
Faith (WIP)

Mar 5th, 2013
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  1. >The first thought to make it way to the fore of your addled mind is of the darkness.
  2. >It is to darkness that you awake, though why you were sleeping you cannot remember.
  3. >With a weary sigh you bring a hand to your forehead, surprised to feel the coolness of armor kiss your bare scalp and your hand comes to rest on it.
  4. >As you make to move your other hand you realize your fingers are already wrapped around the haft of something.
  5. >You sit up, the clattering of armor plates greeting your ears, and run your free hand along the item in your grasp trying to make some sense of it, it’s shape revealed to be that of a large hammer.
  6. >Novalith; the name comes to your thoughts unbidden, and you know without understanding how that this is the hammer’s name.
  7. >You search your mind for your own name but are unable to find it, your brief efforts rewarded with little more than frustration and confusion.
  8. >You rest your hand on the head of your giant hammer, now resting across your lap as you sit in the silent darkness, and ponder your situation.
  9. >Your other hand goes instinctively to your side for some reason, and you feel a jolt of surprise to find your hand now laying on a book.
  10. >As your hand comes into contact with the book’s cover you sharply suck a breath in through clenched teeth as a torrent of memory washes over you.
  11. >In a flash everything returns to you; your life, your calling, your purpose, your god, everything.
  12. >All but your name, infuriatingly enough.
  13. >You search your most recent memories, trying to discern some clue as to where you’ve ended up.
  14. >You most recent memories are of violence; a battle. You fought to keep the forces of destruction from washing over your home, to keep your empire safe.
  15. >The last thing you remember is a golden comet falling upon an iron star. There was a flash, a memory of pain, then darkness.
  16. >You are defeated then, you must have fallen in battle and been taken captive by the enemy.
  17. >But if that’s true then why have they left you with your weapon and armor?
  19. >You rap the haft of your hammer against the ground and heft yourself to your feet, armor clanking and robes swishing.
  20. >Deciding that your only course of action is to go forward, you stretch a hand out into the darkness and take a step forward.
  21. >Your hand immediately hits something; a wall it feels like.
  22. >Completely unable to see in the oppressive gloom, you run your hand along the wall and your hand runs over what feels to be a seam that runs its length.
  23. >A door then. You rest your hammer on the ground and plant both hands firmly on the stone door and push.
  24. >Nothing.
  25. >Retrieving your hammer from the ground, you make an experimental strike on the door.
  26. >Once again there are no results and you sigh at your predicament.
  27. >You about face and set off on the opposite direction, your hands out as you blindly feel your way along.
  28. >You reach a wall after barely a dozen paces, though this one hasn’t a seam like the last one.
  29. >You leave a hand resting on the wall as you follow it through the darkness to where it connects with another.
  30. >Reversing direction, you do the same thing and reach a fourth wall.
  31. >You grumble to yourself as you realise you’re trapped, the only way out you can discern is the door.
  32. >You follow the wall back to your starting location, pausing for a brief moment when you reach the door to weigh your options.
  33. >Patience with your situation quickly evaporating, you heft Novalith and prepare to strike. If you have truly been taken by the enemy they will soon learn the folly of not disarming you.
  35. (Pony POV)
  36. >A series of loud booms reverberated through the walls of the palace, shattering the calm complacency of the daily routine.
  37. >Guards froze as the first crash echoed through the palace, stunned to inaction at the unexpected sound.
  38. >Their stupor only lasted as long as the echoes of the sound took to fade, and as the second crash once more shattered the peace of the castle, so too did it shatter the daze that had fallen over them
  39. >The palace came alive with activity as teams of armored guards raced about the palace seeking the source of the noise.
  40. >Meanwhile the mistress of the palace, Princess Celestia, had dismissed her court for the day at the outset of the disturbance.
  41. >It didn’t take long for the source to be discovered, but when it was it only added to the confusion.
  42. >Celestia herself felt more than a little trepidation as the captain of the guard filled her in on the situation.
  43. “The Chamber of the Elements?” Celestia asked, bemused. “You’re sure?”
  44. >”As sure as can be, Your Majesty.” Shining Armor replied. “It appears as though something is trying to break out.”
  45. “Break out?” Celestia replied. “But what could have gotten in there in the first place?”
