
Tombquest the 1st

Jul 7th, 2014
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  1. * High_Tide hums and ruffles Rain's mane, leaning forward to look at the map. "Wassat...?"
  2. [18:35] <High_Tide> [it means jokingly Star
  3. [18:35] <Flora> "hey Star i'm been... so how are you? You hear about the exploration of the map they found out in the cave?"
  4. [18:35] <Star_> [Alrighty then, thanks Tidey]
  5. 06[18:36] * Aurora nods "alright then, lead the way Rain!"
  6. 01[18:36] <Rain> "Juuust as a heads up folks but we're gonna try and not do stupid stuff ok? That means some rules of combat more or less, Tide since you and....please stop doing that..." Rain mumbles as her mane is ruffled before strightening the map out "The map they found from that grave that could lead us to something interesting."
  7. [18:36] <Flora> "Oh Rain you're doing it too?"
  8. [18:36] <Star_> "I'm just peachy, thanks. No, I haven't. Is that what you guys are gonna go do now? Can I come?"
  9. 01[18:37] <Rain> "Alright we can talk while we walk." Rain says as she starts to follow the map. "So anyway I was thnking that Tide be our tank, Rora, Flora and I be the melee dps while Star snipes anything that might try to sneak up on us."
  10. 06[18:37] * Aurora nods nods nods "yea yea yea Rain, I get it, lets gooooooooo.... uhh... rain.... this isn't WoW..."
  11. 01[18:37] <Rain> "Eh? Yeah thought that was the plan?" Rain asks in confusion looking at the others
  12. 01[18:37] <Rain> "With the way things have been acting lately I'm not really gonna chance it Rora..."
  13. 06[18:37] * Flora nudges Star "I guess so"
  14. 01[18:38] <Rain> "Also whose up for being the party face? Aka letting one person talk for the interests of the group so we dont accidently a entire tribe of goats?"
  15. 06[18:38] * High_Tide rolls his eye. "Sure, Rain, but this isn't a videogame..." He lets the mare go and nudges her, hefting Duke onto his back. "So, lead the way?"
  16. 06[18:38] * Star_ smiles, his horn sparking harmlessly to express hiseagerness. "Awww yeah, snoipah Staah~"
  17. [18:38] <Flora> "what?"
  18. [18:38] <Star_> "I mean, I guess I could."
  19. [18:38] <Flora> *Rain talks to fast for my horse*
  20. [18:39] <Aurora> ".... Rain what on earth are you talking about, lets just play it by ear"
  21. 06[18:39] * Rain snrrks at the two stallions "Jeeze, dangle a bit of adventure and your rearing to go huh? Alright Star wants to tbe the party face that work out? No Rora nooooo please for the love of god we need toa gree on this crap before hand else we might literally kill an entire group cuz everyone was talking at once."
  22. [18:39] <Flora> "Rain slow down you're moving a mile a minute"
  23. 06[18:39] * High_Tide boops Rain's side again. "C'mon, Rain, you're talking a mile a minute."
  24. 01[18:40] <Rain> "Are not!' Rain says defensivly as she ruffles her map reading it while she talks nearly leading herself into a fence post "Ack! Damn fence posts..."
  25. 06[18:40] * Aurora gives Rain an almost blank look "Rain, calm down, slow down, nobody knows who is going to be best to talk"
  26. 06[18:40] * High_Tide glances at the group and lets go of Duke to rest on his back, squeezing Rain's cheeks in his forehooves. "Slow down!"
  27. 06[18:41] * Star_ is currently imagining Rain talking faster and faster and faster until her head pops
  28. 06[18:41] * Rain has squished cheeks and the map is resting in her hooves as she sqeuaks outs "Okay, okay Ah'll slow down..."
  29. 06[18:41] * Star_ chuckles
  30. [18:41] <High_Tide> "...Promise?"
  31. 01[18:41] <Rain> "Pwomise."
  32. [18:42] <Flora> "I hink we should plan this out as we go sincewe don't know who will best be suited for any job"
  33. 06[18:42] * Aurora nods "exaaaaactly"
  34. [18:43] <Aurora> "besides, I would trust this unicorn guy to be our face a lot more if he was wearing a shirt..."
  35. [18:43] <Chinook-GM> 7Seriously almost there guys. Cross referencing the old map to your current position, it would seem to be located near a mountain north of The Big Shite Trail and nearer the western river.
  36. 06[18:43] * High_Tide slowly lets go of Rain and glances to the others. "Well, Duke here has saved me from some pretty scary situations. If anything I should at least be in the front lines. If someone has a spear, they can stand on my back and pike over the shield.
  37. [18:43] <Flora> [>the big shite trail]
  38. [18:43] <Flora> [ha]
  39. [18:43] <Aurora> "....... I don't have any weapon... think we will find one there?"
  40. [18:44] <Star_> "I still think I'm going to take the high road and cover you guys." He turns to the little new urfy. "You wanna take Cosmo for a bit. I'm gonna be usin' my horn most of the time."
  41. [18:44] <Flora> "all i have is a sword and a dagger" she turns to Aurora and gives her her knife "and now i just have a sword"
  42. 06[18:45] * Aurora swings her hoof aroud, floating it just above Flora's dagger, before turning and taking Star's sword instead "yisssssss"
  43. 01[18:45] <Rain> "Whose Cosmo? Did you bring a fairy or something?"
  44. [18:45] <Chinook-GM> [Here, have a map]
  45. 06[18:45] * High_Tide chuckles and falls silent, letting the others do the talking as he walks with them.
  46. 06[18:46] * Flora playfully roll her eyes "I-I didn't want to have it any ways"
  47. 06[18:46] * Star_ chuckles and turns to Flora. "Don't worry, Flora. It isn't the size of the sword, it's how well you stab." He turns to Rain. "Nope, Cosmo's my sword."
  48. 06[18:46] * Flora starts to laugh
  49. [18:47] <Star_> "Kinda dumb, you might think, but I heard if you name your weapon you get some good luck."
  50. 01[18:47] <Rain> "Flora are you having a bit of blade envy there?" Rain giggles a bit at the interplay tween all the ponies
  51. [18:47] <Aurora> [oh wow, thats far away... good thing I packed rations for me! everyone got some, right?]
  52. [18:47] <Star_> [I have a pan to cook stuff in!]
  53. 01[18:47] <Rain> [I can forage things so it not all that bad]
  54. 01[18:47] <Rain> [hey we could use the skills for that~]
  55. 01[18:47] <Rain> [:D]
  56. 02[18:48] * Dreamcatcher ( Quit (Quit: Bye)
  57. 03[18:48] * Bob ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  58. 06[18:48] * Aurora takes Star's sword [giggity] and thrusts it forward with a "hyaaa!" having worked at the pub almost every day has done wonders for her hoof-eye coordination, and it doesn't take her long to pick up accurate use of the hefty iron sword
  59. 06[18:49] * High_Tide watches Arara and chuckles. "If you can't use a sword, you're not bad with your hooves." the unicorn says, meeting her gaze.
  60. 06[18:50] * Star_ is glad she can use the sword well...though it isn't hard to use a sword. It's a sword, swish swish stab is all ya need, heh.
  61. 01[18:50] <Rain> "Good technique I think, dont often practise with my dagger like I should to be honest..." Rain says looking at her own lil dagger.
  62. 03[18:50] * Vidya_Blind is now known as Snow_Blind
  63. 06[18:51] * Flora daggers is bigger >:3
  64. 01[18:52] <Rain> [is it really? How big? Hand and a half? mines i headcannon as one of those kknives with the for cooking or something]
  65. [18:53] <Flora> [i dun know i was just making a dick joke]
  66. [18:53] <Star_> [Pffft]
  67. [18:53] <Chinook-GM> 7Through the sweeping meadows and the tall forests of lush summer green and clear blue skies, this group of travellers makes their way across the landscape which has been their home for just over a year now. Travelling north, they pass through one section of woods and find themselves on top of a large hill. The plateau offering a sweeping view of the area.
  68. [18:53] <Chinook-GM> []
  69. 01[18:53] <Rain> [details maaaan]
  70. [18:54] <Chinook-GM> 7Four Cannon itself is only just visible on the southern horizon and the looming mountain range lies to the north.
  71. 01[18:54] <Rain> " says we keep heading north west, its waaay up on the big shite trail or something according to this..."
  72. 06[18:55] * Flora snickers
  73. 06[18:55] * Star_ snickers
  74. 06[18:55] * Aurora doesn't snickers
  75. 06[18:56] * Aurora sticks close to Rain, casting an unamused glance back at Flora and Star for a moment, before pressing on, relishing the sensation of digging her hooves into the dirt, keeping her head held high as she lets the wilderness sing its secret song around them
  76. [18:56] <Flora> "Oh come on lighten up Aurora it's a funny name"
  77. 06[18:57] * High_Tide smirks for a second and goes back to looking ahead, taking in the air and hefting Duke over his back as he enjoys the scenery
  78. 01[18:57] <Rain> "Also think we're gonna need some food stuffs, everyone brought some stuff right? Or at least cookware? I know some common plants we can eat and cook up." Rain says ignoring the shit posters as they tend to be the ones to name the thing though the mare has a grin on her face. Rain is too busy checking map as she hates going in the wrong direction more or less.
  79. 06[18:58] * Aurora nods "mmhmm, and I had a nice meal before we left the pub too... gotta think smart.... hey, think Quick would go for that? free meals from the pub before an adventure?"
  80. [18:58] <Star_> "I brought a pan, Ms. Rain!" He uses his magic to lift the dented pan from his saddlebags
  81. 01[18:59] <Rain> "Neat!"
  82. 06[18:59] * Flora looks at the scenery and takes a deep breath summer truely upon them "I brought some food with me, nothing to fancy but it'll get the job done"
  83. [19:00] <Chinook-GM> 7Thus, trodding the grass and dry dirt, the party make an eerily uneventful journey to the northern mountain range. But alas, reaching directly under the shadow of the moutains themselves, the group are faced with a damn near insurmountably steep wall that seems to stretch the length of the earth each ways.
  84. [19:01] <Chinook-GM> 7But there IS a narrow valley which seems to be a dull grey in stark contrast to the fields behind them, which rests further along to the east, near the hillside caverns.
  85. 01[19:01] <Rain> "Huh..." Rain cheks the map again trying to see if there is a trail...
  86. 06[19:01] * High_Tide pauses to rifle through his own coat, looking for any kind of foodstuffs he may have brought on the trip. "Mmmm, nope."
  87. 06[19:01] * Rain gulps to herself seeing where the trail is close by...
  88. 01[19:02] <Rain> "Well, crap, ok..." Rain looks at the others, "Think we have a trail over near that valley there that an lead us deeper into the mountains, but I'm weary of going near hillside, its got bad history..."
  89. 06[19:02] * Aurora looks up at the cliff face "mmmm.... I would love to try climbing again... not sure how it would work in this quadraped body of mine.... oh but goats are awesome at it!"
  90. 01[19:02] <Rain> "I can try to fly up, find an alternative route or we can go for it in that valley, thoughts?"
  91. 06[19:03] * Star_ whistles at the steep mountains. "Welp, Seems we don't have any other choice, do we? If you hadn't noticed, I don't have wings and I can't teleport."
  92. 06[19:03] * Aurora nods "sounds good Rain, see if there is a safer path.... ooootherwise its spooooky valley!"
  93. 06[19:03] * Flora looks at the wall in all its glory "wow" she looks around and spots a small vally carefully trotting down since it's the only wway through"
  94. [19:04] <Flora> "only thing I remember from hillside is you getting cruched by a rock"
  95. 06[19:04] * High_Tide admires the scenery and stares up at the wall, quietly waiting for a decision from the others.
  96. 06[19:05] * Rain nods before giving the map to Tide to hold "HEre, be right back guys."
  97. 06[19:06] * Rain spreads her wings and get ready to take off heading alongside the cliff face to see if there are any other alternative routes, Pegasus based gps go!
  98. [19:07] <Chinook-GM> 7Rain finds the weather to be quite accomadating as her wings take her upwards, higher and higher into the sky, past a few fluffy clouds until one particularly comfy looking cloud offers a grand sweeping view of the mountain range....and the uncharted green lands beyond. The view highlights nothing in particular although the hillside caverns are in clear view by now.
  99. 06[19:08] * High_Tide adjusts the map and starts studying it while Rain does her thing.
  100. [19:08] <Chinook-GM> 7As is the small valley, which snakes through the mountain wall like an unattended crack. It leads into a wide open meadow surrounded by towering mountains on each side, although Rain can't see the eastern river just yet.
  101. 03[19:09] * Feldspar ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  102. 06[19:09] * Star_ looks down at the ground and draws a star at the base of the mountain with a tip of his hoof.
  103. 06[19:09] * Aurora puts her hooves to her lips, shouting out "SEE ANNNNYTHING RAIN?"
  104. 02[19:10] * Liven ( Quit
  105. 01[19:10] <Rain> "Damn..." Rain murmers as she looks around before nodding to herself as she sees the crack the valley makes, "Hrm...ok looks like we're taking the chance then..." Rain glides down to land near the others and explains "Basically the valley is our only route at the moment as it leads into this meadow with mountains on all sides keeps going for a bit too."
  106. 06[19:10] * Flora has been walking through the vally for a little bit of time and stops at the meadow. She knows the others will be coming soon since it's probably the only way and just takes it in
  107. [19:10] <Chinook-GM> 7Aurora's voice bounces off the walls and echoes around for a few moments before disappearing.
  108. 06[19:11] * Star_ shrugs and follows Flora because of the buddy system and because wynaut.
  109. 06[19:11] * Aurora wonders why Flora would advance without the others, after we talked about party cohesion, nodding when Rain touches down and starting down the path with the othrs
  110. [19:11] <Aurora> *others
  111. 06[19:12] * High_Tide glances to the chain of ponies wanderinf down into the valley and shrugs, walking with Aurora after Star and Flora.
  112. [19:12] <Chinook-GM> 7Flora's solo journey took her the best part of two hours. And Star too, Evening begins to set in, the golden and red hues of the sky casting over the party and pouring onto the land. It's become milder in temperature, but some would consider it ideal walking weather.
  113. 06[19:12] * Rain sees Flora wander off and chases after the others
  114. 06[19:12] * Rain eventually catches up and puffs her cheeks out at Flora "The hell guys?!"
  115. 06[19:13] * Flora doesn't care at this point and is just happy to see something bright and cheery in light of recent days
  116. 06[19:13] * Aurora lets out a long drawn out sigh, looking to the horizon to watch the glorious red sunset "can't get that in the pub..."
  117. 06[19:14] * Rain keeps her pout seeing Flora doesnt' care before looking at the sun and grinning a bit "Well I'll be..."
  118. 01[19:14] <Rain> "That's pretty..."
  119. 06[19:14] * High_Tide smiles softly at the scenery, excited to be somewhere new again. "Yep..."
  120. 06[19:14] * Star_ smiles and just takes it in wordlessly. Words only spoil the moment...
  121. 01[19:15] <Rain> "Kinda makes ya wanna..." Rain starts hoping someone knows the rest of how this song goes~
  122. [19:15] <Chinook-GM> 7The group, reunited at last, find themselves in an isolated grand meadow which rests in the shadow of the surrounding mountains. Small slopes and hills dot the field and according to the map, the location is towards the far eastern edge of this hidden paradise.
  123. 01[19:15] <Rain> []
  124. [19:16] <Flora> "nice to see something happy for once"
  125. 06[19:17] * Rain breaks out of her recollection of boomdeyada "Right Tide where we goin next?"
  126. 06[19:17] * Aurora lets out a deep grin "see... just gotta get out and experience the world every now and then... let nature tell you where to go"
  127. 01[19:18] <Rain> "Hue you gonna be a druid or something Rora?"
  128. [19:18] <Chinook-GM> [Bear with me a sec guys, just gotta take care of something important, feel free to prance along]
  129. 06[19:18] * High_Tide breaks out the map and shows it to Rain, looking down at the paper, then up, then down again. Tide shrugs and gestures to the general direction they need to go in.
  130. [19:19] <Star_> "Hey, nothing wrong with painting with the colors of the wind, Rain."
  131. 01[19:19] <Rain> "To da east!" Rain declares looking at the map with a conquestidors flair
  132. 01[19:19] <Rain> "Pocohauntus pleeeeeease!"
