
No You Keep The Money

Sep 27th, 2013
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. A story based on another Anon's request:
  4. I'm in a terrible mood and I feel like having a feelsy oneshot. Requesting a story about Anon being in Equestria for a couple of years, he gets along fine with the ponies and has a steady job. Today is his birthday. So the ponies throw a surprise party for him. For some reason the ponies either forgot to get Anon any presents or Just didn't know what to get him for his birthday. Anon simply cannot think of anything that he wants. So Twilight, goes full OCD and rallies up the gang and bother Anon about what to get him.
  6. At first Anon tries to get them off his back by telling them to get (insert whatever here) but Applejack can see that he's lying and calls him out on it. After a few days of constant annoyance Anon is about to lose his shit. After a particularly shit day at work he comes home to find Twilight and the others in his house. Again they ask him what he wants. Anon loses his shit.
  8. Furious, Anon screams at the ponies telling them what he wants the most is something that they can't possibly give him. He wants his old life back. He rants about how he misses his family and how he thinks about them every day. He tells them about his mother's poor health and that he wishes he could have been there for her and for his dad because he knows that she's probably dead by now and his dad is all alone with no one to be there for him with the question of whether his son is dead or alive haunting him. He tells them that he wants his job back where he was a successful [insert job]. And finally he wishes he wasn't in this magical horse land working a shitty job with no one else to relate to. He then threatens the ponies into leaving. After they leave Anon realizes that he has just alienated himself from the only ponies who ever cared about him. In another fit of rage he trashes his home. Finally calming down Anon resolves to leave Ponyville and head to a new town.
  10. Whoever feels like doing this feel free to make any changes you want. Doesn't matter as long as its got feels
  12. Posted in Thread 722
  14. ===================================================================================================================
  16. >Day 366 since your last birthday
  17. >You are Anon and you have been living in Equestria for a few years now
  18. >Today is your birthday; you were born on leap year
  19. >That little fact had bothered you from time to time growing up
  20. >Your birthday was never consistent, and having a winter holiday meant that you usually still had to go to school
  21. >but you had long since been out of school and there was a certain calm to winter these days
  22. >Everything seemed to move slower in the cold. Even these p0nies with their fur coats felt the effects
  23. >The blurs of speed that are Dash and Pinkie are noticeably delayed
  24. >The normally outdoorsy AppleJack and FlutterShy remain snuggled warmly indoors
  25. >and the often nosey Rarity and Twilight become a recluse except when they have guests
  26. >The only one to not drastically change from the cold is Spike who continues to sleep in as much as possible
  27. >Heh, that little green rascal was downright adorable, only concerned about the simple things
  28. >They were all in their element now though, well except for Spike
  29. >Warm, chipper, moving about at a quick pace, gossiping with one another
  30. >Winter had no effect on a Pinkie Party
  31. >Everyone in town showed up, as they did every year
  32. >They all enjoyed the reprieve from cold winter
  33. >On your first birthday party you thought it was because you were some weird alien monster to them and they were all curious
  34. >When it happened again the next year the last theory was replaced with the p0nies were just being nice
  35. >The next year you just had to ask the party planner when you two happened to be standing at the punch bowl together
  36. “Not to sound ungrateful or anything, but do you always invite everyone Pinkie?”
  37. >“Yup~”
  38. >Her smile must have been so wide that her face was forced to close her eyes, the energy in her reply matching the warmth and comfort of the slow burning logs in the fireplace
  41. >She was clearly content to just leave it there, but you weren’t
  42. “That’s nice and all, but I never see the whole town at any other birthday parties.”
  43. >“Well of course not silly, there’s way too many birthdays for everyone to show up to each one. I still invite everyp0ny though.”
  44. “So why do they all show up to this one?”
  45. >“Because you’re the only winter birthday Nonny!”
  46. >That was a bit of a surprise [spoiler] [/spoiler]“Oh?”
