
Unfinished Stories

Aug 1st, 2013
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  1. Unfinished stories will be posted and updated here.
  2. These stories have not been proofread nor edited, read at your own discretion.
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Spontaneous Twilicorn Story (Line 24)
  6. About: Written on the spot after the Season 3 finale. Less than spontaneous now. Not much here.
  7. Leaving (Line 87)
  8. About: Theoretical ending for Spontaneous Twilicorn Story. Mostly angsty dialogue.
  9. The Donor (Line 134)
  10. About: Idea for a story where Anonymous is the scientific creation of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Why did she create him?
  11. Outside (Line 155)
  12. About: Some kind of weird artsy bullshit thing.
  13. Return to Sender (Line 211)
  14. About: My first attempt at writing AiE, ever. Drama involving Anon and the princesses. Pretty standard AiE schlop.
  15. Repeat (Line 255)
  16. About: Imagine 50 First Dates but even more contrived.
  17. Cramped Spaces (Line 357)
  18. About: Anon and the Mane 6 shoved into a small room together for a week. (This was a prompt someone gave
  19. to KrustyKoala, and I decided to steal it.)
  20. Not-So Q&A (Line 430) [Not a story]
  21. About: Questions you may or may not have get answered.
  23. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. Spontaneous Twilicorn Story
  26. >Yes, you had a crush on Twilight Sparkle.
  27. >Maybe it was her looks that had enticed you.
  28. >It could have been her intelligence.
  29. >Or perhaps, it was because she was unlike any pony you had ever met in this world full of those creatures.
  30. >Despite her bookishness, she was an open and kind mare.
  31. >She had a certain sophistication about her yet at the same time it was not completely alienating.
  32. >Yet you could not stop yourself from being intimidated.
  33. >After a number of months, you finally built up the courage to ask her out.
  34. >All of the normal excuses had passed through your mind.
  35. >She’s out of your league.
  36. >You’re out of her league.
  37. >She’ll never say yes to the only member of a foreign species.
  38. >But she did.
  39. >Twilight Sparkle said yes.
  40. >Those regular library visits had not been in vain.
  41. >And so, you spent the following time preparing for your date.
  42. >You were determined to start a relationship with her.
  43. >Even if the date didn’t go well, maybe the two of you could just continue on as friends.
  44. >Yeah, you were kind of a nervous wreck.
  45. >But there was no time to be a beta faggot, you had a date to get ready for.
  46. >You had a new pair of some more ‘formal’ attire made just for the occasion.
  47. >The perfect restaurant in town had been chosen and your reservations were made and ready.
  48. >It was going to be a wonderful night, and you were going to be ready for it.
  49. >But oh, that Twilight Sparkle…
  50. >She just had to go and become a fucking princess.
  52. >Seriously, what the hell was up with that?
  53. >It just came out of nowhere for you.
  54. >Who knew the princess could just create other alicorns?
  55. >Whatever, those pointless details didn’t matter.
  56. >The point is it fucked everything over for you.
  57. >Once Twilight became an alicorn, she moved to the castle in Canterlot immediately.
  58. >And that was that.
  59. >You were just left there, waiting for a date that wasn’t even in town anymore.
  60. >It made you feel more than just embarrassed when you left that restaurant.
  61. >After asking around town you’d learned about what happened.
  62. >About everything.
  63. >Twilight becoming a princess.
  64. >Her moving to Canterlot.
  65. >The coronation you weren’t even invited to.
  66. >That probably hurt the most.
  67. >And the confusion it sprung was poisonous
  68. >But you two still had to be friends, right?
  69. >Sometimes, you wondered…
  70. >You hoped that you’d hear from her, but a week your fear of just being forgotten completely overtook you.
  71. >That’s why you had boarded the express train to Canterlot, and were currently headed there right now.
  72. >No more sitting around, you had to be the one to pursue this relationship.
  73. >Maybe you really did have that big of a crush on her, or maybe you were that desperate for someone.
  74. >Either way, you were bringing the situation back to her attention.
  75. >Of course this wasn’t entirely about a missed date.
  76. >Twilight and you had been pretty good friends before all this.
