
Havendale Port

Jan 29th, 2020
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  57. <div id="Layout" oncontextmenu="return false;">
  59. <div class="back2"></div>
  61. <div id="box">
  62. <div id="image"></div>
  63. <div id="seagull"><img src=""></div>
  64. <div id="name">Havendale Port</div>
  65. <div id="bar"></div><div id="bar2"></div><div id="bar3"></div>
  67. <div id="navi">
  68. <center>
  69. <a class="nav tooltip2" href="#1"><span>Owning land, buildings, and having jobs</span></a>
  70. <a class="nav tooltip2" href="#2"><span>Places</span></a>
  71. <a class="nav tooltip2" href="#3"><span>Residents</span></a>
  72. <a class="nav tooltip2" href="#4"><span>Staff</span></a>
  73. <a class="nav tooltip2" href="#5"><span>Events</span></a>
  74. <a class="nav tooltip2" href="#6"><span>Home</span></a>
  75. </center>
  76. </div>
  78. <div id="infobackground">
  79. <div id="infobox">
  80. <center>
  81. <div style="height: 100%; overflow-y: hidden;">
  82. <div style="width:95%; height: 100%; top: 0px; overflow: auto;" align="justify">
  83. <br>
  84. <h1>Rules and Regulations</h1>
  85. <b>1.</b> Every rule will be followed and respected.
  86. <br><br>
  87. <b>2.</b> OOC will be kept to a dull roar. If rp starts, minimal OOC is to be spoken. Please respect writers. Even the ones that use one-liners.
  88. <br><br>
  89. <b>3.</b> NO drama! Respect everyone in the room.
  90. <br><br>
  91. <b>4.</b> Fighting will be done in acceptable forms. Turn based, T1, T2, T3, dice. It should be discussed with the person you are going to be fighting with before hand before any fighting is to commence.
  92. <br><br>
  93. <b>5.</b> God modding will be warned to stop and if it presists then it will result in a ban.
  94. <br><br>
  95. <b>6.</b> Please give a warning for posts that is longer than 5+ paras.
  96. <br><br>
  97. <b>7.</b> Please give a warning for posts that is longer than 5+ paras.
  98. <br><br>
  99. <b>8.</b> There will be no discrimination of how someone posts, acts, or who and what their character is ETC. Everyone is welcome here. There will be no bullying of any kind.
  100. <br><br>
  101. <b>9.</b> Anime, RL, Comicbook, Video Game, all FCs and types of characters are welcome here, even smut based profiles. The only profiles not accepted are those that do not follow the image rules.. IE characters that look like children (no matter their speices) that show them in a sexual light, nudity and suggestive posing included.
  102. <br><br>
  103. <b>10.</b> No advertising or bashing another room etc within main chat.
  104. <br><br>
  105. <b>11.</b> No smut in main please. Heavy PDA, even groping and teasing is acceptable, but please take any smut to PMs.
  106. <br><br>
  107. <b>12.</b> Subquentually, if there is an argument or disagreement do not bring it to main. If it is in main take it to PMs. Failure to comply will result in a ban of both parties. If you can not sort it our yourselves then bring it to the attention of the Admin or a Mod to help mediate the situation. Also, if there is a problem and someone is harassing you or they are doing something bad in main please provide a screen shot, no copy paste text will be accepted. The mods will deal with them.
  108. <br><br>
  109. <b>13.</b> The enviroment of the room, meaning roads, trees, houses... etc, are there to be used. Do what you will and have fun with it. Just remember there is always rp concequenses to rp actions!
  110. <br><br>
  111. <b>14.</b> Nudity is allowed. People can walk around naked half naked or however they feel comfortable. We are not here to restrict your character. (Accept child like characters, see RULE #9)
  112. <br><br>
  113. <b>15.</b> Mods will be treated with the same respect as room owner. If they say something, then it will be followed.
  114. </div>
  115. </div>
  116. </div>
  117. </div>
  119. <div id="infobackground2">
  120. <div id="infobox2">
  121. <center>
  122. <div style="height: 100%; overflow-y: hidden;">
  123. <div style="width:95%; height: 100%; top: 0px; overflow: auto;" align="center">
  124. <br>
  125. <font style="font-size:1.5vw;font-family:righteous;color:#3971db;font-weight:bold;font-variant:small-caps;">Welcome All</font><br><br>
  126. Havendale Port is a place where worlds collide. It is a mix of modern and old world buildings, shops, and scenry coming together in a peaceful comunity. With the coast on one side and rolling hills on the other, it sits in the middle of what could only be described as paradise to those that call it home.
  127. <br><br>
  128. The sea providing excelent imports and exports, not to mention a thriving fishing trade, along with the ground rich in natrual resources. It is a place that everyone can come and relax and live out their days doing what most people only dream.
  129. <br><br>
  130. There is something for everyone here. And if one doesn't want to stay then they can head over to the tavern and rent a room for as long as they wish.
