
My Rustled Jimmies: Twily is Lame

Nov 5th, 2012
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  3. Princess Celestia stood at the head of the massive line to the Gala; she was greeting each and every guest with a cheerful enthusiasm. From behind her reflective sunglasses, she saw a familiar purple unicorn prancing past the line; heading straight for her.
  5. “ Well, shit. There goes my night.” She muttered under her breath.
  7. Celestia grimaced at the thought of dealing with her frustratingly lame student for the entire Gala. But she couldn’t abandon her mission; the reason she gave tickets to Twilight Sparkle and her gang of merry mares was so she could learn the joys of friendship like they could never be learned back in the tiny town of Ponyville. Twilight needed to learn that sometimes, the only thing standing between oneself and a drunken rape is a good friend. The purple unicorn mare reached the front of the line, smiling broadly and curtsying to the Princess. Celestia put on her best fake smile and greeted her.
  9. “ Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student! I’m so glad you could make it to this year’s annual Grand Galloping Gala!”
  11. Twilight rose, but her smile stayed constant.
  13. “ Princess Celestia, I’m so excited to be here; we have SO MUCH to catch up on!” she said, nearly at shouting volume.
  15. “ Yes,” Celestia replied quietly, “ It’s all so very exciting. But I’m sure you have plenty of things planned for yourself and your friends, so I won’t keep you waiting any longer.”
  17. With that, the Princess turned back to the waiting guests and began greeting again. Twilight stood behind her, smiling, staring. Several minutes passed of Celestia welcoming the Gala guests before the unicorn chirped up again.
  19. “ Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors?” she asked. Celestia didn’t turn around and merely answered over her shoulder.
  21. “ It looks cool; appearances are everything when you’re the boss, Twilight.”
  23. She stepped closer, stopping just short of Celestia’s flowing tail.
  25. “ But it’s so bright in here, why not just wear an amazing party outfit like everypony else?”
  27. The princess felt a rapid growing of anger in her lungs.
  28. “ This IS my party outfit, Twilight.” She replied, “ And you know what? I think your brother’s over at the drink table; why don’t you go say hello to him?”
  30. Twilight froze at the mention of her big brother, Shining Armor.
  32. “ I don’t think he’s my brother at all.” She whispered, glancing over at a pair of Royal Guards passing by her.
  34. “ Oh no,” Celestia groaned, putting a hoof to her brow. “ Not this again….”
  36. “ I think he’s a spy sent by the changelings!” she declared.
  38. “ Changelings don’t exist.”
  40. “ I think they DO!” Twilight said excitedly, stepping closer behind the princess.
  42. “ They most certainly do not, Twilight; I even sent you a book disproving the myth of changelings, remember?”
  44. But the unicorn could not be slowed down at this point; instead of stopping, she inched even closer to the point where Celestia could almost feel Twilight’s breath on her flank.
  46. “ Well I read a book in Ponyville that states that not only do changelings exist, but they have already breached the highest ranks of Equestrian security!”
  48. Celestia growled at Twilight, “ That so-called ‘professor’ who authored that book knew nothing about science or magic. I thought by now that you would know better than to trust the works of a pony who thought he could survive an expedition through the Everfree forest alone.”
  50. Twilight looked confused, “ When was this?”
  52. “ Shortly after that book was released, he informed me that he was planning an expedition to advance Equestria’s knowledge of the unknown powers of the forest. I had offered him a contingent of guards to protect him; he accepted the help, but once he reached the edge of the forest, he insisted on going it alone and went on his own into the wilderness.”
  54. “Interesting, were you there?” Twilight asked.
  56. “ Well no, Twilight; I have better things to do than babysit some wannabe researcher. My guards informed me of everything once they returned to Canterlot.” Celestia replied.
  58. “ Aaaand you see nothing wrong with that?”
  60. “ Twilight Sparkle, GO TALK TO YOUR BROTHER.” She commanded, still trying to greet every guest entering the Gala.
  62. “ I’m sorry, Princess. But I find it incredibly hard to believe that I’m related to my brother; he doesn’t even look like me, or my parents, or anypony for that matter! He’s too abnormal to be one of us, and he always wears the same ugly red suit to every event he goes to!” Twilight shouted, disregarding the line of staring guests.
