need to be delivered.
  262. [17:06] * Nick_Varnegs nods
  263. [17:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I used to use this one to pick up more egg pastries from the local bakery every Monday morning.
  264. [17:07] <Nick_Varnegs> alright then?
  265. [17:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> To the kitchen?
  266. [17:09] <Nick_Varnegs> excellent idea
  267. [17:09] <Nick_Varnegs> do you mind if i take off my boots? my feet are killing me.
  268. [17:09] * Faerzen_Norstov taps his shoulder to switch back to the tuxedo, and strolls through the front door
  269. [17:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh please do! You can simply leave them here by the door on the sanitation plate.
  270. [17:10] * Nick_Varnegs follows faerzen and stops just inside the home to take them off on said plate
  271. [17:10] * Nick_Varnegs wiggles his 8 toes around.
  272. [17:11] * Nick_Varnegs follows faerzen to the kitchen
  273. [17:11] * Faerzen_Norstov pulls a platter out of a cabinet, setting it on the counter and pointing to it. The quadcopter releases the steaming meat on the platter and returns to a compartment in the living room wall.
  274. [17:13] * Nick_Varnegs unties part of his doublet and shuffles the cloth around so he's more... ventilated
  275. [17:13] * Nick_Varnegs looks around a few cabinets for knifes and forks
  276. [17:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That is one thing I never quite understood about fashion from your time period. It always seemed like everyone wore so many layers. How could you possibly stand it in the summertime?
  277. [17:15] <Nick_Varnegs> compared to the clothes i have seen you wear... it seems my clothes are... somewhat thinner
  278. [17:15] * Nick_Varnegs completely unties his doublet and takes it off. before remembering his wings and facepalming at the piece of attire hanging from them.
  279. [17:16] <Nick_Varnegs> also... we didn't... have that much of a pleasant... scent. back there
  280. [17:17] <Nick_Varnegs> if anything. the fact that i washed myself almost daily was surprising for everyone
  281. [17:17] * Faerzen_Norstov helps Nick remove his doublet from his wings
  282. [17:18] * Nick_Varnegs moves his wings around to allow faerzen more space
  283. [17:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Would you mind if I put on some music? I would like..... something to take my mind off of things.
  284. [17:18] <Nick_Varnegs> you seem somewhat quiet today...
  285. [17:19] <Nick_Varnegs> oh.
  286. [17:19] <Nick_Varnegs> sure
  287. [17:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have some cello music that could be nice. I do not know if you know what a cello is, however.
  288. [17:19] <Nick_Varnegs> i... uh... should i play somethign?
  289. [17:20] <Nick_Varnegs> cello... cello...
  290. [17:20] <Nick_Varnegs> sounds familiar
  291. [17:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh no, that isn't necessary. You wouldn't be able to cook then, silly!
  292. [17:20] * Faerzen_Norstov walks over to the coffee table in the den and begins tapping and swiping on its surface
  293. [17:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> < this song begins playing >
  294. [17:21] * Nick_Varnegs frowns at the state of his clothes
  295. [17:22] <Nick_Varnegs> so.... i kinda exaggerated on how much people wahed themselves back the----
  296. [17:22] <Nick_Varnegs> WHOA!
  297. [17:23] <Nick_Varnegs> where is that coming from?!
  298. [17:23] * Faerzen_Norstov gestures at the walls and ceiling in several places
  299. [17:23] <Nick_Varnegs> woooooooah
  300. [17:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The den and kitchen are on a joint surround sound system. There are devices in the walls and ceiling that can create sound based on recordings.
  301. [17:24] <Nick_Varnegs> well... that makes a bit more sense to me
  302. [17:25] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles, shutting his eyes briefly and listening to the music, relaxing
  303. [17:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have always liked the cello.
  304. [17:25] * Nick_Varnegs smiles too and studies the sound
  305. [17:25] <Nick_Varnegs> do you play it?
  306. [17:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> In a way, I rather taught myself, so I suppose I do.
  307. [17:26] <Nick_Varnegs> my oh my. you are full of surprises
  308. [17:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Though I originally played violin because my parents forced me to learn.
  309. [17:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I did not particularly enjoy that though! Sitting for hours and hours practicing the same songs over and over again.
  310. [17:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There are so many more practical things I could be doing with my time!
  311. [17:27] <Nick_Varnegs> well... you could always make your own things
  312. [17:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> When I was old enough, my parents permitted me to quit because I was not enjoying it much at all.
  313. [17:27] <Nick_Varnegs> oh.
  314. [17:28] <Nick_Varnegs> so.... i used to play the lute a few years ago.
  315. [17:29] <Nick_Varnegs> that's where i picked up some..... knowledge of how to play strings
  316. [17:29] * Nick_Varnegs decaptchalogues the harp
  317. [17:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh really?
  318. [17:29] <Nick_Varnegs> i think it may still be somewhere in my house
  319. [17:30] <Nick_Varnegs> so.....
  320. [17:30] <Nick_Varnegs> the food its getting cold
  321. [17:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, do not worry about that.
  322. [17:31] * Faerzen_Norstov picks up the plate of meat and sticks it inside the cookalizer, putting it on the "Warm" setting
  323. [17:31] * Nick_Varnegs finally finds the right cabinet and takes out some utensils
  324. [17:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It will stay plenty warm in there.
  325. [17:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Are there any other preparations I can help with?
  326. [17:32] <Nick_Varnegs> oh good :)
  327. [17:32] <Nick_Varnegs> perhaps beverages?
  328. [17:34] <@Faerzen_Norstov> < begins playing now that the previous song is over >
  329. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> so....
  330. [17:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Ah yes, beverages would be quite tasty.
  331. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> ... i quite like this song
  332. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> its energetic
  333. [17:36] <Nick_Varnegs> it just feels powerful
  334. [17:36] <Nick_Varnegs> and... alive
  335. [17:36] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen.
  336. [17:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That it does!
  337. [17:36] <Nick_Varnegs> i have a gift for you.
  338. [17:36] * Nick_Varnegs decaptchalogues a card
  339. [17:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It was inspired by a composer named Vivaldi.
  340. [17:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh?
  341. [17:36] <Nick_Varnegs> this just feels way too inspiring to just let it go
  342. [17:37] * Nick_Varnegs hands a green card to faerzen.
  343. [17:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What is this?
  344. [17:37] <Nick_Varnegs> [practice: bladekind]
  345. [17:37] <Nick_Varnegs> it used to be mine
  346. [17:37] <Nick_Varnegs> now its yours
  347. [17:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Practice?
  348. [17:37] <Nick_Varnegs> i spent years training with him
  349. [17:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am afraid I have never heard of practice specibi before. What does that mean?
  350. [17:38] <Nick_Varnegs> dad taught me everything i know
  351. [17:38] <Nick_Varnegs> its basically the same thing. just a different tag. because it will only hold a single item
  352. [17:38] <Nick_Varnegs> this
  353. [17:39] * Nick_Varnegs decaptchalogues a shortsword
  354. [17:40] <Nick_Varnegs> this one used to be mine ;)
  355. [17:40] <Nick_Varnegs> and before that. it was his
  356. [17:41] * Faerzen_Norstov adds the green practice card to his strife specibus deck
  357. [17:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I...... I can't take this from you!
  358. [17:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> All those memories!
  359. [17:41] <Nick_Varnegs> it has been passed down for atleast a couple generations. be it directly on family, or to someone that is close to it
  360. [17:42] * Nick_Varnegs sticks it to the ground
  361. [17:42] * Nick_Varnegs decaptchalogues another shortsword. this one looks a bit more worn
  362. [17:42] <Nick_Varnegs> (( they look like this))
  363. [17:43] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen?
  364. [17:43] <Nick_Varnegs> this is my surprise. passing down all that he taught me. to you
  365. [17:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov>
  366. [17:44] * Nick_Varnegs nods
  367. [17:44] <Nick_Varnegs> im not going to teach byron or lyra all of this right?
  368. [17:44] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles, pointing at the sword on the floor
  369. [17:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you really think I am going to be able to use that?
  370. [17:45] <Nick_Varnegs> byron is too impatient to learn this. and lyra would actually end up stabbing me
  371. [17:45] <Nick_Varnegs> this is why im teaching you!
  372. [17:45] <Nick_Varnegs> pick it up
  373. [17:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well then.... I am honored!
  374. [17:45] * Faerzen_Norstov slowly reaches down and picks up the sword from the tile floor
  375. [17:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Surely you do not mean to teach me swordplay in the kitchen!
  376. [17:51] <nick_varnegs> of course not!
  377. [17:52] <nick_varnegs> its for later
  378. [17:52] * Faerzen_Norstov laughs nervously
  379. [17:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Whew! You had me quite anxious there for a moment.
  380. [17:53] <nick_varnegs> don worry about it
  381. [17:53] * Faerzen_Norstov sticks the shortsword in his newly acquired specibus
  382. [17:54] <nick_varnegs> i wont even think of making a single scratch to your skin
  383. [17:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That is quite good to hear.
  384. [17:54] <nick_varnegs> you on the other side are free to add to the collection
  385. [17:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> .......
  386. [17:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do not think I could do that!
  387. [17:55] * nick_varnegs laughts
  388. [17:55] <nick_varnegs> just kidding.
  389. [17:55] <nick_varnegs> so... beverages then?
  390. [17:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Indeed!
  391. [17:57] <nick_varnegs> would you mind taking off the mask?
  392. [17:58] * Faerzen_Norstov retrieves a sizeable container of juice (( from the refrigeratifier
  393. [17:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh?
  394. [17:59] <nick_varnegs> you are wearing the mask :/
  395. [17:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I daresay that Abyss has certainly been particularly quiet.
  396. [17:59] <nick_varnegs> it gets on my nerves. sorry abyss
  397. [17:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> *Hey, there. How are you doing? I haven't heard a peep from you since we left my room.*
  398. [17:59] <Abyss> < ** for direct thought messages to Faerzen, No quotes for speaking aloud >
  399. [18:00] <Abyss> *I just didn't want to intrude...*
  400. [18:00] <Abyss> *you seemed to be having a romantic moment*
  401. [18:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> *I suppose it was quite rude of me to not introduce the two of you....*
  402. [18:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> *From what I gathered, in this timeline, you never talked with Nick, so he has never properly met you either.*
  403. [18:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> *I certainly hope you will find this Nick to be much more personable than the.... other one.*
  404. [18:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I just realized, Nick, that I never properly introduced the two of you.
  405. [18:01] <nick_varnegs> oh. right
  406. [18:01] <nick_varnegs> i didnt even know abyss was there before :/
  407. [18:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Abyss in this timeline never talked to you, and this Abyss from the other timeline has never seen you from this timeline before.
  408. [18:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> So.....
  409. [18:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Abyss, this is a different Nick than the one you are familiar with, and Nick, this is Abyss.
  410. [18:02] <Abyss> ...
  411. [18:03] <nick_varnegs> hello?
  412. [18:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I know that this meeting between the two of you is likely very difficult for both parties involved, so I do not wish to force conversation.
  413. [18:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The two of you will have plenty of time later to talk when you may be feeling more comfortable.
  414. [18:03] <Abyss> h-hello Nick
  415. [18:03] <nick_varnegs> its a pleasure meeting you, sorry for not knowing of your existance
  416. [18:04] <nick_varnegs> ...
  417. [18:04] <Abyss> ...
  418. [18:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> < this song begins playing after the previous one ends >
  419. [18:05] <nick_varnegs> *sigh* im sorry for whatever he did. im not like him... if you dont want to talk that's fine. i fear that my "first impression" wasmt the best
  420. [18:06] <Abyss> ... I think it's best we hold off on talking for now
  421. [18:06] <nick_varnegs> i... i agree
  422. [18:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That is perfectly fine. I simply wanted to make sure the two of you were acquainted.
  423. [18:07] * nick_varnegs nods
  424. [18:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I hope that in time the two of you come to find that the other is not quite what you feared they might be, but that is not of pressing concern at the moment. We have time.
  425. [18:07] <nick_varnegs> uhhh.. abyss? one last thing
  426. [18:08] <nick_varnegs> thanks for the wings
  427. [18:08] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles
  428. [18:08] * nick_varnegs smiles too
  429. [18:08] <Abyss> ...
  430. [18:09] <Abyss> I didn't...
  431. [18:09] <Abyss> Nevermind
  432. [18:09] <nick_varnegs> well... thanks for the power i used to make them?
  433. [18:10] <nick_varnegs> sorry for not asking if that's the case
  434. [18:10] <Abyss> *Just switch topics please or end this conversation*
  435. [18:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Nick, have you met Reggie?
  436. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov gestures to his crown/circlet/tiara
  437. [18:10] <nick_varnegs> no, not really
  438. [18:11] <nick_varnegs> i know of his existance. but...
  439. [18:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Nick, this is Regent, Regent this is Nick.
  440. [18:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Regent was with Lyra previously, up until the proceedings of the case, so that is likely why the two of you have never met.
  441. [18:11] <nick_varnegs> hello?
  442. [18:12] <nick_varnegs> lyra told me regent existed. but i didnt really talk much to it
  443. [18:12] <Regent> Hello there Nickolai, was it?
  444. [18:13] <nick_varnegs> yeah. call me nick :)
  445. [18:14] <Regent> Nice to meet you Nick, my name is Regent
  446. [18:14] <nick_varnegs> so... regent? its a pleasure.meeting you too
  447. [18:14] <nick_varnegs> so....
  448. [18:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Regent helped me quite a bit in making it through that trial while retaining my sanity. I owe him quite a lot.
  449. [18:15] <nick_varnegs> yeah. you are some entity bound to an item too?
  450. [18:15] <Regent> I suppose
  451. [18:15] <nick_varnegs> thanks for keeping fae fae safe
  452. [18:15] <Regent> Oh yes
  453. [18:15] <nick_varnegs> and.... didn't lyra call you reggie?
  454. [18:16] <Regent> "Fae Fae"was quite embarrassed when he first learned of your nickname
  455. [18:16] <Regent> You can call me Reggie if you like
  456. [18:16] * Faerzen_Norstov rolls his eyes at hearing "fae fae" again, but stops when Regent mentions it
  457. [18:16] <nick_varnegs> yup. i basically use it ironically by this point
  458. [18:17] <nick_varnegs> its just sounds funny and adorable in a weird way
  459. [18:17] <Regent> Fair enough
  460. [18:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Your grasp and masterful use of the concept of irony is truly breathtaking.
  461. [18:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> :|
  462. [18:17] <nick_varnegs> why thanks you!
  463. [18:17] <nick_varnegs> ;p
  464. [18:17] <nick_varnegs> so... reggie?
  465. [18:18] <nick_varnegs> you can see into people's minds?
  466. [18:18] <Regent> Not really
  467. [18:19] <Regent> I can glimpse a bit into the thoughts of whoever is wearing me
  468. [18:19] <nick_varnegs> oh well, i guess lyra exaggerated on that account
  469. [18:19] <Regent> But it's not that extreme
  470. [18:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Lyra tends to exaggerate a lot. :/
  471. [18:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Please, let us not go there.
  472. [18:19] <nick_varnegs> lyra is just lyra
  473. [18:20] <nick_varnegs> so... how is it?
  474. [18:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How is what?
  475. [18:21] <nick_varnegs> do you need people to allow the whole... mind thingy?
  476. [18:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie has always asked for my consent.
  477. [18:22] <nick_varnegs> that's nice
  478. [18:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, it is.
  479. [18:23] <nick_varnegs> so... regent... do you want to see into my mind?
  480. [18:23] <Regent> Not really
  481. [18:23] <Regent> Why would I?
  482. [18:23] <nick_varnegs> heh. i can see why
  483. [18:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think Lyra may have given quite the negative impression of both Reggie and Abyss, but they are both quite pleasant and reasonable.
  484. [18:24] <nick_varnegs> i dont have a good reputation about my sanity, this was completely expected, dont worry reggie :)
  485. [18:24] <Regent> I don't just go around looking into people's minds
  486. [18:25] <Regent> I see no reason to to be honest
  487. [18:25] <nick_varnegs> oh.
  488. [18:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Anyways, enough about delving into people's minds. I am quite hungry! Is there anything else we need, Nick?
  489. [18:25] <nick_varnegs> so... what is it that you do?
  490. [18:26] <nick_varnegs> not really
  491. [18:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I will set the table with dishware then.
  492. [18:27] <nick_varnegs> wish abyss and reggie could join and enjoy the f
  493. [18:27] <nick_varnegs> :/
  494. [18:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> To Regent: *Would you like to remain here for the meal or would you like me to take you upstairs? Whichever you would prefer.*
  495. [18:28] <nick_varnegs> *food somehow
  496. [18:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> To Abyss: *Would you like to remain here for the meal or would you like me to take you upstairs? I would love to have you with us, but if you would like some space, I would understand.*
  497. [18:28] <Regent> *I'd rather you two spent some time alone*
  498. [18:29] <Regent> *I can go upstairs if you want to spend some time alone with Nick* (Abyss)
  499. [18:30] * Faerzen_Norstov sets the table, and pours two glasses of orange mango juice
  500. [18:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I will be right back, Nick.
  501. [18:30] * Faerzen_Norstov makes his way up the stairs to his room
  502. [18:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> To Abyss: *Either is perfectly fine with me. If you would prefer to not be up here by yourself--or I suppose with both Regents--I would love to have you with us. If you would prefer not to be around Nick for the time being, I would love to give you some space. Just say the word.*
  503. [18:32] <Regent> *...*
  504. [18:32] <Regent> *I'll come with I guess*
  505. [18:32] * Faerzen_Norstov enters his bedroom, adjusting to the crooked floor, and then walks to his desk, removing the crown and placing it on the desk surface
  506. [18:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> *Excellent. If at any time you want to leave, just let me know and I can take you upstairs.*
  507. [18:34] * Faerzen_Norstov flips his attire back to the faintly maroon, feathered tuxedo and heads back downstairs
  508. [18:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Regent would prefer to take a break upstairs, but I am ready to eat!
  509. [18:35] <nick_varnegs_> alright :)
  510. [18:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Would you like to do the honors?
  511. [18:35] * Faerzen_Norstov gestures to the cookalizer
  512. [18:36] <nick_varnegs_> well... sure :)
  513. [18:37] * nick_varnegs_ takes the pieces and puts them in plates
  514. [18:38] * Faerzen_Norstov smells the meat and smiles
  515. [18:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It looks delicious!
  516. [18:38] * nick_varnegs_ takes a knife and cuts a thin and long piece of meat
  517. [18:39] * nick_varnegs_ bites half of it and holds it with with his teeth
  518. [18:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What type of meat is it?
  519. [18:39] <nick_varnegs_> *muffled* wfhanna thfry?
  520. [18:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Of course!
  521. [18:40] * nick_varnegs_ winks
  522. [18:40] * Faerzen_Norstov sips some juice then picks up his utensils and cuts off a bite-sized chunk of meat and eats it
  523. [18:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Mmm!
  524. [18:41] * Faerzen_Norstov swallows
  525. [18:41] * nick_varnegs_ sits down to properly eat. and swallows
  526. [18:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That really is quite tasty. The coal gives it an interesting sort of smokey flavor.
  527. [18:42] <nick_varnegs_> see. its all in the fire! it gives it quite some... alive-ness
  528. [18:42] * nick_varnegs_ takes a sip of juice
  529. [18:43] <nick_varnegs_> my oh my! what is this!
  530. [18:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The juice? Orange mango juice!
  531. [18:44] <nick_varnegs_> mango?
  532. [18:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oranges are a type of citrus you may have seen before?
  533. [18:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Mango is a tropical fruit with a large seed in the center.
  534. [18:44] <nick_varnegs_> heard of then, yest
  535. [18:44] <nick_varnegs_> *yes
  536. [18:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It has a tough outer skin and very intensely flavored flesh inside.
  537. [18:44] <nick_varnegs_> oh. interesting
  538. [18:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> They do not grow well in climates anywhere near where the two of us are from.
  539. [18:45] <nick_varnegs_> well. that explains why i had never heard about them
  540. [18:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Indeed.
  541. [18:46] * nick_varnegs_ cuts another piece of meat
  542. [18:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I figured a strongly flavored juice would accompany your smokey meat dish.
  543. [18:46] * nick_varnegs_ closes his eyes and smiles
  544. [18:47] <nick_varnegs_> *swallows* you guessed right! the flavor indeed compliments the dish
  545. [18:48] <nick_varnegs_> so... if you wont mind. after this i would like to take a shower, you took one earlier?
  546. [18:50] <nick_varnegs_> by the lack of screaming i suspect you didn't get attacked by it? *laughts*
  547. [18:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I actually did not take a shower earlier.
  548. [18:51] <nick_varnegs_> oh
  549. [18:51] <nick_varnegs_> well. you smell nicer than usual
  550. [18:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Both while you were sleeping and while you were cooking outside, I spent the vast majority of my time talking with people.
  551. [18:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Ah.
  552. [18:51] <nick_varnegs_> not that your natural scent isnt nice
  553. [18:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> .......
  554. [18:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well then.
  555. [18:52] <nick_varnegs_> ...we already talked about it. its just from being close to you
  556. [18:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I applied some cologne. It is a fragrance typically used by men to make themselves smell nice.
  557. [18:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Similar to perfume that women often use.
  558. [18:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Both showers in the house should be functional simultaneously, so that should not be an issue.
  559. [18:55] <nick_varnegs> i hope i dont get attacked again :p
  560. [18:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I was discussing this matter with Reggie earlier, and I have not showered since the first day that we arrived in this game. I have been too busy!
  561. [18:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think a shower would be quite nice.
  562. [18:55] <nick_varnegs> oh dang.
  563. [18:55] <nick_varnegs> well... yeah.
  564. [18:56] <nick_varnegs> it would suit us both very nicely
  565. [18:56] <nick_varnegs> warm water and all that.
  566. [18:57] <nick_varnegs> specially me, that i end up smelling of sweat and blood all the time
  567. [18:58] <nick_varnegs> so... if you want to join me later its up to you
  568. [18:58] * nick_varnegs covers his mouth and blushes
  569. [18:59] <nick_varnegs> *cough* i didnt mean *cough*
  570. [18:59] * nick_varnegs takes a sip of juice
  571. [18:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think a shower would be very relaxing, but I would prefer to do it in a separate chamber. When you inevitably accidentally set the shower pressure so high, I would not like to be trapped as well. :P
  572. [19:00] <nick_varnegs> heh. that's fair
  573. [19:00] <nick_varnegs> so... what about the wings though?
  574. [19:00] <nick_varnegs> they would get all wet :/
  575. [19:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The house-wide intercom system does include the bathrooms however, in case someone knocks at the door while you are in the shower.
  576. [19:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We could use that to talk if you like.
  577. [19:01] <nick_varnegs> we indeed could :)
  578. [19:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That....... is actually something I had not yet considered.
  579. [19:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You did not have wings yet last time.
  580. [19:01] <nick_varnegs> oh.
  581. [19:02] <nick_varnegs> good point
  582. [19:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Birds are able to function okay in the rain, so I believe they should be fine?
  583. [19:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I believe feathers have some sort of waterproofing mechanism built into them.
  584. [19:02] <nick_varnegs> yeah. feathers are somewhat waterproof
  585. [19:03] <nick_varnegs> ...hmmm... if it were some kind of oil it would wash off with the wqrm water and cleaning products
  586. [19:03] <nick_varnegs> let me check
  587. [19:04] * nick_varnegs reaches between the feathers and into his wing
  588. [19:04] <nick_varnegs> Ow!... ow. there we go... lets see... feather... feather... skin
  589. [19:04] <nick_varnegs> ... hmmm
  590. [19:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What are you looking for?
  591. [19:05] * nick_varnegs takes a breath and quickly moves his arm our, with a rather big feather in his hands
  592. [19:05] <nick_varnegs> Ow! ...these
  593. [19:06] * nick_varnegs examines the feather and checks the base of it
  594. [19:07] <nick_varnegs> it seems.... dusty... not oily at all
  595. [19:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Fine particulates can be used as a waterproofing agent. Because of both their high surface area and water's high surface tension, the two repel quite strongly.
  596. [19:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Perhaps that is what keeps the feathers dry?
  597. [19:08] <nick_varnegs> perhaps? i understand SOME of those words
  598. [19:09] * nick_varnegs cuts another bite sized piece of meat
  599. [19:09] * Faerzen_Norstov extends his hand
  600. [19:09] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Could I see that feather?
  601. [19:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have an experiment that we can perform.
  602. [19:10] <nick_varnegs> they should be fine then, i was kind of looking forward to drying up yours-- oh sure
  603. [19:10] * nick_varnegs hands faerzen the feather
  604. [19:10] * Faerzen_Norstov takes the feather and walks into the sink, folding his wings behind him
  605. [19:11] * nick_varnegs continues to eat as he watches faerzen
  606. [19:11] * Faerzen_Norstov holds the feather under a stream of running water and then withdraws it
  607. [19:11] <nick_varnegs> you stoll fold them behind you?
  608. [19:11] * Faerzen_Norstov repeats the motion several times
  609. [19:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmm? Oh, my wings?
  610. [19:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, there are so many things I am afraid of knocking over!
  611. [19:11] <nick_varnegs> yeah?
  612. [19:12] * nick_varnegs stands up, extends his wings to his sides and wraps them around himself
  613. [19:12] <nick_varnegs> ill just stay with my cloak of feathers then
  614. [19:13] * Faerzen_Norstov applies a small dab of liquid soap to the feather and then places it back under the stream of water
  615. [19:13] * nick_varnegs sits down and continues with his meal
  616. [19:13] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I must say, that cloak is quite a superior way to sleep!
