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Aug 27th, 2016
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  1. IGN: ckamps
  2. Full name: Cooper Kamps
  3. Skype: ckamps2020
  4. Age: 17
  5. If you are under the age of 18, would your parents be alright with signing the NDA discussed above? Yes
  6. How many hours a week can you commit to programming things for Badlion? 20-30
  7. How many years of programming experience do you have? 2 1/2
  8. What programming languages do you know? Java, HTML, CSS, C++
  9. What programming languages are you fluent in (at least 3-6 months)? Java
  10. What is Object Oriented Programming in your own words? Object oriented programming is the language model used to represent objects or data rather than actions.
  11. Define what Abstraction is in your own words. Abstraction is hiding certain details while leaving essentials features of the object visible. In short terms, it deals with the outer side of a object.
  12. What is the difference between source files and compiled files? Source files contains the raw code which is known as a .java file, while compiled files means that it is a .class file and is a compiled version of the .java file.
  15. What are the 8 basic data types in Java? Boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, double
  16. What is the difference between a List and a Set? A list is an ordered collection, which can be accessed via their integer index vs a set is a collection that contains no duplicates and can not contain more than one null element.
  17. What is the difference between a List and a Map? A list is an ordered collection, which can be accessed via their integer index vs a map stores “keys” to access values inside of the map. A map can not store more than one value.
  18. What does the keyword "static" do and mean? Static means that method can be accessed without requiring an instance of the class to which it belongs
  19. What does the keyword "final" do and mean? A final method can not be overridden by subclasses
  20. What does the keyword "new" do and mean? New is used to create a instance of a class or an array object whilst allocating more memory
  21. How can you properly clean up memory so that you do not create memory leaks? Assuming that you need to clean up immediately, you could call System.gc() to run the garbage collector immediately.
  22. What is the difference between an interface and a class? A class can only contain things such as methods and constants, while interfaces can only contain constants and method stubs.
  23. What is a jar file? A jar file is a package format for multiple java class files and other files included
  26. What is a plugin? A plugin is a jar file that is run on the server in the plugins folder, that modifies the already existing Vanilla experience in game, or can modify backend server properties.
  27. What is a command? A command is a in game utility that allows a player to execute actions via typing plain text into the chat bar.
  28. What is an event? A event is something that is triggered when one of the many events in the spigot api is called, such as a player joining, or a player interacting with a villager.
  29. What is a listener? A listener is a simple interface for tagging all event listeners
  30. Where is the best place to go and look things up if you are not sure about if something exists in the API or not? The spigot javadocs is the best place to go if you’re not sure about something in the API
  33. What is a plugin? A plugin in a bungeecord plugins folder, can modify the proxy to do new things, or to handle data, or to handle commands. The plugin is placed in the plugins folder.
  34. What is a command? A command is a in game utility that allows a player to execute actions via typing plain text into the chat bar.
  35. What is an event? A event is something that is triggered when one of the many events in the spigot api is called, such as a player joining, or a player interacting with a villager.
  36. What is a listener? A listener is a simple interface for tagging all event listeners
  37. Where is the best place to go and look things up if you are not sure about if something exists in the API or not? The best place to go, is the bungeecord javadocs and the spigot wiki section regarding bungeecord.
  40. (I do not know Python)
  41. What is the difference between a list and a dictionary? Can't Answer
  42. What is a lambda? Can't Answer
  43. What is a class vs a definition? Can't Answer
  44. What does "@classmethod" do and mean? Can't Answer
  45. What does the keyword "self" do and mean? Can't Answer
  46. What does the "__init__" function do and mean in a class? Can't Answer
  49. What does "SELECT" mean? A “SELECT” returns records from a certain table you specify
  50. What does "UPDATE" mean? A “UPDATE” is used to change or update values in a certain table
  51. What does "INSERT" mean? A “INSERT” is used to insert one or more rows into a data table with certain column values
  52. What does "DELETE" mean? A “DELETE” is used to delete records in a table
  53. What is a column? A column is a set of data values of one certain type
  54. What is a row? Rows contain data for columns
  55. What is a subquery? Can you give an example of one? A subquery is a query that is inside of a WHERE clause of another query. “WHERE TEST = (SELECT TEST FROM TESTTABLE WHERE RANDOMCONDITIONS);”
  56. What is a primary key? A unique key? A key? A unique key is a unique identifier for each record in a database table, and a primary key inherits the uniqueness from the unique key, but also provides uniqueness for a column and set of columns. A key is a field in a data table which identifies each row in a table.
  59. Write an algorithm that takes in an input of a list of integers (numbers), sorts them, and then returns/produces the sorted list. Please do not use any sorting libraries/tools built into Python/Java (e.g. .sort() methods). I want you to write this from scratch by yourself. Numbers: 84, 25, 16, 98, 5, 78, 25, 71, 2, 12, 24, 72: or
  61. Write a basic storage system that will take an integer (number) as an input and store it in memory for later use/retrieval. Only numbers within the range of 0-100 are permitted (no less than zero and no higher than 100). This storage system should return specific results or complain if duplicates are detected, invalid data, or non-existing data. or
  63. Write a function that takes two points as input that contain a x, y, and z field and determine if they are within 10 of each other or not. or
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