  46. >”Your guess is as good as mine, Highness. All patrols stationed near the Chamber report no intruders, and the team guarding the chamber itself reports no one having entered before this began. We’re at a loss as to how anyone could have broken in in the first place considering the enchantments that you yourself protected it with.”
  47. “There was one who managed to break in before.” Celestia said solemnly.
  48. >Shining, understanding who she was referring to, merely shook his head.
  49. >”Discord hasn’t escaped, Your Majesty, his statue still remains in the Sculpture Garden, I checked it myself.”
  50. “What of the others?”
  51. >”Intelligence tells me Queen Chrysalis is still regrouping the remnants of her hive in the Badlands and the demise of Sombra appears to be permanent. Whatever’s in there is a complete unknown.”
  53. (Anon POV)
  54. >Sorcery holds fast the doors, resisting the blows of your warhammer as it falls with the might of a striking comet.
  55. >With a mighty oath you raise the hammer once more and bring it crashing down upon the doors keeping you captive.
  56. >Again and again you strike, each blow carrying enough force to crack bones and sunder armor.
  57. >You invoke your god’s name as your ire grows, and as the golden head of your hammer collides with the wall it flashes bright with holy power, briefly illuminating your surroundings.
  58. >The small show of favor rekindles your faltering resolve.
  59. >Righteous fury fills your being and holy words pour from your lips.
  60. >The head of your weapon glows a dull red as though it had been left to sit in a smith’s forge.
  61. >You strike true, holy anger fueling your limbs, bellowing prayers of fortitude and catechisms of hate as you rain down a hail of blows upon the gates.
  62. >You can feel them falter just a little more with each successive strike, the magic shielding them no match for your boundless faith.
  63. >Your hammer glows a burning, furious orange by now and sparks erupt with each blow you deal to your prison.
  64. >Holy fire spills from your eyes as you roar your defiance, each holy word that passes your lips only increasing your fervor.
  65. >Glowing lines spiderweb from the impact point of your most recent strike, the spell protecting the gate pushed to its breaking point.
  66. >Strike after strike falls upon the failing spell and soon the doors are lit up with glowing faultlines.
  67. >Another blow sees it shattered, glowing cyan shards of magic exploding away from the door like shattered glass as the spell breaks beneath your fury.
  68. >You pull Novalith back for a final blow against the unshielded gates and swing, twin tails of fire trailing your hammer as it sails through air with the apocalyptic fury of a falling star.
  70. (Pony POV)
  71. >Celestia and Shining Armor stood now before the shuddering gates of the Chamber of the Elements.
  72. >They were not alone though, they were surrounded by a battle ready legion of the Royal Guard’s greatest praetorians, heavily armored in shining gold plate, gleaming halberds levelled at the shaking gates.
  73. >Their attention remained fixed firmly on the Chamber, each ready to face the awaiting threat with grim stoicism.
  74. >”My Princess, could I possibly convince you to leave this matter to us?” Shining Armor requested.
  75. “No, Captain.” Celestia replied. “If this threat is great enough to overcome even you, the best of the best, then I will be the only thing standing between it and the rest of the kingdom.”
  76. >Shining did not reply, he knew the truth of the Princess’s words. If they fell, which if he were honest with himself he imagined they would, then the princess was their last hope.
  77. >His surety of his own defeat lay not in lack of faith in himself or his guards though, but rather in the knowledge of the beings that usually chose to oppose Equestria.
  78. >Naught but the most powerful of villains like Discord, King Sombra, or Nightmare Moon ever rose against the kingdom, each like a god unto itself and he had no illusions of his or his soldiers’ chances against such beings.
  79. >Every guard knew that his position existed as a token gesture, for what protection could they offer a being of Celestia’s power that she could not provide for herself? Even the mightiest of their number couldn’t hold a candle to the blazing glory of the sun itself.
  80. >The recent Changeling invasion had rather bluntly reminded them of their actual effectiveness as well as having thoroughly bruised the pride of all involved.
  81. >Nevertheless each of them was ready to do their part, for Princess and country.
  83. >As the pounding continued Celestia chose to speak her thoughts.
  84. “My little ponies,” she began, “Whatever comes through that door will likely be greater than any of you. Know that I will think no less of any who wish to leave. Whatever is strong enough to break through the enchantments on the Chamber will likely find little trouble in the opposition you present.”
  85. >Not a one of them so much as budged.