  133. 01[19:19] <Rain> "Though it is a good song." Rain says as she trots along through the grass and meadows giggling at the grass tickling her underbelly
  134. 06[19:20] * Aurora rolls her eyes "well no... but sometimes its good to just get away... this world is so amazing... untouched, unexplored, I can't see staying in town for so long without wanting to get a taste of this place!"
  135. 06[19:20] * Star_ chuckles and wanders around a bit, looking for flowers and running from bees because OH GOD NOT THE BEEEEES
  136. 06[19:20] * Flora pipes up munching on some near by grass "are we going near the river?"
  137. 01[19:23] <Rain> "Mhmm...wait whats star running from?" Rain asks seeing a cloud chase after Star.
  138. 06[19:23] * Star_ looks at Flora, then the grass, then Flora again, then grazes on some lush grass, hoping it's any, being a horse does make it taste okay...
  139. [19:23] <Aurora> *it still tastes like grass*
  140. [19:23] <Aurora> *I mean, you can digest it, and it will sate your hunger, but its still grass dude*
  141. [19:23] <Feldspar> *However...
  142. [19:23] <Feldspar> *The grass has the added flavor of dirt
  143. [19:23] <Flora> "a little grass never hurt anyone"
  144. 06[19:24] * Star_ flicks his ear and looks at Rain, a bit of grass in his mouth. "Hm? *munch* *munch*
  145. [19:24] <Star_> "
  146. [19:24] <Chinook-GM> 7Aside from some bees, the group spend the evening trekking and prancing across the meadow, until they reach yet another valley in the eastern mountain wall. But by now, night has fallen. And boy is it dark.
  147. 06[19:25] * Star_ looks around. "Boy, is it dark."
  148. [19:25] <Feldspar> ["Like, zoinks scoobs, it sure is dark out here]
  149. 06[19:25] * Flora takes out her glow moss lamp "Boy that set on quick" she chuckles
  150. 06[19:25] * Star_ turns to Tide. "Shall we lead the way, my fellow living lightbulb?"
  151. [19:25] <Chinook-GM> 7Dark that is, save for the eery silver shimmer that only just illuminates the meadows the behind them, casting it in a ghostly glow. The valley in front of them though, has no such light and is much darker.
  152. 03[19:25] * Bob is now known as BobHYPED
  153. 06[19:25] * High_Tide hums and sparks his horn up, casting a sunset-coloured glow over the group and several feet ahead. "Mmm, yep."
  154. 06[19:25] * Aurora looks up into the skies, smiling back up at the big white moon that casts its cool, delicate glow back down on the party... basking in Luna's caring grace "anyone bring a light?"
  155. 01[19:26] <Rain> "Eeeyup got some living fleshlights here heheh..."
  156. [19:26] <Aurora> "RAIN PLS"
  157. 06[19:26] * Star_ sparks up his horn, filling the immediate area with more light, this time a soft yellow
  158. 01[19:26] <Rain> "Whaaaat? I said flashlights."
  159. 06[19:27] * Aurora blushes hotly "n-no you didn't Rain"
  160. 06[19:27] * High_Tide glances back and Rain and his horn sparks again, and the stallion pinches Rain's nose in his Tk
  161. 03[19:27] * Snow_Blind is now known as Vidya_Blind
  162. 06[19:27] * Flora chuckles lighting the pth
  163. [19:27] <Chinook-GM> 7A cold wind seems to funnel through the valley and gently washes over the party, nevertheless chilling them as the atypical sounds of chirping cicadas resonates through the air.
  164. 06[19:28] * Star_ tenses up at the chirping, his light flickering a bit. "Nhhh...I-I don't like those things..."
  165. [19:28] <Chinook-GM> 7Continue down the narrow valley?
  166. 01[19:28] <Rain> "Ouchie! My nose!' Rain covers her nose with a hoof rubbing it as she mutters "Only said flashlights..." Rain shivers as the breeze past them all. "Keep moving then?" Rain looks to the meadow "Huh...think we should chekc that out?"
  167. 06[19:29] * Star_ nods to Rain. "Definitely, sounds good to me."
  168. 01[19:29] <Rain> "Then lets mosey on then." Rain says as she gestures to Tide and Star to go forth
  169. 06[19:29] * Aurora closes her eyes and takes a deeeeeeep breath as the cool air funnels down and washes over them, letting it bristle and rub her fur pleasantly, washing away the hot, stuffy enviroment that is town, feeling more free out here now than she had in months
  170. 06[19:29] * Flora chill remindes her of before "hmm... have any of you been informed of what happened when this map was found?"
  171. 01[19:30] <Rain> "Not entierly no, why?"
  172. 06[19:31] * High_Tide closes his eye for a moment and concentrates. After a moment, the glow from his own horn starts to adopt some semblance of a warmth to it to help fight against the chill as he nods to Rain, and continues forward with Duke shouldered.
  173. 06[19:31] * Star_ shakes his head at Flora and goes on ahead, keeping a lookout and staying close to big, strong Tide
  174. 06[19:33] * Aurora is a strong urf mare who don't need no Mercury "story?"
  175. 02[19:33] * Feldspar ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  176. 03[19:33] * Feldspar ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  177. [19:33] <Feldspar> [WEH!]
  178. [19:33] <Chinook-GM> 7And so, the group continue onwards and reach the other opening. Looking at the map, it would seem to be here but all you can see is the other grassy side of the mountain range and the vast eastern river in the distance. The looming mountain walls are either side of you though but this is the place. What do you do now?
  179. [19:33] <Flora> "Well..." she says calmly and slowy as if taking in the night air enjoying the beauty of the landscape in the soft glow of her lamp "I was their when they found it you know doing my medic thing but the cold chill reminded me of something from the first time. Apparently Chinook and Feather went to go find something and by the time we eached them they were frozen in ice. We had to kill two ice golemns in order to freeze them
  180. 06[19:35] * High_Tide glances at Flora with a raised brow
  181. 06[19:35] * Flora starts to shrink back from the river not wanting to go anywhere near it knowing what it can do
  182. [19:35] <Aurora> ".... fuggin neat!"
  183. 06[19:35] * High_Tide raises the map again so he and Rain can study it
  184. 06[19:35] * Aurora peeks underneath Tide so she can look up at the map
  185. 01[19:35] <Rain> "Jesus christ how horryging," Rain mentions before looking at the map. "Eh...."
  186. 06[19:36] * Star_ looks around, unsure if they should continue much further. "That's kinda interesting, aside from the freezing ponies..." he thinks back to a firend of his that died freezing but...looking around, it's getting a lot darker between these mountains. "S-So, when should we set up camp?"
  187. 01[19:36] <Rain> "Should be here...."
  188. 03[19:36] * Cury-PMifneeded is now known as Cury
  189. 01[19:37] <Rain> "Yeah lets set up camp, Star get the fire goin, Tide your with me on foraging duty, rest of you set up some basic shelter, tree limbes stacked together and what not." Rain says as she looks around more in the area.
  190. [19:38] <Flora> "I'm ok with here as a camp but I simply don't want to go close to that river"
  191. 01[19:40] <Rain> "Yeah its a bit away from here Flora, so no worries sides we're up on ahill."
  192. 01[19:40] <Rain> "Anyway lets get to work folks! I hav the feeling we might have to get digging around here!"
  193. 06[19:41] * Flora has to go npc for a bit
  194. [19:41] <Chinook-GM> 7The exit from the valley is a good few kilometres away from the river, Flora's safe.
  195. [19:41] <Flora> [or is she...?]
  196. 03[19:41] * c1 is now known as Cheren
  197. 06[19:41] * High_Tide nods and sets Duke against a nearby tree, following Rain to go look for food.
  198. [19:41] <Star_> [DUN DUN DUUUUUUN]
  199. [19:41] <Aurora> [....sea zebras]
  200. [19:41] <Chinook-GM> 7Any firewood to be gathered will have to be foraged from small bushes and twigs and the like since there are no forests on this tract of earth.
  201. [19:41] <Star_> "Who's getting the firwewood?"
  202. [19:41] <Aurora> "hmmmm set up a shelter? I could try something....."
  203. [19:41] <Star_> "I'll help you, Aurora."
  204. [19:41] <Star_> "At least until I get some wood to burn."
  205. 06[19:41] * Aurora rubs her chin, thinking back to all of those seasons of survivor she used to watch "we could set up something simple, without an overhang, doubt its going to rain in this valley, and if it did, a meager outdoors shelter wouldn't help anyway"
  206. 06[19:41] * Aurora turns to Star "just help me get something set up for us to lay on, okay? we really only need padding, maybe something to put our food in that wild critters won't find"
  207. [19:41] <Aurora> "... did anyone bring a blanket? or a tarp?"
  208. 01[19:42] <Rain> "Nope! We're inna the woods now Rora!" Rain chirps happily as she goes off with Tide to scavange for some food.
  209. [19:42] <Star_> "Maybe they'll bring back a bush or somethin'." The stallion mentally preps up a fire spell in advance so he doesn't get it wrong. "I can go try to find something like that, along with firewood."
  210. 06[19:43] * Aurora sighs "at least lets clear out some softer dirt to lay on... or find some softer grass... our coats should let us pretty much just lay on the ground, provided we clear out an area of rocks and twigs and the like"
  211. [19:45] <Chinook-GM> 7Either the group or notorious adventurers or something else at work makes the whole process of gathering food and finding a soft patch of grass easy to find, sheltered under the mountains nonetheless.
  212. [19:45] <Chinook-GM> *are
  213. [19:45] <Star_> "Mhmm, sounds like a plan. I'll be right back, though. Gonna find stuff to burn." The unicorn trots off to find a bush to get wood from
  214. 06[19:46] * Aurora nods "Flora, you go help Star find firewood, I'll work on our 'shelter'"
  215. 03[19:46] * Feldspar is now known as FeldFud
  216. 06[19:47] * Aurora gets to work, stomping out a decently sized square of grass, flattening it down so it wouldn't bother anyone as much... vowing to bring a tarp next time... "hmmmm...."
  217. 02[19:47] * BobHYPED ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  218. [19:48] <Aurora> *NPC Flora goes and helps Star or w/e*
  219. 01[19:48] <Rain> "Hey found some food look!" Rain says pointing at some onion tops and digs them out "Oh and some berries!" Rain points at the bush nearby then at this odd leafy plant that looks like lettuce. "Tide you wanna get the berries?"
  220. 06[19:49] * High_Tide nods and hums in agreement, wandering over to the bush to gather up the berries
  221. 06[19:49] * Aurora hopes her stomping doesn't summon the great wurm of Arrakis
  222. [19:49] <Star_> [Dun gib him ne ideus]
  223. [19:49] <Chinook-GM> 7As Tide and Rain rummage around a patch of vegetation, one of you may notice a faint dirt trail winding through towards the looming mountain wall.
  224. 01[19:50] <Rain> "Think we got nuff for the night, lets head back to the others>" rain says after pulling up some sweet onions before pasuing at the dirt trail "Hello..."
  225. 06[19:50] * High_Tide gathers up the berries he can and his ears twitch at Rain's words, making the stallion look up and around.
  226. 01[19:50] <Rain> "Hrm...Tide! Over here." Rain says poitning at the trail then looks at Tide "Think its a lead?"
  227. 02[19:52] * FoxTrot ( Quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
  228. 06[19:52] * High_Tide nods, thinking. "Mm, yep. 's look at it later, though." Tide tugs at Rain's tail, and gestures back towards the others.
  229. 03[19:52] * Sugar-ZzZ is now known as Sugarcoat
  230. 01[19:52] <Rain> "Aaw but but muhh explorations!" Rain says before her stomach growls at her
  231. 01[19:52] <Rain> "aheheh...uh lets get dinner first.."
  232. [19:53] <Chinook-GM> 7Does the party rest for the night? Keep in mind you've trekked a large chunk of Four Cannon and hardly stopped. Thine legs be like snapped-candles.
  233. 06[19:53] * High_Tide chuckles and balances a berry on Rain's snout, before carrying his bounty of food back to the others.
  234. 06[19:53] * Star_ returns to camp, a small uprooted bush in his magic and a Flora following close behind with one of the same. "Honeeeey, I'm hooome!~"
  235. 06[19:54] * Aurora plops on the soft ground "oh boy.... bushes!
  236. [19:54] <Aurora> "
  237. 06[19:54] * Rain pops her berry up on her nose and eats it with ferocity "nom!"
  238. 06[19:55] * Rain returns with Tide to camp n"Hey guys we found some foodd!"
  239. 03[19:55] * FeldFud is now known as Feldspar
  240. [19:55] <Star_> "We got some wood for the fire and some leaves to lay on. As PurpleSmart would say, 'Very efficient!"
  241. [19:55] <Star_> *'
  242. [19:56] <Aurora> "feeeeeewd?"
  243. 01[19:56] <Rain> "Nice! Lets get cookin then! whose up for some fried onions and some berry salad?"
  244. 06[19:56] * Rain sets down the food stuff next to Tide's "Lets get that fire goin eh?"
  245. [19:56] <Star_> "Yaaaaaay!"
  246. 06[19:56] * High_Tide raises a berry with his TK and tosses it ar Arara. "Head's up!"
  247. 06[19:57] * Star_ begins to stripthe bushes with Flora, tossing the leaves in a pile and twigs in a separate pile
  248. 06[19:58] * Star_ quickly gets a bit of a pile of sticks going and leaves the rest of the work to Flora. "Okay, stand back. If I explode, I don't wanna take anybody else out, heh."
  249. 06[19:58] * Rain takes the food and scruies back with it to keep explosion damage to a miniumu "Try to not die please!"
  250. 06[20:00] * High_Tide coughs and wanders over to Duke, positioning the tower shield between himself and Star
  251. 06[20:00] * Aurora is slow to respond, and gets booped by a berry, blinking as it bounces off her nose and to the ground "o-oh man, my mind must be somewhre else" picking the berry up and eating it while she watches Star get ready to explode himself
  252. 06[20:00] * Star_ takes a deep breath and concentrates, a small flame flicking over his horn like a Zippo lighter...
  253. [20:00] <Star_> !roll d20+4 First try
  254. [20:00] <GameServ> (7) + 4 == 11
  255. 06[20:01] * Star_ grunts a little as nothing happens. "Hang on, I felt it there..."
  256. [20:01] <Star_> !roll d20+4 Second try
  257. [20:01] <GameServ> (2) + 4 == 6
  258. [20:01] <Chinook-GM> 7Star's horn seems to be as tired as he is.
  259. 01[20:02] <Rain> "Dang..."
  260. [20:02] <Aurora> "wait"
  261. [20:02] <Aurora> "stop"
  262. 06[20:02] * Star_ takes another deep breath. "One more try..."
  263. [20:02] <Aurora> "oh three, try again...."
  264. 06[20:02] * Aurora starts to count to three "one.... two...."
  265. 06[20:02] * Aurora points her hooves at the bush "FIRE COME TO US"
  266. [20:02] <Star_> !roll d20+4 Third try
  267. [20:02] <GameServ> (8) + 4 == 12
  268. 06[20:03] * Star_ pants lightly as, once again, nothing comes out...
  269. 06[20:03] * Aurora scrunchies "can we get a professional on this?"
  270. 03[20:03] * Hoof|2 ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  271. 01[20:03] <Rain> "...rora what?"
  272. 06[20:03] * High_Tide isn't watching and keeps the shield steady, wondering if he needs to give it a try.
  273. 06[20:03] * Star_ pouts at Aurora!
  274. 01[20:03] <Rain> "what was that even?! hahah!'\"
  275. 06[20:03] * Aurora sticks her tongue out at Star
  276. [20:03] <Star_> "Hey, I'm tired! You try making fire with your mind alone!"
  277. [20:03] <Chinook-GM> 7Neither Star's or Aurora's attempts ignite a flame.
  278. 06[20:03] * Aurora points her hooves at the bush "fiiiiiiiirrrrrreeeeee"
  279. 06[20:04] * Rain pops a berry in to eat watchibg this with some amusement
  280. [20:06] <Star_> "Tide, gimme a jump-start."
  281. 06[20:06] * Aurora focuses on the bush "fiiiiiiiiiirrrrrreeeeee!
  282. 06[20:06] * Aurora stands up "FIIIIIIREEEEEE~"
  283. 06[20:06] * Aurora leans on her hindlegs, hopping around "ooonga booonga fire fire fiiiiire"
  284. [20:06] <Star_> "'Rora, that's borderline racist, heh."
