
TSW 8: They have become Death.

Apr 9th, 2016
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  1. IcePickLobotomy Arina, Kasra: Walker meets you both in the living room, some time before the briefing is set to start. You've both been given newly tailored uniforms, the standard midnight blue dress-pants and jacket that METI uses. You now have a unit patch as well, a twin-pronged lance colored in a sharp red. The new uniforms are a bit stiff, as you've not had the chance to break them in yet. Kasra, you...
  2. IcePickLobotomy ...also have a medal on your breast, one given for your injuries you received.
  3. Arina nods. "Comrade Walker."
  4. IcePickLobotomy "Pilot Alkeava." She passes a matching beret to Kasra "Put that on to cover your hair, unless you want to shave it."
  5. Kasra "How do I look? Oh, of course, thank you."
  6. IcePickLobotomy "You both look fine. So, any questions before we head to the airstrip?"
  7. Kasra "And uh, yes sorry about the hair. I had thought I wouldn't be needed for...this sort of thing. I don't believe so, sir."
  8. Arina hums. "What sort of impression would you like?"
  9. IcePickLobotomy "It's fine Kasra, we can cover it with the hat easily." She nods "Professional for now. They've already agreed to give us some sort of military support, and are loaning some reasearch staff as well. We're pushing to start looking for EU pilot candidates, but they're surprisingly reluctant on that account." She shakes her head "Who'd have guessed people would have issues with child-soldiers?"
  10. Arina nods. "Understood."
  11. Kasra "They'll come around, I'm sure of it."\
  12. IcePickLobotomy "Which is why I picked you two. You're the two best faces for the program, are well adjusted,and I can trust you to act appropriately."
  13. Arina pauses. "... that... seems apt."
  14. Kasra "Of course!" Somehow, Kasra manages to plant himself even more securely in his at ease stance.
  15. IcePickLobotomy "They'll have some questions for you, mostly pertaining to life in as a Pilot and maybe on the Outriders, though we've already shared most of the technical details we're willing to part with already."
  16. Arina nods. "So purely speaking about the experience, all technical details are to be passed on to the experts?"
  17. IcePickLobotomy "Yes, to be honest, I don't think there's anything they can ask you that they don't already know."
  18. Kasra "We're just there to reassure them that placing their children into METI's hands is an intelligent and morally acceptable decision."
  19. Kasra "That should be easy!"
  20. IcePickLobotomy "Exactly."
  21. Arina nods. "Essentially, it seems so."
  22. IcePickLobotomy "They also have something for us, and I want you here as our Pilot Corps representatives. And remember, they are not your boss or superior, I am. If they ask anything you don't want to answer, then you can refuse to answer. If they push it or threaten you, direct them to me and I'll deal with it. As a last note, they have been briefed to both of our family histories, part of the security...
  23. IcePickLobotomy ...vetting they demanded.
  24. -->| Reagan ( has joined #TSWshenanigans
  25. IcePickLobotomy "Any further questions?"
  26. Kasra "No, sir, I'm ready, and looking forward to this!"
  27. Arina shakes her head. "No, Ma'am."
  28. =-= scya is now known as Mary
  29. IcePickLobotomy Reagan: you finally manage to get your uniform on (Stupid Medal of the Mended Wing got lost in a dresser cabnet) and finally manage to get to the living room. Arina, Kasra, and Walker are all there, the later two wearing their berets much like you.
  30. IcePickLobotomy Walker quickly goes over everything again with you. "So, Reagan, any questions?"
  31. Arina nods slightly to Reagan. "Everything all right? It took you a while."
  32. Reagan flattening her uniform. "No ma'am! I'm ready to head out."
  33. Kasra "You guys look great, by the way! Of course, anyone looks good in midnight blue."
  34. IcePickLobotomy "It's a good color." Walker heads out to the garage and piles into the car, this time as a driver for once.
  35. Arina chuckles. "Thank you, I suppose.'
  36. Kasra does the god-awful leg jiggling thing the whole ride while softly patting out a marching cadence on his thighs.
  37. Reagan "May I smoke out the window?"
  38. IcePickLobotomy "Sure."
  39. Arina sits calmly on Kasra's other side (lucky guy, a pretty girl to either side of him), fingers laced together in her lap, eyes closed.
  40. Reagan says as she takes out her cigarette case, "Much obliged."
  41. IcePickLobotomy The car pulls to a stop at one of the military air-fields. The sun beats down on you all as you step out, the heat relfecting off the pavement causing the air to shimmer and wave. Colonel Yeffim is waiting for you beneath a metal roof where he's parked his own car. Like you he's dressed in the same midnight blue uniform, but his holds a collection of medals on his chest.
