
bytes and bytes and bytes...

Dec 3rd, 2014
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  1. Real mAttenuationConst
  2. Real mAttenuationLinear
  3. Real mAttenuationQuad
  4. bool mBeyondFarDistance
  5. Camera* mCameraToBeRelativeTo
  6. bool mCastShadows
  7. MovableObjectFactory * mCreator
  8. CustomParameterMap mCustomParameters
  9. ShadowCameraSetupPtr mCustomShadowCameraSetup
  10. bool mDebugDisplay
  11. bool mDerivedCamRelativeDirty
  12. Vector3 mDerivedCamRelativePosition
  13. Vector3 mDerivedDirection
  14. Vector3 mDerivedPosition
  15. bool mDerivedTransformDirty
  16. ColourValue mDiffuse
  17. Vector3 mDirection
  18. PlaneBoundedVolumeList mFrustumClipVolumes
  19. size_t mIndexInFrame
  20. LightList mLightList
  21. ulong mLightListUpdated
  22. uint32 mLightMask
  23. LightTypes mLightType
  24. Listener * mListener
  25. SceneManager * mManager
  26. Real mMinPixelSize
  27. String mName
  28. PlaneBoundedVolume mNearClipVolume
  29. bool mOwnShadowFarDist
  30. bool mParentIsTagPoint
  31. Node * mParentNode
  32. Vector3 mPosition
  33. Real mPowerScale
  34. uint32 mQueryFlags
  35. Real mRange
  36. bool mRenderingDisabled
  37. uint8 mRenderQueueID
  38. bool mRenderQueueIDSet
  39. ushort mRenderQueuePriority
  40. bool mRenderQueuePrioritySet
  41. Real mShadowFarClipDist
  42. Real mShadowFarDist
  43. Real mShadowFarDistSquared
  44. Real mShadowNearClipDist
  45. ColourValue mSpecular
  46. Real mSpotFalloff
  47. Radian mSpotInner
  48. Real mSpotNearClip
  49. Radian mSpotOuter
  50. Real mSquaredUpperDistance
  51. Real mUpperDistance
  52. UserObjectBindings mUserObjectBindings
  53. uint32 mVisibilityFlags
  54. bool mVisible
  55. AxisAlignedBox mWorldAABB
  56. Sphere mWorldBoundingSphere
  57. AxisAlignedBox mWorldDarkCapBounds
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