
Dark Reaper (Skript)

Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. variables:
  2. {reaper.%player%.mode} = 0
  3. {reaper.%player%.soul} = 1000
  4. {reaper.%player%.multi} = 1
  5. {reaper.%player%.toggle} = true
  6. options:
  7. reaper.chance: 1.5% # Szansa na drop kosy z zombie lub szkieleta
  8. wand.thrust: 1 # Modyfikator mocy lotu
  9. soul.death: -1000 # Modyfikator poziomu duszy za smierc
  10. soul.use: -10 # Modyfikator poziomu duszy przy uzyciu
  11. soul.item.drop: 2.5% # Szansa na dusze przy zabiciu creepera, pajaka lub endermana
  12. boost.delay: 90 # Odstep pomiedzy aktywacjami
  13. boost.duration: 90 # Dlugosc aktywacji supermocy. Zalecane, gdy: boost.duration = boost.delay
  14. tag: &3[&bReaper&3]
  15. tag.success: &aSUKCES!
  16. tag.warn: &cUWAGA!
  17. tag.error: &4BLAD
  18. on script load:
  19. send "{@tag} &a&lWlaczony!" to console
  20. on script unload:
  21. send "{@tag} &4&lWylaczony!" to console
  22. on join: # Ustawianie zmiennych dla nowego gracza
  23. if {reaper.%player%.mode} is not set:
  24. set {reaper.%player%.mode} to 0
  25. if {reaper.%player%.soul} is not set:
  26. set {reaper.%player%.soul} to 1000
  27. if {reaper.%player%.multi} is not set:
  28. set {reaper.%player%.multi} to 1
  29. if {reaper.%player%.toggle} is not set:
  30. set {reaper.%player%.toggle} to true
  31. on rightclick: # Zmiana trybu kosy
  32. if player's tool is iron hoe named "&3Kosa Kosiarza":
  33. if {reaper.%player%.mode} = 0:
  34. set {reaper.%player%.mode} to 1
  35. send "&3Tryb: &b&lLOT"
  36. else if {reaper.%player%.mode} = 1:
  37. set {reaper.%player%.mode} to 2
  38. send "&3Tryb: &4&lATAK"
  39. else if {reaper.%player%.mode} = 2:
  40. set {reaper.%player%.mode} to 3
  41. send "&3Tryb: &1&lKOLEKTOR DUSZ"
  42. else if {reaper.%player%.mode} = 3:
  43. set {reaper.%player%.mode} to 0
  44. send "&3Tryb: &7&lBRAK"
  45. on leftclick:
  46. if player's tool is iron hoe named "&3Kosa Kosiarza":
  47. if {reaper.%player%.mode} = 1: # Tryb lotu
  48. if {reaper.%player%.soul} >= 10:
  49. add -10 to {reaper.%player%.soul}
  50. push the player upwards at speed ({reaper.%player%.multi}*{@wand.thrust}/1.5)
  51. push the player forward at speed ({reaper.%player%.multi}*{@wand.thrust}*2)
  52. else:
  53. send "&7Nie mam sil..."
  54. if {reaper.%player%.mode} = 3: # Tryb kolektora - dodawanie punktow z dusz
  55. if player has 1 nether star named "&bDusza":
  56. remove 1 nether star named "&bDusza" from player
  57. add 200 to {reaper.%player%.soul}
  58. send "&3Napelniono poziom duszy (+200 pkt.)"
  59. on damage:
  60. if attacker's tool is iron hoe named "&3Kosa Kosiarza":
  61. if {reaper.%attacker%.mode} = 2: # Tryb Ataku
  62. if {reaper.%attacker%.soul} >= ({@soul.use}*{reaper.%attacker%.multi}):
  63. add ({@soul.use}*{reaper.%attacker%.multi}) to {reaper.%attacker%.soul}
  64. repair attacker's tool
  65. damage victim by (3*{reaper.%attacker%.multi}) hearts
  66. else:
  67. send "&7Nie mam sil..."
