
Shadow and Light (Queen Umbra) by Knifey -- HIATUS

Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. Note: I've decided to post all my notes and ideas on and about Queen Umbra, since I've been dead for a long time and thought that this might serve as some 'entertaining' reading material. Take what ideas you like and contribute it towards more stories.
  3. >As you step out onto the large marble balcony, you're greeted by the warm Autumn breeze.
  4. >You look down to Canterlot, where you could make out the small figures of the Canterlot elite.
  5. >Even though they had the money to live anywhere in all of Equestria, they chose Canterlot, the home of the alicorn princesses.
  6. >The sun slowly begins to lower into the horizon, creating sunbeams that spread across the skies.
  7. >You hear a voice from behind you.
  8. >"Ah, so that's where you were."
  9. >Her horseshoes clicked in a rhythmic tune as she came out onto the balcony.
  10. >You don't turn around to face her and continue looking out at the horizon.
  11. >"Are you enjoying the view?"
  12. >You nod as you can hear her stop right beside you.
  13. >"Luna should be raising the moon anytime now."
  14. >She's close enough to be speaking into your ear.
  15. >As on cue, the moon begins to emerge from the horizon, painting the sky in a deep ocean blue.
  16. >You can feel her leaning into you, intentionally, that is.
  17. "You know, Celestia, you're awful at keeping out of other's personal space."
  18. >You hear her giggle and feel her wrapping a wing around you.
  19. >"I have my concerns for my subjects and that includes you, my little human, whether you like it or not."
  20. >You think back to a time when you didn't know she was so playful.
  21. >You are Anonymous, the only human in all of Equestria.
  22. >Or so it would seem, there were still too many unknowns to rule it out entirely.
  23. >Ever since you became the princesses' aide you've had access to more information and resources than you ever could've imagined.
  24. >Not only that, you've been given insight to the princesses' lives.
  25. "I should be going."
  26. >You stand up.
  27. >"Oh, so it's already time."
  28. >You give her a quick squeeze behind her nape.
  29. >She tenses up but then relaxes, sighing under your touch.
  30. "I'll send you a message when we get there. I'm sure the nobles will change their minds, even if they don't want to."
  31. >It's her turn to not speak and just nod.
  32. "Goodnight princess."
  33. >You turn and start walking back into the hallway when you hear her speak.
  34. >"Don't forget to say goodbye to my sister, I'm sure she'll appreciate it."
  35. "I won't."
  36. >"I'll see you tomorrow morning before you head off. Goodnight Anonymous, please take care of Twilight for me."
  37. >You wave her goodbye as you step back inside the hallway where the candles have already been lit.
  38. >
  39. >She didn't have to say it.
  40. >You know her well enough to not hold it against her.
  41. >Without thinking, you head towards the western wing of the castle.
  42. >The surroundings gradually shift from the white and gold decorations to black and blue.
  43. >Likewise, the guards have also changed with the scenery.
  44. >The pairs of guards wearing golden armour were now replaced by those of a different race in lavender armour.
  45. >From the hundreds of Celestia's Royal Guard that you've seen, who were also her Golden Army, you would assume that they would easily outnumber Luna's secretive Night Guard.
  46. >Then again, for as far back in Royal Canterlot history, her Night Guards were always veiled under the night sky when most ponies slept.
  47. >You could easily imagine how that could play to her advantage.
  48. >The castle maids that were dotted about, however, still wore the same black and white apron uniform.
  49. >As you approach Luna's quarters, a pair of guards stand by either side of the doors.
  50. >Judging by their appearances, they were both female guards.
  51. >Not only that, they were both bat ponies, or thestrals as you were once told.
  52. >They both tilt their heads up at you as you approach them.
  53. >"Lord Anonymous."
  54. "Please, Anonymous."
  55. >The guards eye each other before continuing on.
  56. >"The princess has-"
  57. "I know what the princess has said, but I must decline. It would create further resentment within the Canterlot elite over my position as the Royal Aide. I do hope you'll understand."
  58. >"… Anonymous, our sincere apologies."
  59. "It's fine, I need to see the princess."
  60. >"The princess is not in."
  61. >You stand there patiently.
  62. >This was one of the quirks behind the Royal Guards, or more specifically with Luna's loyal Night Guard.
  63. >They were always cautious when it comes to the princess' security.
  64. >When the nobles would come to seek private audience with Princess Luna, they would become impatient and storm off.
  65. "Then if you're not willing to tell me where she is, would one of you be kind enough to escort me to her?"
  66. >"… one of us can escort you."
  67. "That much would be appreciated."
  68. >One of them stepped forward, stretching out their batwings as presentation.
  69. >"Anonymous, please follow me."
  70. >You nod and follow her.
  71. >The two of you were silent throughout the walk.
  72. >You found the bat ponies intriguing, with their sharp fangs, bat wings and slit pupil eyes.
  73. >They certainly did look intimidating when compared to the other ponies.
  74. >What you didn't know was what their diet was limited to, could they also drink blood?
  75. >The guard flashes you a displeased look before carrying on.
  76. >Maybe you could ask Luna about it another time.
  77. >You make various turns in the hallways and soon enough an open space appears, revealing an inner garden illuminated by the moonlight.
  78. >In the open square space there are numerous patches of night flowers glowing in the dark, various shades of blue and purple paint the area.
  79. >Fireflies float in the air and dart to and fro, their bright yellow lights shine like stars.
  80. >Sitting down beside the water fountain looking up at the night sky was the princess of the night, Luna.