  47. >”Yup~”
  48. >Just like the last time you can tell she’s content to leave it there
  49. >You suppose you can too, apparently whether by nature or planning p0nies are smart enough to not have kids in winter
  50. >It being a natural thing made a surprising amount of sense
  51. >The party continues on as usual and while the crowd orbits the warm fire you take a moment to stare out the window with drink in hand
  52. >You can literally see the cold in the air outside, a calming relaxing cold
  53. >The soothing outside view suddenly shakes as a party popper goes off in your ear
  54. >Confetti blasts past your view and you turn towards the origins to see a smirking Rainbow Dash
  55. >”Come on Anon, it’s time for cake.”
  56. “Rainbow you little…. “ you reply with mock anger
  57. >Part of your old life that carried over was that you were a professional
  58. >The excuses people gave as obstacles to a good career were just that, excuses
  59. >‘you have to know the right people’, ‘you have to be a brown-noser’, ‘you have to work yourself to the bone for even the tiniest amount of recognition’
  60. >Sure there was some truth to it all, but a person’s attitude was the biggest factor
  61. >As a professional you don’t let your true emotions out, show no sign of worry or anger
  62. >You just remain optimistic no matter how frustrated you are, and tackle any problem head on
  63. >Only those close to you get to see those frustrations and fears, and this was a public event
  64. >Just light-hearted mock anger, playing the role
  65. >You make your way to the cake and start counting the candles
  68. >You make your way to the cake and start counting the candles
  69. >The p0nies only ever guessed your age, and their counting system did not seem linear
  70. >Or that was just Pinkie being Pinkie
  71. “42 huh? How did you know my lucky number?”
  72. >You chuckle with your business laugh and try to calculate how to get all the candles in one go
  73. >Should be no problem, be optimistic, attack the problem head on
  74. >With a big breath you strike out starting on one far side and slowly moving to the other
  75. >Patience and focus as you slowly rotate left to right sees you rewarded with not an ember atop the cake
  76. >“Did you remember to make a wish?” Twilight steps in besides you with plates and a knife that she starts organizing on to the table in what is surely the most efficient cut and serve setup, a smile on her face as she looks up at you
  77. “Of course, and I got a good feeling about this one.”
  78. >Her smile widens “I’m glad to hear that.”
  79. >Suddenly you hear a huff of disproval over by the window you were previously staring out of
  80. >“Oh dear, it just had to start snowing. I didn’t even bring my snow fall umbrella”
  81. >“It’s just a little snow, and yer practically down the street. Ay gotta go all the way back down ta the farm.”
  82. >“Yes, and I sympathize with you AppleJack, but you’re not the one in a smock.”
  83. >“Ay thought simple clothes like that were meant ta get dirty.”
  84. >”Simple? Why I never!”
  85. >A large smile grows across your face. Those two ‘arguing’ was fun to listen to, but part was Rarity’s words at the start.
  86. >It’s snowing. Your wish came true.
  89. >Day 732
  90. >Another year another birthday
  91. >Even though it was the same amount of time since the last birthday it still felt longer
  92. >Probably because the calendar was ahead a day
  93. >Accursed Gregorians
  94. >Again there is a party thrown for your birthday with everyone appearing
  95. >Pinkie couldn’t decide whether to have the party a day sooner or not since your birthday didn’t exist this year
  96. >What with being born on leap year and all
  97. >It was really surprising she didn’t try to have the party earlier, but somehow Twilight found a ‘logical’ answer
  98. >”You can’t celebrate a birthday the day before you were born”
  99. >Those words ring in your mind as you remember the little debate they all had
  100. >She had a point although the you of many past years hated the answer
  101. >but that you is grown up. It’s a silly and childish concern; you could wait a day
  102. >and now that day has arrived
  103. >Just like last year, after meeting everyone you made your way to the window and looked outside
  104. >You remember how last year you made it snow, your birthday wish came true
  105. >and this year there was already snow on the ground
  106. >Wishes coming true in a land of magical talking p0nies
  107. >Somehow it seems so hilariously obvious now
  108. >“H..Hi, Anonymous.”
