

Apr 19th, 2013
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  1. Caliborn is literally disgusting, there is no other way to describe him. A misogynistic, hateful, bile-spewing, absolutely putrid creature and many times you’ve caught yourself shuddering to think of what sort of being he will grow up to be. The cruel smile that adorns his childish features would almost look handsome if the circumstances were better; instead it is a reminder that this green alien has power over your very existence. It takes a few minutes but the door to your prison is opened, shining extremely bright light in your face and causing you to squint. He pulls you out of your cell with little warning, tugging you by the arm down the hallway and into a dimly lit chamber. Shoving you inside and towards the wall farthest from the entranceway, Caliborn slams the metal door shut with an echoing bang, audibly locking it as though to keep you from even considering trying to escape.
  3. “YOU WILL STRIP OUT OF YOUR PLAIN GARMENTS. AND THE COLORFUL UNDERCLOTHES. SO I MAY WATCH YOUR FRAME WOBBLE. NAUSEATINGLY.” Caliborn’s shrill voice carries in the empty room and you can easily make out his demands despite the fact that he’s still facing the door. Leaning against the wall, you cover your chest defiantly, refusing to undress for his amusement. There’s just enough lighting to see the way his eyes have narrowed as he looks you over. He crosses the room, silent except for the sound of his metal foot banging against the floor, and stops right before you.
  5. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? STRIP YOU FAT SOW.” He sneers, the sound of his nasally voice makes your teeth clench. While he’s shorter than the average man, he is taller than you and that gives him more than enough leeway to overpower you as he has done many times in the past. Looking up at him, you bite back to urge to spit in his face; the sting of last week’s punishment is fresh in your mind and you aren’t quite ready for another blow to the face. The fact that you’re visibly tensed makes him smirk, he crosses his arms and tilts his head, giving you just the right angle to hock a loogie right on the red circle painting his cheek.
  7. “WELL.” You hesitate for another moment, long enough to see the cocky grin on his face slip into a scowl. You still don’t bother moving until you see him uncross his arms and raise his right hand, you flinch and immediately start to unbutton your pants. There’s no sexiness or finesse to your movements, you drop your pants to the ground and quickly begin pulling your shirt over your head, tossing it aside. Down to your bra and panties, you shiver in the cool room, feeling your nipples harden and, to your embarrassment noticeably protrude from the thin fabric of your bra. He rudely shoves you by the shoulder, silently urging you to continue and you take a moment to steady your nerves before wiggling out of your panties and unhooking your bra. Both join the rest of your clothes on the floor, leaving you completely nude under the ogling gaze of the cherub.
  9. He leers over your body, informing you that you are, under no circumstance, to hide yourself from his view. With your hands staunchly at your sides and your body on display, he slowly begins to circle around you, stopping at one point to grab your sides and jiggling them cruelly, chortling as he does so. There’s an off-hand comment about how your hips are practically straining the fabric of spacetime itself but it’s drowned out by the sound of your heart pounding in your ears. You feel your cheeks flush, your heart thudding painfully in your chest, but grit your teeth and take the prodding in stride. He lets go shortly after and you hear the sound of his metal foot stomping as he disappears out of your peripheral vision. He makes a low grumbling noise from behind you and you abruptly feel a sharp pain from your ass; the sound of flesh hitting flesh pervades the air along with his chuckle.
  11. “YOU KNOW IT EXCITES ME. WHEN SUCH A MEATY BITCH’S PHYSICALITY PUSHES THE BOUNDARIES. OF HER HORIZONTAL ASPECT.” You grimace, tensing your body and feeling the heat of embarrassment creep along your skin. He seems to take particular delight in the reddening of your face as he finishes circling around you. Bending forward, he grabs the sides of your head, tilting you up and forcing you to look him in the face. He turns you over, this way and that, examining your features in depth; you shut your eyes in an attempt to ignore his scrutiny only to hastily reopen them upon feeling something warm and slimy sliding along your cheek. You almost wish you had kept them closed; like a petulant child Caliborn has taken to licking your face. His long, black tongue slithering across your cheeks makes your body squirm and your stomach churn. Caliborn’s almost up to your eye before you give a revolted gasp, jerking away from his mouth. He laughs, letting go of your face and straightening up.