  81. >The guard beside you announces your arrival.
  82. >"My Princess, Lord Anonymous has arrived."
  83. >There's a slight movement in her posture, though you couldn't be sure in the dim light.
  84. >The bat pony bows before standing by the archway at the entrance.
  85. >You walk over to where Luna is, following her eye line up to fountain statue.
  86. >"Did you know this statue is thousands of years old?"
  87. "No, I did not."
  88. >"It was here when we were all but a filly. Every time we gazed upon it, we've come to understand something more about it and appreciate it all the more."
  89. >The statue is of a pegasus pony, standing on one of its hind legs, the forelegs were angled up as though reaching for the sky.
  90. >Its wings were open, though they were slightly folded and faced downward and resembled a skirt.
  91. >Its face had a blank expression upon initial impressions, but there was something about the eyes and the shape of the mouth.
  92. >Before you even realised it, Luna was looking back at you.
  93. >"How is our lord doing this fair night?"
  94. "I wish you would drop the titles, Anonymous is fine."
  95. >She puts on an exaggerated gasp.
  96. >"But we must insist! Otherwise how else would our subjects acknowledge and respect you?"
  97. "Your subjects already know who I am, but I have yet to earn their respect."
  98. >"Anypony who dares disrespect and question your title is also guilty of disrespecting and questioning our authority too!"
  99. >She snorts.
  100. >"Perhaps a week in the cells would do them will, or perhaps a personal visit from Nightmare Moon-"
  101. >You drop down beside her and place a hand on her withers, thoroughly interrupting her speech.
  102. "What do you think will happen to your relationship with your subjects? Especially if you favour, what is in all respects, an outsider?"
  103. >She looks down.
  104. >"… you are being far too humble Anonymous."
  105. "Things will change, in time."
  106. >You begin to stroke her withers in a gentle manner.
  107. "I'm sure you've heard of my planned trip to visit the Crystal Kingdom."
  108. >"Yes we have heard."
  109. >There's a slight tinge of sadness in her voice.
  110. "We'll need to sort out a few issues, so I can't say for how long. But as soon as we're done we'll come back."
  111. >"We, we wish you a safe journey… and thank you for taking your time to visit us."
  112. >You smile at her comment.
  113. "Earlier I saw the moonrise, tonight's sky feels so much more vibrant."
  114. >"So you noticed."
  115. >Standing up you look up at the night sky once again.
  116. "We would rarely get such nights back on my planet. Well Luna, I wish you a goodnight."
  117. >As you start to turn and head back you feel a sudden shift of wind behind you.
  118. >A pair of dark blue wings wrap around you, warmth oozes into you, and a smell of lilac washes all over you.
  119. >She smells like heaven, a sweet scent without being cloying, fruity but not too citrusy.
  120. >A fresh, clean, sweet, innocent, floral scent.
  121. >"May the stars watch over you."
  122. >Placing a hand over her wings, you silently thank her until her wings fall loosen.
  123. "Take care."
  124. >
  125. >You wake up in a darkened room.
  126. >The sun still hasn't come up, and the alarm clock hasn't gone off yet.
  127. >You wonder what woke you up?
  128. >There's not much point in going back to sleep, so you will yourself to get going.
  129. >Rubbing the sleep away from your eyes, you stand up and light up the beside lamp.
  130. >You have a suitcase already packed with spare clothes, but importantly, the important documents regarding the Crystal Kingdom and Canterlot.
  131. >Opening up your wardrobe, you put on a clean shirt, trousers and jacket.
  132. >Even though it seems like you've been wearing the same thing each and every day, apart from Rarity's other extreme outfits, they're the only things that you can wear comfortably.
  133. >You could even pass them off as something made back home, though they do have their strange Equestrian aesthetics, you couldn't fault them for it.
  134. >Having put on your jacket, you hear a knock at the door, followed by a familiar voice.
  135. >"Room service."
  136. "Come in, the door's unlocked."
  137. >A castle maid comes into the room, wheeling a tray with a bowl and several coverer utensils.
  138. >"Good morning, my lord! I am Quick Snips! Today I will be in charge of your grooming!"
  139. "I see, thank you."
  140. >She had a grey coat with a blonde bob cut but what was most surprising was that she was an earth pony.
  141. "Silver Snips?"
  142. >"Yes my lord?"
  143. >She mouth as she opens the lid to a bowel of hot water.
  144. "I hope you don't me asking but… isn't it difficult doing that with magic?"
  145. >"Whatever do you mean?"
  146. >Silver Snips elegantly whisks together a pot of shaving foam.
  147. "I mean to say, getting up and so close to groom another could be rather…"
  148. >She stops and looks at you, before blushing and giggling to herself.
  149. >"Oh please my lord, just relax, I'll be gentle…."
  150. >You think you've been misunderstood.
  151. >
  152. >You are Twilight.
  153. >It's been such a long time since you've gone on a trip to the Crystal Kingdom.
  154. >And with Anonymous no less.
  155. >You wonder how your brother and Cadence are doing?
  156. >They seem to be in high spirits every time you send a message to them.
  157. >It'll be nice for Shining Armor and Anonymous to meet up again after so long.
  158. >Not only that, they seem to have been trying to find new ways of improving the Crystal Heart's protective ability.
  159. "Right, let's see. Books... Check. Research material... Check. Spare scrolls... Check. Formal wear... Check. Wake up bright and early... Check. Wake up Anonymous..."
  160. >That's right, you'll get to spend more time with Anonymous, even though it seems like you're going there strictly on business.
