

Oct 27th, 2014
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  1. 27.10 01:12:57 [Server] INFO [01:12:57 INFO]: Phentemeh left the game.
  2. 27.10 01:12:57 [Disconnect] User [01:12:57 INFO]: Phentemeh has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  3. 27.10 01:12:57 [Server] INFO [01:12:57 ERROR]: Couldn't verify username because servers are unavailable
  4. 27.10 01:12:57 [Server] INFO [01:12:57 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=<null>,name=wd40bomber7,properties={},legacy=false] (/ Authentication servers are down. Please try again later, sorry!
  5. 27.10 01:12:56 [Disconnect] User [01:12:56 INFO]:[id=<null>,name=wd40bomber7,properties={},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: Disconnected
  6. 27.10 01:12:53 [Server] INFO [01:12:53 INFO]: Matty707 left the game.
  7. 27.10 01:12:53 [Disconnect] User [01:12:53 INFO]: Matty707 has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  8. 27.10 01:12:48 [Server] INFO [01:12:48 INFO]: wd40bomber7 left the game.
  9. 27.10 01:12:48 [Disconnect] User [01:12:48 INFO]: wd40bomber7 has disconnected, reason: Disconnected
  10. 27.10 01:12:46 [Server] INFO [01:12:46 INFO]: 0msk left the game.
  11. 27.10 01:12:46 [Disconnect] User [01:12:46 INFO]: 0msk has disconnected, reason: Disconnected
  12. 27.10 01:12:46 [Server] INFO [01:12:46 INFO]: ParticleX left the game.
  13. 27.10 01:12:46 [Disconnect] User [01:12:46 INFO]: ParticleX has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  14. 27.10 01:12:46 [Server] INFO [01:12:46 INFO]: Frostspoon left the game.
  15. 27.10 01:12:46 [Disconnect] User [01:12:46 INFO]: Frostspoon has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  16. 27.10 01:12:46 [Server] INFO [01:12:46 INFO]: frostspork left the game.
  17. 27.10 01:12:46 [Disconnect] User [01:12:46 INFO]: frostspork has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  18. 27.10 01:12:09 [Server] INFO Reason: The Ban Hammer has spoken!
  19. 27.10 01:12:09 [Disconnect] User [01:12:09 INFO]:[id=c189cda0-2fcc-478f-a68f-b13b481b0a28,name=knishman123,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: You are banned from this server!
  20. 27.10 01:12:09 [Server] INFO Reason: The Ban Hammer has spoken!
  21. 27.10 01:12:09 [Server] INFO [01:12:09 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=c189cda0-2fcc-478f-a68f-b13b481b0a28,name=knishman123,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ You are banned from this server!
  22. 27.10 01:12:09 [Server] INFO [01:12:09 INFO]: UUID of player knishman123 is c189cda0-2fcc-478f-a68f-b13b481b0a28
  23. 27.10 01:12:04 [Server] INFO [01:12:04 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> For sure
  24. 27.10 01:11:40 [Disconnect] User [01:11:40 INFO]:[id=<null>,name=MCI,properties={},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: Disconnected
  25. 27.10 01:11:27 [Server] INFO [01:11:27 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> for the best
  26. 27.10 01:11:24 [Server] INFO [01:11:24 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> ok
  27. 27.10 01:11:23 [Server] INFO [01:11:23 INFO]: stuffguy1A left the game.
  28. 27.10 01:11:23 [Disconnect] User [01:11:23 INFO]: stuffguy1A has disconnected, reason: Disconnected
  29. 27.10 01:11:20 [Server] INFO [01:11:20 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <stuffguy1A> ok... I think ima leave if my friends banned...
  30. 27.10 01:11:20 [Server] INFO [01:11:20 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> just answer for yourself don't mind others
  31. 27.10 01:11:15 [Server] INFO [01:11:15 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> do you agree to follow the /rules?
  32. 27.10 01:11:11 [Server] INFO [01:11:11 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> So that you do not meet the same fate
  33. 27.10 01:11:09 [Server] INFO [01:11:09 INFO]: CONSOLE: Save complete.
  34. 27.10 01:11:09 [Server] INFO [01:11:09 INFO]: CONSOLE: Forcing save..
  35. 27.10 01:11:09 [Server] INFO [01:11:09 INFO]: CONSOLE: Enabled level saving..
  36. 27.10 01:11:09 [Multicraft] Auto-saving world...
  37. 27.10 01:11:07 [Server] INFO [01:11:07 INFO]: §6Player§c §2[Owner] §f<§2§4EmpathyHeals§r §6banned IP address§c §6for: §cThe Ban Hammer has spoken!§6.
