
TSW 8: Sabrina Awakens.

Apr 8th, 2016
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  1. [17:35] IcePickLobotomy [ ] It's time to wake up Sabrina. You've slept and dreamed for so long, but now it's time to |Awaken|. Wake up and smell the ashes.
  2. [17:35] RobinE oh
  3. [17:35] RobinE oh my
  4. [17:35] RobinE that
  5. [17:36] RobinE its /her/
  6. [17:36] IcePickLobotomy It is.
  7. [17:36] RobinE any goals in mind for her
  8. [17:36] IcePickLobotomy Just go with the flow for now. I'll drop hints via the narration on her plan/motions.
  9. [17:37] RobinE we agreed that she tried to duisguise as robin yeah, i forget exactly what we said
  10. [17:38] RobinE or put on a facade
  11. [17:38] IcePickLobotomy Sabrina, you awaken to Robin and Lana's room. The curtains are open and the silvery light of the moon spills over the bed, the sea flowing grey and blue in the distance, the loathsome twinkle of the stars above it. The clock by your side reads "1:47".
  12. [17:38] IcePickLobotomy (Ah, we're doing this in PMs. Sabrina isn't going to show up in the two main channels tonight.)
  13. [17:39] RobinE am/pm?
  14. [17:39] RobinE oh ok
  15. [17:39] IcePickLobotomy (Am, it's a analog clock. Also, ooc should be in () for easier clean up when I put this in the logs.)
  16. [17:39] RobinE (sorry)
  17. [17:39] IcePickLobotomy (NP, was just letting you know for future reference is all)
  18. [17:40] RobinE (Listen for any noise, is anything happening right now.)
  19. [17:40] IcePickLobotomy It's quiet save for the faint tick-tock of the clock.
  20. [17:41] RobinE (also, do I need to be present in IC at the same time?)
  21. [17:42] IcePickLobotomy (If we get there then yes. You
  22. [17:43] IcePickLobotomy You're going to prolly be dual-hatting tonight. IC/Shenanigans is the one that should be focused on, with this being updated when you have the moment to.),
  23. [17:44] RobinE (not sure I get it, let me now date if I drop the ball somewhere.)
  24. [17:44] RobinE Sabrina gets up to look around. Then to check whats outside the door.
  25. [17:49] IcePickLobotomy A empty hallway, dark and shadowed meets you. You feel drawn to outside, to the streets, where you can feel the night air on your face again.
  26. [17:49] RobinE (am I going to be Sabrina in IC/Shenanigans. or is it a separate thing where Im robin?)
  27. [17:50] IcePickLobotomy (Stay as RobineE, I'll "Fine and Replace" RobineE with Sabrina when I do the logs.)
  28. [17:50] RobinE ( no no
  29. [17:51] RobinE ( Am i acting as robin or Sabrina in IC/Shenanigans)
  30. [17:51] RobinE (I plan to always be under the name RobinE)
  31. [17:53] IcePickLobotomy (Ah, as Robin in IC/Shenanigans. Though one who did not sleep very well and is rather tired.)
  32. [17:54] RobinE (tired Robin, got it)
  33. [17:55] RobinE Sabrina heads out to find whatever it is that draws her, no matter what is in the way)
  34. [17:55] RobinE *.
  35. [17:55] IcePickLobotomy You stop for a moment, and collect a knife from the kitchen before hiding it on your person. You'll return or toss it as needed later.
  36. [17:56] IcePickLobotomy The streets are still alive with people and lights, though a somewhat rougher crowd than what Robin or Lana would be used to, though not by much.
  37. [17:57] RobinE keeping her right hand close to the knife, she starts to wander the streets.
  38. [17:57] RobinE (I recently picked up the combat skill, so that's nice.)
  39. [17:59] RobinE Sabrina walks with a heavier, more aggressive walk than her other selves.
  40. [18:09] RobinE She is also mumbling stuff like how stupid 'they' are.
  41. [18:09] IcePickLobotomy You wander deeper into the streets, they grow smaller and less crowded.