  285. 06[20:06] * High_Tide glances at Arara and discreetly tries to light the bush while she does her hoodoo
  286. [20:06] <High_Tide> !roll d20+4
  287. [20:06] <GameServ> (1) + 4 == 5
  288. [20:06] <Star_> [Explosion, pffff]
  289. 06[20:06] * High_Tide seems to have a history of being abused by Arara
  290. 06[20:06] * Aurora waves her hooves at the bush, turning to look at Tide while his horn glows.... just to see him catch on fire! "DAMNIT FIRE DANCE"
  292. [20:06] <Star_> !roll d20+4 Scared Jolt!
  293. [20:06] <GameServ> (1) + 4 == 5
  294. 06[20:06] * High_Tide very discretly bursts into flames when noone but Arara is looking, yelping out in surprise and pain and as he flails over towards the bush, rolling onto it
  295. [20:06] <Aurora> [omfg pls!]
  296. [20:06] <Star_> [Pffffft!]
  297. 02[20:06] * GreenHoof ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
  298. [20:06] <Aurora> "stop drop and roll, on the bu-" turning to see Star catch on fire too "CURSE YOU FIRE DANCE!"
  299. [20:06] <Chinook-GM> 7Star and Tide manages to sinder themselves for 1 damage each. Guess that spell mastery came in handy in a way.
  300. 06[20:06] * Star_ gets scared by Tide bursting into flames and subsequently does the same thing,falling over and rolling!
  301. [20:07] <Aurora> [except misfires with fireball always light self on fire Chinny!]
  302. 02[20:07] * Umbra_Electrum[MBP] (~Nova@2602:306:348d:d2d0:353c:2663:9c26:26fb) Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
  303. 01[20:07] <Rain> "OH FUCK!"
  304. [20:07] <Chinook-GM> [Don't die before you get into the dungeon itself. I'm being merciful here]
  305. 06[20:07] * High_Tide spreads his flames to the bush before bellydiving into the dirt nearby, rolling around.
  306. 06[20:07] * Rain jumps in the air from all the flames going around!
  307. 06[20:08] * Aurora kicks dirt on Tide and Star to help them become not on fire
  308. 06[20:08] * Rain hurries over to Tide and pats him down adn throws dirt on him
  309. 01[20:08] <Rain> "Jesus jesus jesus!'
  310. 06[20:08] * Star_ pats all the fire out and growls. "THAT'S IT." He turns to the bush and sparks his horn aggressively. "This is a cursed pile of sticks and must die!"
  311. [20:08] <Chinook-GM> 7To think that we all received a firelight kit when we started.
  312. [20:08] <Star_> !roll d20+4 KILL IT WITH FIRE
  313. [20:08] <GameServ> (3) + 4 == 7
  314. 06[20:08] * Star_ yells as nothing happens!
  315. 01[20:09] <Rain> [yeah but...didnt bring it...]
  316. 01[20:09] <Rain> "think we should try les...explosive results maybe?"
  317. 06[20:09] * Aurora rolls Star on the ground to put him out
  318. 06[20:10] * Star_ grabs Tide, putting their horns together! "Tide, on the count of 3 we burn these sticks!
  319. [20:10] <Star_> "
  320. 01[20:10] <Rain> "Jesus..." Rain looks to Rora and grabs her to hide behind the Duke
  321. 01[20:10] <Rain> "Hide!"
  322. 06[20:11] * Aurora cowers behind the tower shield "oh man Rain, this is exhileratin!"
  323. [20:11] <Star_> "1!"
  324. 06[20:11] * High_Tide groans, getting up slowly after torching himself. He takes a second to catch his breath, and grumbles reluctantly, lighting up his horn.
  325. [20:11] <Star_> "2!"
  326. [20:11] <Aurora> [if you light yourselves on fire agan, we are going home]
  327. [20:11] <Star_> "3!"
  328. [20:11] <High_Tide> !roll d20+4 "3!"
  329. [20:11] <GameServ> (3) + 4 == 7
  330. [20:11] <Star_> !roll d20+4 BURN IT
  331. [20:11] <GameServ> (6) + 4 == 10
  332. [20:11] <Chinook-GM> 4"BY THE STARS, WILL YOU LOT SHUT UP AND JUST GO TO SLEEP!!"A hollow voice thunders.
  333. [20:11] <High_Tide> [fffff]
  334. 06[20:12] * Aurora falls over, laughing externally "ehehahaaha, this is too much!"
  335. 06[20:12] * High_Tide 's magic fizzles again and he jumps at the noise, looking around.
  336. 06[20:12] * Aurora rolls over "oh gods, I can't take this anymore"
  337. 06[20:12] * Aurora goes over to the soft grass and lays down "I'm going to bed like the giant voice said"
  338. 06[20:12] * Star_ frowns, his time as a magic user amounting to nothing... "That's it...I give up..."
  339. 01[20:13] <Rain> "..." Rain looks around wondering who the hell had said that then giggles at all that hype and it ends.
  340. 01[20:13] <Rain> "Uh...Rora?"
  341. 06[20:13] * High_Tide falls onto his haunches and groans, wondering who the voice was.
  342. 06[20:13] * Star_ turns to the fire and jostles it aggressively with his magic. "DAMN YOU NATUUUUURE."
  343. [20:13] <Aurora> "pretty sure thats our conscious telling us to get some sleep before we are dead tired tomorrow"
  344. 06[20:14] * Rain tries to find out where that voice went "Rora...Rora come on wake up..." Rain shakes the mare
  345. [20:14] <Star_> !roll d20+4
  346. [20:14] <GameServ> (3) + 4 == 7
  347. [20:14] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+4 if Aurora was a unicorn
  348. [20:14] <GameServ> (6) + 4 == 10
  349. [20:14] <Aurora> [/me quits]
  350. 06[20:14] * Rain winces as the sparks continue to play out from Star
  351. [20:14] <Chinook-GM> [Please no rolling for no reason, Aurora.]
  352. 01[20:14] <Rain> "Eh...come on guys lets just eat a bit then go find out who was talking eh?"
  353. 06[20:14] * Star_ turns to the group. "NO. I'm not going to bed until these sticks get what's coming to them!"
  354. 01[20:14] <Rain> "Star relaaax!'
  355. [20:15] <Aurora> [sorry!]
  356. [20:15] <Aurora> [did we actually hear that voice? or was it GM fiat?]
  357. [20:15] <Chinook-GM> [You heard it]
  358. 06[20:15] * Star_ turns back to the sticks. "Now you listen here! I have had a long day today! I've been chased by bees, scared by cicadas, I even ate grass! And all I wanna do is have a nice fire!"
  359. 06[20:15] * High_Tide puts a hoof to Star's gobber and shushes him, as he looks around
  360. 06[20:15] * Aurora does not lay down, because she thought it was just the GM being silly
  361. 06[20:15] * Aurora perks her ears up "uhhh...."
  362. [20:16] <Star_> "Mmph!"
  363. [20:16] <Flora> [here i am]
  364. [20:16] <Chinook-GM> [Rock you like a hurricane]
  365. [20:16] <Star_> [You. I like you.]
  366. [20:16] <Aurora> [plssss]
  367. [20:16] <Flora> [let me catch up i had to take care of my sister who just had teeth extracted]
  368. [20:16] <Star_> !roll d20+4 FUCKIN...FIREBALL!
  369. [20:17] <GameServ> (13) + 4 == 17
  370. 06[20:17] * Aurora leans back, yelling aloud "YOU GO TO SLEEP FIRST!"
  371. 01[20:17] <Rain> "Rora!"
  372. 06[20:17] * Rain exclaims at the mare for shouting at some big ass voice
  373. [20:17] <Chinook-GM> 7Success! Star manages to blow up the pile of sticks. Now you are left with nothing but a pile of burnt cinders. It's still dark.
  374. 06[20:17] * Star_ blinks as the pile of sticks is lit...
  375. [20:17] <Star_> ...and are reduced to ash in a matter of minutes...
  376. 06[20:18] * High_Tide keeps his hoof over Star's mouth and narrows his eye at the other unicorn
  377. 03[20:18] * Cury is now known as Cury-Sleep
  378. 06[20:18] * Star_ looks at Tide and points to his hoof
  379. [20:18] <Flora> can some one pm me what happened pls]
  380. 06[20:19] * Rain tries hard
  381. 06[20:19] * High_Tide nods and shushes Star again
  382. 06[20:19] * Rain tries so hard
  383. [20:19] <Chinook-GM> [Group managed to do the worst possible job of trying to light a fire next to starting a bushfire. An unidentified voice told them all to shut up.]
  384. 06[20:19] * Rain just can't hold in her laughter and just busts a gut on the ground laughing at what has occured. "FUahahahahahahahah!"
  385. 01[20:20] <Rain> "I can't...buwhahah I just can't hahah!" Rain collapses beside Rora and giggles uncontrolably.
  386. 06[20:21] * Aurora was trying to be serious.... but seeing that pile of destroyed tinders just... she just can't
  387. 06[20:21] * High_Tide grabs for Rain's muzzle with his TK and shushes her too, cupping his own ear with a hoof
  388. [20:21] <Chinook-GM> 7Roll for perception, Tide.
  389. [20:21] <High_Tide> !roll d20
  390. [20:21] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  391. 06[20:22] * Star_ lowers Tide's hoof from his mouth, now that the urge to scream obscenities at Luna's wonderful night has passed. "..."
  392. 06[20:22] * Aurora is apparently too busy laughing internally at Star's misfortune to listen :Y
  393. [20:22] <Chinook-GM> 7You hear, see, smell and taste exactly the same as before. Maybe some ashes in the air got on your tongue though.
  394. [20:22] <Star_> [But what does he 'feel'?]
  395. [20:23] <Chinook-GM> [Like daddy daycare?]
  396. [20:23] <Aurora> [a rising in his ponut...]
  397. 06[20:23] * High_Tide scrapes his tongue with his teeth and frowns. "Did no one else hear that...?"
  398. [20:23] <High_Tide> [...!]
  399. 06[20:23] * Rain puffs her cheeks out as she tries to laugh but cannot
  400. [20:23] <High_Tide> [arara pls!}
  401. [20:23] <Aurora> ".... hear hat?"
  402. [20:23] <Star_> "I didn't, I was too busy being pissed at inanimate objects."
  403. [20:23] <Star_> "Speaking of, Flora, hand me the rest of the firewood."
  404. 06[20:23] * Flora sighs as the others disturb the person trying to rest and casts a dismissive glans to the others especially Aurora since she was giving her shite for laughing earlier
  405. 06[20:23] * Rain nods her head at the stallion though there is tears in her eyes from seeing Star blow up a stick piule.
  406. 06[20:26] * Flora slides the sticks over
  407. 06[20:26] * Star_ pulls them to the pile of ash. "Now...This time, there will be no mess ups. I'm gonna light you on fire, and you're gonna warm me and my friends
  408. 06[20:27] * Rain looks around trying to discern where the voice came from but shrugs as she has finished laughing and gestures to tide to let her muzzle go.
  409. [20:28] <Star_> !roll d20+4 First try
  410. [20:28] <GameServ> (3) + 4 == 7
  411. 01[20:28] <Rain> "mmhmhphmhp"
  412. 06[20:29] * High_Tide forgets he still has Rain's muzzle and lets go, smiling at her apologetically before sitting on his haunches and watching Star
  413. 06[20:29] * Star_ sighs and tries again, not letting it get to him. This is what the bush wants, to rustle his jimmies. He won't give it the satisfaction.
  414. [20:29] <Star_> !roll d20+4 Second try
  415. [20:29] <GameServ> (20) + 4 == 24
  416. [20:29] <Aurora> "Star... stop..."
  417. 06[20:29] * Star_ very calmly and effectively lights that bush on fire...gets up...and rests in a pile of leaves...
  418. [20:30] <Chinook-GM> 7The glow from the pile of twigs is well lit, and is quite soothing. Casting an orange glow around the "camp"
  419. 06[20:30] * Aurora sees STar get super upset and hop around before finally managing to light the bush up "anyways... who wants first watch?"
  420. 06[20:30] * High_Tide smiles at the fire and then glances to Arara, raising his hoof. "me."
  421. 06[20:30] * Rain blinks seeing Star make the fire bloom up and just gets a goofy grin on her face as she looks at Tide "I can do it if you alright then Tide I'll take 2nd...snrk um good job Star."
  422. 06[20:31] * Aurora nods "works for me..." flopping down onto her back "wake me in a few hours, I'll take the second shift..."
  423. [20:31] <Flora> "good job Star"
  424. [20:32] <Chinook-GM> 7Finally, the ponies get a decent rest. []
  425. 06[20:32] * Star_ looks at the fire from his place on a leaf pile. "No problem, guys."
  426. 06[20:32] * Rain curls up to sleep beside Roar herself the campfire going on "Foods over by the sheild, can cook if you want, i'm already full. " RAin forgets to mention she ate a few bits of the nions and tasty berries~
  427. 06[20:32] * High_Tide has a seat infront of the fire and gets settled in for an exhausting first watch
  428. 06[20:33] * Aurora is fine on food, turning on her side and "zzz"
  429. 06[20:33] * Rain feels Rora flop her foreleg on her back and grunts wings fluffing up to keep her self warm
  430. 06[20:34] * High_Tide actually gets up and wanders over to the food pile, since he gets really hungry when he has to stay up late.
  431. 06[20:34] * Flora stays awake having grown accustom to staying up late for more then one reason and goes to quietly graze on some nearby grass
  432. 06[20:36] * Star_ is that inbetween area between angry enough to stay up and tired enough to sleep.
  433. 06[20:36] * Star_ slides his leaves over to Tide to help him take the first watch
  434. 06[20:36] * High_Tide looks down at the leaves then up at Star inquisitively, and will place all of them over Star's body once he falls asleep.
  435. 01[20:36] <Rain> "zzz..."
  436. [20:36] <Chinook-GM> 7Daybreaks, the night passes uneventfully and our travellers rest well and have eaten, well Flora's eaten well anyway. The beginning rays of Celestia's sun creeps over the horizon, casting away the dark night as the stars slowly disappear, for they too need to rest.
  437. [20:37] <Star_> "Zzz...zzz...zzz..."
  438. 06[20:37] * Star_ is now in the same place, covered in leaves...
  439. 06[20:37] * Rain spoons against Rora and nibbles on her ear "Mm...Lucy..."
  440. 06[20:38] * Aurora wakes up when the beams of celestia's warm grace cast themself down onto her body, and then fully wakes up when she finds a mouth on her ear "augh!"
  441. 03[20:38] * Hoof|2 is now known as GreenHoof
  442. 06[20:39] * High_Tide is asleep by the fire, and will be for as long as he is able to sleep
  443. 06[20:39] * Rain has wrapped her forelegs around Rora in her sleep and giggles hearing the augh "Yeah..."
  444. 06[20:41] * Aurora blushes hotly with the mare cuddled so close to her "r-rain d-dear.... let go of me..."
  445. 06[20:43] * Flora watches the sun rise as she lets a long blade of grass dangle out her mouth "... beautiful"
  446. 03[20:43] * Vidya_Blind is now known as Snow_Blind
  447. 06[20:43] * Star_ quietly wakes up, a leaf balanced perfectly on his muzzle. He TKs it next to its leafy brethren before sitting up and stretching. "Nnnnnnnn....nnyyaaaaaaahhhnn..."
  448. 06[20:44] * Rain is still sleeping and only just squeezes her friend tightly "Nn...but pancakes..."
  449. 01[20:44] <Rain> "Want some...cookies...crema..."
  450. 06[20:45] * Star_ looks around for any of the leftover berries, grabbing some and muching them lazily. He rubs sleep out of his eyes before shaking the leaves off of him
  451. [20:45] <Star_> *munching
  452. [20:45] <Star_> "Alright, what to do until the others wake up..."
  453. 06[20:46] * Aurora kicks her legs wildly "S-someone get her off of me"
  454. 06[20:47] * Rain feels the motions of the kick rock the mare into her belly making Rain open her eyes in confusion letting go of the ear in her mouth and looks at it in confusion "...thats not minty..."
  455. 06[20:47] * Star_ turns to Aurora. "Hold on, Aurora. I got ya." He stands up and stretches a bit before conjuring an easy TK spell to pick Rain up and put her on his back.
  456. 01[20:49] <Rain> "Whaaa!" Rain says as she is picked up in tk and floated around flapping her wings "h-hey!"
