
Healing Kisses (ch25)

Jul 19th, 2020
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  3. Kinda old news by now since the Starira event has passed, but this is my version of Groom!Maya. Though it also includes a bride...
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. -----------
  9. Chapter 25. I Do
  11. Claudine likely would've slept in a while later on this warm Sunday morning if not for the fact that there was a deadweight slumped across her chest. As she slowly opens her eyes, she heaves a sigh to discover Maya still fast asleep draped on top of her rather haphazardly.
  13. Claudine can only imagine she herself had unconsciously tried to pry Maya off, but Maya had unconsciously been drawn right back to her magnetically, thus having them end up in a messy, sleepy tangle of limbs and blankets and hair.
  15. Now, with Maya's head pressing down right on her breastbone, Claudine has no choice but to wake her, lest her bones start to crack.
  17. "Excuse me…?" she wheezes. "Tendo Maya…"
  19. Claudine shifts beneath her, trying to push herself up onto her elbows, but some combination of their weight and the way the blankets are tangled has her more or less paralyzed. She's even lying on her hair, which prevents her from turning her head at all. Claudine only manages to tap Maya's shoulder to rouse her.
  21. Thankfully it doesn't take long, as Maya is soon blinking her eyes open as well, the glaze of sleep clearing quickly as a fond warmth fills her gaze upon seeing her.
  23. "My, how fortunate I am indeed, to have such a lovely sight as the first thing I witness this morning."
  25. "That's all very nice," Claudine grunts. "But if you wouldn't mind…"
  27. As Maya lifts her head a little bit now, she too understands that Claudine is trapped in the soft snares of the bed.
  29. "Oh my. Allow me."
  31. She sits herself up, relieving the pressure from Claudine's chest before helping her untangle herself from the sheets. At last, Claudine is able to sit up with Maya's assistance, giving herself a shake and running a hand back through her frazzled hair.
  33. "My," Maya chuckles. "I wonder what had us both so lively last night?"
  35. "It was hot," Claudine grumbles. "Sweltering. But for some reason you were constantly trying to throw yourself on top of me in spite of the fact that I kept pushing you off."
  37. "I see. But it would seem I won in the end, no? As always."
  39. "I swear, if it wasn't so early I'd-" Claudine crosses her arms and turns away. But when Maya curls an arm around her and cups her cheek needfully, Claudine relents. Maya kisses her softly to start off the morning, but Claudine only humors her for so long before easing back.
  41. "All right, that's enough. I've got things to do today."
  43. "Of course. As do I."
  45. "And not all of those things involve you, might I add."
  47. "What a shame," Maya smiles. "Because all of mine involve you."
  49. "Mechante va." Claudine tosses the blankets off herself and over Maya's head before getting out of bed and stalking across the room to find clothes for the day.
  51. It really starts off as just any other weekend morning, with the two of them meeting their friends for breakfast before everyone breaks off into pairs or groups to take care of chores and schoolwork.
  53. Claudine returns to her room to fetch her purse with the intention of going into town today. And of course, as she's exiting, she spots Maya also leaving her own room with a handbag over her shoulder.
  55. "Oh my," Maya smiles. "Were you about to head into town for some shopping, Saijou-san? What a coincidence. So was I. Perhaps we should go together then? It would be much more enjoyable than-"
  57. "All right, I get it!" Claudine stomps over to her, grabs her hand, and begins leading her off. Maya follows along and just smiles all the while.
  59. It's a warm day, as expected of the summer that had given them such a hot night, but there's enough of a breeze to cool things down a little.
  61. Claudine and Maya walk to town and head for the store to pick up some essentials and some groceries. They traverse the store together, stand on line together, and leave with their bags together.
  63. All in all, their little outing shouldn't have taken longer than thirty minutes.
  65. But as they're heading back the way they'd come, Claudine catches sight of something interesting.
  67. "Hey." She gives Maya a nudge with her elbow. "What do you think that's all about?"