  617. [19:13] * Faerzen_Norstov withdraws the feather and and then places it under the water several times
  618. [19:13] <nick_varnegs> its the best blanket
  619. [19:14] <nick_varnegs> also, its like sleeping in a warm feathery embrace
  620. [19:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I enjoy having a blanket when I sleep, though lately, I think if I slept with anything I would be quite hot!
  621. [19:14] <nick_varnegs> reminds me of someone.
  622. [19:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Today, my room has been quite warm.
  623. [19:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh does it? :)
  624. [19:15] <nick_varnegs> oops
  625. [19:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oops?
  626. [19:15] <nick_varnegs> i think i moved the temperature thingy
  627. [19:15] * Faerzen_Norstov examines the feather, applies some more soap, and then scrubs with his fingers
  628. [19:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, were you tinkering with the thermostat management system in the table over there?
  629. [19:16] <nick_varnegs> also yes. it reminds me of someone when i go to sleep
  630. [19:16] <nick_varnegs> and... yes? i guess so? i dont know
  631. [19:16] <nick_varnegs> everything is written in... norwegian
  632. [19:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose that would be a problem, wouldn't it?
  633. [19:17] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles
  634. [19:17] * nick_varnegs smiles
  635. [19:17] <nick_varnegs> so... i see you dont like keeping your room that hot?
  636. [19:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How hot did you set it for?
  637. [19:18] <nick_varnegs> how is the feather holding up?
  638. [19:18] <nick_varnegs> ... i have no idea
  639. [19:18] * Faerzen_Norstov stops scrubbing and sticks it under the water stream several times
  640. [19:19] <nick_varnegs> somewhere around 20?
  641. [19:19] * Faerzen_Norstov turns the water off and examines the feather
  642. [19:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmmmm
  643. [19:19] * Faerzen_Norstov returns to the table
  644. [19:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well the feather does repel water quite well, that much is true.
  645. [19:20] <nick_varnegs> so.... how did you make your attire anyways?
  646. [19:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Ah.
  647. [19:20] <nick_varnegs> oh that's nice
  648. [19:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well, while I must say I am rather preplexed by my purportedly future self's choice in gifts, there was one gift that was quite nice.
  649. [19:21] <nick_varnegs> oh?
  650. [19:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do not particularly know what I will do with all of the beauty products, but this tuxedo has already proven to be quite amazing!
  651. [19:22] <nick_varnegs> eh. you *could* give them a try
  652. [19:22] * nick_varnegs shrugs
  653. [19:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There is quite an extensive array of dresses and tuxedos and formal attire in here, and this control system is able to manipulate the material of the clothing to render whatever design was inputted.
  654. [19:22] <nick_varnegs> my oh my. that seems quite useful
  655. [19:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I worked off of a couple of base designs and added my own feathered motifs to create these.
  656. [19:23] <nick_varnegs> so... beauty products?
  657. [19:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That it does.
  658. [19:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, beauty products.
  659. [19:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The cologne and hair shaping paste I am using are among them.
  660. [19:24] <nick_varnegs> have you ever wondered about the fact that every future faerzen we have seen has been a woman?
  661. [19:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> .....
  662. [19:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes.
  663. [19:24] <nick_varnegs> ...
  664. [19:25] <nick_varnegs> what do you think about it?
  665. [19:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> On the one hand we have only met two, and both under very dire circumstances, so at a bare minimum that is a 25% probability of occurring.
  666. [19:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> However, I would not put it past whomever put both of them in our paths to have chosen a female body if possible to increase the emotional trauma of encountering them.
  667. [19:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There is also the possibility that in the future....... I die.
  668. [19:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This body at least.
  669. [19:26] <nick_varnegs> oh.
  670. [19:26] * nick_varnegs 's smile fades
  671. [19:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> But I try not to speculate too much into these matters as they are only painful and difficult to think about and provide little practical utility.
  672. [19:27] * nick_varnegs reaches across the table to take faerzen's hand
  673. [19:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This device is able to generate male and female clothing alike, and the beauty products covered a wide array across both genders, so that was considerate at least.
  674. [19:28] * Faerzen_Norstov quietly takes Nick's hand
  675. [19:29] <nick_varnegs> ....
  676. [19:30] * nick_varnegs quietly lets go of faerzen's hand after a moment or two
  677. [19:31] <nick_varnegs> ...your food is getting cold
  678. [19:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Anyways, enough of morose and confusing things.
  679. [19:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, I dare say it is.
  680. [19:31] * Faerzen_Norstov cuts off another piece of meat
  681. [19:32] <nick_varnegs> yeah. lets just focus on the good things
  682. [19:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> So, what were you up to while I was stuck with Lyra in the trial?
  683. [19:32] <nick_varnegs> like.... i have no idea. just being here its nice
  684. [19:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hopefully something more pleasant that the ordeal we all slogged through.
  685. [19:32] <nick_varnegs> i was killing a basilisk and some ogres
  686. [19:33] <nick_varnegs> and... going back home
  687. [19:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose you had not been home in quite some time, had you?
  688. [19:33] <nick_varnegs> and fixing a shoulderplate
  689. [19:34] <nick_varnegs> 2 days. or more. flow of time is weird
  690. [19:34] <nick_varnegs> ..
  691. [19:34] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How is Elsa?
  692. [19:34] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I dare say she has been home for quite some time.
  693. [19:35] <nick_varnegs> the baby is fine. bindeer still is using the magic artifact to feed her
  694. [19:35] <nick_varnegs> bindeer is also fine. i visited lopez's grave... just to him again
  695. [19:36] <nick_varnegs> and i took the chance to talk to the byron and faerzen i met in there
  696. [19:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You...... buried him?
  697. [19:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ....and them?
  698. [19:37] <nick_varnegs> just.... to get it all off my mind
  699. [19:37] <nick_varnegs> yes. proper respect for the body of the dead
  700. [19:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am sorry you even had to deal with all of that in the first place.
  701. [19:37] <nick_varnegs> the innocent deserve proper rest
  702. [19:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What you did here was a nice gesture.
  703. [19:38] <nick_varnegs> was just my stubborness
  704. [19:38] * nick_varnegs faintly smiles
  705. [19:38] <nick_varnegs> ...lopez was a good hunter
  706. [19:39] <nick_varnegs> sure. we had an accident once, but he could easily track and kill anything given enough time
  707. [19:39] * nick_varnegs folds up his remaining sleeve and points at some bite marks
  708. [19:40] * Faerzen_Norstov raises an eyebrow behind the mask
  709. [19:41] * nick_varnegs folds up the sleeve even more, until its up ti the shoulder
  710. [19:41] <nick_varnegs> it got messy real fast that time
  711. [19:41] * nick_varnegs points to three deep scars in line... are those... claw marks?
  712. [19:43] <nick_varnegs> but after it we went back home
  713. [19:43] <nick_varnegs> and he took care of me till i was fine
  714. [19:43] <nick_varnegs> told me stories of dad.
  715. [19:43] <nick_varnegs> :)
  716. [19:44] * nick_varnegs continues eating
  717. [19:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Stories are always nice.
  718. [19:48] <@Faerzen_Norstov> My mother used to the the same thing of my father.
  719. [19:49] <nick_varnegs> care to share?
  720. [19:50] <nick_varnegs> i would love to hear stories from you
  721. [19:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> My dad was always the sort of outdoors type of person.
  722. [19:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There was one time before I was born that he decided he was going to go off into the Norwegian forests and attempt to live on his own!
  723. [19:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He of course brought some gadgets with him, just in case for emergencies, but he mostly went into the woods emptyhanded!
  724. [19:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> My mom said she could never understand why he wanted to do that, but it was something he cared about.
  725. [19:52] <nick_varnegs> :O
  726. [19:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He said that he wanted to be gone for 2 weeks, and that he would catch a ferry down the fjord to come home when he was done.
  727. [19:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He went on his way, and as expected, my mother didn't hear anything from him.
  728. [19:53] <nick_varnegs> oh
  729. [19:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Later, however, there was quite a ruckus on the local news feeds.
  730. [19:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Several individuals described being on camping trips, fishing expeditions, or hikes, and encountering a bear!
  731. [19:54] <nick_varnegs> oh?
  732. [19:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Large bears are quite uncommon in the area, and my mom was quite worried.
  733. [19:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> My father hadn't taken anything with him that could defend him against something like that!
  734. [19:55] <nick_varnegs> oh no!
  735. [19:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Especially after being in the woods for a week, my father would have acquired quite the stench and would be easily trackable by such a bear!
  736. [19:56] <nick_varnegs> :o
  737. [19:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Near the end of his two week stint, someone posted a photo online of a deer carcass and a hulking shape in the shadows.
  738. [19:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Eventually, the Corporate Park Commission decided to intervene, and easily scanned the area to identify the bear's location.
  739. [19:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Unfortunately, they could only identify one significantly sized life source in the area, presumably the bear.
  740. [19:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> They sent in a squad of apprehension specialists to the area, and what they found shocked them!
  741. [19:58] <nick_varnegs> :?
  742. [19:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> They found an incredibly hairy beast with fresh blood all over it.
  743. [19:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> They moved in to capture it, but when they did, they found it was my father all along!
  744. [19:59] <nick_varnegs> ...
  745. [19:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He had gone hunting earlier in the day and had killed the deer for food.
  746. [20:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> My mother talked with him after he was brought home--and gave him quite the scolding!--and he had accidentally torn his shirt on a tree branch the first day, so I scrapped it entirely and used the cloth as fire starting material.
  747. [20:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Everyone who had spotted a bear had instead just seen my dad through the underbrush and assumed it was a bear because they didn't expect a man to be alone int he woods!
  748. [20:00] <nick_varnegs> it sounds like i would have been good friends with mr. norstov
  749. [20:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> My father didn't even look like a bear much.
  750. [20:01] <nick_varnegs> he looked ellegant. that's for sure
  751. [20:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He was a bit stronger than average, but he was mostly an average guy who ran a local chain of grocery stores and enjoyed the outdoors.
  752. [20:02] <nick_varnegs> :)
  753. [20:03] <nick_varnegs> he really does sound like an amazing person.
  754. [21:47] * Nick_Varnegs smiles at faerzen as he sets the other bladekind practice card for himself
  755. [21:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yeah....... I suppose he was.
  756. [21:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> I wish I had gotten to know him better.
  757. [21:48] <Nick_Varnegs> :/
  758. [21:48] <Nick_Varnegs> what happened with him?
  759. [21:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> I still do not really know for sure, and that bothers me.
  760. [21:49] <Nick_Varnegs> ...does the book still have supernatural knowledge?
  761. [21:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> Around when I was born, there was an accident at one of the markets he owned. There was a large explosion, and it essentially leveled the entire building.
  762. [21:49] <Nick_Varnegs> oh
  763. [21:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> My dad was quite severely injured, but thankfully he was able to be saved.
  764. [21:50] * Nick_Varnegs aproaches faerzen and puts a hand to his shoulder
  765. [21:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose medicine is one thing to be thankful for in the time I am from.
  766. [21:50] <Nick_Varnegs> we dont have to talk about this if you dont want
  767. [21:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> Even though he recovered, the doctors think he reacted to some of the medications they used and he always struggled with blood clot problems ever since then.
  768. [21:51] <Nick_Varnegs> :/
  769. [21:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> One day when I was young there was one that lodged itself and did too much damage before the doctors could get to him, and that was that.
  770. [21:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> It is unclear whether or not the book has supernatural knowledge, but I do not wish to burden it with my personal problems regardless.
  771. [21:52] <Nick_Varnegs> alright then.
  772. [21:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> Me taking advantage of its knowledge is exactly what led it to essentially commit suicide in the first place.
  773. [21:52] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  774. [21:52] <Nick_Varnegs> what
  775. [21:53] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  776. [21:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh.
  777. [21:53] <Nick_Varnegs> nevermind
  778. [21:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> Did I not tell you?
  779. [21:53] <Nick_Varnegs> no, i dont want to know
  780. [21:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> I probably didn't.
  781. [21:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> That sounds like something I wouldn't tell people.
  782. [21:53] <Nick_Varnegs> yeah. it does
  783. [21:54] <Nick_Varnegs> lets keep the talk casual. your food is getting cold fae
  784. [21:54] * Faerzen_Norstov lets out a long breath through his nose and returns to his food
  785. [21:55] * Nick_Varnegs looks down to his lap as he continues eating
  786. [21:55] <Nick_Varnegs> ....
  787. [21:55] <Nick_Varnegs> do you want to know how i got the scars?
  788. [21:56] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles with his mouth full, then swallows
  789. [21:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> Which ones? There are quite a lot to choose from!
  790. [21:56] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm... i dont know. you tell me any part of my body and ill tell the tale of the nearest one
  791. [21:57] * Faerzen_Norstov raises an eyebrow
  792. [21:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Any* part?
  793. [21:58] <Nick_Varnegs> *any* part
  794. [21:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> How about your right knee.
  795. [21:58] * Faerzen_Norstov eats another bite of meat
  796. [21:58] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm...
  797. [21:58] <Nick_Varnegs> nearest one to that would probably be....
  798. [21:59] * Nick_Varnegs stands up and raises his right foot to faerzen
  799. [21:59] == Jaczac [~Jaczac@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:a165:89a9:c319:dc2e] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  800. [21:59] <Nick_Varnegs> the two little guys missing in there.
  801. [21:59] <Nick_Varnegs> -nick's last two toes are somewhat... missing-
  802. [22:01] <Nick_Varnegs> yup.
  803. [22:01] <Nick_Varnegs> i lost them in an accident at the forge.
  804. [22:02] * Faerzen_Norstov eats another bite
  805. [22:02] <Nick_Varnegs> a rather heavy piece of sharpened metal.
  806. [22:02] <Nick_Varnegs> just cut straight through the bone
  807. [22:02] * Faerzen_Norstov grimaces
  808. [22:02] <Nick_Varnegs> franchesco helped me out during the time i couldn't walk properly
  809. [22:03] <Nick_Varnegs> i still have the toes in a bag back home
  810. [22:04] * Faerzen_Norstov looks perplexed and kind of disgusted
  811. [22:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> You do???
  812. [22:04] <Nick_Varnegs> even now i have some problems with them. when im barefoot i sometimes lose my.... balance
  813. [22:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> How have they not decayed beyond all recognition?
  814. [22:04] <Nick_Varnegs> they did
  815. [22:04] * Faerzen_Norstov frowns
  816. [22:04] <Nick_Varnegs> its just small pieces of bones by this point
  817. [22:04] <Nick_Varnegs> im quite sure there's also a small detatched piece in here too
  818. [22:05] * Nick_Varnegs wiggles foot
  819. [22:06] <Nick_Varnegs> heh.
  820. [22:06] <Nick_Varnegs> any other you want to know about?
  821. [22:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> How about..... your left pinky.
  822. [22:06] * Faerzen_Norstov eats another bite
  823. [22:06] <Nick_Varnegs> the nearest one from... that. would be....
  824. [22:06] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm...
  825. [22:07] <Nick_Varnegs> ...alright
  826. [22:07] <Nick_Varnegs> dont freak out
  827. [22:07] * Nick_Varnegs pulls down his pants down to his knees
  828. [22:07] <Nick_Varnegs> there. on my thigh
  829. [22:08] * Faerzen_Norstov peers over the table to get a look at the scar
  830. [22:08] <Nick_Varnegs> -a small but quite... marked line is in the thigh-
  831. [22:08] * Faerzen_Norstov sits back down
  832. [22:08] * Nick_Varnegs pulls his pants back up
  833. [22:08] <Nick_Varnegs> so.....
  834. [22:09] <Nick_Varnegs> we were at a tavern
  835. [22:09] <Nick_Varnegs> and had an accident with a rather... festive fellow
  836. [22:09] <Nick_Varnegs> the wound is not that deep since it was just made with a kitchen utensil
  837. [22:09] <Nick_Varnegs> and he payed for food as a "sorry"
  838. [22:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> That hardly seems like a fair trade!
  839. [22:10] * Faerzen_Norstov cuts another bite of meat
  840. [22:10] * Faerzen_Norstov sips some juice
  841. [22:11] <Nick_Varnegs> eh.
  842. [22:11] <Nick_Varnegs> well... he also comissioned something from franchesco
  843. [22:11] <Nick_Varnegs> and payed both in metal and coin
  844. [22:12] <Nick_Varnegs> that was atleast... something
  845. [22:12] <Nick_Varnegs> any other?
  846. [22:12] == yzabtech [] has joined #RPGStuck_Horrorterrors
  847. [22:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> If it is not anything too traumatic....... how about your rear end? One of my classmates' fathers was shot in the buttock!
  848. [22:13] <Nick_Varnegs> oh.
  849. [22:14] <Nick_Varnegs> now that you mention it
  850. [22:14] * Nick_Varnegs turns around and shows faerzen just the beginning of a scar, covered by the pants.
  851. [22:14] <Nick_Varnegs> it goes halfway down that buttock.
  852. [22:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> I appreciate not being mooned at the dining table, thank you. :)
  853. [22:15] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles
  854. [22:15] * Faerzen_Norstov munches on more food
  855. [22:15] <Nick_Varnegs> alright...
  856. [22:15] <Nick_Varnegs> so about this one
  857. [22:15] <Nick_Varnegs> lets just say. dont fight with swords in the dark
  858. [22:15] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles
  859. [22:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ouch!
  860. [22:16] <Nick_Varnegs> my opponen that night lost a finger, so i gess i got the better part of the deal in here? :p
  861. [22:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose so.
  862. [22:16] <Nick_Varnegs> we still have quite a few left
  863. [22:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> How about.... whichever one is your favorite among the ones you have yet to mention?
  864. [22:17] * Nick_Varnegs picks the meat from his plate up with his hands and takes a bite
  865. [22:17] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm.... i would have to say...
  866. [22:17] <Nick_Varnegs> the one going down my right shoulder.
  867. [22:18] <Nick_Varnegs> it somewhat goes into my chest
  868. [22:19] <Nick_Varnegs> it was from the time franchesco started teaching me how to swing a blade. he was so sorry about accidentally doing it he spent months taking care of me and making me a shoulderplate
  869. [22:19] <Nick_Varnegs> sadly, it was kinda small because i was somewhat young back then
  870. [22:19] <Nick_Varnegs> *it was kinda big
  871. [22:20] <Nick_Varnegs> the scar remains there... it reminds me of dad
  872. [22:21] * Nick_Varnegs sort of does that sad-ish smile
  873. [22:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> Do you still have the shoulderplate as a reminder?
  874. [22:22] <Nick_Varnegs> yup
  875. [22:22] <Nick_Varnegs> while you were in the case i kind of worked on it so it properly fits
  876. [22:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> Excellent!
  877. [22:22] <Nick_Varnegs> had to do quite a few things to work around the whole... wings in the back
  878. [22:22] * Nick_Varnegs decaptchalogues shoulderplate
  879. [22:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ah yes, that could be problematic.
  880. [22:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, wow!
  881. [22:23] * Nick_Varnegs puts the shoulderplate on faerzen
  882. [22:23] <Nick_Varnegs> as you can see.
  883. [22:23] <Nick_Varnegs> it perfectly goes around the wings and every.... sensitive area
  884. [22:23] * Nick_Varnegs fixes the straps and tightens some
  885. [22:24] * Faerzen_Norstov adjusts his arm to fit inside
  886. [22:24] <Nick_Varnegs> (( ))
  887. [22:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> I must say it is a hair on the large side for me, but that must mean it fits you excellently!
  888. [22:25] * Nick_Varnegs slightly chuckles
  889. [22:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> Nice work in modifying this, Nick. It fits around the wing roots nicely.
  890. [22:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am sure your father would be proud.
  891. [22:26] <Nick_Varnegs> :)
  892. [22:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> You should feel very satisfied about this!
  893. [22:27] * Nick_Varnegs 's eyes get just a bit watery
  894. [22:28] <Nick_Varnegs> y-yeah
  895. [22:28] * Nick_Varnegs helps faerzen take the shoulderplate off
  896. [22:28] * Faerzen_Norstov lifts his arm to help give some space to work it off
  897. [22:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> I wonder........
  898. [22:29] * Faerzen_Norstov taps a button on his opposite shoulder
  899. [22:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> <some feathers on his shoulder that had been smashed from the shoulderplate heal themselves>
  900. [22:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> Excellent!
  901. [22:30] * Nick_Varnegs finishes the whole... taking off of shoulderplate.
  902. [22:30] * Nick_Varnegs runs one of his hands through one of faerzen's wings as he returns to his seat
  903. [22:31] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles
  904. [22:31] * Faerzen_Norstov drinks the last of his juice
  905. [22:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ah, that was quite tasty! Well done, Nick.
  906. [22:31] * Nick_Varnegs slowly drinks the juice
  907. [22:31] * Nick_Varnegs puts down an empty glass and smiles proudly
  908. [22:31] <Nick_Varnegs> why thanks!
  909. [22:32] * Nick_Varnegs picks up the last small-ish piece of meat he has left and eats it
  910. [22:33] <Nick_Varnegs> that indeed was quite tasty
  911. [22:33] <Nick_Varnegs> what do you want to do now?
  912. [22:35] * Faerzen_Norstov looks at Nick, surprised
  913. [22:35] * Faerzen_Norstov makes a puzzled face, then sort of stares off into space
  914. [22:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> That really is quite interesting.......
  915. [22:35] <Nick_Varnegs> hmm?
  916. [22:35] <Nick_Varnegs> what is?
  917. [22:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> I was caught off guard by that question both because I was not expecting to ever be asked that question since we entered this game and because I never expected I would actually have the liberty to choose a response.
  918. [22:36] <Nick_Varnegs> oh
  919. [22:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> For once, there is not something immediate looming over my head that I need to tend to.
  920. [22:36] <Nick_Varnegs> well...
  921. [22:37] <Nick_Varnegs> im going to ask again for good measure
  922. [22:37] <Nick_Varnegs> what do you *want* to do?
  923. [22:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> How about......
  924. [22:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> Whatever you want to do!
  925. [22:38] * Faerzen_Norstov winks
  926. [22:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> I bet you weren't expecting that!
  927. [22:38] * Nick_Varnegs is also surprised
  928. [22:38] <Nick_Varnegs> indeed i wasnt!
  929. [22:38] <Nick_Varnegs> woah!
  930. [22:38] <Nick_Varnegs> ...hmmmm...
  931. [22:39] <Nick_Varnegs> do you have anything interesting we could do togheter?
  932. [22:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmmm.....
  933. [22:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am afraid much of my house is rather devoid of personal entertainment, as I never much cared for it.
  934. [22:40] <Faerzen_Norstov> Whenever I found myself with extra time, I would always work on a project of some sort by myself.
  935. [22:40] <Nick_Varnegs> oh
  936. [22:40] <Faerzen_Norstov> Either that or work on my studies work, but that never particularly took much time.
  937. [22:41] <Nick_Varnegs> oh
  938. [22:41] <Nick_Varnegs> well...
  939. [22:42] <Nick_Varnegs> there has to be something fun to do around here isn't there?
  940. [22:42] <Nick_Varnegs> i could help you at something
  941. [22:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> Like what? The swords?
  942. [22:42] <Nick_Varnegs> or i could go take a shower or... i really dont know what i could do
  943. [22:42] <Nick_Varnegs> well... that's an idea right there
  944. [22:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am afraid much of my projects are not terribly conducive to..... "untechnical" labor.
  945. [22:43] <Nick_Varnegs> do you feel like learning how to swing a blade?
  946. [22:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> Much like I would imagine I would be very little help if you stuck me in front of a forge!
  947. [22:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose I could give it a try.
  948. [22:44] * Nick_Varnegs smiles
  949. [22:44] <Nick_Varnegs> we should head outside for this
  950. [22:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, I would appreciate not destroying my den!
  951. [22:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> There is a nice open area in the back where I kept my archery target.
  952. [22:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> I daresay that target is no longer....
  953. [22:45] <Nick_Varnegs> oh dear! i would never even dare to destroy any of this magnificent home
  954. [22:45] <Nick_Varnegs> ...oh?
  955. [22:45] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles
  956. [22:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> It was the first thing I tested my new crossbow on!
  957. [22:46] <Nick_Varnegs> oh! i see
  958. [22:46] <Nick_Varnegs> dissolved it?
  959. [22:46] <Nick_Varnegs> or turneth it into high pitched air?
  960. [22:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> I promptly converted the entire thing immediately into hydrogen chloride.
  961. [22:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> Here..... there really is not much to say other than simply showing it to you.
  962. [22:46] * Faerzen_Norstov smirks
  963. [22:46] <Archive> ((hahahaha))
  964. [22:47] * Nick_Varnegs looks confused
  965. [22:47] * Faerzen_Norstov leads Nick outside into the backyard through the workshop
  966. [22:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> It used to be just over here.
  967. [22:48] <Nick_Varnegs> well... that's ceirtainly interesting
  968. [22:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> :|
  969. [22:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> That statue really is quite preposterous
  970. [22:49] <Nick_Varnegs> indeed
  971. [22:50] <Nick_Varnegs> so... do you want to get started?
  972. [22:50] <Nick_Varnegs> i would recommend changing into something more... confortable
  973. [22:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> I need to show you the target though!
  974. [22:50] * Faerzen_Norstov leads Nick over near the edge of the top of the rocky spire
  975. [22:51] * Faerzen_Norstov points at a patch of ground
  976. [22:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> <all of the grass in about a 3 foot diameter blob is entirely missing, and the ground is sunk about 6 inches. The dent is full of a blackish mud that smells really weird.>
  977. [22:51] <Nick_Varnegs> so.....
  978. [22:52] <Nick_Varnegs> it dissolved.