  77. >She had played a vital role in your life adjustments.
  78. >Perhaps it was then that you realized you harbored feelings for her.
  79. >When she said yes, you were certain she shared those same feelings.
  81. >Yet here you are, alone on a train to Canterlot, chasing after a mare that left without a single word.
  82. >Not a single notice.
  83. >Why hadn’t anypony bothered to tell you?
  84. >Why hadn’t you been invited to that damn coronation?
  86. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. Leaving
  89. >The air hung still in the air, holding with it a specific heaviness.
  90. >Shallow puddles reflected the clouds on the streets, their grays bleeding into each other.
  91. >Sounds filled the air: common chit-chat, friendly laughter, the stepping of hooves, even the quietest of hushed whispers met your ears, yet they were not welcomed in.
  92. >You gave no heed to the noise or to the passing glances that stayed in your direction.
  93. >Let them stare and wonder.
  94. >It was solely you and her as you walked down the station platform.
  95. >Twilight Sparkle, you, and the silence that connected the two of you.
  96. >The dreariness was yours, or perhaps yours was the dreariness instead.
  97. >All the waiting was agonizing; you did not believe patience to be a virtue.
  98. >But the inevitable had come, and every due realization had come upon you.
  99. >Just at that time, a whistle sounded out, blowing smoke from its opening.
  100. >Minutes remained; perhaps even less time than that was left.
  101. >Many of the ponies began their movements towards the train cars.
  102. >Yet you turned away, but not from which you would have liked.
  103. >You stood, head tilted ever so slightly towards your dear acquaintance.
  104. >It's the title you found most appropriate after all that had transpired.
  105. >As always, she opened her mouth first to speak, yet she found that the words would not come.
  106. >For you however, it had finally become easy to move your mouth.
  107. >Every due realization had come upon you.
  108. >You knew the words, and the reasons for which you would say them.
  109. “This is goodbye then.”
  110. >The words passed through plainly in an attempt to not let your emotions pass through.
  111. >“Anonymous… you don’t have to leave.”
  112. >Her words were still coated with the remains of every apology she had offered upon you in the past number of days.
  113. “Twilight, I need to go home, back to Ponyville.”
  114. >Perhaps there was truth in your words, but she wouldn’t accept them.
  115. >“Anon, please… why are you going?”
  116. >Because you’re not the same anymore.
  117. >You’re not the mare I…
  118. “It’s just… not working. Us.”
  119. >She challenged your words further.
  120. >"So after one little mistake you're already deciding we're incompatible?"
  121. >Even though you knew you still didn't want to admit it.
  122. "Twilight…"
  123. >"Tell me the truth Anonymous."
  124. "You've changed."
  125. >"What do you mean I've changed?"
  126. "You're not the mare I knew, at least… it doesn't seem that way."
  127. >"Anonymous, you can't be serious."
  128. >You were certain.
  129. >"So what? Now that I have wings I'm a different pony than when I didn't?
  130. "It's much more than that Twilight."
  131. "You're a princess now,
  133. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. The Donor
  136. >Walking briskly through the halls of Canterlot Castle, the young princess was lost in her thoughts.
  137. >Her shoes tapping against the marble floor reverberated throughout the corridors.
  138. >There was a slight falter in her steps and a tenseness had seized her.
  139. >She was going to try something extraordinary today.
  140. >Normally, she’d be excited about such an experience, yet for this experiment in particular, she was nervous.
  141. >Not only did she not want to explain herself, she didn’t want to be found out at all.
  142. >Turning a corner, she was moving for her room, the place she’d feel most safe.
  143. >A quick visit to the Canterlot archives provided the information she needed.
  144. >Research was something she was most skilled at, and she had taken no liberties.
  145. >Today, Twilight Sparkle was very nervous.
  146. >After all, she was going to create life.
  147. >It’s Funny how doing something so astronomically wrong can make one so paranoid.
  148. >Another look over her shoulder and the alicorn princess can once again confirm she is not being followed.
  149. >Of course there was no reason to think anyone suspected her, it was only natural to worry.
  150. >All she needed to do was make it to her room.