  69. Tilting her head curiously, Maya peers over Claudine's shoulder to see what she's referring to.
  71. Across the street is a large banquet hall that's almost always crowded for one event or another. But today, the parking lot seems rather empty. There is a woman dressed in a formal skirt and blouse standing outside offering fliers to certain passerby, though everyone seems to be politely declining. When they watch for a moment, Claudine and Maya realize the woman is only offering the papers to couples.
  73. "I wonder what they're promoting," Claudine says.
  75. "Well then, shall we go take a look?" Maya offers. "It certainly wouldn't hurt just to ask."
  77. "Right?"
  79. With that decided, the two of them head for the crosswalk and wait for the light before gradually making their way across the street. They can see the woman in front of the banquet hall's steps speaking briefly with a young man and woman, but the couple shake their heads and continue on.
  81. Claudine lowers her tone a bit.
  83. "What could be so bad that everyone's turning her down?"
  85. "I'm not sure…"
  87. Now as they approach, the woman catches sight of them and perks up once again.
  89. "Ah! You two, there!"
  91. Claudine and Maya pause as they reach her now. The woman presents them both with an eager smile as she holds a paper out for them to look over.
  93. "Good afternoon! My name is Haru. Would you two be interested in a special event we're holding for today? We're looking for a volunteer couple to try on and model some of our newest outfits, and to do a trial run-through of an event! And it's all free-of-charge to you, of course! It's mainly for us to gauge how long the event prep might take if we were to be providing the outfits and service to our participants in real time."
  95. Claudine and Maya share a curious look with one another.
  97. "Haru-san, is it?" Claudine begins, glancing down at her bags. "Well, I don't have anything perishable. Do you?"
  99. Maya shakes her head. "No. I wouldn't mind participating if you're all right with it, Saijou-san."
  101. "I wouldn't mind either. It would certainly liven up our Sunday."
  103. Haru absolutely lights up in glee.
  105. "Wonderful! May I please have your names?"
  107. "Saijou Claudine."
  109. "Tendo Maya."
  111. "Excellent! Well then, Saijou-san, Tendo-san, please follow me inside! Our team will assist you with your outfits!" She twirls around and starts up the stairs with a strut.
  113. Claudine and Maya share another glance before following. They've passed by this building many many times, but never before had they actually been inside until now.
  115. As they enter, a cool blast of air drifts across their skin as they take in their surroundings. The main lobby is spacious and welcoming with rose-quartz floor tiling stretching in either direction. There are several large potted trees to add a splash of green to the white walls, ornate with vintage wallpaper and speckled with tiny yellow flower patterns. The archways of every door are high and carved with intricate detail, and various floral and landscape paintings are hung on the walls. The bright lights overhead are all coming from small crystalline chandeliers. Calming, classical music is playing from somewhere, adding to the charming vibe.
  117. Claudine and Maya marvel at it all for a moment.
  119. "Wow," Claudine breathes. "This place is quite something."
  121. "Indeed," Maya agrees. "Even more lavish than Seishou's own ballroom."
  123. "Well, naturally. This is a proper banquet hall, not a theatre school."
  125. Their excited host has gone off for a moment to speak to some other women, who are all clearly very glad to have a willing couple that volunteered for this. She invites Claudine and Maya to put down their bags for now and leads them down the hall to a massive prep room. There are several large mirrors and vanities set up around the room, as well as dressers and racks upon racks of clothing. Half a dozen sewing machines sit on a table in one corner, and there are several curtained areas for changing spaces. There are about ten other people at work mending or sewing materials or arranging bouquets of flowers or just making the place look as tidy as possible.
  127. "Wow," Claudine hums, putting a hand to her chin. "So this is what a professional prep room looks like."
  129. "I have to say, it reminds me of ours," Maya says. "Though of course they have much more space and supplies."
  131. "Though I have to wonder… what kind of event are they staging today, exactly?"