  457. 02[20:50] * Feldspar ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  458. 06[20:50] * Aurora rolls up, trotting away from Rain and the others to stretch out her limbs, not saying anything
  459. 03[20:50] * Feldspar ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  460. [20:50] <Feldspar> [rocks fall]
  461. [20:50] <Feldspar> [every]
  462. [20:50] <Feldspar> [body]
  463. [20:50] <Feldspar> [dies]
  464. 06[20:50] * Star_ looks back at Rain. "G'morning, Rain."
  465. 06[20:51] * Flora looks around and trots into a nearby bush
  466. 01[20:51] <Rain> "H-hey Star...what happened?"
  467. [20:52] <Star_> "You were dreaming all over the wrong pony and I helped you both out before things got...minty, heh."
  468. 01[20:53] <Rain> "O-oh um, who was it? I saw rora going over there..."
  469. 01[20:53] <Rain> "PLease tell me I didnt accidently nom on Rora, she hates being touched..."
  470. 06[20:54] * Star_ chuckles. "You did more than that, Rain. But it's cool. No one's severely damaged, physically or mentally."
  471. 06[20:54] * Aurora stands far enough to be away from Rain for a minute, but close enough to still bee seen
  472. 01[20:55] <Rain> "Sorry Rora..." Rain calls out unhappily as she gets up.
  473. 01[20:55] <Rain> "Hey me and Tide found this trail we can explore if you all wanna go and take a look?"
  474. 06[20:56] * Star_ lets Rain slide off of his back and stand normally. "Sure, fine with me."
  475. 06[20:56] * High_Tide rolls over in his sleep slowly, stretching out a leg and kicking up leaves
  476. 06[20:57] * Star_ strafes over and brushes Tide awake, his tail flicking against Tide's nose...
  477. 01[20:57] <Rain> "Rora? That work for you? FLora same question."
  478. 06[20:59] * Aurora closes her eyes, taking a deep breath as she walks back to the party "lets go then, no time to lose"
  479. 06[20:59] * High_Tide squirms, nose twitching. The stubborn pony refuses to open his eye though.
  480. 06[20:59] * Star_ scrunches his muzzle and breaks out the magic once more to pick him up off the ground, flipping him upside down...
  481. [20:59] <Star_> "Tiiiiide...Wake uuuuup..."
  482. [20:59] <Chinook-GM> 7Your TK isn't that good. You can barely hold a sword
  483. 06[20:59] * High_Tide rolls over slowly, but would bet money OOCly that we can't fully lift ponies off the ground
  484. 06[21:00] * Flora walks out of her bush with a yawn hoping the others are ready "yea i'm ready"
  485. 01[21:00] <Rain> "Here.." Rain pokes tide in ticklish spots "Its time to get up its time to get up its time to get up in the moorning oh sleepy bubby wont you get up early in the morning?"
  486. 06[21:01] * Aurora goes over and roughly shoves Tide around his midsection "TIDE WAKE UP"
  487. [21:01] <Aurora> "FIRE FIRE FIRE"
  488. 06[21:01] * High_Tide slowly opens his eye and grumbles, lighting up his own horn to yank Star and Rain's tails with TK as he gets up.
  489. [21:01] <Star_> "O-Ow!~" He throws his hooves over his mouth and pouts at Tide, a small blush on his face. "D-Don't do that!"
  490. 06[21:02] * High_Tide stirs and grumbles, giving Arara's tail a yank too
  491. 03[21:02] * Liven ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  492. [21:02] <High_Tide> "I'm up, I'm up!"
  493. 01[21:02] <Rain> "Eep!"
  494. 06[21:02] * Rain flops down hitting the ground with her butt
  495. 01[21:02] <Rain> "Tiide!" Rian whines at the stallion "Don't do that!"
  496. 06[21:03] * Flora looks down the path
  497. 02[21:03] * Feldspar ( Quit
  498. 06[21:03] * Aurora hits tide's flanks, not very gently when her tail is yanked "lets go Tide! we got adventuring to do.... and don't grab my tail..."
  499. [21:03] <Chinook-GM> 7The path seemingly comes to an abrupt halt at the mountain wall.
  500. [21:04] <High_Tide> [~]
  501. 06[21:04] * High_Tide wiggles his flanks and chuckles gruffly, trotting after Flora as he inspects the path too
  502. 01[21:04] <Rain> "Lets get goin then>" Rain says trotting down the path to the mountain wall
  503. 06[21:04] * Rain gives the wall a knock "Wonder if its hallowed..."
  504. 06[21:04] * Flora wonders if it's the same wall her mind a tad fuzzy. She turns the Tides "Morning"
  505. [21:04] <Chinook-GM> []
  506. 06[21:04] * Star_ follows the others, just knowing today will be a good day!
  507. 06[21:05] * High_Tide hums to Flora and nods back to her, walking over to put a hoof on the mountain wall
  508. [21:05] <Chinook-GM> 7Only until Rain gets close enough does she realise a large stone face of a unicorn stallion is in fact carved into the wall, it slowly awakens, bits of rock cracking here and there as it looks upon the group.
  509. 06[21:06] * Aurora follows Rain, her tail flicking a bit as they head over to other passage that Rain and TIde found
  510. 01[21:06] <Rain> "Oh crap!" Rain says as she backs up as she had unitentionally knocked on the stallions nose by mistake!
  511. 06[21:06] * High_Tide 's eye grows wide and he stumbles backwards.
  512. 06[21:06] * Aurora stops, looking up at the stone face of the stallion as it wakes up "oh... oh wow! cool!"
  513. 01[21:06] <Rain> "I;m sorry for picking your nose!"
  514. [21:06] <High_Tide> "Yeah..."
  515. 01[21:06] <Rain> "Uh knocking, yeah knocking on your nose!"
  516. 06[21:07] * Star_ tilts his head at the others. "What? What's goin' on? What are we lookin' a--Oh...Oh, that's cool."
  517. [21:07] <Chinook-GM> 7"What brings you here?" The voice rumbles without moving any of its features.
  518. 06[21:07] * Aurora gives a small curty to the stone statue "good morning sir"
  519. [21:07] <Aurora> *curtsy
  520. 03[21:07] * Cheren-phone is now known as Cheren-sleep
  521. 03[21:08] * Cheren is now known as C1
  522. 06[21:08] * Flora waves "Good morning we were following a map"
  523. 06[21:09] * Flora could have fleshed that out more
  524. 06[21:09] * Star_ concurs
  525. 01[21:09] <Rain> "Um, followed a map, yeah like our friend here said, wait um were you the one who yelled last night?"
  526. [21:09] <Chinook-GM> 7"If simple curiosity brought you to us then leave now, for this is no place for you."
  527. 06[21:10] * High_Tide glances at the others, then to the stone face. "Why's that?"
  528. 06[21:10] * Star_ was supposed to be the party face, but he sits back and listens for now
  529. [21:11] <Chinook-GM> 7The stone face remains silent, unresponsive for a moment before announcing "LET HER DREAM BE REALISED. PEGASUS, EARTH AND UNICORN STAND TOGETHER. I BID THEE ENTRY, YET I MUST ASK YOU...."
  530. [21:12] <Chinook-GM> 7"What must one give before one can keep?"
  531. [21:12] <Aurora> [riddles]
  532. 06[21:12] * High_Tide glances at the others, then back to the statue. "....Effort?"
  533. [21:12] <Aurora> [/me goes home]
  534. [21:13] <Flora> "respect"
  535. [21:13] <Aurora> "!"
  536. [21:13] <Aurora> ".... trust in each other..."
  537. [21:13] <Chinook-GM> 7The face remains silent
  538. 06[21:14] * Aurora looks at the statue with a smile
  539. [21:15] <Flora> "hmm... love?"
  540. 06[21:15] * High_Tide gives Flora a strange look, then glances to Star and Rain for help.
  541. 01[21:15] <Rain> "I wanna say Harmony..." Rain looks at the tohers, "What other things that involve standing together and stuff?"
  542. 06[21:15] * Star_ steps forward. "...Friendship."
  543. [21:16] <Chinook-GM> 7The face remains silent
  544. 01[21:16] <Rain> "That...might actually work I think Star...huh..." Rain looks at stone face "I guess not..."
  545. [21:16] <High_Tide> "'S kind of a cop-out..."
  546. 06[21:16] * Flora thinks tapping her chin "uh let's see let's see... money? you have to spend some to make some"
  547. 01[21:17] <Rain> "No no that wont work..."
  548. 06[21:17] * Aurora rubs her neck "uhhh what can you keep... something metaphorical..."
  549. 06[21:17] * Star_ shrugs and steps back. He thinks to himself... "Wait, sir? Can I ask a question?"
  550. 01[21:17] <Rain> "Have to ask who the her in the riddle is to be honest..."
  551. [21:17] <Star_> "My thoughts exactly. Who is 'her'?"
  552. [21:17] <High_Tide> "What about.... give away? You need space to keep something, so you might have to give something away to make space."
  553. 06[21:18] * Aurora rubs her head "but he didn't say to make... he said to keep..."
  554. 01[21:18] <Rain> "To keep you have to give away...."
  555. [21:18] <Chinook-GM> 7The face remains silent, merely awaiting an answer to his question.
  557. [21:19] <High_Tide> [/me loves riddles, not that he's good at them]
  558. 06[21:19] * Flora feels compelled to throw money at the face
  559. 01[21:19] <Rain> "Friendship sounds like it, although Hope kinda seems like it might be a fit too, wait no that wouldnt work since you have to have hope before giving it..."
  560. 06[21:19] * Star_ blinks. "I've got it."
  561. 01[21:19] <Rain> "You do?" Rain asks looking at Star.
  562. 06[21:19] * Aurora groans "think about the words... augh!"
  563. 06[21:19] * Star_ steps forward once more. "Your word."
  564. 06[21:20] * High_Tide glances at Star and smiles. "That's a good guess."
  565. 01[21:20] <Rain> "...Oooooh! That would make a lota sense!"
  566. [21:20] <Aurora> "keep your.... oh man that is a good one"
  567. [21:21] <Chinook-GM> 7The stone face slowly opens his mouth as gust blows out from within, permitting entry. It begins with a spiral staircase leading down and down....
  568. [21:21] <Aurora> "hehe... I fucking hate riddles..."
  569. [21:21] <Chinook-GM> 7"Gaze upon the sun, little ponies. It may just be the last time you see it."
  570. 06[21:21] * Star_ walks forward, peering down the staircase. "There's a reason *I'm* the party face~"
  571. [21:21] <Flora> "i hate riddles"
  572. 06[21:21] * Aurora takes a look up to the sun "puhlease Star, don't get cocky because you can play on words"
  573. [21:22] <Flora> "but good job Star" she starts walking to the stairs looking inside but not in the mouth
  574. 03[21:22] * Dreamcatcher ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  575. 01[21:22] <Rain> "Well still that was a really cool truck to do you know?"
  576. 06[21:22] * High_Tide chuckles at pats Star's back, hefting the shield. "Me first?" Tide offers, actually glancing back at the sun for a moment as he takes a breath, wondering what could be below
  577. 06[21:22] * Rain shakes her head and ruffles the wings before nodding to Tide "Lets!"
  578. 06[21:23] * Star_ chuckles and looks back at the sun...before heading down. "Let's-a-go, guys!"
  579. 06[21:23] * Rain follows in after Tide once he goes
  580. 06[21:23] * Aurora closes her eyes and takes a deep, slow breath, letting the warm sun cast its rays down upon her body, never one to refuse advice from an ancient statue... before turning around with the others "lets..." following in after Tide or Rain
  581. [21:24] <Chinook-GM> 7The staircase permits three ponies side by side in width and spirals down around ten times before opening into a wider, pitch black hallway. No mere cavern, it feels like thin sand and smooth stone under your hooves. []
  582. 06[21:24] * Flora looks at the sky one last time befoe entering the abyss
  583. 06[21:25] * High_Tide leads the group down the stairs with his horn lighting the way and with Duke at the ready on his shoulder. He takes his time walking down, wondering if the place could be trapped in any way
  584. 06[21:25] * Aurora should be scared.... by all means, there was warning after warning...dark, pitch black cavern, but she just can't get the wide smile off of her face as she looks around.... this was it, the /real fucking deal/
  585. 06[21:25] * Flora walks down the progressivly darker steps and pulls out her lamp
  586. 06[21:26] * Star_ lights his horn as he stays near Tide, ready for just about anything...though he thinks what's waiting for them isn't near...but *waiting*...
  587. 06[21:26] * Rain follows after Tide near Flora and Star "So, whose gonna bet we have traps or spooky skeletons?"
  588. [21:27] <Chinook-GM> 7The lanterns light up the hallway, seemingly preserved in time but there's a certain thickness to the air. The hallway turns left and a statue of an armored earth pony sits on the corner, some flowers and old coins lie at his hooves and an old inscription in some ancient tongues is etched onto a plaque at the base of the statue.
  589. 06[21:27] * Aurora feels her fur standing on end "maybe treasures... or ancient secrets.... o.. or scary skeletons.. gosh!"
  590. 06[21:27] * High_Tide chuckles at Rain, and gives her a confident but excited look, patting the frame of Duke with a hoof.
  591. 06[21:27] * Aurora looks to the statue, bowing towards it respectfully, before giggling softly
  592. 06[21:27] * High_Tide hushes the group and approaches the statue slowly, peering at the plaque and inspecting the statue
  593. 06[21:27] * Star_ bows as well, always one for showing respect to the dead.
  594. [21:28] <Aurora> "... oh ahhh here..." pulling a single bit out from her bag and tossing it at the feet of the statue
  595. 06[21:28] * Flora looks at the statue taking it all in. She breaths deeply letting the feel of the place creep in. She tries to read the plague
  596. [21:29] <Aurora> [FLORA YOU DOOMED US]
  597. [21:29] <Chinook-GM> 7Thick dust and the passage of time have eroded most of the detailing on the statue, but as you turn the corner, you see a curious stone wall at the other end, a wooden door on the left side of the hall and a large fissure in the right side.
  598. 01[21:29] <Rain> "Wow...wonder if he's some kinda...I duno hero or something..."
  599. [21:29] <Chinook-GM> [ EXPAND SONG]
  600. 01[21:29] <Rain> "Hrm..." Rain peaks over the ledge to look into the fissure.
  601. 06[21:29] * High_Tide glances at Aurora and nods, smiling. "Hey, not a bad idea." He bows as well to the statue before continuing on. He stops before the wall, door and fissure, inspecting them all closely in turn. "No on rush ahead, now..."
  602. 03[21:30] * Liven is now known as Liven|Fem_Shep
  603. [21:30] <Chinook-GM> 7Rain, roll for perception
  604. 06[21:30] * Aurora rushes ahe- jk jk, giving the statue a final nod, before catching back up with Tide, letting the winged one look over the edge
  605. [21:30] <Flora> "hmm... probably a great lost to the times..." as she puts her ear to the wood door to hear if anything is behind
  606. 01[21:31] <Rain> !roll d20
  607. [21:31] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  608. 06[21:31] * Star_ sticks next to Flora, never leaving anyone alone...
  609. [21:31] <Chinook-GM> 7No sound greets Flora's ears. Rain however can hear a certain kind of skittering from some way down the fissure, which is wide enough for one pony to crawl through.
  610. 01[21:31] <Rain> "Huh?" Rain says blinking looking over to look at Tide "Ah yeah sorry bout that hehe..."
  611. 06[21:31] * High_Tide looks over the wall quietly.
  612. 01[21:31] <Rain> "UHoh..."
  613. 01[21:32] <Rain> "Um I heard skittering."
  614. 01[21:32] <Rain> "I swear I did."
  615. 06[21:32] * Aurora follows after Tide, peeking over the fissure's edge "I believe you Rain..."
  616. 06[21:32] * Flora humms sofftly "hmmm nothing"
  617. 06[21:32] * Rain backs up from the fissure "No creeping in there eh?"
  618. 03[21:32] * Starfire is now known as Starfire|Sleepy
  619. 06[21:32] * Aurora nods "only if it turns out to be the only way"
  620. [21:33] <High_Tide> "Keep an eye out for now.."
  621. [21:33] <Flora> "so you say skittering? Probably spiders running about really bi spiders"
  622. 01[21:34] <Rain> "Yeah...lets try that door then eh?" Rain says "Tide get into position and hold the sheild ready in case its some kinda trap, I'll open it up."