  42. [18:30] RobinE Sabrina keeps an eye out as she continues onward.
  43. [18:31] IcePickLobotomy You see your chance to duck into a alleyway when no one is looking. You find what you are looking for, one of the entrances to the underlevels.
  44. [18:31] RobinE (Feel free to slowly work on this side thing, I'm in no rush)
  45. [18:31] IcePickLobotomy (Yeah same here)
  46. [18:31] RobinE (ooooh, underlevels)
  47. [18:32] RobinE "goin' in" she whispers to herself as she goes for the entrance.
  48. [18:33] IcePickLobotomy A blast of cold air meets you as you step inside and descend. A few feeble yellow lights illuminate the cracked and faded concrete, loose wires, and rattling gurgling pipes that run the length of the tunnels. You move forward and downward, certain of your destination.
  49. [18:35] RobinE She moves along trying to stay out of the most well lit parts of the tunnels. Staying in 'shadows.'
  50. [18:43] IcePickLobotomy Thankfully (though you can't help buy feel a tad disapointed) you don't meet anyone. You come across a worn rusted door, the lock on it having fallen off some time ago, leaving it open.
  51. [18:45] RobinE She heads into the room quickly.
  52. [18:47] IcePickLobotomy The door reveals a stairwell curling down, and a door before you. The door is locked, and labeled "Layer 2, Authorized Personal Only."
  53. [18:48] RobinE (looking for a keyhole or a lock to be picked/messed with.)
  54. [18:48] IcePickLobotomy The lock is physical, but you lack a lock-picking kit and the skills to pick it.
  55. [18:49] RobinE (open lock trained +10)
  56. [18:50] IcePickLobotomy (Ah Redact that then)
  57. [18:50] IcePickLobotomy (Roll it)
  58. [18:51] RobinE 8
  59. [18:51] RobinE (that was way to close to 100 for my liking)
  60. [18:52] IcePickLobotomy You crack open the door. On the otherside is a hallway, well light, with several METI staff rushing to and frow. It's a entrance to the base. Trying to go through it will almost certainly see you being caught.
  61. [18:53] RobinE (I want to hide behind the door, but leave it open a bit to hear whats going on in there.)
  62. [18:54] IcePickLobotomy It's. . . people talking. Talking about work, their lives, rumors and other going ons. The EF looking to join METI come sup quite often, but nothing juicy.
  63. [18:54] RobinE (hm)
  64. [18:55] RobinE (anything nearby to throw, other than knife?)
  65. [18:55] IcePickLobotomy (The lock)
  66. [18:55] RobinE (oh)
  67. [18:55] IcePickLobotomy [18:55] IcePickLobotomy (Though that'd alert them to someone being here. There's also the stair well going down.)
  68. [18:56] RobinE (keep the lock, continue down)
  69. [18:57] IcePickLobotomy The stairwell goes down and down. Layer 3, Layer 4, so on and so forth, though no entrances, until you get to Layer 12.
  70. [18:57] IcePickLobotomy There, another door, this one heavily rusted and worn, the lock easy to pull apart, waits for you
  71. [18:58] RobinE Sabrina takes the knife and uses the hilt to try and smash the lock.
  72. [18:59] IcePickLobotomy It falls apart, leaving a few pieces on the ground. The sound echoes
  73. [19:00] IcePickLobotomy up the stairwell
  74. [19:00] RobinE (she will quickly enter the door, scooting the lock pieces in the room with her and closing the door.)
  75. [19:05] IcePickLobotomy The room. . . isn't a room
  76. [19:05] IcePickLobotomy It's a warehouse
  77. [19:05] RobinE (oh?)
  78. [19:06] RobinE (she will look around for other people)
  79. [19:12] IcePickLobotomy You are up on a platform overlooking the space. It's big. The roof reaches high, 30 or 40, maybe even 50 meters. The walls to your side disappear into the dark and the far wall isn't even visable. A few lights hang high giving of a pale sliver of light, just enough to make things out when they are nearby. Boxes, crates, tarp covered shapes, and random bits lay to either side. You can see the...
