
thirsty!kanaya/rose minor soda chugging inflation burping

Aug 9th, 2012
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  1. Why were they all empty?!
  3. Kanaya stared distressingly into the mostly-bare cupboard, feeling dread fill the pit of her empty stomach. That morning, she had woken up and gone downstairs to have breakfast with Rose and her mother; it had become a daily tradition ever since the jadeblood had moved into the Lalonde mansion, and although she rarely admitted it it was clear Rose greatly appreciated having a third party during conversations with her mother.
  5. Today, however, Kanaya slept in late, partially of her own exhaustion stemming from her recent cross-country trip to visit Karkat and the Egberts in Washington, and partly from Rose's insistence that she make up for the lost hours. She had awoken to an empty house, with Ms. Lalonde absent and a note from Rose adorning the table, explaining in no small words how she had been forced to take one of the family's automobiles for repairs.
  7. Unfortunately, this left Kanaya to make her own breakfast, and although she was able to easily find the materials for a omelet (how she did love the delicious morsels), the refrigerator in the kitchen was devoid of any orange juice. She had traveled up the lengthy staircase to the upper floor and searched the fridge there, only to find no orange juice. In fact, there was no juice at all.
  9. Two hours later she was miserably thirsty, made only worse by her treks around the mansion in an ill-fated attempt to locate her coveted juice. She had searched almost every cupboard in the house, all of them lacking in fluids with the exception of alcohol (something she was very much Not Interested In Drinking Thank You Very Much), and was on the verge of drinking from the bathroom tap when the PDA graciously given to her by Rose's mother wet off.
  11. -- tentacleTherapist [TT] has begun pestering grimAuxiliatrix [GA] at 15:14 --
  13. TT: I am unsure whether or not you are awake, but assuming you are, I'd like to apologize for my continued absence.
  14. TT: I'm under the impression that the mechanics here do not actually comprehend the inner workings of vehicles, despite their profession.
  15. GA: Oh Rose
  16. TT: Ah, you are awake. Good morning.
  17. GA: Rose Where Is It
  18. TT: I beg your pardon?
  19. GA: Sorry I Meant To Say
  20. GA: Rose Is There Any Pulpated Fruit Extract Residing In Your Home
  21. GA: I Am Unable To Locate Any Fluids Worth Imbibing And I Am Exceedingly Dry At This Moment
  22. GA: When I Would Much Rather Be Wet
  23. TT: My, Miss Maryam. I certainly hope that innuendo was intentional.
  24. GA: I Beg Your Pardon
  25. TT: Never mind.
  26. TT: If you're that thirsty, there's money in my room, on the dresser. You can head down to the convenience store and purchase something to drink there if Mother is not back shortly.
  27. GA: Rose Normally I Would Be Extremely Hesitant To Take Your Currency
  28. GA: But At This Point I Feel It Is Imperative That I Obtain Sustenance Before I Am Forced To Hijack An Automotive Vehicle And Flee To The Nearest Blood Bank
  29. TT: Please try not to do that.
  30. GA: I Will Thank You
  31. GA: Excuse Me
  33. -- grimAuxiliatrix [GA] has ceased pestering tentacleTherapist [TT] at 15:16 --
  35. Kanaya practically flew up the stairs, tripping over the lengths of her dress several times, before crashing through the door of Rose's room. She quickly found the promised money, and five minutes later she was briskly walking down the winding road towards the roadside convenience store, all but salivating at the thought of finally getting her juice.
  37. ---
  39. "I'm Sorry Did You Say You Do Not Stock Juice?"
  41. The young man behind the cash register gave a resigned shrug. "Sorry, lady, not our sort of thing. Try a supermarket, I guess." He turned back to the handheld video game resting on the counter as Kanaya turned to leave, nearly twitching in frustration at her failure to get her claws on drinkable liquid...
  43. Wait.
  45. Kanaya made her way over to the refrigerated shelves in the back of the store. They were laden with various cheap foods, pizza burgers and sub sandwiches, but one shelf caught her eye: bottles of multicolored liquid, adorned with bubble-patterned labels. Gingerly picking one up (and nearly dropping it from the unexpected weight), she glanced over the label.
