
Metaphysical Arcana and the Divine: A Debate

Mar 9th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Metaphysical Arcana and the Divine: A Debate
  3. By Linus the Scholar c 770s AR
  5. Chapter 1: Upon a Busy Afternoon
  7. “In these halls of the magi and seeker keen
  8. For the good of Ambrosia fair and green
  9. Tis seemly to explore the mystery of the All-is-one
  10. For we fight to keep knowledge mankind has won.”
  11. -Motto of the Royal University, quoted from Saint Ambrosius 660 AR
  13. As the reveries of tales from unread books dissipated, Lysanda sprang out of bed, brushing aside the book that had been left resting on her face. She had devoted the night to poring over her studies, preparing for the upcoming exams that weighed heavily on the student body. Hailing from the humble origins of Lakeside's slums, her abilities had been acknowledged by the Ordo Magos, granting her the coveted sponsorship for an education that most could only dream of. However, now Lysanda set aside her reveries, packed her things, and skipped breakfast to prepare for a day of lectures and studies. Before she left, she ensured that she had her grandfather's scroll case, which she had nearly forgotten in her haste.
  15. Eran, on the other hand, arose much earlier, preparing himself a hearty breakfast of eggs and sausage. After eating and performing calisthenics, he embarked on his early morning run, all the while practicing his spells. Eran's approach to learning was more practical, training for magical combat and spell duels, much like an athlete preparing for competition. Indeed, he trained both his mind and body to be strong, enabling him to tap into his full power. Born of the Golden Heights, his family was a union of eastern magi to city aristocracy, and he was determined to explore the farthest reaches of the magical world, if only to prove to himself that he was worthy.
  17. It was the afternoon, just after lunch, when Lysanda and Eran crossed paths. Lysanda was on her way to the library to continue her studies when something caught her eye, causing her to stop in her tracks. There was Eran, surrounded by some of his friends, putting on a display of sparks and lights for the younger female students. He was there to unwind after a difficult morning of practice and make the girls laugh. But Lysanda snapped him back to reality when she approached him and exclaimed, "Eran! You profane the ancient Power Arcane with your frivolous and petty pursuits!"
  19. Eran looked at her and retorted, "Lysanda, dear Lysanda, don't you think it's a bit uncouth to berate someone over morning practice?"
  21. The young girls giggled, but Lysanda quickly silenced them with her response. "That is precisely the point! If you call this morning practice, then how will you ever pass your theory exams when you are out here wasting the arcane power they were built on?"
  23. Eran scoffed, "Ah, did you hear that? I believe dear Lysanda called me a neophyte!" His friend Edgar chimed in, "I believe she did, Eran, and she is the know-it-all. Maybe she's onto something?" Eran elbowed Edgar, causing him to grunt in pain and then laugh. "Shut it!" Eran said, turning to Lysanda and raising his wand, causing arcane power to build around him. "Will your assertion hold up with force?"
  25. Lysanda took a step back, raising her bookbag and grandfather's scroll case in front of her. "No, I decline your challenge!" she said, shaking her head and stammering, "If you cannot defeat me with words, your victory is meaningless."
  27. Eran relaxed a bit and laughed, "A debate then? Ha! Of course. That would be even sweeter to see. Right, Ed?" Edgar shrugged, "I wanted to see you blast her, but that's fine, I guess." Eran laughed, "No, this will be a far better sport," he said, his eyes gleaming. "Doesn’t that sound good to you?"
  29. Lysanda stood there, a bit shocked, having anticipated a painful arcane thrashing, but now this? She lowered her books and case and looked at Eran, saying quietly, "Ok, that is only fair I suppose."
  31. Eran clapped and said, "Splendid, we shall be seeing each other again soon I hope, Lysanda. Come on, Ed, we're leaving." The whole group departed, leaving Lysanda standing there in a daze at what had just transpired. After they had disappeared down the corridor, she suddenly remembered and called out, "But you forgot to tell me where we hold this debate!" and she received no answer.