  42. Reagan salutes when they walk up to him.
  43. Arina reaches into her pocket for a moment, before pulling her hand back out, stepping out of the car, and saluting.
  44. Kasra gives a sharp salute, then stands at attention.
  45. IcePickLobotomy He returns the salutes. "Good you're here." His eyes linger over each of you a moment, inspecting you and. . . not finding you wanting. He doesn't seem pleased, nor displeased. Walker heads into the shade.
  46. Reagan smiles politely and then follows Walker,
  47. IcePickLobotomy It takes almost a hour for the plant to arrive. A large gupee shaped cargo plane that touches down at one end of the artificial island and rolls to a stop a fair distance. The front part of the plane slowly slide upwards, revealing a cavernous cargo-hold, and what takes you a moment to recognize as missiles, about 2 meters in width, their caps painted a bright white.
  48. Reagan takes another long pull on her nearly-finished cigarette.
  49. IcePickLobotomy "So, they did bring it." Walker mutters, sounding surprised. "They're serious about this." The Colonel nods "Good, I have no time to suffer fools."
  50. IcePickLobotomy "We'll wait here." The Colonel says. "Make them come to us." Walker adds
  51. Kasra "May I ask what they brought?"
  52. Kasra "A potential 'alternative' perhaps?" He snickers a little at the thought.
  53. Arina shades her eyes. "Warheads. Experimental?"
  54. IcePickLobotomy "It's what they'll be briefing us on. Something they call the N2. Some sort of shaped fusion warhead from what we've gathered."
  55. Arina whistles.
  56. Reagan "Who wants to tell them it won't work?" She says flatly.
  57. Kasra "We can't dismiss them off hand like that, Reagan. There are some smart people behind these, I'm sure."
  58. Reagan "Smart, sure. But they looked one a' those monsters in the face before?"
  59. Arina "It's worth a try if we can get it off outside habitated zones."
  60. Reagan "I just can't see how a bomb's supposed to help with all that...magic mumbo jumbo."
  61. Arina "Nuclear weapons do affect Intruders. It's... possible."
  62. Kasra "There's no such thing as magic, just applied meta physics."
  63. IcePickLobotomy By now several technicains have emerged from the upper level of the plane and have began to unload the missiles, while a group of armed guards in the light green EF Military fatigues watch with rifles at the ready. A pair of them, in more formal looking uniforms approach you.
  64. Arina curtsies as they approach.
  65. Reagan drops her cigarette on the ground and delicately rubs it out with her high heel.
  66. IcePickLobotomy The first, a Colonel by the name of G. Martin if his name tag is correct, shakes Yeffim's, then Walker's, hands. He's fair skinned and blue eyed, with a bushy blonde mustache. His face is weathered, but handsome. He smiles to Arina and offers his hand to her next. "Hello," There's a faint, but noticeable German accent to his English "Colonel Martin, European Federation Ground Services. This...
  67. IcePickLobotomy my 2nd, Leftenant-Colonel LaChance." The woman nods and shakes Yeffim's and Walker's hands a well, "Charmed." She says, with a lilting french accent.
  68. Arina shakes the man's hand. "Hello. I am Arina Alkaeva. It's quite nice to meet you."
  69. IcePickLobotomy It's a firm but polite shake. "Pleased to meet you as well Miss Alkaeva." He offers his hand to Reagan next
  70. Reagan smiling, takes his hand daintily and allows it to be shaken. "Reagan Sinclair, pleased to meet you. Hope you had a good ride over."
  71. IcePickLobotomy "A bit of turbulence over the alps, but nothing too bad." He moves to Kasra last, offering his hand.
  72. Kasra "Pilot Nariman. A pleasure, sir." Despite the formality, Kasra appears to be all smiles.
  73. IcePickLobotomy He nods. "Well, it's rather hot out here," He tugs on his collar, sweat already beading on his face. "Shall we move inside and start with the briefing?" He glances over at the N2's "I'm sure you want to see the test footage."
  74. IcePickLobotomy "That would be good yes, we're rather anxious to get started." Walker motions to a nearby building. "We have access to the briefing room from there. If you would follow me."