  623. 06[21:34] * Aurora casts a clance back to the hole "oh wait a minute..."
  624. 06[21:35] * Aurora pulls out one of her last bits and drops it down the ravine, quirking her ear to listen
  625. 06[21:35] * Star_ nods. "Sounds like a plan. Aurora, hold on tight to my swo--huh?"
  626. 06[21:35] * High_Tide waves a hoof dismissively at Rain as he nods, waiting for GM description of the 'curious' stone wall
  627. [21:35] <Chinook-GM> [The fissure is a hole in the wall wide enough for a pony to crawl through, it's not a hole]
  628. [21:35] <Aurora> [oh!]
  629. [21:35] <Aurora> [my bad, retcon that last action then please :3]
  630. 06[21:36] * Aurora goes instead, to waiting for Tide at the door
  631. 01[21:36] <Rain> "Ok, gonna open the door on three." Rain says getting by the door and holding her hoof on the door knob.
  632. 06[21:37] * High_Tide gets into position, standing infront of the door with his shield at the ready
  633. [21:37] <Chinook-GM> 7Tide approaches the stone wall and a circular pale blue outline reacts to his presence. Pale blue letters begin to form....11What can fill up a room yet take no space?"
  634. [21:37] <Chinook-GM> [Or...he goes to the other door]
  635. 06[21:38] * High_Tide pauses and doubles-back to the glowing wall, shushing the rest of the part. "Air." Tide says to the wall.
  636. 06[21:38] * Aurora catches a pale blue light out of the corner of her eye, metagaming her way over to it
  637. [21:39] <Star_> "No, air has weight."
  638. [21:39] <Aurora> "Light!"
  639. 06[21:39] * Rain blinks looking at the fact glyphs show up on the wall glowing when Tide answers .
  640. [21:39] <Chinook-GM> [It's not a huge hallway, most likely everyone could notice it.]
  641. 06[21:39] * Star_ smiles. "But light doesn't."
  642. 06[21:39] * High_Tide rubs the side of his head and adds for good measure; "Light. Darkness."
  643. [21:39] <Chinook-GM> 7At Aurora's words, the lanterns in the hallway light up!
  644. [21:39] <Aurora> [I...]
  645. [21:39] <Aurora> [/me sniffs]
  646. [21:40] <Aurora> [I answered a riddle... Right!]
  647. 06[21:40] * Flora was going to say another gas and chuckles to herself
  648. 06[21:40] * Star_ pats Aurora on the back lightly. "Great minds think alike~"
  649. 03[21:40] * Snow_Blind is now known as Frostbite[SB]
  650. 03[21:40] * Starfire|Sleepy is now known as Starfire|Sleeping
  651. 06[21:40] * Aurora rolls her eyes "don't get too cocky, that was an easy one, save it for the tough ones bub"
  652. 06[21:40] * High_Tide smiles and turns to the rest of the group, giving them a thumbs-up. Actually he just shows them his hoof. "What say we look at this one, first? Someone watch out back so nothing crawls out that crack?"
  653. 06[21:41] * Aurora takes another look around the now lit hallway
  654. [21:41] <Flora> "I'll get it"
  655. 01[21:41] <Rain> "Nice job Rora!"
  656. 06[21:41] * Flora draws her sword keeping a watch
  657. 01[21:41] <Rain> "Okie dokies lead on Tide!"
  658. [21:41] <Star_> "Okay, fine Aurora. I'll quit being so happy after every riddle." He lowers his horn's brightness, walking through the hallway
  659. [21:43] <Chinook-GM> 7The wall slowly rumbles and slides apart, the stone dragging apart and grinding as it does so. The lanterns were lit all over it seems. The group can see into a larger room which has a bust of a mare, seemingly a shrine. A zig zag stairwell winds down into an atrium on the right...
  660. 06[21:43] * Aurora walks over to the statue of the mare, looking up at her inquisitively, yet respectfully
  661. 06[21:43] * High_Tide hefts his shield and goes first, walking up to the bust of the mare to get a look before advancing.
  662. [21:43] <Chinook-GM> 7A skeleton of a zebra is slumped against the shrine with a trail of dried blood underneath it. It wears tattered blue robes and is clutching a key in its hooves.
  663. 06[21:43] * Star_ heads to the mare, bowing in respect to her before looking at the stairs...
  664. 06[21:43] * Aurora stops "key"
  665. 06[21:44] * High_Tide sucks in a breath through his mouth and holds up a hoof. "Wait. Slow.."
  666. [21:44] <Aurora> [wait... how can we tell it was a zebra? haha it would look just like an Earth pony without the stripy coat!]
  667. 01[21:44] <Rain> "Jeeze..."
  668. 06[21:45] * Rain nods to the bust and gives a bit to rest at her podium. "What's the plan here guys? Head down the stairs or what? And uh someone check that skeleton."
  669. [21:47] <High_Tide> [it has gold grills for teeth]
  670. [21:47] <Flora> [striped bones]
  671. [21:47] <Chinook-GM> [Differing snout structure, bits of mane left over]
  672. 06[21:47] * Aurora stops for a moment "should we take the key? what if its a trap... Tide can you magic it over?"
  673. 06[21:47] * High_Tide glances over at the group and slowly approaches the skeleton, gesturing for Aurora to follow as he nods to her, stopping about a meter or more away from the skeleton.
  674. 06[21:47] * Flora looks at the corpse and wonders to what it could be "hmm.." she looks at the blood "well that's unsettling. If you do take it try not to move her too much"
  675. [21:47] <Chinook-GM> 7The zig-zagging stairwell lead into a circular atrium which can be seen from where the group stand. It has a domed roof which a large lantern hangs from and illuminates a semi circular wall on the right side, it seems to have carvings upon it.
  676. 01[21:48] <Rain> "Think we should take the key but just be ready alright?"
  677. [21:49] <Star_> "Wait, don't try to take it just yet."
  678. 06[21:49] * Aurora follows him over "I'll open my bag, and you put the key into it... that way if it is a trap, nobody will have touched it"
  679. [21:49] <High_Tide> "I know..." Tide mumbles as he eyes the blood trail, trying to spy where it started
  680. [21:49] <Chinook-GM> [Descriptions, whoo!]
  681. [21:49] <Flora> "Wait"
  682. 01[21:50] <Rain> "Why not Star?"
  683. [21:50] <Chinook-GM> 7The trail seems to come from the stairs but it fades out before it reaches them.
  684. 06[21:50] * Star_ has vivid flashbacks of Super Mario 2...when you go into the jar and grab the key...*they* come out...
  685. [21:50] <Flora> "before you take it take a look around first since thier is probably a inscription on the wall"
  686. [21:50] <Star_> "Or at least find the lock it goes to."
  687. [21:50] <Star_> "That way if the key makes things come out, you can get ri of it quick."
  688. [21:50] <Star_> *rid
  689. [21:50] <Aurora> "... but what if we can't get back?"
  690. [21:50] <Aurora> "get back to the key that is"
  691. 06[21:50] * High_Tide hushes the group and sparks his horn, focusing on the key to lift it carefully off the skeleton with TK
  692. [21:50] <Flora> "what is magic"
  693. [21:50] <Flora> "dude wait"
  694. 06[21:50] * Aurora opens her bag, for TIde to deposit the key"
  695. [21:50] <Chinook-GM> 7The key appears to have a shellfish motif on the end, but movement causes the skeleton's hoof to drop, the skull rolls off its shoulders and shatters on the ground, causing a shrill echo.
  696. 06[21:50] * Aurora flinches a bit "q-quick, put it in" [~]
  697. 06[21:50] * High_Tide holds the key in the air still while he clutches Duke, watching the skull roll off. He exhales with a relieved sigh, then deposits the key in Arara1,1's bag
  698. 06[21:50] * Flora cringes very hard her wishing Tide had just waited for her to read the wall "man... fuck"
  699. 06[21:50] * Star_ backs up a little. He doesn't wanna be anywhere near that key...
  700. 06[21:50] * Aurora takes a good look at the key before its floated safely into her bag without contact, making note to tie the key into Star's tail if things start going sour "a-alright... lets continue"
  701. [21:50] <Star_> [>mfw SMB2 is freaking Star out]
  702. 06[21:51] * High_Tide sighs and gestures for the group to follow. "C'mon, let's have a look at that atrium."
  703. [21:52] <Star_> "Super Mario 2 used to freak me out because when you go into the jars and pick up the keys, there would be a stone head on the wall that would come alive and fly at you until you dropped it."
  704. [21:53] <Flora> [chinook i might have to leave early since i have a foot bal came at 5 am tomorow
  705. [21:53] <Star_> "Maybe that's what happened to ol'd no-skull here."
  706. 06[21:53] * Aurora shakes her head "yes, lets continue onward"
  707. 01[21:53] <Rain> "That seems really silly Star." Rain flinched at the skull falling down but shakes it off, just a skull...
  708. 06[21:53] * Flora looks on the walls for anything
  709. [21:53] <Chinook-GM> 7The atrium comprises of a semi circular wall to the right of where the group enter, which bears a mural of a mare addressing a crowd of multispecies' ponies. Ancient text is inscribed on portions of the wall. In front of them, some distance away is another hallway leading off, with two stern guard statues looking ahead.
  710. 06[21:53] * Rain follows after the other to see whats going on with the atrium
  711. 06[21:53] * High_Tide glances at Star and shakes his head. "I know of the guys, but there are no signs of conflict here." Tide follows the blood trail to the zigzagging stairs, approaching the atrium slowly with Duke at the ready
  712. [21:53] <Chinook-GM> [Alright, flo]
  713. 06[21:53] * Star_ takes a deep breath, moving on. "Right, I'm probably just bein' a dummy. Allons-y."
  714. 01[21:53] <Rain> [dawww]
  715. 06[21:54] * Flora tries to read that text
  716. 01[21:54] <Rain> "Wow..." Rain says getting closer to the wall trying to look at what the mare looks like.
  717. 06[21:54] * High_Tide is paying attention to where the blood trail goes
  718. [21:54] <Flora> [im not looking forward to the camp myself but hey it's a invitation camp to the browns some im not complaining[
  719. [21:54] <Chinook-GM> 7The mare appears to be an earth pony with a regular, unspectular mane and tail. The age of the carving has withered some of the detail/
  720. 01[21:55] <Rain> [Okies well good luck Flora!]
  721. 06[21:55] * Aurora takes a long look at the statue.... "heh... earth pones in charge..."
  722. 06[21:55] * Aurora shakes her head a bit, giggling "lets keep going guys... this place is amazing!"
  723. 01[21:55] <Rain> ", I think she's trying to bring together a bunch of ponies I think, almost....wait you guys dont think thats pudding head do you!?"
  724. 06[21:56] * Aurora shakes her head "no Rain, good intuation though..." heading towards the next hallways, and the two statues that guard it
  725. 06[21:56] * High_Tide pauses to glance up at Arara, grinning excitedly."I know, right?"
  726. 01[21:56] <Rain> [intuation?]
  727. [21:57] <High_Tide> [intuition]
  728. [21:57] <Star_> [intuition?]
  729. [21:57] <Aurora> [intuition, soz]
  730. [21:57] <Aurora> [/me got up 17 hours ago]
  731. 01[21:57] <Rain> "I suppose..." Rain murmers before following after the others "Moving on then I dont think we can read much of this...wait we could take rubbings of it!"
  732. 01[21:57] <Rain> ]Sorry ><]
  733. [21:58] <Chinook-GM> 7The hallway continues onwards but splits in two directions, a darker path leading left and a brighter path leading right. The brighter path has carvings of armored ponies marching in formation along the wall. The darker hallway seems to just curve left.
  734. 06[21:58] * Star_ looks at the two hallways. "Welp, this is an easy decision...but that's what makes it so difficult..."
  735. [21:58] <Aurora> "........................... left, always left!"
  736. 06[21:59] * Flora looks to see if anything is on the walls
  737. 06[21:59] * High_Tide glances at Arara and snickers, looking back down to try and find that blood trail
  738. 01[22:00] <Rain> "I wanna go right though it looks safer..."
  739. [22:00] <Star_> "Exactly...looks can be decieving."
  740. [22:00] <Chinook-GM> 7The walls, floor and general feel of the tomb gives a sort of "Aquatic" ascetic to the place. One may find sand on the floor and smooth stone walls, bleached in color.
  741. [22:01] <Chinook-GM> [Basically water temple, but try describing that]
  742. [22:01] <Aurora> [hue, yea]
  743. [22:01] <High_Tide> [where is the blood trail?]
  744. [22:01] <Chinook-GM> [Dissipated before it reached the stairs
  745. [22:01] <High_Tide> [k]
  746. 06[22:01] * Aurora looks around "I get a good feeling from this place believe it or not..." slowly heading down the left path and hoping Star or Tide are following with their lights
  747. 01[22:02] <Rain> "Gah Rora..." Rain whines a bit following after the mare "Really flusters me when you or the others go off like that ya know?"
  748. 06[22:02] * High_Tide shrugs at the group and hurries after Arara, patting her back. "Hey, try'n at least keep behind Duke for cover!" the stallion whispers, taking the left path
  749. [22:02] <Flora> [gg Aurora looks like you'll be rerolling very soon]
  750. 06[22:03] * Flora stays behind waiting for the others to go first not wanting to get surprised
  751. 06[22:03] * Star_ takes a step to the left path, but looks at the right path again... "I-I think we should take the brighter one..."
  752. [22:03] <Chinook-GM> 7Aurora continues onwards until she reaches a sturdy wooden and iron door, obviously withered with time but still performing its duty. Unicorn light reveals a shellfish motif on the handle of the door.
  753. 06[22:03] * High_Tide stands before the door with the earthie and glances to her. "Do we have a match?"
  754. 06[22:04] * Aurora raises a hoof up, before putting it back down "try magic on the door"
  755. 01[22:04] <Rain> "Why not use the key we got?"
  756. [22:05] <Star_> [Ahhh, I gotta go! ;.;]
  757. 06[22:05] * High_Tide nods sparks his horn, enveoping the handle with TK and trying the door. "We don't know if it's locked yet, Rain."
  758. [22:05] <High_Tide> [star nuu :<]
  759. 01[22:05] <Rain> "Its got a shellfish motif to it, sooo why not sue the shellfish key?"
  760. [22:05] <Chinook-GM> [Awwww]
  761. 01[22:05] <Rain> "Oh.."
  762. [22:05] <Star_> [I'll be back soon-ish hopefully!]
  763. 01[22:05] <Rain> "Welll ok then! Give it a whirl."
  764. 01[22:05] <Rain> [K hurry Staaar]
  765. [22:05] <Aurora> "see if its locked first silly..."
  766. 06[22:05] * High_Tide is currently doing that
  767. [22:06] <Chinook-GM> 7The door is indeed firmly locked
  768. 06[22:06] * Aurora looks for a keyhole
  769. 02[22:06] * Star_ ( Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  770. 06[22:06] * High_Tide nods to Arara
  771. [22:06] <Chinook-GM> 7You find the keyhole quite easily. In the place one would typically find a keyhole.
  772. 06[22:07] * Aurora shrugs, reaching into her bags and procuring the key "no complaints then?" inserting her big... fat... key into that slutty little lock hole
  773. 01[22:07] <Rain> "Now turn it and lets get ready...: Rain says crocuhed and tense as the key turns...
  774. [22:09] <Chinook-GM> 7The door opens outwards to reveal a small, box shaped room which has urns on one side of the room, an L shaped desk mounted onto the wall, fitting into the corner with an old alembic upon it. Various herbs and flowers are in glass jars upon the desk. Compared to the rest of the tomb, whilst these are certainly old, they're not ancient. They appear to have been brought by somepony else.
  775. [22:10] <Chinook-GM> 7The Alembic is in good condition and the jars actually have labels in Equestrian that can be read at a basic level.
  776. 01[22:10] <Rain> "Wow..." Rain murmers going in and looking at the herbs "Think these belonged to that skeleton?"
  777. 06[22:10] * Flora hasn't heard screaming yet so she assumes that the path is safe for now as she trots down the stairs behind them
  778. 06[22:10] * Rain reads a few jars to see whats in em
  779. [22:10] <Aurora> [what is Alembic?]
  780. [22:10] <Flora> [alembic?]
