
FoE RPG G0 - #034 Nnoto Village: Rediscovering Happiness

Oct 26th, 2013
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  1. [19:40]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #34 starts now
  2. [19:40]<SpiritOfFate> =====================================
  3. [19:44]* You are now known as SpiritOfPoliglotism
  4. [19:44]* You are now known as SpiritOfFate
  5. [19:49]<SpiritOfFate> Though their unused smiles are still awkward, the Nnoto relearn enjoy themselves. The large table is back to the middle of the village, covered in forest treats, wine, bacon and a number of strange edibles. With the group's help, the Flame zebra quickly improvised their own alchemical fireworks.
  6. [19:53]? Hawkeye sits at the large table, having bogarted an entire bottle of wine to herself. Her hat sits askew on her head, and a pleasant flush has already crept across her coat. She also wants to make soup, but that's apparently a side-effect.
  7. [19:53]<SpiritOfFate> A number of them make their alarm drums and potion vases into music, dancing by the fire and through the clearing. You presence the village loosening up and rediscovering happiness, the zony-pegasus Liberty Dream fluttering over them
  8. [19:57]? Firefly giggles as she flits around. She tries to a bit of everything, even accidentally getting another glass of wine before she realizes what it was... and making sure to drink juice from now on.
  9. [20:00]? Royal_Lace smiles as she puts on a magic show for the small audience of zebra fillies and colts around her. Animating small objects, proforming mid air displaces of magical levitation with stones, and transforming into various cute creatures.
  10. [20:00]? Royal_Lace Between tricks she nibbles on a plate of salad and a sip of some strange local drink that was quite plesant.
  11. [20:00]<SpiritOfFate> One of the logs of the enclosure was lifted and curious zebra young foals now wander through the village, delighted by the festivites
  12. [20:01]? Sotho has had a few drinks himself and he has his own red flush over his white and black coat. he doesn
  13. [20:01]<SpiritOfFate> The seem to speak in a way unlike the other zebra, and only the Silent ones seem to understand them
  14. [20:01]<Sotho> doesn't ac6 that much different, just slurring his words lsightly and a bit more touchy on hugging and touching ponies and zebras as he talks
  15. [20:03]? Firefly once Firefly has enough food (for now) she'll fly over to M'tat. "We need to throw parties more often!"
  16. [20:03]? Wintergreen simply sits and supervises. She watches Firefly closely, and looks around at the party-goers... if anypony-- or zebra-- gets hurt, Wintergreen will be ready!
  17. [20:03]? Hawkeye watches the young ones curiously, though does change places at the table when one sits down too close to her.
  18. [20:05]<SpiritOfFate> M'tat nods vigorously. "This is big happiness, good and many."
  19. [20:06]<SpiritOfFate> The smiles of the young foals are way more natural and intense. Happiness is no foreign to them.
  20. [20:06]? Sotho looks to Hawkeye and smiles. "I said we should drink together didn't I?
  21. [20:08]? Firefly giggles. "Mhm. And you got to throw birthday parties and cutecineras and all the other important stuff!"
  22. [20:08]? Hawkeye tips the bottle toward Sotho. "Yep. Y'all did," she says with a grin. "Wasn't expectin' it to be after savin' a whole tribe o' your folk, though. Getcher own bottle, though," she adds, pointing at the center of the table.
  23. [20:09]? Sotho holds up his own bottle and laughs "I'll bet I could drink you under the table if I wanted." He says happily
  24. [20:09]? Royal_Lace takes another sip of her drink before going to perform more magic for her small audiance. Levitating a rug of sorts she had found into the air she drapes it over herself, Lowering it over herself she transforms into a hedgehog before casting the rug away
  25. [20:10]<Hawkeye> "That's mighty big talk, there, pardner," Hawkeye says with a chuckle. "An' no way y'all'd get me under the table. Ah ain't THAT drunk."
  26. [20:10]? Royal_Lace takes a bow as a hedgehog
  27. [20:11]? Sotho blushes and rolls his eyes. "I mean term ponies use, you get... stinking drunk!" He smiles and laughs softly.
  28. [20:11]<SpiritOfFate> An older zebra foal, closer to M'tat's age smiles. "Much good." The other, younger ones point and cheer in excitement.
  29. [20:13]? Royal_Lace climbs onto the rug and levitates it, riding it around like a magical carpet, her cute and oddly colored quills blowing in the breeze as she flies around.
  30. [20:13]? Hawkeye clops her hooves on the tabletop for Royal_Lace's magic trick! "Way to go, prickles! Now do a rabbit!" She turns back to Sotho. "Ah knew what y'all meant, sugarcube. Just wanted t'see if y'all were more handsome wearin' a blush. Some stallions are, y'know. Plus..." She chuckles. "There's that one joke about blushin' zebra, an Ah couldn't resist."
  31. [20:14]<Sotho> "Joke?" He asks. "What?"
  32. [20:14]<SpiritOfFate> M'tat blinks at Firefly. "I no understand cutece... cute party?"
  33. [20:14]<Hawkeye> "What's black an' white an' red all over?" Hawkeye says, leaning her chin on her hoof as she looks at the zebra. He doesn't look half-bad with the blush, actually.
  34. [20:15]? Royal_Lace nods to Hawkeye with a twinkle in her eyes, The rug rolls around Lace in mid air and with a flash it unfurls to reveal Bunny Lace poseing for the zebras.
  35. [20:15]? Sotho tilts his head, thinking for a moment and smiling, laughing softly. "Ah, is bad joke." He says smirking. "I donot know one better right now, but i do know itis bad."
  36. [20:17]? Hawkeye chuckles and takes another pull at her wine bottle. "All jokes don't gotta be rib-splitters, Sotho. They just bring folk together more often than not. Even if it's just to groan at how awful they are." The sniper tilts her head. "Ah think that's the entire purpose o' puns, actually..."