  109. >You look down still with the big dopey grin on your face and spot Fluttershy
  110. >Apparently this year she came to you instead of vice-versa
  111. >Must be that assertiveness training
  112. “Hey there, how are you enjoying the party?”
  113. >”Oh it’s very nice. Pinkie is good at her job.”
  114. “That she is.”
  115. >Truer words couldn’t be said
  116. “So what brings you to the lonely window?”
  117. >The grin is still plastered on your face, teasing joy in your voice
  118. >“It doesn’t seem so lonely here. It seems quite pleasant today.”
  119. >She gives a soft smile looking directly into your face
  120. >These p0nies all make sure to look a person in the eye when they’re talking
  121. >Even with her obvious shyness Fluttershy always made the effort before hiding her face
  124. >Today was a good day
  125. >Today was the day you would finally attack to attack your problems head on
  126. >A day where you could put all of the frustrations behind you and finally open up and reveal your true emotions to someone again
  127. >You were reminded the days of your youth as you waited anxiously for the cake
  128. >The presents didn’t matter, they never really did
  129. >Sure the thought was nice, but p0nies have a weird sense of gifts
  130. >but none of that matters right now as Pinkie bounces into the room with a cart pushed out in front of her
  131. >She’s really outdone herself with this one, it was quite the multi tiered beast
  132. >but something odd caught your eye
  133. “13? Really?”
  134. >“13 is like the best answer. It doesn’t have a 4 or a 2 in it. So how about it Nonny? Feeling 13?”
  135. >You won’t admit seeing her do something like this every year is something you greatly enjoy
  136. >but you’re certainly not going to ruin it and tell her your age either
  137. “I wouldn’t say 13, but I am feeling pretty spry today. Thanks for noticing.”
  138. >“Aw shoot. I’ll get it next year.”
  139. >Silly p0ny
  140. >You size up the candles and their placement, and count your blessings that Pinkie guessed such a low number
  141. >With such a big cake she could have fit a lot of candles on there, but you can hit them all pretty easily now
  142. >“Don’t forget to make a wish.” Twilight chimes in as you get ready to blow out the candles
  143. “No way I’d forget that.”
  144. >and you blow out each and every one
  145. >‘I wish to go back home’
  146. >After you have blown out the candles you grab your overcoat and excuse yourself for the party
  147. “Sorry everyone, but I have a very important meeting I have to get to. Feel free to have my piece.”
  148. >All of the p0nies look on in surprise, one of them shouting out as you are about to leave through the door
  149. >”Don’t forget your presents”
  150. “Don’t need ‘em. Please take them back for yourselves.”
  151. >and with that you were out the door
  154. >With a brisk jog you quickly return to your house
  155. >Once inside you start grabbing what few things mattered
  156. >Some of the nice clothes Rarity had made, a pocket full of bits, and the wallet sized picture of your family that you had framed
  157. >You started to head back outside, but you didn’t really know why
  158. >Surely you could just wait here for the wish to come true
  159. >but waiting around would be boring, at least walking around would give you something to do
  160. >As you open the door a bundle of colors and a raised hoof clearly about to strike your door await you
  161. >“Where are you going Anon? No one leaves a Pinkie Party early… unless they’re upset.”
  162. >Pinkies frown was soul crushing, her entire body the anti-thesis to everything she stood for
  163. >but you continued to smile, a show of joy that displayed in earnest that you weren’t upset
  164. “I’m not upset Pinkie, I had a great time. I just have to go and meet some very important people.”
  165. >“Who can be more important than everyone at the party?”
  166. >“The Princesses?”
  167. >“Fancypants?”
