

Oct 5th, 2018
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  1. <center>***</center>
  2. <h1>Welcome to DM;CA!</h1>
  3. <span style="font-family:Helvetica"><i>This server is running <a href="">/tg/station13's</a> modification of <a href="">CM-SS13's</a> modification of <a href="">Baystation 12's</a> modification of the <a href="">/tg/station13</a> SS13 code.</i><br>
  4. <b><a style="font-size:12pt" href="">Make sure you read the rules!</a> <span style="color:red">Ignorance is not an excuse!</span></b>
  5. <h3 style="text-decoration:none;">New to the game? Just curious about how something works? There are mentors ready to help you! Just go to the admin panel on the top right, click on the adminhelp button and write your question!</h3>
  6. <strong>Source:</strong> <a href="">GitHub Repo</a>
  7. <strong>Discord:</strong> <a href="">/tg/ discord</a>
  8. <strong>Help Desk:</strong> <a href="">Submit a ticket</a>
  9. <strong>FAQ:</strong>
  10. Q: Difference between this and CM?
  11. A: It's hosted by /tg/, it's open source, and it's meant to be more relaxed and player-friendly.
  12. Q: What are the main changes so far?
  13. A: Hard restrictions turned into soft ones (skills limit turned into delays, aim/wield delay turned into an aiming time), somewhat reworked attachements, general channel for marines, slightly reworked marine vendors making req less mandatory, heavily modified prison map, general weapons rebalance, several xeno rebalances, lots of QoL changes... A lot, really, you should check our github!
  14. Q: What are the upcoming changes?
  15. A: Combat focus changing from stun to disabling, map modifications (and a new map... perhaps!), more balance changes, backend improvements to make the game less choppy and more.
  16. Q: How often is the server up?
  17. A: For now, the server will only be up during weekend evenings. More staff and some code changes are necessary for a 24/7 uptime.
  18. Q: How can I contribute?
  19. A: Our code is open and both our github and discord links are up here. Come over and give us a hand, we can use people who can code, sprite, map, mentor, admin, do wiki work, or simply help out with game balance, vote on changes or play. Your opinion is important!
  20. Q: Where do I apply for Mentor/Mod, Where do I appeal jobbans?
  21. A: <a href="">Submit a ticket to the Help Desk</a>
  22. <center>***</center></span>
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