  37. [20:18]? Sotho shrugs, and smiles a bit. "Puns are funny sometimes, but i donot know many of them while i drink." He says, sitting in a nearby chair.
  38. [20:20]? Hawkeye lies down properly on the bench and swirls her wine bottle. "Ah cain't say Ah know too many. But Ah do know one." Her eye gleams and she grins. "How do y'all get the drips off the side of a hard alcohol bottle?"
  39. [20:20]? Royal_Lace flies behind Hawkey and puts in her 10 bits worth into the conversation, unfortuantly she is a bunny at the moment so all that comes out is just addorable jibberish and squeeks, she dosent seem to notice.
  40. [20:21]? Sotho blinks confused and thinks. "I donot know." He says, thinking.
  41. [20:21]<SpiritOfFate> One of the zebras, still working at the cauldron now has a flask shaped glyph. One of the firework making ponies has a blast shaped glyph, and M'tat herself now has a smiling sun
  42. [20:22]? Hawkeye pushes her hat back. "Ya Liquor!" She guffaws. "Now ain't that the most turrible pun y'all ever heard?"
  43. [20:22]<SpiritOfFate> The zebra foals laugh, a small filly trotting closer to bunny Lace and smiling down at her
  44. [20:23]? Firefly points to her flank. "Whenever you get your cutie mark that tells you what you're supposed to be really good at, you throw a party!" Firefly's eyes catch on M'tat's glyph mark. "Oooooh! You got yours!"
  45. [20:23]? Sotho gives a small pfft sound and laughs softly. "Thatis pretty bad Hawkeye." He smirks. "I have a knock knock joke. But itis special, you must start it."
  46. [20:23]? Hawkeye looks at Sotho quizzically. "Uh... arright, Ah guess. Knock Knock?"
  47. [20:23]<Sotho> "Whois there?"
  48. [20:24]? Sotho raises an eyebrow at Hawkeye and smirks.
  49. [20:24]? Wintergreen keeps watching, leaning on Ignis.
  50. [20:24]? Hawkeye opens her mouth, closes it again, goes crosseyed, then punches Sotho good-naturedly in the shoulder. "Ha! Ah have no clue. One-eyed mare with dependency issues and alcoholism, Ah guess. Don't make fer a very funny joke.
  51. [20:24]<Hawkeye> "
  52. [20:24]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh! It looks happy, I like!" M'tat smiles back to her smiling flank.
  53. [20:25]? Firefly looks around at the village, catching a couple of the others. "Ooooh, your gonna have to throw a lot of them."
  54. [20:25]? Sotho laughs softly and rubs his shoulder. "I donot know, depends on if sheis making bad pun."
  55. [20:27]? Hawkeye chuckles. "Well, here's ta' friendships an' bad puns," she says, lifting her bottle to clink Sotho's. "May we never get enough o' one and never hear too many o' the other."
  56. [20:28]? Royal_Lace returns the smile to the zebra filly and waves.
  57. [20:28]? Sotho clinks the bottles together and smiles. "Indeed my friend!" He laughs. "This is remind me of when my hunting party came back from good hunt, many drink." He says, taking a sip of the wine.
  58. [20:28]<SpiritOfFate> The small zebra filly hugs Bunny Lace
  59. [20:28]<Royal_Lace> ^_^ hugs the filly
  60. [20:28]? Hawkeye looks at Sotho cockeyed. "Yer accent gets a lot thicker when y'all drink," she notes. "Y'notice that, pardner?"
  61. [20:29]? Sotho shrugs. "I focus less on pony speak. I could speak full zebra if you wish?"
  62. [20:29]<SpiritOfFate> A zebra runs past Wintergreen, with the mane on fire
  63. [20:31]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "It sounds all exotic an' stuff when y'all do that, an don' let me discourage y'all," she says, rolling her eye. "But Ah wouldn' understand a solitary word y'all'd say."
  64. [20:32]? Wintergreen blinks. She doesn't even... Okay. "Wait!" she calls, running after the zebra.
  65. [20:33]<SpiritOfFate> The zebra with a flaming mane gallops in circles
  66. [20:33]? Wintergreen huffs, thinking. She doesn't have anything to put it out in her packs! "Stop, drop, and roll!" Wintergreen looks around the immediate area... perhaps there's a punch bowl, or a heavy blanket?
  67. [20:34]<Sotho> "Youwould be surprised how many words may sound like pony word." He smiles. "casxese." He says. "It is only used as... slang i thinks, if you sya it to a potential partner. sexual partner. It implys a causal mating relationship."
  68. [20:34]<SpiritOfFate> There's a punch bowl close. The zebra rolls on the grass
  69. [20:35]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack is having her own fun tasting each of the strange treats on the table
  70. [20:36]? Wintergreen gallops over to the punch bowl and places it on her back! Turning slowly, as to not to drop the bowl, she makes her way to the zebra, and promptly dumps it over the zebra's head.
  71. [20:36]? Hawkeye snorts. "Well, with all yer herds an' such, Ah ain't surprised that there's a word fer that," Hawkeye says. She looks sideways at the zebra. "Funny choice o' word t'try an' teach me though. Any... particular reason?" She swishes her tail and takes another swig of wine.
  72. [20:36]? Wintergreen inspects the zebra's scalp and head... assuming the fire is put out.
  73. [20:37]<Sotho> "Drinking is asso..asocia.... related to sexual things, correct? At least in pony world." He says. "I thought itwas related."
  74. [20:37]? Royal_Lace transforms back into a pony and pats the foals on the yead, "Im going to take a break now, run along and play little ones"
  75. [20:38]<SpiritOfFate> The punch soaked zebra lets out relieved breath. Her mane is charred, but the skin is only has a 1st degree burn
  76. [20:39]? Firefly grins and waves to M'tat. "Have fun. I'm gonna go tell Miss Green!" The filly takes flight, swooping around and doing a loop-de-loop before landing next to Wintergreen. "Miss Green! Miss Green! The zebra are getting cutie marks!"