  133. Haru must overhear, because now she turns back to them with an even bigger smile.
  135. "Oh, did I forget to mention that? Silly me! Today, you two will be helping us stage a marriage!"
  137. Now, both Maya and Claudine fall silent for a second, before their faces inevitably turn bright pink.
  139. "Eh-?"
  141. "Haaaa?! A wedding?!"
  143. "Yes!" Haru claps. "I must have been so thrilled to have gotten you two to agree that I neglected to tell you what the event was! I hope you don't mind."
  145. Claudine takes a step back, grabbing Maya's wrist and turning around with her abruptly to talk in private.
  147. "A wedding?! Th-That's way too much, isn't it? Absolutely not! We can't possibly do something like that!"
  149. "But, Saijou-san," Maya murmurs. "We've already agreed to it, haven't we? And it was evident they weren't able to interest anyone else. Besides, it could be good experience."
  151. "Experience for what, exactly?!" Claudine snaps, still beat-red.
  153. "Why, for our own marriage one day, of course."
  155. "Mechante-! As if we would ever-"
  157. "Oh…?" Maya frowns now, playing it up to look hurt. "Does that mean… you wouldn't marry me, even if I were to properly propose to you one day, Saijou-san?"
  159. "What on earth are you spouting?! And who says you'll be the one to propose, anyway?"
  161. "Oh?" Maya blinks in genuine interest now. "Then do you perhaps have plans-?"
  163. "Absolutely not! Don't be ridiculous!"
  165. "I'm afraid you're being a bit contradictory, Saijou-san."
  167. "Quiet!" Claudine shoves her palm against Maya's mouth and takes a moment to catch her breath, trying to make a rational decision about this and concentrate past the rushing of her thoughts and her pulse. "There's no way," she decides. "There's no way we can do something like this. Not a wedding-"
  169. "But Saijou-san," Maya interjects rather calmly. "We have performed plays that involve weddings before, have we not?"
  171. "Yes," she hisses. "But that was different! That was at school with everyone else, and it was clearly for a play. But if anyone happened to see us here-"
  173. "We are inside, Saijou-san," Maya reminds her. "I don't think any of our friends would just so happen to appear simply because we are here today."
  175. "Even so…" Claudine trails off for a moment, her cheeks still bright pink. "In any case, for those weddings we did in our plays… it wasn't ever you and I who were the couple…"
  177. "Oh…" Maya's blush returns now as well. She feels Claudine's hand twitch in hers, and Maya slowly laces their fingers together. "You… do have a point there…"
  179. "Excuse me!" Haru calls to them. "Saijou-san, Tendo-san, are you two ready?"
  181. They both glance back to their expectant host who has a sparkle in her eyes now. Claudine bites her lip as Maya coaxes her back again to speak privately.
  183. "Saijou-san, I still believe we should try here. We cannot simply walk out on them now."
  185. "I know-!" she snaps. Claudine draws in another deep, steadying breath before glaring sternly up at Maya. "Listen, we're only doing this for the experience and to help them out. That's it. Do you understand me?"
  187. "But of course," Maya replies coolly.
  189. "I'm serious! Don't think we're actually getting married or anything like that!"
  191. "Of course we aren't," Maya smiles. "After all, you haven't even proposed to me yet, Saijou-san."
  193. "Cette femme-"
  195. By now, several of the costume designers have made their way over to the girls. Maya and Claudine share one last bashful, yet still somewhat excited glance with one another before they're ushered apart into separate, curtained-off sections of the room to be given their outfits.
  197. For the next ten minutes or so, the chatter of the staff fills the room, with only a few comments here or there from the girls, mainly as they answer a few questions about their schooling. They both receive comments such as, "Oh? You're a performer? No wonder your physique is so slim!" or "I'll bet you're used to wearing all kinds of outfits, then!"
  199. At the very least, both Maya and Claudine get to experience what it's like to have professional designers and makeup artists fussing over them. Though it's more or less the same as when their classmates do it - it just feels a little bit more intimidating now since they don't know these women personally.