  86. >”Princess, this is the duty we swore we’d do for you, none standing in this hall would be here if our devotion to the kingdom was anything less than absolute.” Shining Armor replied.
  87. “Your devotion is not in question, Captain. I’m only concerned for your safety.”
  88. >”Your concern is appreciated, Highness, but concern will not restore our honor.”
  89. >Shining Armor had been affected the most by the events surrounding his wedding and felt that the blame for the entire invasion rested solely on him. Though Celestia knew all of the guards had taken it personally, Shining Armor’s honor had suffered the worst blow and, though ultimately it was him that had saved the day, the victory had tasted of bitter ashes to him.
  90. >Ever since he had felt a constant need to prove himself to Celestia, as unnecessary as it was.
  91. >Celestia made no further move to counter him, she knew it would have no effect, and she knew that the same was true of the rest of the ponies surrounding her.
  92. >The guards tensed as the spell protecting the gates finally shattered, each gripping their weapon just a little more tightly.
  93. >After the shattering of the shield spell there was a long moment of tense quiet and each pony present held their breath in anticipation.
  94. >Finally the gate exploded outwards, shattered by the force of whatever had struck it, a storm of debris flying out into the hall and raining down upon the unflinching guards.
  96. >Two points of light became visible through the dust, looking eerily akin to eyes.
  97. >Heavy steps presaged the arrival of the invader and the sight that the guards found themselves faced with made their breath catch.
  98. >It was a large, unknown bipedal creature, thick armored plates covered its torso, a high gorget obscuring its face up to the nose, red robes swathing its lower body ending just above its armored feet.
  99. >The points of light they had seen were indeed its eyes, streams of orange flame billowed from them as it scowled down at the assembled ponies.
  100. >The item it carried in its hands was unmistakably a weapon, a great warhammer, the head of which blazed like the sun.
  101. >It stood at just over six feet tall, eclipsing even Celestia with its bulk.
  102. >It took a few heavy steps forward, but otherwise made no threatening moves. It looked about the room as if it couldn’t even see them, its head cocked to the side in curiosity.
  103. >”Steeds armored for war, but where are the riders?” Celestia heard the creature mutter, confusing her.
  104. >She trod to the fore of the assembly, the guards parting before her as she walked with slow, cautious steps, never taking her eyes off the creature.
  105. >It took two more idle steps and stood before Celestia, looking down at her curiously.
  106. >”Wings and a horn? What manner of beast are you?” the figure said, though Celestia noted that it spoke to itself rather than to her.
  107. >Celestia decided to flow with the strange encounter and answered the rhetorical question.
  108. “I am an alicorn and my name is Celestia, Princess of Equestria. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
  110. (Anon POV)
  111. >These certainly do not look like the worshippers of death and daemons you are familiar with.
  112. >And it talks.
  113. >Though you suppose that talking horses aren’t exactly the strangest thing you’ve ever encountered, especially considering the evil forces raised against your homeland.
  114. >You’ve even heard tales that the steeds of elves are just as intelligent as any man.
  115. >You glance around the room at the heavily armored horses and you realise that what you had taken for mounts are in fact soldiers.
  116. >And each of them has a weapon pointed at you.
  117. >But even in such alien creatures you get the sense of grim resignation rather than aggression, further adding to the oddity of the situation.
  118. >In the back of your mind you realise that, with your glowing eyes and burning hammer, you must present an intimidating figure, towering over the tallest of them, their princess, by over a foot.
  119. >It is through no small amount of willpower that you force down the holy anger filling you with power, extinguishing the fire in your eyes and your weapon.
  120. >Releasing a shuddering breath you hadn’t realised you were holding, you open your eyes and look once more upon the horse claiming to be royalty.
  121. “I bid you greetings, Celestia.” you say slowly, warily. “However I find it hard to take any pleasure in this meeting considering the alarming number of weapons levelled at me.”
  122. >She turns her head slightly, not taking her eyes off you, and addresses one of her fellows in purple armor.
  123. >”Captain?” she asks “If you and your guards would be so kind?”
  124. >”Princess, I do not think-”
  125. >”He has done the same for us, and disregarding his entrance he has made no openly hostile actions towards any of us. Until such a time as he is considered a threat I would ask that you treat him as you would any guest.”
  126. >You can’t help but agree with the guard she spoke to, it’s folly to be so trusting with such a heavily armed and armored stranger.