  77. [20:39]<Hawkeye> "Well, kinda," Hawkeye says, adjusting her hat. "Only so far as' havin' had too much an' bein' bad at decision-makin." She looks away. "Or bein' the fact that they don't call 'em beer goggles fer nothin. Y'all'd be surprised what a lil' inebriation will do fer yer appearance in a stallion's eyes."
  78. [20:39]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack has a faint crosshair around her cutie mark
  79. [20:40]? Sotho smirks. "How do you think I found my wife?" He says laughing. "The difference between her as a mate and her as my wife was she was kind no matter how badly i was drinking."
  80. [20:41]<SpiritOfFate> Buck drinks by the fire and chats with one of the Silent Ones, laconically.
  81. [20:42]? Wintergreen rolls her eyes at the zebra mare and pats her head. "Dry your mane and... don't do whatever you were doing." Her frown turns to a smile as she turns to Firefly. "Oh? Well, with so much going on... I think it's clear who the number one party-planning filly is."
  82. [20:43]<SpiritOfFate> The zebra nods and trots away.
  83. [20:43]? Firefly shakes her head. "I didn't do nothing. If you and everyone else didn't help, this wouldn't have happened."
  84. [20:44]<Hawkeye> "You found her, or she found y'all and hung on despite the booze?" Hawkeye says in mild amusement. "'Cuz Ah cain't imagine y'all settlin' fer a mare that was anything less than stunnin' gorgeous." She looks over at Buck at the fire and sighs. "Surprised Buck's put up with me for this long. Prob'ly just ain't used t'mares bein' as... outgoin' as Ah was."
  85. [20:45]? Wintergreen chuckles. "Nonetheless, it was still partly you. And they may not have had this chance without your help."
  86. [20:45]? Royal_Lace joins Hawkeye and Sotho at the table, a light blush on her cheeks. "Hello friends, heh what are you talking about? More bad jokes?"
  87. [20:45]? Sotho tilts his head. "Why would you think I only need beauty?" He asks, looking at royal lace. "it is about love and bad descions now, mostly the love."
  88. [20:46]? Hawkeye nods her head, then looks up at the arriving Lace. "Nah, Ah think it's safe now," she says. "How's Miz Knack likin' the party? Seems everyone's real psyched that we made it."
  89. [20:47]<SpiritOfFate> Buck has a bandage across the mirror on his flank. For some reason it's clearer than the others, darkening the cutie mark itself
  90. [20:47]? Royal_Lace is wearing her good dress and is completely clean, and seems to have missed all the conversation about love and such before arriving at the table. "Oh its just the best scelibration I have every been party to, just wonderful! I mean there were parties at teh mannor I was raised but nothing so... alive as this"
  91. [20:48]? Firefly paws at the ground. "I dunno. I just brought Liberty to help."
  92. [20:48]? Royal_Lace words slur slightly, clearly not used to any ammount of drinking but still far from being what you would call "Drunk"
  93. [20:48]? Sotho smiles a bit. "That is good! This is tame though to some of sothian celebration." He says. "The tribe loves making show out of many fights, displays of emotions." He thinks. "I fought at every festival."
  94. [20:49]? Hawkeye offers Royal_Lace a clay mug of wine. "Welp. Y'all didn't save a ton o' folks' lives then, either. Drink up. We got more folk t'save tomorrow, after all."
  95. [20:49]? Wintergreen pats Firefly's head. "You did great, and humility is a wonderful thing. Your parents will be proud."
  96. [20:50]? Firefly leans into the pat. "Ok... oooh! Are we gonna go get them tomorrow?"
  97. [20:51]? Wintergreen hmms. "I am not sure. If the others think we are ready and well enough supplied... then perhaps."
  98. [20:52]? Royal_Lace smiles and takes another sip of her drink, "Yes, and I look forward to more celibrations in the future. Things for me were... hard after I was sold from the manor, but live certainly has turned about for me, for us"
  99. [20:53]? Firefly bounces on the ground. "Let's go ask! Let's go ask!"
  100. [20:53]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack trots slowly to Hawkeye after her meal.
  101. [20:53]? Wintergreen smiles and nudges Firefly forward. "Alright... let's ask Hawkeye first."
  102. [20:54]? Firefly nods and starts pronking toward Hawkeye, a big grin on her face.
  103. [20:54]? Sotho nods happily looking at Royal_Lace. "Indeed! I have lived up to my title in a few ways, not even our tribes shaman can say he has fought a spirit that had taken over a tribe."
  104. [20:54]? Hawkeye nods. "Life's all 'bout hannlin' th'changes," she drawls. "Ah ain't th'same mare Ah was ten years 'go, that's fer shure." She leans on the table and watches Knick Knack walk up. "Well hey, lil' lady. Enjoyin' th'festivities?"
  105. [20:55]? Wintergreen also approaches Hawkeye!
  106. [20:56]? Royal_Lace looks around at the gathering crowd of her traveling companions and friends.
  107. [20:57]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack nods. "Yeah, they have some good stuff here. The fruit jelly snacks are great! But... I was thinking... things been pretty dangerous lately and... uh..."
  108. [20:58]? Hawkeye puts a hoof on Knick Knack's shoulder. "Y'all thinkin' y'might want to part ways, hun?" she says, her smile saddening. "Ah can understan' that. Bullets an' bombshells ain't fer everypony. Y'all wantin' to stay here, or...?"
  109. [21:00]<SpiritOfFate> "No! No..." She shakes her head. "I just need a gun too. Maybe."
