

Nov 25th, 2012
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  1. Different monsters to fight at #redpool could be a fun thing to do every other day, just whip up a few monsters whenever we have enough willing #redpool players on a given day. Most of these monsters would be weaker, with a few tougher ones tossed in depending on how many players we have to work with. Some of the monsters might be recycled from older runs, depending on what you(Mr_Wilt) has to give me. I have several original monster ideas here:
  3. -Ankle biters (Low-Level monsters but there'd be a bunch of them.)
  4. -Windmills walking around smashing stuff. They'd be small windmills, the kind you see in gardens that are only like 10 feet tall, but they'd be walking around like tripods from War of the Worlds.
  5. -Floating furniture. Would attack by ramming people
  6. -Floating electric eels that really are electric
  7. -Giant ants
  8. -Autonomous Samurai Armour
  9. -Pink Flamingos(1507)
  10. -Something that can teleport 10 feet at a time, so it just keeps running away and taunting the poolboys without attacking
  11. -autonomous food
  12. -Tombstones that hop around, hurt people like the thwomps in Super Mario 64(Falling on them)
  13. -Living beings from paint(Inspired by the murals in Lake Placid)
  14. -Big alligator
  15. -Brass Robots that are like frankenstein(I.E they seem to be cobbled together from a whole bunch of different brass bots)
  16. -Ghost sign
  17. -People with completely smooth skin that has no traction, just running around
  18. -Giant Chickens
  19. -A schooner out on the pool that they have to take a boat out to destroy
  20. -An octopus-type creature with a really sharp beak
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