
Metal Gear Rising Jump V 1.2

Aug 29th, 2014
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  1. War. War has changed.
  3. Welcome to the world of Metal Gear Rising, where robot ninjas destroy entire Private Military Companies, the sword has outpaced the gun, and the world's economy is semi-dependent on eternal warfare.
  5. All right, you know the drill. Stop being a bitch and spend this shit.
  6. + 1000 CP
  9. Drop-In: Free
  10. You hop into the world, with all your memories intact.
  11. + No memories except your own
  12. + XIFF data comes up unaffiliated
  13. - XIFF data comes up unaffiliated
  14. - No allies or sponsors
  16. Soldier: 50 CP
  17. A career soldier, you are a normal human with normal infantry training, save for some advanced anti-cyborg tactics.
  18. + Military Training
  19. + Free Gear
  20. + Paramilitary Connections
  21. - Cannon fodder. An entire army of soldiers is no match for a cyborg.
  22. - Easily Replaceable.
  23. - A PMC owns your ass. Expect to fight for whoever is paying the most, regardless of cause.
  25. Cyborg Soldier: 250 CP
  26. You come from a family of career soldiers. Due to your family's extensive history on the battlefield, and your excessive amount of debt, you have been forced to become a cyborg soldier. Enjoy the regenerating health and nigh-bulletproofness, as well as the super strength, speed, and endurance.
  27. + One shitty HF Machete
  28. + Paramilitary Sponsored
  29. + Regeneration so fast, cuts vanish in seconds.
  30. + Extremely sturdy due to being made of metal and shit
  31. +Access to cyborg upgrades
  32. - Corporate Whore. Your survival literally depends on how well you can please your PMC. They can outright refuse to give you the medications, surgeries or the electrolyte paste you need to survive.
  33. - While not totally defenseless against a top-tier cyborg like Raiden, running is easily your best bet.
  34. - Due to fear suppressing Nanomachines, you couldn't run if you wanted to.
  35. - Shit-ton of debt
  37. Desperado Corporate Mascot: 400 CP
  38. Custom weapons, gear, body, you name it. At this level, you practically ARE the PMC.
  39. + Higher amount of freedom.
  40. + Custom Civilian and Combat Bodies
  41. + Access to cyborg upgrades
  42. + Wind Related Codename
  43. + Tragic Past
  44. - FORCED Tragic Past
  45. - Oh shit, think of a wind related codename that has something to do with the geographical location you've been to that defines you most.
  46. - Forced to work for PMC in order to maintain custom body, similar to Cyborg Soldier.
  47. - Since so much of your body has been replaced by cybernetics, you need extreme amounts of money just to maintain it.
  48. - You are a walking patent. The technology in your body is so expensive and secretive, that if there is even the slightest of chances you might lose a battle, your PMC will detonate your body in order to prevent competitors from learning their trade secrets.
  50. _________________________________________Places_______________________________________
  52. Fuck you, coming soon.
  53. _______________________________________Skills__________________________________________
  54. Basic Marksman: 50 (Free for Soldier)
  55. You can hit things with a gun reliably and accurately, at least enough to not get killed in conventional warfare. Furthermore, your accuracy never wanes due to stress or environmental activity, save for natural disasters and the like.
  57. High Frequency Blade Training: 100
  58. You can block bullets and cut through objects with ease. Doesn't mean shit in an actual sword fight, but you can cut through peasants with guns.
  60. Cut at will: 100
  61. You cut only what you wish and it falls apart only when you want it to. That is, assuming you can cut it.
  63. Switching Ports: 400
  64. You come up with ingenious ways of solving problems, thinking outside the box. How do you do it? Check the back of the box for a clue...
  66. VR Training: 300
  67. Practice makes perfect, right? You move almost autonomously, using moves perfected in your two years of VR training. Most combat related actions gained in this jump occur reflexively, allowing you to concentrate on other things. As a bonus, repeating the same thing over and over again allows you to add your own spin to it, without ruining the practicality.
  69. CQC: 600 (Discount for Drop-in)
  70. Real Big Boss, huh? You are now an expert of Close Quarters Combat, allowing you to turn an opposing force's numerical superiority into a weapon against them. Your spatial awareness is also improved, and you are aware of everything in about a 3 meter radius of you. Combined with a cyborg's better strength and speed, and one can non-lethally defeat entire armies of soldiers, so long as they are within grabbing distance.
  72. Master Swordsman: 600 (Discount for Desperado Corporate Mascot)
  73. You are a master of your preferred weapon style, and are able to defeat most people in a one-on-one fight, so long as your weapon is within reach.
  76. _____________________________Cyborg Skills and UPGRADES_________________________________
  80. *Upgraded Vision: 50 (Free for Cyborg Soldier)
  81. Comes with IR sensors, Enemy Movement Prediction, Energy Usage, and amplified vision.
  83. Van-Der-Waals’ Footwear: 200
  84. You can now run up walls by exploiting Van-Der-Waal’s force somehow. With practice, you can even run on water.
  86. Grenade Pack: 200
  87. Just a pack of 30 grenades. 10 Fragmentation, 10 EMP, 10 Red Phosphorus. Supplies replenish monthly.
  88. For 50 CP more, replace these with their cyborg variants, which are too heavy for normal humans to throw, but are also more effective.
  90. Custom HF Weapon: 200
  91. You get to design your weapon. Less shitty than a mass produced weapon, this will probably hold up in combat over long periods of time.
  93. Upgraded Cybernetic Organ: 300
  94. You have an upgraded cybernetic limb of some kind. Confers all advantages of being a cyborg save for the healing, but only to that limb. One can incorporate one Cyborg exclusive upgrade into said limb.