  127. >Clearly the guard shares your thoughts, but he does as the Princess requests and within moments his soldiers have, albeit unwillingly, returned their halberds to their sides, though their tension is still palpable.
  129. >”Now, since I have made this concession, perhaps you will make one to me?” she asks.
  130. “It would depend on the nature of this concession, Princess.” you reply.
  131. >”Would you perhaps tell me what you were doing in the Chamber of the Elements?” Celestia says.
  132. “Alas, I am afraid that is one thing I cannot give you.” you reply, noticing a frown forming on the Princess’s face. “I myself have no knowledge as to how I came to be trapped in there.”
  133. >”Assuming I believe that, humor me. What do you remember before you came to be here?”
  134. “A battle to defend my home, and then pain.” you reply honestly. “When I awoke I feared I had been taken captive.”
  135. >The frown remains in place. “That tells me very little about how you came to be here.”
  136. “As it does me. I know for a fact I fell in battle, yet here I am, whole and unwounded in a place that is not my home.”
  137. >”You’ll forgive me if I’m a little skeptical then. The last being besides myself to enter the chamber you just demolished was a villain bent on this kingdom’s destruction. It is also the resting place of the most powerful and cherished artifacts in the kingdom.”
  138. >You look over your shoulder back into the chamber you just escaped, noting a brilliantly crafted, jewel-encrusted box set atop a marble pedestal in the light now flooding the chamber.
  139. >You idly wonder how you didn’t trip over it in your blind fumblings.
  140. “Well as you can see, Princess, I do not have them in my possession, and I have no interest in taking them.”
  141. >”I sense no deceit in your words.” Celestia says as much to herself as to you. “If everything you have told me thus far is true then you would not mind if I asked you to stay within this palace until I am satisfied that you mean no to harm to my little ponies.”
  142. >The message in her words is clear and you understand that you have little to say in the matter.
  143. >You pass your gaze over the assembled warriors. They are small, and you have no doubts that should you choose to fight them you would be able to deal with a fair number of them, but they are incredibly numerous and you would not be able to hold out forever.
  144. >And you have to consider that you don’t know what abilities this Celestia is possessed of.
  145. >There is only one sensible option open to you.
  147. “Very well,” you say, tersely. “I find that to be agreeable. However I shall not be parted from any of my possessions.”
  148. >”You have been understanding and reasonable enough thus far.” Celestia replied with a nod. “I believe you have earned that much.”
  149. >”Princess, I must object.” the purple armored captain interjected. “Even looking past his arrival, we know nothing about him, least of all his motives. Permit me at least to confiscate his weapon.”
  150. >”While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Captain, I don’t think such measures will be necessary. I shall take him at his word.”
  151. “You would do well to listen to your captain’s advice.” you remark.
  152. >”Would you prefer I did as he requested then? I can arrange that.”
  153. Your eyes narrow. “No, I do not think you can. But that aside, you seem far too trusting for your own good.”
  154. >All pretense falls from the princess in that moment.
  155. >”Do not think for a moment that my trust is born of naivety, stranger. I understand the potential threat you pose to my subjects, but I am willing to give you a chance to prove yourself. I recognise your strength, you are powerful for a mortal, but you are still just a mortal. I am giving you this chance because I can afford to, because while you pose a threat to them, you are nothing to me, and if you so much as harm a single one of my beloved subjects no power in this world or the next will save you from me. I am the Undimmed Sun of Equestria, the very sun rises and sets because I demand it. Now you seem to be a reasonable enough fellow, I’m sure that armed with such knowledge you will conduct yourself as befitting a guest, yes?”
  156. >Taken slightly aback by the completely undisguised threat left hanging in the air, you do little more than nod.
  157. >If her words are true then she apparently has a very good reason for being as accommodating as she is.
  159. >The change in her demeanor is instant and more than a little unsettling.
  160. >”Excellent!” she chirps. “I’m confident that my trust in you will prove to be well placed... oh dear, I seem to have been terribly rude, I’ve not asked your name.”
  161. “I myself have no knowledge of it.” you reply. “It would seem the events that led to my arrival here have also left me bereft of any knowledge of it. I can remember all else, but for my name.”
  162. >”Well that won’t do.” Celestia says. “We must call you something, and I do not think Stranger is very becoming.”