  979. [22:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> And it took a fair chunk of the ground with it as well!
  980. [22:53] <Nick_Varnegs> careful when you do that again! that seems fairly... dangerous
  981. [22:53] <Nick_Varnegs> just....
  982. [22:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> Thankfully I know now that the chemical compound setting is adjustable! Unintended accidents like this should not be a problem in the future. :)
  983. [22:53] <Nick_Varnegs> oh nice
  984. [22:54] <Nick_Varnegs> so... as i said earlier
  985. [22:54] <Nick_Varnegs> you should change into something more comfortable
  986. [22:55] <Nick_Varnegs> and try to ignore the gigantic statue that looks like you
  987. [22:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> :|
  988. [22:56] <Nick_Varnegs> yup
  989. [22:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> This tuxedo really is quite comfortable, but I suppose it is rather restrictive in terms of movement.
  990. [22:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> I will be back shortly!
  991. [22:57] * Nick_Varnegs keeps looking at faerzen statue
  992. [22:57] <Nick_Varnegs> alright then
  993. [22:57] * Faerzen_Norstov leaps into the air and flies up to the balcony outside his room
  994. [22:58] * Faerzen_Norstov disengages the lockdown, enters his room, and re-engages the lockdown
  995. [22:58] * Faerzen_Norstov takes off Abyss, places the mask on his desk, heads into the bathroom, and changes into the Dress of ICE Shields he hung up there earlier
  996. [22:58] * Nick_Varnegs flies up to the balcony
  997. [22:59] * Faerzen_Norstov returns to his bedroom, lays the black tuxedo on his bed, and picks up Abyss again
  998. [22:59] * Faerzen_Norstov waves at Nick outside the window
  999. [23:00] * Nick_Varnegs waves
  1000. [23:00] * Faerzen_Norstov undoes the lockdown, and exits the room onto the balcony
  1001. [23:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> Waiting down there was too difficult?
  1002. [23:01] * Faerzen_Norstov closes the door, re-engaging the lockdown, and puts Abyss on again
  1003. [23:01] <Nick_Varnegs> not really
  1004. [23:01] <Nick_Varnegs> so....
  1005. [23:01] <Nick_Varnegs> that thing is not going to electrify me right?
  1006. [23:01] * Faerzen_Norstov checks the switch on the inside of the dress
  1007. [23:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> No, I made sure the electricity was off when I put the dress on.
  1008. [23:02] <Nick_Varnegs> good
  1009. [23:02] <Nick_Varnegs> that thing has shocked me quite a few times
  1010. [23:03] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles
  1011. [23:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, I dare say it has!
  1012. [23:03] <Nick_Varnegs> alright....
  1013. [23:03] * Nick_Varnegs flies down to the yard
  1014. [23:03] * Faerzen_Norstov glides down to follow
  1015. [23:04] * Nick_Varnegs decaptchalogues a shortsword
  1016. [23:04] * Faerzen_Norstov cautiously pulls out the shortsword from his new specibus
  1017. [23:04] * Nick_Varnegs takes a few swings at the air to test weight and momentum
  1018. [23:04] <Nick_Varnegs> just like old times
  1019. [23:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> How.... should I hold this?
  1020. [23:05] <Nick_Varnegs> alright...
  1021. [23:05] * Faerzen_Norstov works his hand around in several different grips, unsure of which one is best
  1022. [23:05] <Nick_Varnegs> look....
  1023. [23:05] <Nick_Varnegs> you grab the sword in a tight grip
  1024. [23:05] <Nick_Varnegs> but you leave your fingers loose
  1025. [23:06] <Nick_Varnegs> grab it high up
  1026. [23:06] * Faerzen_Norstov attempts to follow Nick's instructions
  1027. [23:06] <Nick_Varnegs> not from the pommel
  1028. [23:06] <Nick_Varnegs> but near the handle
  1029. [23:06] <Nick_Varnegs> *guard
  1030. [23:06] <Nick_Varnegs> or hilt.
  1031. [23:07] <Nick_Varnegs> depends on how you want to call it
  1032. [23:07] * Nick_Varnegs bows
  1033. [23:07] <Nick_Varnegs> alright... first timers get a practice stab. go for it
  1034. [23:07] * Faerzen_Norstov looks confused and then rather awkwardly holds the sword in front of him
  1035. [23:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> W-what???
  1036. [23:08] * Nick_Varnegs assumes a defensive stance ((
  1037. [23:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> I can't just stab you!
  1038. [23:08] <Nick_Varnegs> yes you can
  1039. [23:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> You're going to block it, right?
  1040. [23:08] <Nick_Varnegs> yup
  1041. [23:08] <Nick_Varnegs> ill try
  1042. [23:08] * Faerzen_Norstov heaves a sigh of relief
  1043. [23:09] <Nick_Varnegs> ...also... take it slow
  1044. [23:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay then, you should have no trouble then.
  1045. [23:09] <Nick_Varnegs> by practice stab i just mean like... just get a hang of swinging it around
  1046. [23:09] <Nick_Varnegs> alright
  1047. [23:09] <Nick_Varnegs> ...on the count of 3?
  1048. [23:09] * Faerzen_Norstov stands back and swings the sword around a couple times, testing it
  1049. [23:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> This is very...... strange
  1050. [23:10] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm...
  1051. [23:10] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen
  1052. [23:10] <Nick_Varnegs> give me a moment
  1053. [23:10] * Nick_Varnegs aproaches faezen and goes behind him to grab his arm by the forearm
  1054. [23:10] <Nick_Varnegs> its all in the wrist
  1055. [23:10] <Nick_Varnegs> try to do an horizontal slice
  1056. [23:11] * Nick_Varnegs sort of hugs faerzen from behind and helps him do the motion
  1057. [23:11] * Faerzen_Norstov brings the sword back to the side and slices horizontally
  1058. [23:11] <Nick_Varnegs> there we go...
  1059. [23:11] <Nick_Varnegs> good
  1060. [23:12] * Faerzen_Norstov attempts the same motion again
  1061. [23:12] * Nick_Varnegs grabs faerzen by his wrist and moves it around to show how the movement its supposed to be, he also fixes the grip on the sword
  1062. [23:12] <Nick_Varnegs> you are doing good right there
  1063. [23:13] <Nick_Varnegs> alright...
  1064. [23:13] <Nick_Varnegs> now do a diagonal slice
  1065. [23:13] * Nick_Varnegs lets go of faerzen's arm and holds his right shoulder
  1066. [23:13] * Faerzen_Norstov moves the sword over at an angle and sweeps it diagonally
  1067. [23:14] <Nick_Varnegs> good. good.
  1068. [23:14] <Nick_Varnegs> put yourself more into it
  1069. [23:14] <Nick_Varnegs> feel the blade as if it was part of you
  1070. [23:14] * Faerzen_Norstov makes a couple more diagonal slices in alternating directions, putting much more effort into each swing
  1071. [23:15] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm....
  1072. [23:15] <Nick_Varnegs> you are getting there. yes
  1073. [23:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> Can I try against you now?
  1074. [23:16] <Nick_Varnegs> but... perhaps it would be better if you took it a bit less.... effort-y
  1075. [23:16] <Nick_Varnegs> yes. you indeed can
  1076. [23:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> It is more difficult to see how these swings fit into the context of an engagement when there is no target....
  1077. [23:16] * Nick_Varnegs goes back into position
  1078. [23:16] * Faerzen_Norstov raises his sword
  1079. [23:17] <Nick_Varnegs> (( ))
  1080. [23:17] * Nick_Varnegs goes into that stance
  1081. [23:17] * Faerzen_Norstov swings his sword in a diagonal slice at Nick
  1082. [23:17] <Nick_Varnegs> this stance. is called "fool"
  1083. [23:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> roll 1d20-1 swords
  1084. [23:17] <`DM> Faerzen_Norstov rolled 1d20-1 swords [ 1d20=17 ]{16}
  1085. [23:18] * Nick_Varnegs swings upwards to just barely block it, the sword makes contact with his skin before its driven away
  1086. [23:18] <Nick_Varnegs> good!
  1087. [23:18] * Faerzen_Norstov grimaces
  1088. [23:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> Are you bleeding?
  1089. [23:18] <Nick_Varnegs> dont worry about it
  1090. [23:18] <Nick_Varnegs> no. im fine
  1091. [23:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> It looks like I nicked you there a bit!
  1092. [23:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> Whew.
  1093. [23:18] <Nick_Varnegs> just a scratch
  1094. [23:18] <Archive> ((badumtsh))
  1095. [23:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((i was so happy at that :P ))
  1096. [23:19] <Nick_Varnegs> perhaps if you... put a bit less... strenght into it?
  1097. [23:19] <Nick_Varnegs> (( :P ))
  1098. [23:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> How will it have enough momentum to break through any blocks then?
  1099. [23:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> Is the goal instead to work the sword around your enemy's blocks in the first place?
  1100. [23:19] <Nick_Varnegs> momentum is carried through the motion.
  1101. [23:19] <Nick_Varnegs> yes indeed it is
  1102. [23:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ah.
  1103. [23:20] <Nick_Varnegs> but perhaps going for just strenght isn't the best tactic
  1104. [23:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> This seems as though it could quickly become quite technical!
  1105. [23:20] <Nick_Varnegs> it indeed is
  1106. [23:20] <Nick_Varnegs> proper fighting is a fine art
  1107. [23:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> There seem to be a great deal of moves and countermoves, almost like a game of chess.
  1108. [23:21] <Nick_Varnegs> ill make an horizontal slice on the count of three. raise your arm like i did before to block it
  1109. [23:21] <Nick_Varnegs> alright.... are you ready?
  1110. [23:21] <Nick_Varnegs> one...
  1111. [23:21] <Nick_Varnegs> two...
  1112. [23:21] <Nick_Varnegs> three
  1113. [23:21] <Nick_Varnegs> roll 1d20+2 to swords
  1114. [23:21] <`DM> Nick_Varnegs rolled 1d20+2 to swords [ 1d20=15 ]{17}
  1115. [23:22] * Faerzen_Norstov quickly moves the sword up to deflect it, where it lightly glances off of the armor on his shoulder
  1116. [23:22] <Nick_Varnegs> good one
  1117. [23:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((I just realized nick is gonna have a really hard time hitting faerzen :P))
  1118. [23:22] <Nick_Varnegs> are you ok?
  1119. [23:22] <Nick_Varnegs> ((yup. that's the joke))
  1120. [23:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> Just fine!
  1121. [23:22] <Nick_Varnegs> alright
  1122. [23:23] <Nick_Varnegs> do fine movements.
  1123. [23:23] <Nick_Varnegs> ill teach you four basic stances
  1124. [23:23] <Nick_Varnegs> and this is an important part
  1125. [23:23] <Nick_Varnegs> none of these are "locked"
  1126. [23:24] <Nick_Varnegs> you can switch them around. you should
  1127. [23:24] <Nick_Varnegs> proper defense requires being tricky at the changing of your stances
  1128. [15:06] <Nick_Varnegs> so....
  1129. [15:06] <Nick_Varnegs> yeah
  1130. [15:06] <Nick_Varnegs> we should start with the most basic of stances.
  1131. [15:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Okay.
  1132. [15:07] <Nick_Varnegs> now that you got the hang of swinging a sword around. you should get to the whole... proper fighting thing
  1133. [15:08] <Nick_Varnegs> alright...
  1134. [15:08] * Nick_Varnegs takes a step back and lowers his grip to his waist, holding the sword upwards in diagonal
  1135. [15:09] <Nick_Varnegs> (( ))
  1136. [15:09] <Nick_Varnegs> this is the plow
  1137. [15:09] <Nick_Varnegs> its a standard position
  1138. [15:09] * Faerzen_Norstov attempts to mimic Nick's stance
  1139. [15:09] <Nick_Varnegs> good. good. aim for the throat or chest
  1140. [15:10] <Nick_Varnegs> and hold the hilt close to yourself
  1141. [15:10] <Nick_Varnegs> from this. you can easily stab
  1142. [15:10] == Jaczac|M [] has joined #RPGStuck_CaveOfMysteries
  1143. [15:10] <Nick_Varnegs> or raise to ox or lower it to fool
  1144. [15:10] <Nick_Varnegs> you are doing ok fae...
  1145. [15:10] <Nick_Varnegs> try to take a simple stab
  1146. [15:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This seems a versatile stance to move into a variety of positions from.
  1147. [15:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It seems very defensible, but also leaves you the option of several routes of attack.
  1148. [15:11] <Nick_Varnegs> it is!
  1149. [15:11] <Nick_Varnegs> that's exactly the point faerzen, switching your stances around
  1150. [15:11] <Nick_Varnegs> and using them the best way you can
  1151. [15:12] <Nick_Varnegs> from this one. you can lower to this
  1152. [15:12] * Nick_Varnegs lowers the point of the sword
  1153. [15:12] <Nick_Varnegs> or raise to this
  1154. [15:12] * Faerzen_Norstov copies Nick's movements
  1155. [15:12] * Nick_Varnegs raises his arms and holds the sword horizontaly
  1156. [15:13] <Nick_Varnegs>
  1157. [15:13] <Nick_Varnegs> the one im at right now is the ox
  1158. [15:13] <Nick_Varnegs> from here you can easily slask or take a stab at the neck
  1159. [15:13] <Nick_Varnegs> when your opponent starts his move. that's your window
  1160. [15:13] <Nick_Varnegs> see. lets do this like it was in slow motion
  1161. [15:14] * Nick_Varnegs slowly begins taking a swing towards faerzen
  1162. [15:14] * Faerzen_Norstov raises his blade to the position, then stabs around Nick's blade very slowly
  1163. [15:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Interesting.....
  1164. [15:15] * Nick_Varnegs moves his blade down. moving faerzen's out of the way
  1165. [15:15] <Nick_Varnegs> its like a dance
  1166. [15:15] <Nick_Varnegs> you make your move. your opponent answers
  1167. [15:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Indeed......
  1168. [15:16] <Nick_Varnegs> i see you are getting the hang of this.
  1169. [15:16] <Nick_Varnegs> im going to do a vertical from the right at the count of three.
  1170. [15:16] <Nick_Varnegs> you have to block it
  1171. [15:16] <Nick_Varnegs> alright?
  1172. [15:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Okay.
  1173. [15:16] <Nick_Varnegs> oh. also. you block with the side of the sword. using the edge is just going to break the blade
  1174. [15:17] <Nick_Varnegs> 1...
  1175. [15:17] <Nick_Varnegs> 2...
  1176. [15:17] <Nick_Varnegs> 3
  1177. [15:17] * Nick_Varnegs does a diagonal slice from the right
  1178. [15:17] * Faerzen_Norstov moves his blade sideways to push Nick's blade too far to the side
  1179. [15:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This requires quite the reaction times!
  1180. [15:17] <Nick_Varnegs> exactly
  1181. [15:17] <Nick_Varnegs> ((that would have hit :p))
  1182. [15:18] <Nick_Varnegs> alright, your turn
  1183. [15:18] * Nick_Varnegs lowers to the plow stance
  1184. [15:18] <Nick_Varnegs> on your count
  1185. [15:18] * Faerzen_Norstov holds his blade ready
  1186. [15:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> 1....
  1187. [15:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> 2.....
  1188. [15:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> 3.
  1189. [15:19] * Faerzen_Norstov makes a horizontal slash
  1190. [15:19] * Nick_Varnegs moves his blade upward to block, and takes a step forward to faerzen and lightly pokes with his finger on his ribs
  1191. [15:20] <Nick_Varnegs> *poke*
  1192. [15:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> :|
  1193. [15:21] <Nick_Varnegs> oh sorry. i forgot the ticklish stuff
  1194. [15:21] <Nick_Varnegs> this is part of the exercise.
  1195. [15:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is a good thing this dress had a hard covering, or else I may have taken your eye out!
  1196. [15:22] <Nick_Varnegs> if i had used my sword you would be bleeding right now
  1197. [15:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I take no responsible for reflexive actions I take in self-defense against tickle assaults! :P
  1198. [15:22] <Nick_Varnegs> :p
  1199. [15:22] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles
  1200. [15:22] <Nick_Varnegs> alright... so...
  1201. [15:22] <Nick_Varnegs> on 3. i wont tell you what it is. just block it
  1202. [15:22] <Nick_Varnegs> 1...
  1203. [15:22] <Nick_Varnegs> 2....
  1204. [15:22] <Nick_Varnegs> 3
  1205. [15:23] * Faerzen_Norstov holds his blade in the plow position, waiting
  1206. [15:23] * Nick_Varnegs takes a vertical upwards slice
  1207. [15:23] * Faerzen_Norstov moves his blade to the left to deflect it
  1208. [15:24] * Nick_Varnegs makes a 180 spin, holds the blade backwards and takes a half upwards horizontal slice
  1209. [15:24] <Nick_Varnegs> (( ))
  1210. [15:25] * Faerzen_Norstov is caught off-guard by the spin and reflexively swings his blade down to block
  1211. [15:26] * Nick_Varnegs raises to ox and takes a step back
  1212. [15:26] <Nick_Varnegs> your turn.
  1213. [15:26] <Nick_Varnegs> attack
  1214. [15:27] * Faerzen_Norstov eyes Nick carefully, thinking
  1215. [15:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> roll 1d20+10 investigation
  1216. [15:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((bluh))
  1217. [15:28] == `DM [] has joined #RPGStuck_CaveOfMysteries
  1218. [15:28] * Nick_Varnegs raises his eyebrows and moves his feet around
  1219. [15:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> roll 1d20+10 investigation
  1220. [15:28] <`DM> Faerzen_Norstov rolled 1d20+10 investigation [ 1d20=7 ]{17}
  1221. [15:28] <Nick_Varnegs> ((roll... what in here?))
  1222. [15:28] <Nick_Varnegs> looking for an opening?
  1223. [15:29] * Faerzen_Norstov raises his blade as if to jab forwards, but then attempts to sweep around Nick's block and slash diagonally downwards by finely twisting his wrist
  1224. [15:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> roll 2#d20+6 dex swords
  1225. [15:29] <`DM> Faerzen_Norstov rolled 2#d20+6 dex swords [ 1d20=5 ]{11}, [ 1d20=11 ]{17}
  1226. [15:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((either of those hit?))
  1227. [15:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((i mean the higher, not either))
  1228. [15:30] * Nick_Varnegs sweps sideways and is caught by surprise as the blade digs into his shoulder
  1229. [15:30] <Nick_Varnegs> oh.
  1230. [15:30] * Faerzen_Norstov drops his sword in surprise and it catches Nick's shoulder
  1231. [15:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> FUCK!
  1232. [15:30] <Nick_Varnegs> well.... i see you got... the hang of it
  1233. [15:30] <Nick_Varnegs> nonono!
  1234. [15:30] <Nick_Varnegs> its okay
  1235. [15:31] <Nick_Varnegs> its completely okay!
  1236. [15:31] <Nick_Varnegs> it didn't even get an inch inside my shoulder!
  1237. [15:31] * Faerzen_Norstov runs over to Nick to look at his shoulder
  1238. [15:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Not even an inch can still be quite a lot!
  1239. [15:31] <Nick_Varnegs> there is a small-ish wound on nick's shoulder. its slowly making his shirt go red
  1240. [15:32] <Nick_Varnegs> so... good one...
  1241. [15:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Now look what I did!
  1242. [15:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Let me go grab some bandages before this makes a mess.
  1243. [15:32] * Nick_Varnegs takes faerzen and hugs him
  1244. [15:32] <Nick_Varnegs> dont worry about all that
  1245. [15:32] <Nick_Varnegs> really
  1246. [15:33] <Nick_Varnegs> its just a superficial wound.
  1247. [15:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If this was a gash in your torso, you would probably still say that. :P
  1248. [15:33] <Nick_Varnegs> good point
  1249. [15:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Here, I will be right back.
  1250. [15:34] * Faerzen_Norstov dashes inside, leaving his sword where it fell on the ground
  1251. [15:34] * Nick_Varnegs reaches inside his shirt and takes out a finger covered in blood, that he carries to his mouth
  1252. [15:34] * Nick_Varnegs picks up the sword faerzen dropped
  1253. [15:35] * Faerzen_Norstov returns holding a small canister
  1254. [15:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Here, move your shirt out of the way.
  1255. [15:35] <Nick_Varnegs> if you use that will it turn into scar tissue?
  1256. [15:36] * Nick_Varnegs moves his shirt out of the way. now that you look at it, the wound is still somewhat deep
  1257. [15:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you would prefer, I can skip adding the scar reducer.
  1258. [15:36] <Nick_Varnegs> yeah. do so, this is my favorite one now
  1259. [15:36] * Nick_Varnegs smirks
  1260. [15:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> :|
  1261. [15:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I knew you would say that.
  1262. [15:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I shouldn't have even said anything! Then maybe I would have had a chance. :P
  1263. [15:37] <Nick_Varnegs> so... you forgot your sword
  1264. [15:37] * Faerzen_Norstov pulls out a capsule of a slightly yellowish clear substance, and begins clicking various buttons on the cap.
  1265. [15:37] == `DM [] has quit [Ping timeout: 183 seconds]
  1266. [15:37] * Nick_Varnegs hands faerzen the sword. you realize the blade has blood on more than an inch
  1267. [15:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well of course I did! I have no need to run around the house with a bloody sword!
  1268. [15:38] <Nick_Varnegs> so... you have ever tasted blood?
  1269. [15:38] * Faerzen_Norstov looks up at the sword Nick is holding out, and then to Nick's now exposed shoulder
  1270. [15:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Of course that wound is nontrivial! Look at that!
  1271. [15:38] * Faerzen_Norstov shakes his head in disappointment
  1272. [15:39] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen
  1273. [15:39] * Faerzen_Norstov presses a plunger on the top of the vial, and several different colored liquids are injected into the vial of clearish liquid
  1274. [15:39] <Nick_Varnegs> c'mon. i can take this... this is like a papercut to me.
  1275. [15:39] * Faerzen_Norstov inverts the vial several times to mix it
  1276. [15:39] <Nick_Varnegs> so... how does that work?
  1277. [15:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Like this!
  1278. [15:40] * Faerzen_Norstov unscrews the cap and uses the eyedropper to take a serving of the now viscous, purple liquid
  1279. [15:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hold still. There are pain killers in here, so you should hardly feel any pain whatsoever.
  1280. [15:41] <Nick_Varnegs> heh.
  1281. [15:41] * Faerzen_Norstov squeezes the serum around, on and inside the cut on Nick's shoulder
  1282. [15:41] * Nick_Varnegs puts a weird face of surprise
  1283. [15:41] <Nick_Varnegs> that feels weird
  1284. [15:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It has a numbing agent in it so that the antiseptic does not sting.
  1285. [15:42] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Once, I cover this area.....
  1286. [15:42] * Faerzen_Norstov returns the eyedropper for more
  1287. [15:42] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There, now hold still while the gel dries.
  1288. [15:42] <Nick_Varnegs> oh god, i can feel it inside my shoulder!
  1289. [15:42] * Faerzen_Norstov blows gently on the area
  1290. [15:42] <@Faerzen_Norstov> See, it already stopped bleeding!
  1291. [15:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There are reasonably strong clotting agents in here to close up the wound quickly.
  1292. [15:43] <Nick_Varnegs> that is ceirtainly easier than just pouring some alcohol on the wound
  1293. [15:43] * Faerzen_Norstov continues blowing on and around Nick's shoulder
  1294. [15:43] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles and somewhat squirms
  1295. [15:43] <Nick_Varnegs> that is cold!
  1296. [15:44] * Faerzen_Norstov testily pokes the surface of the gel to see if it has dried
  1297. [15:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There you go. The affected area is small enough that I do not think it is necessary to cover it with a bandage as well.
  1298. [15:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Now that the gel is dried, your shirt should not become stuck in it.
  1299. [15:45] * Nick_Varnegs fixes his shirt
  1300. [15:45] <Nick_Varnegs> so... want to continue?
  1301. [15:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This little purple gel seal around the wound will protect it from becoming infected and allow the wound to heal normally since I did not add any cell growth boosters or scar reducers.
  1302. [15:46] <Nick_Varnegs> oh great
  1303. [15:46] * Faerzen_Norstov captchalogues the canister (N - NITROGEN)
  1304. [15:46] * Nick_Varnegs hands faerzen the sword
  1305. [15:47] <Nick_Varnegs> thanks for that :)
  1306. [15:47] * Faerzen_Norstov warily takes his sword back
  1307. [15:47] * Nick_Varnegs surprise hugs faerzen
  1308. [15:50] * Nick_Varnegs whispers into faerzen's ear "that was a good one"
  1309. [15:50] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles awkwardly
  1310. [15:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What am I supposed to do now?
  1311. [15:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I don't want to hit you again!
  1312. [15:50] <Nick_Varnegs> i dont know?
  1313. [15:51] <Nick_Varnegs> we could resume the training later
  1314. [15:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you have any non-sharp practice swords?
  1315. [15:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We could practice with those later.
  1316. [15:51] == `DM [] has joined #RPGStuck_CaveOfMysteries
  1317. [15:51] <Nick_Varnegs> no i dont
  1318. [15:51] <Nick_Varnegs> we always used sharpened metal
  1319. [15:52] * Nick_Varnegs stops hugging faerzen
  1320. [15:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh well. We can cross that bridge when we get there.
  1321. [15:53] <Nick_Varnegs> we indeed can
  1322. [15:53] <Nick_Varnegs> this was fun :)
  1323. [15:54] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  1324. [15:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes it was! Thank you, Nick. :)
  1325. [15:58] * Nick_Varnegs nods and smiles
  1326. [15:58] <Nick_Varnegs> so.... what could we do now?