  161. >With all the preparations done, you begin your teleportation spell.
  162. >You close your eyes and focus on visualising every part of your body, making sure to pay attention to yours wings, and place yourself inside an empty void.
  163. >You can feel your body warming up with the magic circulating through your entire body.
  164. "That's the first step."
  165. >You whisper to yourself.
  166. >You then try and imagine the layout of the castle, focusing on the current floor he's on and the room he's in.
  167. >You start warming up even more, and the visualised image of yourself vibrating and doubling.
  168. >This was the final stage.
  169. "Here we go..."
  170. >You try and teleport yourself over to Anonymous' room, and a bright light envelopes you.
  171. >What happens next is that you find your vision blurred and your ears are ringing.
  172. >You're also still inside your room, but you're on the floor.
  173. "Wha..."
  174. >You try standing but pain shoots up from your entire body, it feels like you've hit from a considerable height.
  175. "Ouch!"
  176. >BANG.
  177. >The bedroom door swings open and in come four Royal Guards.
  178. >They scan the room before turning their attention towards you.
  179. >"Princess Twlight, are you alright?"
  180. >Your vision seems to be coming back to you, and what seems looked like four guards became two guards.
  181. "Wha-what happened?"
  182. >"The castle's magical barrier activates when somepony tries to teleport inside the castle."
  183. >So that was it.
  184. >It's no wonder why your body feels so battered.
  185. >You've just experienced the rubber band effect of a rejected teleportation.
  186. >You recall the textbook theory.
  187. >Your body was sent to the location inside the void but was unable to manifest itself there, so within the time you should have emerged the void had sent you back to your original position.
  188. "F-fascinating."
  189. >"Are you alright princess?"
  190. "Yea-yeah, just give me a moment."
  191. >You stretch out your wings and, with the guards help, unsteadily got up off the floor.
  192. "Wh-who activated the castle's magical barriers?"
  193. >"Why, under General Thunder Cracker's orders. Her instructions were that there are to be no unauthorised teleportations within the castle grounds."
  194. >The other guard stepped in.
  195. >"It's to prevent another attack on the capital."
  196. "Thunder Cracker?"
  197. >The name rings a bell, but you can't focus.
  198. >"Yes, she's Shining Armor's successor."
  199. >A shrill gasp punctuates the air around you.
  200. >"My princess! Just look at the state you're in!"
  201. "N-no, I-I feel fine-"
  202. >"But your hair!"
  203. >You turn and look into the mirror.
  204. >Your hair is frazzled beyond belief.
  205. "I-I don't have time for this, I need to see Anonymous-"
  206. >The maid steps into the room, levitating a bag beside her.
  207. >"Absolutely not! As one of the head maids I can't allow you to see Lord Anonymous now, not in that state! It would be a disservice to yourself!"
  208. >
  209. >You arrive outside Anonymous' room later than you had intended to, and knocked at the door.
  210. >Maybe the maid was right, your hair does look good right now.
  211. >If only it didn't take so long to style.
  212. "Anonymous, it's me, Twilight."
  213. >Huh?
  214. >Instead of a male voice, all you hear is a muffled female voice.
  215. >Your breathing hitches.
  216. "A-Anon, what's the meaning of this?"
  217. >Again nothing.
  218. "I-I'm coming in!"
  219. >You force open the door.
  220. >There's a pony maid with her back towards you, straddling Anonymous on a chair.
  221. >Time freezes around you.
  222. >She's on him.
  223. >She's making out with him!
  224. >How dare she!
  225. >How dare she try and take away my Anonymous!
  226. >What does she have that I don't have?
  227. >I'll send her into the depths of-
  228. >You hear something drop onto a tray, snapping you out of it.
  229. >"All done Lord Anonymous!"
  230. >
  231. >You are Anonymous.
  232. >You wanted to sit down on the floor so that the maid could shave your stubble.
  233. >But she flinched and waved her hooves in front of her as soon as you suggested it.
  234. >"Oh no, I can't have the lord do that! Please take a seat, I'll manage."
  235. >Well it wasn't only about making it as easier for her, but making sure she wouldn't cut you.
  236. >Your tension disappeared once Silver Snips threw a hot towel over your face and began giving you a hoof massage on your shoulders.
  237. "I've… never been given a massage by a pony before."
  238. >Silver Snips giggles.
  239. >It was true though, you remembered seeing the spa in Ponyville and how Rarity would invite all of her friends there.
  240. >But of course, given your different physique, you had to reject her invitation to go.
  241. >"You remind me of the minotaurs, however, I much prefer your type over theirs."
  242. >Minotaurs.
  243. >Something you that was written about in the old mythology of your world.
  244. >What a strange coincidence that they should exist in this world.
  245. >You've only seen one safely from afar.
  246. >"Okay, please just lean back."
  247. >The towel is taken off you and the grey mare places both hooves onto your chest.
  248. >With a shaving brush in her mouth, she brushes a thick layer of foam all around your neck.
  249. >You feel her jump off, before jumping back on.
  250. >You open an eye to find her with a razor blade in her mouth.
  251. "… are you sure this is safe?"
  252. >"Ew haf uthin tew ear."
  253. >She mumbled in response.
  254. >"Aw haw ill."
  255. >She drew her muzzle close to your neck and edged the blade even closer.
  256. >You could feel her short breathes on your face.
  257. >Then the razor blade touched your neck, and scraped upwards in one swift motion.
  258. >Not soon after, she began moving the blade to the next area.