  168. >Twilight and Rarity blurted their respective answers in unison, questioning you in response to Pinkie’s question
  169. “Neither of them. They are very important people to me, and it may very well be because of you Pinkie that I get the chance to see them again. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”
  170. >You move to continue on your way, the group still at your door. It’s tough to get by, but you brush past them as they look on at you. You can hear them whispering to themselves behind you, but you are only focused on moving forward
  171. >You have finally found a way to attack your problem head on, and your optimism was pure
  172. >What had brought you success in your old life and this one was going to see you through
  173. >The p0nies were clearly following you
  174. >They lingered behind a bit, but they didn’t bother trying to hide themselves
  177. >The problem now was that you were wandering around aimlessly waiting to magically return to your Earth
  178. >They’d suspect something if you didn’t start moving with more direction
  179. >You could move towards one of the major cities, but you wanted to enjoy some time to yourself
  180. >and taking a train would make more sense if that’s where you were heading so they may still be suspicious
  181. >You could tell them you were waiting for a train and then continue walking when they left
  182. >Somehow you bet they’d sit around waiting with you trying to pry information out of you
  183. >So you start to head where the p0nies would hopefully not follow
  184. >Towards the Everfree
  185. >Once your intended route of travel becomes clear to the p0nies they waste no time rushing up to you and matching their pace with yours
  186. >”Anon that’s the Everfree Forest!”
  187. >“Why would you want to go there?”
  188. >“Who do ya know out that way, Anon?”
  189. >“What’s better than a party in there?”
  190. >“Can we…um… not go in there please?”
  191. >Their words rattle and bounce off each other, as they all try to get you to listen
  192. “Now girls, I have to go. This is important to me. You can come along if you’d like, but I would rather be alone right now.”
  193. >You remain amiable while sharing a bit of your true feelings
  194. >It’s possible to remain professional and still let small things slip
  195. >If it wasn’t it would all bottle up and eventually explode
  196. “Everything will be perfectly safe. I’ve been planning this for awhile now.”
  197. >“Then why ya only carryin’ a few clothes?”
  198. >“Well at least the selection is nice”
  199. “I got a pocket full of bits as well. I assure you I have everything I need.”
  200. >“I suppose….”
  201. >Twilight’s words linger as they all look to each other in uncertainty. You keep looking ahead, moving with confidence
  202. >After a few short moments they all say bye and head back to town
  203. >Now you can enjoy this little walk
  206. >The cold had a little bite despite the large coat, an almost soothing sensation
  207. >The sound of soft snow crunching beneath your feet was therapeutic
  208. >and your thoughts returned to home
  209. >Your parents were both alive and well, but getting well on in years
  210. >They were both retired and had a decent pension, but they always needed help with big things
  211. >For instance, when a tree crashed through their roof they needed your help for that
  212. >They never believed in home-owner insurance
  213. >They both tried to pay you back, but you insisted it was just returning the favor of raising you
  214. >Having become well practiced at your job and having climbed the social ladder you could spare the money
  215. >Especially for your family
  216. >Your in-laws were a bit younger and still working
  217. >Still you and your spouse would take them out on a nice vacation each year
  218. >Usually your parents would come along too, and it was nice having the two families together
  219. >They always ended up on the topic of grandkids though
  220. >As sure as the seasons the topic always came up
  221. >Reminiscing had taken you far into the woods and it was starting to get too dark to see
  222. >Maybe this magic takes a little longer, best to head back home for now
  223. >You turn around and start heading back the way you came
  224. >Since you didn’t really have anywhere to go you had just walked in a straight line
  225. >This would make finding the way back easier
  226. >If it wasn’t for the shadows moving around
  227. >There’s always been something unsettling about silence in nature
  228. >Even at night nature made a sound
  229. >but not right now
  230. >This was a horrible idea
  231. >Every crunch under your foot was a telegraph of your position
  232. >The comforting nip of the cold now a drain on your senses
  233. >You press on until you hear an off set of footsteps
  234. >You stop and it’s gone
  235. >A few more steps and then you hear it again
  236. >and then it’s gone again
  239. >Beginning to get freaked out you calculate your options
  240. >Something is possibly following you, perhaps even hunting you
  241. >You could start running, but if it is a predator that encourages it to chase you
  242. >You could face it directly and try to intimidate it, but it might choose to fight you
  243. >Or you could keep moving on and try to ignore it until something comes up, letting it get in a better position all the while
  244. >Not liking those scenarios at all
  245. >but you are Anon, and you are a professional
  246. >You’ll face your problems head on
  247. “Raaaaaaaaaaa!”
