
When you try but fail

Jan 18th, 2016
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  1. xLoveForAllxx has joined the chat
  2. Guest_Haruiii has joined the chat
  3. Guest_Haruiii: *she bows* Yes my lady
  4. xxLoveForAllxxxxLoveForAllxx : Matrix, I would like to speak with Amythest alone please
  5. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: She is under my care lady Bella currently training can this wait?
  6. Guest_IAmTheMatrix has changed the room to: le penthouse
  7. xxLoveForAllxx: -she sighs and nods- Yes, of course
  8. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: if you want I can just go mute my avi will be here but i wont see what your typing
  9. xxLoveForAllxx: No, I am sorry for intruding
  10. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: its alright lady love please have your converstation i wont be here i wont see the typing i can block it out
  11. Guest_Haruiii: *she bows* IS there anything I can get you Lady Isabella.
  12. xxLoveForAllxx: No, it's alright. It can wait until later. I would like to speak with you, Amythest, a little before you take your leave for the night
  13. Guest_Haruiii: *she nods* We can speak now. Matrix is focusing in the other room. How may I assist you.
  14. xxLoveForAllxx: It was something a little more personal it can wait
  15. Guest_Haruiii: *she nods* Oh please tell my lady. I dont want to be a burden.
  16. xxLoveForAllxx: You are far from that, Amythest
  17. Guest_Haruiii: *she smiles* I try not to be.
  18. xxLoveForAllxx: Well, I will leave you two to do what you were doing
  19. xxLoveForAllxx has left the chat
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