  259. >Her motions were so precise and quick, it was like a well-oiled machine working like clockwork.
  260. >You felt a bit silly to doubt her, it seems like she was a professional after all.
  261. >Then again, who would've thought a pony could be so skilled with her mouth?
  262. >After a while, it was beginning to feel relaxing.
  263. >You peeked another view at Silver Snaps, who was busy concentrating on getting all your stubble.
  264. >As you sighed, she briefly glanced at you and grinned before carrying on.
  265. >There was a knocking at the door, followed by a muffled voice.
  266. >Silver Snips mumbles between each shave.
  267. >"Uhf ah mineh."
  268. >She's nearly done now, though now she's paying particular attention to the area around your lips.
  269. >The door bangs open.
  270. >You feel like you're going to lose your lips any moment now.
  271. >But nothing happens.
  272. >Silver Snips carries on as though nothing happened and never breaks contact with you.
  273. >In an instance she places there razor back into the tray and smiles.
  274. >"All done Lord Anonymous!"
  275. >You run your hand over your chin.
  276. >Smooth as a whistle.
  277. >A purple field surrounds Silver Snips and pulls her off you.
  278. >"Eep!"
  279. >"And just what do you think /you're/ doing to our lord?"
  280. >"I was just giving him a shave your highness!"
  281. >Silver Snips is spun around and hanging by her leg.
  282. >She tries her best to stop her skirt from falling with both hooves and blushes.
  283. >"Oh really you seem to be very-"
  284. >You cough.
  285. "You certainly seem lively this morning Princess Twilight."
  286. >"Ah, Anonymous!"
  287. >You stand up and make your way towards Silver Snips.
  288. "Don't you think you've done enough to our maid."
  289. >Twilight flinches.
  290. >Silver Snips just looks at you like a shy filly would.
  291. >Perhaps you were too imposing when you stood up.
  292. "Here."
  293. >You reach over and pull the grey pony down from the air, resting her back against your arms.
  294. "It's as she said, she was just giving me a shave. Are you alright Silver Snips?"
  295. >"W-why, y-yes my lord."
  296. >You set her down and turn to Twilight who is rubbing her foreleg.
  297. >"Oh no, I'm so sorry Silver Snips. I don't know what got over me."
  298. >The maid bows her head to the both of you.
  299. >"Princess please forgive me. It was a simple misunderstanding, though if you two will excuse me, I still have work to do."
  300. >"O-okay."
  301. "Thank you Silver Snips."
  302. >"Princess Twilight, Lord Anonymous."
  303. >The maid bows again, flashing you a rosy smile as she pushes the tray out of the room.
  304. >The air is quiet now, and Twilight is staring at the corner of the room.
  305. >You inwardly sigh.
  306. >She's always been like this with other ponies other than her friends.
  307. >You remember your first time greeting the purple pony and how awkward she was around you.
  308. >Over time though, things have gotten better, even if by a little.
  309. "Come on Twilight, we've got a long trip ahead of us."
  310. >You pick up your suitcase.
  311. "I'll be relying on you for help and… did you get a haircut?"
  312. >A magic purple field wraps itself around your suitcase and lifts it out of your hands.
  313. >"Here, I'll take that for you. And thanks."
  314. >
  315. >Outside in the Canterlot courtyard, a Royal Guard drawn carriage awaits you.
  316. >Originally designed so that Princess Celestia could travel in peace and quiet, it had curtained windows, a magic suspension system, cushioned seats and a high roof.
  317. >However she always put her subjects first and so she would rather travel by herself or travel in an open chariot.
  318. >It wasn't something that Celestia could openly reject when it was presented to her, and so she accepted it.
  319. >Now it had fallen into your use for the long journeys out of Canterlot, but like Celestia, you would rather use another means of transport.
  320. >Not that you had anything against the carriage or the Royal Guards who were pulling you, just that you felt like it was being wasted on you.
  321. >"Are you all set Anon?"
  322. >Twilight had her saddlebags on filled with books and had a large suitcase beside her.
  323. >You, on the other hand, had just your suitcase fitted with a shoulder strap.
  324. >Just what was she packing?
  325. "Yeah I'm ready."
  326. >One of porters next to the Royal Guards spoke out.
  327. >"Princess Twilight and Lord Anonymous, if I may handle your luggage."
  328. "Thank you for your hard work."
  329. >Hmm.
  330. >You look around the courtyard but Celestia was nowhere to be found.
  331. >Twilight having caught sight of you looking around asked a question.
  332. >"What's wrong Anon? Are we expecting somepony else?"
  333. "Not exactly..."
  334. >There's the sound of hurried hoofsteps coming from behind you.
  335. >You turn around half expecting a white alicorn princess, but the voice that calls out to you two confirms otherwise.
  336. >"Princess Twilight! Lord Anonymous!"
  337. >A small white mare with a brunette mane and dishevelled glasses comes to a stop before you two.
  338. >It's Raven, Celestia's secretary.
  339. >"I'm terribly sorry to have to report this but the princess will be unable to come see you both off as some urgent matter came up."
  340. >She bows deeply.
  341. >"She wanted to convey her apologies and give you her regards."
  342. >A part of you feels disappointed that you weren't able to see her before you two left.
  343. >But if she was busy dealing with an urgent matter then you weren't going to hold it against her.
  344. "I see."
  345. >Twilight speaks up.
  346. >"Oh no! I'm worried Anonymous, should we go and see what's the problem?"
  347. "As much as I'd like to go help, we've got our own matters to attend to."
