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a guest
Aug 1st, 2012
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  1. <Crespi> what is your problem
  2. <Crespi> i have no idea who you are but you seem to know me well enough to call me a shit medic who should quit tf2 on a public irc
  3. <euphhy> aye
  4. <euphhy> its fucking pugna
  5. <euphhy> are you new?
  6. <Crespi> slightly
  7. <euphhy> lol
  8. <euphhy> its basically
  9. <euphhy> lobbies
  10. <euphhy> with the people that know everyone getting picked
  11. <euphhy> and calling everyone else shit
  12. <euphhy> welcome to
  13. <Crespi> yeah
  14. <Crespi> it's not that bad though
  15. <Crespi> at least you get a somewhat accurate representation of 6s
  16. <Crespi> compared to lobbies
  17. <Crespi> but yeah, they're just pugs
  18. <euphhy> you should definately pu
  19. <euphhy> pug
  20. <euphhy> somewhere else
  21. <euphhy> until u get better
  22. <Crespi> but still a lot of realy good players come here
  23. <euphhy> the skill level of pugna decreases everytime someone joins
  24. <euphhy> yeah
  25. <Crespi> until i get bette?
  26. <euphhy> it used to be like open+
  27. <Crespi> who the fuck are you man?
  28. <euphhy> now theres kids who can barely lobby
  29. <euphhy> im euphhy
  30. <Crespi> have you ever played with me?
  31. <euphhy> nope
  32. <Crespi> then shut the fuck up
  33. <Crespi> pure is my mentor
  34. <euphhy> you sound mad
  35. <euphhy> OMFG
  36. <euphhy> pure
  37. <Crespi> i'm not some fucking pub star lobby newb
  38. <euphhy> who the fuck is that
  39. <euphhy> pyyyour?
  40. <Crespi> yes idiot, pyyyour
  41. <euphhy> lol
  42. <euphhy> thats cool
  43. <Crespi> brad ross
  44. <euphhy> u have a mentor
  45. <euphhy> you should just skip esea and go to lan
  46. <Crespi> lol
  47. <Crespi> i get it now
  48. <Crespi> you're one of those players who's pretty good, but not really good enough to have that invite swag
  49. <Crespi> so you pick on people who aren't as experienced as your
  50. <Crespi> you'll probably hav eplenty of swag by the time you get to invite
  51. <Crespi> if you ever get there that is
  52. <Crespi> good luck
  53. <euphhy> alrighty dude
  54. <euphhy> when i get there ill say u got me there
  55. <Crespi> don't
  56. <Crespi> because invite is trash
  57. <Crespi> and i have on interest in it
  58. <Crespi> but thanks anyways :D
  59. <euphhy> kdude
  60. <euphhy> cya next season
  61. <euphhy> we can continue this ingame chat
  62. <Crespi> k
  63. <Crespi> but you picked the wrong "newb" to fuck with :)
  64. <Crespi> you're never going to hear the end of it
  65. <euphhy> k
  66. <euphhy> i guess
  67. <euphhy> i really dont care
  68. <Crespi> k
  69. <euphhy> u play medic
  70. <Crespi> yeah
  71. <euphhy> its not difficult
  72. <euphhy> i should know
  73. <Crespi> lol
  74. <Crespi> yeah medic in 6s is super easy
  75. <Crespi> i've probably got more hours medic that you do your whole tf2 on record
  76. <Crespi> probably as soldier too
  77. <euphhy> thats neat lemme go and play medic for hours on end and still be worse than someone who has less hours played
  78. <euphhy> i doubt that comment helped u
  79. <euphhy> but k
  80. <Crespi> k thats neat lemme go be presumptuous and call someone a shit player who i've never seen play before
  81. <Crespi> that comment really helped you
  82. <Crespi> lol you're funny
  83. <Crespi> i love it when people in comp try to pick on new people
  84. <Crespi> even if they're not really even new
  85. <euphhy> k
  86. <Crespi> even i know that shit's not cool
  87. <euphhy> k
  88. <Crespi> tf2lobby exists for people like you bro, you should stick there
  89. <euphhy> k
  90. <Crespi> lol
  91. <Crespi> what's the matter?
  92. <Crespi> won't add me on steam?
  93. <Crespi> scared i'll look at your stats?
  94. <Crespi> but i already did
  95. <Crespi> and i know who you are now
  96. <Crespi> and you're an absolute joke
  97. <Crespi> thanks for the laugh, kid!
  98. <Crespi> lol, cat got your tongue now
  99. <euphhy> what now
  100. <euphhy> i was afk
  101. <euphhy> lol
  102. <Crespi> you were'nt afk
  103. <Crespi> i saw your messages in the channel
  104. <Crespi> you saw my messages bitch, don't ask me to repeat myself
  105. <euphhy> ik i saw them
  106. <euphhy> that was what the lol was for
  107. <Crespi> i bet
  108. <Crespi> you're pathetic
  109. <Crespi> i looked at your stats and lol'd for real, not the just typing lol, i actually laughed out loud irl
  110. <Crespi> i've seen you play too
  111. <Crespi> played against you as well
  112. <euphhy> where?
  113. <Crespi> i can't wait to crush you and whatever team of teenybopper trolls your on with
  114. <euphhy> 142.7 hrs past 2 weeks
  115. <euphhy> nice
  116. <euphhy> oh those lobbies i play
  117. <euphhy> yeah
  118. <euphhy> i fuck around in lobbies
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