  151. >The rest of the components had already been assembled; the only thing missing was her and her magic.
  152. >Normally a trip which was so casual was now one that resulted in large paranoia.
  154. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. Outside
  157. >The candle’s light stretches throughout the library room.
  158. >Flickering reds mingle with the dark blues coming from the outside nightsky.
  159. >You can’t see out past the blinds, and only saturated colors bleed through.
  160. >It must be so very beautiful out there.
  161. >Absent mindedly reaching out for the door, Twilight speaks out.
  162. >“Anonymous, what have I told you? You can’t go outside.”
  163. >She looks at you from her spot at your side, distracted from her book by your gesture.
  164. “I’m sorry, Twilight. I forgot for a moment.”
  165. >Disappointment filled you after her words.
  166. >Maybe tonight would be different.
  167. “It must be so lovely outside.”
  168. >Twilight’s gaze noticeably lowers at your inference.
  169. >”One day, you’ll be able to see it all. I promise.”
  170. >Her words are sweet and they are sorrowful.
  171. >That was enough for you, so you nodded.
  172. “One day.”
  173. --
  175. >On any normal morning like this, you would flip through the books on the library shelves, and so that’s what you were doing.
  176. >Once in a while you would maybe start to read a book that had grabbed your interest, but you can’t recall a single book in the library you’ve finished.
  177. >Putting one book back and taking a new one, you can only guess what it’ll be about: plants you’ve never heard of, animals you’ve never seen, potions that seem too fictitious to possible be real.
  178. >As you grab the book, something slips out from between the pages and flutters to the floor.
  179. >It was a photograph.
  180. >You look at Twilight, distracted by her research work, and reach down to pick it up.
  181. >Looking at the photo, you could clearly recognize Twilight, but this other character escaped you.
  182. >You didn’t recognize him.
  183. >Turning the photo over, you see a date, and two names.
  184. “Twilight, who’s Spike?”
  185. >You hear Twilight drop her papers onto the floor.
  186. >Eyes unmoving, she looks at you from across the room.
  187. >Her mouth shutters slightly, searching for the words, and once she finds them, she speaks.
  188. >”Where did you see that name?”
  189. “It’s written on this photo. You’re in it too.”
  190. >The photo is enveloped in a purple aurora as Twilight takes it from your hands and brings it to her face.
  191. “Who is he, Twilight?”
  192. >She stands there, staring at the photo.
  193. >”He’s… nobody. Just an old friend.”
  194. “Oh.”
  195. >”Anonymous, where did you get this photo?”
  196. >Her voice is raised slightly, but you don’t think anything of it.
  197. >Twilight wouldn’t be alarmed over a simple photo of herself.
  198. “It fell out from a book.”
  199. >”What book?”
  200. >She walks to you; your hairs stand on edge.
  201. >Are you in trouble?
  202. >What did you do wrong?
  203. “This book. I-I, just pulled it randomly from the shelf.”
  204. >You present the book to her and she snatches it, examining its cover.
  205. >She sighs and turns around, carrying the book with her as she climbs up the stairs and leaves your view.
  206. >Whatever was in the book is lost to you.
  207. >You hadn’t even read the cover.
  208. >Alone, you look at the door, and wonder.
  210. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. Return to Sender
  213. >It was another fine day in Ponyville, more than fine actually. You'd found that just about every single day in Equestria was gorgeous since the pegasi controlled the weather. You couldn't have asked to be sent to a more serene place.
  214. >Not that you had asked in the first place anyways.
  215. >You had just finished up your errands in the marketplace. They weren't really your errands though, Twilight had asked you to go out and fetch some things that she needed. It wasn't like you would just say no to her, you felt obligated to do any menial task she asked you to. She deserved it after all she'd done for you, and you didn't know if she realized it.
  216. >As you made your way across town the ponies of Ponyville would wave and say hello to you. You were the residential oddity after all, so they had been naturally curious. A human amongst sentient ponies was no ordinary occurrence, but somehow eventually they treated it as one.