  248. >You yell and charge while dropping the clothes you were carrying to the ground
  249. >It takes a split second for whatever it is to decide
  250. >You hear footsteps moving in your direction
  251. >Crap
  252. >It’s hard to make out the creature as you barrel into each other. The first thing you notice is that it is heavier than you, but not larger.
  253. >The next is that it has fur, it’s face is short, and that it does indeed have claws
  254. >The creature notices that you are able to remain on your feet when the force is mainly aimed at your midsection, and that you are not instantly attacking
  255. >You push yourself away as you feel the mass shift to one side, a swing soon follows from the other side
  256. >Unlike most creatures you’ve met thus far, this one isn’t one you can simply lift up or possibly restrain
  257. >It’s simply too bulky, and certainly better armed than you
  258. >What sounds like bear noises comes from the creature, and the low light reveals a sort of mask on its face
  259. >It starts to charge towards you again as you keep upright to make use of your height
  260. >A claw and bite lunges towards you
  261. >It’s hard to see, but the reach afforded by your arms allow you to try and push the creature around with minimal exposure
  262. >The exchange becomes akin to messing with the family dog
  263. >The creature attacks one way trying to get your hands, while you use your other hand to get the other side
  264. >Except you don’t think this one will stop when you say ‘Ow’
  267. >The exchange becomes akin to messing with the family dog
  268. >The creature attacks one way trying to get your hands, while you use your other hand to get the other side
  269. >Except you don’t think this one will stop when you say ‘Ow’
  270. >Slowly backing away while keeping both arms raised to each side the creature tentatively follows you
  271. >The only thing running through your mind at this moment is ‘Don’t let it get close’ on repeat
  272. >The moments are tense and anti-climatic at the same time
  273. >Neither willing to make the first move
  274. >The sound of crunching snow behind you breaks the stalemate
  275. >Clearly it is not one of the creature’s friends as it begins to back away
  276. >You want to turn around, but you can’t expose yourself to what’s in front of you
  277. >Turning your head slightly you see nothing but yellow eyes
  278. >Shifting your body so that each creature is on a side of you watch the new addition get closer and closer at a steady pace
  279. >Soon the first beast has wandered off and it’s just the two of you
  280. >The eyes stop moving just out of your reach
  281. >Then suddenly you feel a pain in your stomach
  282. >Something blunt and narrow had just been jabbed in your gut
  283. >“Bad beast, go home! This is not where you should roam!”
  284. >That accent
  285. “Ze-Zecora?”
  286. >“Is that….why yes it is! Why are you out at this hour?”
  287. >Oh thank whatever powers that be
  288. “Just….taking a stroll”
  289. >“Was that you who made that awful sound? Are you the source I finally found?”
  290. “What sound?”
  291. >“A strange roar I had never heard before. You never made that noise in front of my door.”
  292. >With the threat gone your thoughts returns to their normal pace
  293. “Uh yeah. It’s not something I normally do. Was just trying to scare that thing away.”
  294. >“I see, if only you knew of the masked bear. Their aggressiveness is rare. They are usually docile and only fight when directly threatened.”
  295. >Seems that was the wrong choice. Well lesson learned.
  298. >“So why are you out here so late? A stroll is not worth the chance of fate.”
  299. “I was just heading home actually.”
  300. >In more ways than one
  301. >“Come with me Anon, you can stay until the morning.”
  302. >You fumble around looking for the clothes you dropped, and then take Zecora up on her offer
  303. >Walking all the way home didn’t sound too appealing after that little event and you might have been gone by the time you finally got back
  304. >Better to spend that time in good company
  305. >As you enter Zecora’s abode she offers you some tea
  306. >Once it’s ready you both sit around a small table and talk
  307. >Starting with small talk and moving into some of the local news the hours pass
  308. >It’s still night out, but you’re sure dawn is approaching
  309. >and a question is nagging at your mind
  310. “Hey Zecora, what do you know of birthday wishes?”
