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Time Limbo Rules

a guest
Apr 1st, 2016
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  1. Rules of Time Limbo:
  3. 1. Please respect the admins
  4. 2. For that matter be respectful to all. No insulting beliefs, race, ocs, ooc users, etc. This is meant to be a fun environment and we wish to ensure that. If you want to provide someone with constructive criticism that's fine but please don't attack them.
  5. 3. We don't want to ban you but if necessary we will. You will be warned in advance to stop what it is that is putting you at risk of ban, and if you do not that is your own choice. Second chances may be given if a plea is made.
  6. 4. Do not spam. You will be warned once and then kicked.
  7. 5. Do not be unnecessarily rude or disrespectful towards anyone. Try to settle things in a civil manner. You will of course be asked to stop otherwise, and kicked should you fail to comply.
  8. 6. Do not metagame. This should be given.
  9. 7. Do not god-mod. This should also be given.
  10. 8a. No going trickster without a trigger. Characters that are tricksters at all times are an exception, on the condition that they aren't over the top.
  11. 8b. Your character is not allowed to carry around their trigger with them.
  12. 9. If you have a self insert, please just treat them as a character and not as yourself. The moment they become a thing of rp any knowledge you gain ooc is separate from what they know and should be treated as such.
  13. 10. You are allowed to have no more than 3 accounts on the memo at the same time. Pesterchum glitch-outs are the exception, don't worry.
  14. 11. No unreadable colors. You will be asked to change it otherwise.
  15. 12. No unreadable quirks. You will be asked to turn it off or make a new one otherwise. If a quirk is not readable on mobile you will be alerted.
  16. 13. No forcing sex upon other characters. No warning. Instantaneous kick. Next offense is a ban.
  18. 15a. No permanent damage or killing of another person's character without their consent. They have the right to say no, and you MUST respect that.
  19. 15b. If you allow this to be done to your character, there's no going back on it 5 minutes later. You allowed it, it's your fault. Revival is always an option. See the following rule.
  20. 16a. No irrational revival of your character. God-tier revival is okay as long as the conditions are met. Other people reviving your character is allowed as long as it makes sense. I request that you don't just have them abruptly revive for no reason because you feel like it. It isn't interesting for roleplay. Incorporate something into their plot, ask a friend ooc to have their character do it, keep it interesting
  21. 16b. See the ghost clause
  22. 17. No impersonating someone else's character without their permission.
  23. 18. No bringing in large quarrels from other memos. A minor argument or strife will be allowed at most as long as it doesn't get out of hand.
  24. 19a. Master classes are generally frowned upon (disallowed) but if you can adequately plead your case it may be considered.
  25. 19b. High levels of abuse of god-tier powers *cough* prince destruction *cough* will not be permitted.
  26. 20. Unless you roleplay as a canon first guardian (i.e doc scratch) your character is in no way allowed to be connected to the green sun.
  27. 21. As this has yet to be clarified: this map takes place on a continent of sorts in person. Some characters may not use pesterchum/trollian, so contacting them in that manner is not an option often times.
  28. 22. Only canon god tiers and classes please. They are the easiest to reference to check ability and restrictions. I'm sorry if you're used to having a character have a fan made god tier, but it will not be permitted here.
  29. 23. If you have issues with someone ooc, please keep it ooc. If your character ends up hating them for a reason during the roleplay, that is fine, but don't let it be reason-less please.
  30. 24. If you're going to NSFW, take it to a PM. Don't do it in public. We don't need to see that.
  31. 25. We do our best to avoid triggering material in the memo, and as should be no surprise character suicide qualifies as "triggering material". I'm not going to tell you that you can't do it but please please please don't do it in the memo. Leave it as an implied thing.
  32. 26. No offense but please don't advertise other memos. Like if you're gonna name drop it in reference that's one thing but don't promote it in favor of the memo. We try really hard to keep it running and it's kinda disrespectful.
  33. 27. Please, if you're going to do anything MASSIVE that could effect the planet or anything really, run it by me first. This does not mean i will necessarily say no, bear in mind, but it is POSSIBLE.
  34. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  35. Facts about the land:
  36. 1. There are commonly large birds flying the skies of this dimension.
  37. 2. The planet currently contains only 2 continents, as well as one large ocean
  38. 3. Unlike previously, there are now stars far off in the distance. If your character manages to make it all the way past that they will encounter a white void containing absolutely nothing
  39. 4. Animals do exist here other than the birds. Don't worry
  40. 5. Upon entering, something may feel missing, though you may not quite be able to pin down what this is. Depending on how quickly your character adapts, it should become normal eventually.
  41. 6. All plants and wildlife that reside in the Glow in the Dark field, part of the river it contains, luceat wasteland, Condentis lake, Frigore Arctic, and Tibadaque Tundra glow in the dark. They also seem strangely incapable of leaving these areas. Snow in these areas also glow in the dark. What's worth noting is that the snow in the charred forest ALSO glows in the dark.
  42. 7. Though time does not technically exist, day and night seems to pass on a 24 hour schedule on my time (Easter time zone in the US because Ohio)
  43. 8. Anything that this place doesn't do to itself in terms of damage is undone at the end of each day. Structures being built remain.
  44. 9. For some odd reason, the vast majority of plants are incapable of growing in the charred forest (tell me where it's from and i'll tell you if it can). they can be planted but they will often just disappear.
  45. 10. Only plants from the glow in the dark areas are capable of growing in the glow in the dark areas. Much like the charred forest if something from elsewhere is introduced it will likely disappear shortly after.
  46. 11. Anyone in the cities or any native npcs will inform you that the continent with Plena is called Cessum, the continent with Torpet is called Hibernas, and the planet is called Inanitas. It is not called Time Limbo. While that may be the name of the memo it is a a nickname that only rped characters refer to it as.
  47. 12. There is a large foundry made of metal in the Luceat Wasteland. Unpermitted access to my own knowledge is nearly impossible.
  48. 13. As of late in the middle of the Charred forest a small cluster of glow in the dark trees have begun to spring up. The cluster contains around 100-120 at this moment in time.
  49. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  50. The Ghost Clause:
  52. The ghost clause is a large exception to rule 16. Should your character die in a way that should be permanent, you have the option to revive them as a ghost character. As a ghost character, they have the option to be visible or invisible to others. However, making your character a ghost is not without consequence. They are able to talk with others, however they are intangible and unable to make any contact while in ghost form. The exception to this is any angel or demon character can CHOOSE to physically touch the ghost. Also, they cannot possess inanimate objects. Making your character a ghost also forbids proper revival for three days, no matter the circumstances. On top of this, they may not be unghosted without the RPers consent. This goes for normal revival as well. Should they wish to physically interact with someone, they must find a CONSENSUAL host to possess, and the possession must occur in-memo. Sorry, but just coming in with your ghost in a random body will not be permitted. If you want to make another character for them to be possessing, that's fine, but that character must interact in-memo and have proof of character creation. Finally, your character is allowed to be a ghost for no more than 2 months. After that you either find a legitimate way to revive them or they're gone for good.
  53. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  54. Owner information:
  57. My main handle is lonelyFandommist. Feel free to PM me if you need anything. If necessary, you may contact me at I will assign admins as time progresses.
  58. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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