  217. >You’re name was Anonymous, and there wasn’t much of a story to be told. You remembered being at the apartment you lived in, doing nothing of interest. Suddenly there were ponies everywhere, and you had been brought before the princesses. That was a fun two months of learning about Equestrian history and society whilst overcoming the realization that you would never be returning home. It always seemed to bother Celestia more than you.
  218. >Then you had decided that you needed to get out of Canterlot Castle and see Equestria for yourself. Things had become too complicated back there for you…
  219. >Four and a half months later you were still in Ponyville living in the residence of one Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's personal student. That was why she had chosen for you to go to Ponyville when you requested admittance from the palace. Celestia knew you would be well kept in her student’s care.
  220. >You tightened your grip on the bag and continued through town taking a left turn. Thinking about back then isn’t something you like to do for too long.
  221. >You just had to think about happier things.
  222. >You had managed to get along with Twilight Sparkle really well. At least it felt that way. If you had been a nuisance to her you’re sure she would’ve kicked you out of her place months ago.
  223. >She had taken the liberty to introduce you to all of her friends as well. It certainly made settling down easier for you.
  224. >They were all alright, but man could they tire you out easily.
  225. >Rarity was the kindest pony you’d ever met. That didn’t mean much considering the small amount of ponies you knew, but she was definitely more generous than any humans you had known before.
  226. >Fluttershy was so damn quiet, you didn’t know what to think of a pony you’d never had a real conversation with before. She was supposedly really kind though, but you always thought it was because she was a pushover.
  227. >Rainbow Dash was awesome, no doubt about it. She was a real bro and all, but damn if she couldn’t be stubborn or irritating in her own right sometimes.
  228. >Pinkie Pie, oh man Pinkie Pie. You’d learned not to expose yourself to her presence more than was absolutely necessary. She did no good things for your brain. Whether it was her never ending sentences or how she constantly broke the laws of physics she always found a way to make you say “what” in a different manner than you had ever said it before.
  229. >And then there was Twilight…
  230. >The change in thinking material had helped pass time. It felt odd giving yourself all of this exposition. The road had now widened out into a circular clearing; the library was right in front of you.
  231. >The library itself was an old giant tree that had been hollowed out. Not your first choice in building design but you thought it was pretty cool nonetheless.
  232. >You grasped the bags with your left hand, freeing your right. Moving your hand to the doorknob you turned it to open the door, you didn't need to knock.
  233. >Pushing the door open you stepped into the library. Unsurprisingly, nothing had changed since you left. The main room was empty, Twilight was most likely upstairs.
  234. "Twilight, I'm back." you said loudly enough so that where ever she was she would hear you.
  235. >With bags in tow and front door closed you made your way into the kitchen. You figured you would start putting the things you bought for Twilight away. Ponies had different preferences in food compared to you, they were pretty much miniature pastel Earth horses anyways. Dietary changes were another trial you had to go through to settle in Equestria. You managed so far.
  236. >As you were putting the food items away you heard the tapping of hooves, Twilight was probably coming downstairs now. You turned to see her come into view through the kitchen doorway; her head was down as she approached the kitchen's entrance.
  237. "Hey." you said turning back around and putting your attention onto the things that needed to be put away. The hoofsteps stopped, and she finally spoke up.
  238. >"Anonymous,” her voice was slow, “she- Celestia, she- finally did it. She found you a way home."
  239. >Whatever canned good you were holding in your hand was on the floor in seconds. You slowly turned to face Twilight, processing what she had just said: that there was a way for you to go home.
  240. >Your eyes were open wide in surprise. You thought the princess gave up long ago on trying to send you back to Earth. You thought there had been a mutual agreement that you would just spend your days in Equestria quietly with no trouble whatsoever. Why had she bothered to do this? How did she even do it?
  241. “Oh, really?” was all you had finally managed to force out of your mouth. Twilight wasn’t having an easier time handling the situation.
  242. >“Anonymous, you can finally go home. That- that’s great. Isn’t it?”
  243. >Was it? Home. You could go home. But why? You’re happier here, life’s been better to you. It was a fresh start and you loved it. Or you thought you did. What are you thinking? Of course you do.
  244. >You needed to calm down. Think logically Anon, Princess Celestia wasn’t going to force you to go back to Earth and she couldn’t anyways. Well, actually, she could, but that didn’t matter.