  201. For about ten minutes, the girls get separately dressed as adjustments are made and decorations are added and their hair is brushed and tied a certain way. They can barely see their own appearances past all the supplies and materials and people around them.
  203. But in both their cases, they are less interested about their own appearances, and much more curious about each other's.
  205. When the finishing touches are finally being made, both girls are requested to close their eyes so they will be able to see one another at the same time.
  207. Now adorning their new attire, and resisting the temptation to peek as they are guided out of the curtains, both Maya and Claudine are led slowly out of the prep room and to a different room next door, though neither knows what it looks like just yet.
  209. Haru and the other staff eventually bring them to a halt and turn them back-to-back with about three feet of distance in between them.
  211. "All right!" Haru directs them. "You can both open your eyes, but don't turn around just yet!"
  213. Both girls obey, slowly lifting their eyelids to find themselves in a spacious white room beside a large window, where bright sunlight is streaming in through the glass. They're able to glance sideways enough to see a few tables and chairs, clothed and cushioned in white. Each table has a vase of colorful flowers at the center, and there are even more flowers decorating the walls in bundles. There are also streamers, balloons, and a massive chandelier at the center of the ceiling. Both are aware of Haru beside them, and of each other at their backs.
  215. "All right!" Haru says eagerly. "Go ahead, both of you."
  217. Claudine's heart is pounding so hard and so quickly she fears it might start echoing throughout the room. She draws in a deep breath and closes her eyes as she turns before finally taking in the sight of her partner.
  219. When she does, her heart nearly screeches to a full halt altogether.
  221. Maya is dressed in a formal white suit, pants, and shoes that all fit her perfectly. A grey vest is fashioned around her shoulders and torso, and a blue tie is positioned at the center of her chest. Gold linings accent at the cuffs and all along the vest and suit alike, and a bouquet of roses dyed blue, white, and purple with their bright green leaves adds a dazzling splash of color. Her hair has been tied back into a low ponytail by her own blue ribbon, save for two locks that are free over the front of her shoulders. Her lips are quivering slightly, her eyes are sparkling, and there is a blush on her cheeks that is deepening by the second - one that Claudine can tell isn't just makeup.
  223. And as for Maya, her heart is a fluttering, knotted mess as well as she finally turns and gazes upon her partner.
  225. Claudine adorns a lavish, extravagant, white dress, layered with frills and lace as far down as her ankles, where her feet are covered by white heeled shoes with diamonds. The train of the dress stretches out several feet behind her, and eventually fades up into the many layers of fabric that are surrounding her. The dress hugs her more securely at the waist and chest, where a diamond necklace has been fastened at the center of her collar. She too, holds a bouquet of roses, but hers are pink, orange, and yellow. White gloves cover her hands up to her elbows, where the ends are frilled across her skin. Her wavy, silver-blonde hair is all free down her back, touching her bare shoulders, though a small section on either side of her head has been braided to meet at the center.
  227. Her usual black headband has been replaced with a silver tiara decorated with tiny sparkling diamonds, and the see-through veil over her head covers it all in a pale but intricate pattern. And likewise, her lips are parted in a gasp, and her cheeks are quickly turning a deep shade of pink, one that almost matches that of her eyes, which are shimmering in disbelief as much as Maya's own must be.
  229. A stunned, dumbfounded, wonderstruck silence ensues as both of them take in the otherworldly, ethereal sight of the other. They can barely even blink, because it would be such a terrible waste to close their eyes even for a split second.
  231. It feels like an hour must pass by, and they still haven't admired each other enough when they remember they aren't alone.
  233. "Fabulous, don't you think?" Haru beams. "You both look stunning! Of course we're prepared for same-sex marriages too, but we just didn't have a second dress fully prepared for today. And besides, I'd say the suit is befitting of you, Tendo-san! Wouldn't you agree, Saijou-san?"