  75. Arina follows after her at a brisk pace.
  76. Reagan falls into step with Arina.
  77. IcePickLobotomy Walker leads the group into the building, then into Layer 3. A few tram rides later and you find yourself in the familar central area where the pilots are normally briefed. However it's a different room this time, a larger one, and more crowded. Dr. Kimani and Verbeck are both there, as are several other staff you don't recognize. Some dressed in lab coats, others in the overalls of the...
  78. IcePickLobotomy department. Most however are in suits. Walker ushers you to the back row, whereas the Colonel takes a seat in the front.
  79. IcePickLobotomy To the front of the room in a projector being made ready, the two EF officers waiting beside it.
  80. IcePickLobotomy After a few minutes they begin with a slideshow discussing the N2 Shaped Fusion Warhead. While the technical explanations are rather in depth and beyond your level of education, the summery is not. The N2 is a "clean" fusion weapon that minimizes fallout and maximizes the efficiency of the material used. The blast itself is shaped, creating a ultra-destructive "lance" of energy. Then they...
  81. IcePickLobotomy ...load the film.
  82. Arina watches with her hand in her pocket, expression unreadable.
  83. Kasra takes this opportunity to survey the crowd, scanning for reactions.
  84. IcePickLobotomy First it shows a EF heavy bomber, a ungainly looking 8 engine craft. Unlike the American planes, this one is a far more traditional, and also quite large. The bomb-bay, which runs almost 3/4ths the length of the craft, opens. A few moments later the long shape of the N2 drops free. The camera cuts, this time to a far away aircraft. The screen flashes white and fades, revealing ominous shape...
  85. IcePickLobotomy ...of a mushroom cloud. The camera cuts again to a fly over, the target, a mountain, has been bisected. A the elongated crated, a furrow really, has cut the mountains height by 2/3rds, and runs deep into the ground. You can see the red-hot glow of the still molten rock within the bottom portion. You can hear several sharp intakes of breathe and even a quite gasp at the damage.
  86. Kasra In fact, Kasra /is/ one of those gasps. You hear him mutter something about precision.
  87. Arina simply watches, stone-faced.
  88. IcePickLobotomy "As you can see, by directing the majority of the blast within a highly focused cone, we are able to increase penetration by orders of magnitude beyond conventional nuclear weapons. We are confident in our ability to penetrate the AT Field."
  89. IcePickLobotomy "However, the collateral damage is still high, as such we recomend that these weapons only be deployed as a last resort, or in areas with minimal strategic use."
  90. Kasra snorts derisively.
  91. IcePickLobotomy Kasra: Walker elbows you sharply in the side.
  92. Kasra goes rigid in his seat, placing his arms in perfect form on his arm rests, looking every bit the statue.
  93. IcePickLobotomy LaChance begins to field questions. A few, such as SciDiv's Vernbeck are openly derisive of the weapons, stating that "It is a interesting toy, but outdated in the new age of technology, only useful for the extreme niche as a Anti-Intruder weapon."
  94. Arina waits for a moment to ask questions.
  95. IcePickLobotomy Arina: There's a gap after Vernbeck and LaChance cease their argument.
  96. Arina "Excuse me. Precisely what sort of degree and pattern of collateral damage are we looking at?"
  97. IcePickLobotomy "Varies on the hardness of the target. A harder target will result in more backscattering of the blast, creating a wider but less intense damage pattern, whereas a soft target will result in a much narrow blast pattern."
  98. Arina hums, nodding. "Thank you, Ma'am."
  99. IcePickLobotomy A few more questions are asked before the meeting ends. Walker and LtCol LaChance motion for you all to head to another, smaller room. "I'd like to as each of you some questions, if that's all right." LaChance says.
  100. Reagan smiling,"Of course."
  101. Kasra "Certainly."
  102. Arina nods. "Sure."
  103. IcePickLobotomy "Would you prefer that I speak to any of you privatly," Walker clears her throat and gives the frenchwoman a pointed look. "Or rather, one on two I suppose, or as a group?"
  104. Kasra "I think as a group might be best. No reason to divide the unit."
  105. Reagan "Precisely, Mr. Nariman."
  106. Arina shakes her head. "I have no preference."
  107. IcePickLobotomy "Very well. To start with, how do each of you feel by your overall treatment and service with METI?"
  108. Kasra "METI has spared nothing in their care for me. I'm like family with many of the staff."
  109. Arina "I've found it quite satisfactory, thank you."
  110. Reagan "If I may add--thus far we have had first-class accommodations, schooling, and the like. It's really quite the program."
