
Casual Roleplay #1 - Bus Stop Prank

Sep 12th, 2017
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  1. Sep 13 08:13:57 <The-Haze> Looking beneath her feet, Rosetta steadied herself and let up on the throttle of her jetpack, letting herself fall back to the ground she had stood on before. "... Wasn't there supposed to be, like, a bad guy around here?" She looked around the bus stop, seeing if she had missed anything while coming in for her landing. "... I hate pranksters."
  2. Sep 13 08:17:44 * The-Haze is now known as Rosetta-Maradona
  3. Sep 13 08:28:21 <Tinker> Sitting in the bus stop is a half-asleep woman, who aside from her silver hair isn't a very memorable person. She has her headphones on and plugged into her phone, and she's laying on her bags. There's not a lot of people around anyway, and she's kinda tired from her long flight from Tokyo. Asking her might not be the best of options, but so far she's the only one around.
  4. Sep 13 08:40:46 * Cveta is now known as Sister-Sting
  5. Sep 13 08:49:50 * Sister-Sting was slowly jogging her way down to the bus stop. Her metal legs making enough noise to warn anyone she was coming. She soon made it to the bus stop "Alright where is the bastard, I'm looking to punch someone." She looked around, only seeing the two other girls. "Did I miss them? You see any villain types around here lady?" She asked Rosetta
  6. Sep 13 08:56:26 * AnnaClaskovic is now known as Headfirst
  7. Sep 13 08:57:47 <Rosetta-Maradona> She shrugged, double-checking to see if she had missed anything upon first observation. "Nope, I don't see, like, a single bad guy! I'll probably run out of fuel if I try to fly back to base..." she complained, spotting the silver haired woman sitting at the bus stop. "Excuse me, like, have you seen any bad guys around here?" She holstered her ray guns, looking around her surroundings for a...
  8. Sep 13 08:57:49 <Rosetta-Maradona> ...third time.
  9. Sep 13 09:05:06 <Sister-Sting> Sting looked at Rosetta up and down. Her eyes stopping twice. Once at the cat ears, which while strange didn't seem that out of place in a city like this, and once at her chest. Jealousy aside she noticed the Evolutionary Logo on her "Oh shit, you're an Evo too? Explains the guns, didn't know we could carry those."
  10. Sep 13 09:11:26 * Headfirst was new to the city and you could probably tell from a mile away. Akoni, or Headfirst, was quite a burly looking guy with no hair on his shiny scalp. "Ah dang, don't know what but I sure ain't at tha' place..." He sighed. Checking the map he was given, he looked for what street it'd most likely be on. Confused, he looked over to the crowd gathering around the Bus Stop. "Aye! 'Scuse my pardons but ah'm looking
  11. Sep 13 09:11:26 * Headfirst fer a place. Wouldanya know where it is?" He gleaned, showing off his questionably sharp teeth.
  12. Sep 13 09:11:46 <Tinker> "Mmm?" She yawns, rubbing her eyes before answering. "No, don't think so...." She shifts into a more proper position for a lady, and takes off one of the buds. "Apologies for that, I'm.... Very tired. Your cat ears are cute." She glances to Sting and her.... Robotic arms. She might not be so different from the others here!
  13. Sep 13 09:15:40 <Rosetta-Maradona> Rosetta pointed at herself, raising an eyebrow in response to the three of them. "Oh yeah! I'm totally, like, an Evo." She gestured at the logo on her chest, turning to face the other two shortly after. "Um.... thanks?" She paused, making sure her other eye was still covered by her blue hair. "Do you, like, know what place this is? I've lived here all of my life, so I bet I know where it is!"
  14. Sep 13 09:23:33 <Headfirst> "Uhhhhhh..." Akoni took out a piece of paper that had a few words scribbled out on it. "Ah...Ah...Appli-Applied He-- ... He-row, uh. Ah can't read. Something to do with registerin' for the hero stuff!!" He smiled again to Rosetta. "Some legal thing ah haveta clock into before ah start heroism in th'city."
  15. Sep 13 09:24:21 * Sister-Sting looked down at Tinker, seeing the silver arms "That's uh, a nice fashion statement? Did you use paint or just high quality clothes?" She then looked back up to Rosetta "Its good to know I wasn't the only one tricked to coming here"
  16. Sep 13 09:34:34 <Rosetta-Maradona> She rested her cheek in her palm, thinking over what Headfirst had asked her about. She had just been to that place recently, but she was having a bit of difficulty recalling where exactly it had been. "Uh... like, I think it should be right near that big tower?" She paused, giving herself a moment to think. "You know... like... Xenon tower! Like, that's totally the one!"
  17. Sep 13 09:36:12 <Tinker> "Oh, these? They' Prosthetics. And I assume you're also using it now." She flexed her arms, even though she really doesn't have a reason to actually do it. "It's made of nanomachines, and the engineering process took several years! I made it myself by the way. Technically."
  18. Sep 13 09:41:15 <Sister-Sting> "Oh shit, no kidding? I just got these things from Xenon." Sting as well flexed her Prosthetics "Its better then just being stuck in bed unable to do anything, even lets me fight crime again!" She sticks one of her hands out "Names Sister Sting, or at least that's what I'm suppose to say. You?"
