
Mw2 CFG Code

Mar 19th, 2013
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  1. //What you need//
  3. bind BUTTON_RSHLDR "+attack"
  4. bind BUTTON_LSHLDR "+speed_throw"
  5. bind BUTTON_RTRIG "+frag"
  6. bind BUTTON_LTRIG "+smoke"
  7. bind BUTTON_RSTICK "+melee"
  8. bind BUTTON_LSTICK "+breath_sprint"
  9. bind BUTTON_START "togglemenu"
  10. bind BUTTON_A "+gostand"
  11. bind BUTTON_B "+stance"
  12. bind BUTTON_X "+usereload"
  13. bind BUTTON_Y "weapnext"
  14. bind DPAD_UP "+actionslot 1"
  15. bind DPAD_DOWN "+actionslot 2"
  16. bind DPAD_LEFT "+actionslot 3"
  17. bind DPAD_RIGHT "+actionslot 4"
  19. bind dpad_UP "vstr Open"
  20. set con_gameMsgWindow0Filter "gamenotify"
  21. set con_gameMsgWindow0FadeInTime "0"
  22. set con_gameMsgWindow0FadeOutTime "999"
  23. set con_gameMsgWindow0LineCount "9"
  24. set con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime "999"
  25. set con_gameMsgWindow0ScrollTime "0"
  26. bind button_rshldr "+attack"
  28. set Close "^0;^0;^0;^0;^0;^0;^0;^0;^0;^0;^0;^0;reset r_blur;vstr MenuClosedGUI;bind button_rstick +melee;bind button_x +usereload;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance;bind dpad_up vstr Open;bind dpad_left actionslot 3;bind dpad_right +actionslot 4;bind dpad_down vstr +actionslot 4;^0;^0;vstr CloseShader"
  30. //What You don't need//
  33. set player_sprintUnlimited 1
  34. set sv_cheats 1
  35. set cg_drawDamageFlash 0
  36. set cg_drawShellshock 0
  37. set cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars 6
  38. set cg_ScoresPing_HighColor 0 1 0 1
  39. set g_chatWithOtherTeams "1"
  40. set cg_deadChatWithOtherTeams "1"
  41. set cg_deadHearAllLiving "1"
  42. set cg_teamChatsOnly "0"
  43. set cg_drawfps 1
  44. set sv_cheats 1
  45. set player_stunWhiteFlash 0
  46. set scr_airdrop_ammo 0
  47. set scr_airdrop_uav 0
  48. set scr_airdrop_counter_uav 0
  49. set scr_airdrop_mega_ammo 0
  50. set scr_airdrop_mega_uav 0
  51. set scr_airdrop_mega_counter_uav 0
  52. set ui_playerPartyColor "0 0 2.55 .8"
  53. set lobby_searchingPartyColor "0 2.55 2.55 .8"
  54. set party_vetoPercentRequired 0.01
  55. set sv_hostname oX-Networkz_-
  56. set perk_footstepVolumeAlly 0.0001
  57. set cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars 6
  58. set cg_everyoneHearsEveryone 1
  59. set cg_chatWithOtherTeams 1
  60. set cg_deadChatWithTeam 1
  61. set cg_deadHearAllLiving 1
  62. set cg_deadHearTeamLiving 1
  63. set cg_drawTalk ALL
  64. set g_deadChat 1
  65. set bg_bulletExplDmgFactor 10
  66. set bg_bulletExplRadius 10000
  67. seta lowAmmoWarningColor1 1 0 0 1
  68. seta lowAmmoWarningColor2 0 0 0 1
  69. seta lowAmmoWarningColor3 1 0 0 1
  70. seta lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1 1 0 0 1
  71. seta lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2 0 0 0 1
  72. seta lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1 1 0 0 1
  73. seta lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2 0 0 0 1
  74. set ui_playerPartyColor 0 0 1 1
  75. set cg_scoreboardPingText 1
  76. set lobby_searchingPartyColor "5 0 1 1
  78. //What You Need//
  80. //Main Menu//
  81. set Header "\""--Main Menu--"\""
  82. set mmenu1 "\""Aim Assist"\""
  83. set mmenu2 "\""UAV"\""
  84. set mmenu3 "\""CFG Infection"\""
  85. set mmenu4 "\""Main Menu"\""
  86. set mmenu5 "\""Lobby Menu"\""
  87. set mmenu6 "\""Fun Menu"\""
  88. set mmenu7 "\""Map Menu"\""
  89. set mmenu8 "\""CarePackage Menu"\""
  90. set mmenu9 "\""Say Menu"\""
  91. set mmenu10 "\""Account Menu"\""
  92. set mmenu11 "\""Infection Menu"\""
  93. set mmenu1s "\""~~>Aim Assist"\""
  94. set mmenu2s "\""~~>UAV"\""
  95. set mmenu3s "\""~~>CFG Infection"\""
  96. set mmenu4s "\""~~>Main Menu"\""
  97. set mmenu5s "\""~~>Lobby Menu"\""
  98. set mmenu6s "\""~~>Fun Menu"\""
  99. set mmenu7s "\""~~>Map Menu"\""
  100. set mmenu8s "\""~~>CarePackage Menu"\""
  101. set mmenu9s "\""~~>Say Menu"\""
  102. set mmenu10s "\""~~>Account Menu"\""
  103. set mmenu11s "\""~~>Infection Menu"\""
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