  96. Standard Cyborg Body: 400 (Free for Cyborg Soldier)
  97. Your standard Cyborg’s body. Anything short of 50. BMG does scratch damage, and while high-powered weapons do hurt, you can still walk them off. Light to moderate damage is healed via a Nano-Repair Cache inside the body, which dispenses Nano-Repair paste to heal cybernetic organs. Cache must be replaced when supply is exhausted.
  99. Specialized Cyborg Body: 500 (Free for Desperado Corporate Mascot)
  100. In addition to being far superior to the standard body in strength, speed, reaction time and dexterity, your body has some sort of gimmick to it that helps in combat. Maybe it emits Chaff and Red Phosphorus smoke, or it can detach into pieces, or it has guns in its arms, or something.
  102. Zandatsu Approved!: 500
  103. Instead of a specialized body with gimmicks, you get a specialized body capable of absorbing Nano-Repair paste and electrolytes directly from Caches stored in other cyborgs. By cutting them open, one can extract their... fluids, and completely repair themselves and recharge their batteries.
  105. Civilian Cyborg Body: 200 (Free for Desperado Corporate Mascot)
  106. Allows you to walk around with the civilian population without being arrested for being a living WMD. Still, doesn’t look quite like a real person. Expect the Uncanny Valley.
  108. Exoskeleton: 300
  109. Not as good as a real cyborg body, and doesn’t really protect or heal the way a cyborg body does either. But it does amplify strength and speed to near cyborg levels, and it is removable. Just hope you have the reflexes to deal with it. Semi-rare.
  111. *Electromagnets: 500
  112. You can lift anything with metal components, so long as those metal components are magnetic. Costs large amounts of energy. There is a 50 ton limit, but this can be improved if one knows how.
  114. *Reactive Armor: 500
  115. It’s like normal armor, but explosive. Comes in about three foot by one foot rectangles, and you get six of them. Do with them as you wish.
  117. *Modular Parts: 500
  118. In exchange for being slightly more brittle than your average cyborg of your class, you have the ability to repair limbs and organs on the field by stealing them from dead units.
  120. High Frequency Manufacture: 300
  121. A blade launderer, huh? Anyways, you can now make a HF blade out of anything you want. Depending on the original craftsmanship of the weapon, it could be good or shit. But if you picked this, you probably have something in mind. Must be a physical object. No lightsabers and the like.
  123. Masterpiece Weapon: 500 (Discount Drop-In)
  124. Your weapon is a work of art. A tool of superb craftsmanship before it became a High Frequency weapon, now it is almost unmatched in strength and sharpness. Furthermore, it can be modified to incorporate a Ballistic Sheath, allowing for bullet-fast draws.
  125. _____________________________________Drawbacks_______________________________________
  126. Limit of 500, I’ll get to balancing in a bit.
  128. Pervert!: 100
  129. Your libido gets the best of you, even in battle. Stopping to glance at Holographic hookers in the middle of a fight is nothing new to you, and if you see anything resembling pornographic material, you are reduced to a drooling mess. While this doesn't affect you in battle for too long, it still allows people to sneak past you when you are to be guarding something.
  131. Lag: 200 (Cyborg Only)
  132. Your neural connections are faulty. There is a slight, but noticeable delay between when you decide to move and when you actually start moving. You have learned to compensate as best as possible, but this still affects your combat performance.
  134. Predictable: 200
  135. You attack in simple, easy to predict patterns, and do so without realizing it. While said patterns are enough to deal with foes in short encounters, rematches and drawn out battles are not your friends.
  137. Tragic Past: 300
  138. You are officially bat-shit insane. Due to a tragic childhood, you now suffer from PTSD and the urge to tell your life's story to any enemy who lasts more than half a minute in combat with you. Semi-useful as a distraction in combat, but let it be known that it has never saved the life of anyone using it as such.
  140. No Nano-Repair Organs: 300 (Cyborg Only)
  141. You do not heal naturally, due to a lack of Nano-Repair paste generating organs in your body. You must pay out the ass for even minor scratches to be repaired.
  143. No Hero Insurance: 400
  144. See that really cool explosion from when you kicked that guy into the building? You’re gonna pay for that. Literally, any collateral damage dealt by you, your enemies, or your soldiers will be paid for by you, either by a massive dock in pay if a Soldier or Cyborg Soldier, or directly by you if Drop-In or Desperado Corporate Mascot.
  146. Raiden’s Hit List: 400
  147. Raiden has a personal vendetta against you, and will stop at nothing until he kills you. Even if you defeat him, he almost always survives. And with his support team analyzing his combat data and making adjustments to his cyborg body, the same tricks won’t work twice against him.
  149. I Fought The Law: 600
  150. A major PMC is out for your head. Someone shelled out the big bucks for someone to kill you, and everyone wants to cash in. Furthermore, your parent PMC is divided over whether they should kill you for the money or not. If you are a Soldier or Cyborg Soldier, your own company is probably after you. If a corporate mascot, they'll want to keep you around as long as possible, but won't "officially" sponsor you, which means suspended without pay.
  152. ________________________________________________Extra______________________
  153. Without proper maintenance, a military cyborg will stop functioning withing two weeks. The brain will die three days later.
  155. Cyborg parts are expensive for anyone who isn't a PMC. PMC's get parts cheaper because they manufacture them, and thereby run a monopoly on military grade cyborg parts.
  157. Civilian cyborgs are generally self contained, and do not require much more than a 7500 calorie diet daily.
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