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a guest
Mar 22nd, 2015
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  1. sv_cheats "1"
  2. sv_allow_wait_command "1"
  3. tf_weapon_criticals "0"
  4. tf_damage_disablespread "1"
  5. tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads "1"
  6. mp_waitingforplayers_cancel "1"
  7. mp_disable_respawn_times "1"
  8. mp_tournament "1"
  9. net_fakelag "10"
  10. sv_cheats "1"
  13. //Show keys for personal offline use. Also works in demos. Does not work with STV enabled.
  15. //IMPORTANT! If you don't use a custom autoexec and want your controls to be fixed automatically when you quit delete the "//" from the next line
  16. //fix;wait 3;host_writeconfig autoexec
  18. sv_cheats 1
  21. / Null-cancelling movement script
  22. // (prevents you from pressing two opposing directions, which causes you to stop moving)
  23. bind w +mfwd
  24. bind s +mback
  25. bind a +mleft
  26. bind d +mright
  27. bind mwheeldown +jump
  29. alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
  30. alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back"
  31. alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
  32. alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
  33. alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
  34. alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
  35. alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
  36. alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
  37. alias checkfwd none
  38. alias checkback none
  39. alias checkleft none
  40. alias checkright none
  41. alias none
  43. //Customize binds here
  44. wait 5;bind W "+W"
  45. wait 5;bind A "+A"
  46. wait 5;bind S "+S"
  47. wait 5;bind D "+D"
  48. wait 5;bind ctrl "+C"
  49. wait 5;bind space "+J"
  50. wait 5;bind mwheeldown "+J"
  53. alias +W "+mfwd;ent_fire keycount add 2"
  54. alias -W "-mfwd;ent_fire keycount subtract 2"
  56. alias +A "+mleft;ent_fire keycount2 add 1"
  57. alias -A "-mleft;ent_fire keycount2 subtract 1"
  59. alias +S "+mback;ent_fire keycount2 add 2"
  60. alias -S "-mback;ent_fire keycount2 subtract 2"
  62. alias +D "+mright;ent_fire keycount2 add 4"
  63. alias -D "-mright;ent_fire keycount2 subtract 4"
  65. alias +C "+duck;ent_fire keycount add 1"
  66. alias -C "-duck;ent_fire keycount subtract 1"
  68. alias +J "+jump;ent_fire keycount add 4"
  69. alias -J "-jump;ent_fire keycount subtract 4"
  71. ent_fire game_text kill
  72. ent_fire logic_timer addoutput "classname timer_old"
  73. ent_fire math_counter addoutput "classname counter_old"
  74. ent_fire logic_case addoutput "classname case_old"
  76. wait 10;give game_text
  77. wait 15;ent_fire game_text addoutput "classname keytext"
  78. wait 20;ent_fire keytext addoutput "channel 1"
  79. wait 20;ent_fire keytext addoutput "x .48"
  80. wait 20;ent_fire keytext addoutput "y .465"
  81. wait 20;ent_fire keytext addoutput "holdtime .5"
  82. wait 20;ent_fire keytext addoutput "color 0 255 0"
  83. wait 20;ent_fire keytext addoutput "spawnflags 1"
  85. wait 25;give game_text
  86. wait 30;ent_fire game_text addoutput "classname keytext2"
  87. wait 35;ent_fire keytext2 addoutput "channel 2"
  88. wait 35;ent_fire keytext2 addoutput "x .477"
  89. wait 35;ent_fire keytext2 addoutput "y .486"
  90. wait 35;ent_fire keytext2 addoutput "holdtime .5"
  91. wait 35;ent_fire keytext2 addoutput "color 0 255 0"
  92. wait 35;ent_fire keytext2 addoutput "spawnflags 1"
  94. wait 40;give logic_case
  95. wait 45;ent_fire logic_case addoutput "classname keycase1"
  96. wait 50;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "case01 0"
  97. wait 50;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "case02 1"
  98. wait 50;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "case03 2"
  99. wait 50;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "case04 3"
  100. wait 50;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "case05 4"
  101. wait 50;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "case06 5"
  102. wait 50;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "case07 6"
  103. wait 50;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "case08 7"
  105. wait 55;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase01 keytext,addoutput,message "
  106. wait 55;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase02 keytext,addoutput,message C"
  107. wait 55;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase03 keytext,addoutput,message W"
  108. wait 55;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase04 keytext,addoutput,message CW"
  109. wait 55;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase05 keytext,addoutput,message J"
  110. wait 55;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase06 keytext,addoutput,message C J"
  111. wait 55;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase07 keytext,addoutput,message WJ"
  112. wait 55;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase08 keytext,addoutput,message CWJ"
  114. wait 57;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase01 keytext,display,1,.03,-1"
  115. wait 57;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase02 keytext,display,1,.03,-1"
  116. wait 57;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase03 keytext,display,1,.03,-1"
  117. wait 57;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase04 keytext,display,1,.03,-1"
  118. wait 57;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase05 keytext,display,1,.03,-1"
  119. wait 57;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase06 keytext,display,1,.03,-1"