  781. 06[22:10] * High_Tide gestures for the group to follow slowly and walks inside
  782. 06[22:10] * Flora looks at the almebic wondering what it is
  783. [22:11] <Chinook-GM> 7Rain reads some of the following labels: Radix clematidis herba lysimachiae, herba menthae, thallus sargassi, fructus mume, cacumen biota, prunellae spica, pericaprium citri reticulatae viride, lycii radicis cortex, radix trichonsanthis, flos chrysanthemi, cortex cinnamoni, mori folium, erioboteyae folium.
  784. [22:11] <High_Tide> [remember oblivion and morrowind? It's a small tool for alchemy
  785. [22:11] <Flora> [i've played non of those]
  786. [22:11] <Aurora> [oh /me shrugs]
  787. 06[22:11] * High_Tide smiles at the scene. "Cool herbs..." He wanders over to the desk and tries the drawers, searching through them
  788. 06[22:11] * Flora picks it up to try to figure out what it is
  789. [22:11] <Flora> [to google!]
  790. [22:11] <Chinook-GM> []
  791. 01[22:12] <Rain> "I have no idea what any of these are..."
  792. [22:12] <Flora> [oh test tube kinda]
  793. [22:12] <Flora> [i'm not sure you can pick that up exactly]
  794. 01[22:12] <Rain> "Wait Cortex Cinnamoni, that might be cinnamon...I think."
  795. 01[22:12] <Rain> "Not sure..."
  796. 01[22:13] <Rain> "We should bring these back to the vault and let them figure out what the dickens these are."
  797. [22:13] <Chinook-GM> 7Tattered papers with illegible writing fill the drawers.
  798. 01[22:13] <Rain> "What you think Flora?"
  799. 06[22:13] * Flora hears Rain "cortex cinamoni... Rain that would be brain cinnamon"
  800. 06[22:13] * Aurora sighs, taking a look at the urns instead, wondering if she would get rupees for smashing them
  801. 06[22:14] * Flora mosies on over to have a look for herself and looks inside on the jars maybe the contents still inside
  802. 06[22:14] * High_Tide rifles through the papers with a disappointed look, but cant help but chuckle. "Brain cinnamon?" he asks, looking through the rest of the room and peeking at the turn.
  803. [22:14] <Chinook-GM> 7Lifing the lids, hopefully, Aurora finds ashes. Three gueses what kind of urns these are.
  804. 01[22:15] <Rain> "Whats that mean Flora? Is it something that was on earth?"
  805. 06[22:15] * Aurora puts the lid down "oh... oh dear..."
  806. 01[22:15] <Rain> "Whats up Rora?"
  807. [22:16] <Aurora> "ashes.... I think these are... are someone's remains..."
  808. 01[22:17] <Rain> "...oh."
  809. 01[22:18] <Rain> "Well uh...huh.."
  810. 06[22:18] * High_Tide flattens his ears. "I think... when used on plants, they make a good fertalizer." Tide takes one last look around the room to make sure nothing is missed. "Should we head on?"
  811. 01[22:18] <Rain> "Lets um gather up the herbs then and head back, take that test tube lookie thing too..." Rain says as she takes a few of the jars into her inventory.
  812. 06[22:19] * Flora smirks looking at the contents and picking up a jar looking it over. "no i don't think so but I could be wrong, I never did learn latin but cortex *she has a brain fart* "no cerebral means brain cortex means system...erm shit now I'm all confused"
  813. [22:19] <Chinook-GM> 7The combination of the scent of the herbs gives the room a quite pleasant smell.
  814. [22:20] <Aurora> "....... head back?"
  815. [22:20] <Aurora> "you're joking... right?"
  816. 01[22:20] <Rain> "Well this is a dead end at the moment Rora."
  817. 01[22:20] <Rain> "Figured we would go and check out that other passage way first."
  818. 06[22:20] * High_Tide thinks for a second. "Bring the herbs back to the split in this room so we can bring them on our way back out."
  819. [22:20] <Chinook-GM> 7But returning to the junction, the group have the atrium to their right and the soldier's hallway in front of them.
  820. 01[22:21] <Rain> "Right then I'll take the Radix clematidis herba lysimachiae and herba menthae stuff..."
  821. 06[22:21] * Flora sets the cup down looking about the room to see if more is to be seen and looks over the drawers frowing at the unintelligible gibberish "Yea know I'll take the papers with me one the way out and a few samples to we can have the equestrians look at them. I guess not sleeping messed with my brain more then I thought"
  822. 06[22:21] * Aurora heads to the soldier's hallways, because now its the lefternmost advance, and left, always left "yea, we can take that stuff home when we are done exploring Rain
  823. [22:21] <Flora> [oops didn't see the chat scroll]
  824. 06[22:21] * Aurora waits for everyone to leave, so that she can take the key with them
  825. 06[22:22] * Rain stashes those away in her bags before taking the aembic pentameter as well before making her way after the others.
  826. [22:22] <Flora> "but Rain were going to come back for them you might as welll leave it here for now"
  827. 01[22:23] <Rain> "Now down the brighter path!" Rain looks at Flora and shrugs "Meh Id rather not so lets go!" Rain says as she goes down the bright path
  828. 06[22:23] * High_Tide helps the group court the herbs they want out into the hallway, effectively looting the room before he waits for Arara to retrieve the key
  829. [22:23] <High_Tide> [Tide said to bring the herbs just to the hallway so they're a bit more easy access when we leave]
  830. [22:23] <Chinook-GM> 7The soldier's hallway continues onwards and takes a sharp left, leading the group into a much larger oval shaped chamber with a large lantern hanging from the domed roof. The pathway continues through, but sand banks line each side. A skeleton with only its top half resting on the pathway protudes from the sand, and another pony skeleton in well preserved armor is slumped against the wall.
  831. [22:24] <Aurora> ".... anyone mind if... if we take a look at that armor?"
  832. [22:24] <Flora> [might have missed it since my chat scrolled without me]
  833. [22:24] <Chinook-GM> 7The armored skeleton pony also has a sword driven through his skull and several bloodstains line the stone pathway.
  834. 01[22:24] <Rain> "Yeesh sure, but damn this place seemes to have gotten wrecked!"
  835. [22:24] <Aurora> "... and that sword..."
  836. 06[22:24] * Rain looks to se if ther is water aorund said sand banks
  837. 06[22:25] * Flora watches "Oh my... I wonder what happened to the second half of him"
  838. 06[22:25] * High_Tide gulps and pats Arara's shoulder. "Alright, but /slowly/."
  839. 06[22:25] * High_Tide hefts the shield and starts to trudge into the room, towards the armoured skelly. "With me."
  840. 06[22:26] * Aurora nods, blushing a bit at her avarice... but this place iiiiiiis spooky and dangerous... she could use a real sword instead of tha dinky thing Star lent her
  841. 06[22:26] * Flora looks around the room [are we on the dark path?]
  842. 01[22:26] <Rain> [nope light one]
  843. [22:27] <Flora> *Star wonders what's wrong with his sword :<*
  844. 01[22:27] <Rain> "Nice and easy..." Rain murmers moving with the others keeping an eye on the other skeleton protruding from the sand. "Kinda half tempted to smash the skeletons and be done with it to be honest..."
  845. [22:28] <Chinook-GM> 7The sand is soft, like walking upon a beach and all seems calm.
  846. [22:28] <Flora> "That's rude Rain respect the dead"
  847. [22:28] <Aurora> "can you lift the armor out with your TK, Tide?"
  848. [22:28] <Chinook-GM> 7The armor is a combination of reinforced leather and hardy fabric. It's mostly light brown with pale green highlights, it keeps the body warm and protected from harm whilst being light enough to traverse the land in and repel the rain. Mostly unadorned and utilitarian in design. An ideal example of the armor of a wandering pony.
  849. [22:29] <Aurora> [oh my, perfect!]
  850. 06[22:29] * High_Tide approahces the skeleton slowly, leading Arara to it until they are but a meter away. "Tide hums and nods, looking over it. "Mhmm... what d'you want to look at first, the sword or the armour?"
  851. [22:29] <Aurora> "... oh both.... if we can...."
  852. 06[22:29] * High_Tide assumes armour since she said that, and focuses on the bits to try and undress the pony of its gear with his TK slowly
  853. 01[22:30] <Rain> "No thats being practical."
  854. [22:31] <Chinook-GM> 7Some parts of the sand on both sides begins to shift.
  855. 01[22:31] <Rain> "If you live where zombies are athing and its common to come across them you would think about making it so no more zombies come back up."
  856. 06[22:31] * Rain looks to see the sand shift "Tiiide..."
  857. 01[22:31] <Rain> "Sand is moving..."
  858. 06[22:31] * High_Tide slowly stops, looking around the sand. "Shit..."
  859. 06[22:31] * Aurora looks around, brandishing Star's starsword, keeping on her toes
  860. [22:32] <Flora> "And do you know how pissed a spirit would get if you defiled it's body? When you've almost been frozen to death by one and damn near killed you come to respect these things"
  861. [22:33] <Chinook-GM> 7A bony hoof bursts out of the sand and the rest of the skeleton pony along with it! It also wears a frayed version of the light armor the soldiers on the wall were wearing and two other skeletons arise on the other side, they approach the group and draw their rusty weapons!
  862. [22:33] <Flora> "what did i tell you"
  863. 06[22:33] * High_Tide curses and shouts out. "Group up!"
  864. 06[22:34] * Rain gets back to back with the others "Shit...
  865. 06[22:34] * Aurora forms up next to Tide "shit" readying Cosmo to defend against the....
  866. 06[22:34] * Aurora SKRILLIXTONS
  867. [22:34] <Chinook-GM> 7It's a fight people, roll for init
  868. 01[22:34] <Rain> "I can try to do a chain lighting but gonna need some time..."
  869. [22:34] <Chinook-GM> !roll 3d20
  870. 01[22:34] <Rain> !roll d20+2
  871. [22:34] <GameServ> 11, 19, 18 == 48
  872. [22:34] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+2 init!
  873. [22:34] <GameServ> (2) + 2 == 4
  874. [22:35] <High_Tide> !roll d20+2
  875. [22:35] <GameServ> (18) + 2 == 20
  876. [22:35] <Aurora> "Lightning is useless against skeletons, go for bashing!"
  877. 01[22:35] <Rain> "Your using a sword!" Rain shoots back as the skeletons get the drop on them!
  878. 02[22:38] * Disconnected
  879. Session Close: Fri Jun 20 22:38:09 2014
  881. Session Start: Fri Jun 20 22:38:09 2014
  882. Session Ident: #FourCannonPnP
  883. 02[22:38] * Attempting to rejoin channel #FourCannonPnP
  884. 03[22:38] * Rejoined channel #FourCannonPnP
  885. [22:38] <Rain> "Your using a sword!" Rain shoots back as the skeletons get the drop on them!
  886. 02[22:38] * Rain ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  887. [22:38] <Chinook-GM> 4An impressive display! But the skelton picks itself up and reaffixes its skull.
  888. 01[22:39] <Rainbed> [um...weird]]
  889. 01[22:39] <Rainbed> [what I miss?]
  890. [22:39] <Chinook-GM> 4The second skeleton moves in with its rusty axe and swings at Aurora!
  891. 06[22:39] * High_Tide internally pats himself on the back for his quick reactions and display of magic, cursing at the boney monster's resilience. While his horn cools, Tide quickly looks around the room curiously.
  892. [22:39] <Flora> [did aurora take off the armor or anything?]
  893. [22:39] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  894. [22:39] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  895. 03[22:39] * Rainbed is now known as Rain
  896. 03[22:39] * Cury-Sleep is now known as Cury
  897. [22:39] <Aurora> [no1,1t yet]
  898. [22:40] <High_Tide> [^]
  899. 01[22:40] <Rain> "Tide! Lighting bolt yes or no?"
  900. [22:40] <Chinook-GM> 4And misses! But the third skeleton follows up by attacking Rain Drop with its sword!
  901. [22:40] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  902. [22:40] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  903. 06[22:40] * Aurora raises her sword up, ready to parry but not needing to just yet
  904. 06[22:40] * Aurora can dodge, and that takes priority
  905. [22:40] <High_Tide> "Ahh.... let's not get too fancy! Don't do it unless it's powerful enough to smash them apart!"
  906. [22:40] <Chinook-GM> 4And misses, but it's close!
  907. [22:40] <Aurora> [/me misses Phoenix's 15 AC]
  908. [22:41] <Flora> [did she miss place it?]
  909. [22:41] <High_Tide> [the armour is still on the one skeleton]
  910. 06[22:41] * Rain duukes away from the blow "Jesus christ!'
  911. [22:41] <High_Tide> ['s why Tide didn't shoot that one with a fireball, in hopes of preserving it]
  912. [22:41] <Chinook-GM> 4Skeletons are living it up! The first, damaged one retaliates against Tide and swings its mace at him.
  913. 01[22:41] <Rain> "Alright!"
  914. [22:42] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  915. [22:42] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  916. [22:42] <Aurora> "s-sorry mister skeleton, but I really fancy your armor!"
  917. [22:43] <Chinook-GM> [Actually the armored skeleton you were plundering is still down, these are three others that rose from the sand]
  918. 06[22:43] * High_Tide snorts and bounces the mace off his shield]
  919. [22:43] <Chinook-GM> 4Go Rain!
  920. [22:43] <Aurora> [oh... neat... can I rip the sword from its noggin?]
  921. [22:43] <Chinook-GM> [Sure but it'll cost you a turn]
  922. 01[22:44] <Rain> !roll d20+2 Rain attempt to bonk the one with the mace! "Dibs on the mace!"
  923. 01[22:44] <Rain> [Sorry my net is being a shit]
  924. [22:45] <Aurora> [kkkkkkkkkkkkk]
  925. 03[22:45] * Feldvidya ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  926. [22:46] <GameServ> (12) + 2 == 14
  927. [22:46] <Chinook-GM> 4Hit!
  928. 01[22:46] <Rain> !roll d6
  929. [22:47] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  930. [22:47] <Chinook-GM> 4A glancing blow, go Rora!
  931. 06[22:48] * Aurora turns to the still downed skrillixton, leaning forward and drawing the sword of skulls from its noggin!
  932. [22:48] <Chinook-GM> 4Aurora gets a d8 iron sword. New round, roll for init.
  933. [22:48] <High_Tide> !roll d20+2 init
  934. 01[22:48] <Rain> "Damn!" Rain hisses as the dager nicks the skeleton
  935. [22:48] <GameServ> (19) + 2 == 21
  936. [22:48] <Chinook-GM> !roll 3d20
  937. [22:48] <GameServ> 6, 17, 9 == 32
  938. 01[22:48] <Rain> !roll d20+2
  939. [22:48] <GameServ> (7) + 2 == 9
  940. [22:48] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+2 [yay, sword of skulls acquired!]
  941. [22:49] <GameServ> (14) + 2 == 16
  942. [22:49] <Chinook-GM> [Flora....I missed your turn. Sorry!]
  943. [22:49] <Aurora> [you missed Star's turn too :3]
  944. [22:49] <Flora> [i was about to say]
  945. [22:49] <Chinook-GM> [Friggin NPC's....Do your move, Flor]
  946. 02[22:50] * EyeSpy (~kvirc@ Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
  947. [22:50] <Flora> [im not npc what am i going to do during a roll fight?]
  948. [22:51] <Chinook-GM> [SInce we missed your turn last round, just do whatever you're going to do now and we'll move onto the next]
  949. 06[22:51] * Flora keeps her sword tucked away stabbing at a round target not is not the same as punding into in with something blunt like a hoof
  950. [22:51] <Flora> !roll 1d20+1
  951. [22:51] <GameServ> (16) + 1 == 17
  952. [22:51] <Chinook-GM> 4Wham. A hit!
  953. [22:51] <Flora> !roll 1d9 boop
  954. [22:51] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  955. [22:52] <High_Tide> [d9?]
  956. [22:52] <Chinook-GM> 4Which Skelly? 1, 2 or 3? And yeah, Flo. d8.
  957. [22:53] <Flora> [i go the +1 from the earth pony hp thing]
  958. [22:53] <Sugarcoat> [with urf hooves and bonus it's 1d8+1, think she just missed that the modifier goes there]
  959. [22:53] <Flora> [and skelly 1]
  960. [22:53] <Flora> 8+1 =9
  961. [22:54] <Flora> [but ill add modifyers next time]
  962. [22:57] <Chinook-GM> [Still 2 dmg then, Rora, NPC Star's turn?]
