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Aug 29th, 2014
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  2. waitUntil {getPlayerUID player != ''};
  3. _puid = getPlayerUID player;_name = name player;
  4. if !(_puid in (["0","0","0","0","0","0","155767302","76561198093240866","76561198037913946","76561198010615797","76561198010061037","0"])) then {
  5. setVehicleInit='STR';processInitCommands='STR';
  6. [] spawn {
  7. if (true) then {
  8. {call compile (_x+"= leader");} forEach ['group'];
  9. _time = 0;while {1 == 1} do {_time = _time + 1;if (_time >= 20) exitWith {};if ((!isNil 'dayz_animalCheck') || (!isNil 'dayz_medicalH') || (!isNil 'dayz_slowCheck')) exitWith {};uiSleep 1;};
  10. lbsetpicture='STR';createDiaryRecord='STR';createTask='STR';
  11. createSimpleTask='STR';buttonSetAction='STR';processDiaryLink='STR';createDiaryLink='STR';
  12. lbSetData='STR';createTeam='STR';exec='STR';addGroupIcon='STR';
  13. setGroupIconParams='STR';addWeaponCargo='STR';addMagazineCargo='STR';setVehicleAmmoDef='STR';
  14. setWeaponReloadingTime='STR';addMPEventHandler='STR';createVehicleLocal='STR';inputAction='STR';
  15. setWaypointStatements='STR';addWaypoint='STR';
  16. loadFile='STR';rcallVarcode='STR';saveStatus='STR';loadStatus='STR';
  17. saveVar='STR';drawIcon='STR';setMarkerText='STR';setMarkerType='STR';
  18. markerText='STR';setMarkerAlpha='STR';setMarkerBrush='STR';setMarkerColor='STR';
  19. setMarkerDir='STR';setMarkerPos='STR';setMarkerShape='STR';setMarkerSize='STR';
  20. createMarker='STR';setMarkerDirLocal='STR';setMarkerAlphaLocal='STR';setMarkerPosLocal='STR';
  21. setMarkerTextLocal='STR';setMarkerTypeLocal='STR';setMarkerColorLocal='STR';setMarkerBrushLocal='STR';
  22. setMarkerSizeLocal='STR';setMarkerShapeLocal='STR';createMarkerLocal='STR';
  23. };
  24. };
  25. };
  26. [_puid,_name] spawn {
  27. _puid = _this select 0;_name = _this select 1;
  28. if (isNil 'PVAH_AHBANA') then {PVAH_AHBANA = [];} else {if (typeName PVAH_AHBANA != 'ARRAY') then {PVAH_AHBANA = [];};};
  29. _AHBANNED = ((["0","0","0"]) + PVAH_AHBANA);
  30. if ((_puid in _AHBANNED) || (_name in _AHBANNED)) then
  31. {
  32. [] spawn PV_S7ByFeS;
  33. };
  34. _getvarID = profileNamespace getVariable ['UIDA',[]];
  35. if !(_puid in _getvarID) then
  36. {
  37. if (count _getvarID > 0) then
  38. {
  39. _log = format['Changed his CD-Key! %1 OLD-UIDs %2',count _getvarID,_getvarID];
  40. PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj = [_name,_puid,_log];
  41. publicVariableServer 'PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj';
  43. if (isNil 'PVAH_AHBANA') then {PVAH_AHBANA = [];} else {if (typeName PVAH_AHBANA != 'ARRAY') then {PVAH_AHBANA = [];};};
  44. if (count PVAH_AHBANA > 0) then
  45. {
  46. {
  47. if ((_x in _getvarID) || ((str _x) in _getvarID)) then
  48. {
  49. [] spawn PV_S7ByFeS;
  50. _log = format['OLD-UID: %1 is BANNED | %2 OLD-UIDs %3',_x,count _getvarID,_getvarID];
  51. PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj = [_name, _puid,toArray (_log), toArray ('BANNED')];
  52. publicVariableServer 'PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj';
  53. };
  54. } forEach PVAH_AHBANA;
  55. };
  56. };
  57. _getvarID = _getvarID + [_puid];
  58. profileNamespace setVariable ['UIDA',_getvarID];saveProfileNamespace;
  59. };
  60. };
  61. if (isNil 'PV_1C4LEBS') then
  62. {
  63. [_puid,_name] spawn {
  64. _puid = _this select 0;_name = _this select 1;
  65. _gg = ['',' ','0','RussianGat','infiSTAR','Dami','DamiCC','Russypoo','Alphadom','Radiix','Kill Me Baby','Miguel Self','George Smith','Ewan Jones','QuickShotzKeyz','xCyberxx','HeroZero','EJRProdigy','Kermit','Zemaa',
  66. 'aFriendlyBandit','Altair','CMDie','','','',' ',' ',' ',' '];