  348. >That was right, it wasn't that you didn't care about Celestia but if she managed on her own for a thousand years then one day is nothing to her.
  349. >Though, you secretly wished you could see her again.
  350. >"It still worries me, what if it's something really bad?"
  351. "I trust Princess Celestia, I'm sure she'll manage."
  352. >You turn to the secretary.
  353. "Raven thank you for bringing us the news, please send her our regards."
  354. >"If the princess is in any trouble, anything at all, please send me a message Raven."
  355. >"I will do, have a safe trip Lord Anonymous, Princess Twilight."
  356. >You climb into the carriage and sit down onto its luxurious seat, followed by Twilight who sits next to you.
  357. >As soon as the door shuts, the Royal Guards shout as they pull the carriage away from the courtyard.
  358. >Twilight had her hooves pressed up against the carriage window, to which you couldn't help but lean over and look out too.
  359. >Looking back the castle slowly becomes obscured by the mountain side and other buildings.
  360. >As the carriage hits the rough road, Canterlot and everything you've known shrinks from your view.
  361. >
  362. >You stand watching the carriage leave and as soon as it leaves your sight you turn tail.
  363. >You are Raven.
  364. >You really didn't wish to leave the princess all on her own but you also don't want to go against her wishes.
  365. >Now that the task was completed all that's left to do is to greet the new guests.
  366. >Galloping through the castle halls isn't permitted under usual circumstances and you would expect the Royal Guards to stop you right on the spot.
  367. >The circumstance, however, permitted otherwise.
  368. >You zig zag through the corridors until a guarded pair of doors comes into view.
  369. >The Royal Guards took a defensive stance and gripped their spears when they first saw you turn the corner.
  370. >However once they realised who you were, they quickly opened the doors to let you through.
  371. >No time to thank them.
  372. >"Ah Raven, that was fast. Thank you for going to see them off for me."
  373. >You bow.
  374. "It's my pleasure princess."
  375. >"How was Anonymous? He wasn't upset that I couldn't come, was he?"
  376. "No, well, he didn't really say much."
  377. >"Oh."
  378. >For a moment, you thought the princess looked sad.
  379. >She's usually smiling and attentive to other ponies.
  380. >You've seen her angry and disappointed only a few times too.
  381. >But this, this is something you hadn't seen before.
  382. >Maybe you said something wrong.
  383. "He, he did say he trusts you."
  384. >The princess resumes her gentle smile.
  385. >"Thank you Raven."
  386. >You smile, if just a little.
  387. >You were extremely grateful to be able to work so closely with the princess, if anything, it only deepened your admiration and gratitude for her.
  388. >All the problems and disputes she had to solve, preventing wars and disasters, as well as trying to keep both sides happy would be enough to drive any pony up the wall.
  389. >But she wasn't just any pony.
  390. >The court room's front doors opened up and the herald shouted.
  391. >"Announcing the arrival of the Prince Eidolon from the north!"
  392. >There were hushed tones spreading throughout the court room.
  393. >Three ponies clad in dark robes entered in unison, ponies who appeared to be taller than the average Equestrian pony.
  394. >If you had to guess, they were about the same height as Princess Luna, though one was much taller.
  395. >Each one had their fur lined hoods pulled up, and made metallic hoofsteps as they walked up towards the princess.
  396. >This was the sound of armour.
  397. >In the past you've heard of how foreign royalties would come bringing their armed guards before the princess, only to then find the court room's walls covered in the Royal Guard's golden armour.
  398. >If this was a show of force, it would be met with threefold the force.
  399. >However, this wasn't to be the case.
  400. >The three ponies moved with an air of courage and determination.
  401. >Just what were they here for?
  402. >Where were they from exactly?
  403. >They kneeled in unison, their heads in a deep bow in front of Celestia.
  404. >The larger of the ponies.
  405. >"Greetings Princess Celestia, I am Prince Eidolon of the north."
  406. >He lifted his head, allowing the hood to fall back and revealing his features.
  407. >A few court ponies gasped at the presence of the shadow ponies.
  408. >Even you were taken aback.
  409. >It wasn't uncommon to have foreign species and other races appear before the princess, in fact it was to be expected.
  410. >But the shadow ponies had played a terrible part in Equestrian history, something that might've been better off as an old ponytale.
  411. >And the truth was that it was no old ponytale.
  412. >Archaos, the King of Shadows and ruler of the Shadow Kingdom and all of the north, ruled under the use of powerful dark magic.
  413. >He considered other non-magic races inferior and whose only worth was a life of slavery or death.
  414. >If it wasn't for him, the shadow ponies wouldn't have become so feared and hated.
  415. >Prince Eidolon, like any other shadow pony, resembled Archaos, perhaps too closely.
  416. >The long curved horn.
  417. >The dark grey coat.
  418. >The metallic armour.
  419. >The missing cutiemark.
  420. >There were a few different things, like how the three shadow ponies wore a navy stained cloak instead of the blood stained cloak.
  421. >More strikingly, the lack of a red tipped horn.
  422. >It was no wonder the ponies of the court was so surprised by their appearance.
  423. >Celestia, however, made no reaction.
  424. >"Please forgive us for our sudden visitation."
  425. >"You and your party may rise, Prince Eidolon of the north."
  426. >Celestia glanced over to the other mares.
  427. >"And who might they be?"
  428. >"They are my younger sisters, allow me to introduce them."
  429. >He motioned over to the mare beside him
  430. >"Starless."