  245. “Well, uh, I guess,” You were fumbling over your words; there was something you had to make clear to Twilight though, “but I don’t want to leave. I already left one life behind, it’s not worth picking back up again if I’m going to lose another.” Yeah, that sounded like it got the point across.
  246. >Twilight’s eyes looked over away from you. What could she possibly be worried about? Soon she looked back to you and said, “Anon, you… You can’t stay here.” She had been unable to keep her eyes fixed on you and they trailed to the floor.
  247. “Where? In Equestria? Why not?” You started questioning Twilight. This was not going anywhere good fast.
  248. >”No,” she started answering, “here, in the library with me. You have to go back to your world.”
  249. >Like hell you did.
  250. “Like hell I do. You can’t force me to go back! Why can’t I stay? Are you sick of me?” She wouldn’t face you, “give me an answer Twi!” You were determined to sort and this mess and figure everything out.
  251. >Her gaze made its way back to you again. You narrowed your eyes at her and she winced in response.
  252. “Twilight, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I’m not leaving.”
  254. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  255. Repeat
  257. >With a flash and accompanying crackle, the calm within the Everfree Forest is broken.
  258. >Birds of all types simultaneously fly away from the occurrence and noise.
  259. >You felt the sharp pull on your body that had been present before stop at once as you regain a sense of singularity.
  260. >For a moment, you seem to hover.
  261. >In this moment, your eyes open and you see the vast number of trees in the surrounding area.
  262. >And then gravity reclaims you.
  263. >Landing face first in the dirt, you get a good taste of the environment.
  264. >Lifting your head up, you spit out the chunks of dirt that found their way into your mouth.
  265. >Spitting a few times for good measure, you bring yourself up to your feet.
  266. >How did you end up in a forest this time?
  267. >Was it another night of wild partying?
  268. >Oh wait, you fell from twelve feet up in the air, that’s how.
  269. >That is definitely something that doesn’t happen normally.
  270. >As you brush the dirt from your pants, you do what comes naturally.
  271. ”Hello?”
  272. >Your voice goes unheard.
  273. >Perhaps if you shouted.
  274. >With much more gusto, you yell out into the woods.
  275. “Hey! Anybody there?”
  276. >You give it a moment…
  277. >And nothing.
  278. >Looks like you might have to wander around aimless-
  279. >”-ver here, girls!”
  280. >Relief washes over you; you aren’t alone after all.
  281. >Looking around, you try to get a view of your rescuers.
  282. >That’s when you spot the three small brightly colored horses approaching you.
  283. >Also they can talk.
  284. >”Anonymous?”
  285. >And they know your name.
  286. >Weirder things have happened you guess.
  287. >Nope, wait.
  288. >Yeah this is definitely the weirdest.
  289. >This is a 10.0 on the crazy-ometer.
  290. >all you can manage is an incoherent stutter as you watch the purple one approach you.
  291. >The sight before you was one out of an absurd work of fiction.
  292. >Three miniature horses of varying bright colors that can talk.
  293. >”Anonymous!”
  294. >How can that thing know your name?
  295. >Shock has taken your voice from you.
  296. >”We knew you’d be here when all those birds flew overhead!”
  297. >The purple pony thing is talking to you now.
  298. >”It was quite a smart move really. I know you probably did it by accident but-”
  299. >”Twi!”
  300. >The orange one with the hat speaks up.
  301. >”Look at ‘im girl, he doesn’t remember anything, as per usual. Yer just plum confusin’ ‘im right now.”
  302. >The two exchange a glance before the purple one gazes at you, an expectant look on her face.
  303. >”Anonymous?”
  304. “I- who-... what are you things?”
  305. >She groans loudly, stomping back and forth.
  306. >Did you say something wrong?
  307. >That wasn’t really the reaction you were expecting.
  308. >”So what day does that make this, Twilight? Twelve?”
  309. >Groans a new voice, belonging to a blue mare with rainbow hair.
  310. >How she avoided your gaze for so long with such obtrusive hair is beyond you.