  68. cancel event
  69. if {reaper.%attacker%.mode} = 3: # Tryb Kolektora
  70. repair attacker's tool
  71. add ({reaper.%attacker%.multi}*5) to {reaper.%attacker%.soul}
  72. apply slowness to victim for 5 seconds
  73. apply nausea to victim for 5 seconds
  74. damage victim by {reaper.%attacker%.multi} hearts
  75. else:
  76. cancel event
  77. if victim's tool is iron hoe named "&3Kosa Kosiarza":
  78. if damage cause is fall or contact: # Osoba posiadajaca w reku kose nie otrzymuje obrazen od upadku i kaktusa
  79. cancel event
  80. on death:
  81. if attacker's tool is iron hoe named "&3Kosa Kosiarza":
  82. if victim is player or villager: # -> 2 dusze
  83. give 1 nether star named "&bDusza" to attacker
  84. add {@soul.death} to {reaper.%victim%.soul}
  85. if victim is creeper, spider or enderman: # -?> 1 dusza
  86. chance of ({@soul.item.drop}*{reaper.%attacker%.multi}):
  87. give 1 nether star named "&bDusza" to attacker
  88. if victim is zombie or skeleton: # -?> Kosa kosiarza
  89. chance of ({@reaper.chance}*{reaper.%attacker%.multi}):
  90. give 1 iron hoe named "&3Kosa Kosiarza" to attacker
  91. every {@boost.delay} seconds:
  92. loop all players:
  93. if {reaper.%loop-player%.soul} < 0: # Zerowanie negatywnych punktow duszy
  94. set {reaper.%loop-player%.soul} to 0
  95. if {reaper.%loop-player%.toggle} = true: # Autowlaczanie supermocy
  96. if {reaper.%loop-player%.soul} >= 100:
  97. add -100 to {reaper.%loop-player%.soul}
  98. apply speed {reaper.%loop-player%.multi} to loop-player for {@boost.duration} seconds
  99. apply jump boost {reaper.%loop-player%.multi} to loop-player for {@boost.duration} seconds
  100. apply haste {reaper.%loop-player%.multi} to loop-player for {@boost.duration} seconds
  101. apply strength {reaper.%loop-player%.multi} to loop-player for {@boost.duration} seconds
  102. apply saturation {reaper.%loop-player%.multi} to loop-player for {@boost.duration} seconds
  103. apply night vision to loop-player for {@boost.duration} seconds
  104. else:
  105. execute loop-player command "/reaper toggle"
  106. send "{@tag} {@tag.warn} Autowlaczanie supermocy zostalo wylaczone" to loop-player
  107. send "&cze wzgledu na poziom duszy. Wbij wiecej punktow, a potem wpisz" to loop-player
  108. send "&ckomende &6/reaper toggle" to loop-player
  109. if {reaper.%loop-player%.soul} < 998: # Regeneracja duszy do 1000 pkt.
  110. add 2 to {reaper.%loop-player%.soul}
  111. command /reaper [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
  112. trigger:
  113. if arg 1 is not set:
  114. send "&3&m--------------&3[ &b&lREAPER by niccosaint &3]&3&m--------------"
  115. send "&b<> - Wymagane [] - Opcjonalnie"
  116. send "&2Dla wszystkich &6Dla VIP &4Dla adminow &0Tylko Konsola"
  117. send " "
  118. send "&2/reaper settings &b- Ustawienia"
  119. send "&2/reaper soul [nick] &b- Sprawdz ilosc duszy"
  120. send "&2/reaper toggle &b- Wlacz/wylacz aktywacje supermocy"
  121. send "&6/reaper power &b- Wymus aktywacje supermocy (30 sek)"
  122. send "&6/reaper multi <nick> <1|2&4|3> &b- Modyfikator dzialania"
  123. send "&4/reaper give <nick> <1(kosa)|2(dusza)> &b- Otrzymaj wazne przedmioty"
  124. send "&4/reaper modify <nick> <ilosc> &b- Zmodyfikuj graczowi poziom duszy"
  125. send "&4/reaper set <nick> <ilosc> &b- Ustaw graczowi poziom duszy"
  126. send "&0/reaper reset <nick> &b- Wyzeruj graczowi statystyki"
  127. if arg 1 is "soul":
  128. if arg 2 is set:
  129. send "&3DUSZA (%arg 2%): %{reaper.%arg 2%.soul}% pkt."
  130. else:
  131. send "&3DUSZA (%sender%): %{reaper.%sender%.soul}% pkt."
  132. if arg 1 is "toggle":
  133. if {reaper.%sender%.toggle} = true:
  134. set {reaper.%sender%.toggle} to false
  135. else if {reaper.%sender%.toggle} = false:
  136. set {reaper.%sender%.toggle} to true
  137. if arg 1 is "power":
  138. if sender has permission "":
  139. if {reaper.%player%.soul} >= 100:
  140. add -100 to {reaper.%player%.soul}
  141. apply speed {reaper.%player%.multi} to player for 30 seconds
  142. apply jump boost {reaper.%player%.multi} to player for 30 seconds
  143. apply haste {reaper.%player%.multi} to player for 30 seconds
  144. apply strength {reaper.%player%.multi} to player for 30 seconds
  145. apply saturation {reaper.%player%.multi} to player for 30 seconds
  146. apply night vision to player for 30 seconds
  147. else:
  148. send "{@tag} {@tag.warn} Za malo punktow duszy :/"
  149. else:
  150. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} Brak dostepu do tej komendy"
  151. if arg 1 is "multi":
  152. if sender has permission "":
  153. if arg 2 is set:
  154. if arg 2 is not sender:
  155. if sender has permission "reaper.admin":
  156. if arg 3 is 1:
  157. set {reaper.%arg 2%.multi} to 1
  158. send "{@tag} {@tag.success} Nowy modyfikator: &e&l%{reaper.%arg 2%.multi}%"
  159. if arg 3 is 2:
  160. set {reaper.%arg 2%.multi} to 2
  161. send "{@tag} {@tag.success} Nowy modyfikator: &e&l%{reaper.%arg 2%.multi}%"
  162. if arg 3 is 3:
  163. if arg 2 has permission "reaper.admin":
  164. set {reaper.%arg 2%.multi} to 3
  165. send "{@tag} {@tag.success} Nowy modyfikator: &e&l%{reaper.%arg 2%.multi}%"
  166. else:
  167. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} Uzytkownik nie ma dostepu do tego ustawienia"
  168. else:
  169. send "&6/reaper multi <nick> <1|2&4|3> &b- Modyfikator dzialania"
  170. else:
  171. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} Brak dostepu do ustawiania komus modyfikatora"
  172. if arg 3 is 1:
  173. set {reaper.%sender%.multi} to 1
  174. send "{@tag} {@tag.success} Nowy modyfikator: &e&l%{reaper.%sender%.multi}%"
  175. if arg 3 is 2:
  176. set {reaper.%sender%.multi} to 2
  177. send "{@tag} {@tag.success} Nowy modyfikator: &e&l%{reaper.%sender%.multi}%"
  178. if arg 3 is 3:
  179. if sender has permission "reaper.admin":
  180. set {reaper.%sender%.multi} to 3
  181. send "{@tag} {@tag.success} Nowy modyfikator: &e&l%{reaper.%sender%.multi}%"
  182. else:
  183. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} Brak dostepu do tego ustawienia"
  184. else:
  185. send "&6/reaper multi <nick> <1|2&4|3> &b- Modyfikator dzialania"
  186. else:
  187. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} Brak dostepu do tej komendy"
  188. if arg 1 is "settings":
  189. send "&2Ustawienia:"
  190. send "&bAktywacja supermocy: 100 pkt."
  191. send "&bDlugosc supermocy: {@boost.duration} sek."
  192. send "&ePoziom supermocy: x %{reaper.%sender%.multi}%"
  193. send "&6Sila odrzutu w przod (tryb lotu): %({reaper.%sender%.multi}*{@wand.thrust}*2)%G"
  194. send "&6Sila odrzutu w gore (tryb lotu): %({reaper.%sender%.multi}*{@wand.thrust}/1.5)%G"
  195. send "&5Dlugosc opetania (tryb kolektora): 5 sek."
  196. send "&1Pobor duszy (tryb kolektora): %({reaper.%sender%.multi}*5)% pkt."
  197. send "&4Obrazenia (tryb ataku): %(6*{reaper.%sender%.multi})% HP"
  198. send "&cKoszt duszy (tryb ataku) %({@soul.use}*{reaper.%sender%.multi})% pkt."
  199. if arg 1 is "give":
  200. if sender has permission "reaper.admin":
  201. if arg 2 is set:
  202. if arg 3 is 1:
  203. give 1 iron hoe named "&3Kosa Kosiarza" to player
  204. if arg 3 is 2:
  205. give 1 nether star named "&bDusza" to player
  206. else:
  207. send "&4/reaper get <nick> <1(kosa)|2(dusza)> &b- Otrzymaj przedmiot"
  208. else:
  209. send "&4/reaper get <nick> <1(kosa)|2(dusza)> &b- Otrzymaj przedmiot"
  210. else:
  211. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} Brak dostepu do tej komendy"
  212. if arg 1 is "modify":
  213. if sender has permission "reaper.admin":
  214. if arg 2 is set:
  215. if arg 3 is set:
  216. add arg 3 to {reaper.%arg 2%.soul}
  217. else:
  218. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} &6Popraw &3&nzaznaczony &6tekst"
  219. send "&3/reaper modify %arg 2% &3&n<ilosc>"
  220. else:
  221. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} &6Popraw &3&nzaznaczony &6tekst"
  222. send "&3/soul get &3&n<nick> &3<ilosc>"
  223. else:
  224. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} Brak dostepu do tej komendy"
  225. if arg 1 is "set":
  226. if sender has permission "reaper.admin":
  227. if arg 2 is set:
  228. if arg 3 is set:
  229. set {reaper.%arg 2%.soul} to arg 3
  230. else:
  231. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} &6Popraw &3&nzaznaczony &6tekst"
  232. send "&3/reaper set %arg 2% &3&n<ilosc>"
  233. else:
  234. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} &6Popraw &3&nzaznaczony &6tekst"
  235. send "&3/reaper set &3&n<nick> &3<ilosc>"
  236. else:
  237. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} Brak dostepu do tej komendy"
  238. if arg 1 is "reset":
  239. if sender is console:
  240. if arg 2 is set:
  241. send "{@tag} &1Zerowanie statystyk gracza %arg 2%"
  242. delete {reaper.%arg 2%.soul}
  243. set {reaper.%arg 2%.soul} to 1000
  244. set {reaper.%arg 2%.mode} to 0
  245. set {reaper.%arg 2%.multi} to 1
  246. set {reaper.%arg 2%.toggle} to true
  247. send "{@tag} {@tag.success} Wyzerowano!"
  248. else:
  249. send "&7/reaper reset <nick> &b- Wyzeruj graczowi statystyki"
  250. else:
  251. send "{@tag} {@tag.error} Te komende mozna wywolac TYLKO z konsoli"
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