  311. >“Hmm? That is an odd question. Do you have a specific concern to aid my suggestion?”
  312. “Well, how do they work? How long do they take to work? You blow out all of the candles in one breath and the wish comes true right?”
  313. >Zecora’s frame buckles over in laughter. It’s not as refined as Rarity’s laugh, but not as wild as Pinkie’s.
  314. >“Anon, you sound like a little foal.”
  315. >You instantly regret asking
  316. >Zecora collects herself, and sits up straight with a motherly smile about her as she talks
  317. >“For a birthday wish to come true, you must believe. The wish resides within you, and if discarded the magic will leave.”
  318. >That didn’t really help you at all
  319. “So how long does it take to work?”
  320. >“Why my little Anon, there is no time table. The wish will come true when it’s able.”
  321. >That sort of talk, like a parent to a child
  322. >Words asking for infinite hope
  323. >So not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not ever
  324. >Perhaps it was childish
  325. >Stupid to think the answer would be that simple
  326. >After all the most powerful beings in the world couldn’t help you get back
  329. “Thanks Zecora.”
  330. >A smile is on your face full of mock warmth
  331. >It was what a professional does
  332. >Keep the feelings inside
  333. >Eventually Zecora fell asleep, and you left at the crack of dawn
  334. >You arrived home before the town had woken up
  335. >When you entered your house you were surprised to see all of the presents on your table, still wrapped
  336. >Maybe you should have locked your door
  337. >Physically exhausted you throw the clothes onto the couch, empty the bits from your pocket, and collapse on your bed still fully dressed
  338. >‘Don’t want to show up home naked’ you sarcastically remark in your head
  339. >Sleep quickly overcomes you and lasts for a few hours until a knock comes from your door
  340. >You just lay there
  341. >Maybe it will go away
  342. >Another set of knocks
  343. >Followed by a flurry of knocks
  344. >You can faintly hear some words
  345. >and then there is another knock at your door
  346. >This time in the rhythm of a song
  347. >Pinkie
  348. >Knowing the culprit you knew the knocks weren’t going to stop
  349. >You get up and open the door
  350. >Correction, ‘culprits’
  351. >All 6 of them are at your door
  352. >You shield you eyes from the vengeful sun
  353. >“Hi Nonny!”
  354. “Morning”
  355. >You groggily respond as they all look at you much like they did last night
  356. >“AppleJack saw you come back into town this morning, we didn’t wake you did we?”
  357. >You’d think the answer would be obvious to Twilight, but you’ll humor her
  358. “Just a little tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night, and the trip really took it out of me.”
  359. >“I bet, going all the way to see this “special someone” and back home by morning. Must have been a big night.”
  360. >Pinkie is way too chipper. You’re not entirely sure if she’s implying something or not either
  361. >“We can go… if you want.”
  362. >It seems Fluttershy is back to normal, quickly hiding behind her mane after she talks
  365. >Pinkie is looking past you, in a way that you are sure she would have charged into your house already if you weren’t taking up the doorway
  366. >“You didn’t open your presents Nonny!”
  367. “Was it you who put them in my house?”
  369. >Rarity steps a little closer from the back of the group
  370. >“Well we couldn’t just leave them there; they were for you after all.”
  371. “Thanks, but I told everyone to take them back.’
  372. >“but they are for you.”
  373. “I told you I don’t need them.”
  374. >AppleJack pops up behind Pinkie, having everyone at the door is probably not making this easy
  375. >“That’s not the point Anon.”
  376. “Look, gift giving is a very culturally sensitive practice. It makes me uncomfortable.”
  377. >“Now ah know that aint the truth.”
  378. >Well it was partially true. Should have left that last bit out
  379. >If you weren’t so tired you’d probably remember AppleJack was the Element of Honesty and all that BEFORE talking
  380. “Look I don’t want them, and you have nothing to give me that I need.”
  381. >Do you hear a cracking? Is that a kettle starting to boil?