  235. Claudine jolts as she's addressed and snapped out of her heavy trance. She can barely remember how to talk.
  237. "I…"
  239. "And Tendo-san!" Haru continues. "Isn't Saijou-san just beautiful? What do you think?"
  241. Similarly, Maya can't find words either.
  243. "I…"
  245. Haru smiles back and forth between them before continuing on.
  247. "Well in any case, we aren't quite finished yet. I want to have a read-through of the typical script for a marriage, and we can factor in some time for you two to make up some fake vows. But you see, we've made some changes to the traditional, more religious script and modernized it a bit, and I want to gauge how long the ceremony would be when I read that instead." She pulls out her cell phone to set a timer, then is handed a script from one of her colleagues. "All you two need to do is stand here and look pretty! I'm just going to read and see how long it takes. Ahem. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…"
  249. As she speaks, neither Claudine nor Maya really listen to the words. They can only stare and marvel at the beauty before them.
  251. As for Claudine, her heart is still pounding so hard it's ringing in her ears, and she has to bring her bouquet up to her collar to ensure it doesn't burst right out of her chest.
  253. No way… I've seen her in all kinds of outfits before, but… but how can she look so handsome? It's impossible. This can't be real. I'll wake up any moment now in my bed and she'll be slouched over me like a drooling child, right? No way. This can't be real…
  255. And as for Maya, her bouquet conceals it, but her hands are trembling and sweating, and her fingers are gripping the flowers so tightly she fears she might squeeze the petals off of them. She feels like she hasn't blinked in five whole minutes, and she feels if she moves so much as an inch she'll drop to the floor with how weak her knees are becoming.
  257. This… must be a dream… There is simply no other explanation… I have always known Saijou-san's beauty, but surely it isn't physically possible for such a lovely being to exist… Whatever dream this may be, I am blessed enough to be able to gaze upon her for as long as I have. I fear her radiance will soon have me going blind, but it will all be worth it…
  259. By now, both of them have at least managed to close their mouths a bit, though they're each still breathing raggedly. They've lost track of time, and their senses, and most everything else in the world until Haru addresses them.
  261. "Now then, do you Tendo Maya-san, take Saijou Claudine-san to be your lawfully-wedded wife? To love and to cherish her for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health? From this day forward and for the rest of your life, until death do you part?"
  263. Maya considers herself lucky that her ears had been somewhat listening to the words the woman had been saying, at least enough for Maya to be able to recite the well-known response, even if her voice is rasping.
  265. "I… I do…"
  267. Haru nods, then turns to Claudine. Claudine swallows, taking a single step forward closer to her partner.
  269. "And do you, Saijou Claudine-san, take Tendo Maya-san to be your lawfully-wedded wife? To love and to cherish her for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health? From this day forward, and for the rest of your life, until death do you part?"
  271. Claudine's breath hitches in her chest, but after giving herself a good shake, she finally remembers how to speak, somewhat, though she's so nervous all that comes out is the French response.
  273. "Je le veux…"
  275. Both girls have to repeatedly tell themselves it isn't an actual ceremony. They have to remind themselves this is merely a trial, a promotion of the banquet hall and venue-
  277. "Very good," Haru whispers to them. "Now then, we don't have rings for you two, but there's still a bit I need to say regarding those, so please just hold out your left hands to each other and play along."
  279. Maya and Claudine share a nervously-excited look yet again, but obey. Keeping their bouquets in their right hands, they raise their lefts, Maya taking Claudine's gloved hand in hers. They can feel each other trembling, but now that they're able to touch one another, they squeeze their fingers together to share a bit of strength.
  281. Haru reads out a line and asks them to repeat. Maya and Claudine speak it in unison.
  283. "This ring is my sacred gift to you; a symbol of my love, a sign that from this day forward and always, my love will surround you. With this ring I thee wed."
