
mclaren ecu change ignition

Mar 22nd, 2017
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  1. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace reaches for his duffle bag and drops it off to passenger seat
  2. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace unzips the duffle bag and picks up CK-100 Key Programmer from inside
  3. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace pushes the button and triggers the hood
  4. ★ Hood of the vehicle would be opened ((Jerald Terrell Wallace))
  5. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace opens the front driver door of the vehicle and gets out
  6. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace walks towards to engine of the vehicle and looks for ECU
  7. ((OOC Luck)) Jerald Terrell Wallace tries their luck from 1 to 100 and gets 66.
  8. ((OOC Chance at 66%)) Jerald Terrell Wallace's attempt has failed.
  9. ★ Terrell would not notice the ECU ((Jerald Terrell Wallace))
  10. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace checks for the ECU in engine again
  11. ((OOC Luck)) Jerald Terrell Wallace tries their luck from 1 to 100 and gets 42.
  12. ((OOC Chance at 42%)) Jerald Terrell Wallace's attempt has failed.
  13. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace checks for the ECU of McLaren couple of more times
  14. ((OOC Luck)) Jerald Terrell Wallace tries their luck from 1 to 100 and gets 30.
  15. ((OOC Chance at 30%)) Jerald Terrell Wallace's attempt has succeeded.
  16. ★ Terrell would finally locate the ECU of the McLaren ((Jerald Terrell Wallace))
  17. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace locates OBDT port of ECU and takes OBD cable of CK-100 Key Programmer
  18. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace sticks the cable into the port of ECU, turns the device on
  19. ★ It would take like 2 minutes that device responds ((Jerald Terrell Wallace))
  20. ((OOC Luck)) Jerald Terrell Wallace tries their luck from 1 to 100 and gets 36.
  21. ((OOC Chance at 36%)) Jerald Terrell Wallace's attempt has succeeded.
  22. ★ Terrell would succeed to reach inside the ECU ((Jerald Terrell Wallace))
  23. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace starts to tap buttons to copy key code of the ignition
  24. ★ It would scan whole history of the ECU, then copy the key code after 5 minute ((Jerald Terrell Wallace))
  25. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace drops off the CK-100 Key Programmer on engine, keeps device open
  26. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace gets inside the vehicle, picks up new ignition package up
  27. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace puts the key inside the vehicle
  28. ★ Would the engine turn on after ignition gets in? ((Jerald Terrell Wallace))
  29. ((OOC Luck)) Jerald Terrell Wallace tries their luck from 1 to 100 and gets 19.
  30. ((OOC Chance at 19%)) Jerald Terrell Wallace's attempt has failed.
  31. ★ No ((Jerald Terrell Wallace))
  32. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace walks out of the vehicle again and clears the key code by tap on CK-100 Key Programmer
  33. ★ Jerald Terrell Wallace walks into the vehicle again
  34. ((OOC Luck)) Jerald Terrell Wallace tries their luck from 1 to 100 and gets 66.
  35. ((OOC Chance at 66%)) Jerald Terrell Wallace's attempt has failed.
  36. ((OOC Luck)) Jerald Terrell Wallace tries their luck from 1 to 100 and gets 76.
  37. ((OOC Chance at 76%)) Jerald Terrell Wallace's attempt has succeeded.
  38. ★ The ignition would copy the code now and would work in vehicle ((Jerald Terrell Wallace))
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