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Jul 13th, 2013
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  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. *
  4. * @ This file is created by deZender.Net
  5. * @ deZender (PHP5 Decoder for Zend Encoder/SafeGuard & PhpExpress)
  6. *
  7. * @ Version :
  8. * @ Author : DeZender
  9. * @ Release on : 09.06.2012
  10. * @ Official site : http://DeZender.Net
  11. *
  12. */
  14. function ee7l778b8l($Ii5eB6w1iX, $RXiJVS7b3i = 0, $O7bEmmD1jw = 0) {
  15. $JSbXRVJ8RI = array( '9452' => ' User information saved<br><br> ', '7143' => '\';"> &nbsp; <input type=button value="Move to account" class=sbmt onClick="document.location=\'?a=wiredetails&action=movetoaccount&id=', '4609' => 'select u.* from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.user_id where > 1 and d.user_id is NULL', '9134' => 'Location: ?a=newsletter&say=someerror', '3072' => '?/*', '6819' => '2m', '1309' => 'gdp_store_id', '1969' => '<BalanceRequest><id>1234569876</id><Auth><ApiName>', '2755' => '/\:\d+/', '9798' => '"> <input type=hidden name="spi_amount" value="', '7216' => 'Bouvet Island', '1532' => 'Kuwait', '9878' => ' <tr id="tr_hold_earnigs"> <td colspan=2> Hold earnings on account for <input type=text name=hold value=\'' );
  17. if (( 0 < $RXiJVS7b3i || 0 < $O7bEmmD1jw )) {
  18. return substr( $JSbXRVJ8RI[$Ii5eB6w1iX], $RXiJVS7b3i, $O7bEmmD1jw );
  19. }
  21. return $JSbXRVJ8RI[$Ii5eB6w1iX];
  22. }
  24. function b8713es1oj($L0X6XO571I, $x7ssIORwRB = 0, $jObSE4XoLx = 0) {
  25. $s1B8dEEE1e = array( '5199' => ' onclick="activate_ref()"> <input type=text name=ref_com value="', '854' => ' Please check password<br><br> ', '9878' => '"> <INPUT type=hidden name=ap_cancelurl value="', '1532' => '?a=pay_withdraw&say=yes"> <INPUT type=hidden name=NOPAYMENT_URL value="', '7216' => '</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><small><a href=?a=thistory&u_id=', '9798' => 'def_payee_account_anonygold', '9134' => ' < now()) and ((', '6819' => 'JSON module is not installed', '1309' => 'additionalinfo', '3072' => ') or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 2 month and t.period = ', '4609' => 'Nov', '1969' => '<br><br><br><br><br><div id=', '2755' => ', max_deposit = ', '7143' => 'ref_signup_bonus', '9452' => ' <td> <select name="group[', '5453' => ' <form name=spend method=post action="">
  26. <input type=hidden name=rp_custom2 value="', '3371' => 'Vietnam', '4575' => ' <tr> <td>Old Key:</td> <td>**********</td> </tr> ', '518' => ' </select> &nbsp; <select name=year_from class=inpts> ', '440' => ' target=_blank>[pay]</a> <a href=?a=rm_withdraw&id=' );
  28. if (( 0 < $x7ssIORwRB || 0 < $jObSE4XoLx )) {
  29. return substr( $s1B8dEEE1e[$L0X6XO571I], $x7ssIORwRB, $jObSE4XoLx );
  30. }
  32. return $s1B8dEEE1e[$L0X6XO571I];
  33. }
  35. function mooojmls85($Llx06I0sS4, $IOj0wE5L4S = 0, $XL77exEb4m = 0) {
  36. $j4O77RmliO = array( '4575' => '<input type="text" name="exch[', '3371' => '] id=', '9878' => 'select count(*) as col from hm2_deposits where user_id = ', '1532' => '>Disabled <option value="suspended" ', '7216' => 'Spain', '7143' => 'Czech Republic', '9798' => '?a=pay_withdraw&say=yes"> <INPUT type=hidden name="cancel_url" value="', '9134' => ', received_date = now()', '6819' => 'Auto-withdrawal error, tried to send ', '1309' => '/#subject#/', '3072' => ' t.return_profit as return_profit, t.return_profit_percent as return_profit_percent, now() as `current_date`, now() - interval 1 day as yesterday_date, last_pay_date + interval 1 day as fearning_date from hm2_deposits as d, hm2_types as t, hm2_users as u where = ', '4609' => 'cosmicpay_password', '1969' => 'hmax_deposit', '2755' => 'def_payee_account_perfectmoney', '9452' => 'Marshall Islands', '5453' => '> <a href="javascript:alert(\'Administrator can select a \'parent\' package. Then users should deposit to this package if their deposit already finished in parent plan.\')" class=hlp>Allow depositing only after one of the user\'s deposit finished in parent plan:</a> <br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<select name=parent_afterend class=inpts><option value=0>Select ', '854' => '" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value="Test" onClick="test_altergold();" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ', '5199' => '</td> <td width=200 align=right><b>', '518' => 'select sum(hm2_history.actual_amount) as sm from hm2_history, hm2_deposits where hm2_history.deposit_id = and hm2_history.user_id = ' );
  38. if (( 0 < $IOj0wE5L4S || 0 < $XL77exEb4m )) {
  39. return substr( $j4O77RmliO[$Llx06I0sS4], $IOj0wE5L4S, $XL77exEb4m );