  64. Celestia was livid at this point, shutting her eyes and desperately trying to shut out the annoying voice behind her.
  66. “ Twilight, go away. Go have a good time, go drink, go mingle, go chow down on cake. I don’t care what you do, but right now you are driving me up the damn wall and I’M NOT GONNA TAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE!”
  68. With a roar, Celestia raised her hind legs up and bucked hard at the small unicorn; the force of the mighty kick sent Twilight barreling across the room, through one of the ballroom’s glass doors and skidding along the floor, finally slowing to a halt at the hoofs of her big brother, Shining Armor.
  70. The large white unicorn stallion was busy devouring a plate of appetizers and, as Twilight had predicted, he was dressed in his tacky red suit. Shining looked over from his massacred meal at his crumpled sister; he immediately spat out his half-chewed mouthful and rubbed a grimy hoof across his mouth.
  72. “ TWILY!” he yelled with excitement, making several nearby party guests turn their heads. Twilight looked up at him, dazed, in pain and not to mention stunned that her mentor had just booted her across half the ballroom. She had trouble focusing on the tall figure in front of her, but recognized the incredibly aggravating voice of her brother.
  74. “ IT’S BEEN SOOO LONG SINCE YOU’VE BEEN BACK TO CANTERLOT! YOUR BIG BRO MISSED YOU LIKE, SOOO MUCH!” he shouted with a dopey grin across his face. Twilight sighed and rose to her feet.
  76. “ Hello, Shining Armor.” She said silently, almost as a murmur. She studied her happy brother’s features like she did many times when she was still living in Canterlot; as always, she found everything about him disgraceful.
  78. His streaked blue hair had tiny morsels of food stuck in it, his bright red suit was stained with whatever he’d been drinking that night, be it wine or sarsaparilla; his pure white coat was similarly blotched with the hard work of Canterlot Palace’s finest chefs. Twilight averted her eyes,
  80. “ So… You wore THAT again?” she asked, gesturing to his suit.
  82. “ HAY YEAH I WORE THIS AGAIN! THIS BELONGED TO MY FAVOURITE UNCLE!” he shouted, causing most guests to leave the area.
  84. “ Alrighty then. Well, good luck with that.” Twilight quickly uttered before quickly spinning around to leave. A wall of white blocked her vision; mere inches in front of her stood Princess Celestia. Her shades hid the emotion of her eyes, but her brow and drooped face gave the appearance of sorrow.
  86. “ Twilight Sparkle, my actions were completely uncalled for; I’d like to apologize.” The princess said sullenly. Twilight stared straight-faced at her for a minute, before tearing up.
  88. “ I just wanted t-to spend… time with you.” She whimpered. Celestia lowered her face to meet Twilight eye to eye.
  90. “ I’m sorry for kicking you through a glass door and into the middle of this ballroom filled with dignitaries from around the country. But hey, that’s what friends do to each other sometimes.”
  92. Twilight sniffed, “ Really?”
  94. “ Of course! Just look at those two failures, Applejack and Rainbow Dash; they fight all the time, but are the best of friends.”
  96. They remained still, and the room was silent other than the punctuating sounds of Shining Armor’s resumed feasting.
  98. “ S-so… You don’t hate me?” Twilight asked, magically drying her tears.
  100. “ Of course not, Twilight. You ARE still my star pupil, are you not?”
  102. “ And… And I’m not really annoying?” Twilight asked hopefully.
  104. Celestia cringed slightly, “ Well….” She began, looking into Twilight’s widening eyes. She then turned to her gluttonous brother who was watching intently while chomping on another plate of food. She directed her anger at him.
  106. “ Shining Armor! Your lack of manners is disturbing your fellow party guests. Please tone down your volume and your despicable eating habits, or show yourself out of the Palace.” She snapped. Shining Armor had stopped mid-chew and was staring at her, completely dumbfounded. Twilight then turned on him, too.
  108. “ She’s right, big brother! Stop being so gross!”
  110. The bullied stallion lowered his ears in submission,
  112. “ But I’m not done yet!” he pleaded.