  110. [21:01]? Royal_Lace blinks at this, and offers her a reasuring smile. "yes, well the ablitity to defend yourself would be useful. Do we have spare firearms? If not I could donate mine, Im a terrible shot anyway"
  111. [21:02]? Hawkeye brightens again. "Well, hell, girl, why didn't y'all say so! Here." She pulls her varmint rifle out of her bag and hands it to Knick Knack. "If y'all need trainin,' Ah ain't a half bad teacher. Ask Buck. Glad y'all are stayin, hun." She pats Knack's shoulder. "Ah'd feel mighty bad losin' a friend so soon after meetin' her."
  112. [21:03]? Firefly arrives and starts to pronk around Hawkeye. "Hawkeye! Hawkeye! Are we gonna rescue my parents next?"
  113. [21:04]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack smiles. "Thanks."
  114. [21:04]? Hawkeye digs around in her bags for some ammo too, but is interrupted by the bouncing pegafilly. "Hey, what now? Half-pint, we gotta make sure that robo-griffin an' his Droids of Doom don't come down on us like a ton o' angry badgers first," she explains. "But as soon as we do that, an' get them mudponies in on our side? Then yer folks are as good as saved." She boops Firefly's nose.
  115. [21:04]? Sotho looks to Firefly thinking. "We have the option to, but the spirit of this forest is still here." He says.
  116. [21:05]<Sotho> "And he seems violently interested in expansion."
  117. [21:05]? Hawkeye nods thoughtfully. "An' th'big-bad spirit here too, Sotho's right," she adds. "Though if th'zebra ain't bein' attacked from inside, they might stand a better chance, y'think?"
  118. [21:05]? Royal_Lace nods, "yes, once we have concluded our buisness here with the tribe we can speak with the mud ponies about liberting the slavage yard we escaped. With the freedom fighters freed up from there efforts there they can help us rescue your parents"
  119. [21:06]? Hawkeye snorts. "Though truth be told, Ah'm gettin' mighty sick of spirits. Ah need bad folk Ah can shoot at, not sing at." She nods to Knick Knack. "Wanna get some target shootin' in later, hun?"
  120. [21:06]? Firefly gets booped in the nose and giggles before looking crestfallen, stopping in her pronking. "Well... ok. Um... so we beat up another spirit or the robo-griffin? Oooh, I wonder if he has an ice cannon like that griffin in Batmare #54..."
  121. [21:07]? Sotho laughs. "As barbaric as it sounds, I've been meaning to buck something lately. My hooves feel restless."
  122. [21:09]? Royal_Lace giggles, "I actually have quite enjoyed the break from sneaking around compounds of ponies and griffins that want nothing more than to capture me and make an example"
  123. [21:09]<Wintergreen> Seeing Firefly's question answered... Wintergreen turns to Knick Knack. "Knick Knack, would I be able to have a word with you... just for a moment?"
  124. [21:11]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack strap the gun to her back she shrinks away from Wintergreen. "I-I'm not going to do anything bad, I promise."
  125. [21:11]? Hawkeye puts a reassuring hoof on Knack's shoulder. "S'arright, sweetheart. Green ain't gonna do nothin' to y'all. Right, Wintergreen?"
  126. [21:12]? Wintergreen shakes her head, sighing. "It's... not about that. I just want to talk, Knick Knack."
  127. [21:12]? Hawkeye looks at Knack. "Y'all want me to come along?" she offers. "Miz Green's muh friend an' so are you. If y
  128. [21:13]<Hawkeye> 'y'all would be more comfortable with me there..."
  129. [21:14]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack looks at Royal_Lace. "Uh, I, it's okay, it's okay." She trots to Wintergreen.
  130. [21:14]? Royal_Lace pouts, "You sure Nick Nack?"
  131. [21:16]? Hawkeye nods and goes back to the other conversation. "Don't think fer a moment this was anythin' but a hair-width victory, Royal_Lace," she says with a frown. "Most of us folk are way out of our depth dealin' with this kind of menace. At least Ah understand that if y'shoot a robot enough times, it don't keep moving. These spirits... Ah'm just as afraid of 'em now as Ah was when we first got here."
  132. [21:16]<SpiritOfFate> "Well, maybe, yeah, it's better." She says.
  133. [21:16]? Wintergreen nods to Knick Knack and walks a distance away to speak in private.
  134. [21:17]? Firefly looks up at Hawkeye. "Well... all you got to do is sing and they go away."
  135. [21:17]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knacks trots along with her. ""
  136. [21:18]? Firefly pauses for a second. "Or they come. Maybe it depends on the song?"
  137. [21:18]<Sotho> "Not all spirits." He says to Firefly. "It's... they can be violent. We got lucky, the spirit underestimated us."
  138. [21:18]? Firefly nods. "Its 'cause of my size. Adults do that /all/ the time." Firefly giggles.
  139. [21:18]? Royal_Lace nods, "I am still out of my feild of knowledge here, Spirits were hardly part of my education"
  140. [21:19]<Hawkeye> "And Ah've only been able to see 'em since Ah lost m'eye," Hawkeye says. "Don't mean Ah understand 'em. One wrong word and we could have doomed all th'zebra here."
  141. [21:19]<Sotho> "They were barely in mine." He says. "I know to pray to the spirits of battle and victory. Loyalty is for when you're in a party, and you pray to the spirit of love and fertility when making marriage vows."
  142. [21:20]? Firefly looks up at Sotho. "What's fertlity?"
  143. [21:20]? Wintergreen sighs, looking down. "Knick Knack... I just wanted to say sorry. I was... afraid, afraid I'd lose Firefly... break my promise, and I didn't think you were any different from the other slavers on your father's plantation." She shakes her head. "I was wrong. I just... thought an apology was due."
  144. [21:20]<Sotho> "it helps make foals." He says simply, not going into detail."
  145. [21:21]? Firefly cocks her head at Sotho. "You mean they are cabbage leaves?"
  146. [21:21]<Sotho> "It's more like the soil the cabbage leaves grow in."
  147. [21:22]? Firefly cocks her head. "What's dirt got to do with it?"
  148. [21:22]<Sotho> "Dirt helps plants grow, a plant can't grow without soil to till."