  40. }
  42. return $j4O77RmliO[$Llx06I0sS4];
  43. }
  45. function vxslxeos4x($RSDJB355oi, $LwEOJmXL3w = 0, $jVJDJ3j0iV = 0) {
  46. $b3XVD0SD7b = array( '9452' => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', '7143' => 'delete from hm2_groups where id = ', '2755' => 'select *, date_format(date + interval ', '1969' => 'Location: ?a=pending_deposits&type=', '9134' => '#strictpay_account#', '6819' => ' Pin code for entering admin area is: ', '1309' => 'daily_referral_percent_', '3072' => 'ref9_cms_minamount', '4609' => 'Payee reached their balance limit. Try spending smaller amount or further incoming spends are not possible because of maximum balance limit of Payee.', '9798' => 'show_info_box_lastdeposit', '7216' => '\' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>System e-mail:</td> <td><input type=text name=system_email value=\'', '1532' => 'select count(amount) as `col`, sum(amount) as sm from hm2_deposits where type_id = ' );
  48. if (( 0 < $LwEOJmXL3w || 0 < $jVJDJ3j0iV )) {
  49. return substr( $b3XVD0SD7b[$RSDJB355oi], $LwEOJmXL3w, $jVJDJ3j0iV );
  50. }
  52. return $b3XVD0SD7b[$RSDJB355oi];
  53. }
  55. function jlbvjol316($m9L3oseILB, $sOeeL5lVJx = 0, $d8sjJO0IxR = 0) {
  56. $IBJDB198SE = array( '9878' => ']" value="0.00" class=inpts size=20 style="text-align: right"></td> <td> <select name="type_id[', '1532' => ') as d from hm2_fchk where inform = 1 order by tdate desc', '7143' => 'Azerbaidjan', '2755' => 'ref3_pax_cms_minamount', '1969' => ', compound_percents = ', '9134' => 'alter table hm2_types change column period period enum(', '3072' => '', '6819' => ' and EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM now()) = EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM date)', '1309' => 'add_funds', '4609' => ', compound_min_deposit = ', '9798' => '/anonygold_processing.php"> <INPUT type=hidden name="return_url" value="', '9452' => ' <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=activate value=1> Activate acount. User account has been blocked by Brute Force Handler feature.</td> </tr> ', '7216' => '>Internal Transfers </select> <br> <select name=ec class=inpts> <option value=-1>All eCurrencies</option> ' );
  58. if (( 0 < $sOeeL5lVJx || 0 < $d8sjJO0IxR )) {
  59. return substr( $IBJDB198SE[$m9L3oseILB], $sOeeL5lVJx, $d8sjJO0IxR );
  60. }
  62. return $IBJDB198SE[$m9L3oseILB];
  63. }
  65. function lv4rbwsx9b($l79VslxDiX, $smlb8RoB6o = 0, $E39O1400oD = 0) {
  66. $jJ3Rl946o7 = array( '9604' => ' <a href="javascript:alert(\'', '4530' => '>[edit]</a> <a href=?a=deleterate&id=', '440' => ' <script language=javascript> function checkform() { if (document.nform.hname.value==\'\') { alert("Please type HYIP name!"); document.nform.hname.focus(); return false; } return true; } </script> <form method=post name=nform onsubmit="return checkform();"> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=2><b>Add a New Investment Package:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td width=150><a href="javascript:alert(\'Enter your package name here.\')" class=hlp>Package Name</a></td> <td><input type=text name=hname class=inpts size=30 value="New Package"></td> </tr><tr> <td><a href="javascript:alert(\'Specify your package duration here.\nFor example 30 days, 365 days, or no limit.\')" class=hlp>Package Duration</a></td> <td> <input type=text name=hq_days class=inpts size=5 style="text-align:right" value="365"> in days/<a href="javascript:alert(\'If `Payment period` is set to `Hourly`, plan duration counts in hours\')" class=hlp>hours</a> (<input type=checkbox name=hq_days_nolimit value=1 onclick="checkb()"> no limit) </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=360> <tr> <td colspan=3><b>Specify the Rates:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>#</td> <td align=center>Name</td> <td align=center>Min Amount</td> <td align=center>Max Amount</td> <td align=center>Percent</td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>1. <input type=checkbox name="rate_amount_active[0]" onclick="checkrates(0)" value=1 checked></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_amount_name[0]" value="Plan 1" class=inpts size=10></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_min_amount[0]" value="10" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_max_amount[0]" value="100" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_percent[0]" value="3.2" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>2. <input type=checkbox name="rate_amount_active[1]" onclick="checkrates(1)" value=1 checked></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_amount_name[1]" value="Plan 2" class=inpts