
Cellie and Luna Encounter Haggis

Jan 4th, 2017
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  1. From thread:
  5. >"I give you a great delicacy from my homeland," you say. "HAGGIS!"
  6. >Celestia and Luna stare at the...thing on the banquet table in front of them. "My, Ambassador," says Celestia. "It's certainly...diffferent."
  7. >You'd made it according to your family recipe, with the help of the Griffon chefs who were still snickering about the whole thing,
  8. >Really, you can't stand the stuff, but you've got a bet going with Gareth Silverwing the Griffon ambassador that you can get them to eat it. You're going to win it if it kills you.
  9. >Luna reaches a hoof out and pokes it. The outer casing breaks and releases a gout of noxious steam with a vile flatulent noise.
  10. >Startled, the two diarchs hide most of their bodies under the table, peeking over the edge of the table with wide eyes are the horrible thing.
  11. >"It is considered a great honor to be served this dish, back on my world," you say. "A great honor indeed."
  12. >Luna speaks. "So this...haggard--"
  13. >"Haggis," you correct."
  14. >" IS vegetarian, yes?"
  15. "Completely," you say. Butter wouldn't melt in your mouth.
  16. >Celestia is turning several pale shades of delicate green, but she visibly steels herself. She sits up straight, and reaches out to grab the huge bottle of brown whiskey beside the platter.
  17. >She upends it and begins chugging it. Both you and Luna watch along with the kitchen staff, fascinated.
  18. >Glug...glug...glug..
  19. >it's amazing. She puts the whole thing down, gestures for another, and in the space of a minute, she's drank two more. With an unsteady hoof she tosses the last bottle aside and it shatters on the floor
  20. >"Gimme a plate," she slurrs out, her face flushed and her eyes dilated. "Letsh do thish thing an' get it done"
  21. >her eyes hopeless with inescapable panic Luna looks over at the waitstaff. "I'll have the same," she mutters. "And two more besides" >Grimly she regards the great round monstrosity you're carving into thick slices
  22. >"I guess we're really going to do this"
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