  80. [19:12] IcePickLobotomy ...shells for the Pallet Rifle standing next to wheelless rusted out jeep. It's organized in a grid-pattern, spaces between them enough for two cars to pass each-other. It's quiet, save for the low rumble of air vents. The smell of dust and age lingers in the room.
  81. [19:14] RobinE She goes over to the jeep, looking for anything of value to her.
  82. [19:14] IcePickLobotomy Nothing. It's a rusted hulk. The engine block long since turned to dust.
  83. [19:16] RobinE "hm"
  84. [19:17] RobinE (is there a walkway to continue on. or is this a solitary platform)
  85. [19:17] IcePickLobotomy (Ack, it's a platform that goes down to the ground level. That's where the jeep is.)
  86. [19:17] RobinE (oh, ok. cool)
  87. [19:18] RobinE She continues a search through the room.
  88. [19:19] IcePickLobotomy More scraps, more useless items, until you come across something covered by a tarp. The shape is strange.
  89. [19:20] RobinE (I must pull that tarp, you know I have too.)
  90. [19:20] IcePickLobotomy (Yes I know)
  91. [19:21] RobinE (dang, just noticed I didn't take the lighter)
  92. [19:22] RobinE (actually I have a good reason for her not to have it now anyway)
  93. [19:24] RobinE She came this far, she had to see why. Sabrina decided to remove the tarp from the strange thing.
  94. [19:24] RobinE (just wanted to write an action for it)
  95. [19:26] IcePickLobotomy It reveals something strange. A metal base, half the height of you, and about 2.5 meters in length. Sprouting from it at a inclined angle is a glass tube with a thin orangutan-brown residue coating it. Cables and tubes of various types and sizes snake in and out from the back of the metal beam running the length of the tube's back, and you can make out ports and openings on the inside facing...
  96. [19:26] IcePickLobotomy ...part of the beam. There's a worn plate on the base, labeled "Subject 13."
  97. [19:27] RobinE (gotta touch it)
  98. [19:28] IcePickLobotomy Cold worn metal, covered in dust.
  99. [19:28] RobinE She reaches out to wipe off the residue on the tube. curious of what is inside.
  100. [19:28] IcePickLobotomy Residue is on the inside of the tube.
  101. [19:28] RobinE (oh sorry)
  102. [19:28] RobinE (strike my last action then)
  103. [19:29] RobinE (is it a small tube. could it be removed?)
  104. [19:29] IcePickLobotomy (Large tube. Several feet tall, and some 3 feet in diameter. Roll Notice to see if you can find a way to get into the inside)
  105. [19:30] RobinE (oh no. Id love to)
  106. [19:30] RobinE (25 baby)
  107. [19:31] IcePickLobotomy There's a small control panel under a cover. You see a button labeled "Tube Lift." that might do the trick
  108. [19:32] RobinE (arrrgh, im too curious. I press the button)
  109. [19:32] IcePickLobotomy The tube slides upwards with a pained hydraulic groan, it tilts farther back as it does so, giving you accesses to the interior.
  110. [19:33] RobinE Sabrina slowly approaches the open tube, knife in hand.
  111. [19:34] IcePickLobotomy The interior is empty, save for the strange residue coating the glass.
  112. [19:34] RobinE She takes the knife and scrapes it along the residue and slings a bit onto the ground.
  113. [19:37] IcePickLobotomy A few flakes float down, but it's gunked on rather hard. The smell reminds you of rotted blood.
  114. [19:37] RobinE "more rotten secrets" she whispers to herself.
  115. [19:39] IcePickLobotomy Indeed. More rotten secrets of METI hidden in the dark, buried deep to be forgotten. But nothing is forgotten. Nothing is forgiven.
  116. [19:39] IcePickLobotomy They will build a Monument to their Sins.
  117. [19:39] IcePickLobotomy And when it crumbles, you will watch.
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