  19. Sep 13 09:47:10 <Rosetta-Maradona> Rosetta laughed to herself, overhearing the conversation between the two of them. "Guess I'm, like, the most boring /human/ person here!" She covered her mouth, a single bead of sweat rolling down her forehead when she said 'human'. "Like, what even brings you two out here anyways?"
  20. Sep 13 09:48:47 <Headfirst> "Zee-nun, huh?" He quired, rubbing his chin with his hand. "Seems like Neon hassa lotta hero things, ah'm shocked that there's crime here t'begin with... seems pretty far away, how long is t'walk over there?"
  21. Sep 13 09:50:42 <Rosetta-Maradona> "Well, uh..." She tapped her jetpack, rising up to get a better view at the city. "... We're on the edge of town! Xenon is way over there!" She pointed in the general direction of Xenon tower, before coming back down for a landing and switching her jetpack back off.
  22. Sep 13 09:53:11 <Tinker> "Xenon? That's cool!" There's a slight tinge of... disappointment, strangely, though that shouldn't be an issue. "Haven't thought of my alias yet but you can call me Rebecca for now!" She shakes Sister-Sting's hand. "Oh, and um, I'm also applying to the Evolutionaries program and I might be starting out in the near future!"
  23. Sep 13 09:56:20 <Sister-Sting> "Hey now I'm still a Human. Just got a few replacement parts" She shakes Rebecca's hand "I hope to see you around the base Rebecca" She then looked at Headfirst "Oh, and you too Bald dude" And as Rosetta floated up into the air all Sting thought was 'I wonder if I could get jets built into my legs. That looks fun'
  24. Sep 13 10:00:26 * Headfirst beamed at Sting with a smile. "Thanks! I dunno what the base is, but you too!" He gave a thumbs up. "Dang." He said with disappointment. "If there wussa way to get there faster than usual, y'know? Something likea... train, or somethin'." He hypothesized, standing there under the Bus Stop sign, oblivious to it entirely.
  25. Sep 13 10:02:14 <Rosetta-Maradona> Rosetta tugged at her collar, eyebrows turning downwards. "I meant I'm, like, totally a human! Totally, like, 100% human and not alien at all." She rushed, trying to keep composed during her explanation. "I'd carry you, but, like, you look too heavy for me to fly you over!"
  26. Sep 13 10:05:06 * Headfirst took a moment to register what Rosetta meant, ceasing his smiling momentarily. He could only associate one thing with not being able to be carried by another person. "You callin' me fat?"
  27. Sep 13 10:15:11 * Rosetta-Maradona cocked her head at him, raising an eyebrow at him. "Can't you, like, see how much taller than me you are? I'd totally hurt myself!" She pointed at herself, and then back at him.
  28. Sep 13 10:20:03 <Headfirst> He took a moment to register this again. "O-oh! Haha, sorry..." He laughed, halfly embarrassed of himself. "Just when I wussa kid, I used ta be a bit on the tubby side, and the other kids made funna me for it y'know?... that and m'fascination with hiddin' my head off things."
  29. Sep 13 10:25:34 <Rosetta-Maradona> She nodded at Headfirst, smiling. "It's, like, totally okay!" She giggled, joining in to make him feel less embarrassed over the whole thing. "People sometimes still make fun of these..." She gestured at her cat ears once again. ", for some reason people always want to, like, call me things like 'Felicia'!"
  30. Sep 13 10:26:38 <Sister-Sting> "Well, good luck with that Miss Totally-not-an-Alien. I'm gonna head back the base. And if you get into the Evolutionaries you look me up Rebecca, my Dorm room is 272. You seem like a nice gal to hang with." She looks up at the flying Rosetta "That goes for you too!" Sting took off, waving goodbye to the two. "And I guess you two Baldy" And then she was gone
  31. Sep 13 10:26:54 * Sister-Sting has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  32. Sep 13 10:32:44 <Tinker> "Hey, the ears do make you look unique, and I think you're some kind of space-themed catgirl? I apologize if that's wrong." And for Sting, she smiles and waves back. "I'll keep that in mind!"
  33. Sep 13 10:33:56 <Headfirst> "Aw, jeez, tha's silly!" He laughed. "I'll be frank, never really met as cool people as you and yer crew here, I'm kinda new to the mainland. Only knew boring ol' Hawaii for the last 19 years." The baldy waves back correspondingly to Sting. "Seeyuhs !"
  34. Sep 13 10:45:32 <Rosetta-Maradona> "... Oh wait!" She called out, holding her hand out towards the bus as she sprinted towards it. "I, like, gotta get on as well!" She dove for the bus, just barely managing to get onto it. "Bye! I'll probably see you guys later!"
  35. Sep 13 10:57:30 <Headfirst> "Seeyas!" Headfirst waved. He probably could've got on that bus, too. "Welp, looks like nothing showed up. Dang. Not much good'll do me here standing anyways, huh?" He said to Tinker, looking at the tower in the far distance. "I'll be heading off. Seeyas!" And with that, he walked off by his own into the city, only a little more clued in on how things work.
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