  311. >”Whatever day she wants it to be.” huffs the orange pony.
  312. >Ponies, they just had to be ponies.
  313. >Or at least that’s what they reminded you of.
  314. >Who you gathered to be Twilight was marching back and forth angrily.
  315. >”I figured eventually the amnesia would stop on its own, and that if it did then eventually so would the teleporting. But now it seems that there’s probably no hope either of them will! The same routine every single day… Ughh. If only I knew why this was happening!”
  316. >”You’re the one that cast that spell, girl, wasn't any o’ us.”
  317. “Hello? What’s going on?”
  318. >All eyes turn towards you and you shrink back a little.
  319. “Uhh… Hey, so… anyone want to explain to me the…”
  320. >They look between each other until the other two lock eyes with Twilight.
  321. >”Alright, alright. Here we go again.”
  322. >Twilight steps forward.
  323. >”Hello, Anon, you don’t know us, well actually you don’t remember us, but we know you. Look we need to save some time here so let’s go over the basics, shall we? You’re in Equestria, not your home world, and you live in a society of ponies. I’m Twilight Sparkle, these are my friends Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Yes I’m a unicorn, yes she’s a pegasus, yes I can use magic, and yes you’re stuck here but that’s what we’re working on fixing.”
  324. >Woah woah woah.
  325. >Information overload.
  326. >That is hell of a lot to take in.
  327. >However, what is currently the most pressing issue chews at you.
  328. “I have amnesia?”
  329. >”No actually, well uhh… yes… It’s a special kind of amnesia really, and that’s uhh… well that’s my fault.”
  330. >She gives you a cheeky grin and her ears lower.
  331. >Sighing, Twilight continues her spiel.
  332. >”I tried sending you back home a lo-while ago. Something happened… went wrong, and now every morning for some strange reason you wake up here in the forest without any memory of us. Questions?”
  333. “Yeah, actually, first off-”
  334. >”Wonderful! Let’s get a move on then!”
  335. >An invisible tug on your shirt sends you on your feet and following behind the impatient Twilight as she leads you through the forest.
  336. >Amnesia.
  337. >If what she was saying was true… wouldn't you have been through this countless times before?
  338. >Just how long has this been going on for?
  339. >Didn't that blue pony say it’s been twelve days?
  340. “Excuse me… Twilight? What day did you say this was again?”
  341. >Twilight stops walking and her invisible grip is released.
  342. >A few seconds pass before she finally speaks.
  343. >”Day fifteen of your memory loss, and day thirty three in equestria total.”
  344. >Applejack and Rainbow Dash glance worryingly at each other.
  345. >The information shocks you.
  346. >All of that lost time...
  347. “A whole month… and I don’t remember any of it.”
  348. >”I’m sorry, Anon.”
  349. >Twilight’s voice is clearly pained.
  350. “You can fix this, right?”
  351. >She just had to be able to; she was the only hope you had in a world you would forget soon enough.
  352. >Twilight looks back, as if to think to herself for a moment, and returns her gaze to yours, a passion burning in her eyes.
  353. >”Of course I can.”
  354. >That was enough to calm you.
  356. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  357. Cramped Spaces
  359. >”Our room should be on this floor!” Twilight Sparkle exclaims, leading your group of friends through the hotel hallway.
  360. >The occasion was the Summer Sun Celebration, this year being hosted in Manehatten, makig it one of the biggest events ever experienced by the city.
  361. >It was treated as a week-long festival leading up to the longest day of the year where everypony would watch Princess Celestia raise the sun.
  362. >Celestia had personally invited Twilight to come to the event, and provided a room for her and everything.
  363. >She said yes and in turn, had invited her closest friends to join in the fun.
  364. >Except Spike.
  365. >Nobody fucking cares about Spike.
  366. >With you however were none other than Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie.
  367. >It was going to be a fun week.
  368. >As you were being led down the hallway, everypony carrying their individual luggage, you couldn’t help but think something hadn’t been planned properly here…
  369. >Whatever, when have any of your suspicions actually turned out to be true?
  370. >Oh, right. All the fucking time.
  371. >You were like a gypsy or some shit.