  13. “GET DOWN. ON YOUR KNEES.” Although his tone is the same flighty, casual tone as when he insults you, the look on his face shows you that he’s not in the mood for insubordination. You drop to your knees, the tile of the floor making your joints ache, and look up to see Caliborn nodding appreciatively. He places his hand on your bare shoulder, the heat of his palm unusually soothing. Through your lashes you catch sight of the wide, shit-eating grin on his face and your lips press into a thin line. You tense, almost as though you’re preparing a daring attack, but before you can gather your nerve you can hear him laugh. It’s low and deep and makes a shiver run down your spine, “DON’T BE SO STUPID. I’D KILL YOU BEFORE YOU COULD LOOK UP.” Caliborn digs his clawed hand into your shoulder blade, drawing blood, and you can’t help but wince, however you refuse to cry out.
  15. “ALRIGHT. BITCH. IT’S TIME.” He moves his hand from your shoulder, sliding up your neck and burying his fingers into your hair. It’s an almost loving gesture before he tightens his grip and jerks you roughly in front of his crotch. “BEG ME. TO LET YOU SUCK MY DICK. LIKE THE DESPERATE SLUT YOU ARE.” You grit your teeth, straining your neck and fighting against his hand. You mumble a faint please, hardly in the mood to entertain his ego and just wishing to get this awful ordeal over with. Caliborn, predictably, isn’t too pleased and shakes your head roughly, giving you a headache and making your vision swim. You mutter out an angry fine and he stops, but instead of letting go of you he puts pressure on the back of your head, forcing you down until you willingly touch your forehead to the cold ground.
  17. “Please let me suck your dick, Caliborn. I just,” You swallow a painful lump in your throat, voice trembling as you try to be heard from your position, “love you so much. I want to hold hands while I pleasure you.” The last words are spat out but Caliborn either does not notice or does not care. He shudders, of course he does the creep, and from this angle you can see a distinctive lump in his pants. He slackens his grip and allows you to sit back up but not to move away completely. Running his tongue over his lips, he murmurs in a voice that’s a little too erotic for your comfort.
  19. “OHHHH YES. SUCH A *WRRRRETCHED* SHREW YOU ARE.” Releasing your hair, he slides his suspenders off his shoulders and unzips his gaudy olive pants. They sag, just below his ass, and with his shirt no longer tucked in the black material lifts up to reveal a pot belly. Smooth and bloated, a testament to his shitty diet, his stomach bulges under his raised shirt. Your attention is brought from his chubby stomach to his half-hard cock bobbing in front of your face. Grasping it in his clammy hands, he strokes it to full hardness, grunting under his breath. He only bothers for a few minutes before ‘ah-hah’ing triumphantly and removing his hand to expose himself fully to you. You grimace, ignoring the heat blooming in your stomach that once again threatens to turn your whole upper body red; it’s grotesque to say the least.
  21. The tip is alarmingly pointed with barbs lining the side and in addition to the odd appearance it’s thicker than anything you’ve ever seen; it appears to be designed for the most unpleasant sex two creatures can have. He smells sweaty and your face wrinkles in disgust at the green tinted cock before your face. As much as it repulses you, there’s no other choice but to submit; taking a deep breath you tentatively swipe your tongue against the bulbous head. It’s slightly tart and salty but not completely unpleasant and you nervously run your tongue along the entire underside of his dick in one go. He grunts impatiently so you quit beating around the bush and wrap your lips around the first few inches of his dick. The sheer girth forces your mouth to uncomfortably stretch around him and you struggle to swallow even half of Caliborn’s cock. Slowly you ease back up until only the head is in your mouth, and to your surprise the barbs are soft and aren’t as painful as you expected, almost tickling the insides of your cheek. Shakily, you raise one of your hands to grip the lower half, giving an experimental jerk. You start to suck and stroke at the same time, clumsily working up a rhythm.