  963. [22:57] <Aurora> *NPC Star pew pew pew shoots magic missile at the skele that Tide fireball'd*
  964. [22:57] <Aurora> !roll 1d4
  965. [22:57] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  966. [22:57] <Chinook-GM> 4New round, Tide's turn. That one skeleton is tanking it.
  967. [22:57] <Flora> !roll 1d20 init
  968. [22:57] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  969. [22:57] <Flora> [to bad i forget the +2]
  970. 06[22:57] * High_Tide pivots at the skeleton with the mace and decides to put a little flair into it, giving his shield the old heave-ho
  971. [22:57] <High_Tide> !roll d20+-4
  972. [22:57] <GameServ> (6) + -4 == 2
  973. [22:57] <High_Tide> [woops, that should be -3, not that it matters]
  974. [22:57] <Chinook-GM> 4The skeleton easily sidesteps the hunk of iron
  975. 06[22:57] * High_Tide stumbles and blushes, deciding shield bashing with Duke isn't a good idea
  976. [22:57] <Chinook-GM> 4Sword Skellies' turn and he's lashing out at Rain with a wide slice to the chest!
  977. [22:57] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  978. [22:57] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  979. [22:57] <Chinook-GM> 4Or trying at least. Aurora's turn
  980. 06[22:58] * Aurora brandishes the sword of skulls, grinning as she brings it around and goes for a mighty all out attack on the singed skelly!
  981. [22:58] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+1 attack one
  982. [22:58] <GameServ> (20) + 1 == 21
  983. [22:58] <High_Tide> "I'm wide open, help!"
  984. [22:58] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+1 attack 2
  985. [22:58] <GameServ> (1) + 1 == 2
  986. [22:58] <Aurora> [well thats something I guess]
  987. [22:58] <High_Tide> [gosh]
  988. [22:58] <Flora> [ha]
  989. [22:58] <High_Tide> [double gosh]
  990. [22:58] <Chinook-GM> 4one crit, your new sword suits you.
  991. [22:59] <High_Tide> [Arara swings so hard the first time her big butt jiggles and throws herself off balance]
  992. [22:59] <Aurora> !roll 1d8+1 to smite with the sword of skulls
  993. [22:59] <GameServ> (3) + 1 == 4
  994. 01[22:59] <Rain> [jesus christ this net lag]
  995. [23:00] <Chinook-GM> 4A critical hit to the spine severs the skeleton in two, a dull cry rings out and the rest of the bones fall apart. May he find rest at last. Flora's turn!
  996. [23:01] <Aurora> "RIP in peace!"
  997. 06[23:01] * Flora takes aim at skeleton 3 he needs a good dent in the face
  998. [23:01] <High_Tide> "N-nice! The mace one, next!"
  999. [23:01] <Flora> !roll 1d20+1 whap
  1000. [23:01] <GameServ> (10) + 1 == 11
  1001. 01[23:02] <Rain> "Keep it up!"
  1002. [23:02] <Flora> [hit?]
  1003. [23:02] <Chinook-GM> 4The armor of the skeleton still serves and it absorbs Flora's attack!
  1004. [23:03] <Chinook-GM> 4The skeleton responds by counter attacking Flora!
  1005. 06[23:03] * Flora glances off the side her hoof aiming a little to the left "dammit"
  1006. [23:03] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  1007. [23:03] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1008. [23:03] <Chinook-GM> 4And fails miserably.
  1009. 01[23:03] <Rain> "Hehe...guess they need more ligaments eh?"
  1010. [23:04] <Chinook-GM> 4The third fights back and swings at Tide!
  1011. [23:04] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  1012. [23:04] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1013. [23:04] <Aurora> [omfg these skeletons]
  1014. [23:04] <Chinook-GM> [I feel pity for the skrillingtons]
  1015. [23:04] <Chinook-GM> 4Rain's turn as Tide laughs off the attack
  1016. 06[23:04] * High_Tide huffs and bouces the weapon off his shield again, able to find his balance again.
  1017. 06[23:05] * Flora steps out the way starting to feel fatigued because it's 12am'
  1018. [23:05] <Chinook-GM> [Shall we timelock after this fight? There's still plenty of the dungeon left]
  1019. 01[23:06] <Rain> !roll d20+1 Rain chareges at the mace weuilding skeley!
  1020. [23:06] <GameServ> (3) + 1 == 4
  1021. [23:06] <Aurora> [yea, that sounds like a pretty good plan]
  1022. 01[23:06] <Rain> [jesus christ this rolls]
  1023. 01[23:06] <Rain> [works for em]
  1024. [23:06] <High_Tide> [Sounds good Chinook, I knowi t's very late for you]
  1025. [23:07] <Flora> [yes please]
  1026. [23:07] <Chinook-GM> 4Skrillex has no turn as he dead for real. Star's turn.
  1027. [23:07] <Chinook-GM> [>init rolls on dead mooks.]
  1028. [23:08] <Chinook-GM> [g-guys, I'm slipping]
  1029. [23:08] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+2 lets hurry this fight up!
  1030. [23:08] <GameServ> (16) + 2 == 18
  1031. 01[23:08] <Rain> !roll d20+2
  1032. [23:08] <GameServ> (14) + 2 == 16
  1033. [23:08] <Aurora> [oh sorry! I saw init rolls and got confused!]
  1034. 01[23:08] <Rain> [lets go go go!]
  1035. [23:08] <Chinook-GM> !roll 2d20 Time to make a MARROW escape
  1036. [23:08] <GameServ> 17, 4 == 21
  1037. 01[23:08] <Rain> [...pls]
  1038. [23:08] <High_Tide> !roll d20+2
  1039. [23:08] <GameServ> (5) + 2 == 7
  1040. [23:09] <High_Tide> [nu]
  1041. [23:09] <Flora> !roll 1d20+2
  1042. [23:09] <GameServ> (19) + 2 == 21
  1043. [23:09] <Chinook-GM> 4Flora you badass. Go first.
  1044. 01[23:10] <Rain> [lets go ponies and smash them skeles!~]
  1045. 06[23:10] * Flora starts feeling dissapoint in her own abilites and goes for3 again her destiny interwoven with that skelly jelly
  1046. [23:10] <Flora> !roll 1d20+2
  1047. [23:10] <GameServ> (7) + 2 == 9
  1048. 06[23:10] * Flora is dissapoint
  1049. [23:11] <Chinook-GM> 4Don't hype your attacks, sister. Rory's turn!
  1050. 06[23:11] * Aurora jumps at Mace Skele, going for another all out attack!
  1051. [23:11] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+1 attack 1
  1052. [23:11] <GameServ> (12) + 1 == 13
  1053. [23:11] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+1 attack 2
  1054. [23:11] <GameServ> (4) + 1 == 5
  1055. [23:11] <Aurora> [hit?]
  1056. 01[23:11] <Rain> [I think it mighta]
  1057. [23:12] <Aurora> !roll 1d8+1 damage
  1058. [23:12] <GameServ> (6) + 1 == 7
  1059. [23:12] <Chinook-GM> 4First one hit
  1060. [23:12] <Aurora> [first one dealt 7 damage :3]
  1061. [23:13] <Chinook-GM> 4A good hit, it staggers backwards!
  1062. [23:13] <High_Tide> [same thing as last time happened~]
  1063. [23:13] <Aurora> "hya!"
  1064. [23:13] <Chinook-GM> 4The axe wielding skeleton retaliates and lashes out at Flora!
  1065. [23:14] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  1066. [23:14] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1067. [23:14] <Chinook-GM> [No way]
  1068. [23:14] <Aurora> [dude, your skeletons fucking suck]
  1069. 01[23:14] <Rain> [hahaha ]
  1070. [23:14] <Aurora> [like, omg]
  1071. 01[23:14] <Rain> [its the skeletons of the unfortanaut skeletons!]
  1072. 01[23:14] <Rain> [er adventurers[
  1073. [23:14] <Aurora> [.... unfortunate]
  1074. [23:14] <High_Tide> [Looks like these monsters are boned]
  1075. [23:15] <Chinook-GM> 4Let's just pretend this never happened, quick, Rain, do something awesome so this is forgotten
  1076. [23:15] <Chinook-GM> 4Tide's asking for a lantern/gravity/skull situation with puns like that
  1077. [23:15] <High_Tide> [you made a pun first]
  1078. 01[23:16] <Rain> !rolll d20+1 Rain shrugs and tosses her dagger at one of the skeletons heads to knock it off
  1079. [23:16] <Chinook-GM> [I can]
  1080. 01[23:16] <Rain> !roll d20+1 Rain shrugs and tosses her dagger at one of the skeletons heads to knock it off
  1081. [23:16] <GameServ> (7) + 1 == 8
  1082. 01[23:16] <Rain> [Jesus come ooooon!]
  1083. 06[23:16] * Rain has not even done barely anything in terms of damage hahaha]
  1084. [23:16] <Aurora> [/me has averaged 5 damage a turn]
  1085. [23:17] <Chinook-GM> 4Rain's dagger flies to the other side of the room, which interestingly is a wide stairwell leading down. Clatter, clatter, clatter it goes....
  1086. 03[23:17] * GreenHoof is now known as Old_Hoof
  1087. [23:17] <Chinook-GM> 4Gooooo, Tide.
  1088. 01[23:18] <Rain> [Oh damn it all]
  1089. 01[23:18] <Rain> "Ah shit..." Rain sweat drops as she will need to get that back...
  1090. 06[23:18] * High_Tide turns to the skeleton Rain missed and chuckles, zapping at it with a magic missile
  1091. [23:18] <High_Tide> !roll d4
  1092. [23:18] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1093. [23:18] <Aurora> "We'll get it later Rain, focus"
  1094. 06[23:19] * Old_Hoof ACTS AS TIDE'S GUARDIAN ANGEL, GIVING HIM ANOTHER CHANCE TO ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1095. 06[23:19] * High_Tide is disappointed by his magical firepower for once. "...Thbpbbhbhptpt
  1096. 03[23:19] * Old_Hoof is now known as GreenHoof
  1097. [23:19] <High_Tide> [wut]
  1098. [23:19] <Chinook-GM> [pls go]
  1099. [23:19] <High_Tide> [Huf, go to bed]
  1100. [23:19] <GreenHoof> [:3]
  1101. [23:20] <Chinook-GM> [Star's turn, I guess.]
  1102. 03[23:20] * Umbra_Electrum is now known as Umbra|SleepMEIDO
  1103. 01[23:20] <Rain> [huf pls]
  1104. [23:20] <Aurora> *Star goes PEW PEW PEW on the same skelly*
  1105. [23:20] <Aurora> !roll 1d4 magic misul
  1106. [23:20] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1107. 01[23:21] <Rain> "Gah these skeletons are like bad luck in carnet!" Rain complains
  1108. [23:21] <High_Tide> "Incarnate?"
  1109. [23:21] <Chinook-GM> 4New round folks, skelly 3 is looking weakened yet the second sword wielder is looking alright.
  1110. [23:21] <Chinook-GM> !roll 2d20
  1111. [23:21] <GameServ> 15, 11 == 26
  1112. [23:22] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+2 lets turn these guys into bonemeal!
  1113. [23:22] <GameServ> (17) + 2 == 19
  1114. [23:22] <Flora> !roll 1d20+2 come on bby
  1115. [23:22] <GameServ> (14) + 2 == 16
  1116. [23:22] <High_Tide> !roll d20+2
  1117. [23:22] <GameServ> (10) + 2 == 12
  1118. 01[23:22] <Rain> !roll d20+2
  1119. [23:22] <GameServ> (6) + 2 == 8
  1120. [23:23] <Chinook-GM> 4Rory's up
  1121. 01[23:23] <Rain> "Means like rein- never mind!" Rain says as she blocks a swing by the mace weilder "Oi bugger off!"
  1122. 06[23:23] * Aurora grins, charging at the weakened looking skeleton... omg you will never believe this, an all out attack!
  1123. [23:23] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+1 one trick pony part one
  1124. [23:23] <GameServ> (11) + 1 == 12
  1125. [23:23] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+1 one trick pony part 2
  1126. [23:23] <GameServ> (2) + 1 == 3
  1127. [23:23] <Chinook-GM> 4One hit.
  1128. [23:24] <Aurora> !roll 1d8+1
  1129. [23:24] <GameServ> (4) + 1 == 5
  1130. [23:24] <High_Tide> [third time in a row~]
  1131. [23:24] <Aurora> [still averaging 5 bby~]
  1132. 06[23:24] * Flora forgot all outs]
  1133. [23:24] <Aurora> [haha FLora, really? :3]
  1134. [23:24] <Chinook-GM> 4Flora's up.
  1135. [23:25] <Flora> [yea i did]
  1136. 06[23:25] * Flora aims for 3 that all out attack looking appealing
  1137. [23:25] <Flora> !roll 1d20+1 yiss
  1138. [23:25] <GameServ> (8) + 1 == 9
  1139. [23:25] <Flora> !roll 1d20+1 yiss
  1140. [23:25] <GameServ> (4) + 1 == 5
  1141. [23:25] <Flora> fuck
  1142. [23:25] <Aurora> [....... :3]
  1143. [23:26] <Chinook-GM> 4How's this? Have to wait a round before using another all out attack. #StopSpam. Oh, two misses.
  1144. [23:27] <Aurora> [hue, thats fair, I have to get used for when SLSS stops the OP allouts anyways]
  1145. [23:27] <Aurora> *get ready
  1146. [23:27] <Flora> [first time i use it and then i get banned from it for a round]
  1147. [23:27] <Flora> [>tfw[
  1148. [23:27] <Chinook-GM> [rekt]
  1149. [23:27] <Aurora> [git gud]
  1150. [23:27] <Chinook-GM> 4Weak Skelly swings his mace at Rory!
  1151. [23:27] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  1152. [23:27] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  1153. [23:27] <Aurora> [OH FUCKING SHIT IT HIT ME, FUCKER]
  1154. [23:28] <Chinook-GM> 4FINALLY
  1155. [23:28] <Chinook-GM> !roll d6
  1156. [23:28] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  1157. 06[23:28] * Aurora yelps when a mace finds her body
  1158. [23:28] <Chinook-GM> 4The skeleton clubs her around the chest
  1159. 06[23:28] * Rain spreads her wings out wide as she uses Wind Burst to knock the skeleton away from Rora! "Asshole!"
  1160. 01[23:28] <Rain> [whops]
  1161. 01[23:28] <Rain> [hit enter too soon hue]
  1162. [23:28] <Aurora> [wind burst, ehehe, I don't think its even your turn]
  1163. [23:28] <Dreamcatcher> ["Skeleton thrashing rampage", eh~?]
  1165. 01[23:29] <Rain> [yeaaaah sorry chinny]
  1166. [23:29] <Chinook-GM> [Easy tiger, we alllll want this fight over with]
  1167. [23:29] <Chinook-GM> 4Tide's turn
  1168. 01[23:30] <Rain> [hehe]
  1169. [23:30] <Dreamcatcher> [/me catfaces and scurries into the shadows]
  1170. 06[23:30] * High_Tide curses and decides to go for the hail-mary shield bash again, charging the skelly that attacked Arara!
  1171. [23:30] <High_Tide> !roll d20+-3
  1172. [23:30] <GameServ> (11) + -3 == 8
  1173. [23:31] <Chinook-GM> 4It ducks under and rolls away!
  1174. [23:31] <High_Tide> [that took awhile to get the result]
  1175. [23:31] <Chinook-GM> 4A clattering of jaws sounds like laughter....
  1176. [23:31] <Aurora> [RATTLE ME BONES]
  1177. [23:31] <Chinook-GM> 4Rain's turn, but I can guess what''s happening
  1178. 06[23:32] * Rain uses wing burst one number 3 ponie!
  1179. 01[23:32] <Rain> !roll d20
  1180. [23:32] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  1181. [23:33] <Aurora> [Rain.... THEY roll to resist wing buffet]
  1182. [23:33] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20 Skelly says no
  1183. [23:33] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  1184. [23:33] <Chinook-GM> Skelly says wheeee and misses a turn!
  1185. 01[23:34] <Rain> [hue I had a giggle[
  1186. 01[23:34] <Rain> "Ha! Airbending Op pls dont nerf!"
  1187. [23:34] <Chinook-GM> 4New round!