  382. >“We’re not giving you things because you need them. We’re giving them to you because we want to! To show we care!”
  383. >Twilight is certainly getting a little pushy now, literally
  384. >You can finally see them all as they push in past your doorway
  385. “That’s not the point.”
  386. >“What is the point Anon?! Huh?!”
  387. >Rainbow Dash joined alongside Twilight, the two made quite the fearsome combo when they were both being pushy
  388. >“You know….that….um…. we like to see you happy Anon.”
  389. >“You may not like how we show it but dangit Anon ya gotta get yer head together!”
  390. >That last cracking sound got a lot louder
  391. >Seriously who is making tea?
  392. >“Darling, if you want something in particular all you have to do is ask.”
  398. >All 6 of them jump back
  399. >You’re pretty sure everyone outside can hear you too
  400. >but right now you don’t care
  401. “I want to be with my family! I don’t just want to be with my family I NEED to be with my family! They rely on me, they need my help, and dammit after all they did for me I want to be there to repay them for it! I busted my ass and did what I had to in order to get a good job that I could be happy with! I had finally started to reap the rewards and then suddenly I ended up here! I was going to have kids!”
  402. >All of them are speechless
  403. >The entire town seems to have adopted the silence of the forest last night
  404. >There was a scary beast about
  405. >A scary beast named Anonymous
  406. >and it was pissed
  407. >For a moment it stays that way
  408. >Then there is a single set of trotting hooves
  409. >The sound is cautiously approaching your house
  410. >In your doorway a grey coat and yellow mane pokes out
  411. >Derpy the mail mare slowly inches a hoof into your home
  412. >and then slowly, ever so slowly
  413. >She pulls the door shut
  414. >The moment lingers for a moment as you and the 6 p0nies don’t know what to say next
  415. >You’d like to say it was one of them who broke the silence
  416. >or that it was you shouting in anger a little more
  417. >but that’s not it
  418. >It was just a sniffle
  419. >A small sniffle as a few tears rolled down your face
  420. >You had once lost everything
  421. >and your mask has finally broken in the worst way possible
  422. >You can’t stay here, they’ve seen you like this
  423. >The entire town heard your outburst
  424. >This wasn’t home, but it wasn’t a foreign place either
  425. >Now everything was lost for a second time
  428. >Fluttershy floats up next to you, a hoof on your shoulder
  429. >“Yesterday at the party you were the happiest I’ve ever seen you. Ever since you came here I sensed that you were hiding something, aching inside. I couldn’t bring myself to talk with you about it...the thought of upsetting you scared me too much. But yesterday it was gone, and I could talk with you without fear.”
  430. >Your mind recalls the event, less than a day ago you had solved your biggest problem
  431. >but it came back in a big way
  432. >“You’re obviously sad, but you’re scared too. Scared for your family. I wish I could help you Anonymous, I really do. I don’t think I can help you get home, but until you find a way back I’ll be there for you.”
  433. >You put your hand onto Fluttershy’s hoof and rest it there for a moment
  434. >She smiles at you, and you softly smile back slowly composing yourself
  435. >and then you remove her hoof
  436. “I’m sorry Fluttershy, but it doesn’t work like that. I need to move, go somewhere and build up again.”
  437. >”What?”
  438. >The soft yet suddenness of Fluttershy’s response was an odd mix, one you’ve never heard before. Her voice even managed to reach indoor levels of volume
  439. >Your own voice remained stoic; the outcome already accepted by you
  440. “I need to go somewhere to get away from the past. Somewhere that no one knows about me or my history.”
  441. >“Why?”
  442. >Twilight’s question followed her as she finally moved to join Fluttershy in-front of you
  443. >“Ya say that, but ya been draggin the past with ya ever since ya got here. What makes ya think anywhere else will be different?”
  444. >AppleJack had a strange mix in her eyes
  445. >There was concern in the back, but at the front was pure anger
  446. “It’s a human thing. And I’m not running away from the past of my family. I’m running away from you.”
  447. >The anger in her eyes flared, the hurt in Fluttershy’s eyes deepened
  448. >“Yer just gonna up and leave? Just gonna run away?”