  1327. [15:58] <Nick_Varnegs> its indeed quite weird not having nothing to do
  1328. [15:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have always wanted to go exploring. When we were flying around earlier, did you find any interesting looking places?
  1329. [15:59] <Nick_Varnegs> OH!
  1330. [15:59] <Nick_Varnegs> now that you mention it...
  1331. [15:59] <Nick_Varnegs> let me go get my boots.
  1332. [15:59] <Nick_Varnegs> i indeed have a place to show you
  1333. [16:00] * Nick_Varnegs runs inside to put on his boots
  1334. [16:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I shall grab a couple things from my kitchen while you acquire your equipment.
  1335. [16:00] * Faerzen_Norstov strolls into the kitchen
  1336. [16:01] * Nick_Varnegs puts on the boots and fixes his pants to put them inside the boots.
  1337. [16:02] * Faerzen_Norstov retrieves some sparkling mineral water and cinnamon egg pastries from the refrigeratifier, returns Abyss to upstairs, and then waits by the front door
  1338. [16:02] <Nick_Varnegs> checks the wound once again as he goes outside and extends his wings to the sides
  1339. [16:03] <Nick_Varnegs> alright
  1340. [16:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <it seems to basically be frozen in a semi-transparent purple seal. you can still move your arm around just fine, and oddly enough, it doesnt hurt at all>
  1341. [16:04] * Nick_Varnegs to himself "this feels weird."
  1342. [16:04] <Nick_Varnegs> well.... remember when we were visiting those towers?
  1343. [16:04] <Nick_Varnegs> and i flew off for a few minutes?
  1344. [16:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh. Those towers....
  1345. [16:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, I do.
  1346. [16:06] <Nick_Varnegs> yeah.
  1347. [16:06] <Nick_Varnegs> so...
  1348. [16:06] <Nick_Varnegs> i found a place
  1349. [16:06] <Nick_Varnegs> its rather nice
  1350. [16:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh really?
  1351. [16:08] <Nick_Varnegs> yes
  1352. [16:09] * Nick_Varnegs walks to the edge of the floating platform and turns to face faerzen
  1353. [16:09] <Nick_Varnegs> its quite pretty!
  1354. [16:09] * Faerzen_Norstov follows Nick outside, re-engaging the lock down on the way out
  1355. [16:10] * Nick_Varnegs extends his arms to the sides and falls backwards into the abyss....
  1356. [16:10] * Nick_Varnegs rises after a few seconds of falling
  1357. [16:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Be careful there, Nick!
  1358. [16:11] <Nick_Varnegs> why so?
  1359. [16:11] <Nick_Varnegs> im not going to crash into anything!
  1360. [16:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I can promise you that you will severely regret ever going down there should you find yourself there.
  1361. [16:11] <Nick_Varnegs> ....
  1362. [16:11] * Faerzen_Norstov points down into the darkness
  1363. [16:11] <Nick_Varnegs> oh
  1364. [16:11] <Nick_Varnegs> know that you will eventually have to go down there?
  1365. [16:11] <Nick_Varnegs> its quite... ominous to be honest
  1366. [16:11] <Nick_Varnegs> and im sure you dont quite want to
  1367. [16:11] <Nick_Varnegs> but....
  1368. [16:13] <Nick_Varnegs> its quite... obvious there's something important down there
  1369. [16:13] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have no doubt that I will need to venture forth there.
  1370. [16:13] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Given that the entire name of land is LIGHT and there is an absence of it down there, it is only logical.
  1371. [16:13] * Faerzen_Norstov points up in the sky at one of the floating orbs
  1372. [16:13] <Nick_Varnegs> when you need to, we could go togheter. i will be there for you
  1373. [16:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have a plan to attempt to transport one of those down with me. I hope it will be effective at banishing the darkness.
  1374. [16:14] <Nick_Varnegs> that indeed sounds interesting...
  1375. [16:14] <Nick_Varnegs> so... do you want to go?
  1376. [16:14] * Nick_Varnegs extends a hand to faerzen
  1377. [16:15] * Faerzen_Norstov takes Nick's hand and leaps off of the platform
  1378. [16:15] * Nick_Varnegs suprise hugs faerzen again and spins while flying
  1379. [16:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Whoooahahahahaha!
  1380. [16:16] <Nick_Varnegs> so....
  1381. [16:16] <Nick_Varnegs> lets go :)
  1382. [16:16] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles
  1383. [16:17] * Nick_Varnegs begins flying in direction of the place, still holding faerzen
  1384. [16:18] * Faerzen_Norstov kind of flaps his wings, but mostly just flaps them occasionally to help provide lift. Flying upside down is hard :P
  1385. [16:18] <Nick_Varnegs> i like your land
  1386. [16:19] <Nick_Varnegs> its... peaceful
  1387. [16:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I..... wish I had been able to spend more time here.
  1388. [16:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Especially with all of the ruckus happening elsewhere, it is quite a place of solace.
  1389. [16:19] * Nick_Varnegs is doing most of the flying anyways :p
  1390. [16:20] <Nick_Varnegs> it indeed is
  1391. [16:20] <Nick_Varnegs> i like being here
  1392. [16:20] <Nick_Varnegs> its relaxing, and fun
  1393. [16:21] <Nick_Varnegs> and my favorite part of this land its spending time with you ;)
  1394. [16:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well, it is usually relaxing and fun.
  1395. [16:21] <Nick_Varnegs> god... im such a dork
  1396. [16:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We just need to be careful not to run into any surprise dungeons. :P
  1397. [16:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes...... yes you are. ;P
  1398. [16:21] * Faerzen_Norstov smirks
  1399. [16:21] * Nick_Varnegs smirks
  1400. [16:22] * Nick_Varnegs slowly spins mid air providing the lift this time... yup. flying upside down is hard
  1401. [16:23] <Nick_Varnegs> so... what are you thinking about?
  1402. [16:24] * Faerzen_Norstov flaps more regularly to pick up some of the load of flying
  1403. [16:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Right now?
  1404. [16:24] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles and sighs
  1405. [16:24] <Nick_Varnegs> yes?
  1406. [16:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> To be honest? Nothing.
  1407. [16:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> And it is absolutely wonderful.
  1408. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> oh
  1409. [16:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This is a first since we started this game.
  1410. [16:25] * Nick_Varnegs smiles and kisses faerzen's neck
  1411. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> its nice right? -kiss-
  1412. [16:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> To not have anything pressing, to not have my mind put into overdrive, to not constantly feel like I am running from some looming threat..... it is so freeing.
  1413. [16:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The only deadline I have is the Queen's scouting, and to be honest, there is no way I am doing that any time soon with my dream self here.
  1414. [16:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> So I do not even care about that anymore.
  1415. [16:26] <Nick_Varnegs> and to be fair. i was about to finish that for us.
  1416. [16:27] <Nick_Varnegs> but i think we may be getting some.... political problems in here
  1417. [16:27] <Nick_Varnegs> *there
  1418. [16:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If this scenario is playing out anything like I predicted, there are currently two pairs of warring kingdoms that were just violently smashed into each other, and the scramble for power is going to be quite a scene.
  1419. [16:27] <Nick_Varnegs> but we will worry about that later. leave that to me
  1420. [16:28] * Nick_Varnegs kisses faerzen's neck again... did he just lightly bite you?
  1421. [16:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hey, you goofball!
  1422. [16:29] * Nick_Varnegs laughts
  1423. [16:29] * Faerzen_Norstov lowers his head into Nick's hair, smiling and kissing his head
  1424. [16:29] * Faerzen_Norstov ruffles Nick's hair
  1425. [16:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Where are we going?
  1426. [16:29] * Nick_Varnegs flips mid-air again
  1427. [16:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You are supposed to be the one leading us here!
  1428. [16:29] <Nick_Varnegs> just you wait and see
  1429. [16:30] * Nick_Varnegs flies past the lightbulb tower
  1430. [16:31] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  1431. [16:31] * Nick_Varnegs continues flying with a smile on his face and faerzen in his arms
  1432. [16:32] <Nick_Varnegs> we are getting near :)
  1433. [16:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Excellent!
  1434. [16:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I look forward to it.
  1435. [16:33] <Nick_Varnegs> so....
  1436. [16:34] <Nick_Varnegs> are you comfortable with flying like this?
  1437. [16:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is rather... odd hanging backwards, but it is not entirely bad.
  1438. [16:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Having Nick hugs makes up for it. :)
  1439. [16:36] * Nick_Varnegs kisses faerzen's neck again while laughting lightly
  1440. [16:39] <Nick_Varnegs> alright
  1441. [16:39] <Nick_Varnegs> we are almost there!
  1442. [16:39] <Nick_Varnegs> i can see the place!
  1443. [16:39] * Nick_Varnegs somewhat slows down
  1444. [16:40] * Faerzen_Norstov attempts to twist his head around to see
  1445. [16:41] <Nick_Varnegs> -you can see 3 rather big platforms with trees and small lightsources. it kind of looks like a big floating park-
  1446. [16:42] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That seems to be quite the beautiful location!
  1447. [16:43] * Nick_Varnegs helps faerzen land on the main platform of the park
  1448. [16:44] * Faerzen_Norstov lets go of Nick to properly land, alighting on the main spire
  1449. [16:45] * Nick_Varnegs lands next to faerzen
  1450. [16:46] <Nick_Varnegs> there we go...
  1451. [16:46] <Nick_Varnegs> so... this is the place!
  1452. [16:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Wow, this really is quite beautiful.
  1453. [16:47] <Nick_Varnegs> ((give me a second. i have been looking for the description AT gave me))
  1454. [16:52] <Nick_Varnegs> -Nick is eventually attracted to a floating garden lit with a sun-like curly lightbulb. Naturally growing benches and paths lined with roots make a lovely place to browse through. The island is split up into three parts, Meadow, Forest, and Marsh, and is about the size of Nick's home town or perhaps larger. One could spend hours here walking around, resting under the trees.-
  1455. [16:53] <Nick_Varnegs> ((that was the description AT gave me))
  1456. [16:53] <Nick_Varnegs> so.... yeah!
  1457. [16:53] * Nick_Varnegs sits down on the grass
  1458. [16:55] <Nick_Varnegs> (( Faerzen_Norstov ))
  1459. [16:55] * Faerzen_Norstov closes his eyes, inhaling a deep breath
  1460. [16:55] <Nick_Varnegs> is something wrong?
  1461. [16:56] * Faerzen_Norstov lets out a deep breath
  1462. [16:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> No......
  1463. [16:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Far from it, as a matter of fact.
  1464. [17:04] * Nick_Varnegs smiles as he decaptchalogues a small yellow flower
  1465. [17:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Smelling the scent of the trees..... feeling the warmth of the light on my face..... being free from that trial and being here with you....
  1466. [17:05] * Faerzen_Norstov sits down next to Nick
  1467. [17:05] * Nick_Varnegs puts the flower on faerzen's hair
  1468. [17:05] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles
  1469. [17:06] * Nick_Varnegs leans in and lightly kisses faerzen's cheek
  1470. [17:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I brought along some things you might like to try.
  1471. [17:08] <Nick_Varnegs> oh?
  1472. [17:08] * Faerzen_Norstov smirks as he decaptchalogues the sparkling water and cinnamon egg pastries
  1473. [17:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If I am correct, carbonated beverages and spices were essentially nonexistant in your time.
  1474. [17:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Particularly spices imported from far away places.
  1475. [17:08] <Nick_Varnegs> carbonated?
  1476. [17:08] <Nick_Varnegs> and... yes. spices were indeed scarse
  1477. [17:09] * Faerzen_Norstov hands Nick a cinnamon egg pastry
  1478. [17:09] * Nick_Varnegs takes the pastry and sniffs it
  1479. [17:09] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This is a rather sweet pastry, rich because of the eggs in it.
  1480. [17:09] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It has cinnamon and several other similar spices that gives it quite a lovely taste, I think. :)
  1481. [17:10] * Nick_Varnegs takes a bite and widens his eyes as he does so
  1482. [17:10] <Nick_Varnegs> [food on mouth] dhelishious!
  1483. [17:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I thought it would make a lighter dessert after your tasty meal. :)
  1484. [17:11] * Nick_Varnegs smiles as he takes another bite
  1485. [17:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> These are the last of the ones from the local bakery in my town, but I made sure to record the captcha code so we can make more!
  1486. [17:12] <Nick_Varnegs> great!
  1487. [17:12] * Faerzen_Norstov smells the cinnamon happily and then takes a bite of the fluffy roll
  1488. [17:12] <Nick_Varnegs> sooooo tasty
  1489. [17:13] * Nick_Varnegs scoots closer to faerzen and puts his arm around him
  1490. [17:13] * Faerzen_Norstov leans his head against Nick's shoulder
  1491. [17:14] * Faerzen_Norstov softly hums pleasantly
  1492. [17:15] * Nick_Varnegs turns and looks at faerzen
  1493. [17:16] * Faerzen_Norstov looks up at Nick
  1494. [17:16] * Nick_Varnegs puts his hand on faerzen's cheek and lightly caresses his face
  1495. [17:18] * Nick_Varnegs slooowly leans for a kiss.
  1496. [17:19] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs at how slow Nick is moving and pulls his head in to capture his mouth in a kiss
  1497. [17:19] * Nick_Varnegs is surprised by the sudden speed... he kisses back anyways.
  1498. [17:20] <Nick_Varnegs> [s]requited
  1499. [17:23] * Nick_Varnegs slowly stops kissing and as he pulls away he lightly bites into faerzen's lips
  1500. [17:24] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles before diving back in
  1501. [17:24] * Faerzen_Norstov has teh kissing tiemz
  1502. [17:24] * Nick_Varnegs kisses once again because kissing faerzen is cool
  1503. [17:31] <Ib> < So uh hey >
  1504. [17:31] <Ib> < Is Abyss just... there? >
  1505. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> ((no?))
  1506. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> ((so... im back))
  1507. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> ((also. if abyss was there it would be hilarious as fuck))
  1508. [17:36] <Nick_Varnegs> ((i dunno? i think i remember faerzen taking abyss off))
  1509. [17:46] <Ib> < when did he? €
  1510. [17:48] <Nick_Varnegs> ((i dunno? i think i remember him doing so))
  1511. [17:48] <Nick_Varnegs> ((let me check))
  1512. [17:49] <Nick_Varnegs> (( [22:58] * Faerzen_Norstov takes off Abyss, places the mask on his desk, heads into the bathroom, and changes into the Dress of ICE Shields he hung up there earlier))
  1513. [17:49] <Nick_Varnegs> ((yup. he did before the sword stuffs))
  1514. [17:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((im back))
  1515. [17:50] <Nick_Varnegs> ((hi))
  1516. [17:51] * Nick_Varnegs wraps his wings around faerzen as he pulls back into kissing, making a nice and private cocoon of feathers
  1517. [17:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((faerzen wore abyss during the swordfighting, but took it off before heading here when he went inside))
  1518. [17:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> (([16:02] * Faerzen_Norstov retrieves some sparkling mineral water and cinnamon egg pastries from the refrigeratifier, returns Abyss to upstairs, and then waits by the front door))
  1519. [17:51] <Nick_Varnegs> ((you actually took him off before that :p))
  1520. [17:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((yeah, but faerzen put abyss back on))
  1521. [17:52] <Nick_Varnegs> ((eh. continuity stuf. doesn't matter much
  1522. [17:52] <Nick_Varnegs> ((alright then))
  1523. [17:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> (([22:59] * Faerzen_Norstov returns to his bedroom, lays the black tuxedo on his bed, and picks up Abyss again))
  1524. [17:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((anyways))
  1525. [17:52] * Nick_Varnegs embraces faerzen as he returns to the kissing tiems
  1526. [17:53] * Faerzen_Norstov complements Nick's wings with his own, creating a sort of yin and tang looking swirl of black and white around them
  1527. [17:55] * Nick_Varnegs lets go of the kiss for a moment... to take a breath, before continuing to kiss.
  1528. [17:56] * Faerzen_Norstov eventually pulls back from Nick smiling at him, and briefly looking around at their cocoon of feathers
  1529. [17:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This is really quite cozy in here. :)
  1530. [17:57] * Nick_Varnegs smiles
  1531. [17:58] <Nick_Varnegs> indeed is :)
  1532. [17:59] * Faerzen_Norstov slowly unfurls his wings, leaning back against the tree
  1533. [17:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The scenery is so serene...
  1534. [17:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You could almost spend hours here and never even think that there was so much else going on around you.
  1535. [17:59] * Nick_Varnegs uncurls his own feathers and lays down on the grass
  1536. [18:00] <Nick_Varnegs> yeah. i could easily get used to this
  1537. [18:00] <Nick_Varnegs> just... relaxing, doing fun stuff, kissing...
  1538. [18:00] * Faerzen_Norstov closes his eyes, relaxing
  1539. [18:01] * Faerzen_Norstov takes a slow, deep breath
  1540. [18:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ......indeeeeeed.........
  1541. [18:01] * Nick_Varnegs takes a deep breath and stays looking at the sky
  1542. [18:02] * Nick_Varnegs begins humming happily
  1543. [18:02] * Faerzen_Norstov remains laying there with his eyes shut...... enjoying the warmth of the light on his face and wings......... the smell of the....... the smell of the trees and grass..........mmmmmmm Nick's gentle humming.............
  1544. [18:03] * Faerzen_Norstov begins dozing off from exhaustion of the past 24 hours and from sheer relaxation
  1545. [18:04] * Nick_Varnegs stands up and sits close to faerzen. letting his head rest on faerzen's legs
  1546. [18:04] * Faerzen_Norstov hardly even registers the new pressure on his legs as he drifts..... off........ to sleeeeep.............
  1547. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov wakes up in her bed back at home
  1548. [18:05] * Nick_Varnegs just stays there relaxing, naware of faerzen being asleep
  1549. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov groans and blearily looks around the room, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, reluctant to move from her cozy spot in bed
  1550. [18:06] * Faerzen_Norstov with effort pulls herself up into a sitting position, then remembers what was just happening not too long ago
  1551. [18:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> FUCK!
  1552. [18:07] * Faerzen_Norstov suddenly leaps out of bed, grabbing her pair of glasses, and bolts out of the balcony door, ensuring the lock-down is still engaged on her way out
  1553. [18:08] * Faerzen_Norstov leaps into the air and dream floats as fast as she can back towards the park
  1554. [18:08] * Nick_Varnegs just continues humming there, relaxing
  1555. [18:09] * Faerzen_Norstov bolts past the light bulb tower she... he was in before
  1556. [18:10] <Nick_Varnegs> ... you look so pretty when you are relaxing.
  1557. [18:10] <Nick_Varnegs> like.... its nice seeing you like this... just... not worrying about things
  1558. [18:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <no response>
  1559. [18:11] <Nick_Varnegs> like.... just here. just the two of us
  1560. [18:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <no response>
  1561. [18:11] * Faerzen_Norstov spots the park in the distance
  1562. [18:13] <@Faerzen_Norstov> /me quietly dream floats towards the park, approaching from the direction behind Nick
  1563. [18:13] <@Faerzen_Norstov> roll 1d20+6 stealth
  1564. [18:13] <`DM> Faerzen_Norstov rolled 1d20+6 stealth [ 1d20=6 ]{12}
  1565. [18:13] <Nick_Varnegs> roll 1d20+2 insight
  1566. [18:13] <`DM> Nick_Varnegs rolled 1d20+2 insight [ 1d20=3 ]{5}
  1567. [18:13] <Nick_Varnegs> ((yup. go for it))
  1568. [18:14] * Faerzen_Norstov floats up behind Nick quietly, listening and waiting
  1569. [18:15] <Nick_Varnegs> --- like... i dont know
  1570. [18:15] <Nick_Varnegs> what do you think about this whole.... thing?
  1571. [18:15] <Nick_Varnegs> we should like.... eventually go back to doing stuff..... but... its nice being here with you.
  1572. [18:16] <Nick_Varnegs> im surprised we haven't gotten... attacked by any kind of thing so far...
  1573. [18:16] <Nick_Varnegs> not even an imp :p
  1574. [18:16] <Nick_Varnegs> seem to be quiet
  1575. [18:16] <Nick_Varnegs> uhh....
  1576. [18:16] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen?
  1577. [18:17] * Faerzen_Norstov leans forward and whispers in Nick's ear
  1578. [18:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oops!
  1579. [18:17] * Nick_Varnegs jumps in surprise and screams
  1580. [18:17] * Faerzen_Norstov giggles brightly
  1581. [18:17] * Faerzen_Norstov floats down and sits in the grass next to her asleep non-dream self
  1582. [18:18] * Nick_Varnegs looks in surprise
  1583. [18:18] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  1584. [18:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I may have found myself..... a little bit too relaxed. :)
  1585. [18:19] * Nick_Varnegs burst out laughting
  1586. [18:22] * Nick_Varnegs_ puts a hand to cover his eyes as he continues laughting
  1587. [18:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> well... that's...
  1588. [18:22] * Nick_Varnegs_ slowly calms down
  1589. [18:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  1590. [18:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am glad you are entertained. :)
  1591. [18:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> i think this is the first time i have properly seen both you and... you
  1592. [18:23] * Nick_Varnegs_ pokes male faerzen
  1593. [18:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> how... how does this even work?
  1594. [18:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How does what work? The concept of having a dream self in the first place?
  1595. [18:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> yes?
  1596. [18:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> its just... sooo weird
  1597. [18:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> can you feel this at all?
  1598. [18:25] * Nick_Varnegs_ pokes male faerzen's cheek
  1599. [18:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You believe this to be weird? Imagine on top of all of this, being able to quite literally see yourself in front of you from the third person!
  1600. [18:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Before the trial, I needed to switch bodies so I climbed into bed alongside myself.
  1601. [18:26] <Nick_Varnegs_> well... do you look like you expected yourself to look?
  1602. [18:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Believe me, I *know* this is strange. :)
  1603. [18:27] <Nick_Varnegs_> :p
  1604. [18:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose I was a little bit shorted than I thought I was, and that is likely because depth perception is skewed when you're looking down from the top.
  1605. [18:27] <Nick_Varnegs_> its weird looking at you both at the same time.
  1606. [18:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Other than that, I essentially look as I normally do in a mirror
  1607. [18:28] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh.
  1608. [18:28] * Faerzen_Norstov reaches down and straightens her male self's glasses.
  1609. [18:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, I suppose mirrors were not as common in your time.
  1610. [18:28] <Nick_Varnegs_> not quite common
  1611. [18:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am quite used to seeing myself multiple times every say. In the mirror, in photographs, in many places.
  1612. [18:29] <Nick_Varnegs_> i see
  1613. [18:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> However, seeing myself from outside my body......
  1614. [18:30] <Nick_Varnegs_> i would like to be able to properly sleep at some point.
  1615. [18:30] * Faerzen_Norstov reaches down and feels the hair shaping paste in her male self's hair
  1616. [18:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Actually FEELING myself from outside...... it is beyond weird.
  1617. [18:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Proper sleep does seem difficult to come by.
  1618. [18:30] <Nick_Varnegs_> like.... not instantly waking up on another body
  1619. [18:30] <Nick_Varnegs_> yeah. it indeed seems to be that way
  1620. [18:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I was able to obtain a small amount of it with Reggie's assistance.
  1621. [18:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I wore the crown, and Reggie was able to prevent me from falling so deeply asleep that I switched bodies.
  1622. [18:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I had a quiet, dreamless nap.
  1623. [18:32] <Nick_Varnegs_> would you ask reggie later to help me out with that?
  1624. [18:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You can ask him!
  1625. [18:32] <Nick_Varnegs_> i will do so later :)
  1626. [18:33] <Nick_Varnegs_> so.... now that you two are here...
  1627. [18:33] <Nick_Varnegs_> would you mind sitting next yo other you for a while?
  1628. [18:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> *to
  1629. [18:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> so... i could...
  1630. [18:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> i dont know
  1631. [18:34] * Nick_Varnegs_ decaptchalogues a sketchbook
  1632. [18:34] * Faerzen_Norstov raises an eyebrow
  1633. [18:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do hope you do not plan to sketch us.... me?... us?... so you can captchalogue us! :P
  1634. [18:35] * Nick_Varnegs_ smirks as he decaptchalogues one of those futuristic pens
  1635. [18:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> no! this is just a normal book!
  1636. [18:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> :p carrying you around on a card wouldn't be nice. i couldn't talk to you! or kiss you!
  1637. [18:36] * Faerzen_Norstov giggles
  1638. [18:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I know, I know. :P I do not even know if it is possible to captchalogue a living person. I have never tried...... From what Abyss and Regent and Brofessor have said, being stuck in a captchalogue card is not a pleasant experience.
  1639. [18:38] <Nick_Varnegs_> :/
  1640. [18:38] <Nick_Varnegs_> so... what do you say?
  1641. [18:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Go ahead and draw me.... but I've got my eyes on you, buster :P
  1642. [18:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Of course! I am already sitting here, so I would love to be the subject of one of your marvelous sketches.
  1643. [18:39] * Nick_Varnegs_ smirks as he sits in front of the faerzens and begins drawing on his book
  1644. [18:40] <Nick_Varnegs_> so.... i guess we will be carrying an extra faerzen on the way back?
  1645. [18:41] * Nick_Varnegs_ continues drawing and raises his head once in a while
  1646. [18:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, I suppose so....
  1647. [18:42] <Nick_Varnegs_> ill take care of that, dont worry you sleepyhead
  1648. [18:42] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is too bad that my parachute is trapped in my other sylladex. It would be quite nice to have a safeguard in case we drop him.