  285. Haru lowers her script and takes a step back with a nod.
  287. "Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you wife and wife! You may kiss your bride!" And with this, she taps her phone screen to stop her timer. "Wonderful! Now I've got a general time frame for how long this revised script will take us. I'm going to go report to my colleagues. Please return to the prep room at your leisure, ladies!" She twirls around and scurries out of the room in a flash.
  289. Maya and Claudine are left alone together now, still hand-in-hand, still quivering, and still astounded. Whenever they make eye contact they feel the need to glance elsewhere, but can't bring themselves to look away. The silence ticks by them, until it becomes impossible not to say something.
  291. "Ah-"
  293. "You-"
  295. They both stop, blink, and dip their heads.
  297. "Please, you first-"
  299. "No, you go right ahead-"
  301. "Very well, then." Maya accepts Claudine's invitation to go first and breathes deeply. "Saijou-san… rather… Claudine… you… you are absolutely stunning. Dazzling. Radiant. I… I'm afraid I cannot properly put it into words…"
  303. At the very least, Claudine feels a bit better in knowing she isn't the only one of them that's a complete and total wreck. It's reassuring to know the arrogant Tendo Maya is also feeling like a nervous newlywed, even if it isn't a real ceremony.
  305. "And… it's the same for you, Tendo Maya…" Claudine squeezes her hand a bit more. "You're quite handsome. Charming. And very beautiful. I never thought I would see you… quite like this…" She tapers off, not knowing what more to say.
  307. They both lack the ability to express just how enamored they are with each other right now. But luckily, they can both understand it with one simple look into the other's eyes.
  309. They are quiet for a moment, each taking in the sight of the other, hoping to engrave the image into their hearts forever. Until, perhaps, one day they can see it again for a real ceremony…
  311. "I-" Claudine speaks quickly before her mind can wander. "I suppose we should head back, then."
  313. "Yes-" Maya, too, has to pull her mind out of such a fantasy. "It was very nice to be able to assist Haru-san and her team with this. And it was quite an experience for us as well."
  315. "I'll say."
  317. Another moment passes, but even though they've both agreed to leave, neither makes a move just yet. It seems there's something more they're both still wanting.
  319. Maya tries to put it into words, tries to think about how she might be able to say this without sounding too pushy, too greedy. But to her surprise - and delight - Claudine beats her to it.
  321. "I wonder," she murmurs. "Don't you suppose we should wrap this up properly…? I mean, all the rest of it has been like a real marriage ceremony, so why not finish it like one... right?"
  323. Maya swallows.
  325. "Do you perhaps mean…?"
  327. "A kiss wouldn't hurt," Claudine says, and it's a miracle she can keep her voice steady. "After all, it's not every day we'd be able to do such a thing with these outfits, right?"
  329. "Y-Yes… I agree." Maya dips her head, grateful beyond words that Claudine had been desiring the same ending.
  331. In nearly any other situation, Maya might have stolen a kiss, so long as she knew Claudine wouldn't mind. But somehow now, when they're asked and expected to kiss, especially considering the nature of the situation…
  333. Maya is a nervous wreck.
  335. It's a relief that Claudine had posed the idea herself, or else Maya would feel she might be pressuring her if she'd been the one to ask.
  337. And Claudine had worded it very specifically for a reason. She wanted to make it sound casual, just like any other kiss; simply to keep to the spirit of the occasion. She didn't want to force Maya into it if she felt overwhelmed. But thankfully, Maya seems just as eager and willing as she is.
  339. So they step a little closer now, until the roses of their bouquets are mingling; blues and purples with pinks and yellows.
  341. And of course, the whites and the oranges.
  343. They bring their free hands to each other's cheeks, coaxing her closer, getting lost in her eyes as they savor this moment with the sunlight beaming down on them, the scent of roses filling their lungs, the glee of some indescribable joy dancing through their hearts…
  345. At the same time, they close their eyes.
  347. Neither initiates any more or less than the other does as their lips come together at last.
  349. And it's warm. So warm.
  351. Their hands still tremble, but as they hold to each other more tightly it only makes them feel stronger. Their hearts are racing, but neither pulls away just yet.