  111. Arina nods. "And quite a bit of career support."
  112. IcePickLobotomy "And I would be correct in saying that you all agree with METI's stated mission goal of safeguarding humanity from extinction correct?"
  113. Kasra "Of course."
  114. Arina "It'd be a little hard not to, but yes."
  115. Reagan "Absolutely Arina, I mean once you see what it takes from an Outrider to put one of those things down..." She shakes her head
  116. IcePickLobotomy "Well there's that doomsday cult." Walker adds
  117. IcePickLobotomy "I see. Now, Pilot Nariman, you're the longest serving pilot here. Would you mind describing what kind of education you've received?"
  118. Kasra "I was tutored privately by METI personell in what I believe to be an adequate course load. Now that I've been exposed to public school, I think the workload and time frames of public schooling may be...a bit more laid back than my education."
  119. IcePickLobotomy "And Ms. Alkaeva, you said that given you career support correct? Would you mind elaborating on that?"
  120. Arina nods. "I'm a music student, angling to serve as a government-produced performer, but thanks to METI's support, I've been able to start my career early, go on tour... We're planning another round of performance now, actually, for morale-building."
  121. Arina smiles. "Please look forward to it. Or listen."
  122. IcePickLobotomy "I may take you up on that. Now, you mentioned that the acomidations are first class, would you mind telling me about them?"
  123. Arina nods. "The school is quite a good one. Well-equipped in every field. The music program isn't as good as a first-rank dedicated Soviet music school, of course, but even being able to be compared is very impressive."
  124. Kasra "I was given an apartment and an assigned guardian along with free run of the non-restricted areas of the base. All of it was very adequate, and the ability to move freely was wonderful."
  125. Reagan "Yes, the apartment is quite lovely. We have our own rooms, and our dear Sergeant Artym cooks and cleans so that we don't have to worry about those little things. It's all just coming home from school or work and relaxing."
  126. IcePickLobotomy "It's good to hear you have a place to call home. Next question, a bit more personal so feel free to no answer if you'd rather now. What is is like to pilot the Outriders? Not just in battle, but in general."
  127. Kasra "I'm honestly not sure it's anything worth mentioning. To me, It's just like moving around normally, but with a different vantage point."
  128. Arina "It's... fairly similar to that, though a bit... muted? At a slight remove."
  129. IcePickLobotomy "I see. And how do you feel about your engagements with the Intruders?"
  130. Arina "Well, it's... battle. It's hardly pleasant, but it needs to be done."
  131. Kasra "A decent assessment. It's unorthodox tactics, but the same general principles apply."
  132. Reagan "Precisely. It's something that has to be done."
  133. IcePickLobotomy She nods.
  134. IcePickLobotomy "And is that why you pilot? Because it needs to be done, and you are the only ones who can?"
  135. Arina nods.
  136. Kasra "Essentially, it's because we understand the consequences of the the Intuders going unopposed."
  137. Reagan "And, of course we were chosen because we would best suit that purpose. People are relying on us now, it wouldn't be fair not to do so."
  138. Arina chuckles. "She puts it fairly well."
  139. IcePickLobotomy She looks at each of you. "I find that hard to believe. While I know a few who do serve purely out of patriotism, most have reasons in addition to that. Money, power," She looks at Reagan as she says this, "Camaraderie, and desperation," She says this while looking at Kasra "And revenge." She says, looking to Arina.
  140. Reagan smiles sweetly. "A little grease makes the door swing smoother, but grease or no it'll swing when pushed, Ma'am."
  141. Arina hums, crossing her legs and settling her clasped hands in her lap. "My business is my business. I am here to attend to the human race's business. My own is interesting, but secondary."
  142. Arina "While I won't claim it doesn't catch my attention, I would advise you not to focus too intently on the most lurid thing standing out in our dossiers, Ma'am."
  143. Kasra appears to be battling with a desire to retort and a seething anger, so he reverts to his typical stone form, and attempts to smile and pass it off as a joke.
  144. IcePickLobotomy "I see. Thank you for your time, but I must be going." She nods and leaves the room.
  145. Arina takes a deep breath. "Well. That was crude."
  146. IcePickLobotomy Walker exhales slowly and reaches for a donut. She chews. Angrily and forcefully.
  147. Kasra Once she has left the room, Kasra's head droops as though he was freed from some invisible restraint that held it up.