  38. 27.10 01:11:06 [Server] INFO [01:11:06 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Please agree to the rules
  39. 27.10 01:11:03 [Server] INFO [01:11:03 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Anyways stuff
  40. 27.10 01:10:53 [Server] INFO [01:10:53 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <stuffguy1A> Oh
  41. 27.10 01:10:43 [Server] INFO [01:10:43 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <stuffguy1A> ...
  42. 27.10 01:10:42 [Server] INFO [01:10:42 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> His openning sentence started with "faggo"
  43. 27.10 01:10:36 [Server] INFO [01:10:36 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <stuffguy1A> He said yes
  44. 27.10 01:10:30 [Server] INFO [01:10:30 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <stuffguy1A> he was nice...
  45. 27.10 01:10:27 [Server] INFO [01:10:27 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <stuffguy1A> Why Ban Bobjr
  46. 27.10 01:10:20 [Server] INFO [01:10:20 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Lol itsshrek banned too
  47. 27.10 01:10:14 [Server] INFO Reason: The Ban Hammer has spoken!
  48. 27.10 01:10:14 [Disconnect] User [01:10:14 INFO]:[id=4abdbe76-6745-4950-ac54-715abaf81525,name=ItsShrek,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: You are banned from this server!
  49. 27.10 01:10:14 [Server] INFO Reason: The Ban Hammer has spoken!
  50. 27.10 01:10:14 [Server] INFO [01:10:14 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=4abdbe76-6745-4950-ac54-715abaf81525,name=ItsShrek,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ You are banned from this server!
  51. 27.10 01:10:14 [Server] INFO [01:10:14 INFO]: UUID of player ItsShrek is 4abdbe76-6745-4950-ac54-715abaf81525
  52. 27.10 01:10:10 [Server] INFO [01:10:10 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Yes please agree to /rules
  53. 27.10 01:10:08 [Server] INFO [01:10:08 INFO]: Error: Player not found.
  54. 27.10 01:10:08 [Server] INFO §rThe Ban Hammer has spoken!§6.
  55. 27.10 01:10:08 [Server] INFO [01:10:08 INFO]: §6Player§c Console §6banned§c ItsShrek §6for: §c§cYou have been banned:
  56. 27.10 01:10:08 [Server] INFO §rThe Ban Hammer has spoken!
  57. 27.10 01:10:08 [Disconnect] User [01:10:08 INFO]: ItsShrek has disconnected, reason: §cYou have been banned:
  58. 27.10 01:10:07 [01:10:07 INFO]: ItsShrek ran command Message of the Day
  59. 27.10 01:10:07 [Server] INFO [01:10:07 INFO]: Creating empty config: /plugins/Essentials/userdata/4abdbe76-6745-4950-ac54-715abaf81525.yml
  60. 27.10 01:10:07 [Connect] User [01:10:07 INFO]: ItsShrek, IP
  61. 27.10 01:10:07 [Server] INFO [01:10:07 INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Auto-banned ItsShrek because that account is using an IP address very recently used by banned player BobJr22 (/
  62. 27.10 01:10:07 [Server] INFO [01:10:07 INFO]: UUID of player ItsShrek is 4abdbe76-6745-4950-ac54-715abaf81525
  63. 27.10 01:09:56 [Server] INFO [01:09:56 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> grr answer me
  64. 27.10 01:09:55 [Server] INFO [01:09:55 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> But miran may have lagged out
  65. 27.10 01:09:51 [Server] INFO [01:09:51 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> To clarify bobjr22 has been banned
  66. 27.10 01:09:27 [Server] INFO [01:09:27 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> do you agree to follow the /rules?
  67. 27.10 01:09:23 [Server] INFO [01:09:23 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> no he got banned
  68. 27.10 01:09:15 [Server] INFO [01:09:15 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <stuffguy1A> Bobjr... call
  69. 27.10 01:09:10 [Server] INFO [01:09:10 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <stuffguy1A> He lagged
  70. 27.10 01:09:04 [Server] INFO [01:09:04 INFO]: Miran_Hack left the game.
  71. 27.10 01:09:04 [Disconnect] User [01:09:04 INFO]: Miran_Hack has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  72. 27.10 01:08:59 [Server] INFO Reason: The Ban Hammer has spoken!
  73. 27.10 01:08:59 [Disconnect] User [01:08:59 INFO]:[id=60f3ea93-6568-4a12-a220-4247c45bb7c0,name=BobJr22,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: You are banned from this server!
  74. 27.10 01:08:59 [Server] INFO Reason: The Ban Hammer has spoken!
  75. 27.10 01:08:59 [Server] INFO [01:08:59 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=60f3ea93-6568-4a12-a220-4247c45bb7c0,name=BobJr22,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ You are banned from this server!
  76. 27.10 01:08:59 [Server] INFO [01:08:59 INFO]: UUID of player BobJr22 is 60f3ea93-6568-4a12-a220-4247c45bb7c0
  77. 27.10 01:08:56 [Server] INFO [01:08:56 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> list
  78. 27.10 01:08:55 [Server] INFO [01:08:55 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> anyone else?
