

Feb 2nd, 2016
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  1. I had a dream where I was in some unspecified fast food restaurant and I ordered something but it got mixed up and I ended up with a burrito from taco bell on top of a burger, then when I got my receipt it listed two separate orders, the latter being my actual order but the former being a list of riot gear (I can't remember exactly what was on the list but it was clear at the time) then the drink machine or something (it was a wet metal something set into the wall next to the registers, but situated parallel to the m rather than where a drink thing would be and had none of the taps) started making noises like a printer and when I looked over there it was printing certificates of some kind, but they were inside plastic envelopes or something which were shaped like old side-perforated printer paper. I got another receipt handed to me either after or during my noticing this, but it wasn't a receipt, it was printed on the same paper as the certificates (sans plastic shell) and was covered in a wall of dark, heavy, incomprehensible symbols which covered the left 4/5 of the page and went to the edge of the page, ignoring any margins. This paper was warped slightly in the middle, as if it had been wet and then dried. Then I woke up.
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