
TeahcerAnon - NN - 02

Jun 13th, 2013
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  1. >You return home from school thereafter, avoiding the shenanigans of that place.
  2. >Pink's wanted to make a party for you, again you gave her a rain-check, she made a joke about asking her friend Rainbow dash to make it rain so you would check out her party.
  3. >That ran you for a loop before you patted her on the head and said you'd be down for a party on the weekend when you weren't busy settling in.
  4. >That made her spirits shine, you could see it in her eyes before she zipped off.
  5. >You were close to freedom before Edward Discord caught you, offering to have a nice 'initation party' for just teachers.
  6. "My place, at seven on the dot! Don't be late!" he said, handing you a rather corny looking invitation saying "you're invited!"
  7. >You wondered if there was any drinking involved, considering it was a Wednesday, you might not be doing any of that as you load up your course material and drove home.
  8. >Its now around 4pm and you're still up to your neck in the last teachers work.
  9. >Apparently, the last bit of their assignments had been wrapping up geography work from the last semester, leaving you without the worry of their prior work
  10. >their final task had been to map out the school, and apparently the class did very well in it.
  11. >No'd just have to do better.
  12. >You were teaching these kids writing after all, how hard could that be?
  13. >you huff, putting away the last bit of prior semester work, Pinkie did exceptionally well, you wondered how she would fair in this semester as you close your books, eyeing your clock.
  14. >Oh shit! its 6pm! Better get ready for Discords 'initiation'.
  16. >You wash up double quick before you grab your best looking attire.
  17. >Sport jacket, blue button down shirt, black pants.
  18. >You make sure to make yourself presentable as you search your pockets for some cash.
  19. >You should get the man something nice for offering you an invitation, it would be rude to show up empty-handed.
  20. >With a few thoughts in mind, you check your clock.
  21. >6:30, cutting it close as you grab your keys and head out the door.
  22. >You make your way down the main street before you turn off into the side-streets, finding yourself in a very...ritzy...neighbourhood.
  23. >Big houses all over the place.
  24. >He must have done well for himself...wonder why he got into teaching as you see his house number.
  25. >123
  26. >You pull up to the driveway, seeing the old style Victoria-era house at the end of it.
  27. >Pretty swanky gigs, certainly well above your humble little apartment as you pull into an open space, seeing several other cars parked along the wide drive-way.
  28. >you grab a long package from your back seat before you make your way over to the door.
  29. >You knock on the door, seeing it open to Edward Discord himself.
  30. "Ah Anon!" he said taking your hand quickly "Wonderful of you to come, please, step on in." he said as you nod, presenting him the bottle of wine you picked up.
  31. "Oh for me?" he said in suprise.
  32. 'Folks always told me to bring a gift to a house party.'
  33. >Discord eyes the red wine with delight, perhaps a...rare commoditie as he nodded "Well, it is MUCH appricated good sir, do come in, may I ake your coat?"
  34. >You grin 'Nah, its cool, thank you.'
  35. "I must say Anon, fw teachers have the mannerisms such as yourself, why, it has been ages since anyone got me a nice gift."
  36. 'Glad I could help...i guess.'
  37. >You chuckled, eying the room beyond discord, you could see other facutly staff, Emmy, Redheart, Iron Wil, and a few others you hadn't met all talking over wine and treats as classical jazz was playing.
  38. >odd, you didn't see anyone else, what about that Miss P. Celestia, you'd like to meet her too.
  39. 'Hrmmm, you got quiet a crowd here.'
  40. >Discord nods, slipping the bottle into his sleeve as it magically dissapears from his hand.
  41. "oh, just a party among friends, most of the teachers could come."
  42. 'Most?'
  43. >Discord nodded "yes...I was hoping the Celestia would show up, oh she needs a good party now and then to unwind."
  44. 'Yeah...I got a letter from her about my course work and such, I was hoping to see her.'
  45. >Discord smirked "She's the...unsung majesty of the school, being the Principal and all, she often dosen't make much of an apperance, but when she does, she tends to be quite...impressive about it."
  46. 'Sounds like you have a thing for her.'