  149. [21:22]? Hawkeye puts a hoof over her mouth, trying to stifle a giggle at Sotho's repeated avoidance/bungling of the question. It's hilarious that this happened when Wintergreen wasn't around...
  150. [21:24]? Firefly nods slowly. "So... foals come from plants? I thought they were just hidden under cabbage leaves?" Firefly's eyes are twinkling as she asks.
  151. [21:24]<SpiritOfFate> "Uh, okay. Thanks? ...that's good, I guess."
  152. [21:24]? Sotho smiles and looks at her. "Well, the plants need to grow before the foals hid under it, right?" He asks, using logic.
  153. [21:25]? Firefly nods. "Oh, ok." The filly nods, curiosity satisfied... "But what's marriage got to do with it?"
  154. [21:25]? Wintergreen shrugs. "Right." She looks up, looking over Knick Knack. "Then... your bruising, does it still hurt, at all?"
  155. [21:25]? Royal_Lace has her face buried under he hooves to hide a blush, "Sotho... just, oh Gaia"
  156. [21:26]? Hawkeye gives Firefly an amused look. "Ah think th'filly is pullin' yer leg, Stripes," she says. "Just wait until she tells Miz Green what y'all were explainin'...!"
  157. [21:26]<Sotho> "because, only a wife and husband should grow the plant to help hid the foal, if they do not, others will think-" He stops and looks at Hawkeye and shrugs. "I was simply thinking on how to explain to my daughter when she asks. Unless she has already learned." He thinks.
  158. [21:27]<SpiritOfFate> "Not... much." She says weakly and rubs her cheek, looking down.
  159. [21:27]? Firefly sticks her tongue out at Hawkeye. "Awe, your no fun. Its funny watching adults dance around where babies come from." Firefly giggles. "My momma is a doctor, Mr. Sotho. She told me what happens."
  160. [21:28]<Hawkeye> "Let's hope she has," Hawkeye says to Sotho, ruffling Firefly's mane. "'Cuz y'all can't explain yer way out of a paper sack."
  161. [21:28]? Wintergreen smiles sympathetically, placing a hoof on Knick Knack's withers. "Just let me know, and I would be happy to help with any pain." She uses her other hoof to point to her own chest. "Doctor's honor."
  162. [21:28]? Sotho smiles a bit and shrugs. "It's fine, i was simply dodging the question because ponies seem different than zebra." He laughs. "I thought i was doing fine going back and forth!" He says.
  163. [21:29]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack nods."...thanks."
  164. [21:29]? Firefly laughs. "It still wasn't as bad as the pony who said that Celestia and Luna come down, bringing the foal to parents who ask really, really nicely after a night of prayer."
  165. [21:30]? Hawkeye hipchecks Sotho again. "Ponies ain't that different from Zebra," she says, and looks at Sotho with a half-lidded eye. "Or do Ah need to explain where zonies come from?"
  166. [21:30]? Wintergreen nods, stepping back. "No problem... now, why don't you go have more fun? It looked like you were enjoying the party earlier."
  167. [21:31]? Sotho blushes at Hawkeye's look and coughs. "I-I know very well where those come from Miss Hawkeye."
  168. [21:32]? Hawkeye chuckles again and inspects the bottom of her wine bottle. "Huh. All out o' juice again. To th' table!" she shouts, pointing a hoof at the center of the table, and stagger/cantering off to fetch another bottle.
  169. [21:33]? Sotho sighs a bit after Hawkeye trots off, smiling softly. "I am... not used to knowing when I am being messed with. I'm usually ignorant."
  170. [21:33]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack nods. "Yeah, good idea." She trots back to the food table
  171. [21:33]? Firefly looks up at Hawkeye, then back to Sotho. She grins. "Mr. Sotho! Mr. Sotho! You should go with Hawkeye! She might fall over. And then you should take her to someplace nice and quiet.... and in 11 months, I can foalsit for you both!"
  172. [21:34]? Sotho stumbles a bit and coughs as Firefly says this, his blush bright red as he struggles to find words to express himself
  173. [21:37]? Royal_Lace hides further under her hooves, her body shaking with light giggles
  174. [21:38]? Hawkeye selects a very dark bottle from the table and comes back with it, rejoining Firefly and the poor belabored zebra. "Well, hey," she says, looking at Sotho's face. "Sheesh, half-pint, did you smack Stripes here with a paintbrush, or do he turn that color all natural-like?"
  175. [21:42]? Firefly is giggling, she takes a deep breath, doing her best to calm herself. "Adults are silly. I said he should help in case you feel over, and he turned all red!"
  176. [21:42]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis sights a fancy spoon on a table by a cauldron. It has a red and a blue pearl embedded in it.
  177. [21:42]? Wintergreen goes back to watching for any tummy-aches!
  178. [21:43]? Ignis doesn't think twice before fetching it...and stowing it, it could be the one...maybe, just maybe.
  179. [21:43]? Sotho sighs as he struggles to find words again. "I.. cannot say anything to deny or affirm that Firefly." He says, coughing into his hoof
  180. [21:43]? Royal_Lace unwraps her hooves from her face and rubs her temples, "Firefly you are michivous, do you know that? I think I might need to go for a walk"
  181. [21:44]? Firefly giggles. "I think he likes you, Hawkeye!" Firefly looks over at Royal_Lace. "Oh, ok. Do you want someone to come with you?"
  182. [21:45]<SpiritOfFate> M'tat approaches the group. "Ponies are much happy here."
  183. [21:45]? Sotho rolls his eyes and sighs. "I will go for some air as well." He says, starting to trot out.
  184. [21:45]? Royal_Lace pushes herself away from the table, "Perhapse, if someone would care to join me"
  185. [21:45]? Royal_Lace nods
  186. [21:45]<Royal_Lace> "Thank you Sotho"
  187. [21:45]? Hawkeye chuckles. "Aww, it's sweet of you to try, Firefly, but Sotho's already married, an' Ah'm sure he prefers his mares with TWO eyes." She ruffles Firefly's mane again then turns to M'tat. "All b'cause y'all stood up an' did the right thing," she says.