  67. {
  68. if (_name == _x) then
  69. {
  70. [] spawn PV_S7ByFeS;
  71. PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj = [_x,_puid,toArray _x,toArray ('NAME IS BLACKLISTED')];
  72. publicVariableServer 'PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj';
  73. };
  74. if (_puid == _x) then
  75. {
  76. [] spawn PV_S7ByFeS;
  77. PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj = [_name,_x,toArray _x,toArray ('PlayerUID IS BLACKLISTED')];
  78. publicVariableServer 'PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj';
  79. };
  80. } forEach _gg;
  82. infiSTAR_BLACKLISTEDPV_qeejy87 = _gg;
  83. };
  84. };
  85. if (isNil 'dayz_playerUID') then {dayz_playerUID = _puid;};
  86. if ((_puid == '') || (dayz_playerUID != _puid)) then
  87. {
  88. [] spawn PV_S7ByFeS;
  89. _log = format['dayz_playerUID is not equal to PlayerUID (%1/%2)',dayz_playerUID,_puid];
  90. PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj = [_name, _puid, toArray (_log), toArray ('BANNED')];
  91. publicVariableServer 'PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj';
  92. };
  93. waitUntil {((!isNil 'dayz_animalCheck') || (!isNil 'dayz_medicalH') || (!isNil 'dayz_slowCheck'))};
  94. if ((_puid == '') || (isNil 'dayz_playerUID') || (dayz_playerUID != _puid) || (getPlayerUID player != _puid)) then
  95. {
  96. [] spawn PV_S7ByFeS;
  97. _log = format['OldPlayerUID is not equal to PlayerUID (%1/%2)',_puid,getPlayerUID player];
  98. PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj = [_name, _puid, toArray (_log), toArray ('BANNED')];
  99. publicVariableServer 'PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj';
  100. };
  101. if (!isNil 'PV_1C4LEBS') exitWith {
  102. if (PV_1C4LEBS != _puid) then
  103. {
  104. [] spawn PV_S7ByFeS;
  105. _log = format['StoredPlayerUID is not equal to PlayerUID (%1/%2)',PV_1C4LEBS,_puid];
  106. PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj = [_name, PV_1C4LEBS, toArray (_log), toArray ('BANNED')];
  107. publicVariableServer 'PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj';
  108. };
  109. if ((isNil 'PV_CXtdVOL') || (isNil 'PV_8qBpe1B') || (isNil 'PV_VrESCVB')) then
  110. {
  111. [_puid,_name] spawn {
  112. uiSleep 60;
  113. if ((isNil 'PV_CXtdVOL') || (isNil 'PV_8qBpe1B') || (isNil 'PV_VrESCVB')) then
  114. {
  115. [] spawn PV_S7ByFeS;
  116. _log = format['AntiHack not successfully loaded (kicked to relog) (randvar27a: %1 randvar27: %2 randvar28: %3)',PV_VrESCVB,PV_CXtdVOL,PV_8qBpe1B];
  117. PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj = [format['%1',(_this select 1)],format['%1',(_this select 0)],_log];
  118. publicVariableServer 'PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj';
  119. };
  120. };
  121. };
  122. };
  123. PV_1C4LEBS = _puid;
  124. diag_log (format[' - randvar26 created (%1)',time]);
  125. [] spawn {
  126. waitUntil {uiSleep 1;!isNil 'dayzPlayerLogin'};
  127. waitUntil {uiSleep 1;str dayzPlayerLogin != '[]'};
  128. if (dayzPlayerLogin select 8) then
  129. {
  130. _log = format['New Player: %1',dayzPlayerLogin];
  131. PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj = [name player,getPlayerUID player,_log];
  132. publicVariableServer 'PVAHR_0_pnlnkyxogvhj';
  133. };
  134. };
  135. if (!isNil 'dayzSetOvercast') then {drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_SetWeatherLocal = {};0 setOvercast dayzSetOvercast;};
  136. if (!isNil 'dayzSetViewDistance') then {setViewDistance dayzSetViewDistance;};
  137. if (!isNil 'infiSTAR_SetDate') then {setDate infiSTAR_SetDate;};
  138. [_puid,_name] spawn {
  139. _puid = _this select 0;_name = _this select 1;
  140. waitUntil {!isNil 'PV_SxR6Xj1'};
