

Aug 24th, 2011
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  1. [18:55] <ReubenMcHawk> Hai
  2. [18:55] <DeathEnhanced> o hai
  3. [18:55] <DeathEnhanced> do continue where you left off
  4. [18:56] <ReubenMcHawk> So yeah, how am I "trolling" you by just disagreeing with you publicly? And spamming? I think you're misusing those words. If I posted 50 topics saying "DE IS A NIGGURFAGGET" then I could see that, but I'm not.
  5. [18:56] <DeathEnhanced> hold on a sec ill try find an example
  6. [18:57] <ReubenMcHawk> Your topic or not, it's not your forums. If I were on the HK forums, and I posted that stuff, I could see myself worthy of a ban, but not on the AoS forums.
  7. [18:57] <DeathEnhanced> hold on a sec ill try find an example
  8. [18:57] <DeathEnhanced> my internet isa to shit to find the orginal HK thread, so i cant link you to any specific posts right now
  9. [18:57] <DeathEnhanced> im lucky jus to have the IRC up
  10. [18:58] <ReubenMcHawk> If you're referring to any post from before August, then disregard it. I was a much bigger dick before then.
  11. [18:58] <DeathEnhanced> so why did you have to ocme onto the HK thread and start arguing with ppl unprovoked?
  12. [18:58] <DeathEnhanced> ash
  13. [18:58] <DeathEnhanced> you were? i dont give a shit as far as im concered your still a dick
  14. [18:59] <ReubenMcHawk> Well, for one, you and other clan members have mentioned RoT in a negative light on more than one occasion.
  15. [18:59] <DeathEnhanced> im still going to ignore your posts, it was due to that you didnt get added until i was told toherwise by another players, and is theree anytihng else you wanted?
  16. [19:00] <DeathEnhanced> Youl find a LOT of ppl do tlak about RoT negitivly i dont control HK members thoughtrs and opinoions, if they say it, its thier personnel view not "K's voew"
  17. [19:00] <DeathEnhanced> "HK' view"
  18. [19:00] <ReubenMcHawk> Yes, but I still find it necessary to discuss it with them and try to clear out any misconceptions. Sadly the forum does not have PMing, or I would take it there.
  19. [19:01] <ReubenMcHawk> And I just wanted to inform you on that little flaw in your "filter".
  20. [19:01] <DeathEnhanced> ^ sumhow i get the feeling you would jus be individualy PM'ing hk members and persuading them to dislike me and quit
  21. [19:01] <DeathEnhanced> filter? hardly, i just ignore your posts, simple
  22. [19:02] <ReubenMcHawk> That's what I mean by "filter". Not as in a literal one where my posts don't appear. And I couldn't give 2 dicks over your clan and their member count, if I did somehow get them to leave, I would gain nothing.
  23. [19:03] <DeathEnhanced> yup
  24. [19:03] <DeathEnhanced> anything else?
  25. [19:04] <ReubenMcHawk> Nope, just felt like asking. Also, does HK plan on recruiting soon? My friend Inferno has showed great interest in joining.
  26. [19:05] <DeathEnhanced> not my decision anymor
  27. [19:05] <ReubenMcHawk> Kay. Nice talking to you.
  28. [19:05] <DeathEnhanced> you to
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