

Sep 27th, 2012
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  1. First off if your reading this then congrats for staying a reader of me, a winrar is you.
  2. Second off I haven't been writing because Mellow's out of pot and all my guys moved, I'll try writing shit while sober but keep in mind I'm incredibly lazy. Get ready for better grammar but weirder comedy
  4. Here's a story I had floating in my brain for a couple weeks
  6. Anon's 8-bit Adventure
  8. >Be a regular day in Equestria
  9. >Goin down to the store to buy me some vidles
  10. >Ponyville just got a new Supermarket so gonna go there instead of vendors and shit
  11. >Checking out a head of lettace and other vegetables when a shady lookin guy starts trotin over
  12. >Guy: "So are you Anon the human guy?"
  13. Anon:"Bout' this tall, human with opposable thumbs?"
  14. >You show off your opposables and he shits himself
  15. >Guy:"Man your awesome, you wanna buy some pot?"
  16. Anon:"...Sir I'll have you know this is a family establishment and the usage of marajuana is not child appropriate"
  17. >You drop a sack of bits in his satchel
  18. >Guy:"How dare ye accuse me of such atrocities, I shall have you know that I mearly asked you for the time"
  19. Anon:"Gasp not only are you a troublemaker but a liar as well, I shall take you outside and deal with you the old fashioned way"
  20. >You pretend to shove him out of the store
  21. >Guy:"Then engarde my dear opponent"
  22. >He tackles you and slips a Christmas tree into your pocket
  23. Anon:"You have bested me, I take back my previous insults"
  24. >You get up and dust yourself off
  25. >Guy:"Huh, you really are sneaky, and how'd you notice that guard in the corner"
  26. Anon:"What guard?"
  27. >You both laugh
  28. Anon:"Seriously what guard?"
  29. >He stares at you for five seconds and walks away confused
  30. >You rush to Twilight's Library and kick down the door
  31. Anon:"Stop whatever the fuck your doing, we're getting fucked up tonight!"
  32. >Twilight drops the multitude of books she was holding and Spike throws his bowl of ice cream on the ground
  33. Twilight:"How?"
  34. >You pull out your baggie with the tree in it and both their eye's light up
  35. Stallion Guy:"Hey librarian I would..."
  36. >Twilight punches him out of her library, shouts we're closed, and slams the door
  37. >You roll enough joints for everyone and sit back to some music
  38. >Two joints later Twilight starts dancing
  39. >Five joints later everyone's dancing
  40. >Seven later everything goes black
  41. :Player One Starts:
  42. Anon:"Oh shit what happened?"
  43. Twilight:"Everything"
  44. >You look at Twilight up and down and you swear she was from a NES game
  45. Anon:"Why do you look so weird?"
  46. >Twilight:"Wha?"
  47. Anon:"You look like your from an old video game"
  48. >She looks at her hooves and tugs on her horn
  49. >Twilight:"Holy shit your right!"
  50. >You check out your hands and then everything and it all looks like NES game
  51. Anon:"Weird, hey where's, uh, where's...where's Spike?"
  52. >Twilight looks around and sees him hunched over on the floor
  53. >Twilight:"There"
  54. Anon:"Oh man oh man oh man, is he dead?"
  55. >You continue freaking out while Twilight looks over him
  56. >She pokes him with her hoof and then lifts him off the ground
  57. >Spike:"No, I wanna be down there, it tastes awesome"
  58. >You lick the floor and immediately stop with disgust
  59. >Anon:"Dude the floor tastes like the floor"
  60. >You lick again and get the same result
  61. >Spike:"No here, there's some white stuff and it's awesome, but watch out for the sharp stuff it makes red stuff"
  62. >After licking the floor for about ten days you start getting hungry
  63. Anon:"I want a taco"
  64. >Twilight:"Let's go get tacos!"
  65. >You and spike agree and the three of you head outside
  66. >When You exit Spike suddenly grabs you by the collar
  67. >Spike:"Dude, dude, look it's a fuckin turtle!"
  68. >You look ahead and it just a Koopa
  69. >Twilight grabs your leg in fear
  70. >Twilight:"What do we do?"
  71. Anon:"Calm down I got this"
  72. >You run over and jump on the turtle and he retreats to his shell, which you kick to the curb
  73. Anon:"See? you see enemy you jump on it"
  74. >They both let go of you and the three of you proceed to the right
  75. >You passed a few Goombas, Octorocks, and barrels but you all did fairly well
  76. >But then you got to the Mother brain and had no weapons
  77. >The three of you run around screaming when you get an idea
  78. >You open your inventory and pull out your blaster arm cannon
  79. >Then you throw it at her glass and it breaks
  80. Anon:"Now everyp0ny, RUN LIKE HELL!"
  81. >You all get the fuck out of there and escape
  82. >You reach a town and you're low on health
  83. Anon:"Hey guys I'll be right back"
  84. >You enter a house with a random pony and zip zap your health is full
  85. >You zip up your pants and walk to your friends
  86. Anon:"Alright let's go save the princess"
  87. Twilight and Spike:"Yeah!"
  88. >The three of you walk into a store and get some guns
  89. >Twilight:"How do you use this?"
  90. Anon:"Press the B button to shoot things"
  91. >Twilight:"Okay"
  92. >You all rush through a crowd of people with guns ablazin
  93. >After the factory Level and the City level you reach the Graveyard
  94. >You arm yourselves with whips, crosses, and other vampire slaying things
  95. >When you reach the third part of the Graveyard you remember something
  96. Anon:"Fall back everyp0ny!"
  97. >Spike:"But we're almost there"
  98. Anon:"Here they come! FALL BACK!"
  99. >The Medusa heads you worried about finally appeared and it was too late
  100. >While trying to jump on the platform, the Medusa heads would always knock you, Twilight, or Spike off and into a bottomless pit
  101. >When all your lives are gone you expected to be dead, but instead your in the castle level with no items or power ups
  102. Anon:"Alright this is where the boys become men...CHARGE!!!"
  103. >You all dodge ridiculously long fire whips, pools of lava, and that one invisible block that would be right in the way and make it to the evil Bowser
  104. Anon:"Your reign of terror is over"
  105. >Bowser roars
  106. >Twilight:"How do we defeat him?"
  107. Anon:"Jump over him and cut the rope to make him fall in the lava"
  108. >Bowser begins to spam his hammers and fire balls like crazy, but after dying and starting over ten times you finally defeated him
  109. >The three of you high five and go to greet the princess
  110. Toad:"Thanks for saving me, but the princess is in a another Castle, Twilight...
  111. Twilight...
  112. Twilight...
  113. >Celestia:"Twilight Sparkle!"
  114. >Twilight's eye's shoot open and she looks around
  115. >Twilight:"Oh Shit!"
  116. >She kicks you in the ribs and you jolt awake
  117. >You get a quick look around before your thrown into a police van
  118. >Pony#1:"That's him officer, he killed my son's turtle"
  119. >Pony#2:"He broke my window!"
  120. >Pony#3:"He raped me!"
  121. Anon:"Well fuck"
  122. >Judge:"Anonymous D. Davidson, you are charged with Rape, Genocide, Breaking and Entering, Terrorism, Child Endangerment, and Under the Influence of Illegal Substances, how do you plead?"
  123. Anon:"Best high ever"
  124. >You low five Spike and get haled to the electric chair
  125. :Game Over:
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