  163. >Celestia hums to herself in thoughtfulness for a moment. “How about Anonymous? Do you find this agreeable?”
  164. >You can find no objection with her suggestion, they will certainly need some way of addressing you, after all.
  165. “I do.” you consent. “Until such a time as I can remember my name I shall answer to Anonymous.”
  166. >”Excellent! Though I fear now that the situation is stable I must return to my duties for the day, your arrival put a rather abrupt halt to things and there is much that will need addressing. We’ll have to continue this when my duties are concluded for the day, in the meantime I shall have my captain arrange for quarters to be set up for your stay.”
  167. “Of course, Princess.”
  168. >”I will see you tonight then and we can discuss the details of your stay. In the meantime my captain, Shining Armor, will tend to your stay as he sees fit. Until tonight.” she finishes, making for the exit.
  169. >”Captain, I leave him in your capable hooves.” she says as she passes the captain.
  170. >He salutes her smartly as she speaks. “I will not disappoint, Your Highness.”
  171. >And with that you’re left by yourself with naught for company but a hundred heavily armored ponies who, despite the golden helms obscuring their faces, you get the feeling do not like you very much.
  172. >Today was a weird day.
  174. >The quarters you’ve been led to by the guard captain are certainly more than you were expecting.
  175. >You’re currently under no illusions as to your status; you’re Celestia’s prisoner, that much is obvious.
  176. >As such you were half expecting to be led to the dungeons, but you were quite thoroughly surprised by the lavish suite you were given.
  177. >It appears as though Celestia was sincere when said you would be treated as a guest, and regardless of how much you feel like a prisoner there’s no denying the generosity of the offer.
  178. >You were practically raised in your chapter house, and there’s no denying that the life of a holy man is far from decadent.
  179. >Compared to the spartan quarters you occupied in your chapter house, consisting of merely a bed, a writing desk, and a half full bookshelf, the room you now find yourself in feels almost cluttered.
  180. >A plush four poster bed fit for a king and easily half a dozen times larger than necessary occupies the far right corner of the room.
  181. >A polished mahogany writing desk sits against the wall opposite the bed, stocked with paper, ink, and quills.
  182. >The wall to your immediate right is dedicated to a miniature library of books, its entire surface occupied by row upon row of books.
  183. >At the very least you won’t find any trouble in filling your time.
  184. >A polite cough draws your attention to your side where the pony called Shining Armor stands.
  185. >”These shall be your living quarters for the duration of your stay, I trust they’re acceptable?”
  186. >You’re sure the question is rhetorical, but you answer anyways.
  187. “Of course, your generosity does your princess great credit.”
  188. >”Your thanks should be with the Princess. Were it not for her benevolence my choice would have been far less welcoming.”
  190. “You do not agree with her choice?”
  191. >Shining Armor is silent for a short moment.
  192. >”She has her reasons, far be it for a mere soldier to question the will of an alicorn.” he says as he canters into the room with you following.
  193. “What is an alicorn exactly? She said the sun rose and set at her command.”
  194. >”It was no lie, she moves the sun itself.”
  195. “Captain, if I had a gold piece for every backwoods hedge wizard who made such fantastic claims I’d be a rich man.”
  196. >”You’re a newcomer to this land so I’ll be understanding of your ignorance. It is no idle claim, Celestia has ruled Equestria for thousands of years, we have watched her move the sun with our own eyes. I was there when her sister returned from her banishment and shrouded the world in night unending, and I was there when the sun came back. These are not fantastic claims, they are tangible facts. The Princess is one of three alicorns, each of them as a physical god.”
  197. “So you worship them?” you ask, pulling out the writing desk’s chair and dropping heavily onto it.
  198. >”What need have we to worship them?” Shining answers. “They are here, we can see them, we don’t need faith to know that they are here watching over us because we can see it for ourselves. That’s not to say it hasn’t happened in the past, but they’ve made it clear they don’t care for such attentions as they find it unseemly.”
  199. “Then truly you are blessed to have such rulers. To be able to withstand the ages without being corrupted by absolute power is no mean feat.”
  200. >”They are the heart of the kingdom, without them we would be lost.”
  202. “You mentioned there were three, but have only told me of two. Who is the third?”
  203. >”My wife.” Shining replies, and you swear you saw the barest hint of a smirk as he said it.
