
Mercenary Quest 2030 Mechanics V1.1

Jan 19th, 2015
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  1. Mercenary 2030 Quest Mechanics.
  4. Mercenary 2030 Quest will run off a modified system of HPQ mechanics. Using a d20 roll high system instead of d100, there are now seven stats.
  6. These are:
  8. Melee: Self explanatory, how well you fight up close.
  9. Firearms: Self explanatory, skill with firearms.
  10. Explosives: Self explanatory, skill with explosives ranging from low to high-tech
  11. Technology: In this quest electronic technology is rare to non-existant. Any skill with this is hard to come by. Also works for more general tech.
  12. Knowledge: Focused on tactics, strategy, the best place to hide or stab someone, etc. Combat knowledge. Also includes Miscellaneous skills.
  13. Social: The world you live in is screwed up, some of the people are too. The higher your social skill the better equipped you are to deal with them.
  14. Physical: Strength, toughness, endurance all fall under hear as well as pain resistance and HP*
  16. All of these will be on a level from -10 to 10 as a permanent modifier, making rolls easier or harder depending. That means if you need a firearms roll and you have a skill of 1, then the DC9 is actually a 10, pre-modified by your skill.
  18. *HP system still being worked on.
  20. HP (Temp): HP will be by wounds. Minimum of 2 wounds per character. Physical will increase wounds by 1 for every 2 levels.
  22. Skill rolls will not be called upon all the time. There will be no crits or fail-crits seeing as how there is too much of a chance for crits using a d20. However, there will be auto-fail and auto-succeed regardless of your skill level. These will not make the effect more or less effective, just cause a fail or success.
  25. Contacts:
  26. In the world sometimes it's not what you know but who you know. Contacts will usually provide some kind of benefit to you, though what and how much benefit they provide depends on who they are and their place in the world.
  29. *System still being worked on, subject to change.
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