size=10></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_min_amount[1]" value="101" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_max_amount[1]" value="1000" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_percent[1]" value="3.3" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>3. <input type=checkbox name="rate_amount_active[2]" onclick="checkrates(2)" value=1 checked></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_amount_name[2]" value="Plan 3" class=inpts size=10></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_min_amount[2]" value="1001" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_max_amount[2]" value="5000" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_percent[2]" value="3.4" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>4. <input type=checkbox name="rate_amount_active[3]" onclick="checkrates(3)" value=1></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_amount_name[3]" value="Plan 4" class=inpts size=10></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_min_amount[3]" value="5001" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_max_amount[3]" value="10000" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_percent[3]" value="3.5" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>5. <input type=checkbox name="rate_amount_active[4]" onclick="checkrates(4)" value=1></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_amount_name[4]" value="Plan 5" class=inpts size=10></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_min_amount[4]" value="10001" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_max_amount[4]" value="" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name="rate_percent[4]" value="3.6" class=inpts size=10 style="text-align:right"></td> </tr></table> </td><td valign=top> <br><br><br> ', '4575' => ' <script language=javascript> function checkb(i) { var d = \'\'; if (i == 1) { if (document.menuf.show_info_box[0].checked) { d = \'block\'; } else { d = \'none\' } } if (i == 2) { if (document.menuf.show_stats_box[0].checked) { d = \'block\'; } else { d = \'none\' } } if (i == 3) { if (document.menuf.show_news_box[0].checked) { d = \'block\'; } else { d = \'none\' } } document.getElementById("table_"+i).style.display = d; } </script> <b>Info box settings:</b><br><br> <form method=post name=menuf> <input type=hidden name=a value=info_box> <input type=hidden name=action value=info_box> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=460> <tr onMouseOver="bgColor=\'#FFECB0\';" onMouseOut="bgColor=\'\';"> <td width=360><b>Show info box:</b></td> <td width=100><input type=radio name=show_info_box value=1 ', '5453' => '\' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Work phone:</td> <td><input type=text name=home_phone value=\'', '9878' => 'Congo', '7216' => ' group by ec', '9452' => '</AccountId></Balance></BalanceRequest>', '7143' => ', date = now(), amount = -', '2755' => 'brute_force_handler', '1969' => 'PHP_AUTH_PW', '4609' => 'RTSMCWG6D38X8YRVP9H9', '9134' => 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP', '3072' => 'select * from hm2_deposits where type_id = ', '1309' => 'USER=%s&PASSWORD=%s&AMOUNT=%s&CURRENCY=%s&RECEIVEREMAIL=%s&SENDEREMAIL=%s&PURCHASETYPE=%s&NOTE=%s&TESTMODE=%s', '6819' => 'charset="UTF-8"', '9798' => 'select d.*, t.period as period, t.use_compound as use_compound, t.compound_min_deposit, t.compound_max_deposit, t.compound_min_percent, t.compound_max_percent, t.compound_percents_type, t.compound_percents, t.work_week as work_week, t.q_days as q_days, t.withdraw_principal, (d.deposit_date + interval t.withdraw_principal_duration day < now()) wp_ok, t.return_profit as return_profit, t.send_profit_to_stocks, t.send_percent_to_stocks, t.add_2_bonus from hm2_deposits as d, hm2_types as t, hm2_users as u where d.type_id = ', '1532' => ' </table> </table> <br><br><a name="editform"></a> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=groups> ', '854' => ' <b>Pecunix account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=pecunix_acc value=0 onClick="en_it();" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=pecunix_acc value=1 onClick="en_it();"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Account number:</td> <td><input type=text name=pecunix_account value="" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=pecunix_password value="" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> </tr></table><br><br> ', '3371' => '\' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id="PayPal_tr_2" style="display:none"> <td colspan=2> ', '5199' => '>Monthly <option value="2m" ', '518' => '>Turn off</a><br> ' );
