

Jan 14th, 2015
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  1. Our Main Event was [url=Owen's music]Owen[/url] vs [url=Austin's music]Austin[/url], and it was a hell of a match!
  3. Owen and Austin started out by feeling the other out, looking for a mistake. Owen feinted right, and when Austin dodged left, Owen caught him, and took him down. On the ground, Owen started working over Austin's legs, until Austin countered a stomp by tripping Owen's leg. After getting up, Austin started going on the offensive on the downed Owen. After a few stomps, he backs off, giving Owen time to get up, only to hit him with a Thesz Press. He then goes back to the stomps, taunting Owen. "YER BIG BROTHER AIN'T HERE TO HOLD YER DAMN HAND, IS HE, YA LITTLE SUMBITCH?" As Austin keeps pressing the attack, Owen is slowly crawling towards the bottom rope, until he managed to grab it! Using the ropes as leverage, Owen manages to catch Austin on a stomp, and trips him, holding his leg. He goes for the sharpshooter, but Austin quickly manages to escape before it's locked in. The two of them then start trading blows back and forth, neither one getting much of an advantage, until Austin jukes a punch, rakes Owen across the eyes, and goes for a surprise stunner!
  5. 1...2... No! Owen kicks out! Austin can't believe it, and starts stomping on him, and goes for another pin!
  7. 1...2... No! Owen then grabs Austin, and hits him with a Northern Lights Suplex! Owen climbs up to the top rope, and hits Austin with a diving elbow, hooking the leg for a pin attempt.
  9. 1...2...2.9, Austin kicks out! As Austin starts to stand up, dazed, Owen has him scouted hits him with an Enzuigiri! Austin is out of it now! Owen grabs him, attempting to put him into the Dragon Sleeper, but Austin is able to wriggle out of it and apply a sleeper hold! As Owen slumps to the floor, Austin starts to laugh, releases the hold, and goes for a rollup!
  11. 1...2... With the last of his strength, Owen reverses it!
  12. 1...2...2.9! Austin gets the shoulder up, as Owen quickly transitions into the Sharpshooter!
  14. Austin is still hurting from the stomps from earlier, and agonizes as he crawls to the ropes. But he's able to reach them, and fight back to his feet, kicking Owen away. Owen backs up, hits the ropes, and just as Austin gets to his feet, Owen elbows him over the ropes! Owen hits the ropes yet again, and DIVES TO THE OUTSIDE, CRASHING RIGHT INTO AUSTIN! Owen gets back to his feet quick, and starts taunting the downed Austin. "YOU THINK MY BIG BROTHER COULD DO THAT, HUH? I DON'T NEED ANYONE HOLDING MY HAND, AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE, CAUSE OWEN HART SAID SO!" With that last bit he imitated Austin's taunts, further enraging the Texas Rattlesnake. As Austin regained his footing, Owen set right at him, slamming his head into the ring apron and the barricade before rolling him back into the ring and setting up for a springboard move. Starting on the outside, Owen vaults over the ropes to the inside, lands on the ropes, springboards again, and lands on his feet as Austin rolls out of the way! Austin hits the ropes and goes for the Thesz Press, but Owen ducks under before popping back up as Austin turns around. Austin goes for a Stunner, Owen reverses it into a German, but Austin flips through! Shaking his head and his finger, as if to say "nuh-uh, not this time," Austin goes for another Stunner, but Owen catches his leg on the kick and rolls him up!
  16. 1...2...3! [b]Owen has pinned Austin[/b]! This match was intense from start to finish! If it was in the Tokyo Dome, I bet Meltzer would have given this 5*!
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