  1649. [18:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If the both of us are in the air and he is dropped, there is no way to prevent one of the two of us from falling without some sort of safeguard like that.
  1650. [18:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We will simply need to be careful.
  1651. [18:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Or..... I could attempt to fall asleep again and then gain access to the parachute.
  1652. [18:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> yeah. lets carry him between us.
  1653. [18:44] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs
  1654. [18:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> falling asleep now would be kind of hard
  1655. [18:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> or... i dont know? yeah. i really dont know
  1656. [18:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am being paranoid again, aren't I.
  1657. [18:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Nick? I..... have a question for you.
  1658. [18:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> faerzen sandwich?
  1659. [18:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> nah. you are okay
  1660. [18:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> And I do not want you to shrug this off or tell me what you think I want to or should hear.
  1661. [18:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> you are just being careful!
  1662. [18:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is honestly something I am interested in hearing your honest opinion of.
  1663. [18:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you.....
  1664. [18:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> yeah. sometimes you are paranoid and all that
  1665. [18:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you think that I am too slow to trust people?
  1666. [18:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  1667. [18:46] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...yes
  1668. [18:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I see.
  1669. [18:46] * Faerzen_Norstov looks down at her lap
  1670. [18:47] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  1671. [18:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Why do you say that?
  1672. [18:47] <Nick_Varnegs_> because its true
  1673. [18:47] <Nick_Varnegs_> it sounds cruel. but its true
  1674. [18:48] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I see.
  1675. [18:48] * Nick_Varnegs_ stops drawing and aproaches faerzen
  1676. [18:48] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie believes the same thing.
  1677. [18:48] * Nick_Varnegs_ hugs faerzen
  1678. [18:48] * Faerzen_Norstov slowly hugs Nick back
  1679. [18:49] * Nick_Varnegs continues hugging
  1680. [18:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you.
  1681. [18:51] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  1682. [18:51] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen
  1683. [18:52] <Nick_Varnegs> do you trust me?
  1684. [18:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes.
  1685. [18:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> More than I trust anyone else.
  1686. [18:53] * Nick_Varnegs kisses faerzen's neck as he goes back to his book to draw.
  1687. [18:53] <Nick_Varnegs> this is why i love you
  1688. [18:53] * Faerzen_Norstov weakly smiles
  1689. [18:54] * Nick_Varnegs continues drawing
  1690. [18:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie gave me quite the talking to on this topic.
  1691. [18:54] <Nick_Varnegs> did he?
  1692. [18:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Perhaps it is just my nature, perhaps it is the twisted things this game does to us day in and day out, perhaps--and this seems more likely--it is a combination of both.
  1693. [18:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You are not the first person to tell me to be more trusting in this past week.
  1694. [18:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You are not the second either.
  1695. [18:56] <Nick_Varnegs> well then... we could talk about it later
  1696. [18:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Lyra, clearly disagrees that I am not trusting enough and instead thinks I trust too much, but honestly that is irrelevant to me because she will always be contrary to me.
  1697. [18:56] <Nick_Varnegs> lyra will always be... lyra
  1698. [18:57] <Nick_Varnegs> alex could help with that
  1699. [18:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Indeed.
  1700. [18:57] <Nick_Varnegs> do you think they would eventually would...
  1701. [18:57] * Nick_Varnegs lightly laughts
  1702. [18:57] * Faerzen_Norstov shrugs
  1703. [18:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It certainly seems as though Alex desires for that to eventually happen.
  1704. [18:58] <Nick_Varnegs> alex is a nice guy
  1705. [18:58] <Nick_Varnegs> he would be a nice influence on lyra's life
  1706. [18:59] <Nick_Varnegs> and im sure lyra would not be that much against.... being on a relationship
  1707. [18:59] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles nervously
  1708. [18:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I wouldn't go so far as to say that....
  1709. [19:00] <Nick_Varnegs> eh
  1710. [19:00] <Nick_Varnegs> you never know
  1711. [19:01] <Nick_Varnegs> so.... what is something that you would like to do later?
  1712. [19:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmmm........
  1713. [19:03] <Nick_Varnegs> to be fair. i like playing around the idea of seeing lyra and alex togheter. they make a nice couple. and are amongst the last few people that... could be in a couple.
  1714. [19:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Mmm.
  1715. [19:05] * Faerzen_Norstov nods
  1716. [19:06] <Nick_Varnegs> so...
  1717. [19:06] <Nick_Varnegs> you never answered
  1718. [19:06] <Nick_Varnegs> something that you would really want to do?
  1719. [19:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, I know you would probably prefer to not to continue talking about trust, but it is really something that has been bothering me recently and I would prefer to have a chance to talk about it before reuniting with Abyss.
  1720. [19:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I sensed from your previous "conversation" with Abyss, you might also have some things to say on the topic of trust and Abyss in particular.
  1721. [19:08] <Nick_Varnegs> actually...
  1722. [19:08] <Nick_Varnegs> i would really like to talk about trust
  1723. [19:09] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have approached many things in this game the same way: with logic, reason, and caution.
  1724. [19:10] <Nick_Varnegs> how many times have you aproached something just because you feel like doing so?
  1725. [19:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What do you mean by that?
  1726. [19:10] * Nick_Varnegs stands up and aproaches faerzen to kiss her nose
  1727. [19:11] * Nick_Varnegs sits basically an inch away from faerzen's face
  1728. [19:11] <Nick_Varnegs> how many times have you done something without thinking it over many times?
  1729. [19:12] <Nick_Varnegs> like me. right now
  1730. [19:12] <Nick_Varnegs> im not considering how you are going to react
  1731. [19:12] <Nick_Varnegs> but i do it anyways.
  1732. [19:13] <Nick_Varnegs> because i feel like doing so. i feel like its a nice thing to do right now
  1733. [19:13] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Not thinking over the consequences or motivations of my actions? Very rarely.
  1734. [19:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I only do whatever I please after I have ascertained that there will be no significant consequences.
  1735. [19:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Like randomly deciding to follow you to some unknown adventure. Or working on whatever project I feel like at the moment after school and I am finished with work.
  1736. [19:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I choose to do what I enjoy just because I feel like it, but only after I really feel like I do have the freedom to do that.
  1737. [19:15] <Nick_Varnegs> how many times do you let things just happen?
  1738. [19:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Usually when I see no utility in trying to control them or when I know I cannot.
  1739. [19:15] <Nick_Varnegs> do you trust yourself?
  1740. [19:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I.....
  1741. [19:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I honestly do not know.
  1742. [19:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I used to, that is for certain.
  1743. [19:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This past week however, I have been having doubts.
  1744. [19:17] * Nick_Varnegs leans to faerzen's neck. and hugs again
  1745. [19:17] <Nick_Varnegs> why so?
  1746. [19:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There have been so many things that I have done because, at the time, I truly believed that they were the best things to do. That I was helping, that I was working for "the greater good". And now that I can look back on them, I think I was working for "the greater good", but with such a twist on my motives from being selfish or scared that what I did ended up being very far from the best thing to do.
  1747. [19:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I thought my judgement was sound in the moment, but all I was doing was deceiving myself.
  1748. [19:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Look at you, for example!
  1749. [19:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We have already discussed this a couple of times, but back then I really did think I was helping and that I was doing what was best.
  1750. [19:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> In reality I think I was just terrified, and so I used "helping everyone" as an excuse for my actions.
  1751. [19:20] <Nick_Varnegs> you were.
  1752. [19:20] * Nick_Varnegs kisses faerzen's neck once again
  1753. [19:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How can I trust my judgments and decisions now then? If the decisions I once thought were sound and solid were actually just my own ego manifesting itself in different ways, how can I trust that the decisions I make now aren't the same?
  1754. [19:22] <Nick_Varnegs> you did this for yourself, that indeed was selfish, but you were scared... fear is natural, so is hate, happyness or hate. you cant control how you feel... and if you just did it because you were scared, and covered that up with lying to yourself...
  1755. [19:22] <Nick_Varnegs> ...there is nothing to do about it.
  1756. [19:22] <Nick_Varnegs> that's just you.
  1757. [19:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There are other examples too. Reggie and Abyss.
  1758. [19:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> All I knew about Reggie before I met him was Lyra told me.
  1759. [19:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He was a crown that could control your emotions, read your mind, and possess your body.
  1760. [19:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Obviously that alone doesn't inherently make a being malicious, but I was very very hesitant when I first met him.
  1761. [19:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I kept myself guarded, only talked to him when he was on Lyra, never wore him myself.
  1762. [19:25] <Nick_Varnegs> well... that's not your fault.
  1763. [19:25] <Nick_Varnegs> that's lyra's
  1764. [19:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> After I had gotten to know him, to understand his feelings towards Lyra, realized how much he wanted to help
  1765. [19:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Then I trusted him enough to wear him.
  1766. [19:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Abyss?
  1767. [19:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> All I knew of him is that alternate you had used him to go on a blood-drenched spree of destruction.
  1768. [19:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I didn't--and still don't--know exactly what role Abyss played in all of that.
  1769. [19:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You saw me! Before I even knew there was a sentient being inside of the mask, I was terrified to put it on.
  1770. [19:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Let alone now that I know there is a conscious being inside there who remembers everything.
  1771. [19:28] <Nick_Varnegs> i though abyss was a tool
  1772. [19:28] <Nick_Varnegs> that nick probably though the same.
  1773. [19:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Now, I believe that is correct, yes.
  1774. [19:28] <Nick_Varnegs> i did not fear it. because i didn't know about him
  1775. [19:28] <Nick_Varnegs> ...but i somewhat pity him now
  1776. [19:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> After the trial, Abyss seemed horribly emotionally scarred from everything.
  1777. [19:29] <Nick_Varnegs> i pity that all he knew about nick was just... rage and murder
  1778. [19:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He essentially broke down sobbing in my hands.
  1779. [19:29] <Nick_Varnegs> this is why i am letting you keep the mask
  1780. [19:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie wanted me to trust Abyss. To just put Abyss on and comfort him.
  1781. [19:30] <Nick_Varnegs> ...faerzen.
  1782. [19:30] <Nick_Varnegs> what do you fear?
  1783. [19:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ....
  1784. [19:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Failure, the unknown, and futility.
  1785. [19:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I fear that what I do will cause harm instead of help.
  1786. [19:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I fear of the mysteries and the unknown and the uncertainty.
  1787. [19:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I fear that whatever I or anyone else does, it does not matter.
  1788. [19:33] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  1789. [19:33] <Nick_Varnegs> if we got trapped in here forever....
  1790. [19:33] <Nick_Varnegs> what would your reaction be?
  1791. [19:33] <Nick_Varnegs> how would you feel about it?
  1792. [19:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think that eventually I might be able to come to terms with it--I hope I would eventually be able to come to terms with it--but I would initially be devastated.
  1793. [19:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Now that I think about it, that is probably why I want to succeed so badly.
  1794. [19:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Not because I love the idea of a new world, but because the alternative is so terrible.
  1795. [19:36] <Nick_Varnegs> is it?
  1796. [19:37] <Nick_Varnegs> we would.... be trapped.
  1797. [19:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I need to have significance, a goal, a purpose, and being trapped here with only 8 other people, constantly reminded of my failure in this game and how we are doomed to live out our days here in futility......
  1798. [19:37] <Nick_Varnegs> there would be nothing to do about it
  1799. [19:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Exactly.
  1800. [19:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Powerless, helpless, and a failure.
  1801. [19:41] <Nick_Varnegs_> if there is a way to win
  1802. [19:41] <Nick_Varnegs_> we should do so
  1803. [19:41] <Nick_Varnegs_> if there's not... we should enjoy the ride while it lasts
  1804. [19:42] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  1805. [19:42] <@Faerzen_Norstov> But I do not want to accept that that is what this is!
  1806. [19:42] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am determined to make sure there is a way to win and that we reach that point.
  1807. [19:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If not, then all we are trying to do here with this game is pointless.
  1808. [19:43] * Nick_Varnegs_ keeps kissing faerzen's neck
  1809. [19:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> there may indeed be a way to win
  1810. [19:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> and if there is... we should try our best
  1811. [19:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> dont you think?
  1812. [19:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Absolutely.
  1813. [19:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> we should just....
  1814. [19:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> do what we can.
  1815. [19:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Of course!
  1816. [19:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> well... fuck. i left a hickey on your neck.
  1817. [19:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ......
  1818. [19:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> ....
  1819. [19:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh well.
  1820. [19:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I don't mind.
  1821. [19:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> :P
  1822. [19:46] <Nick_Varnegs_> yeah. ill be more careful next time
  1823. [19:47] <Nick_Varnegs_> you know what is something that i fear?
  1824. [19:47] <Nick_Varnegs_> that after this game ends... we would go back to our respective homes
  1825. [19:48] <Nick_Varnegs_> i am scared of that
  1826. [19:48] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do think it would be quite unbearable to go through all of this. All of the pain, all of the strife, all of the celebrations, all of the close times, and then be separated from everyone and be somehow expected to return to normal life as if nothing had happened.
  1827. [19:49] <Nick_Varnegs_> i am scared of not knowing what to do.
  1828. [19:49] <Nick_Varnegs_> i am scared of what would i do after all this ends
  1829. [19:50] <Nick_Varnegs_> .................
  1830. [19:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Again, there is my fear of the uncertain.
  1831. [19:50] <Nick_Varnegs_> i want to win... but i dont want this to end...
  1832. [19:51] <Nick_Varnegs_> its ok to be afraid right?
  1833. [19:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think if you weren't afraid you wouldn't be human.
  1834. [19:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is a part of being alive to be afraid.
  1835. [19:52] <Nick_Varnegs_> thank you
  1836. [19:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The question is.......
  1837. [19:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> To what extent is that fear justifiable as a motivation?
  1838. [19:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> that's a good question
  1839. [19:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> and i dont know if i can answer
  1840. [19:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Here I am, sitting on my bed with Abyss.
  1841. [19:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Either Abyss is truly in emotional pain, or it is all a sham.
  1842. [19:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I want to believe it is all true. I want to help.
  1843. [19:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> But I am terrified of what might happen if I am wrong.
  1844. [19:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am holding in my hands the single object that symbolizes what I was scared of most for the first several days here in this game, this mask was on the face of the man who destroyed an entire session, and this being just attempted to legally strongarm Lyra into allowing him to consumer her soul.
  1845. [19:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am terrified, and out of fear, I want to help but keep myself at a distance. Safe.
  1846. [19:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> that sounds familiar doesn't it?
  1847. [19:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> But what if it is just me being scared and in reality Abyss is really truly hurting and he needs my help? What kind of person am I to deny him that when he is already so alone?
  1848. [19:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...tell abyss about it
  1849. [19:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> tell abyss that you are scared about it
  1850. [19:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie seemed to think it was horrific that I was even considering keeping myself distant.
  1851. [19:57] <Nick_Varnegs_> no its not
  1852. [19:57] <Nick_Varnegs_> blind trust or paranoid are not useful
  1853. [19:57] <Nick_Varnegs_> getting to know someone takes time
  1854. [19:58] <Nick_Varnegs_> getting to know someone takes work
  1855. [19:58] * Faerzen_Norstov nods
  1856. [19:59] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  1857. [19:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What if someone needs your trust though?
  1858. [20:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie was appalled that I was thinking of not trusting Abyss fully to help him through this tough time, and in response, he completely refused to act as a mental safeguard against Abyss should anything go awry.
  1859. [20:00] <Nick_Varnegs_> well...
  1860. [20:00] <Nick_Varnegs_> perhaps voicing this fear would be good
  1861. [20:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That was the whole reason I even considered this temporary settlement of taking Abyss, and now here I am, stuck with Abyss alone.
  1862. [20:01] <Nick_Varnegs_> teggie manipulated you in a way you know?
  1863. [20:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I had no choice but to trust Abyss, and so I wore him alone.
  1864. [20:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, Reggie did, and I am quite unhappy with him.
  1865. [20:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He got me into this situation and then abandoned me here.
  1866. [20:02] <Nick_Varnegs_> reggie just.... used your trust issues against you
  1867. [20:02] <Nick_Varnegs_> i will talk to him later
  1868. [20:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie told me that any trust that I build with Abyss while Reggie is acting as a safeguard cannot be genuine trust.
  1869. [20:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> it indeed cannot be.
  1870. [20:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> but....
  1871. [20:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I agreed with him, but I countered with the fact that I cannot afford to just blindly take a step of faith and hope for the best.
  1872. [20:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> *sigh*
  1873. [20:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Getting to know Abyss will take time.
  1874. [20:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> -you feel the arms around you sort of holding you tighter-
  1875. [20:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie's counter to that is that Abyss does not have time.
  1876. [20:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie said that Abyss is so emotionally and mentally distraught that seeing me distance myself from him will make things worse and that in order to actually help Abyss I need to just trust him.
  1877. [20:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> After talking with Abyss, I could see quite plainly that this was true.
  1878. [20:04] <Nick_Varnegs_> that... really sounds familiar
  1879. [20:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> And so I had no choice but to just wear Abyss with no protection whatsoever.
  1880. [20:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose that means I "trust" Abyss now, but I doubt how strong that trust is when I was essentially forced into it.
  1881. [20:06] <Nick_Varnegs_> i... i wish i could actually help you with this...wish i could talk with you about it. and say something that could actually help yoy
  1882. [20:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> *you
  1883. [20:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> but...
  1884. [20:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do not expect you to have any magic words that will solve this.
  1885. [20:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> its just like....
  1886. [20:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> *sigh*
  1887. [20:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I know I am terrified of what alternate Nick did with Abyss and I know I am terrified of what I will let happen to this whole session if something goes wrong. But is that fear sufficient to warrant neglecting the personal feelings of another individual?
  1888. [20:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I seemed to think it was with you and with Reggie when I first met both of you.
  1889. [20:09] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Look how that ended up.
  1890. [20:09] <Nick_Varnegs_> -nick's hug gets even tighter-
  1891. [20:10] * Faerzen_Norstov embraces Nick tighter
  1892. [20:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> i... i j-just... *sharp breath* ....
  1893. [20:10] * Nick_Varnegs_ lets out a deep breath
  1894. [20:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> alright....
  1895. [20:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> so...
  1896. [20:11] <Nick_Varnegs_> keep talking
  1897. [20:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Are you sure? You sounded like you had something to say. Are you okay?
  1898. [20:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> its....
  1899. [20:12] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If this is hard, we can stop.
  1900. [20:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> just a touchy topic. im okay
  1901. [20:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> we are okay right?
  1902. [20:12] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What do you mean?
  1903. [20:13] <Nick_Varnegs_> i would like to think.... that back then. when we talked about us. we just... fixed stuff
  1904. [20:13] <Nick_Varnegs_> but....
  1905. [20:13] <Nick_Varnegs_> ....
  1906. [20:14] * Faerzen_Norstov runs his hand through Nick's hair
  1907. [20:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Go ahead, it's okay.
  1908. [20:14] <Nick_Varnegs_> there will always just be that.
  1909. [20:14] <Nick_Varnegs_> that guilt
  1910. [20:14] <Nick_Varnegs_> that feel of betrayal
  1911. [20:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> will there be truly a moment when we can say that.... all that is no longer relevant?
  1912. [20:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> ....i love you faerzen
  1913. [20:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  1914. [20:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think this comes back to what my father said again....
  1915. [20:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> "Let your past refine you, not define you."
  1916. [20:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The fact that you loved me and I completely screwed you over and rubbed your face in the dirt is horrible.
  1917. [20:16] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  1918. [20:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Nothing will ever change that or make that go away.
  1919. [20:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Even if I apologize and even if you forgive me, that does not change the fact that it hurt.
  1920. [20:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> However, just because it happened, does not mean it must happen again.
  1921. [20:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We need to let it be a warning sign of what I am capable of, and use it to work past it.
  1922. [20:18] * Nick_Varnegs_ looks at faerzen
  1923. [20:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The fact that the monument of our relationship was built on a faulty foundation once, does not mean that it always must be so, but it does mean we need to be careful to check for cracks.
  1924. [20:18] <Nick_Varnegs_> -nick looks like he's about to cry-
  1925. [20:18] * Nick_Varnegs_ kisses faerzen again.
  1926. [20:19] * Faerzen_Norstov holds Nick's head and shoulders close against her chest, running her hands through his hair and shaking
  1927. [20:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It was terrible, and I am so so sorry for what I did. Dwelling on the guilt and pain and fear will only prevent us from building higher, but we should never forget the past and there is nothing I can do to change what I did.
  1928. [20:21] * Nick_Varnegs_ slowly pulls apart from the hug and kiss and just stays there close to faerzen
  1929. [20:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think that making sure I am not paralyzed by guilt and fear of me hurting you again will be difficult. But it will burn in my mind how important it is to me to not let something like that happen again.
  1930. [20:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It all comes back to...... trust.
  1931. [20:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> trust.
  1932. [20:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  1933. [20:23] * Nick_Varnegs_ stands up and goes back to drawing
  1934. [20:24] * Faerzen_Norstov looks back up at Nick while he draws
  1935. [20:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You and I..... we are both very different people from the day that we started playing this game.
  1936. [20:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> And, I would be willing to bet, we will be even more different by the time we finish.
  1937. [20:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  1938. [20:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...i cant believe how much we must have changed since we entered this place
  1939. [20:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> this.... woah
  1940. [20:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I don't think that we will get to the point where what happened is completely irrelevant, but definitely think we can get to a point where we see that the past hurts do not matter because of how close we are to each other.
  1941. [20:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> When you think about it, we are different people all throughout our lives. We grow and change, and that's great; you have to keep moving. Just so long as you remember all of the people that you used to be.
  1942. [20:27] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((holy shit. 19 pages on word))
  1943. [20:27] * Nick_Varnegs_ weakly smiles at faerzen
  1944. [20:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I don't mean to distract you from drawing.... but what do you think of Abyss?
  1945. [20:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am sure your feelings towards him are incredibly complicated, and if I were in your shoes, I do not know if I could put them into words.
  1946. [20:29] <Nick_Varnegs_> you are... right
  1947. [20:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You, quite understandably, seemed rather uncomfortable around him earlier.
  1948. [20:30] <Nick_Varnegs_> i somewhat.... i feel bad for abyss
  1949. [20:30] <Nick_Varnegs_> i feel bad for what that nick did to him.
  1950. [20:31] <Nick_Varnegs_> i just...
  1951. [20:31] <Nick_Varnegs_> i would like to talk to abyss about it
  1952. [20:32] <Nick_Varnegs_> but...
  1953. [20:32] <Nick_Varnegs_> i dont think abyss wants to talk to me.
  1954. [20:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What would you want to say to him?
  1955. [20:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  1956. [20:34] * Nick_Varnegs_ goes back to drawing
  1957. [20:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> can you tell him i...
  1958. [20:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> im sorry?
  1959. [20:34] * Faerzen_Norstov nods
  1960. [20:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Sorry about anything in particular, or just everything?
  1961. [20:35] <Nick_Varnegs_> just for everything
  1962. [20:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> ....
  1963. [20:37] <Nick_Varnegs_> can we somewhat lighten the mood?
  1964. [20:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think there are some things that it would be good for you to know first.
  1965. [20:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> And then yes, please.
  1966. [20:37] <Nick_Varnegs_> alright....
  1967. [20:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I would very much appreciate taking a break from such weighty conversation.
  1968. [20:37] <Nick_Varnegs_> yeah. me too
  1969. [20:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Abyss.....
  1970. [20:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do not know if I can say he blames himself for what happened.....
  1971. [20:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> But in a way, I think he does.
  1972. [20:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That it was his power alternate Nick used, that all that power was used for was destruction, and that Abyss did nothing to stop him until far after it was too late.
  1973. [20:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He sees himself as an entity of destruction, incapable of good.
  1974. [20:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He is very sensitive when it comes to matters of that sort, particularly involving his powers, so please do keep that in mind when you are talking with him.
  1975. [20:42] <Nick_Varnegs_> i indeed will
  1976. [20:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> im sure he can do good
  1977. [20:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> i... uhhh....
  1978. [20:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> so.....
  1979. [20:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> do you even have a lighter topic to talk about?
  1980. [20:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Your drawing!
  1981. [20:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How is it coming along?
  1982. [20:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> i dont know? you tell me!
  1983. [20:44] * Nick_Varnegs_ shows faerzen the drawing
  1984. [20:46] <Nick_Varnegs_> -it looks like.... well... 2 faerzens right there-
  1985. [20:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I like it!
  1986. [20:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You are correct thought..... it is strange seeing both of us together.
  1987. [20:48] <Nick_Varnegs_> you know... do you think regent can makes us sleep at the same time?
  1988. [20:48] <Nick_Varnegs_> like... just to take a nap?
  1989. [20:49] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do not know if Reggie is able to affect the minds of those not wearing him.
  1990. [20:50] <Nick_Varnegs_> we could ask him later.
  1991. [20:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am not terribly certain Reggie would appreciate spectating and, in a way being included in, a group cuddle session.
  1992. [20:50] <Nick_Varnegs_> .....oh
  1993. [20:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He asked to head upstairs before our meal because he did not want to be sort of awkwardly watching us spend time together.
  1994. [20:51] <Nick_Varnegs_> well... that would be... interesting. to say least.
  1995. [20:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How about this?
  1996. [20:51] <Nick_Varnegs_> yeah. uhhh....
  1997. [20:51] <Nick_Varnegs_> there has to be a way to actually fall asleep without waking up in the other place right?
  1998. [20:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You ask Reggie if he can help you take a real nap, and I can store my asleep self in the bed too.
  1999. [20:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you can try to not get too cuddly, Reggie might be okay with that since my consciousness is not even in my sleeping self at the time.