  431. >Starless stepped forward and curtsied.
  432. >She was a young mare, tall and slender.
  433. >Her dark lavender mane was done up in a sleek ponytail.
  434. >"Princess Celestia."
  435. >Her voice was crisp and to the point, which matched her sharp rose eyes.
  436. >"And the youngest, Dusk."
  437. >The youngest stepped forward before Celestia and hesitated, before slowly curtsying.
  438. >"... Princess C-Celestia."
  439. >She had something of a dark amber messy bob cut mane, complimented by her navy eyes.
  440. >She shyly smiled.
  441. >Her toothy smile only highlighted the freckles on her muzzle.
  442. >Looking back to the princess, you could see she was leaning forward and smiling at the small filly.
  443. >"Nice meeting you little one."
  444. >Prince Eidolon stepped forward and blocked their eye line.
  445. >"I'm sorry to cut short our introductions, bit we have pressing issues that we need to discuss."
  446. >Celestia slowly sat back straight in her chair, letting out a small breathe of air, before opening her eyes to the prince.
  447. >It felt like she had changed into an entirely different pony.
  448. >You gulped.
  449. >"I am well aware of who you are, Prince Eidolon."
  450. >You could see him take a step back.
  451. >"So what would a prince want to discuss?"
  452. >Her tone was brimming over to the Royal Canterlot voice.
  453. >"A prince who shares the same royal bloodline as King Archaos, the King of Shadows."
  454. >Gasps spread throughout the court.
  455. "A blood heir?"
  456. >"Are you seeking revenge, no, retribution over what I did to your the king, your kingdom and its ponies?"
  457. >The Royal Guards took an offensive stance towards the shadow ponies.
  458. >Celestia's face was serious.
  459. >Looking over at the prince, there was bitterness contorting all his face.
  460. >He spoke in a deep, quiet tone.
  461. >"It's true that I am a blood heir."
  462. >He stood up straight.
  463. >"Yes, I myself, my father, even my sisters, we all have the cursed blood of Archaos running through our hearts."
  464. >He took a step forward.
  465. >"Our family suffered a great defeat by your hooves, and many lost their lives."
  466. >The two mares were quiet and still.
  467. >"Even today, we are only a fraction of who we once were."
  468. >"And do you plan to change that?"
  469. >"Yes."
  470. >This shook the guards, who were already on edge.
  471. >Celestia shook her head at her guards.
  472. >"But not as the others or as King Archaos has done before me!"
  473. >Celestia raised an eyebrow.
  474. >"Ever since I was young, our birth mother told me in secret the horrors of what grandfather, our king, did."
  475. >He continued.
  476. >"And, though our family suffered greatly from such a defeat from you, it has now given us an opportunity to redeem ourselves."
  477. >"In fact, coming here is part of our redemption."
  478. >"We plan to reinvigorate the kingdom with new life, new rule, a new hope."
  479. >
  480. >You wake up without much effort.
  481. >The morning light filters in through the guarded entrance curtains.
  482. >Even while inside the your tent, the cold wind cuts through to you.
  483. >The wind continues to howl outside, even though you're so close to your destination.
  484. >You wrap yourself deeper inside your fur covers, soaking up what little warmth there is
  485. >A voice calls out.
  486. >"We're moving out."
  487. >You don't reply but you let out a silent sigh.
  488. >All these years have been in preparation for this.
  489. >You slip out of the fur covers and brush back your wild mane.
  490. >You magic over and slip on your chest plate and your gauntlets.
  491. >The armour itself is freezing cold to the touch.
  492. >You grimace but persevere and wrap your thick fur cloak around you.
  493. >Standing before the mirror you give yourself a once over.
  494. >The crimson stained fur cloak brings back some warmth to your body, all the while complimenting on your red eyes and red stained horn.
  495. >For a moment, you fancied what you would look like in a dress and close your eyes.
  496. >It's forcefully torn from your body and you're ridiculed.
  497. >You open eyes and you're back in your tent.
  498. >You felt cursed by being born a mare, you simply could not allow anypony to look down on you.
  499. >You grit your teeth and banish the thoughts.
  500. >The attire you had on was not a sign of your marehood, but proof of your family's legacy.
  501. >Completing your outfit you slide on your headpiece and step outside.
  502. >You look out across the distance.
  503. >A white barren wasteland is laid out in front of you, for as far as the eye can see.
  504. >The icy wind blows past you across the campsite, where thousands of your subjects have pitched their tents.
  505. >You walk over to the centre of the camp where there is an open tent and open fire.
  506. >Two guards salute you as you step onto the carpeted floor.
  507. >"Ah, you've finally woken up."
  508. >You turn and see him looking over a large scroll map.
  509. "We're so close now, sister."
  510. >Your older brother, Sombra, is also in his full outfit.
  511. >Even though your outfit could be considered the same as his, there was still a major difference in physique.
  512. "Leave us."
  513. >The Shadow Army General who stood next to him saluted and quietly left the tent area.
  514. >He wore a full helmet with circular visors, standard equipment within your army.
  515. >The only thing that differentiated him from a regular soldier was the decorative crimson horn.
  516. "Indeed, dear brother."
  517. >You add a little smile at the end of your sentence.
  518. >Despite how you were both born within mere minutes of each other, he ultimately came out first and you last.
  519. >You were Umbra, and you were his younger sister after all.
  520. >"I'll need you to ready the ponies. I want to make as much headway before it's nightfall."
  521. "I'll see to it."
  522. >That meant that you had to carry yourself with the utmost care and dignity.