  204. “Truly?” you ask. “Then what position does that afford you?”
  205. >Shining sighs. “I have more titles that I care to count. Officially I am the Prince of the Crystal Empire.”
  206. “What would a prince be doing on guard duty then?” you ask incredulously.
  207. >”The story is more detailed than I care to go into at this point, though suffice it to say that the events surrounding my coronation were unexpected and very abrupt, barely two weeks past in truth. And until such a time as a new captain of the guard can be found I will remain at my post here. And if I were to be honest my presence is not particularly required in the Empire, my wife is the true ruler of that realm, I am only prince by virtue of having married her, where she is princess by blood and the machinations of fate.”
  208. “It seems a thrilling tale, perhaps once your dislike of me has lessened you might regale me with the details.”
  209. >”I never said I disliked you, Anonymous, only that I distrust you.”
  210. “Are they not one in the same?”
  211. >”I am merely being cautious is all. It’s been an... interesting few months, much has happened within our fair kingdom and your arrival, especially the particulars of it, is nothing if not highly suspect. I would be remiss in my duties if I did not maintain a healthy level of skepticism.”
  212. “You strike me as an honorable soldier, Shining Armor, I think that perhaps we might be friends in the future.”
  213. >”Assuming that time sees my suspicions unfounded, then I think I would be inclined to agree with you. Now I must take my leave, as the princess said your arrival left quite a bit that needs doing. The Princess will meet with you at her earliest convenience, until then it would be best for you to remain in here.”
  214. “Until our next meeting then. Light go with you, Shining Armor.”
  216. >To Shining Armor’s bemusement you rest a hand on his head and as you utter your parting words he is enveloped in a flash of radiance.
  217. >The light dissipates just as soon as it came and Shining backpedals in alarm.
  218. >”What did you just do to me?” he demands.
  219. “Call it my first step towards earning your trust.”
  220. >”I fail to see how casting some strange spell on me without proper warning is supposed to gain my trust.” he retorts sharply. “I say again, what did you just do to me?”
  221. A small frown forms on your face at his words. “I am no sorcerer and that was no spell.” you correct him.
  222. >”That still tells me very little about what it was,” he all but growls.
  223. “Calm yourself, friend, it was merely a blessing.”
  224. >The captain cocks an eyebrow. “A blessing?”
  225. “I am a priest, do you know what that is?”
  226. >”I understand this word, priests are uncommon but not unheard of, though I wonder what kind of priest dons such raiment and carries such a weapon.”
  227. “My god both demands and rewards courage. Only in war are we truly faithful.”
  228. >Shining eyes you curiously from the doorway. “Yours are a strange people, Anonymous. Farewell.”
  229. “Farewell, Crystal Prince, know that the light goes with you.”
  230. >And like that you are left alone to ponder the increasingly strange situation you’ve found yourself in.
  231. >Resting Novalith against a wall, you turn your chair to face the writing desk.
  232. >Opening various drawers you take stock of its contents and finally remove a quill, inkwell, and a ream of parchment.
  233. >Long ago you learned that the keeping of a journal does wonders for one’s state of mind and you get the feeling your sanity is going to need every bit of help it can get in the coming days.
  234. >Setting to work with the familiar and comforting sound of quill scraping against parchment, you begin.
  235. “Day 1 in Equestria...”
  237. (Pony POV)
  238. >The events following the creature known as Anonymous’s arrival passed in little more than a blur for Princess Celestia.
  239. >By the time court convened for the night she felt as though the day had passed with both terrifying speed yet agonising slowness.
  240. >But where normally she would be all but spent mentally and be preparing to sit down with a cup of tea and a good book for the night, the Day Princess was currently on her way to pay a long anticipated visit to her newest guest.
  241. >It had taken every ounce of her considerable willpower to keep her attention focused on her duties rather than wandering to thoughts about Anonymous.
  242. >But freed from her duties the Princess’s mind went a mile a minute sifting through possible questions and conversation topics.
  243. >Celestia could scarcely remember the last time she’d been filled with such energy, she was sure that this unexpected arrival was exactly the diversion she’d been hoping so long for.
  244. >Finally she had something other than mundane matters of state or catastrophic threats to the kingdom on which to focus her attentions.
  245. >She understood the possibility that Anonymous was a threat, he certainly looked the part when he utterly demolished a shield spell designed to hold back even Discord, but she was confident in her assessment of him.