  120. wait 57;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase07 keytext,display,1,.03,-1"
  121. wait 57;ent_fire keycase1 addoutput "oncase08 keytext,display,1,.03,-1"
  123. wait 60;give logic_case
  124. wait 65;ent_fire logic_case addoutput "classname keycase2"
  125. wait 70;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "case01 0"
  126. wait 70;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "case02 1"
  127. wait 70;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "case03 2"
  128. wait 70;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "case04 3"
  129. wait 70;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "case05 4"
  130. wait 70;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "case06 5"
  131. wait 70;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "case07 6"
  132. wait 70;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "case08 7"
  134. wait 75;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase01 keytext2,addoutput,message "
  135. wait 75;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase02 keytext2,addoutput,message A"
  136. wait 75;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase03 keytext2,addoutput,message S"
  137. wait 75;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase04 keytext2,addoutput,message A S"
  138. wait 75;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase05 keytext2,addoutput,message D"
  139. wait 75;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase06 keytext2,addoutput,message A D"
  140. wait 75;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase07 keytext2,addoutput,message S D"
  141. wait 75;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase08 keytext2,addoutput,message A S D"
  143. wait 77;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase01 keytext2,display,1,.03,-1"
  144. wait 77;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase02 keytext2,display,1,.03,-1"
  145. wait 77;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase03 keytext2,display,1,.03,-1"
  146. wait 77;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase04 keytext2,display,1,.03,-1"
  147. wait 77;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase05 keytext2,display,1,.03,-1"
  148. wait 77;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase06 keytext2,display,1,.03,-1"
  149. wait 77;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase07 keytext2,display,1,.03,-1"
  150. wait 77;ent_fire keycase2 addoutput "oncase08 keytext2,display,1,.03,-1"
  152. wait 75;give math_counter
  153. wait 80;ent_fire math_counter addoutput "classname keycount"
  154. wait 85;ent_fire keycount setvalue 0
  155. wait 85;ent_fire keycount addoutput "outvalue keycase1,invalue"
  156. wait 85;ent_fire keycount addoutput "ongetvalue keycase1,invalue"
  158. wait 85;give math_counter
  159. wait 90;ent_fire math_counter addoutput "classname keycount2"
  160. wait 95;ent_fire keycount2 setvalue 0
  161. wait 95;ent_fire keycount2 addoutput "outvalue keycase2,invalue"
  162. wait 95;ent_fire keycount2 addoutput "ongetvalue keycase2,invalue"
  164. wait 100;give logic_timer
  165. wait 105;ent_fire logic_timer addoutput "classname keytimer"
  166. wait 110;ent_fire keytimer refiretime .1
  167. wait 110;ent_fire keytimer addoutput "ontimer keytex*,display"
  169. wait 115;echo "You're a beautiful person and I love you!"
  172. //Regen
  173. give func_regenerate
  174. bind mouse1 "+attack; impulse 101"
  175. alias regen "give func_regenerate; alias regenloop +loop; regenloop"
  176. alias unregen "ent_Fire !self sethealth 200; alias regenloop null"
  177. alias regenloop "+loop"
  178. alias +loop "impulse 101;wait 100;-loop"
  179. alias -loop "wait 100;regenloop"
  180. regen
  182. echo "Regeneration Activated"
  184. //Offline Teleports
  185. con_timestamp 0
  186. con_logfile console.log
  188. //Binds
  189. bind F1 gotoPosition1
  190. bind F2 gotoPosition2
  191. bind F3 gotoPosition3
  192. bind F4 gotoPosition4
  193. bind F5 gotoPosition5
  194. bind ALT +savePosition
  196. //Code
  197. alias +savePosition "bind F1 savePosition1; bind F2 savePosition2; bind F3 savePosition3; bind F4 savePosition4; bind F5 savePosition5"
  198. alias -savePosition "bind F1 gotoPosition1; bind F2 gotoPosition2; bind F3 gotoPosition3; bind F4 gotoPosition4; bind F5 gotoPosition5"
  199. alias resetLogfile "con_logfile console.log"
  200. alias savePosition1 "con_logfile cfg/position1; getpos; resetLogfile;"
  201. alias savePosition2 "con_logfile cfg/position2; getpos; resetLogfile;"
  202. alias savePosition3 "con_logfile cfg/position3; getpos; resetLogfile;"
  203. alias savePosition4 "con_logfile cfg/position4; getpos; resetLogfile;"
  204. alias savePosition5 "con_logfile cfg/position5; getpos; resetLogfile;"
  205. alias gotoPosition1 "exec position1.log"
  206. alias gotoPosition2 "exec position2.log"
  207. alias gotoPosition3 "exec position3.log"
  208. alias gotoPosition4 "exec position4.log"
  209. alias gotoPosition5 "exec position5.log"
  211. echo "##### Listen server teleports loaded #####"
  212. echo "# Use <Alt> + <F1> to save a location #"
  213. echo "# Use <F1> to teleport to that location #"
  214. echo "# <F1> - <F5> are available #"
  216. // Noclip button
  217. bind mouse4 noclip
  219. // Disable waiting for players and respawn times again (on demand)
  220. alias annoyingshit "mp_waitingforplayers_cancel 1; mp_disable_respawn_times 1"
  221. bind mouse3 annoyingshit
  223. echo "Soar like a Seagull!"
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