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- IGN: Nito FC: 4828 5117 2047
- 6IV Timid Shiny Mew
- 6IV Timid Shiny Lugia E
- 6IV Adamant Shiny Ho oh
- Quiet Celebi x 2
- 5Iv Impish Regirock E
- 6Iv Naughty Shiny Latias
- 6IV Shiny Naive Latios
- 6IV Shiny Modest Kyogre (love ball) E
- Quirky Groudon E
- 6IV Adamant Shiny Rayquaza E
- 6IV Modest Jirachi E
- 6Iv Naive Deoxys E
- Naive Palkia lvl 1
- 6IV Adamant Azelf
- 6IV Adamant Heatran E
- Docile Phione
- 5IV Bold Manaphy E
- 6IV Timid Darkrai E
- 6IV Shiny Timid Shaymin E
- 6IV Timid Arceus
- Quiet Victini
- 6IV Calm Shiny Tornadus E
- 5IV Timid Thundurus E
- 4IV Naive Shiny Landorus E
- "4"IV Mild Shiny Kyurem 31/31/31/30/31/30 E
- 4Iv Adamant Zekrom E
- 4IV Timid Kedleo E
- 5IV Naive Meloetta
- 6IV Hasty Movie Genesect w/ Event moves
- 2IV Shiny Hasty Genesect w/ Event moves
- Shiny Jolly Mew
- 3IV Shiny Hasty Genesect
- Adamant Rayquaza
- Lonely Regigigas
- Bold DW Landorus
- Bold HP fighting Shiny Cresselia E
- 6Iv Adamant Regenerator Ho-oh E
- 6IV Naive V-create Shiny Rayquaza E
- Adamant Deoxys
- Impish Meloetta
- Lax Thundurus
- Impish Regirock
- 6IV Shiny Adamant Regigigas E
- Gamestop Shiny 6IV Legendary Beasts:
- Adamant Entei E
- Rash Raikou E
- Relaxed Suicune E
- 6IV Shiny Timid Darkrai
- Everything With an E is English name.
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