  148. IcePickLobotomy "Fucking. /bitch/ ." She hisses.
  149. Arina "She's not just... you know, Parisian."
  150. Reagan "Well that could've gone worse."
  151. Kasra "Camaraderie and desperation would make for a good headline that...that vulturous little, that bi-Agh!"
  152. Arina "She was looking for a reaction."
  153. Kasra stands up as though to pursue. "Walker, a doughnut please."\
  154. IcePickLobotomy She slides the box of donuts over to Kasra.
  155. Kasra takes one and begins to eat before recalling that he dislikes fatty foods, and instead searches for a glass of water to consume agrily.
  156. Arina picks up a cup of tea and hands it to Kasra.
  157. Reagan takes a seat and relaxes. "You all did quite well, I wouldn't be too upset."
  158. Kasra clutches the tea and sits quietly clutching the cup.
  159. IcePickLobotomy "You all did fine. I should have warned you about that." She burries her head in her hands. "I'm sorry about that. That shouldn't have caught you off guard, should have warned you that could happen."
  160. Arina "You did mention they'd read our dossiers. I had assumed they'd read them for comprehension rather than speed."
  161. IcePickLobotomy "Didn't expect them to read mine. . ." She grumbles
  162. Reagan chuckles. "Who wasn't expecting that? From the competition, no less."
  163. Reagan leans forward and pats Walker's arm. "It's just part of the field, Lieutenant. Don't sweat the little things, mkay?"
  164. Arina taps her cheek. "They wanted a read on us. To see how affected we were by having those elements of our dossiers rubbed in our faces."
  165. IcePickLobotomy Reagan: She tenses at your touch. "It's. . . nevermind me."
  166. Kasra nearly loses his tea. "Part of the field?! Don't they get that this is bigger than competition? And what elements? The made up...nonsense?"
  167. Kasra "Vengeance? Ha! And what did she even mean by desperation?"
  168. Arina "They just scrabbled together something from what they read, Kasra. That's all."
  169. IcePickLobotomy "She was talking to me about that. I served on the Enterprise."
  170. Kasra "That doesn't mean that you're out for revenge, rather than saving all of mankind, including some.../really/ frustrating people."
  171. Reagan "People say nasty things so that you'll act just how you're acting now, Mr. Nariman. Part of winning is to not let it bother you."
  172. Arina holds up a hand. "Relax, Kasra. It's crude, but it's fairly likely they did it to see how dedicated and reliable we are at the goal."
  173. Kasra "Fine! Fine. She's not worth it. Just some /bottom feeder/ and I'm not going to let myself be bothered by he stupid lies!"
  174. Arina refrains from pointing out how bothered he is.
  175. Reagan glances at Arina, gives her an understanding look.
  176. IcePickLobotomy Walker sighs. "Fuck it. I'm stealing some of Artyom's vodka when we get back."
  177. IcePickLobotomy "He stole some of my chocolate, fair's fair."
  178. Kasra understands full well what the looks mean, and breathes out heavily. "Right, I'm done." He's all smiles and even laughs lightly. "Whoo, she really got my goat there, haha."
  179. Arina exhales. "I suppose METI should probably rethink what information the EU gets, if they're going to wield it like a club."
  180. IcePickLobotomy "Probably. Well, I say we head back home."
  181. Arina nods, standing up, and extending a hand to help Kasra out of his seat. "Sounds good. Coming?"
  182. Kasra springs from his seat unaided. "Yeah, some fresh air sounds good anyways."
  183. Reagan stretching. "I'd say that earns us another cigarette."
  184. Kasra "Thanks for the advice you two. I'm just...not used to people being on separate teams I suppose. Reagan, I may take you up on that."
  185. IcePickLobotomy Walker clears her throat. "Kasra, I really would not suggest taking up smoking."
  186. Arina chuckles. "I'll have to beg off the cigarette - need my throat - but I can definitely agree on the fresh air."
  187. Reagan "It's not necessarily the best habit, Darling."
  188. IcePickLobotomy "To be honest, I'd rather you take up drinking if you feel the need for something of that nature. Or mayb-" She cuts herself off "Nevermind, forget that that last one."
  189. Reagan shoots her a suspicious look.
  190. Arina blinks, looking at Walker. "Hm?"
  191. Kasra "You know we;re underage, Walker. No drinking.
  192. IcePickLobotomy "Under that logic you shouldn't be smoking either."
  193. Kasra "Well...yeah, alright. Reagan, you should put that out."\
  194. Arina looks at Kasra like he's gone a little funny in the head. "... oh right, different drinking laws."
  195. Reagan "Well, where I'm from my age is about the time one'd start such things." She shrugs.
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