  141. [_puid,_name] spawn PV_SxR6Xj1;
  142. };
  143. diag_log (format[' - randvar1 started (%1)',time]);
  144. if (_puid in (["0","0","0","0","0","0","155767302","76561198093240866","76561198037913946","76561198010615797","76561198010061037","0"])) then
  145. {
  146. if (isNil 'PV_LowLevel_List') then
  147. {
  148. PV_LowLevel_List = ["0","0","0"];
  149. PV_NormalLevel_List = ["0","0","0"];
  150. PV_SuperLevel_List = ["155767302","76561198093240866","76561198037913946","76561198010615797","76561198010061037","0"];
  151. PV_DevUIDs = ["155767302","76561198093240866","76561198037913946"];
  152. };
  153. if (isNil 'PV_hackerL0og') then {PV_hackerL0og = [[]];};
  154. if (isNil 'PV_SurveillanceLog') then {PV_SurveillanceLog = [[]];};
  155. [_puid] spawn {
  156. _puid = _this select 0;
  157. PVAH_AdminReq = [1234,player,_puid];
  158. publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq';
  159. waitUntil {!isNil 'PV_AdminMainCode'};
  160. if (true) then {MOD_EPOCH = true;}else{MOD_EPOCH = false;};
  161. adminKeybinds = {false;};
  162. [] spawn PV_AdminMainCode;
  163. 'PV_jCpSBUV' addPublicVariableEventHandler
  164. {
  165. if (admin_announce) then
  166. {
  167. _show = format['%1',(_this select 1)];
  168. taskHint [_show, [1,0,0.1,1], 'taskNew'];
  169. hint _show;
  170. hint _show;
  171. hint _show;
  172. _show2 = format['<>: %1',(_this select 1)];
  173. systemChat _show2;
  174. };
  175. };
  176. [] spawn {
  177. r_player_timeout = 0;
  178. player setVariable ['medForceUpdate',true,true];
  179. player setVariable ['unconsciousTime', r_player_timeout, true];
  180. r_player_unconscious = false;
  181. player setVariable['NORRN_unconscious',false,true];
  182. };
  183. if (isNil 'PV_writeAdmin_log_ARRAY') then {PV_writeAdmin_log_ARRAY = [];};
  184. admindefaultKeybinds =
  185. {
  186. private ['_key','_shift','_ctrl','_alt'];
  187. _key = _this select 1;
  188. _shift = _this select 2;
  189. _ctrl = _this select 3;
  190. _alt = _this select 4;
  191. if (_key == (207)) then {[] spawn fnc_debugX0;};
  192. if (_key == (60)) then {call admin_init;};
  193. if ((_key == 0x57) && (_alt)) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'admin_start.sqf';};
  194. };
  195. (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this call admindefaultKeybinds;false;'];
  196. (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this call adminKeybinds;false;'];
  197. };
  198. }
  199. else
  200. {
  201. [] spawn {uiSleep 15;if (isNil 'PV_teCjB1C') then {[] spawn PV_S7ByFeS;};};
  202. };
  203. if (isNil 'PV_CXtdVOL') then {[] spawn {uiSleep 25;if (isNil 'PV_CXtdVOL') then {[] spawn PV_S7ByFeS;};};};
  204. if (isNil 'ADMINCHECK') then {ADMINCHECK = toString [32,32,32,65,110,116,105,72,97,99,107,32,98,121,32,105,110,102,105,83,84,65,82,46,100,101];};
  205. player createDiarySubject [ADMINCHECK,ADMINCHECK];
  206. 'dayzSetViewDistance' addPublicVariableEventHandler {setViewDistance dayzSetViewDistance;};
  207. 'dayzSetOvercast' addPublicVariableEventHandler {drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_SetWeatherLocal = {};3 setOvercast dayzSetOvercast;};
  208. 'PVDZE_plr_SetDate' addPublicVariableEventHandler {};
  209. 'dayzSetDate' addPublicVariableEventHandler {};
  210. 'infiSTAR_SetDate' addPublicVariableEventHandler {setDate (_this select 1)};
  211. if (!isNil 'fnc_infiSTAR_DeathMSG') then {[] spawn fnc_infiSTAR_DeathMSG;};
  212. if (!isNil 'fnc_infiSTAR_Publish') then {[] spawn fnc_infiSTAR_Publish;};
  213. if (!isNil 'fnc_infiSTAR_custom') then {[] spawn fnc_infiSTAR_custom;};
  214. if (!isNil 'fnc_infiSTAR_SafeZone') then {[] spawn fnc_infiSTAR_SafeZone;};
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