  47. >Discord went red "I shall have you know that faculty romance is against our code of ethic, come now Anon, that is merely childs play to be intrigued in your superior."
  48. >You chuckle, seeing the stern man of status blushing.
  49. 'Well, I'll go see whats what, thanks for the invite.'
  50. >Discord ows "you are quiet welcome enjoy yourself anon!"
  52. >You walk into the main lobby of the house. Before you is a stairway going to the upper floors, beyond that a kitchen and then further still was a door to the backyard.
  53. >To your right was the den, where the party was going on in full swing as you see Discord saunter past you to the kitche.
  54. "Bathrooms to your left if you need it." he whispered "though, considering whose here, you might want to keep that in mind." he winked a bit before making his way to the kitchen.
  55. 'Against your ethic eh?' you mutter as you shake your head and enter the den area.
  56. >It was huge, a large table in the center composed of most of the party goods, sweets, some salads and other things, wine...lots of it...and of coruse, the main course.
  57. >you moition over to the buffet table first, fuck introductions, you need food.
  58. >Everything from bagels to pig-in-a-blanket was slew across the table, you help yourself to a few bits of everything before you feel a tap on your shoulder.
  59. >turning around, you come face to face with Miss Mare.
  60. 'Ah...hello emmy!' you say, putting a hand to your mouth as you eat a PiB.
  61. "Hello to you too Anon, its so good to see you, have you settled with your material?"
  62. '*gulp* yup, just finished it before I got here, not too much to worry about, that Mr Bookread was a good geo teacher I take it?'
  63. >She nodded "Yes, he did well for his students, a shame he had wished to resign so soon, hence why you're here."
  64. 'Would be go back to the Library?'
  65. "Perhaps...but were not too sure with him yet, all that matters for now is you and your class."
  66. >You nod as you see miss RedHeart off in the corner, she isn't...talking to anyone, but she notices you and smiles, waving a bit.
  67. "Enjoying the party?" Emmy asked as you turned back to her.
  68. 'Yeh...its nice, but I just got here so I need to stuff myself first before I start mingling.'
  69. >She looked at your plate, clearly something about it....was off to her as she gave a miffed expression.
  70. "Well, you men always hoard yourself silly with what Edward prepares, he's certanly a handled person in the kitchen."
  71. 'Wait...he made all this?'
  72. "of coruse! He had help though, I had done my part to get the salads and so ready, and Mr Grand helped with the desert. Seems Edward has a thing for handling meats...that and chocolate."
  73. 'Right....I'll have to ask him about that sometime, could use another teacher for cooking on my own regard.'
  74. >Emmy gave a giggle as she suddenly turned to see another, fair skin, blue hair teacher approch.
  75. "Well now~" the new arrival spoke, almost with a... hiss as you turned to look at a rather...alluring female teacher.
  76. "Ah...Miss Chrysalis..." Emmy said, a bit of spite in her voice.
  77. "Hello Emmy dear, who may I ask is this?" she said, letting a black gloved hand whisk away her blue hair over those eyes.
  78. >She had holes in her gloves, not like wear and tear, but styled holes, must have been a pretty penny for that sorta thing.
  79. >You didn't think grunge was still in...
  80. "Why this is Mr. Anon, the new teacher, he's taking over Mr. Bookread's class."
  81. >Chrysalils eyes lit up, those green eyes were...very weird to you.
  82. >never had you seen something so enticing, perhaps it was something about their colour, couldn't look away.
  83. "Hello Mister Anonymous, I've heard we had a new associates for our cause, I am quite pleased it is another male, and a fine one at that."
  84. >You blink, okay, she was going in a direction you didn't want happen.
  85. 'Ah, thanks Miss-"
  86. "You can call me Chrissy dear, we are all friends here." she said as Emmy gave a huff.
  87. "Miss Chrysalis here teaches Drama, she's quite good at it too; none who have taken her coruse have ever done poorly."
  88. >Chrysalis stood up tall, proud of such a thing. "These students have...potential, but its seeking out their love to theater that merits its own reward."
  89. >okay, you're offically freaked out by her as you take a step back 'Ah, alright, I' going to check out some other teachers then....p-pleasure meeting you both.' and off you go.