  246. >Celestia liked to think she was a good judge of character, the fact she had spent millennia dealing with myriad different races adding in no small way to her certainty in her abilities.
  247. >And Shining Armor had reported that he claimed to be a cleric of some kind, and had even given him a kind of blessing as a show of good faith.
  248. >All in all things appeared to be looking up.
  249. >So it was with a wonderfully out of place skip in her step that Celestia made her way to what she was sure would lead to a sleepless night and a miserable following Day Court.
  250. >How delightfully out of the ordinary.
  252. (Anon POV)
  253. “... today was a weird day.” you mutter to yourself, penning those same words in the final line of your journal entry.
  254. >All told you have perhaps half a dozen pages filled with your tight, neat handwriting, describing the details of your day. And to think the day isn’t even over yet.
  255. “I’m going to need more parchment.” you mumble to yourself.
  256. >”That can be arranged.” replies a voice from immediately behind you.
  257. >You stiffen in surprise, resisting the instinct prompting your hand to fly to your hammer as you note that the voice belongs to none other than Celestia. You didn’t even hear her enter.
  258. >You turn casually in your seat, draping an arm over the back of your chair as you maneuver to face your host.
  259. “Celestia, I must say you seem to have missed your calling as an assassin with subtlety such as that. It is a rare individual that is able to catch me so unaware.”
  260. >”Well as I’m sure Shining Armor no doubt told you, I am far from an average individual.”
  261. “Yes, he did make mention of your unique heritage.” you confirm, making to stand from your chair.
  262. >”Oh please, don’t get up for me.” Celestia says as her horn lights up. Before you leave your seat there is a flash and a plush pillow is summoned to the center of the floor.
  263. >Celestia sets herself down on the pillow, making herself comfortable. “I thought we might talk a while.” she says.
  264. >You raise from your seat and move to join Celestia on the floor, dropping to sit cross-legged a few feet from her position.
  265. “It would do me well to get out of that chair,” you say. “I’ve been at that desk all day.”
  266. >”I can tell.” Celestia says, her gaze flitting towards the stack of papers comprising your new journal. “You’ve certainly been busy, I think you might get along well with my student.”
  267. “A priest of my order must be well-read, one of our many duties when not on the battlefield is the copying of books. I myself have hand-copied three hundred and sixty-seven different text, of which this-” here you lay a hand on the iron-bound holy tome at your side, “was the first.”
  269. >”Oh yes, in that case I will certainly have to introduce you to dear Twilight at some point.” Celestia remarks.
  270. >”Also, I couldn’t help but notice you’re still wearing your armor. I do hope you’re not still feeling threatened by what I said earlier, I can get a bit protective when it comes to my little ponies, you see.”
  271. “Well I haven’t exactly brought a change of clothes with me, you see.” you tell her. “Though you needn’t apologise, tensions were running rather high this morning, all is forgiven.”
  272. >Celestia simply blinks.
  273. >After a moment a look of understanding crosses her face and she laughs. “Oh! Of course, how foolish of me, I failed to consider that your people might be the type to wear clothes.”
  274. >Now it’s your turn to blink.
  275. >Noticing your expression, Celestia elaborates. “Well as I’m sure you can tell, my kind aren’t exactly ones for the wearing of clothes.” she says, gesturing to herself for emphasis. “Clothing is seen as more of a symbol of status; only the nobles and upper class wear clothing with any regularity. For the common pony clothing is generally reserved for formal occasions.”
  276. “Ah.” you say, understanding. “So I would take it then that you would not happen to have any spare human clothes laying around then?”
  277. >”Oh don’t worry, I have a friend who would consider it a privilege to remedy the situation for you. I’ll send for her as soon as I can.”
  278. You incline your head in thanks. “You have my gratitude, Princess.”
  279. >”Now, as for the conversation, I’m sure that we both have a fair number of questions for each other, so I think it would be best to do one at a time.”
  280. “That sounds agreeable to me.”
  281. >”Wonderful. Now, perhaps you might do me the honor of letting me have the first question?”
  282. “Of course, Princess.”
  283. >”Excellent!” she trills, delighted. “Now, for my first question...”
  284. >Her horn begins to glow again and another flash precedes the appearance of a tray laden with cups.
  285. >”Tea?”
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