  353. They step closer, deepening the kiss, letting go of the bouquets in favor of wrapping their arms around each other now, the flowers crushed softly between them.
  355. They hold the kiss until they can't possibly hold it any longer, parting with a mutual gasp, their faces flushed and chests throbbing. But they stay close, clinging to one another as their eyes meet, conveying things words never could.
  357. They draw each other into an fuller embrace, taking a moment to catch their breath together, waiting for their thundering pulses to finally mellow out a little.
  359. Another moment passes, and they wish it could last forever.
  361. Claudine can feel Maya's nervous happiness in the tight hold she still has on her, refusing to let her go - probably because she doesn't want to and because if she does she'll likely collapse.
  363. And Maya can feel Claudine's mirth in her quickened pulse and breath, in the way she softly brushes her cheek with hers and makes a small, adorable hum.
  365. Another moment. And another.
  367. Until at last, reality comes back to them.
  369. Slowly, both girls ease apart, taking back their respective bouquets as they step back, though their free hands stay together. Claudine bows her head, her face still bright red as she clears her throat.
  371. "Well then… we should probably… give these outfits back…"
  373. Maya is equally flustered for once, and she can only give a small, regretful nod.
  375. "I suppose so…"
  377. So eventually, still hand-in-hand, they make their way back across the room. Maya is mindful of Claudine's dress hindering her a little, and goes slowly to ensure she doesn't get snagged on anything.
  379. Together, they head out into the hallway where calming music is still being played. Neither says a word as they make their way back to the prep room, where the staff gladly take the bouquets from them before ushering them back to their changing quarters.
  381. It's all very humbling for the both of them, to be in a wedding dress or suit one moment, and the back into their everyday skirts and blouses the next. Haru and the staff thank them sincerely and let them keep the bouquets as tokens for their time.
  383. Maya and Claudine smile and say their goodbyes as they take up their grocery bags once more, now placing their bouquets into them as well so they can still have one hand free each, so they may interlock their fingers.
  385. And the next thing they know, they're back outside, walking the sidewalks to return to Seishou, almost as if nothing had ever happened.
  387. If not for the flowers and the stunning images still fresh in their minds, they might've thought it never happened at all and had been nothing more than a daydream.
  389. They walk in stunned silence for a few minutes, until a sigh from Claudine has Maya prompting gently.
  391. "Claudine…?"
  393. Claudine turns to her now and shakes herself off a bit.
  395. "It's nothing. It just… feels so surreal, doesn't it?"
  397. "I whole-heartedly agree. To think just moments ago you were standing before me in that lovely dress."
  399. "And you in that suit…"
  401. "I regret not thinking to ask for a photograph," Maya sighs. "But I'm sure there will be plenty taken at our real wedding sometime in the future. Until then, I will simply keep the memories of today locked away in my own heart, for me alone."
  403. "You… still saying things like that, as if we're really going to get married… Though I suppose, if we did… now we'll both be prepared for what to expect in a way…"
  405. "Indeed." Maya steps a little closer to her, bumping her head softly against Claudine's. "I'll be sure to write some very nice vows. But please do take your time in proposing to me."
  407. "A-As if!"
  409. "Oh? Then would you rather that I be the one to propose after all?"
  411. "I didn't say that! I can do it myself!" Claudine chokes and turns red all over again as Maya gives her a highly-amused smirk.
  413. "Oh…?"
  415. "Mechante! That's not what I meant! No one is proposing to anyone!"
  417. "Of course. We should at least wait until after graduation."
  419. "That's right. Wait, no-!"
  421. The two of them tease and bicker all the way back to school, where their friends are shocked to find them coming back with more than just groceries. Maya and Claudine explain the bouquets and how they'd come to obtain them, and the others listen in enamored silence.