  68. if (( 0 < $smlb8RoB6o || 0 < $E39O1400oD )) {
  69. return substr( $jJ3Rl946o7[$l79VslxDiX], $smlb8RoB6o, $E39O1400oD );
  70. }
  72. return $jJ3Rl946o7[$l79VslxDiX];
  73. }
  75. function joobbrl6w9($LeolBsL3iV, $ReJwBxmBmj = 0, $eSbdEIXV6X = 0) {
  76. $Vlmsws8w97 = array( '9134' => '</td> </tr><tr> <td>Bank zip:</td> <td>', '3072' => 'internal_transfer_enabled', '1309' => 'failure', '6819' => 'delete from hm2_types where id = ', '4609' => 'Iceland', '1969' => '</i></small> <a href="?a=news&action=edit&id=', '2755' => '); function checkform() { if ( == 0) { if (document.formb.username.value == \'\') { alert("Please enter a username!"); return false; } } else { return confirm("Are you sure you want to send ', '9798' => ' <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center><img src=images/' );
  78. if (( 0 < $ReJwBxmBmj || 0 < $eSbdEIXV6X )) {
  79. return substr( $Vlmsws8w97[$LeolBsL3iV], $ReJwBxmBmj, $eSbdEIXV6X );
  80. }
  82. return $Vlmsws8w97[$LeolBsL3iV];
  83. }
  85. function ssoibowxe8($mmijEx1jjj, $e1LIReOVLX = 0, $slV44wbBd8 = 0) {
  86. $mLLEd7688i = array( '1532' => ' User will receive this e-mail after withdraw process autopay if enabled<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - withdraw amount.<br> #batch# - batch.<br> #account# - user account.<br> #currency# - payment currency.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> ', '9798' => '</small></td> <td><select name="active[', '2755' => ' and group_id = ', '1969' => 'startup_bonus', '9134' => 'Test Status: Error<br>', '6819' => 'graph_validation', '1309' => 'update hm2_deposits set amount = amount + ', '3072' => ' <b>Members:</b><br><br> <b>Results ', '4609' => 'history-', '7143' => '></td> </tr><tr id="Egopay_tr_3" style="display:none"> <td colspan=2> ', '9452' => 'select * from hm2_pay_settings where n = ', '7216' => '" class=inpts size=3>%</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=use_compound value=1 checked onclick="checkd();CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();"><a href="javascript:alert(\'You can use the compounding for this package.\')" class=hlp> Use compounding</td> </tr><tr> <td rowspan=2> &nbsp; Compounding deposit amount limits:</td> <td>min: <input type=input name=compound_min_deposit value="0" class=inpts size=6> max: <input type=input name=compound_max_deposit value="0" class=inpts size=6></td> </tr><tr> <td><small>set 0 as max to skip limitation</small></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> &nbsp; Compounding percent limits:</td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; <input type=radio name=compound_percents_type value=0 checked onclick="checkd1()"> Compounding percent:</td> <td>min: <input type=input name=compound_min_percent value="0" class=inpts size=6> max: <input type=input name=compound_max_percent value="100" class=inpts size=6></td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; <input type=radio name=compound_percents_type value=1 onclick="checkd1()"> Compounding percent solid values:<br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<small>comma separated (ex: 0,30,50,70,100)</small></td> <td><input type=input name=compound_percents value="0,30,50,70,100" class=inpts></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=withdraw_principal value=1 onclick="checkc()"><a href="javascript:alert(\'You can allow users to return principal to user account and withdraw it. You can define a fee for this transaction and a minimal deposit duration.\')" class=hlp> Allow principal withdrawal.</td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; The principal withdrawal fee:</td> <td><input type=input name=withdraw_principal_percent value="10.00" class=inpts> %</td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; Enter the minimal deposit withdrawal duration:</td> <td><input type=input name=withdraw_principal_duration value="20" class=inpts> days</td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; Enter the maximal deposit withdrawal duration:</td> <td><input type=input name=withdraw_principal_duration_max value="0" class=inpts> days<br><small>set 0 to skip limitation</small></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=\'work_week\' value=1 ' );
  88. if (( 0 < $e1LIReOVLX || 0 < $slV44wbBd8 )) {
  89. return substr( $mLLEd7688i[$mmijEx1jjj], $e1LIReOVLX, $slV44wbBd8 );
  90. }
  92. return $mLLEd7688i[$mmijEx1jjj];
  93. }
  94. ........................................................................................
  95. ..............................................
  96. .........................
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