  188. [21:46]? Royal_Lace trots off with Sotho
  189. [21:46]? Sotho before he leaves he calls back. "Beauty is inside, not out."
  190. [21:47]? Firefly nods to M'tat. "Yeah! This party is really fun... though I don't think zebra are supposed to be on fire..." Firefly watches another zebra run by.
  191. [21:47]? Ignis overhears. "If one's inside is made of searing flames...that doesn't apply so smoothly."
  192. [21:47]? Hawkeye now sits alone since everyone else has gone off
  193. [21:50]<Firefly> "I'll be right back M'tat. I'm gonna get a cloud in case of more fires." The filly darts up to gather a nice wet cloud, and bring it down in case of more fires.
  194. [21:51]? Hawkeye sighs and uncorks the other bottle with her teeth. She spits the cork away and wanders over toward the bonfire and fireworks.
  195. [21:54]<SpiritOfFate> Buck trots by carrying an empty bottle. "Hey Hawk. Good to have some lively times that don't come with scars, right?" He stops by her side.
  196. [21:54]? Firefly curses at the skies. Enclave hogging all her clouds. The filly flies back down to the clearing. "Um... no clouds. That stinks."
  197. [21:56]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack sits by the food table, drinking.
  198. [21:58]<Hawkeye> "Darn tootin'" Hawkeye says, raising her bottle. "Ain't every day y'all get to be heroes just fer singin' a song or two. Say, if y'all are gettin' a refill..." She nods over to Knick Knack. "Wanna join Knack and me? We're gonna have another round, then go fer some target practice."
  199. [21:59]<SpiritOfFate> M'tat rushes to the younger zebras, talking to them in their strange language.
  200. [22:01]<SpiritOfFate> He raises his bottle. "Sure. Still didn't get the hang of it. Maybe I should stick to brawling until I do." He stretches.
  201. [22:03]? Firefly flies around. She doesn't understand the zebras, but the fireworks are pretty.
  202. [22:05]<Hawkeye> "Maybe y'all just need more lessons," Hawkeye says. "Though havin' someone around to do the facepunchin' instead of me does have its appeal." She chuckles. "Heck, maybe y'all could pick up some brawlin' tips from th'zebras here. Don't they know martial fightin' stances an' stuff?"
  203. [22:09]? Ignis discretely excuses himself from the zebras in order to inspect that spoon...he takes off his prize and eyes it gleerfully, his pupils shining as he appraised the was sure pretty, but...was it magical too?
  204. [22:09]<SpiritOfFate> "Eyup. I was talking to one of them, they train it all the time here. I heard that Tramwat can break necks like twigs."
  205. [22:12]? Hawkeye shivers. "Sounds... peachy," she says. "Glad the feller didn't decide to get physical when that spirit had him, or Ah'd have been in a peck o' trouble." She begins wandering back toward Knack. "Might think 'bout gettin' you some lessons, Buck. They probably wouldn't mind helpin' out one of th'ponies that helped 'em shake that curse."
  206. [22:13]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis can see the pearls glowing in the spoon.
  207. [22:14]? Ignis pupils follow the pattern aglow, content...yes, yes...that would do fine when time come...he didn't knew much about the ritual itself, but it was worth a shot...for the three.
  208. [22:15]<SpiritOfFate> "It's not a bad idea, I'll talk to them later." Buck follows Hawkeye to Knick Knack
  209. [22:16]? Ignis packs the spoon yet again and returns back to the others, casual as a dragon could incospicious dragon.
  210. [22:17]? Hawkeye sits down next to the heavyset mare and plunks her bottle down on the table. "Howdy," she says. "So. You an' Royal_Lace. What's the story?" The sniper grins. "Seen y'all makin' googly eyes at her. What's up?"
  211. [22:21]<SpiritOfFate> "W-what?" Knick Knack blushes. "Uh, I kinda wanted her to..." She mumbles uninteligibly, blushing even more.
  212. [22:21]<SpiritOfFate> Buck chuckles. "I heard this story."
  213. [22:22]<Hawkeye> "Well she ain't gonna put out if y'all don't get yer courage up an' ask her," Hawkeye says, patting Knack on her back. "She really cares about you, sweetheart. Ah don't think she even knows y'all are interested, now that y'all aren't in a slavery relationship no more." She looks back at Buck. "Why, what'd you hear?"
  214. [22:27]<SpiritOfFate> "Back then they were saying how she was sent to buy workslaves and came back with a harem." He shakes his head.
  215. [22:27]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack blushes even more, shrinking. "...I didn't..."
  216. [22:29]? Hawkeye scowls at Buck. "Just b'cause the lady has an eye for the pretty ones ain't a reason to give her the third degree," she says. "An' Ah agree with y'all. If Ah preferred mares over stallions, Ah'd have been gunnin' for her too. Pretty an' nice, AND magical? How could y'all resist?" She nudges the flustered Knack. "It's what Ah'm sayin' though. Tell her how y'all feel. The worst thing she can...
  217. [22:29]? Hawkeye ...say is no."
  218. [22:30]? Firefly will fly down near the younger colts and fillies, and introduce them to some games. Hopscotch, anyone?
  219. [22:32]? Ignis gazes mostly disinteressed at the zebras now that much died down, leaning upon Wintergreen as he is seated around the table.
  220. [22:33]? Wintergreen rests her head on Ignis' shoulder.
  221. [22:36]<SpiritOfFate> Buck shrugs. "C'mon, I'm just saying what I saw. Royal Lace and the others who arrived that day are the kind that are sent to the city. Then there's Firefly and another one that was really sick, she went straight for the doctor."