  47. "Root Beer", it read. Her first thought was disgust at the beer potion of it's name, but she quickly remembered that the store she was in had a decisively non-alcoholic policy. Taking a closer look, she noted that the object in her hands was apparently a two-liter bottle of soda. Soda? The word was familiar; wasn't the liquid Gamzee drank called soda? She had never tried it, but confident that it was meant to be consumed, she shook off her apprehensions and approached the counter with the bottle.
  49. Before long, she was exiting the store, small plastic bag containing her prize looped around one arm.
  51. ---
  53. Kanaya placed the bottle on the small coffee table, before heading to the kitchen and returning with a small glass. Sitting on the couch, she glanced over the dark brown liquid. Had it been any other day, she would have gladly taken her sweet time opening it, but she was just so thirsty...
  55. Reaching forward, she wrenched the cap off the bottle, only to jump back with a surprised yelp as an upsurge of foam threatened to force it's way out of the bottle. She screwed the top back on, before very slowly easing it off again until the pressure subsided. Victorious over the fiends of carbonation, she removed the plastic cap and gingerly poured herself a glass.
  57. As she poured, her eyes traveled over the stream of liquid. Small flecks eagerly popped off the surface, and she realized she was staring at the cup with her mouth open, drool trickling onto her lower lip. Without a single iota of further hesitation, she grabbed the cup in both hands and began drinking.
  59. Her first thought was of discomfort; the bubbles had an unfortunate tendency to fly up her facial nasal cavities. However, the taste was unlike anything she had experienced before. It was powerful, yet sugary, and before long she had downed the entire glass. Her parched mouth finally began to feel relief, and she closed her eyes in happiness as the last drops slid down her throat.
  61. Kanaya was still for a few moments, blissful relief flooding her body, before she opened her eyes again and hungrily looked towards the bottle. She leaned forward and poured herself another glass; after all, she hadn't had a drink in hours. It was only fair that she allow herself to indulge a little.
  63. Whereas the first glass was savored slightly, the second was gulped up ravenously by the troll. She could feel the cool liquid splashing into the dry abyss of her stomach, shivering slightly with glee, and no sooner than the last of the glass disappear did she practically slam the cup on the table. Breathing heavily, she licked stray droplets of root beer from her lips, before discarding all decency and grabbing the entire bottle.
  65. Raising it about her head, Kanaya began chugging the sweet elixir, moaning in happiness. She screwed her eyes shut, letting the substance flow into her belly, thirst being quenched ten times over. Before long she could feel the slight tugging of her dress, but she couldn't care. Not when she had her root beer. Not when it was this good.
  67. ---
  69. The door opened, allowing sunlight to beam into the hallway, before being blocked by the petite frame of Rose's body. She idly kicked her shoes off into the hall closet, far too frustrated at the automotive repairmen's idiocy to care about scuffing the floor, before tossing the keys onto their doorside shelf and striding into the darker house. Had her mother been home, the lights surely would have been on, but Kanaya did enjoy the relative darkness of the mansion from time to time.
  71. Speaking of Kanaya, where was she? Rose popped her head around the corner, glancing into the foyer, before heading into the kitchen. When she failed to spot her patron troll, she trudged to the base of the stairs and looked up. "Kanaya?"
  73. There was a pause, before her query was answered by a loud groan. Turning her head towards the living room, Rose quirked an eyebrow, heading towards the sofa. "Was that you, Kanaya?"
  75. Sure enough, Kanaya was on the sofa. She lay lengthwise along it, huddled up against the cushions. Relief seemed to cross her face at the sound of Rose's voice, but was quickly swallowed by discomfort as she curled into a ball, legs drawn up and arms wrapped around her body. Rose was about to make a worried statement about the jadeblood's actions when she saw the empty glass on the table. Leaning sideways, she saw a two-liter bottle of root beer on the floor. Something clicked in her brain, and she facepalmed elegantly.
  77. "Kanaya."
  79. "...Y-Yes, Rose?"
  81. Rose gently walked around the couch, taking in the sight of Kanaya's hunched position, before daintily sitting down next to her. "Are you okay?"
  83. When Kanaya didn't respond, Rose placed one hand on her shoulder. In response, Kanaya looked up at her, eyes watery in pain, and gave a silent-shuddering hiccup. "No..."