  372. >Time to investigate.
  373. “So Twilight, Princess Celestia knows we tagged along with you, right?”
  374. >”Actually, no. It slipped my mind to tell her, what with all the excitement and everything. I’m sure she won’t mind though!”
  375. >There it is! You so called it!
  376. >Audibly groaning, the others look at you confused.
  377. >”Something tha’ matter, Anon?” Applejack asks.
  378. >You stop walking and the others do too, Twilight continues looking for the room.
  380. “Do you guys honestly not see the big problem here?”
  381. >”Ummm, no?” says Fluttershy, meekly.
  382. >”Yeah, what could possibly be wrong, Anon? The fun hasn’t even started yet! Things are supposed to go wrong during the fun!” Pinkie says whilst bouncing around you.
  383. >Before you can say anything you hear Twilight call out a few doors down the hallway.
  384. >”I found our room, everypony!”
  385. “You’ll see.”
  386. >The rest of the group catches back up to Twilight as she levitates the roomkey to the lock.
  387. “Here it comes...”
  388. >With a turn of the key the door unlocks and is opened.
  389. >”Ohhhhh! I get what you meant now, Anon! That is funny!” Pinkie says in a giggle fit.
  390. >The room is small.
  391. >DAYUM small.
  392. “I friggen knew it!”
  393. >You’re more happy than anything else.
  394. >That’ll teach those ponies to listen to you.
  395. >Also this is hilarious.
  396. >Twilight must be so confused right now.
  397. >”I’m so confused right now!”
  398. >Holy shit Anon, two for two.
  399. >This gypsy thing is really working out.
  400. >”What am I missing?”
  401. >Applejack steps in to answer Twilight’s question.
  402. >”Twi, how many ponies did Celestia think she was accommodatin’ for?”
  403. >And there goes the light bulb!
  404. >Twilight facehooves, a disgruntled look plastered on her face.
  405. “Alright, so this is looking to be a fun week, right?”
  406. >”Anonymous, dear, is now really the time to be making jokes?”
  407. “Aw come on Rarity, you can’t tell me this isn’t somewhat funny. Besides, it can’t be that bad... right?”
  408. >Making your way past the others, you enter into the room.
  409. >At the front and to left was a small kitchen area with a tiled floor, a counter separated it from the rest of the room.
  410. >There was a door on the opposite wall from the kitchen that lead to the bathroom.
  411. >The rest of the room, the main living area, was occupied by a bed up against the right wall in the alcove the bathroom made with the rest of the room.
  412. >A three-seat sofa sat up against the back wall, beneath the only windows in the room.
  413. >Truly a room capable of supporting six ponies and one human.
  415. “On second thought…”
  416. >Everybody else starts pouring into the hotel room, you press yourself against the wall to provide what little space you can.
  417. >”So are we just going to take this or are we going to do something about it?” Rainbow asks.
  418. “We could take it up with the front desk.”
  419. >“Why don’t we just do that?”
  420. >”Because, Rainbow, we have no way of paying for a different room. This one was courtesy of Celestia, remember?”
  421. >Twilight’s voice has hints of irritation in it; the poor girl must feel pretty stupid right now.
  422. “Alright, look it’s no big deal. I’m going to go down to the front desk and see what I can do. We’ll figure something out, okay?”
  423. >You look at everybody in the room and your gaze rests on Twilight.
  424. >A second passes before she nods her head, agreeing to your idea.
  425. >”Okay, Anon. See what you can do.”
  426. >Nodding back, you turn to exit the room.
  427. “Will do, don’t get too comfortable.”
  429. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  430. Not-So Q&A
  432. Q: What does 'VisiTi' mean?
  433. A: It's short for Visitation Time.
  434. Q: Why does 'Days' have its own paste?
  435. A: Because hindsight.
  436. Q: Are you a drawfag too?
  437. A: Yes.
  438. Q: Where can I find your art?
  439. A: Here:
  440. Q: How can I contact you?
  441. A: The thread usually works. If you don't wanna post there, my email is and my Skype is visitiaie
  442. Q: Anything else I should know?
  443. A: I guess, if you care enough.
  445. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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