  523. >Continuously training and preparing yourself.
  524. >After all these years, you were finally going back to the Shadow Kingdom.
  525. >Your 'home'.
  526. >"But first, let us eat, come sit with me dear sister."
  527. >He clops both hooves and a table topped with various dishes is carried into the open tent.
  528. >Plates with both fresh and dried fruit appear before you.
  529. >However, that does not interest you.
  530. >You magic over a covered dish to you and open it up, revealing a plate of cooked, tender meat with a little garnish on top.
  531. >You lift up a knife and fork with your magic and slice off a small piece.
  532. >The sweet scent of honey, herbs and spice wafts and fills your nostrils.
  533. >Not waiting any longer you pop the piece into your mouth and chew.
  534. >You canines make short work of the meat as you shred it to pieces, allowing the juices slow freely in your mouth.
  535. >Meat was not something the common pony would ever consider having on their diet.
  536. >You remembered a time when you were both young, where there was nothing available to eat.
  537. >The wheat that time hadn't coped with the cold temperatures, and so food supplies were at running low.
  538. >There were, however, plenty of winter wolves.
  539. >Needless to say, you did not starve.
  540. >How you pitied those who could not enjoy and savour the taste of meat.
  541. >"It seems like you're enjoying that particular dish."
  542. >It seems like he's stopped eating.
  543. >You take another succulent bite.
  544. "Pleasure and action make the hours seem short."
  545. >Sombra raises a brow.
  546. "Or so some pony once said."
  547. >He laughs and brings a golden goblet to his lips.
  548. >"There is the issue that our food supplies are beginning to run low."
  549. "Then do you propose that we start rationing?"
  550. >"No, merely that there will be an opportunity to hunt."
  551. >You smile.
  552. "I see."
  553. >You hummed as you delicately sliced up another morsel to eat.
  554. >And just like that you carried on with your meal in silence.
  555. >This was usually how your meals were like together.
  556. >Apart from the usual request or odd question, you spent your time eating in quiet.
  557. >This was how it was ever since you were little.
  558. >Sombra stands up from his end of the table.
  559. >"I want us to be moving in an hour's time."
  560. "Yes dear brother."
  561. >He had already left before you could reply.
  562. >Stepping out of the open tent you find two of your guards waiting nearby.
  563. >Unlike soldiers in the Shadow Army, these were your own personal guard.
  564. "Inform everypony that we're moving out. Get everything packed."
  565. >The guards nod in unison.
  566. >"By your command."
  567. >You step inside your tent and survey your belongings.
  568. >A chest full of clothes that you would otherwise be wearing.
  569. >Were it not the situation the forced upon you by Canterlot.
  570. >Or specifically, Celestia.
  571. >Looming above your bed post is the flag of your kingdom.
  572. >You pull the flag from the wall with your magic.
  573. >A flag of your family crest.
  574. >The curved back of a red dragon on one side, the shape of a shadow pony on the other.
  575. >A crimson horn unites the two against a black background.
  576. >"Your highness!"
  577. >A voice stammers.
  578. >"Please, allow us to carry out our work."
  579. >A maid had appeared beside you with her head bowed low.
  580. >Behind her were several other maids in a similar stance.
  581. >This was always troublesome.
  582. "Fine. Carry on with your work."
  583. >"Yes your highness!"
  584. >They shouted in unison.
  585. >A magic grip took over your hold of the flag and folded it away.
  586. >Soon enough all of the servants went into a working frenzy.
  587. >The draping and bedding were quickly taken down, rolled up neatly and stowed away with magic.
  588. >The bed itself was taken apart with ease and carried outside to be stored inside a carriage.
  589. >All the while, you were in the centre.
  590. >Unable to do something as simple as pack away your own belongings.
  591. >Unable to help.
  592. >No matter.
  593. >You went back outside, ignoring the servants.
  594. >"Your highness?"
  595. >Faint Noise, your thestral guard calls out to you.
  596. "Come with me."
  597. >She nods and, looking back at her partner, nods for her to follow.
  598. >As you head you way down to the outer encampment area, the sound of another set of hooves accompanies you.
  599. >Turning back you see Silent Voice, who was naturally silent in her response.
  600. >Unlike Faint Noise, she was a regular old shadow pony.
  601. >They followed you as you headed down to the outer encampment area.
  602. >The ground below you becomes covered in snow the further out into the encampment you go.
  603. >A cold breeze blows past you, reminding you again of how unwelcoming the north is.
  604. >Ahead of you, you see several figures scatter and go back into their tents.
  605. >You notice their hushed tones and nervous glances.
  606. >Faint Noise leans over to you.
  607. >"Your highness, it still seems that they're afraid-"
  608. >You silence her with a raised hoof.
  609. >Yes, this was something that you knew all too well. "Yes, they have good reason to."
  610. >Faint Noise tilts her head up quizzically.
  611. "This is where you end up if you're weak."
  612. >You look over at some of the blank faces staring at you.
  613. >Most of them were shuffling about
  614. "Shadow ponies that excel in neither magic nor strength end up here."
  615. >The further out you went, the fewer tents belonged to the soldiers and guards you.
  616. "They still have their uses, however."
  617. >Stamping your hoof down into the snow, you push out your chest.
  618. "Heed my call citizens!"
  619. >The ponies stopped what they were doing and looked in your direction.
  620. "My brother, your lord, has given out the order that we are to be on the road in an hour's time."
  621. >The ponies around you looked at each other.