  85. With a sigh, Rose sidled up to the troll, one hand finding it's way to her back. "Let me see, Kanaya..." She reached down with her free hand, only to flinch when she got a good look at her friend. Although Rose had doubted that she had actually drank the bottle herself, it was made blatantly obvious by the enormous swell of Kanaya's gut beneath her dress. Her breath was labored and the movement caused a loud, bubbling groan to rumble from her stomach.
  87. "I....I Was...It Was So Delicious..." Shaking slightly, Kanaya leaned her weight onto Rose, noticeably heavier from the influx of soda. "But...It Really Hurts And..."
  89. "Shh. Kanaya. It's okay." Rose gazed gently at Kanaya, lavender eyes laced with motherly worry. "Let me see..." Gently, trying not to upset her bloated partner's stomach any more than it already was, she repositioned the troll to be leaning back on the armrest, facing her. As Kanaya gave another silent, sudden hiccup, Rose gently lifted the hem of her shirt.
  91. Sure enough, her belly was huge, forcing it's way out from under her clothes. It bubbled and groaned audibly, sloshing with even the slightest movement. Rose gently placed a hand on Kanaya's gut, rubbing slightly to ease the pain, and she noted with a mixture of worry and curiosity that it was hard yet taut, like a water balloon. For her part, Kanaya seemed to respond positively, giving a small moan when Rose patted the surface of her belly. Small ripples seemed to appear despite the lightness of her touch, and as it shook Rose swore she could see her matesprit's engorged gut rising slightly.
  93. With a sudden realization, Rose looked back up at Kanaya, who was now blushing a dull green. "Kanaya, can you do me a favor? I know this is going to be odd, but..." She tiled her head back down at Kanaya's tummy. "Just trust me for a moment." Kanaya gave a small nod and a pained squeak in response, and Rose leaned forward, lifting Kanaya's shirt up higher and off her body.
  95. "Relax, Kanaya. Just try and relax..." Carefully, Rose placed both hands on the basketball-sized grey mound, kneading it slightly. She could feel the moving liquid inside her friend's belly, and as she squeezed and rubbed, pressure began to build beneath her fingers. Kanaya tensed up, but quickly took a deep breath and tried to relax as Rose had instructed.
  97. Finally, after enough prodding, there was a squeaking groan, and Kanaya squeezed her eyes shut. Rose placed one hand on her shoulder and nudged Kanaya slightly with her nose. "Shh. Just let it go." With a deep breath, Rose moved herself closer to Kanaya's side, placed one hand on the ridge of her back, and, with her other hand, gave the troll's lower chest a firm pound.
  99. The response was immediate; Kanaya tensed up, her eyes went wide, a loud gurgle shuddered it's way from her body, and she let loose with a rumbling, bassy belch. All of the pent-up gas tormenting her internal organs flooded out of her open mouth, revebrating deeply with a power and volume that would shame most frat boys. It was several seconds of hot gas flowing from her mouth before the unladylike display ended abruptly, Kanaya squeaking and turning almost completely green in the face.
  101. Rose couldn't help but smirk. "See? It's alright." She gave Kanaya's belly a gentle yet firm squeeze, and was met with another strong, throaty burp. Seeing that Kanaya wasn't quite over the shock and embarrassment of her first gaseous eruption, Rose leant forward and placed a chaste kiss on the alien's face. ignoring the warm, root beer-smelling air in front of her. "Now you see why I don't drink soda."
  103. "I See." squeaked Kanaya, before shuddering and hiccuping again. "Um. Rose." Kanaya turned back to face Rose, yellow eyes not meeting Rose's. "Could You...Er..."
  105. "Of course." Rose gave Kanaya a slap on the back, and the troll belched once again. "Although perhaps we should go upstairs. It may be more comfortable for you on the bed, and the toilet is closer."
  107. Without waiting for a reply, Rose stood up, stretching her legs out. Kanaya soon followed, wobbling slightly on her legs, and together both girls absconded to the cushy comfort of Rose's king-sized mattress.
  109. No sooner than they left, however, did Ms Lalonde make her way into the living room. She paused, staring down at the empty root beer bottle on the floor, before shrugging to herself and waltzing towards the booze cabinet. At least Rose was fetishizing something besides wizards, she mused.
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