  1188. 01[23:34] <Rain> !roll d20+2
  1189. [23:34] <GameServ> (3) + 2 == 5
  1190. [23:34] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+2
  1191. [23:34] <GameServ> (7) + 2 == 9
  1192. [23:34] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  1193. [23:34] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  1194. [23:35] <High_Tide> !roll d20+2
  1195. [23:35] <GameServ> (19) + 2 == 21
  1196. [23:35] <Chinook-GM> 4Flora?
  1197. 03[23:35] * Star_ (webchat@ has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1198. [23:36] <Flora> !roll 1d20+2 argh!
  1199. [23:36] <GameServ> (4) + 2 == 6
  1200. [23:36] <Chinook-GM> 4Quick, Star, roll for init. Skellies.
  1201. [23:36] <Flora> argh :'C
  1202. 01[23:36] <Rain> [spooky skellies even!]
  1203. [23:37] <Aurora> [spooky skeletons Star, one of them got me with mace!]
  1204. [23:38] <Star_> !roll d20+2 AHH okay init
  1205. [23:38] <GameServ> (18) + 2 == 20
  1206. [23:38] <Star_> [Quick recap, go!]
  1207. [23:38] <Chinook-GM> 4Tide's up!
  1208. [23:38] <Aurora> [quick recap, OMG SKELLYS, KILL EM]
  1209. [23:38] <Star_> [Alright, good enough!]
  1210. 06[23:38] * High_Tide hefts his shield up, chasing after the recently stunned skeleton. "Third time's the charm!"
  1211. [23:38] <High_Tide> !roll d20+-3
  1212. [23:38] <GameServ> (10) + -3 == 7
  1213. [23:38] <Star_> [I fuckin' TOLD YOU NOT TO TAKE THE KEY]
  1214. [23:38] <High_Tide> [fak]
  1215. [23:38] <Chinook-GM> [Got some herbs and an alembic from dark hallway room which used shellfish key, went down brighthallway which lead to this room, Rory triggered skellie fight. One's dead, one's weak and one's still good to go]
  1216. [23:39] <Star_> [Dammit, Rora]
  1217. [23:39] <Aurora> [more like skeletons totally fucking ambushed us for no reason]
  1218. [23:39] <Star_> [Alright, I'm good to go...I hope]
  1219. [23:39] <Chinook-GM> 4Tide's sheld is tu hebby DDD:
  1220. [23:39] <Chinook-GM> {>Skrellies face when graverobbers]
  1221. [23:40] <Chinook-GM> 4Star! Do a thing!
  1222. 06[23:41] * High_Tide dents the floor as he misses the skeleton. "Damnit!"
  1223. [23:41] <Chinook-GM> 4Your turn, Star.
  1224. 06[23:41] * Star_ assesses the situation and feels a lethal dose of magic is in order. He aims at the skeleton Tide meant to hit
  1225. 01[23:41] <Rain> "Try going for the one tha tI knocked down!"
  1226. [23:41] <Star_> !roll d4 Missilemissilemissilemissile
  1227. [23:41] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1228. [23:41] <Cury> [the spooky battle stil goes on? :o]
  1229. [23:42] <Aurora> [o-one of them gave me a boo boo]
  1230. 01[23:42] <Rain> [yes and amazingly only got hit once!]
  1231. 01[23:42] <Rain> [...yeah we need to figure out healing really really badly]
  1232. [23:42] <Cury> [neat! show them not to spoop rora]
  1233. [23:42] <Chinook-GM> 4It hits and causes its bones to shudder, but it slowly recovers!
  1234. [23:42] <Star_> "Fuck! It has Dry Bones properties!"
  1235. [23:43] <Chinook-GM> 4The less wounded sword wielding skeleton attacks Rain!
  1236. [23:43] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  1237. [23:43] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1238. [23:43] <Chinook-GM> [How many 1's is that now?]
  1239. 01[23:43] <Rain> "Hahahaha!" Rain giggles as the skeleton trips over two left tibias
  1240. 01[23:43] <Rain> [alot[
  1241. [23:43] <High_Tide> [at least 4]
  1242. [23:44] <High_Tide> [not counting when Star and I lit ourselves on fire]
  1243. [23:44] <Chinook-GM> [visbfy dbdj bd ue ruwhnfv jfb kehb]
  1244. [23:44] <Aurora> [HUE I forgot that]
  1245. [23:44] <Star_> [We really got 'burned' on those rolls, eh Tide?]
  1246. [23:44] <Star_> [Eh?]
  1247. [23:44] <Star_> [Eeeeh?]
  1248. [23:44] <Chinook-GM> [/me deds Star]
  1249. [23:44] <Star_> [...I miss Lemon ;.;]
  1250. [23:44] <High_Tide> [/me smacks Star]
  1251. [23:45] <Chinook-GM> [4MAN UP, BOY.]
  1252. 06[23:45] * Aurora stands back up after getting hit by a skelly mace, growling angrily "You'll get it for THAT!" drawing her sword up and leaning on her hind legs for just a second "EEERRRAAAAAGHHHH!" swiging her blade with a mighty cleave at the weakened skrillixton
  1253. [23:45] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+3 because all out cooldown :3
  1254. [23:45] <GameServ> (11) + 3 == 14
  1255. 01[23:46] <Rain> "Jesus Rora calm down! Jeeze!"
  1256. [23:46] <Chinook-GM> 4Hit!
  1257. [23:46] <Aurora> !roll 1d8+1
  1258. [23:46] <GameServ> (4) + 1 == 5
  1259. [23:46] <Aurora> [>dat 5 average]
  1260. 06[23:46] * Flora is jelly
  1261. [23:46] <Chinook-GM> 4The blow is enough to finish it off, a slight ghostly wail is heard before the bones fall apart
  1262. 06[23:47] * Aurora rattles his bones
  1263. 01[23:47] <Rain> [Jesus fuck did Nix just pass his spirit into you?]
  1264. [23:47] <Star_> [Boooo]
  1265. [23:47] <Chinook-GM> 4Flora's turn!
  1266. 01[23:47] <Rain> "Last one you guys I'll keep em pinned!"
  1267. 06[23:47] * Flora can do this... she hopes and goes for a skeletalsmack
  1268. [23:48] <Star_> "This'll be easy, heh. Get 'em, Flora!"
  1269. [23:48] <Flora> !roll 1d20+1
  1270. [23:48] <GameServ> (15) + 1 == 16
  1271. [23:48] <Chinook-GM> 4Batman SFX!
  1272. [23:48] <Aurora> [*confetti falls from the ceiling*]
  1273. [23:48] <Flora> !roll 1d8+1 come on
  1274. [23:48] <GameServ> (1) + 1 == 2
  1275. [23:48] <Aurora> [........]
  1276. [23:48] <Star_> [*BIFF*]
  1277. [23:48] <Aurora> [..... :3]
  1278. [23:48] <Chinook-GM> 4Flora boops the skelly.
  1279. [23:49] <Flora> >mfw
  1280. [23:49] <Chinook-GM> 4Rain's turn!
  1281. 01[23:49] <Rain> [hehehaehau]
  1282. [23:49] <Cury> [huehuehe]
  1283. 06[23:50] * Rain uses Wind Burst on the last Skeleton "Jet Wing!"
  1284. [23:51] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20 Nyet wing
  1285. [23:51] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  1286. [23:51] <Chinook-GM> 4Skrilly's vulnerable!
  1287. [23:51] <Flora> [were timelocking after fight yes?]
  1288. [23:52] <Chinook-GM> [Yeah]
  1289. 03[23:52] * GreenHoof is now known as GreenHoof|Sleep
  1290. [23:52] <Cury> [c'mon guys! I know you cna beat this skrillextong]
  1291. [23:52] <Flora> [good I quit getting embarrassed by skeletoons]
  1292. [23:52] <Flora> [n-night ;_;
  1293. [23:52] <Aurora> [we have one left Flora]
  1294. [23:52] <Aurora> [you could kill this one!]
  1295. [23:53] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+2 for init if necessary
  1296. [23:53] <GameServ> (2) + 2 == 4
  1297. [23:53] <Chinook-GM> 4This is the turn where you all whale on the one skeleton. You cruel fucks.
  1298. [23:53] <Flora> [pls kek hates me]
  1299. [23:53] <Star_> !roll d20+2 init
  1300. [23:53] <GameServ> (2) + 2 == 4
  1301. [23:53] <Aurora> !roll 1d2 before Star, after Star
  1302. [23:53] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1303. [23:53] <Flora> plus it's 1 am and football camp]
  1304. [23:53] <Star_> [No, kek hates *me*]
  1305. 01[23:54] <Rain> !roll d20+2 Init?
  1306. [23:54] <Chinook-GM> 4Since the enemy doesn't get a chance to fight back, you lot just roll to hit it.
  1307. [23:54] <GameServ> (13) + 2 == 15
  1308. 01[23:54] <Rain> [do I get to attak ooor?]
  1309. [23:54] <Chinook-GM> [Yes]
  1310. 01[23:54] <Rain> Neat]!
  1311. [23:54] <High_Tide> !roll d4 for magic missile
  1312. [23:54] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1313. 01[23:55] <Rain> !roll d20+1 Gang Style Beat Down!
  1314. [23:55] <GameServ> (2) + 1 == 3
  1315. 01[23:55] <Rain> [Kek]
  1316. [23:55] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+3 Cleave!
  1317. [23:55] <GameServ> (1) + 3 == 4
  1318. [23:55] <Flora> !roll d8+9 :<
  1319. [23:55] <GameServ> (4) + 9 == 13
  1320. [23:55] <Flora> fuck
  1321. [23:55] <Flora> !roll d8+1
  1322. [23:55] <GameServ> (3) + 1 == 4
  1323. [23:55] <Star_> !roll d20+1 Fight Night
  1324. [23:55] <GameServ> (14) + 1 == 15
  1325. [23:56] <Flora> [still the same
  1326. [23:56] <Star_> !roll d4+1
  1327. [23:56] <GameServ> (2) + 1 == 3
  1328. 02[23:56] * GreenHoof|Sleep ( Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  1329. [23:56] <Aurora> [hit Flora, not damage, hit]
  1330. [23:56] <Chinook-GM> 4Flora, it's not autphit
  1331. [23:56] <Flora> [oh soory i was making a thread post so i missed it]
  1332. [23:56] <Flora> !roll d20+2
  1333. [23:56] <GameServ> (5) + 2 == 7
  1334. 01[23:56] <Rain> [jesus this is one agile skeleton!]
  1335. [23:57] <Chinook-GM> [So does kek just run out of good rolls at 6am or what]
  1336. [23:58] <Chinook-GM> 4New round, Skrilly fights back.
  1337. [23:58] <Aurora> !roll 1d20+2 init again :3
  1338. [23:58] <GameServ> (2) + 2 == 4
  1339. [23:58] <High_Tide> !roll d20+2 init
  1340. [23:58] <GameServ> (14) + 2 == 16
  1341. [23:58] <Flora> !roll d20+2
  1342. [23:58] <GameServ> (1) + 2 == 3
  1343. [23:58] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20 <--- This guy. Hit him.
  1344. [23:58] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  1345. 06[23:58] * Flora fails
  1346. 01[23:59] <Rain> !roll d20+2
  1347. [23:59] <GameServ> (11) + 2 == 13
  1348. [23:59] <Chinook-GM> 4Go Tide
  1349. [23:59] <Flora> [i quit im going to sleep]
  1350. 01[23:59] <Rain> [mk niiight flora!]
  1351. [23:59] <Flora> [inb4 i kill it as a npc]
  1352. [23:59] <Chinook-GM> [g'night]
  1353. [23:59] <High_Tide> !roll d4 for another magic missile "
  1354. [23:59] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1355. Session Time: Sat Jun 21 00:00:00 2014
  1356. [00:00] <High_Tide> "Come on....!"
  1357. [00:00] <Aurora> [NIght Flora, have fun tomorrow!]
  1358. [00:00] <Chinook-GM> 4Sneaky skrilly attack on NPCFlora
  1359. [00:00] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20
  1360. [00:00] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  1361. [00:00] <Chinook-GM> !roll d6 :3
  1362. [00:00] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1363. [00:00] <Aurora> [pffft pls]
  1364. [00:00] <Chinook-GM> :B
  1365. 01[00:00] <Rain> [hahhaha]
  1366. [00:00] <Chinook-GM> 4A light nick on her wither.
  1367. [00:01] <Chinook-GM> 4Go Rain
  1368. 06[00:01] * Rain uses Wind Buffet again! "Aerial Blast!"
  1369. [00:02] <Chinook-GM> !roll d20 NO
  1370. [00:02] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1371. [00:02] <Chinook-GM> okay
  1372. 02[00:02] * FoxTrot_ ( Quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
  1373. 01[00:02] <Rain> [/me has no good damage dealer things so she gonna yissssss]
  1374. 06[00:02] * Rain has strongest wings!
  1375. [00:03] <Aurora> [haha, git gud skeleton]
  1376. 02[00:03] * Flora ( Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  1377. [00:03] <Aurora> !roll 2d20+1 to streamline this all out attack process
  1378. [00:03] <GameServ> (9, 5) + 1 == 15
  1379. [00:03] <Aurora> 10 and 6, fug
  1380. [00:03] <Chinook-GM> [Star_]
  1381. [00:04] <Star_> Hm?]
  1382. [00:04] <Chinook-GM> [You didn't roll for init]
  1383. [00:04] <Star_> [We haven't killed this fucker yet?!]
  1384. [00:04] <Chinook-GM> [No]
  1385. [00:04] <Star_> !roll d20+2 init
  1386. [00:04] <Aurora> [nope!]
  1387. [00:04] <GameServ> (8) + 2 == 10
  1388. [00:05] <Star_> [We are terrible murderhobos]
  1389. 01[00:05] <Rain> [^]
  1390. [00:05] <Chinook-GM> 01Wait til the boss
  1391. 01[00:05] <Rain> [I sometimes think we have a bad habit of being too nice...][
  1392. [00:05] <Aurora> [its becase we have Rain, and Rain can't into murderhobo]
  1393. 01[00:05] <Rain> [Hey! Thast not true!]
  1394. 01[00:06] <Rain> [I can murderhobo just fine watch!]
  1395. [00:06] <Chinook-GM> 4Star, do some damage
  1396. 01[00:06] <Rain> [/me um...bonks Rora with a hoof?]
  1397. [00:07] <Aurora> [/me gains health]
  1398. [00:07] <Aurora> [Star, attack nao pls thank you]
  1399. 06[00:07] * Star_ would shoot a fireball at it, but we know how that's gonna turn out. So he just tries to play kickball with its skull
  1400. [00:07] <Star_> !roll d20+1
  1401. [00:07] <GameServ> (17) + 1 == 18
  1402. [00:08] <Chinook-GM> 4Hit
  1403. [00:08] <Star_> !roll d4+1
  1404. [00:08] <GameServ> (4) + 1 == 5
  1405. 01[00:08] <Rain> [....Dayum]
  1406. [00:08] <Chinook-GM> 4It's dead, ok?
  1407. 01[00:08] <Rain> [Yay!}
  1408. [00:08] <Chinook-GM> 4The skull flies clean off its shoulders and shatters against the wall.
  1409. 01[00:09] <Rain> "Woooow nice kick Star!"
  1410. 01[00:09] <Rain> "Also dibs on the mace!"
  1411. 06[00:09] * Star_ watches the head fly off. "Going...going...gone!~"
  1412. [00:09] <Cury> [rain OMG stop being a hoarder!]
  1413. 06[00:09] * Rain scrurries over to the mace and collects one mace!
  1414. 01[00:09] <Rain> [Shut up look at Rora she wants the armor and the sowrd!]
  1415. [00:09] <Star_> "Hey! I got the kill, I should get the mace!"
  1416. [00:09] <Cury> [you filthy purple jew!]
  1417. 01[00:10] <Rain> "Theres an axe a sword and a couple suits of armor Star, relaaaax!"
  1418. [00:10] <Chinook-GM> 7The ancient weapons of the skeletons aren't in the best condition. An old axe, sword and mace are lootable but they deal d6 and break on a nat 1.]
  1419. 06[00:10] * Aurora hands Star his Cosmo sword back an- hey wait a minute, where did that armor come from, suddenly wearing the adventurer's armor
  1420. 06[00:10] * Rain caress her mace of macyness "I shall call you Strand and you will smash thjings for me realy really reallly well!"
  1421. [00:10] <Chinook-GM> 7Also the tattered scraps of leather armor are near unwearable, and falling apart.
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