  79. 27.10 01:08:53 [Server] INFO [01:08:53 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <stuffguy1A> ds
  80. 27.10 01:08:53 [Server] INFO [01:08:53 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> i wasn't
  81. 27.10 01:08:51 [Server] INFO §rThe Ban Hammer has spoken!§6.
  82. 27.10 01:08:51 [Server] INFO [01:08:51 INFO]: §6Player§c §2[Owner] §f<§2§4EmpathyHeals§r §6banned§c BobJr22 §6for: §c§cYou have been banned:
  83. 27.10 01:08:51 [Server] INFO §rThe Ban Hammer has spoken!
  84. 27.10 01:08:51 [Disconnect] User [01:08:51 INFO]: BobJr22 has disconnected, reason: §cYou have been banned:
  85. 27.10 01:08:47 [Server] INFO [01:08:47 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> yes
  86. 27.10 01:08:44 [Server] INFO [01:08:44 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> do you agree? don't troll
  87. 27.10 01:08:43 [Server] INFO [01:08:43 INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Muted spam (spamcount:3) from BobJr22: jk
  88. 27.10 01:08:43 [Server] INFO [01:08:43 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> jk
  89. 27.10 01:08:42 [Server] INFO [01:08:42 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> no
  90. 27.10 01:08:38 [Server] INFO [01:08:38 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> you get banned
  91. 27.10 01:08:34 [Server] INFO [01:08:34 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> what if I say nop
  92. 27.10 01:08:32 [Server] INFO [01:08:32 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> wait hold on
  93. 27.10 01:08:30 [Server] INFO [01:08:30 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals>
  94. 27.10 01:08:22 [Server] INFO [01:08:22 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> ya
  95. 27.10 01:08:16 [Server] INFO [01:08:16 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> bob and stuff do you agree to follow the /rules?
  96. 27.10 01:08:14 [Server] INFO [01:08:14 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> awhats the ts?
  97. 27.10 01:08:08 [Server] INFO [01:08:08 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> welcome miran enjoy, follow /rules :)
  98. 27.10 01:08:06 [Server] INFO [01:08:06 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> what is it
  99. 27.10 01:07:47 [Server] INFO [01:07:47 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> We have a teamspeak
  100. 27.10 01:07:45 [Server] INFO [01:07:45 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> No no skype here bobjr22
  101. 27.10 01:07:42 [Server] INFO [01:07:42 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> i don't use it
  102. 27.10 01:07:37 [Server] INFO [01:07:37 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> and start making a home
  103. 27.10 01:07:36 [Server] INFO [01:07:36 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> but do u have skype
  104. 27.10 01:07:35 [Server] INFO [01:07:35 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <stuffguy1A> asd
  105. 27.10 01:07:33 [Server] INFO [01:07:33 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> ./warp sspawn
  106. 27.10 01:07:33 [Server] INFO [01:07:33 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> okay
  107. 27.10 01:07:31 [Server] INFO [01:07:31 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Feel free to come to survival
  108. 27.10 01:07:24 [Server] INFO [01:07:24 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Awesome miran
  109. 27.10 01:07:21 [Server] INFO [01:07:21 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <Miran_Hack> They Seem Swegy
  110. 27.10 01:07:21 [Server] INFO [01:07:21 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> people here mostly use our teamspeak, not many use skype
  111. 27.10 01:07:15 [Server] INFO [01:07:15 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <Miran_Hack> i agree with the ruls
  112. 27.10 01:07:05 [Server] INFO [01:07:05 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <Miran_Hack> kk
  113. 27.10 01:07:03 [Server] INFO [01:07:03 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> and let us know if you agree
  114. 27.10 01:07:00 [Server] INFO [01:07:00 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Ah that's ok Miran_Hack please read /rules
  115. 27.10 01:06:58 [Server] INFO [01:06:58 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <BobJr22> About a week ago week ago
  116. 27.10 01:06:54 [Server] INFO [01:06:54 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> please read signs by spawns, let me know if you have questions, and if you agree to /rules :)
  117. 27.10 01:06:51 [Server] INFO [01:06:51 INFO]: [Empathy] [Curious] <Miran_Hack> i only started playing minecraft a wekk ago
  118. 27.10 01:06:49 [Server] INFO [01:06:49 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Bobjr22 shape up or ship out
  119. 27.10 01:06:48 [01:06:48 INFO]: stuffguy1A ran command Message of the Day
  120. 27.10 01:06:48 [Server] INFO [01:06:48 INFO]: Creating empty config: /plugins/Essentials/userdata/f96bb842-f6d2-4880-a59e-d856fb492a17.yml
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