
[AiE] Anon loves Celestia

Jul 4th, 2013
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >And you are in love.
  3. >Not just in love but in Love.
  4. >She doesn't yet know but you will propose to your beloved today.
  5. >It only took you three months of preparation to set everything up the way you want it, there is no room for mistakes, everything has to be perfect, she is a princess after all.
  6. >Today is Hearts and Hooves day, from what you've heard she hasn't had a lover for 200 years.
  7. >On recommendation of your informant you wear tights, a shirt with frills and a hat with a pointed tip and a single large feather. With your lute you make your way to the plaza where Princess Celestia is holding her speech.
  8. >You draw the attention of many and many a p0ny giggles at your sight but your love is stronger than that.
  9. >She comes into sight, standing on the stage in all her beauty, oh how badly you want to hold her in your arms and...
  10. >Quickly you head backstage, no time for daydreams, you bribed the guards last week so they let you through.
  11. >There is a big crowd gathered as Celestia finishes her speech to those who are still single “...and so I wish for every p0ny to find its counterpart, you can find love in places you would never suspect so don't be shy my little subjects, and good luck with your love interests.”
  12. >Funny.
  13. >What little doubt and big nervousness you had was blown away after hearing her words. You can do this, it's not embarrassing if it's for love!
  14. >Before she has a chance to get off the stage your other investment pays off, two unicorns that stand on a walkway out of sight of the crowd magically generate a thick pink fog with occasional hearts in it that washes over the stage like a big wave.
  15. >You time your entrance right so it looks like you just appeared out of thin air.
  16. >The audience likes the cheesy performance a lot. When the pink mist fades away it reveals you kneeling on one knee position opposite to Celestia, who is surprised and confused in equal amounts, but its a pleasant hope.
  17. >Oh heavens, what if she doesn't like it?!
  18. >For your cheesy entrance you earn applause in form of hoof clopping.
  19. >When the applause dies down Princess Celestia looks at you, expecting something to happen, and it does.
  20. >You whip out your lute and start your courtly lovesong.
  21. “This is for you, princess of my heart:”
  22. >And then your fingers pluck away at your instrument.
  23. “When I stranded in this world I was so lost”
  24. “Until our paths crossed”
  25. “It was love at first sight”
  26. “Your beautiful white”
  27. “Robbed me of my heart and my mind”
  28. “The stars have aligned”
  29. “For everyone else I am bliiind!”
  30. “Celestia for you I would conquer the world”
  31. “Because even furled”
  32. “Your beautiful wings”
  33. “There are no things”
  34. “And beings”
  35. “That match them in briliance”
  36. “And even in silence”
  37. “Your voice-”
  38. >FWOSH!
  39. >You stop your minnesong and open your eyes but all you can see is the residue flash of Celestia's teleportation spell.
  40. “No!!! Celestia, wait!”
  41. >Anger wells up inside of you, your informant was wrong, she promised that Princess Celestia would fall for you if you would put enough effort in your approach and made it as romantic as possible!
  42. >You throw your hat into the crowd in anger and a few mares fight for it like wild cats, screeching phrases like 'IT'S MINE!' or 'I touched it, I will never wash this hoof again!'
  43. >Only now you notice how well the audience perceived your short performance, they are cheering, applauding, whistling, encouraging you to go on, you feel like a rockstar for a moment, only that you are not happy. Is this how Curt Cobain felt?
  44. >Maybe, maybe not. It doesn't matter.
  45. >You jump off the stage and-
  46. >That was a mistake, you get swarmed by mares instantly.
  47. >”Please give me an autograph!”
  48. >”Touch me, please! Anywhere!”
  49. >”Please be my special somep0ny!”
  50. >”No! Please be mine!”
  51. >”I want to have your foals!”
  52. >Oh god, this isn't what you had in mind, what is happening?!
  53. >They grab you, grope you, try to kiss you.
  54. >Only with great effort can you get back on the stage, quickly you leave through the backstage and get on your way home before they follow you. Tonight you are going to confront your informant, there's a lot she has to answer you.
  55. >That didn't go according to plan
  57. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  59. >Later that evening.
  60. >A small crowd of approximately 30 mares has accumulated in the corridor outside your shabby apartment in Canterlot Downtown, you can't even open your door without them swarming your place.
  61. >You called the guards but they still haven't shown up.
  62. >You rack your brain about how much you fucked up, eventually the sun vanishes behind the horizon and night falls.
  63. >After some time you hear those fan-mares screeching up again, a glance through your spyhole earlier revealed that they have camping equipment with them. You called your landlord but he's been busy apparently.
  64. >Then there's a knocking at your door again.
  65. “Go away! I don't give any autographs! Or anything else!”
  66. >The knocking persists along with the screeching of the mares.
  67. >Oh for fucks sake...
  68. >You get up and look through the peephole, your informant stands there with an annoyed look on her face.
  69. >Reluctantly you open the door to let her in, she squeezes in and two night guards stay outside to keep those mares at bay.