  114. “ Just leave, alright?” Celestia said, followed closely by Twilight.
  116. “ Yeah! Get your act together, loser!”
  118. With that, Shining Armor raced out of the ballroom, chased by their hateful eyes until he was out of site. The angry princess and pupil were truly a team to be feared. Celestia offered her hoof out to her student, who hesitated.
  120. “ Awe, come on, Twilight. Don’t leave your Princess hanging!” Celestia said encouragingly.
  122. Twilight Sparkle slowly raised her own hoof,
  123. “ Like this?” she asked. Suddenly, a small cloud of magic engulfed her outstretched hoof and brought it to contact with Celestia’s own.
  125. “ Like that.” The princess replied. Twilight squealed with glee; she felt something of a higher connection to her mentor through the simple gesture.
  127. “ Now we’re bros, Twilight.” The princess said, almost reluctantly.
  129. “ Does that mean we get to do this all the time?” Twilight asked excitedly. Celestia quickly pulled back her hoof and began walking for the door.
  131. “ No, and don't bug me to do it, either. We’ll only do it when I decide the time is right, and ONLY then.” She ordered, straight-faced, while Twilight hopped at her side.
  133. “ Well?” Celestia asked, “ Aren’t you going to fill me in on your adventures?”
  135. “ Right! Well, I’ll start with the time when we met a zebra and learned the importance of not judging someone by appearances!”
  137. “Ugh, I’m going to need a drink. Continue.”
  139. “ Well,” Twilight started, as the two approached the expansive ballroom bar.
  141. “ Everypony in Ponyville thought she was evil, simply because she was different.”
  143. “Mhmm?”
  145. “ Well, not me, but all the locals would hide away whenever she came into town. And then when my friend Applejack’s little sister went out to talk to her, we all ran into the Everfree forest to get her back; and we ran right into a large patch of Poison joke!”
  147. “ Wait, poison joke? You mean the blue flower that fucks you up bad?” Celestia asked; her interest surprisingly peaked by something out of Twilight’s mouth.
  149. “ Oh, yes! It was terrible! Have you ever encountered it before?” the unicorn asked.
  151. “ Of course I have, Twilight. I used to live in that forest. What did the poison joke do to you?”
  153. “ It made my horn limp and covered in spots.” The princess laughed at her, “ Hah! You couldn’t get it up, eh?”
  155. “ I really couldn’t, Princess! And I tried everything I knew, but it was still all floppy no matter what I did.” Twilight answered naively; the Princess laughed harder.
  157. “ So, what did the poison joke do to you, Princess?”
  159. “ Oh, it turned me PINK for an entire month. It was dreadful!” Celestia answered back.
  161. The two stopped at the bar and were immediately badgered by a dozen waiters and bartenders; the princess shooed them away and grabbed several bottles and glasses from behind the bar with her magic grasp.
  163. “ You know what, Twilight? You’re alright for an egghead.” She said affirmatively.
  165. “ Excuse me, princess?”
  167. “ Never mind, my student. How’s about a stiff drink to start the night off right?” Celestia asked while expertly mixing together two tall drinks at once. Twilight gulped,
  169. “ I dunno, Princess; I can get pretty wild when I have some liquor in me.” She said warily.
  171. “ Oh, please. Like you’ve ever had more than half a cooler before; you always said something cheesy like, ‘ My body is a temple’ or something along those lines. Or has that changed too since you started your friendship studies in Ponyville?”
  173. Twilight blushed, “ Well, Princess. My friend Pinkie Pie throws some amazing parties… and maybe I’ve gotten a little carried away with the party punch a couple times.”
  175. Celestia patted her heartily on the back.
  177. “ THAT’S the spirit, Twilight! That’s part of the magic of friendship! Trying new things, getting wasted and waking up in bed next to one of your best friends, having out-of-body experiences, stuff like that!”
  179. She leaned in close to Twilight and brought their two drinks in between them.
  181. “ I’m very proud of you, Twilight Sparkle. Here’s to magic.” She whispered; Twilight grabbed her drink from Celestia with her own magic and clinked the two glasses together.
  183. “ And to friendship!”
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