  449. “Yup.”
  451. >You can notice Rainbow Dash getting that same anger in her eyes
  452. >“You’re just a giant coward Anon! Afraid of what? Making a little outburst?”
  453. “Very. You’ve seen me at my worst, and you’ll never forget that. It may go to the back of your mind, but every now and then it will pop back up.”
  455. >“We all have our moments of weakness; there’s no shame in it.”
  456. >Rarity finally chimed in, her face showed hints of concern but betrayed no real emotion
  457. >If anything you’d say she was playing the diplomat
  458. “It’s something that can ruin your career.”
  459. >“Oh please darling, stress even gets to me from time to time and my career hasn’t been the worse for it.”
  460. “I once had an outburst about being tired of working long hours. Of wanting to go home and be with my family, to get a good night’s sleep for once. My boss gave me the rest of my life off. Not right away, but after awhile the pink slip came.”
  461. >“but that’s not how things work here. If you’re so concerned about such things than why tell us all this?”
  462. >Rarity’s tone was becoming quickened, she almost sounded desperate
  463. “When it rains it pours. I won’t be around here again, and I can finally get everything off my chest without worrying about the consequences.”
  464. >“Nonny…”
  465. >Why did you have to be so outnumbered?
  466. “Pinkie… I don’t know where to start. You kept the days bright, and helped give me hope. I’m not upset with you or anyone else. I am just upset with the situation. I’m sorry I made you sad.”
  467. >You really don’t know where to go from here
  468. >Unsure what else to say, and a little worried about the reaction when you actually try to leave you remain where you are
  469. >and they do the same
  471. >Each of them has something on their lips, words left to say
  472. >Anger, sorrow, wishes and bargains to get you to stay
  473. >Finally you move, and slowly make your way to the door
  474. >They all silently watch you
  475. >You call out to them, in your mind for the last time
  476. “Take my house and everything in it. Sell it, give it away, use it, whatever. It’s my parting gift to you.”
  477. >The harsh tone of Rainbow Dash cuts you
  478. >“We don’t want it!”
  479. “I know this is a culture shock to you, much like everything was to me when I first arrived. It probably seems like the stupidest thing to do, to leave everything over something that seems so small. But it’s big to me, and I want to at least try and give you the lending hand in dealing with it you gave me. I arrived with nothing but the shirt on my back and made it in this world. I can start over again just fine, don’t you worry. Human’s are survivors.”
  480. >And with that you closed the door behind you
  482. >It’s been a year since that day
  483. >You had made it just like you said you would
  484. >Your talents currently being put to use in Manehatten
  485. >The hopes of returning home still burn brightly
  486. >but the years keep adding up
  487. >At least you have your actual birthday this year
  488. >What with it being leap year and all
  489. >A quiet night to yourself in the big city is a nice reprieve
  490. >While you sit in the cramped apartment room you hope you can have enough saved up for a human sized house by the end of the year
  491. >If only everything wasn’t so short here
  492. >Hoping to stretch a little you leave your room and walk down to the apartment’s mail box
  493. >You could have sworn you just saw a grey flank and yellow tail sway away
  494. >Ignoring it you find a bunch of bills, ads, and a rolled up scroll
  495. >You open it and find familiar handwriting
  496. “Dear Anonymous,
  497. We hope you are doing well. Princess Celestia has told us that you haven’t been able to return home yet, but says you are making your way in the big city. We’re all glad to hear it even though most of us are still pretty upset at you leaving. I’m trying to understand the cultural difference, but it’s still very hard to grasp. Enough dwelling on that though, this letter is to be a happy one.
  498. Happy Birthday Anonymous, from all of us.
  499. Attached below is your gift.
  501. Your faithful friend,
  502. Twilight Sparkle”
  504. >Attached to the letter is a picture of the six girls and spike
  505. >You take the letter to your room
  506. >and you let a few tears fall
  507. >Behind closed doors
  508. >You are a professional
  509. >and the past really hurts
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