  90. "You scared off another one Chrysalis..." Emmy muttered with a smirk as Chrysalils only huffed.
  91. "Give him time, he is a fiesty one, ooo I may have some fun with him yet."
  92. >Emmy sighed, shaking her head.
  93. "Please...don't...we do not want to lose another teacher to your antics."
  94. >Chrysalias only gave an innocent look to Emmy.
  95. "I promise not to bother him...too much." she smirked.
  97. >You stumble away from the duo who both obviously were trying to hit on you.
  98. >You remembered Discords notions, but damn, you weren't really up for the female teachers to all want part of you.
  99. >you sigh, nearly bumping into Iron Will as he stood against the wall.
  100. "Anon! haha, So you did manage to come after all, good on you!" he gave you a swift smack on the back as you cough a bit.
  101. 'Ah thanks Will, you enjoy yourself?'
  102. "Hardly..." he muttered "A party is just a waste of energry on the body better used for working out or doing physical labour. Standing around wit wine and food just makes me quesey."
  103. 'But its a good sort of fun isn't it?'
  104. "Of course, but, you can't make your day without a little pain." he gritted his teeth "i've done 47 laps today, how many have you done?"
  105. 'uhh...none...'
  106. "Great...another soggy sap for the faculty board, we're going to have to change that! Tomorrow, I want you in my office at 7am sharp!"
  107. 'But...I teach my first class at 8:30...'
  108. "Details! We'll set you in for some morning work-out to get your blood flowing!"
  109. >You blink, not willing to argue with this...muscle bound maniac as ou simply nod and trod over to a seat, taking it as you huffed.
  110. "Hey there Anon..." spoke another voice as you turn to see Redheart standing over you.
  111. 'Hey...' you mutter.
  112. "Is everything alright?" she asked as you turned to her.
  113. 'I got to go to Mr Will's work-out tomorrow morning...ugh...'
  114. >Redheart gave a soft chuckle "Ah, don't worry, he makes everyone do that their first day, or out of the blue, we've learn to accept it."
  115. >You shook your head 'Yeah, well I like my body as it is and I like my sleep....stupid 7am wake up...'
  116. >Redheart shook her head "you should be glad he's so willing to fit you up, I'm sure it would help considering what you have on the plate."
  117. 'You're not going to egg me on about my diet now are you?'
  118. "I do teach Health Ed Anon..."
  119. >You groan, huffing as you sink into the seat with a pout.
  121. "So tell me Anon..." Redeart asked as you, perticuiously study a PiG before you eat it "what got you into teaching?"
  122. >you chew slowly, looking at her before gulping and swallowing your food.
  123. 'Bit of a story on that one...' you mutter as she pulls a chair beside yours.
  124. "We got all night."
  125. 'Haha, not really...but whatever, heh.' You put the plate on the coffee table.
  126. 'When I grew up through my educational career, i had my share of good, and bad...teachers. I don't know why, but something about educating youths on the world around them meant something to me. I mean, we're not living in a fantasy world where you can suddenly be granted magical powers or become a Princess and have everything catered to you, this is reality, you gotta get up in the mornings, go to school, find a job, go to work... teaching the kids what they need to know about LIFE and how to live it...well..thats what got me into it.'
  127. >You turn to see Red blushing widly "i...see..." she said, looking at you again before turning away "well, thats...a very positivie mentality of it!" she added before exhaling and rising "now then, I must use the little girls room...excuse me." and off she went.
  128. >Leaving you alone with your snacks.
  129. >god, the women here are messed, its like none of them had been laid yet...
  130. >Wonder how Discord feels abo-
  131. "Enjoying the party Anon?"
  132. >Mr Low and Behold Discord stood beside you now as he smirked "such a riveting thing to be among friends is it not?"
  133. 'Thrilling' you say monotone as you stuff another Pig in your mouth 'you really know how to make these good.'
  134. >You roll your eyes 'Yeah, beggers can't be choosers.'
  135. "Certainly ahead of the game are you not?"
  136. >you shrug again 'Guess you can say I'm just living as it comes.'