  423. "A mock wedding?!" Nana cries when they've finished. "That's so wonderful!"
  425. "I can't believe they had something like that going on in town," Junna says.
  427. "Futaba-han?" Karouko says. "Perhaps we should venture out into town, no?"
  429. "Oh no ya don't. You're not draggin' me down there just so you can wear a fancy dress… Though I'm sure you'd look super cute in it…"
  431. "Ahhh~" Karen sighs. "I wish I could've gone! I wanna marry Hikari-chan and Mahiru-chan!"
  433. "Eh?"
  435. "K-Karen-chan-! Th-That's-!"
  437. "In any case," Nana says. "You should keep the roses for as long as possible, then after they start to wilt you can dry them out or press them!" She admires the colorful bouquets in Maya and Claudine's laps as they sit down on the couch together now. Kaoruko leans over to press her nose into Claudine's bouquet and breathe them in.
  439. "Ahh~ The scent of true love, no?"
  441. "As if," Claudine huffs. "It was just a trial so they could get the timing down."
  443. "Indeed," Maya agrees. "It was very similar to a play, even. Just an act."
  445. "Unless the minister was certified," Junna laughs.
  447. Both Maya and Claudine look up to her in confusion.
  449. "What do you mean?"
  451. Junna shrugs.
  453. "Oh, y'know. Just that if the minister who read you the lines and the vows was certified, then technically you two would actually be married now."
  455. Claudine chokes on air, and Maya forgets how to breathe again.
  457. Junna quickly continues.
  459. "Ah, b-but I'm just kidding! I'm sure the person who read to you wasn't actually a certified minister. You said it was a woman, right? I don't know of many certified ministers who are women."
  461. "I recall my family's church had one," Kaoruko speaks up. "I was so young I don't remember much. But I want to say her name was… Hana-san… something like that. It was a 'Ha' I'm certain…?"
  463. "There," Futaba says. "Kuro, Tendo, I think you're good."
  465. Both Maya and Claudine share a silent, and slightly-terrified glance now, their eyes wide and faces red. They have an entire private conversation just from their gazes alone.
  467. There's no way-
  469. Certainly not-
  471. Even if it was 'Haru' there could be more than one-
  473. It doesn't mean that Haru was a minister-
  475. And even if she was, she might not be one anymore-
  477. It can't have been official-
  479. "Uh…? Earth to Kuro and Tendo?" Futaba's voice snaps them both out of it, causing them to mutually yelp. Futaba raises an eyebrow. "We just asked what movie you guys wanna watch tonight."
  481. "Oh!" Karen chirps. "All this talk about weddings has me in the mushy-gushy mood! Let's watch a romance!"
  483. "Didn't we do that last week?" Kaoruko whines. "Let's watch something a bit more intense, shall we?"
  485. "We could always do a documentary," Junna chimes in.
  487. "Ugh! No thank you!"
  489. As their friends go off chatting, Maya and Claudine slowly place their bouquets onto the coffee table to put in vases later. Hearts still fluttering, they slowly lean back against the couch together, putting their arms around each other and trying to relax.
  491. "It's not possible," Maya reassures her.
  493. "Definitely not," Claudine agrees.
  495. "And even if it were-"
  497. "Which it's not."
  499. "Right. Which it's not," Maya agrees. "But even if it were, that wouldn't stop me from marrying you a second time, Claudine."
  501. Claudine exhales slowly, but eventually nestles into her side.
  503. "It wouldn't stop me either, Tendo Maya."
  505. The two of them cuddle up quietly as they sit back to enjoy the selected movie.
  507. The memories of today will stay in their hearts forever - even if it was all just an act.
  509. But some day, when the time comes, they'd both love to do it all over again.
  511. -----------
  513. A/N: I just really wanted them to go through like... a full 'wedding' scene, not just wear the outfits for a play or something klasjhdfkds I hope you could envision how I envisioned them in these outfits and how absolutely in love they are with one another.
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