  131. <br><br>
  132. Magic runs through the earth and even fantasy creatures and story legends can be spotted within the towns borders. It is a place that welcomes all and no one has to worry about not fitting in.
  133. <br><br>
  134. </div></div></div>
  136. <div id="1" class="content">
  137. <center>
  138. <br>
  139. All these places are up to be owned or oporated just like any business. If you would like your own business then contact a mod or the room owner to let them know what you would like. You can make anything you wish within reason. You need to provide a picture and description of the establishment, and the name of the character that will run it. You can also 'purchase' land.
  140. <br><br>
  141. Please keep in mind that it will also be treated like a normal business or job <b>(Except instead of paying money or clocking in... you have to be active and participate within the room)</b>.
  142. <br><br>
  143. Any land or business that you decide to own, you must be active to keep that job/position/house etc. You have a grace period of two weeks of not logging on or letting us know of any issues irl or a reason for not being able to be present before you forfit your land/home/shop etc. As long as you let us know within the two week period or tell us upon returning <b>(with a legitiment reason)</b>, then you will either keep your claim or it be given back. On the rare occasion of someone taking over your claim <b>(Except for personal establishments that you came up with)</b>, we will work out a way to incorportate both.
  144. </center>
  145. </div>
  147. <div id="2" class="content">
  148. <br>
  149. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  150. <div id="text">
  151. <h3>Town Hall ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Name</a></h3>
  152. Here is where everything is decided and the peace is kept. The police station is right off the side of it along with the fire department.
  153. </div></div>
  155. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  156. <div id="text">
  157. <h3>Harbor Master's Office ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Reserved</a></h3>
  158. Imports and explorts come through here... along with anyone arriving by sea to check in and resiter their ship. Most water trades coming in and out go through this office, and the fish market is right on the docks next to the building.
  159. </div></div>
  161. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  162. <div id="text">
  163. <h3>Church ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Name</a></h3>
  164. Anyone is welcome no matter what their religion
  165. </div></div>
  167. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  168. <div id="text">
  169. <h3>Tavern ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Name</a></h3>
  170. A nice place to spend the morning, afternoon, or evening. Rooms are always availible for those that need a place to lay their head. It is between the docks and the main part of town.
  171. </div></div>
  173. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  174. <div id="text">
  175. <h3>Grocery Store ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Name</a></h3>
  176. A general small town grocery. They can order anything you need that they don't have. Fresh produce from local farmers along with dairy products also.
  177. </div></div>
  179. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  180. <div id="text">
  181. <h3>Flower Shop ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Name</a></h3>
  182. Imported and locally grown flowers sold here.
  183. </div></div>
  185. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  186. <div id="text">
  187. <h3>Libarary ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Name</a></h3>
  188. The best place to learn knowledge. There is a wide variety of books from non-fiction to even mangas.
  189. </div></div>
  191. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  192. <div id="text">
  193. <h3>Clinic ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Tamayo</a></h3>
  194. Owned by the demon doctor Tamayo. Her doors are opened twenty-four hours just in case of emergencies. She can even perform major surgery if needed.
  195. </div></div>
  197. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  198. <div id="text">
  199. <h3>Diner ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Name</a></h3>
  200. The best local place to grab a bite to eat, and listen to all the latest gossip.
  201. </div></div>
  203. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  204. <div id="text">
  205. <h3>Coffee Shop ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Name</a></h3>
  206. It isn't exactly Starbucks... but it can be pretty close
  207. </div></div>
  209. <div id="hold"><img src="">
  210. <div id="text">
  211. <h3>School ~ Owner: <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Name</a></h3>
  212. It caters to all grades with the different wings of the building.
  213. </div></div>
  214. </div>
  216. <div id="3" class="content">
  217. <center>
  218. <br>
  219. <a target="_blank" href=""><div class="text"><span><img class="icon" src=""></span><div class="text-content">Name</div></div></a>
  221. <a target="_blank" href=""><div class="text"><span><img class="icon" src=""></span><div class="text-content">Name</div></div></a>
  223. <a target="_blank" href=""><div class="text"><span><img class="icon" src=""></span><div class="text-content">Name</div></div></a>
  225. <a target="_blank" href=""><div class="text"><span><img class="icon" src=""></span><div class="text-content">Name</div></div></a>
  226. </div>
  228. <div id="4" class="content">
  229. <center>
  230. <br>
  231. <a target="_blank" href=""><div class="text"><span><img class="icon" src=""></span><div class="text-content">Name</div></div></a>
  233. <a target="_blank" href=""><div class="text"><span><img class="icon" src=""></span><div class="text-content">Name</div></div></a>
  235. <a target="_blank" href=""><div class="text"><span><img class="icon" src=""></span><div class="text-content">Name</div></div></a>
  237. <a target="_blank" href=""><div class="text"><span><img class="icon" src=""></span><div class="text-content">Name</div></div></a>
  238. </div>
  240. <div id="5" class="content">
  241. Events go here
  242. </div></div>
  244. </div>
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