  70. >When she is inside you quickly close the door again.
  71. >The Princess of the Night glares at you angrily “What have thou done? Where do these mares come from? I agreed to help you with my sister but if you intend to make her nothing more than just another addition to your harem I cannot-”
  72. “I have no idea what you're talking about Luna, those mares outside are not my harem, they just followed me! I've done everything you said, I made it as romantic as I possibly could but she just ran away!”
  73. >Luna takes a deep breath “So there are no other mares?”
  74. “There is only Celestia.”
  75. >She takes on a questioning look “But what was it that you did? My sister hasn't left her room since her speech. She wouldn't even see me.”
  76. “I-I proposed to her like planned.”
  77. >”Hm hm.” she nods, encouraging you to give her more details.
  78. “During her speech on stage.”
  79. >Her eyes go wide in shock.
  80. “With a song I've written only for her, I even learned to play lute for it.”
  81. >By now Luna's mouth is gaping and her eyes stare at something in the distance that isn't there.
  82. “It...was romantic.” you say, justifying your actions.
  83. >Luna shakes her head rapidly “Nonononono, you have no idea what you've done! My sister hasn't had a lover in over two millenia!”
  84. “A millenium is a hundred years, right?”
  85. >”No, it is a thousand years.”
  86. “But you said two hundred years ago-”
  87. >”No!” she pushes you onto your couch, then paces around your flat nervously “It was only platonic, Tia lies about it because she is so ashamed of not having a special somep0ny for so long.”
  88. “Well, I want to change that, I don't see the problem.”
  89. >Luna stops running circles “The PROBLEM is...urgh...what do you think happens to a mare when she hasn't had a coltfriend for over two thousand years, while being perceived as the most beautiful mare that there is?!”
  90. “Uh, not exactly.”
  91. >”Urgh, I need to talk to her right away. Don't do anything until we meet once more! I leave the two guards to help you with those stalkers.” that said she hastily leaves.
  92. >It takes only ten minutes until you lose your patience, Celestia is waiting for you, it is still Hearts and Hooves day.
  93. >You will find her once more and this time she won't run!
  95. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  97. >30 minutes later.
  98. >You managed to outrun the mob of crazy mares after they swallowed up your guards.
  99. >In the darkness of the night you easily snuck into the royal gardens behind the palace, there it is, Celestia's window. Great, now you feel like a stalker yourself.
  100. >You pick up some stones and throw them against the glass, careful not to shatter it.
  101. >Eventually the princess opens her window and searches for the culprit with dreamy eyes and a messed up mane, at first she doesn't spot you.
  102. “Celestia, Celestia, let down your hair!”
  103. >Her eyes go wide when her gaze falls upon you, she dives down and watches you like a hiding cat from her window. Even while mostly hidden you can see her blush, her white coat only accentuates it even more.
  104. “Please, I only want to talk, if I embarrassed you I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention!”
  105. >She emerges a little from her cover.
  106. “Maybe I can make it up to you?”
  107. >Her light magenta eyes look left and right.
  108. >Then another window opens, Luna sticks her head out “Anonymous! I told you to stay away from my sister!”
  109. “But I-”
  110. >The Princess of the Night leans out of her window so far that you expect her to fall out any second “No! Leave or I will call the guar- Nevermind.” she looks back inside and shouts “GUARDS! THERE'S A THIEF IN THE ROYAL GARDENS!”
  111. >Oh fuck, she's really mad now. Maybe you should've listened.
  112. >Nervously you look around, night-guards could pop up everywhere at any second.
  113. >Luna closes her window and vanishes back inside again, a sudden loss of orientation takes hold of you, like someone flipped a switch and shut off gravity.
  114. >Wait, you're floating, no, levitating! Towards Celestia's room?
  115. >No, you're not moving...and the magic aura that has a grip on you is not Celestia's.
  116. >Fuck.
  117. >Three batp0ny guards cut through some bushes, behind them is a fourth unicorn night-guard that is holding you with his magic.
  118. >A desperate glance toward Celestia's room shows her gone.
  119. >”Stop right there criminal scum!” a male batp0ny stops in front of you “You've violated the law, pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.”
  120. “Eh, a fine? How much?”
  121. >”For trespassing on royal property, 40 bits. If you've stolen or vandalized anything it's more.”
  122. “B-But I spent all my money on lute lessons.”
  123. >”That's alright.”
  124. “Really?”
  125. >”Yes. Ten days dungeon.”
  126. >Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
  127. >They drag you off and throw you in jail.
  128. >You've barely spent an hour in there, trying to find excuses to tell your boss at Hay Taco Belle when two white stallions clad in golden armor get you out and grumpily escort you to the exit, telling the night guards “It's okay, princess' orders.”
  129. >They leave you without saying another word, visibly tired and pissed off.
  130. >You go home, knowing that Celestia doesn't hate you.
  131. >Today was a good day.
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