  2000. [20:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> But then you can still sort of feel as though we are taking a nap together.
  2001. [20:52] <Nick_Varnegs_> al...right
  2002. [20:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> i would like that
  2003. [20:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Then while you are sleeping, I can go exploring or work on a project of some sort.
  2004. [20:54] * Nick_Varnegs_ smiles as he keeps drawing
  2005. [20:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> so....
  2006. [20:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> yeah.
  2007. [20:57] <Nick_Varnegs_> i would really like to know how our wings are connected to.... our backs
  2008. [20:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That is an interesting topic that I have never particularly thought about before.
  2009. [20:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am sure *some* part of our anatomy and bone and muscle structure on our backs must have altered, but I do not know precisely what.
  2010. [20:58] <Nick_Varnegs_> i think i know.
  2011. [20:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Biology has never been one of my primary scientific interests, so I cannot even say I know the detailed anatomy of our backs even without the wings!
  2012. [20:59] <Nick_Varnegs_> remember when i was doing all that... flexibility stuff?
  2013. [20:59] <Nick_Varnegs_> i know how my bones are attached to my back.
  2014. [20:59] <Nick_Varnegs_> if i couldn't stand up... it was because there was something missing.
  2015. [20:59] <Nick_Varnegs_> im... QUITE sure.
  2016. [20:59] <Nick_Varnegs_> QUITE
  2017. [21:00] <Nick_Varnegs_> that we dont have shoulderplates anymore.
  2018. [21:01] <Nick_Varnegs_> like.... just... i couldn't feel them pressing against eachother when i was....
  2019. [21:01] <Nick_Varnegs_> bending back.
  2020. [21:01] <Nick_Varnegs_> in other news.
  2021. [21:01] <Nick_Varnegs_> im done with the drawing
  2022. [21:01] <Nick_Varnegs_> atleast for now
  2023. [21:02] <Nick_Varnegs_> ill work on the shadows later :)
  2024. [21:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Would you like to perform a scientific experiment then while you still have your sketchbook out then?
  2025. [21:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> sure!
  2026. [21:03] * Nick_Varnegs_ turns to a blank page
  2027. [21:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> what should i do?
  2028. [21:04] * Faerzen_Norstov crawls on the grass over to Nick and lays facedown in the grass, turning her face towards Nick
  2029. [21:04] * Faerzen_Norstov reaches behind her and unclips the pin holding the top of her dress together over her wings
  2030. [21:04] * Nick_Varnegs_ somewhat blushes
  2031. [21:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you are interested in how the muscles and bones are structured, then here you go!
  2032. [21:05] <Nick_Varnegs_> uhhh
  2033. [21:05] <Nick_Varnegs_> al...alright
  2034. [21:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You have seen my back before, but never with an actual sketchbook to take notes on.
  2035. [21:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You go ahead and do whatever drawing and poking around you need to; I will let you know if lying here gets uncomfortable or if anything is too painful or sensitive.
  2036. [21:06] * Nick_Varnegs_ begins sketching faerzen's back. and reaches with his left hand around the base of one of the wings to feel around the place
  2037. [21:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> this is.. literally the place where shoulderplates are.
  2038. [21:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> but...
  2039. [21:07] * Nick_Varnegs_ applies some pressure
  2040. [21:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Now that you --oof-- mention it, I don't feel any bones there either.
  2041. [21:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> i cant feel anything here.
  2042. [21:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It seems you were correct.
  2043. [21:07] * Nick_Varnegs_ continues sketching.
  2044. [21:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It almost feels as though.....
  2045. [21:07] * Faerzen_Norstov flexes her wings a couple of times, testily
  2046. [21:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It almost feels as though the back muscles that I used to feel attached to my shoulder blades are instead attached to the wing.
  2047. [21:08] <Nick_Varnegs_> perhaps some of the back in general.....
  2048. [21:09] * Nick_Varnegs_ feels towards the centre of the back and pokes an area near the beginning of the neck
  2049. [21:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What are y... mmf.. you feeling for?
  2050. [21:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Can you feel my spine through the muscles back there?
  2051. [21:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> the muscles that are usually connected to the spine
  2052. [21:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> it indeed seems to be there
  2053. [21:11] * Nick_Varnegs_ feels his way down faerzen's spine. focusing on each piece
  2054. [21:11] <Nick_Varnegs_> hmmm.... yeah. it indeed seems that way.
  2055. [21:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Normally the spine is so v-visible from the outside. Is there enough musssssscle there to make it less visible unless you are fffffeeling for it?
  2056. [21:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> it being missing would be... nonsensical.
  2057. [21:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> it seems that way.
  2058. [21:12] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It felt to me when I was masssssaging your back earlier that there was much more padding in the way.
  2059. [21:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> the knot of muscle somewhat covers it
  2060. [21:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> yeah. there is a bit of padding on the back
  2061. [21:14] * Nick_Varnegs_ absentmindedly touches faerzen's back as he continues to draw
  2062. [21:15] * Faerzen_Norstov shivers slightly
  2063. [21:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> H-here, can we turn a bit so that the light from that bulb shines on my back?
  2064. [21:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I would imagine it would be easier for you to see, but it would also keep my back a tad warmer.
  2065. [21:16] <Nick_Varnegs_> so....... it feels like some... muscles of the shoulders is connected more directly to the back.
  2066. [21:16] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh! sure
  2067. [21:16] <Nick_Varnegs_> i guess....
  2068. [21:17] <Nick_Varnegs_> so...
  2069. [21:17] * Nick_Varnegs_ helps faerzen up.
  2070. [21:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((INTERNET ON?))
  2071. [21:20] * Faerzen_Norstov scooches around on the ground, turning so the sun hits her back
  2072. [21:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> there we go.
  2073. [21:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What were you saying about my shoulder muscles?
  2074. [21:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> better?
  2075. [21:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh!
  2076. [21:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, much better
  2077. [21:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> that....
  2078. [21:21] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles
  2079. [21:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> they seems to be more directly connected to the back
  2080. [21:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What do you mean?
  2081. [21:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> instead of... being connected to the shoulderblades and rest of the back. some of the muscles seem to go directly to the spine and from there to the wings
  2082. [21:23] * Nick_Varnegs_ runs his fingers in diagonal through faerzen's back
  2083. [21:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> see?
  2084. [21:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> right... there
  2085. [21:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, interesting.
  2086. [21:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> hmmm...
  2087. [21:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> would you mind putting your wings in a vertical position?
  2088. [21:27] * Faerzen_Norstov does so
  2089. [21:28] * Nick_Varnegs_ feels the undersides of the wings
  2090. [21:28] <Nick_Varnegs_> hmmm.... weird
  2091. [21:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> W-were you expecting s-something difffferent?
  2092. [21:29] <Nick_Varnegs_> i mean... well... its somewhat weird. how... hard this line of muscles feel
  2093. [21:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Wouldn't they be used quite heavily in flying?
  2094. [21:30] * Nick_Varnegs_ runs his fingers in circles around the particularly small muscle
  2095. [21:30] <Nick_Varnegs_> they... are... connected... to somewhere inside the wing.
  2096. [21:30] * Faerzen_Norstov hums
  2097. [21:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Huh.
  2098. [21:31] <Nick_Varnegs_> and... the rest of these. are connected from the back.
  2099. [21:32] * Nick_Varnegs_ applies a bit of pressure to that muscle in particular
  2100. [21:32] * Faerzen_Norstov sharply intakes a breath
  2101. [21:32] <Nick_Varnegs_> care to just... move your wing a bit to see how this mov-
  2102. [21:32] <Nick_Varnegs_> are you ok?
  2103. [21:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Y-yup.
  2104. [21:33] <Nick_Varnegs_> should i... stop?
  2105. [21:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Just caught a bit off guard by that one.
  2106. [21:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> No, no, no, you're just fine.
  2107. [21:33] <Nick_Varnegs_> al...alright
  2108. [21:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Believe me, I would tell you if it started getting to be too sensitive.
  2109. [21:34] * Faerzen_Norstov begins moving her wing gently back and forth for Nick to feel the muscles moving
  2110. [21:34] * Nick_Varnegs_ de-applies pressure as he feels the muscles around that particular area
  2111. [21:35] <Nick_Varnegs_> how were those really soft and flexible bones called?
  2112. [21:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> im sure there are some of those in here
  2113. [21:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Cartilage?
  2114. [21:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> that
  2115. [21:37] <Nick_Varnegs_> perhaps... somehow the shoulderblade turned into a bunch of cartilaguinous.... thingies?
  2116. [21:38] <Nick_Varnegs_> i think there is ceirtainly something connected to the ribs in here.
  2117. [21:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Interesting.
  2118. [21:39] <Nick_Varnegs_> i have no idea how biology works. but..... muscles on the sides
  2119. [21:39] <Nick_Varnegs_> yeah. those.
  2120. [21:41] * Nick_Varnegs_ continues feelin around the wing, paying more attention to the drawing.
  2121. [21:42] <Nick_Varnegs_> well....
  2122. [21:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> this indeed is interesting. but..... tell me if it gets.... too much
  2123. [21:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> W-will do.
  2124. [21:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> i wouldn't want to.... unless....
  2125. [21:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> *cough*
  2126. [21:44] * Faerzen_Norstov looks up at Nick
  2127. [21:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Nick.
  2128. [21:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This is nowhere near as intense as the back massage I gave you earlier. I can *assure* you that is not even remotely a concern right now.
  2129. [21:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If, for some reason, it does develop into one, I will be sure to inform you as such.
  2130. [21:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Please carry on with your investigations, and I will be plenty fine here on the grass.
  2131. [21:46] <Nick_Varnegs_> alright
  2132. [21:47] * Nick_Varnegs_ puts his palm in the center of faerzen's back
  2133. [21:47] <Nick_Varnegs_> alright....
  2134. [21:47] <Nick_Varnegs_> breath.
  2135. [21:48] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  2136. [21:48] <Nick_Varnegs_> well... you ARE breathing right now. but....
  2137. [21:49] <Nick_Varnegs_> could you take a REALLY deep breath and hold it?
  2138. [21:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Sure.
  2139. [21:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What are you investigating?
  2140. [21:50] * Faerzen_Norstov takes as deep a breath as she can and holds it in
  2141. [21:51] * Nick_Varnegs_ feels around the central muscle of the back
  2142. [21:51] * Nick_Varnegs_ feels how it branches to the wings
  2143. [21:52] * Nick_Varnegs_ applies some pressure to the exact middle of said muscle
  2144. [21:53] * Faerzen_Norstov lets out the breath all at once
  2145. [21:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> S-sorry about that.
  2146. [21:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> no no
  2147. [21:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What are you feeling for?
  2148. [21:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> how it branches out.
  2149. [21:53] * Faerzen_Norstov takes another deep breath
  2150. [21:54] * Nick_Varnegs_ feels around the end of said muscle
  2151. [21:54] <Nick_Varnegs_> it.... connects to... the spine and shoulders
  2152. [21:54] <Nick_Varnegs_> it must put a lot of pressure on said shoulders
  2153. [21:54] <Nick_Varnegs_> so....
  2154. [21:55] <Nick_Varnegs_> it must.... be reinforced... by branching off from lower parts of the spine and sides
  2155. [21:55] * Nick_Varnegs_ runs his fingers with a bit of more pressure through the whole wing
  2156. [21:55] <Nick_Varnegs_> *thing
  2157. [22:07] * Faerzen_Norstov gradually lets out her breath
  2158. [22:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Would you like me to hold another one?
  2159. [22:08] <Nick_Varnegs_> no. its okay
  2160. [22:08] <Nick_Varnegs_> i.... uhhh... i think im done with a basic sketch.
  2161. [22:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Excellent!
  2162. [22:09] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Is there anything more specific you wanted to study?
  2163. [22:09] * Nick_Varnegs_ slowly stops touching the knot of muscle
  2164. [22:09] <Nick_Varnegs_> not... not really
  2165. [22:09] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Would you mind pinning the collar back together then?
  2166. [22:09] * Nick_Varnegs_ paps faerzen's back a few times as he closes faerzen's dress
  2167. [22:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> there we go
  2168. [22:10] * Nick_Varnegs_ helps faerzen stand up
  2169. [22:13] <Nick_Varnegs_> you okay?
  2170. [22:13] * Nick_Varnegs_ smirks
  2171. [22:13] * Faerzen_Norstov stands up
  2172. [22:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am quite excellent at the moment.
  2173. [22:14] * Nick_Varnegs_ shows faerzen a drawing of what seems to be a bunch of lines of muscles
  2174. [22:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((like the first one i sent))
  2175. [22:15] * Faerzen_Norstov takes the drawing and studies it intently
  2176. [22:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmm... interesting.
  2177. [22:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose..... yes, I suppose that makes sense.
  2178. [22:17] <Nick_Varnegs_> great :)
  2179. [22:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Nice work!
  2180. [22:17] * Faerzen_Norstov returns the drawing to Nick
  2181. [22:18] * Nick_Varnegs_ captchalogues the sketchbook and pens
  2182. [22:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> So..... what now?
  2183. [22:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> hmmm...
  2184. [22:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  2185. [22:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Would you like to continue spending time here, wou--
  2186. [22:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh!
  2187. [22:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I nearly forgot!
  2188. [22:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> i have NO ide---
  2189. [22:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> what?
  2190. [22:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> what happened?
  2191. [22:20] * Faerzen_Norstov grabs the bottle of carbonated water from her sleeping self
  2192. [22:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You need to taste this!
  2193. [22:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> will it make my voice squeaky?
  2194. [22:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is Norwegian carbonated mineral water, and no, I certainly hope it won't make your voice squeaky. :P
  2195. [22:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> that is somewhat reassuring.
  2196. [22:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> so...
  2197. [22:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Norway has always been world famous for its crystal clear drinking water.
  2198. [22:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> do i just take a sip?
  2199. [22:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This was collected from one of the many springs in the mountains, and then carbonated.
  2200. [22:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I should probably explain what that means first.
  2201. [22:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Essentially, through modern technology, gas is dissolved into the liquid. Then, as the liquid sits, the gas re-emerges as bubbles!
  2202. [22:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  2203. [22:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...i have no idea of what that means
  2204. [22:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This is crystal clear drinking water collected from the mountains, carbonated so it has bubbles, and then a little bit of lemon and lime juice is added.
  2205. [22:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What it boils down to is that it is going to be a drink with lots and lots of bubbles in it. :)
  2206. [22:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> al...right?
  2207. [22:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh!
  2208. [22:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> that sounds interesting :)
  2209. [22:24] * Faerzen_Norstov carefully opens the cap and hands the bottle to Nick
  2210. [22:24] * Nick_Varnegs_ takes a small sip
  2211. [22:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I did not want to bother with dragging a pair of cups all the way out here, so you can simply drink from the glass bottle.
  2212. [22:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> OH WOAH!
  2213. [22:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> WOAH WOAHWOAH
  2214. [22:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Strange, isn't it?
  2215. [22:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((nick didn't drink alcohol. and beer isnt that carbonated))
  2216. [22:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It almost tickles!
  2217. [22:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> ITS FIZZY!
  2218. [22:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> YES!
  2219. [22:26] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((also. beer hasn't always been carbonated))
  2220. [22:26] <Nick_Varnegs_> its so weird!
  2221. [22:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you like it?
  2222. [22:29] <Nick_Varnegs_> its incredible!
  2223. [22:29] <Nick_Varnegs_> the future has so much incredible things!
  2224. [22:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I dare say quite a lot changed in over 500 years. :)
  2225. [22:32] * Nick_Varnegs_ lightly chuckles as he takes another sip
  2226. [22:32] * Nick_Varnegs_ hands faerzen the bottle
  2227. [22:33] <Nick_Varnegs_> so tasty
  2228. [22:33] * Faerzen_Norstov takes a big gulp
  2229. [22:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you have any ideas on what to do with this guy?
  2230. [22:35] <Nick_Varnegs_> should we head back home?
  2231. [22:35] * Faerzen_Norstov lightly kicks her male self's foot
  2232. [22:35] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh.
  2233. [22:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Do you happen to have any rope or something similar on you?
  2234. [22:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> hmmm...
  2235. [22:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> let me see
  2236. [22:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do, but alas I am currently asleep.
  2237. [22:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> im afraid i do not have rope
  2238. [22:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We could use some of these vines in the worst case scenario.
  2239. [22:37] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...well... that would help.
  2240. [22:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Would you mind cutting several of them down?
  2241. [22:38] * Nick_Varnegs_ aproaches male faerzen and cracks his knuckles
  2242. [22:39] <Nick_Varnegs_> alright.
  2243. [22:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I would appreciate tying some to my male self's waist just in case we drop him.
  2244. [22:39] * Nick_Varnegs_ decaptchalogues his glaive and aproaches one vined tree and cuts it up
  2245. [22:40] * Nick_Varnegs_ picks up a bunch of long vines
  2246. [22:40] <Nick_Varnegs_> there we go.
  2247. [22:40] <Nick_Varnegs_> these will do
  2248. [22:41] * Faerzen_Norstov wraps a couple around his male self's waist, tying them tightly
  2249. [22:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How were you planning on carrying me back?
  2250. [22:41] * Nick_Varnegs_ hands faerzen the vines as he aproaches the male faerzen
  2251. [22:42] * Nick_Varnegs_ grabs faerzen from under hus arms to put him into a seating position... then he puts his hands under faerzen's legs and picks him up
  2252. [22:42] <Nick_Varnegs_> help me up with his arms
  2253. [22:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((basically piggyback from the front))
  2254. [22:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> can you put his arms around my neck and tie them?
  2255. [22:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Indeed.
  2256. [22:44] * Faerzen_Norstov does so
  2257. [22:44] * Nick_Varnegs_ finishes properly lifting faerzen
  2258. [22:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> i think this will do
  2259. [22:45] * Faerzen_Norstov also ties his ankles to Nick's shins once male faerzen is properly situated
  2260. [22:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Just to make sure that he doesn't flop all over the place.
  2261. [22:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I will hold onto these vines tied to his waist just in case.
  2262. [22:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> you weight way more when you are asleep
  2263. [22:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Let me know if you want to stop and take a break. Asleep me is not going to be any assistance in flying like awake me was on the way over here. :P
  2264. [22:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> :p
  2265. [22:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> alright then...
  2266. [22:46] <Nick_Varnegs_> lets... go
  2267. [22:46] * Nick_Varnegs_ begins flapping his wings and slowly rises from the ground
  2268. [22:46] * Faerzen_Norstov flies alongside Nick, giving him space to fly but close enough to help in case he needs something
  2269. [22:47] * Nick_Varnegs_ slooowly begins flying back home
  2270. [22:48] * Nick_Varnegs_ is breathing quite hard
  2271. [22:49] <Nick_Varnegs_> *pant* yup. this is quite *pant* hard
  2272. [22:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That tower is up here, would you like to stop and take a breather?
  2273. [22:51] <Nick_Varnegs_> *panting* yes
  2274. [22:51] * Nick_Varnegs_ stops on the tower and plops down on the ground with faerzen on top of him
  2275. [22:51] <Nick_Varnegs_> well... apparently you were helping way more than what you though.
  2276. [22:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Would it help if I attempted to assist the rest of the way?
  2277. [22:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We could put together a similar formation as we had on the way to the park, but with asleep me in the middle.
  2278. [22:52] <Nick_Varnegs_> sorry if this offends... but... how much do you weight?
  2279. [22:52] <Nick_Varnegs_> well... that would help
  2280. [22:52] * Nick_Varnegs_ struggles to stand up. but he eventually does so.
  2281. [22:53] * Faerzen_Norstov walks towards Nick, giving him a hug and sandwiching his asleep self between the two of them
  2282. [22:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I should be able to provide some lift like I did last time.
  2283. [22:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> :)
  2284. [22:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> alright... lets go
  2285. [22:54] * Nick_Varnegs_ takes a few deep breaths and begins flapping his wings again
  2286. [22:54] * Faerzen_Norstov flaps his wings to lift the Faerzen sandwich off the ground
  2287. [22:54] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((oh bb))
  2288. [22:54] <Nick_Varnegs_> well... this is much easier
  2289. [22:55] * Nick_Varnegs_ begins flying home again
  2290. [22:56] * Faerzen_Norstov flies with Nick and her asleep self back home
  2291. [22:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Lets aim for the roof. Then we can get you untied and it is an easy hop down to my balcony.
  2292. [22:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> good idea
  2293. [22:57] * Nick_Varnegs_ does so and slowly begins landing on the balcony
  2294. [22:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The balcony works too!
  2295. [22:58] * Faerzen_Norstov carefully alights on the balcony
  2296. [22:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Are you okay?
  2297. [22:58] <Nick_Varnegs_> just... a bit tired
  2298. [22:58] <Nick_Varnegs_> well... a lot
  2299. [22:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Here, let me untie you.
  2300. [22:59] * Faerzen_Norstov unties her male self's ankles and then reaches up behind Nick's neck to untie his wrists
  2301. [23:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There we--- oops!
  2302. [23:00] * Nick_Varnegs_ squirms somewhat
  2303. [23:00] <Nick_Varnegs_> watch the nec-!!
  2304. [23:00] * Faerzen_Norstov falls to the ground as her male self falls on top of her
  2305. [23:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I forgot my male self is not actually capable of holding himself up....
  2306. [23:00] <Nick_Varnegs_> oops indeed
  2307. [23:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Ow.
  2308. [23:00] * Faerzen_Norstov rolls her male self off of her.
  2309. [23:01] * Nick_Varnegs_ helps faerzen up
  2310. [23:01] * Faerzen_Norstov stands up, then reaches down and loops her male selves arms over her shoulder and around her neck
  2311. [23:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Would you mind taking the other arm?
  2312. [23:02] <Nick_Varnegs_> sure. ill do so
  2313. [23:02] * Faerzen_Norstov reaches over and enters a very long sequences of characters into the keyboard to unlock the door
  2314. [23:02] * Nick_Varnegs_ does so.
  2315. [23:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> All right, in we shall go.
  2316. [23:03] * Faerzen_Norstov opens the door and slowly moves inside with her asleep self
  2317. [23:03] * Nick_Varnegs_ slowly moves alongside faerzen
  2318. [23:03] * Faerzen_Norstov scoots up to her bed
  2319. [23:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Drop him here?
  2320. [23:04] * Nick_Varnegs_ slowly and carefully puts faerzen in bed and plops down next to him
  2321. [23:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, I can let you talk with Reggie about taking a nap, but I would like to switch bodies back first. This one is much less equipped to do anything interesting outside of Prospit.
  2322. [23:06] <Nick_Varnegs_> pheeew... that was ceirtainly a bit harder than what i expected
  2323. [23:06] * Faerzen_Norstov walks over to her desk and puts on the crown
  2324. [23:06] <Nick_Varnegs_> nonono
  2325. [23:06] <Nick_Varnegs_> its.. okay
  2326. [23:06] <Nick_Varnegs_> i dont feel like sleeping right now...
  2327. [23:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Are you sure?
  2328. [23:06] <Nick_Varnegs_> i should probably go for that shower i said i was going to take earlier
  2329. [23:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh yes. :)
  2330. [23:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> :)
  2331. [23:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It would be quite nice to take a shower in my other body as well.
  2332. [23:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Would you like to head downstairs to your shower and I can switch bodies and claim my shower up here?
  2333. [23:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> sure. dont worry about it.
  2334. [23:08] * Nick_Varnegs_ heads downstairs and enters the now familiar bathroom
  2335. [23:08] * Faerzen_Norstov briefly greets Abyss before laying down in bed next to her male self with Reggie on her head
  2336. [23:14] * Faerzen_Norstov wraps her wings around her and curls up in bed, relaxing in the ppile of pillows
  2337. [23:15] * Nick_Varnegs_ clumsily takes off his shirt to leave it hanging once again from the wings
  2338. [23:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh for fucks sake... getting dressed off is always going to be like this right?
  2339. [23:16] * Faerzen_Norstov eventually wakes up next to himself in bed
  2340. [23:16] * Nick_Varnegs_ goes back upstairs
  2341. [23:16] <Nick_Varnegs_> uhhh.... faerzen?
  2342. [23:16] <Nick_Varnegs_> a bit help here?
  2343. [23:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes? Come on in. *yawn*
  2344. [23:17] * Nick_Varnegs_ comes in. nostly shirtless
  2345. [23:18] * Faerzen_Norstov sits up in bed as his male self, stretching, retrieving the crown from his female self, and gently moving some of her hair from out of her face
  2346. [23:18] <Nick_Varnegs_> uhhh... so... i cant actually take off my clothes with these wings. mind helping me with the shirt?
  2347. [23:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Have we not set up a similar pinning mechanism around the back of the collar on these?
  2348. [23:18] <Nick_Varnegs_> not really. you just did so for the doublet
  2349. [23:18] * Faerzen_Norstov pulls himself out of bed and strolls over to Nick, chuckling slightly
  2350. [23:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well then, we should do that at some point.
  2351. [23:19] * Nick_Varnegs_ turns around
  2352. [23:19] * Faerzen_Norstov reaches over and tugs Nick's shirt off of his wings, handing it to him in a ball
  2353. [23:19] <Nick_Varnegs_> thanks :D
  2354. [23:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I should tell you the results of my feather experiment from earlier, by the way.
  2355. [23:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh?
  2356. [23:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Water seems to bead off of the feather just fine.
  2357. [23:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Liquid soap sticks to the feathers, but when rinsed enough, can be cleaned.
  2358. [23:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh good.
  2359. [23:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> However, the feathers resist water less well after that.