  622. "I know many of you are tired from travelling so far from home, but we're nearly there."
  623. >Some of the ponies' ears picked up.
  624. "We're there, back to our rightful home."
  625. >There a excited voices throughout the gathered crowd.
  626. "Let's get packed and ready to go. Anypony that needs help please let yourselves be known. Get to it!"
  627. >With that, the crowd disperses with an sense of excitement and optimism in the air.
  628. >Your guards draw your attention towards one direction.
  629. >A lone shadow pony stands before you with his head lowered.
  630. >"State your business."
  631. >Faint Noise barks out.
  632. >The stallion flinches at her aggressiveness.
  633. >You raised an eyebrow at this situation, why she so defensive?
  634. >There was no real threat.
  635. "Faint Noise."
  636. >You calm her down in one breathe.
  637. >Sensing your displeasure, the thestral guard stands back.
  638. "Ahem, so what is it?"
  639. >"Oh your grace, please forgive me."
  640. >His head was back down facing the floor.
  641. >"My, my wife is ill. We might not be able to get things packed within the hour. Please forgive me, please don't leave us behind."
  642. >Honestly, how could anypony foresee illness?
  643. >Hmm.
  644. >You closed your eyes and decided to do what you thought was right.
  645. "Very well, we shall help you ready your things."
  646. >"Your highness? But, but to spare your precious time on ones as insignificant as us?"
  647. >This was always how those lowest in your society treated you and your brother.
  648. >It was beginning to grate on you.
  649. "Let us go and be quick then."
  650. >A bright smile appeared on the nameless stallion's face.
  651. >"A thousand blessings your highness!"
  652. "Lead the way."
  653. >"Please, follow me!"
  654. >You look on as the stallion has a little spring to his movement.
  655. >How funny that a pony could be happy with so little, you thought to yourself.
  656. >The further out you went, the fewer tents there were that belonged to the guards and soldiers in the encampment.
  657. >You reach a small tent when the stallion stops.
  658. >"We're here. Please wait a moment your highness."
  659. >He ducks inside.
  660. >You hear another pony inside speaking loudly in 'hushed' tones.
  661. >"What do you mean she's here?"
  662. >"Her highness is here to help is pack up, we've. All been given orders to move out-"
  663. >"Help us pack up? That's disrespectful! We need to go apologise to her right now!"
  664. >"Wait honey she said it's fine she's-"
  665. >Another pony steps out of the tent, treading the soft snow beneath her and nearly bumping into you.
  666. >"Oh! Your highness!"
  667. >You look down at the shocked mare, who suddenly prostates and touches the snow with her head.
  668. >At first glance you could tell she was pregnant from her large stomach.
  669. >"Please forgive me and my foolish husband! To request such a thing is disrespectful."
  670. "It's fine."
  671. >"We'll both be sure to- what?"
  672. "Let's get started, we've no time to lose."
  673. >"But, I-I, we, what?"
  674. >You go up to her and lift her chin up with your hoof.
  675. "What's your name?"
  676. >"I-I'm Khaki, Khaki Hooves your highness."
  677. >Her husband stumbles back out from the tent.
  678. >"Y-your highness! I tried to explain-"
  679. >You put on a smile and step inside their tent start moving out their stuff.
  680. >"You shouldn't be helping with these, peasants, your highness."
  681. >Faint Noise.
  682. "It's fine, even though that's what my family calls them. Rough diamonds may sometimes be mistaken for worthless pebbles."
  683. >Faint's makes a circle with her eyes.
  684. >"Its, it's just, it's just not proper! Allow me your highness."
  685. >She spreads her batwings and flies past you, grabbing a chest with her hooves and flying back out.
  686. >You hear a set of hoofsteps entering the tent from behind you.
  687. >Turning around you find Khaki Hooves rubbing her foreleg.
  688. >"Please, your highness."
  689. >She
  694. Umbra goes to help the Shadow Pony and his pregnant wife
  695. When they are about ready, she helps them give birth to their filly.
  697. At the same time, though they're nearly left behind from the group, a group of dire wolves attacks.
  699. Umbra, leaves the two guards to help defend, but once they're tired,
  700. She steps in to help.
  702. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  704. >As such, they wore different equipment.
  705. >They had lighter toned armour and an open helmet.
  706. Faint Noise wore the least armour, since she insisted on agility as her means of protection.
  707. She had a pair of goggles wrapped around her helm. Wrapped underneath her wing was her whip.
  709. Silent Voice took on a more traditional set of armour, a mixture of armour and pouches for her items.
  710. She had staff by her side held by special clasp.
  717. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  719. Sombra and Umbra return to their lost kingdom, retaking
  720. They remove whatever lives/resides there.
  721. They have a meal together about their plans/power politics.
  723. Anon is then captured by Umbra
  724. Once they've taken the kingdom back, his father arrives which puts a sour mood on zm
  726. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  727. Future ideas
  729. A story where the only good characters are pitted against each other and fight to the death
  731. Brother and sister are split over moral decisions
  733. One character becomes a truly tragic figure, trying to save the one he loves, he finds the cure and performs it on himself, however in doing so he gives up his humanity and thus becomes an immortal. But even that isn't enough for the next character.
  735. one character that is truly powerful and thus evil, has become the end of all, power beyond power, an individual that had built up their powers, strategies and fortifications. But, even then, thar was not enough against the newly arisen heroes. He laughed, shouted, mocked, ridiculed, hurt, tortured and killed all those before him that would go up against him. But now, his powers aren't working on these new heroes.
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