  137. >You smirk as Discord took Red's seat.
  138. "You know, I'd be wary of Miss Mare and Miss Chrysalis, both of those...women..." he said with a bit of a spite "are often trying to flirt with everyone."
  139. 'Really?' you ask, stuffing some salad in your mouth.
  140. "Of coruse! Three quarters of the faculty here is women, do you not realize how difficult it can be when there are only so few guys to 'pal' around with."
  141. 'Whatabout Mr Grand or Iron Will?'
  142. >Discord shook his head "Mr. Grand is always up to his eyeballs in work, be it his cooking classes or his own job as a catering chef, he rarely ever comes around on his off time, and don't even get me started on Iron Will, more muscle than brain that one has."
  143. >You snicker, stifling a laugh as Duscord grinned.
  144. "I noticed Miss Redheart has a bit of a thing for you, never in my time here have I ever seen her blush that much, you certainly have a way with words."
  145. >You smirk, getting bitches is what you do best.
  146. 'Well, guess girls just like the good-honest guy to flock to.'
  147. "I couldn't agree more, but then, not all women are honest either." he notions to Chrysalis notably as she and Emmy seemed to be in a heated discussion about something.
  148. "I better go break those two up, they never can see eye to eye."
  149. 'Why's that?'
  150. >Discrod huffed, stretching his neck "Miss Chrysalis wanted Emmy's position from the start, but she lacks the dedication and skill Emmy had during the appraisals, it why she's never been replaced for almost four years."
  151. 'Impressive.'
  152. "Definitly then, enjoy yourself Anon, and don't worry about Iron Will, I'll talk to him about your little 'early-training' exercise." and he bowed, stepping away to the two ladies as he walked over, wrapping arms around both as he led them towards the rear of the den.
  154. >After a few hours, you wave good-bye to discord as you leave the party.
  155. "Come again anytime Anon, my door's always a knock away from a nice chat over tea!" he said as he closed the door behind you.
  156. >You were the last person to leave, you felt the need to just observe the teachers first before you decided to start making your own conclusions.
  157. >as you walked to your car, you thought about them.
  158. >Emmy, she was sweet, certainly a good head on her shoulders if not a bit of a workaholic from what you could gather.
  159. >Still, she was a bit of a drinker, and she could slur her tounge with words if she felt she was being challenge.
  160. >Which brought up Chrysalis, obviously she and Emmy have a history, the pair took stabs at one another when you sat down with both of them during the party, or more for the matter, they both brought you down and offered you a tad too much to drink.
  161. >You refused of coruse, saying you had to wake up early and you were driving, your well-being to be paramount.
  162. >Chryalis, being the drama teacher, capitalized on it, taunting Emmy of even considering to offer you a drink.
  163. >Of coruse, thats what started the department head to notion on how Chrysalis is often 'tardy' herself to her own lectures because she has such strange fashion sense.
  164. >It went sorta down-hill from there, but you were able to get Iron Will to settle the two down and sure enough, they were both too exhausted to drive home that they would stay at Discords.
  165. >Lucky stiff.
  166. >Speaking of which, Iron Will, that guy scared you; he was like some muscle behemoth, willing to bend anything into perfect shape as you slipped into your car.
  167. >The thought of being trained under that guy was insane, but hell, he'd probably make you ripped like crazy.
  168. >You didn't meet Mr. Grand, Emmy said he'd be in tomorrow so maybe you could swing a hi to him, if he was such a good cook, maybe you could ask for some tips from him; sure he'd love to talk about his skills.
  169. >which left Redheart...
  170. >She was...well...she was something else.
  171. >kind, very caring, but also serious about her profession.
  172. >Being a Health Educator had a lot of responsibilities, and you could see she carried them very well.
  173. >But then, that wasn't the ONLY thing she could carry.
  174. >She was pretty cute for her stature, less than Emmy or Chrysalils, but damn fine hips...
  175. >You blink as your brain goes on that tangent as you start your car.
  176. 'Fuck you brain, she's my co-worker'
  177. "it can happen..." your brain would respond as you pull away from Discords and back to your place.
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