  23. You sputter when he thrusts all of the sudden, the head of his cock brushing the back of your throat. With him so far in your mouth, your forehead rests against his warm belly, the scaly flesh shaking against your skin from his laughter. While you move back to catch your breath he laughs; it’s like nails on a chalkboard and you feel your stomach lurch in anger. Wiping drool from your lips with the back of your hand you unsteadily try to get to your feet. You have no idea how you’re going to get out of here but you’re tired of being made a fool of. His eyebrow quirks and the laughter stops immediately, replaced with an animalistic growl. Raising his foot, he shoves it into your chest, knocking you onto your back. Crying out in shock, you fight to sit back up only to feel a heavy weight on your stomach. Opening one eye you’re greeted with Caliborn sitting atop your abdomen, pinning you to the ground with his knees on both sides of you and his leaky cock above your face.
  25. “AND HERE I WAS. NICE ENOUGH TO LET YOU TOUCH ME. YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH. FINISH ME OFF.” He scoots forward slightly, putting himself just barely out of reach, which forces you to stretch your neck awkwardly just to get close enough to lick it. The way he’s resting on you keeps your arms trapped at your sides and after a few minutes of struggling you give up, lying flat against the ground and hoping he gets bored. Snorting above you, Caliborn slaps at your breasts, watching them sway from side to side. You cringe before you can stop yourself and his eyes light up; he slaps again, this time rough enough to leave your breast tinged red. You’re expecting another slap when you feel his claws pinching your nipples, tugging on them crudely and drawing a whine from your throat.
  27. “YOUR BULBOUS PHYSIQUE. PROBABLY GETS YOU A LOT OF ATTENTION.” He giggles. You groan. Your eyes squint shut in pain while he continues to abuse your breasts, grabbing both in his palms and digging his nails into the sensitive flesh until you’re certain he’s left deep, red imprints. He toys with your chest idly for a few more minutes, squeezing and slapping before apparently growing tired of them. Even from where you lay you can see him roll his eyes and, out of the goodness of his heart, he shifts himself so that his knees are on either side of your head and his butt is resting comfortably on your sore chest. This position allows him to press the pointed head of his cock against your lips. You weakly part them, just enough for him to buck his hips and push all the way inside. You groan around the mouthful of dick but manage to breathe through your nose while he humps your face. Keeping your jaw slack, he slides in and out with ease, more than once stuffing himself as far down your throat as he can before your eyes grow wide and panicked and you have trouble regulating your breathing. His pace gets sloppier and sloppier, his thrusts quickening before he suddenly stills, the entire length of his cock jammed into your mouth.
  29. Unprepared, your nostrils flare at the feeling of thick, salty cum filling your mouth and throat. You have no choice but to swallow the unpleasant liquid, straining to keep up with the load. He pulls out slowly but surely, the barbs brushing the insides of your cheeks. Even as the head of his cock exits your mouth he’s still spurting cherry red semen, allowing it fall against your lips and the chin in large dollops. Swallowing down the last bit in your mouth, you eventually manage to gasp for breath, panting and wheezing. Caliborn rises lazily off your stomach, pulling up his pants and readjusting himself to look presentable. He pulls you up by the arm, only giving you enough time to collect your clothing in your hands before ushering you out of the chamber and back down the hall to your cell. Before he locks you in, he gives you another smirk, speaking in that same obnoxiously smug tone.
  31. “PRETTY GOOD. MAYBE NEXT TIME. I’LL GIVE YOU MORE THAN A SNACK.” His words make you shudder, in loathing for both him and yourself for the dull throbbing between your legs. You groan as he shuts the door, burying your face in your hands; it’s going to be a long day.
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