  222. [22:36]? Ignis tilts back his head and nuzzles the mare. "Tired much, yet?" He asks, blinking towards the other ponies and zebras. "I wouldn't be so surprised, considering we had an erratic night and now wake up to sing-off an evil least there isn't a dull day."
  223. [22:36]<SpiritOfFate> "...but what if she does?" Knick Knack asks, her ears low.
  224. [22:38]? Firefly switches from hopscotch to jacks.
  225. [22:38]<SpiritOfFate> The zebra foals gather up around Firefly.
  226. [22:38]? Hawkeye hugs Knick Knack. "If she says no, then y'still got a great friend who cares about y'all more than anyone but muh Pap ever cared for me," she says. "Y'all are lucky y'have that. And if y'all can have somethin' more, that's gravy on the cake." She hesitates. "That's icing. Icing on the cake. Gravy on the taters." She scowls at the wine bottle. "Ah don't have a peach inspediment. Really."
  227. [22:40]? Firefly doesn't really talk. She instead pantomimes what to do, walking them through each step of the game. The understanding... is mixed.
  228. [22:42]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack hugs Hawkeye. "I'll try"
  229. [22:43]<Hawkeye> "Atta girl," Hawkeye says, squeezing the larger mare. "Y'all tell me how it went. Or, if it goes real well..." She chuckles. "Then Ah don't need the gory details. Let's get yer courage up by goin' shootin'!" She drinks a double gulp of the dark wine, then wipes her mouth. "Ah'm sure we got a bunch of empty bottles we can set up fer target shootin..."
  230. [22:45]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack takes another sip of her bottle. It's still mostly full.
  231. [22:46]? Hawkeye proceeds to scrounge up bottles for her, Buck, and Knack to shoot at. Firearm safety first, then ten shots at close and medium range, is the plan. Live ammo is a bit scarce, so can't practice too much...
  232. [22:48]<SpiritOfFate> Buck trots after Hawkeye, helping her carry the bottles. "Do you it will work out?"
  233. [22:50]? Hawkeye shrugs as she slings a couple empty bottles into her saddlebags. "Ah don't know. Lace is nice, and she does care for Knack. And Knack, once y'get past the bad upbringin' an all th'fear, is a sweetheart. Ah think they'd make a cute couple." She turns back to Buck. "Whether it works out or not is b'tween them two. Love's hard to find in the Wasteland, and precious when y'all do. Which reminds...
  234. [22:50]? Hawkeye Afore we head out tomorrow, Ah need t'talk with y'all." She turns back to bottle scrounging.
  235. [22:52]<SpiritOfFate> "I'll be around." He gathers more bottles, helping along.
  236. [22:56]? Hawkeye finishes scrounging enough bottles for some quality target practice, then goes back to fetch Knack and set up a shooting range at the edge of the village.
  237. [22:56]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye can easily find an unused bench to use as a stand
  238. [22:58]? Hawkeye sets up the bottles properly, then rejoins Knack. "Ah think we're all set, sugarcube," she says, nudging Knack's cutie mark. "Let's put that there crosshair to work."
  239. [22:59]<Firefly> Once the foals seem to have the knack of Jacks, Firefly takes out some small, round stones, and tries teaching them to play marbles.
  240. [23:00]<SpiritOfFate> "What?" She looks back and blinks. "Where did that come from?"
  241. [23:00]? Hawkeye nudges the wine bottle. "Ah bet muh cutie mark kinda looks like a bowl of soup or somethin' right now," she says. "Ah been hankerin' to make some ever since Ah took the first swig o' that wine. Must be another zebra thing."
  242. [23:02]<SpiritOfFate> "Weird." Knick Knack shrugs and picks the rifle, pointing it to the bottles
  243. [23:03]<SpiritOfFate> Buck takes out his gun.
  244. [23:04]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack pulls the trigger. It clicks.
  245. [23:06]? Hawkeye chuckles. "Let me show y'all how to hold it first, then y'all can have some ammo," Hawkeye says, and begins going over the basics of firearms safety. No pointing it at ponies you weren't going to shoot, never have your hoof or mouth on the trigger unless you're firing, keep the safety on, etc.
  246. [23:07]? Sotho returns to the bar with Royal Lace later on.
  247. [23:28]? Sotho glances over and tilts his head, trotting over to Ignis. "What is in your satch
  248. [23:29]? Ignis is a bit surprised, if not...somewhat disgruntled by the fact that the zebra could obiviously see he had something so easily... "Silverware." The dragon answers in a low volume. "A spoon, more specifically...I collect those." Which wasn't a lie.
  249. [23:31]? Sotho nods. "A glowing spoon?"
  250. [23:32]<Ignis> "Sort of..." He says, opening the satchel a was glowing indeed... "I should wrap up that one into something to cut off the glow."
  251. [23:33]? Wintergreen raises an eyebrow. "Soooo.... what do you collect them for? Just a hobby?"
  252. [23:33]? Sotho tilts his head. "Why does it glow. And please, do not lie."
  253. [23:35]? Ignis shrugs slightly. "They are pretty, and suit my tastes...I do like shiny things, like any for why it glows, I can only think of magic being the nature of of which magic is it, its still beyond me."
  254. [23:36]? Sotho looks at Ignis and tilts his head. "There are other spoons around, why not collect them? why only this spoon?"
  255. [23:39]? Ignis frowns. "Because this one is special, its not ordinary like those others...its...unordinary, that's what makes it above those of common silverware...and...I am planning to use them to handle the offerings Revolt shall recieve...seem only fit that ashes should be doused by spoons...don't you agree?"
  256. [23:39]<Sotho> "I... what?" He asks, honestly confused.
  257. [23:41]? Ignis deadpans. "Ashes, being doused by the spoons...hoof or claw are both clumsy and rather unornamented, unworthy to the importance of the task...since it is an offering, it only makes sense that its handled with reverence."
  258. [23:41]? Wintergreen shrugs. She's got little interest in spoons.