  33. Chapter 2: The Classroom Debate
  35. It was the next afternoon lecture that they crossed paths again. Professor Arcus was there at the lectern going over the many details of enchantment magic his students would need to memorize for their exams. “And here we have crystalline enchantments. Now who can tell me their most common uses? Yes Miss Arnas?”
  37. Lysanda had her hand raised and she stood up carefully not to knock down her things. She answered timidly, “To store arcane power, Sir. Crystals are good conduits of arcane power and can be enchanted any number of ways. Like scrolls the ancient elves used-”
  39. “Yes, fine answer!” Said Professor Arcus cutting her off and motioning for her to sit down which she did. “Now beyond storing arcane power what else can crystalline enchantments, ah…yes Mister Saffaran?'' the professor gestured to Eran who had his hand up.
  41. The young mage stood and began to speak, “Not just to store arcane power..but many other things as a key to infinite power. Spirits, fairies, sparks of the divine. The wicked Plutarchos used them to store the souls of his defeated foes. The Magi of Bishapor, Tarnas, and Lemnos have all learned a different way with th-” Eran’s speech was cut off by a tap from the Professor’s lectern.
  43. “That’s quite good Mister Saffaran and so-” The clink of an inkpot and sound of a book hitting the ground alerted him. Lysanda had thrust her hand into the air. “Yes?” The professor inquired, “What is it Miss Arnas?”
  45. Lysanda exclaimed, "Professor, I beg your pardon, but I must disagree with Eran's assertion about the infinite sources of magical power!" Their eyes met, and Lysanda could see the smirk on Eran's face just as he saw the determination in her own eyes. They both knew what this meant.
  47. Professor Arcus cleared his throat, "Well, in matters of metaphysics, I don't think it pertains to crystalline enchantments, so-"
  49. "Professor, I must respectfully disagree!" interrupted Eran. "This is highly relevant to our discussion today! The nature of the arcane power source is crucial when it comes to enchantments, is it not?" The class was awash with murmurs and whispers.
  51. Arcus sighed, "Very well, but let's keep this brief. Miss Arnas, please make your presentation."
  52. Lysanda picked up her books and dusted herself off. She opened one and turned to a page with an old illustration. "The First World, also known as the Otherworld, is the ultimate source of Arcane Power. When the All-is-One's creations rebelled against him and were forced to build our world out of their blood and sinew, the creator preserved what remained for reasons unknown. What many call the Otherworld is at the metaphysical heart of the astral sea. Those remains are finite. It is the source of Magical Quintessence and is decaying from our presence. Which means the Power Arcane is limited, and thus, so intrinsically different from the Power Divine, which is the All-is-One infinite and everlasting! The Great Ambrosius knew that magic would decline and thus left this university to chart a different path. He knew what was at stake if magic is not properly conserved." Some murmurs and a few jeers were heard, but the professor tapped his lectern.
  54. "Indeed, Mister Saffaran, you have less than a minute," said the professor, taking a momentary break to sip from his cup of tea.
  56. “Yes Sir, and thank you Professor. Dear Lysanda, pious and clever. I respect your devotion to the tomes of old and our illustrious founder! But why should religious dogma get in the way of metaphysical truth? We good mages here know full well the power of dreams in the Astral Sea do we not? The mage commonly draws his spell power from the Astral Sea does he not? This is novitiate learning, well beneath our current station. Now tell me fellow magi when you hear dear Lysanda say we draw our power from a forgotten otherworld that only exists in the memories of gnomes and the faeries that inhabit the Tower Garden, do you feel concerned? What if I told you that dear Lysanda’s conservative viewpoint is mistaken? Because there is an infinite power! The power of Mankind’s dreams, hopes, and desires! So long as mankind rules, that is the power we magi draw on from the Astral Sea. Wise Ambrosius may have been mistaken but thank the Almighty One that his institution of knowledge remains. Think of what we will achieve in the future with infinite magical quintessence!”