  2360. [23:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> :/
  2361. [23:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> So try to avoid it if you can
  2362. [23:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> well... atleast thats something
  2363. [23:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am sure the feathers will regenerate their dust material over time
  2364. [23:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> However, if you get soap on them and scrub them, they unsurprisingly completely lose their water resistance and quickly become waterlogged
  2365. [23:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> alright then.
  2366. [23:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh.
  2367. [23:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> So if you manage to get soap on your wings, just rinse it gently off of the surface. Do not scrub too vigorously.
  2368. [23:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> thanks for the advice fae :)
  2369. [23:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> i will go take my shower now
  2370. [23:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Very well then, I shall see you shortly!
  2371. [23:22] * Nick_Varnegs_ heads to the bathroom again
  2372. [23:22] * Faerzen_Norstov takes the crown and set it on his desk before heading to the upstairs bathroom
  2373. [23:23] * Nick_Varnegs_ takes off his boots and pants
  2374. [23:23] * Faerzen_Norstov shuts and locks the door, hangs the Dress of ICE Shields back up on the hook from whence it came, and removes his undergarments and e-glasses
  2375. [23:23] * Nick_Varnegs_ turns on the shower and fiddles with the setting to make the water somewhat hotter.
  2376. [23:24] * Nick_Varnegs_ gets properly undressed and gets in
  2377. [16:15] * Nick_Varnegs lets out a breath as the hot water touches his skin
  2378. [16:15] <Nick_Varnegs> "soooooooooooo.... goooooood"
  2379. [16:15] * Faerzen_Norstov taps the control panel several times to set the shower to start with a steam bath, and the glass cubicle begins filling with steam and fragrances
  2380. [16:15] * Faerzen_Norstov steps inside and closes the door, smiling as the scented steam fills his nostrils
  2381. [16:16] * Nick_Varnegs checks the multiple options on the control panel, making sure he doesn't tap anything by mistake
  2382. [16:17] * Faerzen_Norstov turns around, somewhat more difficultly because of his wings, and turns the intercom on, pinging the second floor shower
  2383. [16:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <a clear dinging noise emanates from a now flashing green button on the wall in the shower>
  2384. [16:17] <Nick_Varnegs> oh. i suppose this is the... communication thing?
  2385. [16:18] * Nick_Varnegs presses the green button and
  2386. [16:18] <Nick_Varnegs> *and gets ready in case the water starts attacking him again
  2387. [16:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <a sky blue hologram appears of Faerzen's head in the corner. it looks rather blurry>
  2388. [16:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hello!
  2389. [16:19] * Nick_Varnegs is surprised and covers himself
  2390. [16:19] <Nick_Varnegs> h-hello!
  2391. [16:19] <Nick_Varnegs> i didn't expect this to also.... show image
  2392. [16:20] <Nick_Varnegs> so... you can see me?
  2393. [16:20] * Faerzen_Norstov laughs heartily
  2394. [16:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> No, I can only hear you.
  2395. [16:20] <Nick_Varnegs> a..lright then! :)
  2396. [16:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you would like, you can call me back on your receiver so that a similar hologram of your head is visible to me.
  2397. [16:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is precisely the same intercom system I used to communicate with you the first time you came and knocked at the door to my house.
  2398. [16:21] * Nick_Varnegs presses the nearest green button
  2399. [16:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There we go!
  2400. [16:21] <Nick_Varnegs> hi there!
  2401. [16:21] * Nick_Varnegs waves
  2402. [16:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is rather odd having a floating head in the shower with you, but that is much preferred over having an entire naked person in the shower with you.
  2403. [16:22] <Nick_Varnegs> ....naked?
  2404. [16:22] <Nick_Varnegs> oh god no! i wasn't... planning on that when i suggested a shared shower
  2405. [16:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You rather blurted out the possibility of taking a shower together, so I figured this would be the best alternative.
  2406. [16:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What else could you have meant then?
  2407. [16:23] * Nick_Varnegs blushes
  2408. [16:23] <Nick_Varnegs> atleast not entirely naked
  2409. [16:23] <Nick_Varnegs> so.......................................
  2410. [16:23] * Nick_Varnegs shepishly laughts
  2411. [16:24] * Faerzen_Norstov raises an eyebrow and sits down on the seat on the wall, enjoying the hot sweltering steam and fragrance swirling around him
  2412. [16:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <the hologram remains unchanged other than his head seems to look to the side occasionally as he moves around>
  2413. [16:24] * Faerzen_Norstov lets out a pleasant sigh
  2414. [16:24] <Nick_Varnegs> so.... what else can this... "shower" do?
  2415. [16:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What function do you have it set on at the present?
  2416. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> shower?
  2417. [16:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Ah, so normal water?
  2418. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> uhhh... its just letting hot water pour over me
  2419. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> its sooooo niiiice
  2420. [16:25] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles
  2421. [16:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You can adjust the temperature and flow rate of the shower, but also how the water is dispensed from the ceiling.
  2422. [16:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You likely have it on some normal cascade or stream at the moment.
  2423. [16:26] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmmm?
  2424. [16:27] <Nick_Varnegs> any options that you could recommend trying out?
  2425. [16:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You can also turn it on more concentrated intermittent bursts so it is sort of like a massage. I do quite enjoy that setting when my neck is stiff. Having hot water pulsating against my sore neck really does help the ache go away.
  2426. [16:27] <Nick_Varnegs> that soounds amazing!
  2427. [16:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I currently have my shower set on steam. It can be a bit stifling after long periods of time, but I find the hot steam to be relaxing.
  2428. [16:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you look on the control panel, that massage setting should be marked by a collection of circles in columns.
  2429. [16:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The vertical lines is the setting you have right now.
  2430. [16:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The cloud one is the steam setting.
  2431. [16:28] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm
  2432. [16:29] * Nick_Varnegs presses the cloud one
  2433. [16:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <the water cascade form the ceiling immediately ceases and clouds of hot steam begin filling the chamber>
  2434. [16:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <soon, it almost feels difficult to breathe and it is very hot around you. The steam condensing on your skin almost feels like you are sweating so profusely that streams of sweat are pouring down your arms and legs>
  2435. [16:30] * Nick_Varnegs closes his eyes and sits on that seat on the wall
  2436. [16:30] <Nick_Varnegs> woaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............
  2437. [16:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you would like, you can also set the shower to dispense various soaps and conditioners or fragrances as well.
  2438. [16:31] <Nick_Varnegs> huh?
  2439. [16:31] <Nick_Varnegs>
  2440. [16:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It should be in the bottom section of the control panel below where you set the type of water dispensing.
  2441. [16:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> At the moment, my steam bath has a faint hint of vanilla in it.
  2442. [16:32] <Nick_Varnegs> any.... recommendations?
  2443. [16:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I do not know off the top of my head which fragrances my mother has installed.
  2444. [16:32] <Nick_Varnegs> i would... like to smell nice... too
  2445. [16:33] <Nick_Varnegs> do you... think... it has.... cinnamon?
  2446. [16:34] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I haven't the foggiest. You will have to look or just pick one.
  2447. [16:34] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles in a surprisingly slow manner
  2448. [16:34] * Nick_Varnegs tries setting the panel to "cinnamon"
  2449. [16:35] <Nick_Varnegs> this is... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... relaxing
  2450. [16:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <You see several colored buttons underneath the word fragrances: Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Dark Green, Purple, and Pink>
  2451. [16:36] * Nick_Varnegs presses the purple button just for the sake of it
  2452. [16:36] <Nick_Varnegs> oh well... might as well... try them out
  2453. [16:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <nothing is immediately obvious>
  2454. [16:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <after about 30 seconds, a lavender scent is obvious>
  2455. [16:39] <Nick_Varnegs> hey!...
  2456. [16:39] <Nick_Varnegs> this smells nice
  2457. [16:39] <Nick_Varnegs> like...
  2458. [16:39] <Nick_Varnegs> those... little purple flowers
  2459. [16:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Ah, did you select lavender?
  2460. [16:40] <Nick_Varnegs> apparently?
  2461. [16:40] * Nick_Varnegs presses the pink one
  2462. [16:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <the purple one remains pressed and you add the pink one. again, nothing is immediately obvious, but soon a smell of peppermint is added to the mix>
  2463. [16:42] <Nick_Varnegs> now it also smells minty!
  2464. [16:42] * Nick_Varnegs presses the purple one again, hoping it will stop smelling like little purple flowers
  2465. [16:43] <Nick_Varnegs> so.... faerzen.... have you ever... danced?
  2466. [16:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <the flowery scent diminishes, but does not disappear completely>
  2467. [16:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have danced a couple of times at more formal events, so I am aware of how the basics of formal dance function, but I have not received any education of any sort in the area.
  2468. [16:45] <Nick_Varnegs> dost thou... like dancing?
  2469. [16:45] <Nick_Varnegs> woahhh... showers are amazing.
  2470. [16:46] <Nick_Varnegs> so.... nice
  2471. [16:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I enjoy the flowing movements of dance, particularly if it is with someone I know well, but dance alone has never particularly been someone I have ventured to do in my free time our of enjoyment.
  2472. [16:47] * Nick_Varnegs closes his eyes and lets the steam surround him
  2473. [16:47] <Nick_Varnegs> dost thou... want to dance.... later?
  2474. [16:48] <Nick_Varnegs> -even through the blue and blurry hologram, you can tell nick is blushing-
  2475. [16:48] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles
  2476. [16:48] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am afraid the dancing I know will likely appear quite bland to an artist such as yourself, but I think dancing would be most pleasant!
  2477. [16:49] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles
  2478. [16:49] <Nick_Varnegs> great! we willl.... dance later then!
  2479. [16:50] * Nick_Varnegs sloppily moves his arms to press the shower function again
  2480. [16:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Are you enjoying the steam bath?
  2481. [16:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Some people find them very relaxing, some people find them suffocating and unpleasant.
  2482. [16:51] <Nick_Varnegs> indeed i am... but it got a bit.... suffocating
  2483. [16:51] <Nick_Varnegs> so... im switching to water again
  2484. [16:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Which water setting?
  2485. [16:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There are three.
  2486. [16:51] <Nick_Varnegs> shoower?
  2487. [16:52] <Nick_Varnegs> i dont know
  2488. [16:52] <Nick_Varnegs> i just pressed something
  2489. [16:52] * Nick_Varnegs yawns
  2490. [16:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There is the massage setting that is marked by the columns of little circles, there is the shower setting which is vertical lines, and there is the cascade setting which is the wavy lines.
  2491. [16:53] * Nick_Varnegs check to see what he pressed
  2492. [16:53] <Nick_Varnegs> i... pressed the wavy one
  2493. [16:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <the steam shuts off but the steam already in the cubical still remains, swirling around you. A ribbon of water (long and narrow like pouring through a slit in the ceiling) begins pouring out of the ceiling, as through you were standing under a waterwall>
  2494. [16:55] <Nick_Varnegs> ... coool
  2495. [16:55] <Nick_Varnegs> have you ever plaayed.... truth or... dare?
  2496. [16:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That one is quite pleasant.
  2497. [16:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The game? Not in quite a while.
  2498. [16:56] <Nick_Varnegs> in this case we would have to just do truth..... do you want to?
  2499. [16:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Not since I was in primary school!
  2500. [16:56] <Nick_Varnegs> i willl... suppose those are quite a lot of years
  2501. [16:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose if I am working to be more forthright with my information, this would be a beneficial exercise. Very well.
  2502. [16:57] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles
  2503. [16:57] * Nick_Varnegs smiles
  2504. [16:57] <Nick_Varnegs> do you want to start?
  2505. [16:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Sure.
  2506. [16:58] * Faerzen_Norstov stands up and switches the water back to shower mode, lathering up his hands with some shampoo
  2507. [16:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What is your favorite color and why?
  2508. [16:59] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm... i always liked dark blue... i find it relaxing. and for some reason it just.... feels right
  2509. [16:59] <Nick_Varnegs> i also quite like purple... for no reason at all
  2510. [17:00] <Nick_Varnegs> i guess its my turn?... what about yours?
  2511. [17:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have always quite liked yellow.
  2512. [17:01] <Nick_Varnegs> really?
  2513. [17:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is the color of energy, excitement, and light. You have no idea how please I was to see the yellow and orange hues painting the skies of my land when I arrive here.
  2514. [17:01] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles
  2515. [17:01] <Nick_Varnegs> i like your reasons
  2516. [17:02] <Nick_Varnegs> if i had to elaborate more... i guess purple just feels... intense and calm at the same time. it has just the right mix of.... both things
  2517. [17:02] <Nick_Varnegs> your turn i guess....
  2518. [17:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What is the earliest memory you have?
  2519. [17:03] <Nick_Varnegs> woah...
  2520. [17:03] <Nick_Varnegs> let me... think for a moment
  2521. [17:03] * Faerzen_Norstov begins scrubbing his hair with lather and foam
  2522. [17:04] <Nick_Varnegs> well.... if i had to guess... i think its the memory of a voice.... its dad, talking to me, just.... talking to me.... i remember warmth... i remember the sound of... i remember many voices
  2523. [17:05] * Nick_Varnegs scrubs his hair without anything in it
  2524. [17:05] <Nick_Varnegs> ...what's your... favorite memory?
  2525. [17:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh wow, that is quite the question.
  2526. [17:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmmmmm
  2527. [17:08] * Nick_Varnegs shakes his head side to side sending water everywhere
  2528. [17:09] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have to say the family trip we took after my mother was appointed Associate Dean of her department
  2529. [17:09] <Nick_Varnegs> oh! that sounds lovely
  2530. [17:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It was just me, my father, and my mother, and we went on a boating trip up the main fjord from Oslo, around the coast, and into one of the more scenic areas in northwest Norway.
  2531. [17:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We took a scenic railway trip home through the mountains.
  2532. [17:10] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen. i promise you something....
  2533. [17:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It was a celebration of my mother's appointment which she had been working towards for quite some time, so my parents took a great deal of time off of work to spend together.
  2534. [17:11] <Nick_Varnegs> if we ever find a way to finish this game... and go back to our planet... i will try to find a way to get us to do a trip like that one.
  2535. [17:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> At first I was quite bored without my projects and workshop! Eventually though, it became one of my favorite memories just spending time with my family and enjoying the scenery.
  2536. [17:13] <Nick_Varnegs> that indeed sounds lovely.... i gues its your turn to ask :)
  2537. [17:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you had a time machine and you could travel anywhere in Earth's history (assuming it never gets randomly obliterated by meteors), when would go and why?
  2538. [17:15] <Nick_Varnegs> hmm... first. a few years before i was born
  2539. [17:16] <Nick_Varnegs> so i could met my mother and my father being with her
  2540. [17:16] * Faerzen_Norstov rinses his hair
  2541. [17:16] <Nick_Varnegs> after that... i would probably travel to the future....
  2542. [17:16] <Nick_Varnegs> just to see how different things will get
  2543. [17:17] <Nick_Varnegs> perhaps visit all of out time periods?
  2544. [17:17] <Nick_Varnegs> to get a proper grasp of how humanity has changed
  2545. [17:17] <Nick_Varnegs> *our
  2546. [17:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That is quite an ambitious journey!
  2547. [17:18] <Nick_Varnegs> an artis is commited to its work after all
  2548. [17:18] <Nick_Varnegs> i would indeed like to visit all those places
  2549. [17:18] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm....
  2550. [17:19] <Nick_Varnegs> what is something that you would like to know about me?
  2551. [17:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Essentially your question to me is to ask you another question :P
  2552. [17:21] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles
  2553. [17:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmmm
  2554. [17:21] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles
  2555. [17:21] * Faerzen_Norstov dispenses some conditioner into his hands and starts running his hands through his hair
  2556. [17:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What do *you* think your greatest strength is?
  2557. [17:22] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  2558. [17:23] <Nick_Varnegs> can you count stubborness as a strenght?
  2559. [17:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Sure.
  2560. [17:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> As long as you explain why. :P
  2561. [17:25] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles, rinsing his hair
  2562. [17:25] <Nick_Varnegs> well... if i decide i really want something i will get it.
  2563. [17:25] <Nick_Varnegs> somehow
  2564. [17:26] <Nick_Varnegs> i just wont give up on things....
  2565. [17:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Then maybe.... you could phrase it as "perseverance"?
  2566. [17:26] <Nick_Varnegs> perhaps that would be a better word for it
  2567. [17:26] <Nick_Varnegs> its... your turn right?
  2568. [17:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What would *you* say is your greatest weakness?
  2569. [17:28] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  2570. [17:28] <Nick_Varnegs> woah.
  2571. [17:29] <Nick_Varnegs> i haven't.... though about it before...
  2572. [17:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It's only a natural follow up!
  2573. [17:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hard to think about though, I know.....
  2574. [17:29] <Nick_Varnegs> perhaps..... i dont know.
  2575. [17:29] <Nick_Varnegs> i think i get too emotional sometimes
  2576. [17:30] <Nick_Varnegs> its just....
  2577. [17:30] <Nick_Varnegs> i think im too intense in how i let my emotions do their work.
  2578. [17:32] <Nick_Varnegs> ...what is something that you have never told anyone?
  2579. [17:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Never told *anyone*?
  2580. [17:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmmmmm, that is quite a tricky one.
  2581. [17:33] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles
  2582. [17:34] <Nick_Varnegs> i guess taking dares is not an option?
  2583. [17:34] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Only if it is something you can do without getting out of the shower, but that seems quite limited indeed.
  2584. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> well.... yeah.
  2585. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> i know of one. but you are never agreeing to it... and it indeed requires getting out of the shower :/
  2586. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> :p
  2587. [17:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh really? Well then, if it is out of the picture anyways, can you tell me what it would have been?
  2588. [17:37] * Faerzen_Norstov switches the shower to cascade mode, and rinses his hair
  2589. [17:38] <Nick_Varnegs> i'd prefer not
  2590. [17:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Very well.
  2591. [17:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I would say my answer to your question is....
  2592. [17:38] <Nick_Varnegs> where the fun would be in that?
  2593. [17:38] <Nick_Varnegs> heh.
  2594. [17:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I enjoy making new things in my workshop, sometimes to attempt to invent new things, but not because I want to make new things for people to use. I really like the idea of being the person will all the fancy gadgets that are an enigma to everyone else.
  2595. [17:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I would say like in the movies, but that comparison has no relevance to you. :P
  2596. [17:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I've never told anyone that, particularly my parents, because if they knew they would be much less supportive of my experiments. :/
  2597. [17:44] <Nick_Varnegs> well... there's nothing wrong in wanting something special for yourself once in a while
  2598. [17:44] <Nick_Varnegs> its... your turn?
  2599. [17:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Please don't take this the wrong way, but I am curious..... It is a game of Truth after all!
  2600. [17:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think I may know what the answer is already but......
  2601. [17:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What was your idea for a dare earlier? ;)
  2602. [17:48] <Nick_Varnegs> ... to come and join me
  2603. [17:48] * Faerzen_Norstov smirks
  2604. [17:48] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I thought so!
  2605. [17:48] <Nick_Varnegs> wasn't it obvious?
  2606. [17:48] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, I have to say it was quite obvious.
  2607. [17:49] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You don't have to hide it! This is the second time you've suggested it and then backpedaled to try and cover it up.
  2608. [17:49] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is perfectly fine to want something like that.
  2609. [17:49] * Nick_Varnegs smirks and shepishly laughts
  2610. [17:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I, however, am not particularly comfortable with moving that quickly, so I would prefer to hold off of that sort of thing for now.
  2611. [17:50] <Nick_Varnegs> eh. i just though that washing your hair would be nice. i wasnt thinking of anything.... personal.
  2612. [17:52] <Nick_Varnegs> my turn? well.... let me think.... what's your favorite thing about this person taking a shower over here?
  2613. [17:54] * Faerzen_Norstov turns the shower back to steam mode and begins scrubbing his body with body wash
  2614. [17:55] * Nick_Varnegs puts the shower back on steam mode and sits down once again
  2615. [17:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Have you scrubbed yourself clean? There should be a body wash dispenser in there if you would like.
  2616. [17:55] <Nick_Varnegs> body.... wash?
  2617. [17:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is very good at cleaning your skin and making everything slippery!
  2618. [17:55] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles
  2619. [17:55] <Nick_Varnegs> ill try some :p
  2620. [17:55] <Nick_Varnegs> do i... do so?
  2621. [17:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Put your hand under the cartridge on the wall and then scrub the cream that comes out all over yourself. It will make a lot of soapy bubbles everywhere and it will greatly assist in taking the oil and dirt off of your skin.
  2622. [17:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You will probably be cleaner than you ever have been in your entire life!
  2623. [17:57] <Nick_Varnegs> ohhhh i like how that sounds
  2624. [17:57] * Nick_Varnegs puts his hand under the cartridge and scrubs the cream over his arms and chest
  2625. [17:58] <Nick_Varnegs> oh god you were right! im so slippery!
  2626. [17:59] <Nick_Varnegs> and you never answered!
  2627. [17:59] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles, soaping up his legs and feet
  2628. [17:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am thinking!
  2629. [17:59] <Nick_Varnegs> hee hee
  2630. [18:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have a bit more to say than just this, so bear with me. I would say that it is because you're such a sap. :P
  2631. [18:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, that has the more obvious implication of you being kind of a dork and that you enjoy showing your affections to those you care about, but there is more than that.
  2632. [18:01] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles
  2633. [18:01] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You don't shy away from digging into deep emotions, either with yourself or with others, and you've always been open to digging deeper into feelings with people.
  2634. [18:02] <Nick_Varnegs> oh.... well.... yeah. that's also... something.
  2635. [18:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Alex told me that he only really got to talk to you briefly, but that the two of you had a pretty open conversation.
  2636. [18:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> And I know that because of that you really do care about the wellbeing of the people around you.
  2637. [18:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is pretty obvious to me that you care :)
  2638. [18:02] <@Faerzen_Norstov> So that's what I mean by that. :)
  2639. [18:03] <Nick_Varnegs> if i was there i would hug you right now. but it would be weird since we are all slippery and kind of naked.
  2640. [18:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> :|
  2641. [18:03] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Indeed.
  2642. [18:03] <Nick_Varnegs> yup
  2643. [18:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Have you tried out the last setting on the shower yet?
  2644. [18:04] <Nick_Varnegs> ill hug you after we are all clothed up
  2645. [18:04] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That's not my question, by the way!
  2646. [18:04] <Nick_Varnegs> oh?
  2647. [18:04] <Nick_Varnegs> not really... hmmm
  2648. [18:04] <Nick_Varnegs> let me try
  2649. [18:05] * Nick_Varnegs presses massage mode
  2650. [18:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I was thinking I might try that when I finish scrubbing here.
  2651. [18:05] * Nick_Varnegs continues scrubbing
  2652. [18:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <pulsing jets of water come from the ceiling in a sort of small area, kind of like those showerheads today OOG, but they rotate around in circular patterns rather than one spot so it is like a powerful drumming in that particular area of your skin where it hits>
  2653. [18:06] <Nick_Varnegs> wooooooooooooaaaaaahhhhhhhh....
  2654. [18:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I bet you didn't even know that water could feel that nice!
  2655. [18:07] <Nick_Varnegs> feels weeeeeeeird...
  2656. [18:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You can move yourself around under the stream too to put different muscles under the stream and relax them.
  2657. [18:07] * Nick_Varnegs stands up and moves around
  2658. [18:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The circular moving patterns of the jets almost knead the muscles underneath, it is really quite nice.
  2659. [18:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I particularly enjoy it on my arms after some time in the archery range or on my neck after some time working with small electronics.
  2660. [18:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What do you think?
  2661. [18:09] * Faerzen_Norstov stands up now that his whole body is lathered and switches the water back to shower mode to rinse off
  2662. [18:09] * Nick_Varnegs accidentally lets the water jet hit between his wings.. after a face of surprise, a weird sound and a quick blushing he turns on steam mode again
  2663. [18:09] <Nick_Varnegs> uhhhh.... p-perhaps massage mode is noot.... not quite for me.
  2664. [18:09] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You okay? Did it bring back painful memories of shower attacks?
  2665. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov smirks
  2666. [18:10] <Nick_Varnegs> yeah. that
  2667. [18:10] * Nick_Varnegs awkwardly laughts
  2668. [18:11] <Nick_Varnegs> so... what was your question in first place?
  2669. [18:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I was going to ask you the same thing you asked me!
  2670. [18:12] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If it doesn't seem too selfish to be asking for compliments.
  2671. [18:12] <Nick_Varnegs> eh. i dont know, i started
  2672. [18:14] <Nick_Varnegs> well.... i do like how smart you are, and how easy it is talking to you about the most personal things... how we have somehow became this close and how nice it is to have eachother... also, i was going to compliment your freckles and your "not giving up" attitude
  2673. [18:16] <Nick_Varnegs> i freaking love the freckles
  2674. [18:18] <Nick_Varnegs> well... i guess its my turn?
  2675. [18:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Freckles?
  2676. [18:19] * Faerzen_Norstov blushes and chuckles slightly
  2677. [18:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Thanks, I guess, hehehe.
  2678. [18:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I didn't particularly do anything to make them appear here, but I am glad you appreciate them regardless.
  2679. [18:20] * Faerzen_Norstov sets the shower to massage mode and begins letting the stream work on his neck and shoulders
  2680. [18:26] <nick_varnegs> C'mon! the freckles are like.. damn. they just make you 10 time more adorable
  2681. [18:27] * Faerzen_Norstov blushes furiously
  2682. [18:27] * nick_varnegs rinses the body wash thingy from himself
  2683. [18:27] * nick_varnegs smirks
  2684. [18:29] <nick_varnegs> so...hmmm... i ran out of meaningful questions :p
  2685. [18:30] <nick_varnegs> well... if you could describe yourself in one word. what would you say?