  259. [23:42]<Ignis> "Also, they drive away feeble-minded there's that..."
  260. [23:42]? Sotho blinks, rather surprised. "I... did not know that."
  261. [23:45]? Ignis nods. "Spoons are quite powerful to hold against those with particularly deranged or tilted senses...the reason escapes me why, but...I can attest to it..." He comments, waving off. "I'm still scavenging on the subject, but they definately have a relation with dragons of old...or did..."
  262. [23:46]? Sotho raises his hoof, still honestly confused. "Well, I suppose it's your own way of shamanism." He laughs.
  263. [23:48]? Firefly finds a nice length of rope, and starts playing jump rope with the foals. Since she has wings, she goes ahead and is always swinging the rope.
  264. [23:49]? Ignis stares at Sotho blank-faced, thinking. "I guess you could put it like that...and it wouldn't be too far from what it really is." He gives a slow nod to it. "I would still need to gather more artifacts and things to grasp a wider view on it...the pre-classical dragons before their bestialization, the three draconian houses...wherever magic and ritual they practicioned...that sort of background."
  265. [23:50]? Sotho nods, seeming interested in it.
  266. [23:52]? Ignis rests his arms by the table and stretches a bit. "Well...if you got any questions, I could try to answer those...with the tidbits I got here and there." His eyes twinkle. "I know you got those, you do have sort of a hunger for knowledge..." He laughs.
  267. [23:54]? Sotho smiles as he sits down. "Well how do you know about this, I know little of my tribes before the war."
  268. [23:56]? Ignis hmmms, taking a good moment before answering. "Scavenging, much...finding one loose end here and there and moving on to slightly bigger things, I'm a dragon...I am sorta good at finding and digging things...and I do have a lot of time on my claws, centuries...maybe even millenia..."
  269. [23:58]? Sotho nods as he looks him over. "Such a long life, and you all are very tough creatures. I'm surprised there aren't more of your kind."
  270. [23:58]<SpiritOfFate> The foals stare confused, one approaches and hops by reflex, looking up at Firefly with a smile
  271. [23:59]? Firefly nods to the foals with a smile. That's how you do it!
  272. [01:00]? Ignis grins at that one. "You shouldn't...we were the first of the first creatures, it does make sense to me that everybeing does have a tiny bit of dragon blood to it...we are the ones that retained much of what we to why there isn't more of can see, we dragons were never much the social race."
  273. [01:02]<Sotho> "What do you mean, the first of the first?"
  274. [01:04]<Ignis> "The first beings before beings branched off each of their own...gryphoons, ponies, diamond dogs...all of those...I have my reason to believe that every animal being will be traced back to a dragon, or whenever the reptiles of old were dubbed."
  275. [01:05]? Sotho thinks. "Well I have been taught that beasts and monsters were the first to be made."
  276. [01:07]? Firefly gestures to the foals, selecting two who look strong enough to swing the rope. She counts the timing... and hops in, not using her wings, just hopping in time as she goes. "Cinderella, dressed in yellow / went upstairs to kiss her fellow / made a mistake / and kissed a snake / how many doctors / Did it take?" Firefly starts to pound her hooves on the ground in rapid succession, counting as...
  277. [01:07]? Firefly ...she goes. Unfortunately, she loses her timing and gets tripped by the rope, falling with a thud. She laughs as she stands up. "...not supposed to do that."
  278. [01:08]<SpiritOfFate> One of the foals look back at Firefly from the ground.
  279. [01:09]? Ignis sighs. "Not made...they molded themselves to the environment, hardening and softening as it allowed them, priming their skills as they had space or need to...which is mostly why I rest my case that dragons were the first...who else could live on a smouldering ball of fire, magma and lava that this world once was? It makes sense that only a sturdy species could develop to live in a world like such...that would be us, dragons."
  280. [01:10]? Firefly stands up. "Don't trip and you'll be fine." She mimes hopping into the swinging rope, and then hopping out.
  281. [01:10]<Sotho> "As sturdy as you are, i know there are tougher beings. One could argue on the side of alicorns, actual ones of myth."
  282. [01:11]<SpiritOfFate> The foal babbles something and hops in
  283. [01:11]? Firefly nods as she swings the rope, keeping a nice, even speed.
  284. [01:13]<Ignis> "Perhaps...but as you may remember, only four natural alicorns have been recorded in equestrian history...I think that they are not a species per se, but rather...a mutation of the ponies it triggered by magic or something else, its unclear how and if they are able to reproduce."
  285. [01:13]<SpiritOfFate> The foal has fun skipping rope. Then a second one jumps in, ending up tripped and falling over the first one. They laugh.
  286. [01:14]? Firefly joins in the laughter, offering hooves to help them up.
  287. [01:16]? Sotho nods agreeing with Ignis. "While I'm not one to debate creation theory, I don't like the idea of one race feeling or being entilted."
  288. [01:17]<SpiritOfFate> They get up and hug Firefly
  289. [01:18]? Ignis shrugs. "Its my theory, as you put it...and away from being entitled, I believe that in the primordes, we dragons or whoever came before... weren't a bit more than brutes whom could only hope to withstand the nature before things settled down and we reached civilization."
  290. [01:19]? Firefly smiles and hugs them back. "I'm going to go to sleep, it was fun playing with you!" She mimes falling asleep to the foals, and waves goodbye.
  291. [01:19]<Ignis> "Its not a title for pride, rather...its just what seems reasonable to me....maybe things went differently, eh...for now, I'll just hold on to it."
  292. [01:19]<SpiritOfFate> The group waves to Firefly
  293. [01:20]? Firefly flies over to Wintergreen before settling down next to the foalsitter, curling up and quickly falling asleep.
  294. [01:22]<SpiritOfFate> And the party went on, welcoming the new era of the lives of the Nnoto tribe.
  295. [01:22]<SpiritOfFate> ============================
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