  59. There were murmurs of approval from some in the class and soon talk began to buzz. The professor tried to speak, “Very good, now that we are done with that we can-”
  61. “But you are wrong!” Snapped Lysanda talking over everyone else. “Consider the Tethys Gems! Arcane Lifeblood of the Elven Empire of old. All gone!” She said flipping pages through her book and pointing out an illustration of a green gem. “What was supposed to be infinite stores of crystalized Arcane power. All wasted and shattered. The Elf clans of Ambrosia preserve but the few remnants of that magic as it too disappears from the world. Tell me Eran how can you hope to power your magic with mere dreams? You see the decline of magic plain before us! Why Ambrosius himself raised the walls and bridges of this city in a single hour nigh over a century ago. Do feats such as these commonly occur today without a great toll?”
  63. Eran was quick to reply, “You talk of powerful magic yet when was the last i saw you in the practice rooms Lysanda?” He crossed his arms, “You talk of old and ancient power that could raise cities and destroy empires but you have yet to even attempt to find the limits of your own. And to cite the fall of the Elves is just as easily dismissed! Need I remind you that there are examples of ancient and persistent magic in this world older than the Elves of Tethys? The Worldspire, great tower of Adamant at the very pole of the world! Its magical foundations remain steady today. Merely read the journals of Ambrosius himself, or those brave souls that venture to that cold north since!”
  65. At this Lysanda was ready, “But that is not what-” is all she managed before she was cut off by Professor Arcus slamming his hand upon the lectern. “That’s enough! You both have had your show. We have work to do. Do I need to remind you of the exams?”
  67. The class went quiet, and Eran and Lysanda reluctantly sat back down, still glaring at each other. The rest of the lecture passed by in a blur as they both pondered over the other’s argument, wondering if there was any truth to it.
  69. Chapter 3 The Library Duel
  73. Still brimming with rage over what she perceived as a loss in the debate, Lysanda marched to the Tower Library to confront Eran one final time. It was nearly closing time, and most of the students had left for bed, except for Eran and a few of his friends. "How out of place are you, Eran? I guess even layabouts need to study for exams," she sneered.
  75. "Oh, it's you! Go bother someone else!" he waved her off with a dismissive hand.
  77. Lysanda's face flushed with anger again, and she stammered loudly, "I demand satisfaction from you, impious dolt!"
  79. The librarian made a loud shushing noise, forcing a moment of silence. Then Eran stood up, smirking, and walked towards her. Leaning in close he said, "Dear Lysanda, what kind of satisfaction do you speak of?"
  81. Lysanda, still red-faced, gathered her composure and said quietly, "A duel. I challenge you. Will you back your assertion that magic is infinite with force?"
  83. Eran backed off a bit, shocked at her proposal. "Oh, that's the," his back hit the bookshelf, and he felt a pain in the pit of his stomach, as if she was suddenly twice as tall as him. He snapped back to reality when his friend Edmund shook him. "What's wrong, Eran? Are you going to let a bluestocking bookworm rattle you? You said it yourself! Have you ever seen her out in the practice halls once? No? She has no chance!"
  85. "You're right, Ed," said Eran, straightening up now, mirroring Lysanda as he held out his wand and declared loudly, "Alright, you asked for it! In order to demonstrate the infinite power of the dreams of mankind, I accept-"
  87. "QUIET!" screamed the librarian, her second warning now.
  89. Everyone went silent, and Eran held out his wand and whispered, "I accept your challenge. But tell me, Lysanda, if Great Ambrosius truly believed that magic was doomed, why did he leave the academy? Why did he not do anything about what he thought was going to happen?" he asked with a serious look on his face.
  91. Lysanda shook her head. "That I do not know, Eran. Perhaps there was nothing that could be done!"
  92. "That is not true!" said Eran, trying to keep his voice low. "He slinked off up the Amberwyne River to go drink with the monks! That's it! Abandoning his duty when the limits of arcane magic had yet to be explored. What a center of learning our illustrious founder made, that I should be confronted with such a narrow mind!"
  94. She strode forward and slapped Eran. "Impious dolt! Do you not realize what you're saying? The holy founder meant to preserve the arcane to benefit mankind, but not to squander it on frivolous pursuits! We cannot stop death! We cannot stop entropy, Eran. Only in our final judgment will the world be made anew!" She clutched her grandfather's scroll case.