  2686. [18:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am essentially done with my shower now, so perhaps we could finish it off after this round?
  2687. [18:30] <nick_varnegs> seems like a good idea :)
  2688. [18:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> In one word?
  2689. [18:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmm
  2690. [18:31] <nick_varnegs> yup
  2691. [18:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I guess I would say......
  2692. [18:34] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmm. This is difficult.
  2693. [18:34] * nick_varnegs finishes rinsing stuff himself.
  2694. [18:34] <nick_varnegs> i can see why
  2695. [18:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am not entirely happy with this word, but it is the best I have been able to come up with so far, so I will go with it for the time being.
  2696. [18:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> "Practical."
  2697. [18:35] <nick_varnegs> hmmm...
  2698. [18:36] <nick_varnegs> well... that... works. i expected something more positive
  2699. [18:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think it is both positive and negative at the same time.
  2700. [18:36] <nick_varnegs> indeed
  2701. [18:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is negative in that it implies eschewing some things simply because they don't provide some immediate utility.
  2702. [18:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> But it is also positive in that in order to be practical you have to be able to determine and think about what is effective and efficient and what matters.
  2703. [18:37] * nick_varnegs turns the water off and sits on the shower seat
  2704. [18:39] <nick_varnegs> well... i guess its.. your turn? for last question?
  2705. [18:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I went first though, so I would be getting an extra question!
  2706. [18:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Are you done with your shower? It sounds like you turned the water off.
  2707. [18:41] <nick_varnegs> yup. i am done
  2708. [18:41] <nick_varnegs> also... ask anyways!
  2709. [18:42] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose I shall be incredibly uncreative and ask you a similar question. If you had to describe yourself in *two* words, how would you do so?
  2710. [18:42] <nick_varnegs> hmmm...
  2711. [18:43] <nick_varnegs> well. would saying "big dork" be cheating?
  2712. [18:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, I think that is not a deep enough response. :P
  2713. [18:43] <nick_varnegs> hmmm... in that case... let me see...
  2714. [18:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> The two words also do not have to be linked. They can be two unrelated adjectives that you think together describe yourself.
  2715. [18:45] <nick_varnegs> passionate, caring?
  2716. [18:46] <nick_varnegs> perhaps those two would work better
  2717. [16:47] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I have to say those two words are quite a step up from the last two in terms of introspection!
  2718. [16:47] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles
  2719. [16:48] * Nick_Varnegs smiles
  2720. [16:48] <Nick_Varnegs> im glad you like my choice
  2721. [16:49] <Nick_Varnegs> so... should we finish this off in person? im getting quite chilly
  2722. [16:49] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I was wondering why I could no longer hear the water on your side.
  2723. [16:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You could have left warm water on if you wanted, silly!
  2724. [16:50] * Nick_Varnegs facepalms
  2725. [16:50] <Nick_Varnegs> that's a... quite good idea in hindsight
  2726. [16:51] * Faerzen_Norstov turns off his water and turns on the dryer after opening the door
  2727. [16:51] * Nick_Varnegs steps out of the shower and begins looking around some cabinets for a towel
  2728. [16:51] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you open the door to your shower cubicle and hit the orange fan button on the panel, warm air will blow out of the shower instead to dry you off.
  2729. [16:52] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Otherwise there might be a towel in the cabinet underneath the sink.
  2730. [16:52] <Nick_Varnegs> thanks fae
  2731. [16:52] * Nick_Varnegs steps in again and hits the fan button
  2732. [16:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <a rush of warm air begins coming from the ceiling and blowing out the open shower cubicle door, drying you off much more quickly than you were expecting>
  2733. [16:54] * Faerzen_Norstov steps out of the shower after turning the dryer and hologram off
  2734. [16:54] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles
  2735. [16:54] <Nick_Varnegs> wheeeee!
  2736. [16:54] * Nick_Varnegs spins in place
  2737. [16:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I will get changed here, Nick, and then I will meet you in my room?
  2738. [16:54] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Are you having fun in there?
  2739. [16:54] * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles
  2740. [16:54] <Nick_Varnegs> ye-heh-heeeahhh!
  2741. [16:55] * Nick_Varnegs keeps enjoying the warm wing
  2742. [16:55] <Nick_Varnegs> *wind
  2743. [16:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> With wings now, the dryer almost feels like flying around to dry off! Albeit with no clothes on, but the similarity still holds.
  2744. [16:56] * Nick_Varnegs turns the fan off, still laughting
  2745. [16:57] * Faerzen_Norstov turns off his microphone on the intercom and changes back into the Dress of ICE Shields
  2746. [16:57] * Nick_Varnegs steps off and puts underwear and pants on.
  2747. [16:58] <Nick_Varnegs> [to himself] alright.... how the hell do i.... put this on?
  2748. [16:58] * Faerzen_Norstov looks in the mirror to fix his hair and put his glasses back on
  2749. [16:58] * Nick_Varnegs picks up shirt
  2750. [16:58] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmmm....
  2751. [16:59] * Nick_Varnegs puts shirt on by the hole on the back and squeezes into it by lifting it more than it should...
  2752. [16:59] <Nick_Varnegs> *struggle sounds*
  2753. [16:59] * Faerzen_Norstov returns to his bedroom to gather his belonging and tidy up
  2754. [17:00] * Nick_Varnegs finishes putting a shirt on, he proceeds to see if he forgot anything. he presses the green button that was used as a communicator... just in case
  2755. [17:00] * Nick_Varnegs shakes his head side to side and heads out and upstairs
  2756. [17:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <the button is now no longer green>
  2757. [17:00] <Nick_Varnegs> ((dangit))
  2758. [17:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <no, I mean pressing it made it not green>
  2759. [17:01] <Nick_Varnegs> ((oh cool))
  2760. [17:01] * Nick_Varnegs waits by the door with arms crossed and a smirk on his face.
  2761. [17:04] * Faerzen_Norstov backs out from under his bed holding a pillow that fell behind the bed, and places it back on top of the bed, sitting down next to his asleep self
  2762. [17:05] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, hello, Nick. Enjoyable shower?
  2763. [17:05] <Nick_Varnegs> indeed it was! *smirky smile*
  2764. [17:06] * Faerzen_Norstov gets up off the bed and moves to his desk where he starts picking up the paper and pens he was using earlier and places them in the appropriate bins in the wall of drawers
  2765. [17:06] <Nick_Varnegs> need help with anything?
  2766. [17:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Apologies for the mess, I have not particularly attempted to clean anything since we arrived in this game...
  2767. [17:06] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Not particularly.
  2768. [17:06] <Nick_Varnegs> eh, i dont mind. my house in in a worse mess
  2769. [17:07] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am almost done now. I finished the workbench before you got up here.
  2770. [17:07] * Nick_Varnegs enters the room and sits on the table
  2771. [17:07] <Nick_Varnegs> *bed
  2772. [17:07] <Nick_Varnegs> ((how the fuck do i confuse table with bed))
  2773. [17:08] <@Faerzen_Norstov> <female faerzen is asleep on the bed in a pile of pillows>
  2774. [17:08] <Nick_Varnegs> /me pokes female faerzen's side
  2775. [17:09] * Nick_Varnegs pokes female faerzen's side
  2776. [17:09] * Faerzen_Norstov grabs the last couple of mechanical parts and wires from the desk and puts them away
  2777. [17:10] * Faerzen_Norstov sits down next to Nick, eyeing him with mock suspicion
  2778. [17:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Trying to get in some pokes while I am not conscious to feel the tickle, eh?
  2779. [17:10] * Nick_Varnegs chuckles
  2780. [17:11] <Nick_Varnegs> is the best next thing to actually tickling you
  2781. [17:11] <Nick_Varnegs> also... you DONT actually feel ANY of this?
  2782. [17:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Not particularly, no.
  2783. [17:11] <@Faerzen_Norstov> When I was my dream self, I felt some of your pokes on my asleep self at our little picnic at the park.
  2784. [17:12] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Even then though, it was quite minor.
  2785. [17:12] <Nick_Varnegs> im still not used to having a second body...
  2786. [17:13] <Nick_Varnegs> also... im kinda worried about going to sleep right now
  2787. [17:13] <Nick_Varnegs> last time i woke up.... it... wasn't nice
  2788. [17:13] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How about you talk with Reggie then?
  2789. [17:13] <@Faerzen_Norstov> He is quite capable of making sure you sleep without switching bodies.
  2790. [17:13] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That seems to be the only apparent way to me then that you can obtain some rest safely.
  2791. [17:14] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I arranged the pillows and cleared this space on the bed for you to sleep if you would like.
  2792. [17:14] <Nick_Varnegs> that.... that would be nice
  2793. [17:14] * Faerzen_Norstov reaches over and runs his fingers through his dream self's hair
  2794. [17:14] <Nick_Varnegs> but... i feel like i should face try to go back to the golden place as soon as possible
  2795. [17:15] <@Faerzen_Norstov> How about this then.
  2796. [17:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You can talk with Reggie and ask him to prevent you from switching bodies for some period of time so you can obtain some genuine rest, and then he can let go allowing you to actually switch bodies and you can face Prospit again after having some time to give your mind some rest.
  2797. [17:16] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That seems like quite a compromise there, the best of both worlds.
  2798. [17:17] <Nick_Varnegs> that indeed sounds nice
  2799. [17:17] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Excellent.
  2800. [17:17] <Nick_Varnegs> but... really, a sleeping body just laying around its not....
  2801. [17:17] * Nick_Varnegs sighs
  2802. [17:17] <Nick_Varnegs> im sure you understand
  2803. [17:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You are worried about your sleeping body on Prospit and whatever was responsible for launching the attack on the queen?
  2804. [17:18] <Nick_Varnegs> yes
  2805. [17:18] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I very much understand about not wishing to have my unconscious body lying around unprotected.
  2806. [17:19] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That is precisely why she is here in my house under lock-down.
  2807. [17:19] * Nick_Varnegs looks at female faerzen's sleeping body and weakly smiles
  2808. [17:20] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I apologize if you think this lock-down reaction to the recent developments a bit extreme or offensive, but I really would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to her and... him.
  2809. [17:20] <Nick_Varnegs> ...what did the monocle you were wearing a while ago do?
  2810. [17:20] <Nick_Varnegs> oh.
  2811. [17:20] <Nick_Varnegs> dont... worry. i.... understand
  2812. [17:21] * Faerzen_Norstov decaptchalogues the Monocle of Vice (Au - GOLD)
  2813. [17:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> This?
  2814. [17:21] * Faerzen_Norstov dangles a small, ornate golden monocle by a fine golden chain
  2815. [17:22] <Nick_Varnegs> yes
  2816. [17:22] <Nick_Varnegs> why a monocle?
  2817. [17:22] <Nick_Varnegs> i didn't think your eye impairments were... THAT extreme
  2818. [17:22] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I.... found it earlier. Back in those towers.
  2819. [17:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> After I..... transformed into that horrible......
  2820. [17:23] * Faerzen_Norstov shudders
  2821. [17:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> After that, this was what lay at the top.
  2822. [17:23] * Nick_Varnegs stands up and aproaches faerzen
  2823. [17:24] * Faerzen_Norstov looks up at Nick
  2824. [17:24] <Nick_Varnegs> dont mention it... infinite knowledge isn't nice either
  2825. [17:25] <Nick_Varnegs> omniscience is a bitch to deal with.
  2826. [17:25] <Nick_Varnegs> all of it went away after the effect subsided
  2827. [17:25] * Faerzen_Norstov solemnly looks back down into his lap
  2828. [17:25] * Nick_Varnegs surprise hugs
  2829. [17:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ..... and I did that to him.
  2830. [17:26] * Faerzen_Norstov nods his head at Regent while being hugged
  2831. [17:26] <Nick_Varnegs> first time for you?
  2832. [17:27] <@Faerzen_Norstov> First time for what?
  2833. [17:27] <Nick_Varnegs> killing something with... intelligence
  2834. [17:28] <Nick_Varnegs> the first time is never as one would expect it to go
  2835. [17:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you expand "something" to include people's hope or plans or ideas, then no, that is definitely not my first time killing something with intelligence.
  2836. [17:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you remain with sentient and living entities, then..... yes.
  2837. [17:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I would hardly even call it killing with intelligence. In that case, it was more like killing with stupidity and arrogance.
  2838. [17:30] <Nick_Varnegs> ....
  2839. [17:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I just wish I knew how he felt about it and how I could help.....
  2840. [17:30] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen.
  2841. [17:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I don't even know what I can do to help because he doesn't even remember anything about what he wants.
  2842. [17:30] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen
  2843. [17:30] <@Faerzen_Norstov> What's done is done, but I still want to fix my mistake.
  2844. [17:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes?
  2845. [17:31] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen
  2846. [17:31] <Nick_Varnegs> stop it
  2847. [17:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Stop what?
  2848. [17:31] <Nick_Varnegs> yes, its your fault. voicing it to yourself over and over again will not help you in any way
  2849. [17:31] <Nick_Varnegs> it would just be a constant reminder of failure
  2850. [17:31] <Nick_Varnegs> you dont want that
  2851. [17:32] <Nick_Varnegs> you dont need or deserve that
  2852. [17:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Learning from my mistakes is the best way to avoid future mistakes, and reminding myself of that occasionally ensures that I do not shirk my commitments to not making that same mistake again.
  2853. [17:34] <Nick_Varnegs> good point right there....
  2854. [17:34] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I quite literally drove someone to suicide, Nick.
  2855. [17:34] <Nick_Varnegs> but.... you make it sound so much like you are an horrible person
  2856. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> yes. i know
  2857. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> and that is quite bad
  2858. [17:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> We are all horrible people in one way or another, Nick. What matters whether or not we face those aspects of ourselves and attempt to fix them and overcome them.
  2859. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> but then. remember, i have killed people before
  2860. [17:35] * Nick_Varnegs smirks and surprise kisses faerzen
  2861. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> we are both horrible people. but we try our best
  2862. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs> that's what matters most.
  2863. [17:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> And that is precisely why I try.
  2864. [17:36] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles
  2865. [17:37] * Nick_Varnegs smiles
  2866. [17:38] * Faerzen_Norstov stands up
  2867. [17:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well, shall I leave you to decide what you wish to do about Prospit and then discuss the matter with Reggie?
  2868. [17:39] <Nick_Varnegs> well.. to put it in quite light words...
  2869. [17:39] <Nick_Varnegs> its time to take a nap
  2870. [17:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Indeed.
  2871. [17:39] * Nick_Varnegs grins
  2872. [17:39] * Faerzen_Norstov bends down and kisses Nick's forehead
  2873. [17:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you.
  2874. [17:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you for everything, today.
  2875. [17:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It was truly wonderful, and I could not have possibly asked for more.
  2876. [17:40] <Nick_Varnegs> anytime :)
  2877. [17:41] * Nick_Varnegs stands up and embraces faerzen
  2878. [17:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is times like these past several hours that remind me of yet more reasons why I love you.
  2879. [17:41] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles, returning the embrace
  2880. [17:42] * Nick_Varnegs blushes and embrases even tighter
  2881. [17:43] * Faerzen_Norstov releases Nick and gives him a quick peck on the nose before turning to his desk
  2882. [17:43] * Nick_Varnegs smiles and sits down on bed
  2883. [17:44] <Nick_Varnegs> good fortune on everything fae.
  2884. [17:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> As excellent as that shower was, I am afraid I have been neglecting other significant beings in my life for too long.
  2885. [17:44] * Faerzen_Norstov picks up Abyss, putting him on
  2886. [17:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you, Nick.
  2887. [17:44] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You too.
  2888. [17:44] <Nick_Varnegs> thank you, faerzen
  2889. [17:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I will simply be downstairs talking and working. I may need to pop out for a short while to explore or obtain some more supplies.
  2890. [17:45] * Nick_Varnegs lays down on bed and closes his eyes. slowing down his breath
  2891. [17:45] <Nick_Varnegs> dont worry about it
  2892. [17:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am really quite low on grist at the moment. As much as I appreciate not having to bother with monsters, their grist is really quite helpful sometimes.
  2893. [17:45] <@Faerzen_Norstov> If you intend to actually take a nap before waking up on Prospit, make sure you talk with Reggie before you accidentally fall asleep!
  2894. [17:46] <Nick_Varnegs> we could review the possibility about going off hunting if that's the case
  2895. [17:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You should take your nap first though. That is much more time sensitive than me going hunting.
  2896. [17:46] <Nick_Varnegs> ...well... if you say so...
  2897. [17:46] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You need rest, and you should not delay Prospit indefinitely, as nice as it would be to not have to worry about it.
  2898. [17:47] <Nick_Varnegs> indeed
  2899. [17:47] <Nick_Varnegs> ill get that sorted out with reggie
  2900. [17:47] * Faerzen_Norstov reaches down to pick up the circlet/crown, handing it to Nick on the bed
  2901. [17:47] <Nick_Varnegs> you can go downstairs for your talk
  2902. [17:48] * Nick_Varnegs takes the crown and just holds it
  2903. [17:48] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think I will.
  2904. [17:48] * Faerzen_Norstov picks up the book, holding it under one arm
  2905. [17:48] <Nick_Varnegs> faerzen.
  2906. [17:49] <Nick_Varnegs> i love you :)
  2907. [17:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie is really quite nice, I hope you enjoy getting to know him. Try not to bring up the fact that he can read minds and abilities along those lines. He is much more than just a magic item that can interact mentally with those wearing him.
  2908. [17:50] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I love you too. :)
  2909. [17:52] * Nick_Varnegs lays down in bed. looking at the crown
  2910. [17:53] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hesitant? Thinking?
  2911. [17:54] <Nick_Varnegs> ...just
  2912. [17:54] <Nick_Varnegs> ...expectating
  2913. [17:54] <Nick_Varnegs> i havent actually slept in.... days
  2914. [17:55] <Nick_Varnegs> im sort of nervous to be honest.
  2915. [17:55] <Nick_Varnegs> sleep is... weird
  2916. [17:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I can assure you that Reggie is able to let you have the most excellent of naps.
  2917. [17:55] <@Faerzen_Norstov> My sleep was entirely dreamless and quite relaxing.
  2918. [17:56] <Nick_Varnegs> thanks for the reassuring
  2919. [17:56] * Nick_Varnegs slowly and tentatively puts the crown on
  2920. [17:56] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It looks quite lovely on you.
  2921. [17:56] * Faerzen_Norstov smiles
  2922. [17:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((
  2923. [17:57] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((so gud))
  2924. [17:57] * Nick_Varnegs smiles back
  2925. [17:57] <Nick_Varnegs> i dont know. i never really liked royalty
  2926. [17:58] <Nick_Varnegs> it looks better on you
  2927. [17:58] <Nick_Varnegs> so... see you later faerzen
  2928. [17:58] <Nick_Varnegs> :)
  2929. [17:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I think you might reconsider if you were actually able to see yourself, but now is not the time.
  2930. [17:58] * Faerzen_Norstov smirks
  2931. [17:58] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Talk to you soon, Nick. I will have my glasses and audio communicator if you need to contact me.
  2932. [17:59] * Nick_Varnegs closes his eyes and chuckles for a bit before starting to slow down his breathing
  2933. [17:59] * Faerzen_Norstov turns for the door, hitting a switch on the wall which heavily tints the glass wall overlooking the backyard, dimming the room
  2934. [17:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Have a restful sleep, Nick.
  2935. [17:59] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Try not to accidentally crush my female self in your sleep.
  2936. [18:00] * Faerzen_Norstov winks
  2937. [18:00] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((oh bb, hehehehe))
  2938. [18:00] * Faerzen_Norstov picks up the black dress and heads out the door
  2939. [18:00] * Faerzen_Norstov closes the door behind him
  2940. [18:00] * Nick_Varnegs half opens his eyes to check that faerzen is no longer there and takes off the crown
  2941. [18:01] <Nick_Varnegs> im sorry reggie... its not that i dont trust you on this. but i have to deal with prospit... now
  2942. [18:02] * Faerzen_Norstov briefly pauses outside in the hallway upon hearing Nick speak
  2943. [18:02] * Faerzen_Norstov dismisses it upon hearing Reggie's name
  2944. [18:02] * Faerzen_Norstov heads down the stairs
  2945. [18:02] * Faerzen_Norstov walks through the den towards his workshop
  2946. [18:02] * Faerzen_Norstov switches Eva off of 3D mode
  2947. [18:02] * Faerzen_Norstov sets Eva to show a panormaic view of a large Norwegian fjord
  2948. [18:02] * Faerzen_Norstov turns off the cello music
  2949. [18:03] * Faerzen_Norstov sets the music system to play forest nature sounds
  2950. [18:03] * Faerzen_Norstov adjusts the system to only play the background noise in the workshop at a reduced volume to as to not disturb Nick
  2951. [18:03] * Faerzen_Norstov makes his way down the steps to his workshop
  2952. [18:03] * Faerzen_Norstov sits at a stool thinking
  2953. [18:03] * Faerzen_Norstov decaptchalogues the Clawed Gloves (Fe – IRON)
  2954. [18:03] * Faerzen_Norstov sets the Clawed Gloves on his workbench, studying them
  2955. [18:03] * Faerzen_Norstov examines the soft inside of the gloves and how the fabric is separate from the outer layer of iron
  2956. [18:04] * Faerzen_Norstov begins conversing with Abyss
  2957. [18:04] * Faerzen_Norstov peels back the fabric on the inside of the Clawed Gloves and sets it aside
  2958. [18:04] * Faerzen_Norstov strolls over to his electrical parts cabinet to look for parts
  2959. [18:04] * Faerzen_Norstov obtains a couple of small microsensors and this pieces of wire
  2960. [18:04] * Faerzen_Norstov places the parts on the workbench surface
  2961. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov walks over to his supplies shelf
  2962. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov retrieves the metallic glue and some putty
  2963. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov places the supplies next to the parts and goes to his tool rack
  2964. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov takes the soldering iron and the tiny wire snips from their spots on the wall
  2965. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov puts on a pair of kevlatex gloves
  2966. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov sits down at his workbench and decaptchalogues his Magnifying Eyepiece (Cr – CHROMIUM)
  2967. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov lifts Abyss up slightly to sit on his forehead, still talking with Abyss
  2968. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov takes off his glasses and places the eyepiece on one eye, shutting the other
  2969. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov snips the thin wire into short pieces about a centimeter long
  2970. [18:06] * Faerzen_Norstov counts out 10 positional microsensors
  2971. [18:06] * Faerzen_Norstov solders a small piece of the wire to each end of the positional microsensors
  2972. [18:06] * Faerzen_Norstov tests each microsensor to see that their joint flexes appropriately from bending the two attached wires
  2973. [18:06] * Nick_Varnegs attempts to actually fall asleep
  2974. [18:06] * Faerzen_Norstov fixes any apparent errors
  2975. [18:07] * Faerzen_Norstov repeats the process again to obtain 20 elbow joint positional microsensors
  2976. [18:07] * Faerzen_Norstov digs through the bag of microsensors to find 2 microaccelerometers
  2977. [18:07] * Faerzen_Norstov takes out the eyepiece and replaces his glasses and Abyss
  2978. [18:07] * Faerzen_Norstov opens the laboratory software on his glasses
  2979. [18:07] * Faerzen_Norstov wirelessly connects to each of the sensors to record their IDs and test their functionality
  2980. [18:07] * Faerzen_Norstov replaces any faulty sensors
  2981. [18:08] * Faerzen_Norstov lifts Abyss to his forehead again, still talking with him, and replaces the eyepiece to see his small work again
  2982. [18:08] * Faerzen_Norstov takes the metal glue and attaches each end of the wire of one positional microsensor to either side of the lowest joint on the inside of the right glove’s thumb
  2983. [18:08] * Faerzen_Norstov tests manually bending the joint at the base of the right glove to move the sensor inside to detect that the joint is bent
  2984. [18:08] * Faerzen_Norstov repeats for the base two joints of each finger on each hand
  2985. [18:09] * Faerzen_Norstov attaches one microaccelerometer similarly to the inside of the back of the palm of each glove
  2986. [18:09] * Faerzen_Norstov ((like this, lol
  2987. [18:09] * Faerzen_Norstov ((so the accelerometer measures the movements of the hand as a whole and each positional microsensor can measure how bent each joint is))
  2988. [18:09] * Faerzen_Norstov applies a small bit of putty over each sensor to protect them, to keep them from snagging on the fabric, and to keep them from poking the wearer
  2989. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov slides the fabric padding insert back in, reattaching it to the iron casing
  2990. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov takes out the eyepiece and moves Abyss back to his eyes off of his forehead after replacing his glasses
  2991. [18:10] * Nick_Varnegs continues to relax himself to fall asleep
  2992. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov slips his hand into the slightly-too-large right glove and flexes each finger and joint experimentally, ensuring the proper sensor ID responds on his glasses’ readout
  2993. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov finds one of his many wireless earpieces from his extra electronics bin
  2994. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov sets the earpiece on the bench and reaches up to his e-glasses and pops off the holographic projector on the side
  2995. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov frowns, thinking about what his glasses would be like without the projector
  2996. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov walks over to the alchemiter to try and solve this problem
  2997. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov captchalogues and decaptchalogues the projector to obtain its captcha code
  2998. [18:11] * Faerzen_Norstov checks his grist cache
  2999. [18:11] * Faerzen_Norstov investigates how much it would cost to duplicate the small projector
  3000. [18:11] * Faerzen_Norstov obtains the costs of several other alchemy combinations while he’s at the alchemiter and punch designix
  3001. [18:11] * Faerzen_Norstov continues to talk to Abyss while thinking about what to do next to most efficiently and effectively solve his conundrum
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