
[FR] Request: Zombie Flutterguy

Feb 23rd, 2014
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  1. >You wander in a vacant house, your weapon in hand nothing more than a hammer with a crack on the handle.
  2. >At the most you probably have one swing left before it gives out.
  3. >Great, you are probably going to die today, hopefully there is something else you can use in this house.
  4. >Who lives here anyway?
  5. >Since the invasion most ponies either left or got caught and were turned themselves.
  6. >You saw Twilight turned before your eyes, and you hated how weak and helpless you were as she cried out to you.
  7. >Than the next to fall was Rainbow Dash, that hurt more than anything as she told you to save yourself.
  8. >Seriously, where the fuck did zombie ponies come from?!
  9. >For awhile everyone thought it was Discord, but than you saw him zombie'd and, well.. there went that idea.
  10. >No one has seen Celestia and Luna has been trying to keep Canterlot under control.
  11. >That was the latest news anyway, it's been four weeks since you heard.
  12. >Now your alone, as most ponies started to fend for themselves or look for family.
  13. >You swear, this house looks eerily familiar but with recent events you're too on edge to care.
  14. >You begin searching through the house, a kind of heavy musk fills the air and you take careful steps.
  15. >Never know if the undead are already here.
  16. >You hear a scraping noise from the kitchen and start to believe you may have found a undead herd.
  17. >Your about to start backing away until the door seems to slam shut.
  18. >SHIT!
  19. >Think Anon, Think!!
  20. >The only place near you to hide is the stairs, and you debate how fast and silent you can reach up there.
  21. >The hoof-steps start coming from the kitchen getting closer and you 'fuck it' up each step as quickly as you can.
  22. >Gotta think, where to go from here!
  23. >You spot a room that door is open and quietly as possible start tip-toeing near it and twist the knob so you can quickly and quietly shut the damned door.
  24. >Faster Anon, Faster!
  25. >Where to hide now!
  26. >Bathroom door open, safe escape get!!
  27. >Just hope it has windows.
  28. >Again with ninja stealth, or as much as you can with your pathetic stats in sneak skill, you hurry it over and just as quietly as possible again close the door, this time locking it.
  29. >Window, find a window!
  32. >The gods have not abandoned you Anon, there is a window of sweet salvation.
  33. >You open it getting ready to jump until you see what is below you, and your heart drops.
  34. >A small herd of undead are wandering toward the home you are in, they haven't spotted you thankfully but you know they'd see you once you fell to the ground below.
  35. >No way out, this is just not looking good for you at all.
  36. >Than a knock on the door is heard, you grab your hammer tighter and wait, maybe if you're quiet enough they will go away.
  37. >"W-Who's in there?"
  38. >The fuck?
  39. >Dude has got some bass in that voice, like deep soul.
  40. >You wipe your brow as you thank whoever is watching your back that its not the undead.
  41. >Unlocking the door you put the hammer slowly to your side and open it to peek outside.
  42. "Hey, don't shoot.. uh, or kill me. I'm coming out."
  43. >Opening the door a little more you poke your head out, to see Fluttershy.
  44. >Wait, no.. that can't be right, no colts out here.
  45. "Fluttershy? Who was that just now?"
  46. >"What are you talking about Anon?"
  47. >...your brain just went boom.
  48. >That deep voice came from.. her?
  49. >Wait, that can't be right, can it?
  50. "Fluttershy? When did your balls drop?"
  51. >You snicker at her comment, and she looks hurt, but than turns on her hindquarters and shows you something you cringe in pure shock.
  52. >"I didn't know they did Anon, oh darn it. I'm just not used to this thing yet."
  53. >This THING, she refers to is a fucking stallion sized cock.
  54. >Full at attention and seemingly pumping for some reason.
  55. >Holy fuck, there is not enough bleach.
  58. "Where the fuck?! How did you get that?!"
  59. >Wrong question Anon, wrong question.
  60. >"I-I ran into some poison joke when trying to get back to my home. I swear, I didn't plan on keeping myself like this, but I couldn't find Zecora for the cure. I-I think they got her Anon."
  61. >You for a fact know they did, you actually had to put her down yourself.
  62. >You keep it to yourself though, as you have a bit more concern on what to do now.
  63. "I see.. well, how long have you been like this?"
  64. >"I..I think a week? I don't know anymore Anon, with things like this, my animal friends are all too scared to come. And.. And I have kept myself locked up until today. I was going to go out but I forgot something in the kitchen, did you come in alone?"
  65. "Yea, it's just me.."
  66. >Anon!! Don't.. dammit, your fucked.
  67. >"Really? All you, by yourself?"
  68. >Great, end of the world shit happening outside, and she has her [spoiler]rape[/spoiler] face on.
  69. "What are you thinking, you better not be thinking what I think your thinking!"
  70. >"B-But Anon, it's just us now, you, me, end of the world. Let's do it, why not?"
  71. >Because you plan on suriving?
  72. >Because you want to see if you can find other survivors?
  73. >Because you said no more than [spoiler]over 9000[/spoiler] times?!
  74. "Because I like my ass not being fucked."
  75. >"Y-You can just suck me off?"
  76. "No."
  77. >"J-Jerk me off?"
  78. "Hell no."
  79. >"W-Watch me jerk it off?"
  80. "N-O."
  81. >"You could hear me get off in another room?"
  82. >You are about to say no, when an idea comes to mind, yes, yes this could work.
  83. "Sure, I think we can do that."
  84. >"Really?!"
  85. "Yea, I'm going to close the door, why don't you start?"
  87. >"O-Okay, Can I describe what'd I'd like to do to you with it?"
  88. "Whatever you want Fluttershy, it's your fantasy."
  89. >You will yourself to give her wink, which sends her into a frenzy.
  90. >She starts to place her hooves on it as you slowly close the door.
  91. >You hear her start by saying stuff like having you give her a [spoiler]deep throat blowjob[/spoiler].
  92. >Quietly you make yourself over to the window, and contemplate if this is the correct choice.
  93. >You could still try to knock her out and get out yourself.
  94. >No, you promised you wouldn't attack any survivors.
  95. >Dammit, not a lot of options here Anon.
  96. >"Oh, and than I'll have you gag on my..."
  97. >That's it!
  98. >You are out of here!
  99. >Making your way for the window you break it open with your hammer and jump out, not even worried about your landing.
  100. >Anymore of that and you may as well be..
  101. [spoiler]Gagging on Flutterguy[/spoiler]
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