  96. "I suppose not. However, we can explore the limits of our power right here and now," said Eran. "But obviously you cannot see it from my view!"
  98. "That's not true!" whimpered Lysanda, her eyes welling up stepping back a few feet. "I do see it, Eran! But-"
  99. "Enough! You've had your say, and the debate is done. The duel starts," There was another heartbeat and then Eran sprang to attack, launching a trio of magic missiles at Lysanda.
  101. She held up her grandfather’s scroll case and deflected one of the hits, the other two finding their mark and burning her. She grunted and fought to stay on her feet. She focused her eyes on Eran and pulled out a fragile old scroll from her grandfather’s case.
  103. ‘Banished from my sight thou art!” She called in the draconic tongue as the scroll she read turned from paper, to fire, and then ash. A red glowing arcane circle engulfed poor Eran and he only had time to scream, “What power is this?” before he disappeared. The power faded and there were only papers and pages fluttering around where Eran had just been.
  105. Lysanda winced as a broom hit her head, causing her to stumble and nearly fall to the ground. “That’s it everyone out!” She looked up to see the librarian, a stern expression etched on her face, as she continued to wave her broom at the students, ordering them out of the library. “And you are banned for one month Lysanda!”
  107. “Sorry…” Lysanda whimpered, and made her way towards the exit, Edmund caught up with her. "I can't believe you did that, Lysanda. You banished him!" he exclaimed.
  109. "I had to prove my point, Don't worry he should return very soon." Lysanda muttered, her eyes downcast.
  111. "But that was such advanced magic, Lysanda. How did you even know how to do that?" Edmund asked, his voice filled with awe.
  113. Lysanda shrugged, not wanting to reveal the truth. She clutched her grandfather's scroll case tightly, feeling the weight of the empty container. The Library had always been her sanctuary, a place where she could lose herself in books and knowledge, and yet now this impulsive act had estranged her. And worse, she had given up something most precious
  115. Chapter 4 Agree to Disagree
  117. At lunchtime the following day, Lysanda paced around the Tower, still feeling jittery from the previous day's events. "How could I have done this to myself?" she lamented, turning a corner and colliding with Eran, dropping all of her books in the process.
  119. "What do you want, Eran?" she demanded, bracing herself for the worst.
  121. Eran's face twisted in anger. "I can't believe you banished me, Lysanda! You could have killed me!"
  123. Lysanda took a deep breath, preparing to defend herself, but then Eran surprised her by kneeling down to begin picking up her dropped books. "But then I had some time to think in that demiplane you sent me to, and I realized that you must have used a powerful scroll. And that scroll must have been important to you."
  125. Lysanda nodded and showed him her grandfather's empty scroll case. "My grandfather left me his research, his life's work, and now it's all gone."
  127. Eran's expression softened. "I understand now. Mortals have finite time, and their legacies are precious. Perhaps magic should be treated with similar reverence sometimes. Here are your books." He handed her the bundle of books he had gathered. "I still believe that the power of infinite magic is possible, Lysanda, but I understand your perspective a bit better now."
  129. Lysanda couldn't hold back her tears any longer. "I hope to see my grandfather again when Ahru the All-is-one sings the world anew, but if you believe his legacy can live on through the dreams of man, then let it be so."
  131. Eran reached out to comfort her. "Dry your tears, Lysanda. I'll help you get unbanned from the Library. I can speak to the Headmaster. We were just having a debate after all."
  133. Lysanda wiped away her tears and looked at Eran with gratitude. She couldn't believe that the person she once considered an enemy had now become her friend. Together, they walked to the Headmaster's office, where Eran pleaded Lysanda's case. After a few moments of discussion, the Headmaster relented, and Lysanda was allowed back into the Library.
  135. As they left the Tower, Lysanda felt a sense of relief wash over her. Not only had she been able to reclaim her beloved Library, but she had also found someone who shared her appreciation for the finite nature of the arcane legacy left by their ancestors and also knew of the infinite wonder of magic.
  137. The End
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